Copper. Properties of copper: color, shine, hardness, ductility, thermal conductivity. Copper recognition. Its application. Presentation for a biology lesson (grade 6) on the topic

Copper scrap is a sought-after recyclable material, which is divided into mixed copper and copper luster depending on the impurity content.

Copper mix is ​​mixed scrap, including copper elements of different quality, size and texture. This could be dishes, auto parts, wiring, industrial waste. The main difference is the large number of inclusions of other metals.

Copper luster is pure metal in the form of copper wire, cable or wires without insulation, or mechanically cleaned. The alloy does not contain inclusions of other metals. The products are shiny and have no cracks or breaks.


Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N. , 1910.

See what “COPPER MICA” is in other dictionaries:

copper mica - noun, number of synonyms: 1 • chalcophyllite (2) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Dictionary of synonyms

Chalcophyllite is a (copper mica) mineral of the trigonal system, ditrigonal scalenohedral class, axial ratio: a:c = 1:2.5536. Crystals in the form of tablets according to (0001) or in solid form in sheet aggregates. Very perfect cleavage according to (0001). Hardness... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

CHALCOPHYLLITE - or COPPER MICA Soft, transparent mineral of pearlescent luster, green color, consists of arsenic acid, chalk oxide and water. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

chalcophyllite - noun, number of synonyms: 2 • copper mica (1) • mineral (5627) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Dictionary of synonyms

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The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic is the largest among the Soviet republics of the CCCP by territory. and to the population. Located in the east. parts of Europe and northern. parts of Asia. Pl. 17.08 million km2. Hac. 145 million people (as of January 1, 1987). Capital Moscow. The RSFSR includes 16 authors. republics, 5 authors ... Geological encyclopedia

North America is a continent in the West. hemispheres. General information. The area of ​​CA is 20.36 million km2, together with you 24.25 million km2 (large islands of Greenland, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, West Indies, Aleutians, Alexandra Archipelago). Hac. 395 million people (cep.... ... Geological encyclopedia

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What is tinned copper and why is it needed?

Tinned copper is ordinary copper wire that is plated with tin. The tin layer is from 1 to 20 microns, but has the same thickness over the entire surface of the wire. Due to the fact that copper is coated with tin, its wear resistance increases, performance characteristics improve, and service life increases. According to state standards (TU 16-505.850-75 and GOST 16931-71), today there are only two types of tinned copper:

Products made from this alloy differ primarily in the thickness of the tin coating and the diameter of the wire itself. Now you know what tinned copper means and why it is used more often than other wires in instrument making, military braiding and electronics.

Richness of primary color and variety of shades

Until recently, technological capabilities did not make it possible to immediately obtain copper of the desired color and the roofs of houses were covered with the classic yellow-shiny metal. Over time, as metal oxide formed on the surface of the metal, the roof took on a darker hue. Further chemical processes occurring in copper, which actively interacted with the environment, led to the formation of a layer of malachite-green patina on its surface.

Patina, along with the painting of roofs, reliably protects them from corrosion. Copper roofs covered with such a film can last for decades without losing their performance characteristics.

Nowadays, using photos in the catalogs of specialized stores, you can immediately choose what color copper sheets to use to cover the roof of your house. The capabilities of modern technologies make it possible to immediately obtain classic, oxidized or patinated copper.

Nowadays, not only the roofs of houses, but also their facades are covered with copper of different colors. It should be noted that this is not only beautiful, but also profitable from a financial point of view. The copper sheets with which the facade of the house is finished do not require special care and do not fade over time, reliably protecting building structures from the negative effects of temperature changes and high humidity.

Copper oxide and sulfate, which are actively used in modern industry, also have interesting colors. Copper oxide, whose crystals are black, is used to impart various shades (blue, green) to glass and paints and varnishes. Copper sulfate is not used as a dye, but still has a beautiful blue-turquoise color.

Color coordinates

  • HEX: #b87333
  • RGB: 184, 115, 51
  • HSV: 29°, 72%, 72%

Natural color standard - copper

The photo shows copper in processed form and in its natural state - a nugget.

Copper alloy colors

Copper alloys, the most famous of which are bronze and brass, have colors similar to the base metal.

  • Bronze is an alloy of copper, the main alloying element in which is tin. The color of this alloy can vary from slightly golden to coppery red. Bronze, due to its beautiful color and ease of processing, is actively used for the manufacture of artistic forms and decorative elements, as well as for the production of products of practical importance.
  • Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Products made from brass have a beautiful golden color. In addition to its beautiful color, this alloy has exceptional corrosion resistance, good ductility and high strength, which allows it to be used for the production of plumbing fixtures, parts for various equipment, as well as products for any other purpose.

What does tinned copper look like?

This subsection will be useful to those who want to know what tinned copper looks like. You can see photos of copper wire coated with tin using galvanic tinning. Such wire products are used in everyday life more often than ordinary wire and serve a person in many areas of life. Photos of tinned copper wire will help you avoid accidentally putting it in the same volume as regular wire.

Advantages of tinned copper and its use

Tinned wire has a large number of advantages over regular copper wire, which justifies the cost of high-tech production and high cost. The characteristics that distinguish tinned copper from regular copper are the following:

  1. Resistance to bending - tinned copper can be bent more often, and it lasts longer, does not break when bent;
  2. Protection from external factors - tin coating protects copper from the effects of chemical compounds, water, fire;
  3. Increased tensile strength;
  4. Long service life - due to the fact that tinned copper has wear resistance and increased anti-corrosion, it lasts longer than conventional wire.

Tinned copper production technologies

The process of making tinned wire involves electroplating ordinary copper wire with tin. This procedure takes place in several stages and requires certain equipment and materials. The production technology for tinned copper is as follows:

  1. The copper wire workpiece is cleaned through wiping brushes soaked in a zinc chloride etching solution using a special feeding mechanism;
  2. The product is immersed in a tin bath filled with molten tin, where it is covered with an even layer of protective material;
  3. The wire is passed through rubber brushes or a drawing device to achieve uniform coating thickness;
  4. The product is cooled;
  5. The wire is passed through a drawing device with diamond nozzles;
  6. The product is packaged in reels.

This way the wire is uniform along its entire length, having the same coating thickness and the same diameter at any point of the product. Tinned copper is supplied to stores in coils after product control has been checked according to the TU16-505,850-75 standard.


Categories and types of non-ferrous metal scrap

Scrap metals are divided into scrap ferrous metals, scrap non-ferrous metals, incl. and scrap of rare metals and scrap of precious metals requiring special handling. Non-ferrous metal scrap can be divided by type of metal or by characteristics, for example, aluminum scrap, copper scrap, titanium scrap, lead scrap, magnesium scrap, or by category semiconductor scrap, copper alloy scrap, rare metal scrap. It can also be divided into groups - copper scrap group, lead scrap group and aluminum scrap group. Below we present this data in the form of a diagram.

Classification of non-ferrous metal scrap

Name of non-ferrous metal scrap groupCategories of non-ferrous metal scrapCharacteristics of non-ferrous metal scrapClogging percentage, base percentage
COPPER GROUP SCRAPMix copperCopper mix is ​​a type of non-ferrous metal scrap, which consists primarily of copper, of any size, shape, in any condition, traces of corrosion and oxide are allowed, admixtures of brass products are allowed - no more than half a percent of the total weight, paint, varnishes. For example, all household copper products, lamps, heating elements, tubes, wires, appliance parts, copper batteries, old copper geysers and tinned copper. Minimum or basic blockage is 0.5% - this percentage can be changed depending on the quality; for scrap copper radiators, the blockage is set at 25%, for gas water heaters 1%, tinned copper 6%
Piece of CopperLump copper is a variety of copper scrap whose thickness is over 2 mm, and the size is at least 5x5 cm; in this category, paint and varnish residues, terminals, tips, traces of soldering and insulation are not allowed. Changed film color and traces of heat treatment are allowed. Basic blockage is not installed
Shine CopperAlready from the name the requirements for this type of copper scrap are clear - there are no traces of corrosion, darkening, no traces of dirt, varnish, paint, heat treatment, oil and paper. There should also be no remnants of tips, terminals, various soldering, reflowing - in general, this is a copper cable of a bright, shiny color with cores from 1.5 to 5 mm. Minimum blockage is not installed
Copper Subtle ShineThin sheen is a type of copper scrap made from conductors 0.5-1.5 mm thick and 30 cm long, which are laid in a bundle; the requirements are the same as for Glitter copper.Minimum blockage is not installed
Mechanical CopperA subtype of copper scrap group, which includes cores from 0.5 mm, transformer busbars of any thickness and conductors laid in bundles from 30 cm long, all of them must be cleaned mechanically, without blockages in the form of terminals, varnishes, paints, without traces of corrosion, without melted ends, without any remaining insulation. Darkening of the surface film is allowed. Minimum blockage is not installed
Copper OilThis is a mechanically cleaned copper cable with a thickness of each core over 2mm. The requirements for cleanliness of scrap are the same as above - without oxides, traces of paint, varnish, half-stain, paper, ash, dirt, without terminals and melted ends, without traces of insulation, in oil. The minimum blockage is from 2%, can be increased to 10% based on the result of assessing the cleanliness and appearance of the scrap.
Copper AnnealedThis is scrap copper conductors that have undergone heat treatment, each core is from 1 mm, residues of oil, tips, insulation, and half are not allowed. Discoloration due to corrosion is not permitted. The basic blockage for annealed copper is set at 0.5%
Bronze mixBronze mix is ​​scrap containing over 70% copper. As a rule, acceptance is carried out in two stages, first they submit it for chemical analysis according to the storage certificate, and then, after the results of the examination, the acceptance itself takes place Basic blockage on painted bronze scrap 1%
Brass mixThis type of copper-containing scrap consists of any bronze and brass alloys, products and parts with acceptable traces of heat treatment; traces of paint, varnish, and semi-finish are allowed. As a rule, these are various brass plumbing products and their scrap, various brass tubes. The basic blockage for brass mix is ​​from 1% and can be increased based on the result of assessing the cleanliness and appearance of the scrap.
Brass radiatorsIn short, these are heating batteries with copper plates that have brass tubes in their design. Traces of soldering are allowed. Traces of ferrous metals are not allowed. The minimum blockage for brass radiators is set at 1%, and can be increased to 4% based on the result of assessing the cleanliness and appearance of the scrap.
Aluminum group, non-ferrous metal scrap containing aluminumMixThis is scrap non-ferrous metal containing aluminum. This includes any products excluding zinc-containing products. Residues of plastic, fasteners, and iron are allowed, the main thing is that their weight should not exceed 5% of the total weight of the aluminum scrap being handed over The basic blockage for aluminum mix is ​​from 2% and can be increased based on the result of assessing the cleanliness and appearance of the scrap.
ProfileAlready from the name it is clear that this includes aluminum products made from AD grade alloys. The requirements are much higher than in the previous category of aluminum scrap, for example traces of paint are allowed, but any components are prohibited, i.e. no wooden or plastic handle fasteners The minimum blockage is set at 2%, regardless of quality and appearance. However, plastic thermal inserts show at least 17% blockage.
SiluminCategory Aluminum silumin - characterized primarily by the manufacturing method, this is casting. This includes all frames, products, structures made by this method. Residues of plastic, fasteners, and iron are allowed, the main thing is that their weight should not exceed 5% of the total weight of the aluminum scrap being handed over The basic blockage for aluminum scrap of the silumin category is 2-5% based on the result of assessing the cleanliness and appearance of the scrap.
ElectrotechnicalOften also called the Electrical Tech category, these are cables and wires made of aluminum; they must be mechanically separated from the braid, terminals, lugs, and cleaned of traces of paint and other inclusions. Traces of oil and darkening are allowed. scrap of aluminum conductor from a mechanically cut cable. The presence of terminals (tips), insulation residues, paint, and non-metallic inclusions is not allowed. There is no minimum blockage for electrical aluminum scrap. 2 - 5% depending on purity and appearance.
FoodSometimes you can find the name of this category as household aluminum scrap, as a rule, these are various dishes, dryers, spoons, plates, household and interior items, the main requirement is that they must be made by pressing and bending, but not casting as in the silumin category, i.e. . the same home cauldrons do not apply here. Food-grade aluminum scrap should not contain iron, wood, paper, or Teflon coating; fasteners and plastic must also be removed. The blockage level is 2% and does not depend on cleanliness and appearance.
TireScrap aluminum busbars are conductors used for cable installation. It must be mechanically cleaned of braid, iron and aluminum alloys, and all terminals must be removed. Darkening, oil traces, paint residues are allowed. Blockage up to 2%, basic is not set
ZincZinc alloys, TsAMIt can be categorized as aluminum scrap, but in general, it is better to characterize it separately. This includes zinc-containing alloys and products made from them, such as faucet parts, handles from old refrigerators, and carburetors. There are no strict requirements for the acceptance of zinc scrap; traces of plastic and other integral parts of the structure are allowed, the main thing is that their weight does not exceed 5% of the total weight of zinc scrap. Clogging 2 - 5% depending on cleanliness and appearance. Minimum 2%.
Lead groupRechargeable batteries (AB)The lead group of scrap includes classic batteries and batteries with leaked electrolyte or without it are allowed. Alkaline batteries are accepted individually. Minimum blockage is not installed
BraidMany cables have a lead braid, which can also be scrapped. This lead braid must be cut mechanically, but the requirements are not strict; there may be blockages in the form of paper, bitumen, and oil. There is no minimal blockage, as a rule there is no blockage on a clean braid, if there are traces of oil then the blockage is 3%, resin 5%, resin + paper or cardboard 8%. Depending on the degree of contamination, the blockage can increase up to 15%
RemeltingZinc-containing scrap in the remelting category is approximately the same as a mix, there are no requirements for the quality and purity of the scrap, it can be with plastic, wood, or inclusions of other metals.There is no minimum blockage for Remelting; it all depends on the cleanliness and quality of the scrap being delivered.


Native copper crystals, Lake Superior, Kinawee County, Michigan, USA. Size 12 x 8.5 cm

Copper is a golden-pink ductile metal; in air it quickly becomes covered with an oxide film, which gives it a characteristic intense yellowish-red hue. Thin films of copper have a greenish-blue color when exposed to light.

Along with osmium, cesium and gold, copper is one of the four metals that have a distinct coloration that is different from the gray or silver of other metals. This color tint is explained by the presence of electronic transitions between the filled third and half-empty fourth atomic orbitals: the energy difference between them corresponds to the wavelength of orange light. The same mechanism is responsible for the characteristic color of gold.

Copper has high thermal and electrical conductivity (it ranks second in electrical conductivity among metals after silver). Specific electrical conductivity at 20 °C: 55.5-58 MS/m. Copper has a relatively large temperature coefficient of resistance: 0.4%/°C and is weakly dependent on temperature over a wide temperature range. Copper is diamagnetic.

There are a number of copper alloys: brass - with zinc, bronze - with tin and other elements, cupronickel - with nickel and others.

What does copper mix mean and where can it be taken?

If you don’t know what a copper mix looks like, then just imagine a set of copper elements of all kinds in texture, size and quality. These can be fragments of wiring, copper utensils, spare parts from engines, waste from production and other metal-containing raw materials. GOST does not clearly indicate that this is “scrap copper mix”. There are various categories with homogeneous material, at the same time, according to the requirements of the state standard, the copper mix is ​​not assigned to any of the groups, classes, or categories of scrap. For example, a piece of scrap copper can be submitted as class A-1-1; there is also a classification according to the following types of scrap:

  • Shavings;
  • Electrical scrap;
  • Scrap copper radiators, column heat exchangers;
  • Scrap in the form of tires, trolls, terminals;
  • Copper shine (the most expensive).

Formally, at each receiving point they determine individually what copper shine mix and other grades are.

Scrap copper glitter360-370
A piece of copper350-360
Copper mix335-345
Scrap copper burner335-350
Scrap tinned copper, burnt waste315-320

Why is it profitable to deliver copper mix to collection points?

You can sell copper scrap under different categories, and, naturally, the profit received will change. For example, the Metal-Snab company’s price list for recyclable materials at the reception is as follows:

  • Tinned copper – 330-350 rubles per 1 kg;
  • Zhzhenka – 350-365 rubles;
  • Mix – 350-365 rubles;
  • Glitter – 365-385 rubles.

The price of copper mix is ​​somewhere in the middle of the tariffs, since its quality is usually better than waste and tinned copper, but not enough to be valued higher than the reference scrap “Blesk”.

Those who bring copper for delivery sometimes find it difficult or do not want to sort the raw materials in order to get the highest price for scrap metal in Moscow. That is why it is more profitable for them to hand over the copper mix and save their resources (time, payment for sorting services, waste).

What are the conditions for receiving MIX at our reception point?

  • The thickness of copper parts should not be less than 1 mm;
  • The length of copper products should be from 10 cm to 2-3 meters;
  • Products with insulation, fragments of concrete, inclusions of ferrous scrap (steel, cast iron) are not allowed to be accepted;
  • Dirtyness is determined taking into account the presence of garbage, water, paint and varnish coatings;
  • Burnt wiring, parts with traces of welding, tinning, and clogged containers are not accepted as a mix.

Most often, the mix is ​​surrendered due to household accumulation of scrap metal, or as a result of dismantling work. Under the guise of a mix, the following are brought to the receiving point: terminals, conductors, motor windings, pots, dishes, fragments of furniture or decor, parts of radio engineering products, waste from stamping or production of rolled copper.

Those who do not know what copper MIX means can obtain detailed requirements for recyclable materials from our managers. This is especially important if you plan to deliver large volumes of metal raw materials and expect to get the highest possible price per 1 kg.

How is the calculation made?

Scrap delivery takes place at our collection points (please note that not all addresses work with non-ferrous metals; some have minimum established delivery rates). After determining the weight, it is multiplied by a coefficient agreed with the client, and calculation occurs on the spot. Payment under agreements to non-cash accounts is possible. We provide all the necessary documents to confirm the income received and register it in the accounting department.

Scrap mix is ​​always in high demand and is highly valued among metal recycling companies. So if you want to get the most out of your miscellaneous junk and trash, simply sort it by type of metal. In this form, scrap metal will be highly valued, and you can save personal time. In cases where you generate a large, stable volume of metal raw materials, you can count on higher rates.

Cost of copper intake per 1 kg

Type of scrapCash
Copper shine705 rub.
Copper piece692 rub.
Burnt copper (burnt)692 rub.
Copper mix685 rub.
Tinned copper562 rub.
Welding/color changing605 rub.
Copper shank600 rub.
Copper chaff (clean)580 rub.
Copper chaff (dirty, PVC residues, etc.)560 rub.
Copper chaff (tinned no more than 5%)We temporarily do not accept
Copper column548 rub.
Copper column (tinned)470 rub.
Copper shavings514 rub.
Copper glass514 rub.

This is not a public offer.
Prices are valid for

What kind of copper scrap is called "shiny"

As you know, scrap of non-ferrous metals can differ - scrap in a winding, in insulation, clean, burnt, contaminated, cleaned. And copper is no exception. Naturally, prices for purchasing clean scrap and contaminated or isolated scrap differ. But often in the professional jargon of buyers of non-ferrous metals the concept of “brilliant copper” flashes through. Should we take all the copper that glitters as “shiny”?

In fact, the concept is slightly exaggerated, and “shiny” is nothing more than the familiar purified “electrotechnical”, that is, waste electrical products (cables, wires) cleared of insulation and serious contaminants (but this does not mean polished to a shine ). Even more specifically, the “shiny” is the copper vein itself.

Due to the “purity” of the material (as is known, pure copper without alloys is used to make cable cores), “shiny” or “electrotech” is rated most highly. In order to make the maximum profit from the delivery of “shiny” scrap, electrical cables are subjected to mechanical and sometimes heat treatment in order to rid the copper core of insulation residues. For purchasing companies, it is the “shiny” that is of particular value, since the volume of copper production as a whole depends on its processing.

Why is it profitable to hand over electrical copper to us?

  • Our company operates with a license for metal waste circulation and provides partners with all the necessary documentation for reporting.
  • We have our own fleet of vehicles for the removal of scrap of all types and categories of metal and teams for dismantling equipment and metal structures.
  • Metal waste collection areas are located in convenient locations; you can bring the materials yourself.
  • We conduct metal examinations and issue protocols to enterprises to be included in turnover reporting.

Our company is interested in long-term cooperation. We offer favorable conditions to enterprises and companies with large quantities of scrap metal, we organize regular trips of our own transport for the removal of waste ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Specialists are ready to answer all your questions and accept your request for scrap metal removal.

Hand over scrap copper shine in Moscow to PC Metal-snab

The bare, shiny copper core of an electrical or power cable stripped of its insulation is called “scrap copper.” Electrical waste is separated mechanically. Metal purified from impurities is highly valued, an order of magnitude higher than other recycled copper materials. This is explained by the low cost of time and money for further processing. Bling usually refers to clean electrical scrap, but other copper products may fall into the category.

Scrap copper glitter360-370
A piece of copper350-360
Copper mix335-345
Scrap copper burner335-350
Scrap tinned copper, burnt waste315-320

Requirements for the quality of copper luster

For accepting copper scrap, a good price is given only for shiny copper scrap that meets the following requirements:

  1. min copper content – ​​99.5% (determined by analyzers at the reception of recyclable materials);
  2. conductor diameter from 1.5 mm to 4 mm;
  3. the external surface of the metal is clean and shiny;
  4. min length of segments – 100 mm, max – 2000 mm (the indicator differs at different receiving points).

Unacceptable: bluing, greening, darkening of the surface, the presence of films, tarnish, tarnished colors. Samples with traces of soldering, welding, reflow, heat treatment, and terminal residues are rejected. Shiny copper scrap with traces of varnish, paint, fragments of braiding, insulation, interspersed with dirt, oil, ash, paper, etc. is not suitable for reception at a high price. According to the results of chemical analysis, the content of impurities of beryllium, lead, chromium and cadmium in pure non-ferrous metal is unacceptable.

The value of electrical copper is explained by its purity and performance characteristics:

  1. a) resistant to oxidation and other chemical reactions;
  2. b) has good strength, high resistivity;
  3. c) conducts electricity well, thermal conductivity is good.

After melting, secondary raw materials are used for the manufacture of cable and conductor products, electrical installation components, generators, and transformers. The metal is in demand in the production of pipes, vacuum devices, heat exchangers, and is indispensable in the production of radio equipment, telephones, and high-precision equipment.

What is "fine luster" copper?

Scrap copper “fine shine” is obtained from a cable with a brightly shiny clean core 0.5-1.5 mm thick, cut mechanically. It should be missing:

  • traces of welding, soldering, burning;
  • films of varnish, paint, oil;
  • remnants of paper, insulation, lugs (terminals);
  • oxides, tarnish, darkening;
  • fragments of half-water, ash, dirt, etc.

The cost of fine shine depends on the point of acceptance and the need for this type of metal. Some companies base the price of copper on a "piece", "shine" or "mix". You can check the price per 1 kg directly at the collection point. In case of local darkening, blueing, or greening of the veins, they are usually transferred to the “mix” category.

If the same cable consists of copper cores of different types, each type will be accepted separately, at different prices. Pure shiny material will go into “shine”, dark, low-grade material will go into “piece” or “mix”.

How do you get copper glitter?

When handing over copper luster, the cable is cut mechanically to obtain high-quality recyclable materials. The easiest way is to cut the braid by hand, but it is justified for small volumes of scrap. If there is a lot of used cable, it is worth using the services of receivers with special equipment.

It is prohibited to use the firing method to remove insulation. Burnt conductors immediately fall into the lower quality category and will cost less. After cutting and removing the insulation, the glitter is handed over as quickly as possible. Long-term storage worsens external characteristics and reduces the cost of scrap.

Impurities in copper alloys

Since copper practically does not exist in its pure form, the metal already contains other substances. During the manufacturing process, other elements are added to enhance the physical and chemical properties of the alloy and give it unique characteristics. The composition usually contains:

  • bismuth (0.0005-0.003%);
  • iron (0.001-0.05%);
  • nickel (up to 0.2%);
  • zinc (0.001-0.005%);
  • tin and antimony (up to 0.05%);
  • arsenic (no more than 0.01%);
  • lead (up to 0.05%);
  • sulfur (0.002-0.01%);
  • oxygen (0.001-0.08%) and others.

If silver is separately indicated in the composition to increase electrical conductivity, the percentage of content does not exceed 0.002.

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