How to properly assemble a meat grinder. detailed instructions

The meat grinder has become an integral part of our lives. You can use it to prepare minced meat or puree. First, manual ones appeared, then electric ones; both types are equally used for chopping meat, vegetables, fruits and crackers. There is only one function - to chop, but when preparing for work, sometimes the question arises: how to insert the knife correctly? Without this, the meat grinder will not work correctly.

In today's material we will take a detailed look at how to assemble and disassemble a manual and electric model. The main emphasis will be on how and where to install the knives in the meat grinder. Such instructions should help you master the equipment and use it without any problems to prepare minced meat, puree and other dishes.

Typical manual meat grinder

How to disassemble and wash a meat grinder

The meat grinder should be disassembled and washed after each use.
It is necessary to remove all dirt, otherwise food residues can become a source of bacterial growth and unpleasant odors. In addition, metal parts may begin to rust, rubber parts may lose elasticity. Therefore, the meat grinder must be disassembled and washed thoroughly, paying attention to every small detail.

To disassemble the electric meat grinder, you need to do the following:

  • make sure that the device is disconnected from the network;
  • if the tray (meat receptacle) is removable, it must be removed first;
  • unscrew the clamping nut, while holding the parts that it fixed;
  • remove the knife and grate;
  • dismantle the auger and remove it from the housing.

All removed elements are washed with detergent. It is necessary to rinse thoroughly under running water. Small parts may become clogged with debris. You can clean them with a dish brush, toothbrush or toothpicks. All elements must be dried. Some manufacturers allow you to wash spare parts in the dishwasher (this is indicated in the instructions for the specific model of the device).

There are several important guidelines to follow.

  1. To store the device, you must choose a dry, ventilated place so that rust or mold cannot appear on the parts.
  2. It is recommended to wash knives in warm water, avoiding temperature shock (sudden change of hot water to cold and back), because This makes the cutting edge brittle and quickly dulls.
  3. It is enough to wipe the body of the device with a damp cloth or a special cloth designed for caring for household appliances.
  4. The housing and electrical mechanisms inside cannot be washed under water. This will lead to device failure.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Before you make a knife, you need to thoroughly prepare. If you have the drawing and all the necessary materials and tools, then you can begin work. Moreover, you can do everything in your apartment or garage. However, please note that the work is noisy and dusty.

Naturally, the metal should be hardened before work. So, the manufacturing process itself consists of the following stages:

1. Cutting out the workpiece. Its length is 20-25 cm, and its width is 2-3 mm. To work you will need a vice. First, a rectangle of specified dimensions is cut out on steel. Next, the outline of the future knife is drawn on it.

2. Processing the workpiece on a grinding machine. Moreover, it is necessary to work with the edges. As a result of the procedure, you should receive a division of the future knife into two parts: the handle and the blade.

3. Roughing along the plane. Naturally, first you need to choose the type of sharpening. It can be blade (used in the manufacture of hunting knives) and razor (for the production of household products).

4. You have already figured out how to make a knife, its blank. Now let's start making the handle. For work, you can use wood, plexiglass or other material that can be easily processed. First you need to mark it and cut it out. Next, a hole is made for the rivet. The handle can now be sharpened to give it the appropriate shape.

5. The product should be sanded using sandpaper. Naturally, polishing will be required.

6. Sharpening and polishing the blade. This action is performed using a machine and sandpaper.

7. The final stage is polishing the product. To do this, use felt and a special paste.

Combat knives and ordinary household products are produced in this way.

Disassembly and cleaning

How to disassemble a meat grinder is a question of interest to those who managed to assemble it. Most people prefer to store it unassembled. It is convenient and does not require much space. But, in order to avoid metal corrosion and damage to parts, the unit must be disassembled and cleaned after use.

Correct step-by-step instructions for disassembling a meat grinder:

  • if there is a removable meat receiver, it should be removed from the neck;
  • then the clamping nut is unscrewed. This is done by rotating counterclockwise. If it slips, wipe it or cover it with a dry cloth;
  • the knife and lattice attachment are removed from the shaft;
  • The final step is to remove the shaft. This can be done by unscrewing the nut holding the handle. After removing the latter, the auger shaft can be removed without much difficulty.

All disassembled components of the mechanism are thoroughly wiped and cleaned of food residues. To remove them better, it is recommended to use a meat grinder. Washing is carried out using washing liquid or a solution of regular soda. Each part is dried on a towel or paper napkin, and then put away in its place of permanent storage.

The manual version of the kitchen aid is best kept disassembled. If necessary, it can be quickly assembled. For better sliding of all parts of the mechanism and better grinding, it is recommended to lubricate each component before work. This will allow the units to operate at full capacity and eliminate wear and tear on the device.

Electric or mechanical meat grinders have simplified the life of housewives at all times. It is impossible to replace all its functions using similar modes of other devices. If you follow all the instructions and rules described above, you will be able to increase the service life of your equipment and save on it. Any device requires careful handling, and a meat grinder even more so.

A manual meat grinder is a necessary tool in the kitchen, because, unlike an electric one, it will never stop working due to power outages

Most modern hand-held devices are made of high-quality and reliable material to last for centuries. There are also modern meat grinders made of durable plastic. Such a meat grinder, of course, is easier to break than a cast iron one. Therefore, you should handle it more carefully.

Manual cast iron meat grinder

A cast iron meat grinder is a faithful assistant in the kitchen. It will serve for a very long time. And to break it, you need to try very hard. This is her advantage. The disadvantage of a cast iron meat grinder is that it is very heavy compared to other devices.

The cast iron meat grinder is very heavy, but it works flawlessly

Meat grinders made of aluminum alloys and plastic models

A meat grinder made of aluminum alloys is much lighter than a cast iron one. And during operation it will serve faithfully for a very long time. There is only one drawback of such a device - sometimes your hands get very tired from grinding large amounts of meat or other products.

Plastic models of meat grinders are made from high-quality and very durable materials. But, nevertheless, this model is not as durable as a cast iron meat grinder, and its parts can quickly fail

Therefore, it is important to use the meat grinder carefully

Do two!

Grasp the exact point you find with your index finger and thumb. Use the tips of the rest to press the blade to your palm, placing it on the life line towards you.

“Don’t squeeze the knife as hard as you can. Hold it as if you are trying not to let a sparrow out of your palm,” Vladimir Kovrov appeals to your imaginative thinking. The blade should fit freely between your fingers.

There is no need to hoot and spit on your palms. Moisture will increase friction, and the sliding of the knife will slow down. If your palm is sweaty, just sprinkle it with talcum powder or starch.

Stand at a distance of no less than three and no more than four meters from the target. A knife thrown from this point, having made half a turn, will definitely fly up to the target with the tip forward (thanks to the section of physics “Dynamics of Rotating Bodies”).

When experimenting in the future with the throwing range, remember: if it is less than 3 m, hold the knife a little closer to the edge, if it is more than 4 m, move the grip closer to the handle.

The knife is thrown at a distance of more than 5 m, holding the handle. In this case, in the air it manages to make one or one and a half turns. However, you need to start training from a distance of approximately 3.5 m.

Operating principle of a manual meat grinder

A manual meat grinder, from a design point of view, is a fairly simple device. Its operation is based on two things - a manual drive and mechanical pressure created by the screw. The grinding process looks like this:

  • meat, fish or any other product is placed in the receiver and falls onto the screw shaft;
  • then the product is pressed against the grid and cut off with a special four-blade knife, which slides along the surface of this grid;
  • the products are crushed continuously: the meat is placed in the receiver and then comes out through the grate.

The principle of operation is simple: add food and get minced meat. Simply and easily!

Types of products

Before you make homemade knives, you need to decide what you will need them for. So, we can distinguish the following types of products:

  • hunting;
  • combat;
  • household.

The peculiarity of such products is that the first and second types require permission if, of course, you buy them in a store. Also, homemade knives differ in the shape and length of the blade, and in the material used for manufacturing. The production process is the same for everyone. Sometimes there are only some nuances.

Key points

The removable meat receiver is removed from the neck of the body.

The clamping nut is unscrewed counterclockwise, and to fully grasp it by hand, cover it with a dry cloth. The knife and grid are removed from the screw shaft finger.

Then the fastening screw that holds the handle of the machine is unscrewed, and after that the handle itself is removed.

The knife and other parts are completely cleaned of minced meat residues and washed in warm water - with a special dishwashing gel or by adding a small amount of soda. At the end, everything is rinsed and laid out on a clean cloth or napkin to thoroughly dry all the parts.

Experts recommend storing the mechanism disassembled, and before assembling it begins, you need to lubricate the auger with vegetable oil. This storage technology helps to securely hold all the components together and prepare good minced meat.

Even with great care during disassembly work, it is possible that problems will arise when the need to assemble the manual meat grinder again arises.

There are often complaints from consumers that absolutely no instructions are attached to the pile of parts, including the knife. In this case, you have to essentially engage in invention, trying out the assembly possibilities in different ways. To do this, a certain sequence is followed.

  1. A screw shaft is installed inside the housing. You need to be extremely careful: one side of it is characterized by the presence of a thickening, and the other is a thinner finger for the knife and grate. When assembling the structure, you need to make sure that the thickening comes out from the side where the handle is attached. After this, the handle is put on. A screw is used for strengthening.
  2. The knife is installed on the back side of the unit - on the shaft pin. Again you need to show maximum attention: on one side the knife is convex, on the other it is flat. When installing, the flat side should extend outward and fit snugly against the grille, which fits onto the rod pin after the knife. If the knife is a circular one, when placing it, you need to ensure that the cutting edges peek out. This stage is one of the most important, since the accuracy of the knife placement determines the quality of cutting the meat.
  3. When inserting the grate into a manual meat grinder, you need to use the notch to get to the tubercle on the body. If you ignore this requirement, the user will not be able to properly tighten the clamping nut.
  4. The finished mechanism must be secured with a clamping nut, rotating it in a clockwise direction.

In general, it is necessary to adhere to the same algorithm of actions

However, it is worth paying attention to a number of distinctive points

First of all, the housings of the device and the gearbox must be connected to each other. Next, the first of them is inserted under the groove of the cover. To check the quality of the steps taken, you need to make a counterclockwise turn.

“Installation” work with the grille, clamping nut and knife is carried out in the same way as with manual models.

The final stage of prefabricated work: installation of the loading bowl in the neck of the housing.

Do three!

Place your left leg forward and swing your right arm up and back without bending your wrist. By turning your body to the left and using the same movement that you throw a snowball, send the knife to the target.

The moment your arm is fully straightened, the knife will fly out of your grip. “Don’t unclench your fingers under any circumstances,” instructs Vladimir Sergeevich. “Together with the palm, they play the same role as the bore of a pistol.

If you instinctively open your grip at the last moment, the knife will wobble in the air and change its trajectory.”

Rules for caring for manual and electric meat grinders

Even if you disassembled your device with great care, remembering what goes with what, the first few times you assemble it, it may be difficult for you. Although there are not many details, it is quite easy to get confused. And sometimes, when unpacking the device, you just see a bunch of parts that need to be somehow turned into a meat grinder

If you do everything according to our step-by-step instructions, then you will definitely succeed. If not, then the video will help you. Just be extremely careful.

But assembling the device is not the end. Any appliance, especially a kitchen appliance, needs proper care. Fortunately, you don’t need to do anything supernatural for a meat grinder. You just need to wash it constantly. After grinding food, you should be sure to wash the device immediately. There is an opinion that if, after finishing the cooking process, you pass a cracker through the device, it will clean out all the remaining food, and then washing is not required. But that's not true. Everything will remain where it was, and then it will deteriorate and an unpleasant odor will form in the device. And then it will be transferred to other products that you will process with this device. Of course, it will be easy to remove it, but you are unlikely to want to do it. To avoid this unpleasant situation, simply wash the unit on time.

In order to do this, you must first disassemble the device, following certain rules for disassembling a meat grinder. We will now tell you how to disassemble a mechanical meat grinder:

  1. Remove the handle.
  2. Unscrew the lock. If you can't do this, use a cloth or rag. Throw it onto the latch and scroll again. If you still can’t do it, then you can’t do without a man.
  3. Take out the mesh and knives.
  4. Take out the shaft.

When you have done all this, take out the pieces of remaining food and rinse each part as you would a regular dish. You can resort to using regular detergent. The meat grinder is not afraid of this. After thorough washing, place all parts on a dry and clean towel or any other rag.

Wipe everything well and let it dry completely for several hours. You can then assemble the device into the box in which it is stored. Please note that it is best to store the parts separately. This will protect the device from rust and water getting inside. The same thing happens with an electric meat grinder.

Remove the clamp, the grill, the meat receiver and disconnect the auger.

If you have problems getting the minced meat out of the grill, use a toothpick or a match. Make sure that water does not get on the electrical installation in the meat grinder, and also do not forget how to place the knife correctly. This may cause damage or malfunction of the device. If you are unable to disassemble the device, then watch various videos. They tell everything very clearly. And by following the basic tips, you can do everything as correctly as possible without damaging the device.

We hope that in our article you were able to find the information you need and understand the structure of your device. Of course, at first it will be a little difficult for you to assemble and disassemble the meat grinder if you have never done this before. But we assure you, a few trainings and you will do everything automatically, without even thinking.


Using a manual or electric model is a purely individual choice. The purchase of a particular device is influenced by both the planned frequency of use and the price factor. For example, the price of an electric meat grinder is several times higher. But, as practice shows, a reliable and inexpensive way to process meat into minced meat is a grinding device with a manual mechanism.

The video in this article clearly shows how to assemble a meat grinder in just two minutes, demonstrating in detail each of the stages. Once you understand the structure of the device, its assembly will take a minimum of time and will not present any difficulty.

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments!

Installing the knife into the plane

Setting or adjustment consists of setting the amount of extension of the tip beyond the plane of the sole. Determine the degree of release by looking along the sole of the plane from its front part towards the “back of the head”. If the knife blade is extended too far from the block, it will catch too thick chips and tear the wood. This can be done with a sherhebel, intended for rough, rough planing, and the plane should remove thin, even chips. A knife set too low will slide over the material being processed and remove too thin chips, which greatly increases the processing time. With a skewed knife, it is impossible to plan a smooth surface.

Now there are many types of planes, we will analyze all the suitable planes.

1.Installing the knife into a wooden plane with a single knife.

Place the knife on the plane tap hole with the chamfer down (Fig. 20)


Holding the plane knife, secure it with a wedge (Fig. 21)


Lightly tap the wedge with a hammer, then turn the plane over and, holding it by the front handle, look along the sole of the plane (Fig. 22),


then we begin to tap the plane knife until the blade comes out above the surface of the plane (Fig. 23)


the blade should extend 0.2-0.3 mm above the sole. evenly across the entire width of the sole; if the blade comes out uneven, it is leveled with gentle blows of a hammer on the side edges of the knife (Fig. 24),

(Fig. 24) after leveling the plane knife, we knock in a wedge to finally secure the knife in the plane.

2. Installing the knife into a wooden plane with a double knife.

Assembling a double knife with a chipbreaker (Fig. 25)


Then we repeat all the steps when installing a single knife (Fig. 20 to 24).

3.Installing the knife into a metal plane with a single knife.

We place the knife on the plane tap hole with the chamfer down (Fig. 26)


Holding the plane knife, secure it with a wedge (Fig. 27)


We press the knife with a screw, but not too hard, then we begin to tap the plane knife until the blade comes out 0.2-0.3 mm above the surface of the plane (Fig. 28)


After aligning the blade, secure it with a screw completely.

4.Installing the knife into a metal plane with a single knife and adjusting screws.

Place the knife on the plane's tap hole with the chamfer down. Hold the plane knife and secure it with a wedge (Fig. 29)


Then we press the knife with a screw, but not too hard, then, by tightening the adjusting screws, we extend the blade 0.2-0.3 mm from the sole of the plane (Fig. 30),

(Fig. 30)

After aligning the blade, we finally secure the knife in the plane.

5.Installing the knife into a metal plane with a double knife.

We assemble a double knife with a chipbreaker (Fig. 25). Place the knife on the plane tap hole with the chamfer down

Holding the plane knife, secure it with a wedge (Fig. 31)

(Fig. 31)

then we extend the knife using the adjusting screw (Fig. 32),

(Fig. 32)

using the adjusting rack, we align the parallelism of the knife to the sole of the plane (Fig. 33),

(Fig. 33)

then finally secure the knife with a wedge.

The plane is one of the main tools of the carpenter and its good work depends on the correct sharpening of the knife and the correct settings of the plane. Depending on what material you have to deal with, the setting of the plane depends. Proper sharpening and adjustment of the plane is the key to half the success in the planing process.

Despite the wide range of modern household appliances, the meat grinder has firmly entered the life of every housewife, becoming a sought-after appliance in the kitchen. Many users prefer a manual meat grinder, which has long established itself as a reliable assistant in the field of cooking.

With this kitchen appliance you can quickly chop meat or vegetables, as well as prepare fruit puree or squeeze juice. But not every housewife knows how to properly assemble the mechanism of a kitchen appliance so that all the parts perform their functions.

Assembly and operation of a manual meat grinder

Before starting the main work, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe all components. Carrying out such actions will increase the service life of the device. Moisture and food residues will cause rust to appear on the body.

How to properly assemble a manual meat grinder

Now we’ll find out how to assemble a manual meat grinder step by step:

  • We take the auger and insert it into the housing. The wide part of this device should be located near the handle, the narrow part - in the place where the knife is secured.
  • We insert the handle into the ledge of the auger and fix its position using a special screw.
  • In another part of the auger we install a cross-shaped knife, its flat part should face outward. The disc-type cutting element must be in contact with the grate with its edges.
  • After the knife is installed, put on a metal round mesh (the protrusions on the body and the mesh must match).

At the final stage of work, we tighten the fixing round nut and check the functionality of the equipment by several rotations of the handle.

How to properly place a knife in a meat grinder

Previously, we got acquainted with the process of assembling a manual meat grinder, now we will learn how to correctly insert a knife into a meat grinder. You can find two main types of knives in stores, with a single-sided or double-sided blade. When the auger is installed, a part with a one-sided blade is fixed to the device so that the cutting part slides along the surface of the grate. If secured incorrectly, meat or other foods will squash but not shred. Elements with a double-sided blade are installed on either side.

How to use a manual meat grinder

The device in question has a manual drive. The principle of its operation is based on the pressure created by the screw. The meat from the loading hopper falls onto the auger, which presses the product against the body and moves it towards the outlet. When moving along the shaft, part of the meat falls under the knife, which cuts off small fragments from the piece and pushes the product through the grate into a substitute container.

The grinding of raw materials occurs constantly along with the rotation of the device handle. If the user wants to get fine minced meat, it is recommended to use racks with small holes or pass the product through a meat grinder again. If large pieces of meat are stuck or a product jam occurs, then the handle is rotated in the opposite direction.

The reason for improper operation of the device is most often the winding of meat films around the cutting part. In this case, you need to disassemble the meat grinder, clean the knife from stuck parts and put it back together. It is recommended to disassemble the device after each chopping of meat or other products. This will increase the service life of the device.

How to unscrew a meat grinder

There are times when it is very difficult to unscrew the clamping washer of a meat grinder. This occurs due to the dullness of the knife, which leads to accumulation of meat near the cutting part. In such a situation, proceed as follows:

  • Turn the device over and place it in a container of hot water for about 10 minutes.
  • We take a small hammer and make light taps in the center of the grille, as well as on the ribs of the clamping nut.
  • We unscrew the part, after the manipulations it should quickly give in.

If you have an assistant nearby, you can try to unscrew the meat grinder together. In this case, one person holds the device, and the second unscrews it.

Main details of the device

The manual version of the meat grinder has the following structural elements:

  • body equipped with a clamp;
  • a helical auger that helps move the product to the knives;
  • tightening ring;
  • pen;
  • lattice.

The body is most often made of steel, although cast iron can be found. The knife is made on one side with a convex surface. The second side is flat and has cutting edges. To ensure a secure fit, the central hole is shaped like the tip of an auger onto which the knife fits. Usually this is a square. The grille easily takes the desired position, thanks to the side slot that fits into a similar-shaped protrusion on the inside of the case.

Disassembly and washing

Most housewives store the meat grinder assembled, so before work all that remains is to simply secure it to the countertop. Let's assume that you have successfully ground the meat. Now you need to wash the meat grinder, dry it, and put it back together.

Can the assembled meat grinder be washed? You can’t, because you won’t completely clean out the remaining minced meat. It will start to deteriorate, the machine will still have to be disassembled and washed again.

And now everything is in order!

  • If the meat receiver is removable, remove it from the neck of the body.
  • Unscrew the clamping nut counterclockwise. To firmly grasp the nut with your hand, cover it with a dry cloth.
  • Remove the grid and knife from the screw shaft finger.
  • Unscrew the fastening screw holding the handle of the machine and remove the handle.
  • Only after this will you be able to pull the shaft itself out of the body and free the meat grinder from it.
  • Thoroughly clean all parts from any remaining minced meat, wash them with dish gel or add a little baking soda to warm water. Rinse, place on a clean cloth or napkin so that all parts dry thoroughly.

It is still better to store a manual meat grinder disassembled. And before assembling it for work, first lubricate the auger with vegetable oil.

This simple maneuver will help securely hold all the components together and grind the meat efficiently.

Features of making a product from a file

It is now necessary to consider the production process using other materials. For example, you will learn how to make a knife from a file. In principle, this process is practically no different from the instructions already given here. However, it has its own characteristics.

First of all, know that a knife made from a file will be quite durable and of high quality if everything is done correctly. For example, it is necessary to harden the workpiece so that it does not break or crumble.

It is very important not to forget to temper the metal. In this way, you will relieve internal stress in the workpiece, which can lead to damage. In order for the future knife to be smooth and beautiful, an etching procedure is also needed. Preliminary sharpening of the product can be done using a machine. But finishing should be done with regular sandpaper.

Types of meat grinders

Since meat grinders have been around for a very long time, there are many types of them. In addition, they tried to replace them with combines and blenders. And the manufacturers of meat grinders had to come up with as many interesting functions and “tricks” for them so that they would not lose their necessity. They are equipped with a huge number of knives and attachments, which give the devices incredible functionality and ease of use. With them you can turn meat into minced meat, make sausages and pasta. In addition, they can be used to prepare homemade sausage and even juices and purees. But in order not to get confused in the many types of these devices, we will consider two global and main types of these devices.

These are manual and electrical appliances. It is the latter that are now super popular among most people. In order to twist the meat with them, you do not need to exert much physical effort to stuff the sausage and twist it. Just press the “Start” button and watch the process of preparing minced meat. True, they also have a number of disadvantages. For example, if you missed a bone, the device will definitely be damaged because it will not be able to cope with it. Besides, if the lights in the house suddenly turn off, you won’t be able to make minced meat. And sometimes the motor in the devices burns out, and then you just need to buy a new one.

For many, mechanical Soviet models (knowing how to assemble them correctly is very important) are antiquities that it’s time to forget. However, they are incredibly reliable and durable.

This has been proven in practice. And it is almost impossible to break them. The only thing that can become faulty is the knives. But you can sharpen them yourself at home. And they will last for a very long time.

As a rule, their body material is cast iron, stainless steel or durable plastic. However, some can be made from aluminum. Cast iron devices are almost impossible to break. They are practically eternal. And many people love them and consider them much better than their electric counterparts. But they are very heavy. And they can be a little tricky to install. You may even have to ask a man for help every time you install and remove it. Although maybe this is better. But modern aluminum devices are much lighter. Here you no longer have to put in additional physical effort. At the same time, they can serve you just as long as steel or cast iron and do their job with the highest quality.

As for plastic models, they are lightweight and functional. But at the same time, they are very fragile, they must be handled with extreme care, and they must be avoided from falling or sharp blows.

Devices also differ in power

It is important to know how much meat you plan to process. For example, if the power of the device is 1000 W, then you can grind up to 1.3 kg of meat without fear that something will break

Each device has a power reserve, which will be needed if veins or cartilage get into pieces of meat. In this case, the device goes to maximum operation. This is very harmful for him. So try to avoid this.

Devices are also divided into household and professional. The latter have much greater power. They are needed so that the kitchens of restaurants and cafes can quickly process orders and prepare dishes. But the first ones are not so powerful, they are much smaller in size, but are ideal for use in the home. Moreover, you don’t need any huge power in everyday life; you won’t be doing too much work.

Also, some models are equipped with a reverse system. It allows the screw in the meat grinder to rotate in the opposite direction. This helps a lot if veins accidentally get into pieces of meat. The device slows down, and you can get them out.

What tool will you need?

Now let's talk in more detail about what exactly you will work with. In order to make homemade knives, you will need the following tool:

  • Vise. Thanks to them, you can fix the workpiece for further polishing and sharpening.
  • Tin snips or jigsaw with appropriate blade.
  • Hammer (if you will be using a wire or file).
  • Gas burner or other equipment for hardening metal.
  • Drill and drill bit of the appropriate size. This is necessary to secure the handle with a rivet.
  • Sharpening machine with different attachments. Naturally, you can also use sandpaper, but it will not be as effective, and the work will be labor-intensive.

You will also need sketches of knives that you can draw yourself. At the same time, pay special attention to all the parameters if you are going to build a military weapon. In addition, now you can find a ready-made drawing that will meet your requirements.

How to disassemble a meat grinder for cleaning after use

After use, the household appliance must be cleaned. To wash all the parts, the meat grinder should be disassembled. It is strictly forbidden to wash it when folded! You will not be able to remove food residues from a mechanical meat grinder, and wet cleaning of assembled electrical equipment may result in an electrical short.

  1. Disconnect the meat receiver, if the design provides for it.
  2. Unscrew the clamping nut with a smooth movement. It is better to hold it gently with your hands, as the remaining meat will fall out.
  3. Remove the knife and ring.
  4. Unscrew the screw and remove the handle if it is a mechanical model of the meat grinder.
  5. Pull the auger out of the housing.
  6. Wash all elements with warm water and leave them to dry completely.

After several times, you will be able to fold the meat grinder in a couple of seconds, since this process will become automatic. But at first, it is better to keep the instructions for the household appliance at hand. The principle of assembling the meat grinder and attaching additional elements must be indicated there. If you still can’t assemble the device, you will definitely find some help pictures there.

You washed the meat grinder, but now you don’t remember where the blade should be?

Why do you need to position the meat grinder knife correctly?

If you place the meat grinder knife incorrectly (that is, on the wrong side), then the meat grinder blade will only press on the meat, but not grind it. After all, the knife is inserted into the meat grinder with one or the other side without much effort and it is difficult to immediately determine which side is correct.

Of course, in this case, you won’t get minced meat, but you will immediately understand that the knife is installed incorrectly.

Now let's figure out how to properly place a knife for different types of meat grinders.

How should a knife be placed in a meat grinder?

We will look at the three main types of electric meat grinders and how to insert a knife into such meat grinders; the instructions are accompanied by a photo.

1. Electric meat grinder with one blade.

If you have a meat grinder with one blade, then the knife should be inserted with the flat side out. For an example of how to position the blade correctly, see the photo below.

2. Electric meat grinder with a disc blade.

In this case, in order to position the knife correctly, focus on the cutting edges of the circular knife when installing it. The cutting edges of the knife should all come out.

3. Sophisticated electric meat grinders.

These meat grinders usually come with two knives. To correctly install the knives in such a meat grinder, follow the following recommendation: install the first double-sided knife on the auger, then install the grate. Next, place a second knife, followed by a grid with smaller holes. At the very end we install the fixing ring.

* * *

So, now you know how to correctly insert a knife into a meat grinder and you have detailed instructions for different types of meat grinders with photos. However, if you have done everything correctly, and the meat grinder still has difficulty turning the meat, then the issue is no longer in how to place the knife, but in the knife itself.

Most likely it has become dull and needs to be replaced.

In the Topperr product line you will always find knives for meat grinders of various brands, such as Moulinex, Bosch, Sirman and many others.

In addition, at Topperr-Store we always have other accessories for meat grinders in stock: grids for electric meat grinders, bushings, as well as stainless steel cleaning products.

To view the full range of products, click on the link - Topperr Meat Grinder Knives, Bushings and Accessories

Your Topperr-Store!

There are all sorts of knives in Moulinex machines: thick and thin, with curved blades and straight blades, small and large, with a 4-sided hole and with a 6-sided one. This brand is probably the leader in confusing customers. So what kind of knife do I need? If I don't remember, was he plump or skinny?

This is easy to find out if you dictate the full model to the administrator of the online store + inform about the year of manufacture of the meat grinding machine.

More difficult is the correct installation of the knife in the meat grinder. Therefore, we decided to dispel all your doubts and create instructions for correctly inserting a knife into a Moulinex meat grinder. For those who don't like to read, we have attached a photo. For those who continue to doubt, we have created a short video. Absorb, beautiful-faced but ill-informed owners of meat grinders!

What does an electric meat grinder consist of?

The design of this type of kitchen appliance consists of durable plastic. And if in the case of a manual one, the entire body consists of metal, then in this case there are only individual metal elements. A motor is built into this body, which performs the main function. By pressing the start button, the device is activated and begins to work.

Another difference is the absence of a handle. There is simply no need for it here, since the machine performs the main function independently, from the operation of the engine. Almost all models have a removable meat receiver, which must be attached to the main body before starting work.

The kit usually includes a special pusher for the food being processed, with which it is convenient to move the food towards the knife. At the end of the screw there is a corrugated plastic rod that provides fixation. And thanks to the convexities on the knife, more gentle and high-quality chopping of meat occurs. This is one of the differences between the new model and the old one.

Helpful information

If the design provides for multifunctionality, then other assembly options are possible. For example, if you want to cook cookies, then instead of a regular wire rack, put on a ring with shaped slots, and do not use a knife at all. Instead, a thrust ring made of metal or plastic is inserted into the body.

Therefore, when purchasing a meat grinder, keep the instruction manual, since this document contains pictures and diagrams that indicate the sequence of correct assembly of your particular device. Until assembling the unit becomes a familiar, simple task, it is better to place such a diagram before your eyes.

If you store and use a mechanical or electric meat grinder correctly, it will serve you for many years, which means you can constantly delight your household with meat dishes made from natural products and sweet delicacies.

When studying the question of how to properly assemble a meat grinder, priority attention should be paid to performing a certain sequence of actions.

The thoughtfulness and accuracy of each of the steps will allow you to prepare cutlets and dumplings for loved ones and guests at home on weekdays and holidays without hassle and unnecessary hassle. Having completed all the culinary chores, the housewife must disassemble this “unit” and thoroughly wash the knife and other components.

Some people assemble a used and already clean meat grinder immediately after washing it, while others do it when it needs to be used directly. Problems, as a rule, arise among beginners who have not previously used this “equipment.”

If you have to use a manual model, you need to pay attention to the presence of the following components:

  • frame;
  • meat receiver designed for loading products;
  • a screw shaft that performs the task of moving “raw materials”;
  • a grinding knife, which can be shaped like a propeller, cross or disk;
  • a grid that determines the quality of grinding;
  • a clamping nut to hold the grid and knife on the shaft;
  • fastening screw;
  • pen.

When using an electrical design, you can notice the similarity of many components in form and purpose. The only difference is the motor installed instead of the handle. It is entrusted with the most important task when preparing minced meat.

Many housewives prefer to keep the meat grinder assembled so as not to waste time on assembly before direct use. After grinding the ingredients for minced meat, you just need to wash it, dry it and assemble it again.

You cannot wash the assembled meat grinder, as in this case the remaining minced meat will not be completely cleaned out. To remove decomposing products, the structure is completely disassembled and washed again.

Additional items

Some models of manual and electric meat grinders offer the possibility of preparing more or less chopped product. For this purpose, the kit may include additional structural elements:

  • double-sided knives;
  • gratings with a set of holes of different diameters;
  • extra rings and extra knives.

The assembly order, accordingly, changes slightly. To obtain more finely ground minced meat, additional knives and grates, separated by special rings, can be inserted into the unit. The instructions included with the device must contain a picture diagram describing how to assemble an electric meat grinder with additional structural elements. Typically the build order looks like this:

  • insert the auger into the housing;
  • put a ring with the largest slots on the auger (usually 3 or 4);
  • put on a double-sided knife;
  • grille with middle holes;
  • second knife;
  • grille with the smallest holes;
  • clamp ring.

In all cases, the flat side of the knife should be against the grate. If the design provides for multifunctionality, there may be other assembly options. For example, to prepare cookies, instead of a regular wire rack, rings with shaped slots are put on, and a knife is not used at all. Instead, a thrust ring made of metal or plastic is inserted into the body.

When you purchase a meat grinder, try not to lose the instruction manual. Usually this document contains picture diagrams indicating the sequence of correct assembly of your particular device. Until assembling the unit becomes a habit for you, it is better to have a similar diagram before your eyes.

Description of the assembly and disassembly processes of manual and electric meat grinders

In the kitchen, every housewife is sure to have a variety of different utensils that help her feed her family. Mixers, blenders, garlic presses, and a meat grinder is always present.

Each device must be properly assembled before use. It would seem that what is so difficult about assembling a meat grinder? But it turns out that sometimes housewives, especially those who use this device infrequently, have difficulties with assembly. So let's figure out how to deal with this simple household appliance. The article will discuss both manual and electric meat grinders.

Before you start assembling it, it’s worth finding out what parts need to be connected correctly in order for the household appliance to begin its duties. First, let's consider a simpler - manual option. So, a regular meat grinder consists of:

  1. All metal body (usually alloy).
  2. Meat receiver required for loading processed products.
  3. The screw shaft is a kind of spiral that brings the products to the exit.
  4. A knife, with its help the meat grinder will process everything that gets inside. There are two types of knives: disk and wing (similar to a cross or a propeller).
  5. Grid, the degree of grinding of the minced meat depends on it.
  6. The clamping nuts secure the grid and knife to the shaft.
  7. The handle, which is secured on the opposite side with a special screw (8).

The electric meat grinder is very similar to its predecessor. But it has several significant differences. Firstly, this is the body. If for a manual device it is always the same, regardless of production, then for an electric counterpart it can be made not only of an alloy, but also of plastic or steel. Moreover, the form may be different. The electric meat grinder does not have a handle in its design. Here it is replaced by an engine hidden inside the body.

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