Purpose, description, types, technical characteristics of metal lathes

People have long realized the possibility of obtaining smooth and even and even standard surfaces by turning the workpiece while rotating it. The appearance of the first lathe dates back to 650 BC.

Its design was ridiculously simple: 2 coaxial centers, between which the workpiece was inserted. One person rotated this workpiece, and another, using a cutter made of a harder material, turned it.

The parts were mainly made of bone or wood, since there was neither sufficient power for processing metal nor materials of sufficient hardness (so that a chisel could be made). Time passed, technology developed, and so gradually, the machines reached their modern appearance and capabilities.

Classification, types

At the present stage, there are several types of lathes, or rather 9 groups of lathe equipment according to various parameters. It seems interesting to consider them in more detail:

Automatic and semi-automatic

Semi-automatic is a type of equipment in which some processes are not automated. For lathes, these are, as a rule, manipulations associated with loading and removing workpieces.

Semi-automatic machines are very common due to their simpler design, as well as low cost. And at enterprises, semi-automatic machines are used to process non-standard, large-sized workpieces, which does not allow the process to be fully automated.

Semi-automatic machines are divided into:

  • by purpose - specialized and universal;
  • according to the type of workpiece being processed - for cartridge-type machines and for bar-type machines;
  • by the number of spindles - single- and multi-spindle;
  • by spindle positioning - vertical and horizontal.

Automatic lathes are those in which all main and auxiliary actions are fully automated (including feeding and removing workpieces, as well as changing the processing tool). Automatic lathes are conventionally divided into 3 groups:

Automatic machines with one camshaft, which rotates at one frequency specified for a given mode of processing the part.

  1. Automatic machines whose camshaft has at least 2 rotation speeds.
  2. In machines of this type, in addition to the main shaft, there is also an auxiliary shaft, rotating at a significantly higher frequency.


Multi-spindle lathes are those with several spindles for fastening both the workpiece and the processing tool. Processing of a part on such a machine can occur both simultaneously (that is, with the participation of all spindles) and sequentially (that is, at the same time with the use of only one spindle).

As a rule, automatic lathes are multi-spindle. Modern turning “multi-machining” centers provide not only spindles with different rotation speeds, but also those adapted for the use of various types of equipment (drills, cutters, cutters). That is, each spindle has its own force threshold.


These are universal machines in the modern sense of the word. Various tools are clamped in the tool holders of the turret-shaped head of the machine. These can be cutters, drills or cutters.

The workpiece is clamped in the chuck and processed with one tool for each pass. After each pass, the head rotates (like the drum of a revolver - hence the name) and the workpiece is processed with the next tool.

As you can understand, such machines provide a great advantage, expressed in saving time when changing tools and workpieces. However, the use of such equipment is economically justified only if it is necessary to process various parts on-line.

Cutting group machines

The functionality of the machines becomes clear from the name. These are highly specialized machines that are produced semi-automatically.

The main task of this equipment is to reduce the diameter of the workpiece to the minimum possible, so that in the future it can be cut on another type of equipment (say, on a milling machine). Or, if the format for fastening the workpiece allows, complete its trimming with processing of the end surface.

Carousel models

Rotary-type lathes are designed for processing cylindrical workpieces whose diameter significantly exceeds their height. Rotary machines have the following characteristic features:

  1. This equipment is designed to work with large parts. Such machines come in single- or double-column types. In the first case, the diameter of the faceplate does not exceed 1600 mm, and in the second – 25000 mm!
  2. The machine itself (usually semi-automatic) is of a vertical type and has compact dimensions.
  3. Taking into account the vertical position of the spindle, the load on the shaft is more uniform than in the case of its horizontal positioning, therefore, rotary machines have a significantly longer technical life.
  4. Modern rotary machines are easy to use. They are often made in a revolving design.

Frontal and screw-cutting equipment

Frontal lathes are not widely used at present. They are mainly found in shipbuilding enterprises, as well as in repair shops. This is a highly specialized type of equipment (intended for processing short workpieces) whose diameter exceeds the length, however, not so much that there is a need to use a carousel type of equipment.

In addition, on frontal lathes there is no tailstock and mainly the end surface of the workpiece is processed (that is, the work is carried out “head-on” - hence the name).

A screw-cutting lathe is equipped with a lead screw, as well as a lead roller, and is designed for cutting threads on a workpiece while the slide moves along the axis of the machine. However, this machine specialization does not impose restrictions on any other types of turning work. However, such machines are used mainly in small-scale production.

Multi-cutting and polishing

A characteristic feature of multi-cutting machines is their high productivity. Several supports are attached to the frame at once, where the cutters are secured (no other tool can be secured here).

The feed mechanisms on each support, which, as a rule, are also equipped with variators for the speed of their movement, ensure processing of a rotating part clamped in the chuck at each (“critical”) section of its length.

As a result, such machines:

  • horizontal type;
  • designed for processing long workpieces;
  • economically feasible for continuous processing of standard parts.

The main characteristic feature of turning and polishing machines is the high rotation speed of the chuck with the workpiece clamped in it. In addition, the transverse stroke of the caliper has a very small thread pitch (to deepen it even by a millimeter, you will need to turn the handle several dozen times).

Such equipment is needed to raise the class of surface finish, and this requires:

  • the maximum possible rotation speed of the workpiece being processed;
  • minimal braking effect, for which the chips are removed to a minimum thickness.

Modern models of polishing machines use the vibration effect of the cutter.


This type of turning equipment is used to produce similar parts. For example: couplings, pipes; This type includes gear-cutting and turning-backing machines. They are most effective in the operation being performed, but, as a rule, only in one of its varieties.

A feature of specialized machines is the emphasis on quick changes of cutting tools and accessories. Such machines are used in large-scale production

Special purpose

Such lathes are designed for the production of parts in non-serial (that is, small) quantities. These machines are characterized by:

  • large amplitude of lateral movement of the caliper;
  • extended bed (with a horizontal workpiece);
  • lower speed, but greater accuracy and purity of processing.

Special purpose machines include:

  • screw-cutting lathes (not to be confused with screw-cutting lathes);
  • multi-cutting semi-automatic lathes;
  • semi-automatic hydrocopiers.

Grinding machines

    3.1. Cylindrical grinding machines

  1. 3A10P
    cylindrical grinder Ø 15, St. Petersburg, SPZPS
  2. 3A110
    cylindrical grinder Ø 140, Tbilisi
  3. 3A130
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280, Lubny
  4. 3A151
    cylindrical grinder Ø 200 Kharkov
  5. 3A161
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280 Kharkov
  6. 3A164
    cylindrical grinder Ø 400, Kharkov
  7. 3A184
    centerless cylindrical grinder Ø 80, Vitebsk
  8. 3B12
    cylindrical grinding machine Ø 200, Vilnius, Leninokan (Gyumri)
  9. 3B151
    cylindrical grinder Ø 200, Kharkov
  10. 3B153
    cylindrical grinder Ø 140, Vilnius
  11. 3B161
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280, Kharkov
  12. 3B10
    cylindrical grinder Ø 100, Vilnius
  13. 3E12
    cylindrical grinder Ø 200, Vilnius
  14. 3D180
    centerless cylindrical grinder Ø 1..12, Vitebsk
  15. 3E180V
    centerless cylindrical grinder Ø 1..10, Vitebsk
  16. 3E183
    centerless cylindrical grinder Ø 40, Vitebsk
  17. 3E184
    centerless cylindrical grinder Ø 80, Vitebsk
  18. 3K12
    cylindrical grinder Ø 200, Leninokan (Gyumri)
  19. 3M131
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280, Lubny
  20. 3M132v
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280, Kharkov
  21. 3M151
    cylindrical grinder Ø 200, Kharkov
  22. 3M152
    cylindrical grinder Ø 200, Kharkov
  23. 3M162
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280, Kharkov
  24. 3M151F2
    CNC cylindrical grinder Ø 200, Kharkov
  25. 3M153
    cylindrical grinder Ø 140, Vilnius
  26. 3M174
    cylindrical grinder Ø 400, Lubny
  27. 3M175
    cylindrical grinder Ø 400, Lubny
  28. 3M182
    centerless cylindrical grinder Ø 25, Vitebsk
  29. 3M184
    centerless cylindrical grinder Ø 80, Vitebsk
  30. 3M193
    cylindrical grinder Ø 560, Kharkov
  31. 3M194
    cylindrical grinder Ø 560, Kharkov
  32. 3M196
    cylindrical grinder Ø 800, Kharkov
  33. 3M197
    cylindrical grinder Ø 800, Kharkov
  34. 3U10A
    cylindrical grinder Ø 100, Vilnius
  35. 3U12af11
    cylindrical grinder Ø 200, Vilnius
  36. 3U12vf11
    cylindrical grinder Ø 200, Leninakan
  37. 3U131
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280, Lubny
  38. 3U132
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280, Lubny
  39. 3U133
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280, Lubny
  40. 3U142
    cylindrical grinder Ø 400, Lubny
  41. 3U143
    cylindrical grinder Ø 400, Lubny
  42. 3U144
    cylindrical grinder Ø 400, Lubny
  43. 312M
    cylindrical grinder Ø 200, St. Petersburg, SPZPS
  44. 3130
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280, Kharkov
  45. 3131
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280, Lubny
  46. 3132
    cylindrical grinder Ø 280, Kharkov
  47. 3151
    cylindrical grinder Ø 150, Kharkov
  48. 3180
    centerless cylindrical grinder Ø 75, Moscow
  49. 3184
    centerless cylindrical grinder Ø 75, Vitebsk
  50. B-88
    cylindrical grinder Ø 140, Leningrad
  51. KSh-400
    ultra-high precision cylindrical grinder Ø 200 × 400
  52. 3.2. Internal grinding machines

  53. 3A227, 3A227P
    internal grinding Ø 400, Saratov
  54. 3A228
    internal grinding Ø 200, Voronezh
  55. 3K227A
    internal grinding Ø 400, Saratov
  56. 3K227V
    internal grinding Ø 400, Saratov
  57. 3K228A
    internal grinding Ø 400, Voronezh, Saratov
  58. 3K228V
    internal grinding Ø 400, Voronezh, Saratov
  59. 3K229A
    internal grinding Ø 800, Voronezh, Saratov
  60. 3M227VF2
    internal grinding machine with CNCØ 400, Saratov
  61. 32K84SF4
    coordinate grinding machine with CNC
  62. 3.4. Specialized cylindrical grinding machines

  63. 3A423
    cylindrical grinder for regrinding crankshaft journals Ø 580, Lubny
  64. 3B423
    cylindrical grinder for regrinding crankshaft journals Ø 580, Lubny
  65. 3D4230
    cylindrical grinder for regrinding crankshaft journals Ø 580, Lubny
  66. 3451
    grinding machine Moscow, MSZ
  67. 3.6. Sharpening and grinding machines

  68. 3A64
    sharpening Ø 250 x 650, Vitebsk
  69. 3А64М
    sharpening Ø 250 x 650, Vitebsk
  70. 3A64D
    sharpening Ø 250 x 600, Vitebsk
  71. 3A662
    sharpening machine for hob cutters Ø 200 x 630, Vitebsk
  72. 3B632
    sharpening and grinding machine for sharpening cutters Mukachevo
  73. 3B633
    sharpening and grinding machine Ø 300, Tiraspol
  74. 3B634
    sharpening and grinding machine Ø 400, Mukachevo
  75. 3B662VF2
    sharpening machine for CNC hob cutters, Ø 200 x 630, Vitebsk
  76. 3B641
    sharpening Chita
  77. 3B642
    sharpening Vitebsk
  78. 3B642
    sharpening Vitebsk
  79. 3D641E
    grinding machine Ø 200 x 400, Vitebsk, Mukachevo
  80. 3D642E
    sharpening Vitebsk
  81. 3D692
    sharpening Vitebsk
  82. 3E692
    sharpening Vitebsk
  83. 3E642
    sharpening Vitebsk
  84. 3E642E
    sharpening Vitebsk
  85. 3K631
    sharpening and grinding machine Ø 150, Mukachevo
  86. 3K634
    sharpening and grinding machine Ø 400, Mukachevo
  87. 3L631
    sharpening and grinding machine Ø 200, Mukachevo
  88. 3M634
    roughing and grinding Saraktash
  89. 3M636
    roughing and grinding machine Armavir
  90. 3M642
    sharpening Vitebsk
  91. 3622D
    diamond sharpening machine for cutters Mukachevo
  92. 3662
    sharpening machine for hob cutters Ø 200 x 280, Vitebsk
  93. VZ-318
    sharpening Vitebsk
  94. VZ-319
    table sharpening Vitebsk
  95. VZ-818
    sharpening Vitebsk
  96. TSH-1
    tabletop sharpening and grinding machine Ø 250, Orsha
  97. TSh-2
    sharpening and grinding machine Ø 300, Orsha
  98. TSh-3
    sharpening and grinding machine Ø 400, Orsha
  99. TSh-4
    sharpening and grinding machine Ø 400, Orsha
  100. TSh-3.20
    sharpening and grinding machine Ø 400, Chelyabinsk
  101. TS-6010S
    sharpening and grinding machine Ø 49 Energomash, Sturm
  102. TCPA-7
    sharpening machine for circular, frame and band saws Kirov
  103. ET-62
    benchtop sharpening and grinding machine Ø 150, Kasimov
  104. 3.7. Surface grinding machines

  105. 3B70V
    surface grinder 160 x 400, Orsha
  106. 3B722
    surface grinder 320 x 1000, Lipetsk
  107. 3B724
    surface grinder 400 x 2000, Voronezh
  108. 3G71
    surface grinder 200 x 630, Orsha
  109. 3G71M
    surface grinder 200 x 630, Orsha
  110. 3D722
    surface grinder 320 x 1000, Lipetsk
  111. 3D725
    surface grinder 630 x 2000, Voronezh
  112. 3D711AF10-1
    surface grinder 200 x 450, Orsha
  113. 3D711VF11
    surface grinder 200 x 630, Orsha
  114. 3D756
    surface grinder with vertical spindle Ø 800, Voronezh
  115. 3E710V
    surface grinder 250 x 125, Orsha
  116. 3E711AF1
    surface grinder 200 x 450, Orsha
  117. 3E711B
    surface grinder 200 x 630, Orsha
  118. 3E711VF1
    surface grinder 200 x 630, Orsha
  119. 3E711VF2
    surface grinder 200 x 630, Orsha
  120. 3E756, 3E756L
    surface grinder Ø 800, Ø 1000, Voronezh
  121. 3L722V, 3L722A
    surface grinder 320 x 1000, Lipetsk
  122. 3L741VF10
    surface grinder Ø 630, Lipetsk
  123. 3P722V
    surface grinder 320 x 1000, Lipetsk
  124. 371
    surface grinder 200 x 600, Vitebsk
  125. 372B
    surface grinder 300 x 1000, Moscow
  126. 3711
    surface grinder 200 x 630, Orsha
  127. PSh-30540M
    surface grinder 156 x 400, Tula
  128. 3.8. Honing machines. Special machines

  129. 3G833
    honing Maikop, Krasnorechensk
  130. 3K833
    honing Maikop, Krasnorechensk
  131. SIP-800
    machine for testing abrasive wheels Derbent
  132. 395M
    profile grinding 20 x 20, Leningrad, SPZPS
  133. 395МФ10
    profile grinding with UTsI20 x 20, Leningrad, SPZPS
  134. 3951VF1
    profile grinding with digital indicator 50 x 50, Leningrad, SPZPS

What accuracy classes exist and how do they differ?

The accuracy class is a generalized characteristic of measuring instruments, which is determined by the limit of errors (main and additional), as well as a number of properties that influence the accuracy of measurements made with their help.

The error limit is the greatest error of the measuring device at which it is suitable for measurement. The limit of permissible basic error is expressed in the form:

  • absolute;
  • relative;
  • given

Errors. The class characterizes the property of accuracy of measurements using this device. And the accuracy of measuring instruments is the quality of a measuring device, which indicates that the error of the measurements is close to zero.

If we are talking about the class of accuracy that is provided, for example, by a lathe, then here we mean the class of surface finish of the part that this equipment is capable of providing during the processing of the workpiece.

Measuring instruments, as well as processing equipment, have the following accuracy classes: 0.01; 0.015; 0.02; 0.025; 0.04; 0.05; 0.1; 0.15; 0.2; 0.25; 0.4; 0.5; 0.6; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 4.0; 5.0; 6.0. In addition, there are several categories of accuracy classes:


This “Class C” is the highest class of equipment accuracy (both measuring and processing). This class includes machines (in our case, lathes) that must process workpieces to obtain the highest class of surface finish (0.01-0.015).


For example, jewelry, medical and laboratory scales have a high level of accuracy. Another name for such equipment is precision. It is marked “class B”. If we are talking about turning equipment, then a high class of cleanliness (0.02-0.025) is provided by polishing lathes.


The normal accuracy class (the marking is “class H”, but as a rule it is not placed) means such a characteristic of equipment or a part that ensures identical results in no less than 98% of obviously identical objects. The absolute indicator of the normal cleanliness class is in the range (2.0-0.6).

Particularly high

Equipment of a particularly high accuracy class is marked “Class A” for this indicator. When designing high-precision equipment, increased attention is paid to the quality of spindle bearings.

Here, rolling bearings are mainly used, also of high accuracy classes, and sliding bearings are made in the form of adjustable tapered bushings. (All standards here are established by GOST 1969-43).


This accuracy class is marked “class P”. The use of elements of a higher accuracy class (primarily bearings) increases the cost of the finished product processed on such turning equipment.

However, if it is necessary to obtain a higher class of workpiece processing, then elements of a higher accuracy class are used for positioning machine shafts, where higher accuracy and rotation speed are required.

Drilling machines. Boring machines

    2.1. Vertical and benchtop drilling machines

  1. 2A106P
    drilling table Ø 6, Molodechno
  2. 2A112
    table drill Ø 12
  3. 2A125
    vertical drilling Ø 25, Sterlitamak
  4. 2A135
    vertical drilling Ø 35, Sterlitamak
  5. 2A150
    vertical drilling Ø 50, Sterlitamak
  6. 2B118
    vertical drilling Ø 18, Vitebsk
  7. 2B125
    vertical drilling Ø 25, Krasnorechensk
  8. 2G103P
    table drill Ø 3, Kalyazin
  9. 2G106P
    table drill Ø 6, Yerevan
  10. 2G125
    vertical drilling Ø 25, Krasnorechensk
  11. 2G175
    vertical drilling Ø 75, Sterlitamak
  12. 2L125
    vertical drilling Ø 32, Lipetsk
  13. 2M103P
    drilling table Ø 3, Kirovakan
  14. 2M112
    drilling table Ø 12, Kirov, (Selmash)
  15. 2M118
    drilling table Ø 18, Orenburg
  16. 2N106P
    drilling table Ø 6, Molodechno
  17. 2N112
    drilling table Ø 12, Perm
  18. 2N115pm
    drilling table Ø 15, Perm
  19. 2N118
    vertical drilling Ø 18, Molodechno
  20. 2N118-1
    vertical drilling Ø 18, Molodechno
  21. 2N125
    vertical drilling Ø 25, Sterlitamak
  22. 2N125L
    vertical drilling Ø 25, Molodechno
  23. 2N135
    vertical drilling Ø 35, Sterlitamak
  24. 2N150
    vertical drilling Ø 50, Sterlitamak
  25. 2Р135Ф2
    vertical drilling machine with CNC Ø 35, Sterlitamak
  26. 2С50
    vertical drilling Ø 50, Sterlitamak
  27. 2S108P
    drilling table Ø 8, Molodechno
  28. 2С118
    drilling table Ø 18, Chelyabinsk
  29. 2S125MP
    vertical drilling Ø 25, Orenburg
  30. 2S125, 2S125-1 (2S125-01), 2S125-04
    vertical drilling Ø 25, Sterlitamak
  31. 2С132, 2С132К
    vertical drilling Ø 32, Sterlitamak
  32. 2СС1м (2СС1)
    drilling table Ø 6, Saratov
  33. 2T118
    vertical drilling Ø 18, Gomel, GSZU
  34. 2T125
    vertical drilling Ø 25, Gomel, GSZU
  35. 2T140
    vertical drilling Ø 40, Gomel, GSZU
  36. 2T150
    vertical drilling Ø 50, Gomel, GSZU
  37. 2118
    vertical drilling Ø 18, Novocherkassk
  38. 2135
    vertical drill Ø 35, Sterlitamak
  39. AS2116m
    drilling table Ø 16, Astrakhar
  40. VSN
    drilling table Ø 16, Kasimov
  41. VSN-12
    desktop thread-cutting machine M3..M8, Vitebsk
  42. GS-520
    drilling table Ø 16, Gomel, (GZSU)
  43. GS2112
    drilling table Ø 12, Gomel, (GZSU)
  44. GS2116k
    drilling table Ø 18, Gomel, (GZSU)
  45. EM-102
    drilling table Ø 12, Saratov
  46. ZIM-426
    drilling table Ø 6, Novosibirsk
  47. ZIM-427
    drilling table Ø 6, Novosibirsk
  48. Corvette-42
    drilling table Ø 16, Voronezh
  49. Corvette-44
    drilling table Ø 16, Voronezh
  50. Corvette-45
    drilling table Ø 13, Voronezh
  51. Corvette-46
    drilling table Ø 16, Voronezh
  52. Corvette-47
    drilling table Ø 16, Voronezh
  53. Corvette-48
    drilling table Ø 16, Voronezh
  54. KS-02
    drilling coordinate Ø 12, Kaunas
  55. MS-36
    drilling magneticØ 40, Grodno
  56. MS-51
    drilling magneticØ 51, Grodno
  57. NS-12
    drilling table Ø 12
  58. NS-12A
    drilling table Ø 12, Vilnius
  59. NS-12B
    drilling table Ø 12
  60. NS-16
    drilling table Ø 16, Rostov-on-Don
  61. NS-23
    drilling table Ø 23, Chelyabinsk
  62. NS-Sh
    drilling table Ø 12, Novocherkassk
  63. NSP-2
    drilling table Ø 6, Riga
  64. NSF-1
    desktop drilling and milling Ø 12, Chelyabinsk
  65. NSF-23
    desktop drilling and milling Ø 23, Chelyabinsk
  66. R-175, R-175m
    drilling table Ø 16, Chistopol
  67. S-25
    table drill Ø 5, Kalyazin
  68. S-106
    drilling table Ø 3, Kalyazin
  69. S-155
    drilling table Ø 3, Kirovakan
  70. SV-20
    tabletop drilling five-spindle Ø 14, Yoshkar-Ola
  71. SNVSH
    tabletop drilling Ø 16, Rostov-on-Don
  72. SNVSH-2
    drilling table Ø 16, Rostov-on-Don
  73. SNS-12
    drilling table Ø 12, Alapaevsk
  74. SUS-1
    drilling table Ø 12, Vilnius
  75. SF-1
    drilling and milling tabletop Ø 23, Orsha
  76. SF-16, SF-16-02, SF-16-05
    drilling and milling tabletop Ø 16, Sterlitamak
  77. TMNS-12
    drilling table Ø 12, Tchaikovsky
  78. 2.4. Jig boring machines

  79. 2A430
    jig boring machine 280 x 560, Kaunas
  80. 2A450
    coordinate boring machine 630 x 1100, Moscow (MZKRS), Kuibyshev
  81. 2A470
    coordinate boring two-column 1400 x 2240, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  82. 2B440A
    jig boring machine 400 x 800, Kuibyshev, Samara
  83. 2B460
    coordinate boring two-column 1000 x 1600, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  84. 2D450
    coordinate boring machine 630 x 1120, Moscow (MZKRS)
  85. 2E440A
    jig boring machine 400 x 710, Kuibyshev, Samara
  86. 2E450
    coordinate boring machine 630 x 1120, Moscow (MZKRS)
  87. 2E450AF1
    coordinate boring machine 630 x 1120, Moscow (MZKRS)
  88. 2E450AF30
    CNC coordinate boring machine 630 x 1120, Moscow (MZKRS)
  89. 2E460
    coordinate boring two-column 1000 x 1600, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  90. 2E470
    coordinate boring two-column 1400 x 2240, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  91. 24K40SF4
    jig boring machine 400 x 800, Kuibyshev, Samara
  92. 2421
    jig boring machine 250 x 450, Kaunas
  93. 2431
    coordinate boring 320 x 560, Kaunas
  94. 2431sf10
    jig boring machine 320 x 560, Kaunas
  95. 2450
    coordinate boring 630 x 1100, Moscow (MZKRS)
  96. 2455
    jig boring machine 630 x 900, Kuibyshev
  97. KR-450
    coordinate boring two-column 380 x 520
  98. 2.5. Radial drilling machines

  99. 2A53
    radial drilling Ø 35, Odessa
  100. 2A55
    radial drilling Ø 50, Odessa
  101. 2A554
    radial drilling Ø 50, Odessa
  102. 2A576, 2A587
    radial drilling Ø 80, Odessa
  103. 2A592
    radial drilling Ø 25 x 130, Vitebsk
  104. 2B56
    radial drilling Ø 50, Kharkov
  105. 2E52
    radial drilling portable Ø 25, Gomel, (GZSU), Oktemberyan (Gyumri)
  106. 2K52, 2K52-1
    radial drilling portable Ø 25, Gomel, (GZSU)
  107. 2K522
    radial drilling portable Ø 32, Gomel, (GZSU)
  108. 2K550V
    radial drilling Ø 55, Gomel, (GZSU)
  109. 2L53
    radial drilling Ø 35, Oktemberyan (Gyumri)
  110. 2L53U
    radial drilling Ø 35, Oktemberyan (Gyumri)
  111. 2M55
    radial drilling Ø 50, Odessa
  112. 2M57
    radial drilling Ø 75, Odessa
  113. 2M58
    radial drilling Ø 100, Ivanovo
  114. 2Н55
    radial drilling Ø 50, Odessa
  115. 2Р53
    radial drilling Ø 35, Odessa
  116. 2С550А
    radial drilling Ø 36, Sterlitamak
  117. 255
    radial drilling Ø 50, Odessa
  118. 257
    radial drilling Ø 75, Odessa
  119. 2532l
    radial drilling Ø 32, Oktemberyan (Gyumri)
  120. GS545
    radial drilling portable Ø 45, Gomel, (GZSU)
  121. SRB50
    radial drill Ø 50, Sterlitamak
  122. 2.6. Horizontal boring machines

  123. 2А614
    horizontal boring Ø 80 Charentsavan
  124. 2A620
    horizontal boring machine Ø 90, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  125. 2А620Ф1
    horizontal boring machine Ø 90, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  126. 2А620Ф2
    horizontal boring machine Ø 90, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  127. 2A622
    horizontal boring Ø 110, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  128. 2А622Ф1
    horizontal boring machine Ø 110, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  129. 2A622F2
    horizontal boring machine Ø 110, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  130. 2А622Ф4
    horizontal boring machine Ø 110, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  131. 2A636
    horizontal boring Ø 125, Ivanovo
  132. 2А636Ф1
    horizontal boring Ø 125, Ivanovo
  133. 2A637
    horizontal boring Ø 160, Ivanovo
  134. 2А656Ф11
    horizontal boring Ø 160, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  135. 2V622F4
    horizontal boring machine Ø 125, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  136. 2E656
    horizontal boring machine Ø 160, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  137. 2L614
    horizontal boring machine Ø 80, Charentsavan
  138. 2M614
    horizontal boring machine Ø 80, Charentsavan
  139. 2N636GF1
    horizontal boring Ø 125, Kolomna
  140. 262g
    horizontal boring machine Ø 85, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  141. 2620, 2620A
    horizontal boring Ø 90, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  142. 2622, 2622A
    horizontal boring Ø 110, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  143. 2611F2
    horizontal boring machine with CNC Ø 80, Ivanovo
  144. 2620V
    horizontal boring Ø 90, Ivanovo
  145. 2622V
    horizontal boring Ø 110, Ivanovo
  146. 2636
    horizontal boring Ø 125, Ivanovo
  147. 2657
    horizontal boring Ø 150, Leningrad, (Sverdlov)
  148. 2.7. Finishing boring machines and special

  149. 2A78
    finishing and boring 500 x 1000, Maykop
  150. 2А78Н
    finishing and boring machine 500 x 1250, Maykop
  151. 2E78P, 2E78PN
    finishing and boring machine 500 x 1000, Maykop
  152. 2G942
    milling-central-turning Kostroma
  153. 278
    finishing and boring 500 x 1000, Maykop
  154. 2054m
    thread-cutting machine M8, Molodechno, Krasnorechensk
  155. 2056
    thread-cutting machine M18, Molodechno
  156. 2733P
    finishing and boring machine 630 x 1250, Maykop
  157. A9518
    thread rolling 63 kN, Ø 3..45, AZKPA
  158. MR-71M
    milling and centering Kostroma
  159. UPW 12.5 x 70
    thread rolling 125 kN, Ø 3..70, GDR
  160. UPW 25 x 100
    thread rolling 250 kN, Ø 10..100, GDR

Notation systems and decoding, what is it?

There are 2 types of designation systems for metal machines. Let's look at the nomenclature of each of them separately:

Serial production machines.

Let's say we have the designation “16K20F3S5”. Here's what each symbol means:

  • 1 – group to which the machine belongs (1 – turning);
  • 6 – type of machine (6 – frontal equipment; 5 – rotary; 1 – automatic and semi-automatic);
  • K – the presence of the symbol means that the machine is made according to a modernized design;
  • 20 – the main operational parameter (it characterizes the height of its centers);
  • F3 – type of numerical program control;
  • C5 is a type of computing device (CNC).

Special, specialized and precision machines.

Let's say we have the marking “IR500MF4”:

  • IR – symbol of the manufacturer;
  • 500 is the main operational parameter (characterizes the height of its centers);
  • M – type of modification;
  • F4 – type of numerical program control.

Gear processing machines

    5.1. Gear shaping machines for cylindrical wheels

  1. 5A12
    gear shaping Ø 208, Yegoryevsk
  2. 5A122
    gear shaping Ø 250, Korsun-Shevchenko
  3. 5A140P
    gear shaping Ø 500, Egoryevsk
  4. 5B150
    gear shaping Ø 800, Yegoryevsk
  5. 5B12
    gear shaping Ø 200, Korsun-Shevchenko
  6. 5B150
    gear shaping Ø 800, wedge
  7. 5M14
    gear shaping Ø 500, Kharkov
  8. 5M150
    gear shaping Ø 800, wedge
  9. 5M161
    gear shaping Ø 1250, wedge
  10. 514
    gear shaping Ø 500, Yegoryevsk
  11. 5111
    gear shaping Ø 80, Korsun-Shevchenko
  12. 5122
    gear shaping Ø 200, Korsun-Shevchenko
  13. 5140
    gear shaping Ø 500, Korsun-Shevchenko
  14. 5.2. Gear cutting and gear cutting machines for bevel wheels

  15. 5A26
    tooth-cutting Ø 610, Saratov, SZTZS
  16. 5A250P
    tooth-cutting machine Ø 500, Saratov, SZTZS
  17. 5S23P
    tooth-cutting Ø 125, Saratov, SZZS
  18. 5S276P
    tooth-cutting Ø 500, Saratov, SZTZS
  19. 5S280P
    gear cutter Ø 800, Saratov, SZTZS
  20. 5Т23В
    tooth-cutting machine Ø 125, Saratov, SZZS
  21. 5236P
    tooth-cutting machine Ø 125, Saratov, SZZS
  22. 525
    gear cutter Ø 500, MZKRS Moscow
  23. 526
    dental planer Ø 610, Saratov, SZTZS
  24. 5230
    gear cutting machine Ø 320, Saratov, SZTZS
  25. 528С
    gear cutter Ø 800, Saratov, SZTZS
  26. 5.3. Gear hobbing machines for cylindrical wheels

  27. 5A342
    gear hobbing Ø 2000, Kolomna
  28. 5B310p
    gear hobbing Ø 200, Vilnius
  29. 5B312
    gear hobbing Ø 320, Vitebsk
  30. 5B312
    gear hobbing Ø 320, Vitebsk
  31. 5D32
    gear hobbing Ø 800, Yegoryevsk
  32. 5E32
    gear hobbing Ø 800, Yegoryevsk
  33. 5K32
    gear hobbing Ø 800, Yegoryevsk
  34. 5K32A, 5K324A
    gear hobbing Ø 800, Yegoryevsk
  35. 5K301p
    gear hobbing Ø 125, Vilnius
  36. 5K310
    gear hobbing Ø 200, Vitebsk
  37. 5K324
    gear hobbing Ø 500, Yegoryevsk
  38. 5K328A
    gear hobbing Ø 1250, Egoryevsk
  39. 5M32
    gear hobbing Ø 800, Yegoryevsk
  40. 53A11
    gear hobbing Ø 1250, Yegoryevsk
  41. 53A13
    gear hobbing Ø 125, Vilnius
  42. 53A20
    gear hobbing Ø 200, Vilnius
  43. 53A30P
    gear hobbing Ø 320, Vitebsk
  44. 53A50
    gear hobbing Ø 500, Yegoryevsk
  45. 53A80
    gear hobbing Ø 800, Yegoryevsk
  46. 53V30P
    gear hobbing Ø 320, Vitebsk
  47. 532
    gear hobbing Ø 750, Yegoryevsk
  48. 5310
    gear hobbing Ø 200, Yegoryevsk
  49. 5327
    gear hobbing Ø 1000, Yegoryevsk
  50. 5342
    gear hobbing Ø 2000, Kolomna
  51. 5350A
    spline milling Ø 150, Kuibyshev, SVSZ
  52. 5.6. Thread milling, thread cutting machines

  53. 5B63
    thread milling Ø 450 x 400, Melitopol
  54. 5D07
    thread-cutting Ø 39 x 320, Chita
  55. 561
    thread milling Ø 400 x 700, Kuibyshev, SVSZ
  56. 5993
    thread-cutting machine Ø 42 x 280, Chita
  57. VMS-2A
    thread-cutting Moscow
  58. 5.7. Gear and thread grinding, finishing machines

  59. 5A841
    gear grinder Ø 320, Moscow
  60. 5B833
    gear grinder Ø 40..320, Yegoryevsk
  61. 5D833
    gear grinder Ø 40..320, Yegoryevsk
  62. 5M841
    gear grinder Ø 320, Moscow
  63. 5K822V
    thread grinding machine Ø 150, MZKRS Moscow
  64. 5702
    gear shaving Ø 320, Vitebsk
  65. 5822
    thread grinding machine Ø 150, MZKRS Moscow
  66. 5822m
    thread grinding machine Ø 150, MZKRS Moscow

What are the types of metal turning equipment, brief description?

The nomenclature of lathes designed for processing metal workpieces is consistent with the general classification of turning equipment presented above. Nevertheless, due to the great importance and demand for high-quality metal processing in the economy, it seems reasonable to consider each type of metal lathe separately.


The tool holder here is of the drum type. Each slot can accommodate a different type of cutting tool. Its change occurs by simply turning the drum and the part is processed (without spindle braking) with another tool.

This saves time on tool changing. However, economic efficiency here manifests itself only if similar workpieces are processed on-line.


Such machines are used for processing steel parts up to 1.5 m in diameter. In this case, single-column machines are used. This equipment has the following components:

  • a vertical bed on a round base, on which the workpiece is fastened;
  • a vertical guide for the movement of the caliper (usually a revolving type; most often pentagonal, that is, designed to mount 5 types of processing tools);
  • round table and faceplate with 4 independently adjustable cams.

The calipers can move both vertically (along the guide) and transversely, adjusting the depth of processing of the workpiece. Such a machine is equipped with a gearbox to change the rotation speed of the workpiece.

In addition, the speed of movement of the caliper can also be changed (adjusted). To improve the ergonomics of equipment control, this machine is equipped with a pendant push-button station.


Such machines are designed for simultaneous or sequential execution of technologically complex operations in a continuous type of production (that is, when similar workpieces are processed on a large scale). The blanks can take the form:

  • pipes;
  • polyhedral or round rods;
  • shaped profile, etc.

Such a machine has high productivity and drive power consumption, and in addition, it is distinguished by its massive design.


Screw cutting machines have high rigidity and precision in processing the workpiece. Their bed, as a rule, is monolithic, and the headstock is massive and has increased rigidity (capable of withstanding high pressure).

The spindle of such a machine is mounted on high-precision bearings (class “P”, not lower). The caliper carriage has a more elongated shape (on guides), and the caliper itself has no rotating parts.

The lead screw on a metalworking screw-cutting machine has a large diameter, and in addition, it is mounted on roller bearings. As a result, it is ensured:

  • smooth movement of the caliper carriage;
  • quite a large force even at low speed of movement of the caliper;
  • The skew of the carriage is completely eliminated (due to the location of the lead screw between the guides).

Taken together, these measures make it possible to cut threads according to specified parameters with high accuracy.

Automatic and semi-automatic machines

In modern conditions, more and more metal-working turning equipment is produced in automatic form. This is dictated by the need to increase productivity.

Automatic machining turning centers completely eliminate any actions (manipulations) involving humans (including inserting and removing a workpiece into a chuck, as well as changing the cutting tool).

However, such centers are quite expensive, so in cases where high productivity is not required, semi-automatic machines are used, in which all options are automated, except for positioning and strengthening the workpiece and tool.


A metal-cutting lathe is designed primarily for processing the end side of a workpiece. It does not have a tailstock and is designed for workpieces whose diameter significantly exceeds their height. Lobe lathes are often equipped with turret supports for the convenience and speed of tool changing.


We are not talking about milling machines, but about turning and milling machines. The main characteristics of such equipment is the ability to perform both turning operations:

  • groove;
  • drilling;
  • cutting, etc.

So is milling the workpiece:

  • formation of profile surfaces;
  • cutting straight and curved grooves and grooves;
  • more efficient trimming.

Such versatility is achieved thanks to the presence of a milling part with a second spindle. Turning and milling machines are used in watchmaking, tool production and other industries where optimization of the workpiece reinstallation process is required.

Longitudinal turning

A special feature of such machines is that the cutting tool can only perform transverse movement. And the longitudinal movement relative to the support is produced by the workpiece itself, fixed in the spindle.

Rigid attachment of the cutter (that is, precisely in the processing zone) allows for high processing accuracy. In addition, the advantages of this type of lathe are:

  • possibility of turning workpieces with complex shapes;
  • ability to work with workpieces of small sizes and shapes; high rotation speed (up to 6 thousand revolutions per minute) gives
  • the ability to achieve high processing accuracy (up to 0.005 mm).


This type of equipment is intended for small industries (for workshops, for handicraft production). They are characterized by increased precision of workpiece processing and low productivity.

But in a workshop, high quality turning is in demand much more often (and it is more urgent) than the possibility of continuous production is realized.

Such machines, as a rule, have a low cost, compact size, and low noise level. Parts and components for such machines (guides, bearings, etc.) are manufactured with a high level of precision.

Modern CNC

Here we are not even talking about individual machines, but about entire turning machining centers. Equipment with numerical control is capable of performing all possible operations with it in one installation of a workpiece, processing several surfaces at once. The characteristic features of such centers are:

  • carrying out processing in a closed chamber, without human participation and control;
  • cutting tools are replaced automatically;
  • the human factor comes down to the competent development of a virtual drawing - a CAD model of the required part.

And then you just need to place the workpiece in a special box and pick up the finished part.

With continuously variable drive

A continuously variable drive is used to smoothly and non-stop change the rotation speed of a machine spindle or feed mechanism.

A continuously variable drive can be compared to a CVT transmission in a car transmission.

As a result, with the help of smooth control it is possible to obtain the most advantageous (from the point of view of ensuring the quality of processing) processing speeds of the workpiece or movement of the cutting tool in the support.

In addition, the time spent in classic machines on stopping the spindle to change the rotation speed of the chuck is saved. The advantages of such equipment are obvious:

  • Durability of the machine drive due to the absence of a gearbox.
  • Since there are no whole complicating units, it is very simple to carry out maintenance of such machines.

Pipe cutting

There are pipe cutting machines with one or two chucks for positioning the workpiece being processed (depending on the expected size of the workpiece itself). The main functionality of such machines is:

  • processing of pipe ends;
  • thread cutting;
  • forming locking threads on adapters and drill pipes.

These machines are most in demand in the oil industry for pipe preparation and pipeline repair. In addition, pipe cutting lathes are widely used in mechanical engineering.

Slotting, planing, broaching. Other machines. Groups 7, 8, 9

    7.1. Longitudinal planing machines, single and double column

  1. 7210
    longitudinal planer Ø 900 x 1000, Minsk
  2. 7212
    longitudinal planer Ø 1120 x 1250, Minsk
  3. 7216
    longitudinal planer Ø 1400 x 1600, Minsk
  4. 7.3. Cross planers

  5. 7A33
    cross-planing Orenburg
  6. 7B35
    cross-planing Orenburg
  7. 7D36
    cross planer Gomel
  8. 7D37
    cross planer Gomel
  9. 7E35
    cross planer Orenburg
  10. 7M36
    cross planer Gomel
  11. 736
    cross-planing Orenburg
  12. 737
    cross planer Gomel
  13. 7303
    cross-planing Orenburg
  14. 7305
    cross-planing Orenburg
  15. 7307
    cross-planing Orenburg
  16. 7307G
    cross planer Orenburg
  17. 7307D, 7310d
    cross planer Gomel
  18. 7.4. Slotting machines

  19. 7A412
    slotting Ø 360, Saraktash
  20. 7A420
    slotting Ø 500, Saraktash
  21. 749
    cross-planing Orenburg
  22. 7402
    Slotting Orenburg, Baku
  23. 7410
    Slotting Minsk, MZOR
  24. 7430
    slotting Ø 650, Gomel
  25. 7D430
    slotting Ø 630, Gomel
  26. 7D450
    slotting Ø 800, Gomel
  27. 7M430
    slotting Ø 630, Gomel
  28. 7403, 7405
    — slotting Ø 630, Gomel
  29. 7417
    Slotting Orenburg
  30. GD200
    slotting Ø 500, Gomel
  31. GD320
    slotting Ø 770, Gomel
  32. GD500
    slotting Ø 940, Gomel
  33. 7.5. Horizontal and vertical broaching machines

  34. 7A510
    broaching 98 kN, Minsk
  35. 7B510
    broaching 100 kN, Minsk
  36. 7A534
    broaching 250 kN, Minsk
  37. 7B55
    broaching 100 kN, Minsk
  38. 7B56
    broaching 200 kN, Minsk
  39. 7523
    broaching 100 kN, Minsk
  40. 7534
    broaching 250 kN, Minsk
  41. Cutting machines

  42. 8A531
    vertical band saw Maikop
  43. 8A725
    automatic hacksaw-cutting machine Leninakan
  44. 8B72
    cut-off saw Ø 250 Krasnodar
  45. 8B66
    automatic cutting circular saw Ø 280, Minsk
  46. 8В66а
    automatic cutting circular saw Ø 280, Minsk
  47. 8G240
    abrasive cut-off Ø 60
  48. 8G662
    automatic cutting circular saw Ø 280, Minsk
  49. 8G663
    automatic cutting circular saw Ø 285, Minsk
  50. 872A
    cut-off saw Ø 250 Krasnodar
  51. 872M
    cut-off saw Ø 250 Krasnodar
  52. 8535
    band saw Ø 350 Kuvandyk
  53. 8725
    hacksaw Ø 250 Orenburg
  54. N-1
    hacksaw Ø 250 Kaunas

Design Features

Regardless of the specialization, automation and purpose of lathes, they all have the same components and elements, which makes their design largely universal, and the components interchangeable:


The most massive part of the machine. It is the basic basis for installing all other components on it. The tasks of the bed include:

  • ensuring the rigidity of the entire machine structure as a whole;
  • concentrating on yourself and extinguishing all arising vibrations.

The bed, as a rule, is cast from cast iron and made monolithic.

However, there are options for a lightweight frame made of profiled pipes (square section). Such machines are installed on vibration supports.


This is a carriage that moves along guides (under the influence of a lead screw), on which the caliper is rigidly fixed. In addition to automated movement, the apron can also be equipped with a manual drive.


Another name for it is the headstock. This is the part of the machine in which the gearbox is located and where the main shaft with a spindle (hence the name) is attached, in which the workpiece is mounted.


This is a structural element of a lathe, located on the apron. On the support, in turn, there are tool holders, where the cutting tool is strengthened. Usually they talk about transverse or longitudinal movement not of the cutter or apron (respectively), but of the support.


Structurally, it is located in the headstock. The front panel has speed switch knobs. If the machine is not equipped with a continuously variable drive, then in order to change the gear (that is, the speed of rotation of the workpiece and the force on the shaft), you must first turn off the machine and wait until the main shaft stops.

Electrical part

This structural element includes a traction motor, as well as other electrical equipment with which the machine is controlled.


A production system is a group of machines that sequentially process one workpiece. For mass production of, for example, automobile parts, specialized production systems called automatic lines are used. Such a line consists of separate machines (milling, drilling, boring), interconnected by a system for moving parts from one machine to another. Automatic lines make it possible to reduce the cost of mass production of similar parts.

However, in mechanical engineering, serial and individual production predominate, requiring frequent re-adjustment of equipment. The use of conventional automatic lines in such production is ineffective. The basis of integrated mechanization here is group technology, CNC machines, industrial robots, and automatic transport and storage systems. On their basis, with the use of coordinating computers, quickly reconfigurable automated complexes are created, called flexible production systems (GPS). In the production of, for example, diesel engine cylinder heads, the GPS is capable of processing cylinder heads from 5 to 100 different sizes and types, and their blanks can arrive in a random order.

Main technical characteristics

All lathes of the turning group differ from each other in the following technical parameters:

  • maximum spindle speed (the higher it is, the better the quality of surface treatment, the higher the cleanliness class);
  • force on the shaft in various gears (this parameter depends on the power of the traction motor, so it is customary to talk about the total power of the machine);
  • the maximum diameter of the workpiece being processed (the digital parameter in this case is an indicator of the height of the centers of the machine - the clamping points of the workpiece;
  • an indicator of what type of machine it is (screw-cutting, turning-milling, face-to-face, etc.);
  • presence and degree of automation (determined by the presence and “advancement” of a numerical control module).

In general, the main technical characteristics of a lathe can be gleaned from the markings on its nameplate (see the section “Notation systems and decoding”).

1.3. Division of machines according to their masses

  • Lightweight machines:
    weight up to 1 t
  • Medium machines:
    weight from 1 t to 10 t
  • Large machines:
    weight from 10 t to 30 t
  • Heavy machines:
    weight from 10 t to 100 t
  • Particularly heavy machines:
    weight over 100 t

The technical characteristics of some heavy machines also contain the largest workpiece mass.

Accuracy indicators. The accuracy of metal-cutting machines is determined by three groups of indicators: characterizing the accuracy of processing of product samples; characterizing the geometric accuracy of machine tools; additional.

Indicators characterizing the processing accuracy of product samples include:

  • accuracy of geometric shapes and location of processed surfaces of product samples;
  • constancy of batch sizes of product samples;
  • roughness parameters of processed surfaces of product samples.

Indicators characterizing the geometric accuracy of the machine include:

  • accuracy of bases for installing workpieces and tools;
  • accuracy of movement trajectories of the working parts of the machine, carrying the workpiece and tool;
  • the accuracy of the location of the axes of rotation and the directions of linear movements of the working parts of the machine, carrying the workpiece and the tool relative to each other and relative to the bases;
  • accuracy of interconnected relative linear and angular movements of the working parts of the machine, carrying the workpiece and tool;
  • accuracy of dividing and installation movements of the working parts of the machine;
  • accuracy of coordinate movements (positioning of the working parts of the machine) carrying the workpiece and tool;
  • the stability of some parameters with multiple repetitions of the test, for example, the accuracy of approach to a hard stop, the accuracy of small approach movements.

Additional indicators of machine accuracy include the ability to maintain the relative position of the working parts of the machine carrying the workpiece and tool, provided:

  • external load applications;
  • exposure to heat generated when the machine is idling;
  • machine vibrations that occur when the machine is idling.

General safety instructions

Let's divide the safety rules into 2 large sections:

What should the machine operator do:

  1. The operator's clothing must be fastened with all buttons while operating the machine. There should be no loose laces. (Probably everyone remembers the humorous warning poster: “To prevent the shaft from getting twisted, roll up your sleeve...”).
  2. Before turning on the machine, a technical inspection should be carried out.
  3. All actions on the machine must be performed only in accordance with the detailed technological process of processing the workpiece.

It is strictly prohibited:

  • start work during inspection and adjustment of the machine;
  • operate the machine with significantly worn centers; use as little as possible, but a defective cutting tool;
  • in the absence of proper qualifications, try to correct problems in the electrical equipment of the machine;
  • move away from a working machine or entrust work on it to third (untrained) persons.
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