What is the correct position: welder or electric gas welder?

Manual arc and electric arc welding is a method of joining metal elements using thermal melting of the joints of the product using a special hand tool. This technology is used in all areas that require working with metal - in the construction of buildings and bridges, in the laying of pipes and heating mains, in the energy sector, in the automotive and shipbuilding industries, in the production and repair of any large and small metal products. Even in art and sculpture, welding technologies are often used. Lately, argon arc welding has become increasingly popular, making it possible to work with low-alloy and stainless steels, cast iron and non-ferrous metals: copper, aluminum, nickel, titanium, silver, etc.

A specialist who carries out welding work is called a welder. This profession, depending on the welding technique and the tools used to fuse metals, is divided into several specializations:

  • manual arc welder (electric welder);
  • gas welder (gas-electric welder);
  • argon arc welder (electric argon welder);
  • automatic welding machine operator, etc.

The welding profession owes its origin to the Russian electrical physicist Vasily Petrov, who in 1802 discovered the effect of an electric arc, which creates a high temperature between two carbon electrodes, although this discovery did not immediately find practical application in industry. But after just a few decades, the electric arc method of joining steels and metals made a real revolution and began to be used everywhere in industry and construction. This effect made it possible to melt the joints of metals for their simultaneous connection using a weld.

What is a welder qualification?

Welder certification is a process in which the welder’s documents and qualifications are checked, confirming the degree of his professional training in welding technology.

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Skills and specifics of the work of an electric welder

Due to the high demand for welding work in any field, specialists in the field of manual welding do not experience difficulties finding work. However, this profession requires high responsibility, a serious approach and the desire to perform work at the highest level. The quality of welding seams is one of the decisive conditions for the strength, reliability, durability and safety of metal structures, so the cost of mistakes here is especially high. Any shortcomings, negligence and connivance in work can lead to serious and even catastrophic consequences, especially when it comes to the construction of buildings and bridges, welding of oil and gas pipelines, and mechanical engineering.

Therefore, a professional welder must know not only the technology for performing a certain welding method and methods for testing welds, but also have a good knowledge base about the physics of thermal processes, electrical engineering, chemical, physical and thermal properties of various metals and alloys. In addition, it is extremely important to know welding and fire safety techniques. For narrower specializations, it is necessary to study the properties of active and inert gases used for anti-oxidation, to master the methods and principles of operation of tools, argon-arc and electric-arc equipment used for welding.

Among personal qualities, it is important to note high responsibility, attention to detail, good eyesight, a certain perfectionism and desire to improve one’s skills, readiness for physical activity, the ability to quickly respond to emergency situations, a serious attitude to safety precautions and strict compliance with the smallest requirements. This work is classified as dangerous, and it is these qualities that will help you not only perform your tasks efficiently, but also protect yourself and others from serious harm to your health and life.

Job description of a welder

The job responsibilities of welders depend on the scope and specifics of the work, the techniques and equipment used, the category of specialists and the individual requirements of each individual employer. In its most general form, a welder’s job description may contain the following responsibilities:

  1. Manual arc/argon-arc/plasma welding of medium complexity of parts of units, apparatus, pipelines and other structures made of structural steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys.
  2. Welding of complex elements made of carbon and special steels in various spatial positions of welds (including/excluding ceiling).
  3. Manual oxygen cutting and planing of complex parts made of high-carbon, low-carbon and other special steels, non-ferrous metals, as well as welding of cast iron structures.
  4. Fusion of heated pipes and cylinders, defects in mechanical parts and structures.
  5. Welding of various complex parts, assemblies and tools, worn parts.
  6. Reading drawings and diagrams of complex welded metal structures.

When did it appear

Humanity mastered the first welding skills back in the 9th-10th centuries. BC. After forging, pieces of semi-precious and precious metals were placed in a special mold. After heating, the molten mass was poured onto the joints. This process is called foundry welding. Weapons and tools were made through furnace processing. To do this, iron blanks were heated in a forge with further forging of the joints.

Significant advances in electricity and physics occurred in the 18th and 19th centuries. After the invention of the voltaic column, the domestic scientist V.V. Petrov. discovered an electric arc formed between a pair of carbon electrodes. This phenomenon formed the basis of electric welding, since temperatures of about 5,000 °C can melt any metal.

In 1881 Benardos N.N. gave a description of welding with a carbon electrode. Subsequently, tungsten analogues, oxygen gas cutters, and burners appeared. With the development of technology, the specialty of a welder was divided into several categories with an assessment of the worker’s skill according to qualification classes.

Prospects and advantages of the profession

In order to become a sought-after and highly paid specialist, you need to constantly improve your skills and improve your professional skills. This means that an electric welder needs to take advanced training courses and obtain a higher professional rank in order to achieve an increase in his value in the labor market. For work with oil and gas pipelines, which is limited to specialists with the highest qualifications, separate training is often required. The higher the professional rank of a welder, the more professional opportunities and advantages he has.

  • The 3rd category is assigned to a welder immediately after completing training. This level implies knowledge of basic types of welding and practical skills in performing simple welding work - usually manual and arc.
  • The 5th category allows you to weld complex components and parts, as well as elements under pressure, work with multi-position equipment and weld vacuum-tight joints.
  • 6th category – an indicator of the highest class and skill of welding, allows you to work with parts and welding techniques of any complexity, including work on gas and oil pipelines.

Advantages of being a welder:

  • High demand for the profession in various industries and regions;
  • The opportunity to find a job even without experience - young specialists are willingly hired immediately after training in the housing and communal services sector;
  • In the case of highly qualified welding specialists, we are talking not just about demand, but about an acute shortage of professionals in the market;
  • As of May 18, 2014, 1,161 vacancies were registered in Moscow for the request “electric welder”;
  • The average salary of a welder in Moscow, according to the Yandex.Work service, is 37,000 rubles, however, the statistics are influenced by the availability of vacancies for one-time work; in reality, the average is higher - approximately 55,000 rubles;
  • The oil and gas industry offers the maximum salaries for welders - they can reach 120,000 - 150,000 rubles per month;
  • A number of welding specialists are entitled to special pension conditions and additional paid leave.

Disadvantages of being a welder:

  • The profession of an electric welder is a dangerous type of work - because the temperature at the tip of the welding electrode can reach 5000 degrees Celsius, which exceeds the melting point of any existing metals.
  • Working conditions for a welder can be difficult, especially when working at heights, in extreme conditions or under the influence of various adverse weather factors;
  • Due to the strong brightness of the electric arc radiation, welding puts a lot of strain on vision and can provoke the development of electroophthalmic disease. It is necessary to observe all safety measures and eye protection, using a mask with tinted glass;
  • Other occupational diseases may occur due to industrial dust entering the respiratory tract (bronchial asthma, pneumoconiosis).

Compensation for harmful working conditions for electric welders – early retirement and additional leave

Due to hazardous and dangerous working conditions, electric welders who work in such conditions at least 80% of the time may be entitled to additional paid leave annually. This right is regulated by article number 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To determine whether working conditions comply with the specified requirements, the enterprise undergoes a special assessment of working conditions (formerly certification). According to the rules, electric welders or electric gas welders working indoors (or other hazardous conditions) are entitled, in addition to the main vacation of 28 calendar days, to an additional vacation of 14 calendar days. At the same time, for welders working on external work, 7 additional calendar days are added to the 28 days of the main vacation.

Federal Law No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” of 2001 defines the right to an early retirement pension when working under difficult, dangerous and harmful working conditions. The list of relevant professions and industries is established in accordance with Lists No. 1 and No. 2, approved by Resolution No. 10 of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers of January 26, 1991.

According to List No. 2, this right is granted to:

  • gas cutters;
  • electric welders of manual welding and automatic/semi-automatic machines performing welding in a carbon dioxide environment;
  • gas-electric welders engaged in manual and semi-automatic welding;
  • some other welding specialists.

The right of these specialists to early retirement applies if they were engaged in performing the work specified in the lists for no less than 80% of their working time.

Representatives of these specialties can retire by age 5 years earlier than generally established conditions. Early retirement pension due to hazardous work conditions is assigned to: women at 50 years old , and men at 55 years old , if they have worked in hazardous/difficult conditions for at least 10 and 12.5 years, respectively, and their total insurance period is at least 20 and 25 years. Electric welders of manual welding and semi-automatic welding are entitled to an early pension without any additional conditions. Automatic/semi-automatic electric welding in an argon environment does not give the right to early retirement according to List No. 2. However, when working in particularly difficult/dangerous conditions, preferential retirement can be established according to List No. 1, if the welder worked in industries included in this list.

Training of electric welders and electric argon welders

To begin independent work, specialists in electric arc and argon arc welding only need 3 qualification categories, which can be obtained upon completion of short-term professional courses. The training center provides full-fledged theoretical and practical training from scratch for working specialties in the following areas:

  • Electric welding courses – 32 academic hours of theory and 16 academic hours of practice;
  • Courses for electric argon welders - 40 academic hours of theory and 32 academic hours of practice.

Graduates receive a state-issued certificate with the appropriate qualifications. If necessary, the center provides assistance in finding employment. Additionally, after training, you can receive a fire safety certificate and a Welder Certification Certificate.

Medical contraindications

It is not recommended to allow people who have problems with hearing, vision, psyche, or the musculoskeletal system to become a welder. Allergic reactions and disruptions in the cardiac and vascular systems are unacceptable. The standard set of occupational diseases of a welder is asthma, visual impairment, and problems with the respiratory system.

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To minimize harm from the profession, safety precautions should be strictly followed. This includes the use of PPE (masks, special shoes, suits, gloves). You need to eat right. At most enterprises, representatives of this specialty are given milk.

It is not recommended to allow people who have hearing or vision problems to become a welder.

What career opportunities are there?

In the profession in question, horizontal career growth is clearly visible. This includes increasing qualifications, mastering parallel methods of work, obtaining higher education (by correspondence), and attending specialized courses.

After graduating from a university, a person can become an engineering and technical worker (E&T) or take a leadership position, and this is already vertical career growth.

Places of work

Many potential welders are interested in the question of what needs to be done to earn a good income and career growth. There is nothing supernatural here. As elsewhere, you should conscientiously fulfill your duties, develop professionally, and learn from the experience of your colleagues.

A welder can find himself in the following industries:

  • ship, aircraft, mechanical engineering;
  • agricultural sector;
  • construction;
  • oil and gas industry;
  • car services;
  • public services;
  • workshops for the production of metal products and forged products;
  • railway enterprises, factories for the production of reinforced concrete structures.

A welder can find himself in construction and the oil and gas industry.

Difficulties on the path of a welder

You can train as a low-level operator and work for many years for a small salary in the housing and communal services sector or in a similar enterprise. It is unlikely that this approach will be called career growth. All difficulties with development, getting a better job and salary can be solved. You just need to want to grow morally, find the right path, and not sit in one place. If health and physical condition allow, skill and education will follow. Every step of success will bring joy; a professional welder can achieve a lot in life.

Maximum income level

The salary depends on the type of enterprise, region, skill, and work experience. Students and graduates of educational institutions can count on a monthly salary of about 30-35 thousand rubles, experienced craftsmen with considerable experience - up to 70 thousand rubles. 6th category specialists and welders employed in the oil and gas industry - at least 100 thousand rubles. The profession in question can bring a stable income.

However, you need to remember that any master has problems with the respiratory system and vision to one degree or another.

Therefore, you need to develop physically and remember to follow safety precautions.

How long to study to become a welder: college after grades 9-11

To master this specialty, it is enough to graduate from a vocational school or college. The period of study is determined by primary education. After the ninth grade, it takes 2 years and 10 months to complete the program, after the 11th grade - 1 year and 10 months. You need to choose educational institutions that provide training in the specialty “Welding production”.

After graduating from college, the specialist receives a diploma and a professional rank. You can increase it after a year of work. In welder training courses you can get a “narrow” specialization, for example:

  • masters of thermite or plasma welding;
  • argon specialist;
  • specialist in connecting vacuum structures;
  • laser welding specialist (if you have a diploma as an argon welder).

The advantage of the courses is that they are rich in practical exercises and short in duration. In two to four months, if you have a secondary specialized education, you can master a new specialty or gain additional skills to expand your own opportunities in the labor market. And the more opportunities a specialist has, the easier it is for him to find a job with a high salary.


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