How does argon affect a person when welding and how to provide first aid to victims of argon?

Do-it-yourself argon welding: diagrams on how to weld

To thermally join non-ferrous metals, it is necessary to use special technology. For this purpose, argon welding is performed, which can be done with your own hands.

What it is

Argon or argon-arc welding GOST 14771 is a method of applying temperature to metal joints, which makes it possible not to use metal wire as a filler at the joint. The argon welding machine produces a double arc, due to which a seam is not formed. Cold argon arc welding is considered one of the most difficult metal processing processes, but it makes it possible to process any alloys and non-ferrous metals without forming a seam on them.

Photo - manual argon welding

Argon is a gas that is considered one of the most common compounds on earth. The harmfulness of welding with this element in itself is low; argon is a noble gas. But it can form toxic compounds if it works with other gases or metals.

This is not to say that a seam does not form at all. It exists, but if the weld seams from classical arc welding are often very wide, then after argon the joint is practically not distinguished from the general surface of the metal.

Advantages of this type of welding:

  1. High quality connections;
  2. This type of processing is used for stainless steel, cast iron, copper, aluminum and alloys of these metals;
  3. In addition to joining complex metal structures, manual argon welding allows you to fasten together parts of the same mechanism made of different materials. Thanks to this, argon welding can be used to weld gearboxes and various metal pipes. The technology is also often used to join cast machine parts, cylinder heads, automotive radiators, oil pans and electrical accessories;
  4. If any cracks arise during the welding process, they are very quickly eliminated by repeating the pass without visible defects;
  5. The surface can be painted after work;
  6. Argon is suitable for repairing breakdowns in climate control equipment, thin automotive parts, etc.

One of the main components of the process is a tungsten electrode for argon welding. This is a special rod that represents the heart of the welding process. As you know, tungsten equipment is considered very refractory; for greater strength, there is a ceramic nozzle around the electrode. It is from this hole that argon is blown out. Thanks to this design, the processing area is protected from exposure to oxygen, which prevents cracks and swelling in the weld seam.

Photo - design of an argon inverter

The argon torch is also called a sleeve and is the most important component of the welding machine. The quality of the torch determines the entire welding process, the accuracy of the work and the geometric parameters of the seam. In domestic conditions, a homemade torch is often used, but it is not always durable and of high quality, so it is better to separately buy sleeves for welding various materials. Professional installations often use a torch made of the same metal as the surface being treated.

How to cook with argon

The principle of cooking with this gas is quite complex; it will take more than one week of practice to connect the metal with a perfect and thin seam. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to weld an aluminum or stainless steel surface using argon welding:

  1. First, a mass is applied to the surface to be welded, just as with electric welding;
  2. Scheme of work: in one hand you take the torch, which will be used for argon gas welding, and in the other - the electrodes that will process the coating (for stainless parts - stainless steel, for aluminum - aluminum wire); Photo - argon welding
  3. Next, the inverter begins to supply current. A welding machine (semi-automatic and automatic) forms an arc between the part being welded and the electrode, and it is at this moment that solder is formed;
  4. The operating principle of an argon welding machine is something between electric and gas welding. The high temperature of the arc melts the filler wire and the part, forming a thin and strong weld between them.

The diameter of the electrode and the processing time depend on the thickness of the metal. In particular, if you are working with a sheet of aluminum 3 mm thick, then it can be processed in one pass with 3 mm electrodes at a current of 180 A. But if you need to weld aluminum 6 mm thick, then you need to use a double pass and longer processing time for the same current strength. In order to speed up the work process, you can make a three-phase welding arc.

If you want to do argon welding yourself, be sure to watch the video. This will help avoid serious mistakes. You need to understand that the quality of the seam is directly proportional to the experience of the welder, so train as much as possible.

Photo - argon welding inverter

Working with argon welding machines is always an increased health hazard. You definitely need to use protective equipment: welding masks, gloves and welding goggles, and special clothing.

Photo - protection during welding

The cheapest place to use this service is at various car services, North-East Administrative Districts and service stations - there you can not only select the necessary electrodes and burner sizes, but also quickly repair broken devices.

The devices are sold in official stores of well-known companies, as well as domestic welding enterprises. You can also buy an inverter for argon welding in the online store.


First aid

If workers exhibit symptoms of prolonged exposure to small concentrations of nitrogen, it is necessary to take the victim out into the open air, provide rest and plenty of warm, sweet drinks. If there are signs of exposure to argon in high concentrations (loss of consciousness, wheezing), perform the following actions:

  1. The victim is taken out into the fresh air.
  2. Remove tight clothing, unbutton collar and trouser belt.
  3. Perform artificial respiration.
  4. Calling an ambulance.

If it is impossible to quickly remove a person poisoned by argon into the air, you should ventilate the room as much as possible - open and secure all windows and entrances. It is important to prevent further filling of the room with argon - tighten the taps on the cylinders and call the gas service.

When performing artificial respiration, it is desirable to provide additional access of oxygen to the victim’s respiratory system, for which medical oxygen pillows are used, and in their absence, oxygen can be pumped through a gas outlet hose from industrial cylinders for welding. It should be remembered that before pumping oxygen from a cylinder, you need to make sure that there are no oily rags or flammable substances within a radius of 15 meters from the victim.

If a person has been exposed to welding argon for more than 2 hours, he needs to receive artificial ventilation in the hospital to prevent complications. The person providing assistance must record the start time of first aid and inform it to the emergency doctors.

It is important to note that when evacuating victims from a closed room filled with argon, rescuers need to use hose gas masks or an isolated oxygen supply system.

Welding aluminum semi-automatically with gas (argon) and without

Devices in which a wire acting as an electrode and shielding gas are supplied to a welding gun when a button or trigger is pressed have appeared for quite some time. Their initially high price gradually decreased. They appeared not only in the arsenal of large enterprises, but also became available to people wishing to purchase such equipment for their own needs. And yet, despite the significant number of articles and videos posted online, the conditions under which this process takes place remain not very clear to many.

What risks should personal protective equipment protect a welder from?

For a manufacturing plant to operate successfully, it is extremely important to pay maximum attention to personnel safety. This topic becomes especially relevant when we talk about welders. Why? Let's figure it out!

Many factors have a negative impact on the welder:

  • intense radiation from the welding arc;
  • sparks, splashes of molten metal;
  • electromagnetic fields;
  • welding smoke containing solid and gaseous toxic substances;
  • noise;
  • ultrasound;
  • static load.

Some of them, such as static loads, are almost impossible to protect against. The harmful effects of other factors can be significantly reduced by using personal protective equipment. We propose to talk about such factors in more detail.

Welding arc radiation

The welding arc creates three types of radiation: ultraviolet, visible and infrared.

Why is UV radiation from welding dangerous? UV radiation is divided into 3 types according to wavelength: UV-A (320 – 380 nm), UV-B (290 – 320 nm), UV-C (180 – 290 nm). All of them have a negative impact on the welder’s vision.

With short-term exposure, UV radiation causes a toxic reaction in the outer layer of the cornea, which causes a feeling of sand in the eyes and photophobia. These symptoms may not become apparent until several hours after direct exposure to UV radiation. They weaken and disappear after about 24 to 48 hours.

Long-term exposure to UV radiation on the eyes is much more dangerous. It can cause cataracts and malignant melanoma. It is no coincidence that as of 2022, the WHO classifies UV radiation as carcinogenic to humans .

Why is visible radiation from welding dangerous? It causes inflammation and dilation of the blood vessels in the eyes. The vessel can be damaged and cause bleeding on the surface of the eye - a noticeable red spot remains on it. If the eyes are regularly exposed to visible radiation from welding, it can lead to retinal abnormalities that require serious and long-term treatment.

Why is IR radiation from welding dangerous? It has a negative effect on the lens of the eye - it heats up. If exposure is prolonged, it may cause cataracts.

Let's draw conclusions. It is extremely important that welders actively use eye protection and, above all, welder shields with light filters.

Today there is a huge range of such equipment on the market. One of the most interesting examples is the Speedglas line from 3M. It includes visors with rising light filters, visors that are attached to a helmet, and visors with forced air supply devices. The range is tailored to the different needs of welders.

Sparks, splashes of molten metal

Sparks and spatter are the leading cause of mechanical injuries to welders' eyes. And they, in turn, make up 25% of all welding injuries.

By the way, about $300 million is spent annually in the United States on costs associated with eye injuries in the workplace.

Of course, this includes not only medical costs, but also workers' compensation and lost production time. However, the amount is still impressive!

What are the dangers of sparks and spatter from welding? Causes painful eye injuries that require immediate medical attention. Can lead to complete loss of vision.

Let's draw conclusions. 90% of eye injuries can be avoided with the right protection, so it is extremely important to use it.

Welding smoke

The smoke generated during the welding process is also dangerous. It's all about the aerosols and gases it contains. How do they appear? Let's figure it out!

During work, the metal quickly heats up to a high temperature, melts or even boils in the weld pool. At the same time, gases and small metal particles are released into the air, the composition and concentration of which directly depends on the type of welding work, the environment, and the conditions of the workplace.

When the chronic form develops, a person regularly feels weak, becomes sleepy, begins to get irritated more often than usual and gets tired faster. There is a malfunction of the hearing aid.

There may be a risk of anemia and hypoglycemia. As a result of exposure to vapors, tuberculosis and pneumosclerosis begin to develop.

Vulnerability to hearing-related diseases increases.

Symptoms may also include skin ulcers and various types of dermatitis, which usually do not cause much concern. Poisoning with this substance is much more difficult for children than for adults, and accordingly, they require different treatment.

Treatment of poisoning

If signs of poisoning appear, you must call an ambulance

If signs of this type of damage appear, the first thing you should do is call an ambulance. Before her arrival, the victim should be given first aid:

  • remove the victim from the premises;
  • place the person on a horizontal surface;
  • monitor body temperature;
  • drink plenty of strong tea.

Qualified medical care usually begins with the administration of intravenous glucose solution. They may also prescribe laxative solutions, activated carbon, and medications that will help overcome signs of poisoning. Antidote treatment may also be used. In case of acute or chronic course, it is recommended to use complex treatment consisting of:

  • artificial lung ventilation;
  • taking diuretics to more quickly remove zinc from the body; oxygen inhalation;
  • taking vitamins to support the immune system.

Regardless of the severity of the poisoning, treatment should be accompanied by plenty of hot drinks and keeping the patient warm and at rest. Gastric lavage is required. The room in which the victim is located must be well ventilated. Also, with severe skin lesions, incapacity for work or temporary transfer to another job is possible for some time.

Prevention of zinc poisoning

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to provide good ventilation in industrial premises and mechanize the work process. Workers must use personal protective equipment - respirators, industrial gas masks. After finishing work, you need to wash your hands with alkaline solutions, and then lubricate the skin of your hands with fat.

Argon in welding

Argon is an inert monatomic gas without color, taste or smell. The third most abundant element in the earth's atmosphere (after nitrogen and oxygen) is 0.93% by volume and 1.29% by mass.

Argon is the most common inert gas in the earth's atmosphere; 1 m3 of air contains 9.34 liters of argon (for comparison: the same volume of air contains 18.2 cm3 of neon, 5.2 cm3 of helium, 1.1 cm3 of krypton, 0. 09 cm3 xenon). There is argon in water, up to 0.3 cm3 per liter of sea water and up to 0.55 cm3 per liter of fresh water.

Its average content in the earth's crust (clark) is 0.04 g per ton, which is 14 times more than helium and 57 times more than neon. It turns out that there is much more argon on Earth than all the other elements of its group combined.

Argon in world matter is estimated at approximately 0.02% by mass. Argon (along with neon) is observed on some stars and in planetary nebulae. In general, there is more of it in space than calcium, phosphorus, and chlorine, while on Earth the opposite relationships exist.

Physical properties

Argon is a monatomic gas with a boiling point (at normal pressure) of -185.9 °C (slightly lower than oxygen, but slightly higher than nitrogen). Melting point -189.4°C. 3.3 ml of argon dissolves in 100 ml of water at 20 °C; argon dissolves in some organic solvents much better than in water.

Chemical properties

The name “argon” (from the Greek - lazy, slow, inactive) - emphasizes the most important property of the element - its chemical inactivity.

So far, only 2 chemical compounds of argon are known - argon hydrofluoride and CU(Ar)O, which exist at very low temperatures. In addition, argon forms excimer molecules, that is, molecules in which the excited electronic states are stable and the ground state is unstable.

Welder Argonist Harmful

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Argon welder manual welding is a hazardous specialty

The right to early assignment of an old-age retirement pension in accordance with position 23200000-19756 of section XXII of the above List No. 2, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 10 of January 26, 1991, is granted to “electric and gas welders” engaged in cutting and manual welding, on semi-automatic machines , as well as on automatic machines using fluxes containing harmful substances of at least hazard class 3, and position 23200000-11620 of Section XXII of List No. 2 provides for the profession of “gas welders”, position 23200000-19906 of Section XXXIV of List No. 2 provides for the profession of “electric manual welders” "

If your specialty sounds like this, then according to the list of industries and professions that give the right to a shortened working day and additional leave, your specialty is not one of them. Guarantees are also established on the basis of workplace certification. Please check with the HR department for information.

Welder Argonist Harmful

Combustion of electrodes in a voltaic arc flame

often accompanied by splashing and the danger of burns from molten metal and significant dustiness in the air. The latter varies widely - from 5-7 to 50 mg or more per 1 m3 of air, depending on the intensity of welding work, the cubic capacity of the room in which electric welding is performed, and its methods. Maximum concentrations are observed directly in the torch above the welding arc and quickly fall with distance from the arc, amounting to 5-14 mg/m3 at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the arc.

For manual arc welding of non-ferrous metals

There is a significant release of aerosols of manganese, lead, zinc, copper, etc. into the atmosphere of working premises, the concentrations of which vary depending on the content of these components in the electrode wire and in the coating of the electrodes.
Semi-automatic and automatic submerged arc welding is accompanied mainly by the release of fluoride compounds (hydrogen fluoride, silicon tetrafluoride), but in concentrations significantly lower than during manual arc welding. A known danger during semi-automatic and automatic welding under a layer of flux is the release of dust containing manganese, which is especially intense during manual cleaning of the weld. May 22, 2022 polrostov 134
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Electric and gas welder harmful or difficult working conditions

ContentsIn accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 29, Art.

3702) The Government of the Russian Federation decrees: To approve the attached list of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during which the use of women’s labor is prohibited. In our previous reviews, we have repeatedly touched upon issues of registration and receiving “preferential pensions”. Today our article will be a little more specific. Or more precisely, we will consider the procedure for assigning preferential pensions to electric and gas welders. However, the article will also be useful to those whose profession involves working in difficult working conditions. After reading it to the end, you will find out what benefits you can claim upon retirement and how to get these benefits. Manual arc and electric arc welding is a method of joining metal elements using thermal melting of the joints of the product with a special hand tool.

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This technology is used in all areas that require working with metal - in the construction of buildings and bridges, in the laying of pipes and heating mains, in the energy sector, in the automotive and shipbuilding industries, in the production and repair of any large and small metal products. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 . N 163 “On approval of the list of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during the performance of which the use of labor by persons under eighteen is prohibited

Welder Argonist Harmful

Argon is a colorless and odorless gas. According to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA), argon is classified as a simple asphyxiant that can produce hazardous fumes and gases. High concentrations of argon gas can lead to a lack of oxygen in the area, leading to asphyxiation.

Inhalation of argon gas when there is a lack of oxygen is accompanied by symptoms of tinnitus, headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue, wheezing, dizziness, indigestion, incoordination, and breathing problems. The skin may take on a blue tint. Vapors that enter the lungs accumulate there over a period of time.

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