Differences between bent and hot-rolled channels - what to choose?

For the construction of various types of structures, mechanical engineering, machine tool building and other areas, steel channels are often used as a reliable, inexpensive and durable element. In this case, most often the product is supplied in two types - hot-rolled metal and cold-rolled bent.

At first glance, the difference between them is small, but a specialist needs to know the nuances that will not only allow you to distinguish these two types of profiles by eye, but also choose exactly the type that will be most suitable for your work. After all, both have their own advantages and specifics.

Manufacturing method

You can guess the manufacturing method for both options based on their names. Hot rolled steel channel is produced using the hot rolling method on special machines. Under the influence of high temperature, the steel billet becomes plastic and takes the desired shape, that is, rolled steel with a U-shaped section.

To obtain a bent steel channel, a metal strip of the required size is used as a blank, which is bent using special equipment. This can be an automated line in a large production, where a profile bending machine will produce the desired profile according to the required dimensions. Much less often, bent channels of arbitrary size are produced in small batches using mechanical, non-automated equipment.

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Bent channel is a product made by cold bending. This material has a cross-section resembling the letter “P” in shape. If we consider the visual distinctive points, it differs from hot-rolled by the presence of a rounded outer corner. To manufacture this type of channel, according to GOST 11474-76, rolled sheet blanks or strips are used. The price of a product largely depends on what steel it was made of.

The bent channel is manufactured according to established standards and requirements, which are regulated by GOST 11474-76. production is carried out on special roll forming machines using cold-rolled or hot-rolled steel. During manufacturing, such channels can be produced either equal-flanged or unequal-flanged. At the same time, the production of equal flanges is regulated by GOST 8278-83, and unequal flanges - 8281-80.

The channel number always corresponds strictly to its size, which is always indicated in mm. Let's consider an example: a channel 40x32x2.5 is available. What can be learned based on these parameters? So, 40 is the distance between the shelves, 32 is the width of the shelf, 2.5 is the wall thickness.

It is customary to distinguish between a bent equal-flange channel, which is manufactured in accordance with the established GOST 8278-83, and a bent non-equal-flange channel, which is manufactured in accordance with GOST 8281-80; it has its own specific purpose. Among some types of channels you can find models that have different shelf edges. Bent channel 160x80x5 and bent channel 120x50x3 are in great demand.

Steel channel is always valued in construction. It is highly durable and is often used as a load-bearing element. In most cases, the channel as a metal structure works primarily in bending. It is often used to construct a frame, as well as to erect partitions. When carrying out reconstruction work, a bent channel very often acts as an additional rib, which gives rigidity and stability to dilapidated buildings.

The equal-flange channel is installed on special roll forming mills. The material used is hot-rolled and cold-rolled steel, which is of average quality. In addition, carbon structural low-alloy steel is often used. The standard parameters are considered to be the following: the height of the product should be 50-400 mm, and the width of the shelves should be from 32 to 115 mm. If necessary, products can be manufactured not according to standards according to the individual order of the buyer. All standards and sizes are always indicated by GOST 8278-75.

Modern developed technologies make it possible to significantly expand the capabilities of the production process. Because of this, the variety of shapes produced is commonplace and hardly surprising. Due to the dynamically developing industry and human activity in general, the question arose about the manufacture of new types of channels.

Those products that are marked “U” are always manufactured with a slope. When the edges are parallel, the marking “P” is used; economical products with the edges parallel are marked “E”. If the planes are located parallel to each other, then the marking is “L”, special products are marked “C”. As for the maximum deviations, they should not exceed 4.5% of the total mass of the batch. The concept of mass deviation means the difference between the mass during delivery and the value that is calculated according to the developed tables.

The channel shape has the following symbols:

U - the internal edges are sloped

P – parallel faces

E - economical with parallel edges

L – parallel edges of the light series

With special

As mentioned earlier, the maximum batch deviations should not exceed 4.5% and 6% for an individual product. The definition of weight deviation hides the concept of the difference between the actual weight during the delivery period and that calculated according to a special table.

The length of the bent equal-flange channel can be of several types:

- measured length

- measured length in combination with unmeasured length, but in an amount of no more than 5% of the total mass of the batch

- unmeasured length

- limited length within unmeasured limits.

Main types of channel:

The special channel is used primarily in the automotive industry. It is manufactured according to GOST 19425-74. To use the product in carriage building during production, they are guided by GOST 5267-90. Its standard length ranges from 4 to 13 meters. If necessary, it can be made in a larger size. These types of channels are always made using rolled steel on special pipe machines. In this case, the steel is of ordinary quality. Typically, the height of the product ranges from 50 to 400 mm, and the width ranges from 32 to 115 mm.

All steel bent unequal-flange channels are manufactured using roll forming machines, and the steel must be cold-rolled or hot-rolled. All requirements and requirements are regulated by GOST 8281-80. All channels are usually divided into numbers. They, in turn, indicate the distance between the shelves, which is always expressed in mm. Depending on the rolling precision used, bent channels are divided into:

— high accuracy with marking “A”

— increased accuracy with marking “B”

- normal accuracy marked “B”.

The highest category of bent unequal and equal flange channels is produced under the markings A and B.

Forms of bent channel:

Channel with parallel flange edges GOST 8240-97.

The characteristics and range of steel channels are established by the following standards:

· Hot rolled channel (GOST 8240-89);

· Bent equal flange channel (GOST 8278-75);

· Bent unequal flange channel (GOST 8281-80)

· Special channel (19425-74).

Any hot-rolled channel is always divided into a channel with a slope of the internal edges of the flanges and with a parallel arrangement of the edges of the flanges.

Channels belong to the category of long products. Manufactured according to technical specifications:

· GOST 535-88 – hot-rolled steel;

· GOST 11474-76 – bent steel;

· GOST 8278-83 – equal-flange bent steel;

· GOST 8281-80 – unequal bent steel;

· GOST 8240 – hot-rolled carbon and low-alloy steel;

· GOST 5267 – special for carriage building;

· GOST 5420 – special for tractors;

· GOST 19425-74 – special steel.

Channel GOST 8240-89 is divided into:

· channel with a slope of the internal edges of the shelves: No. 5, 6.5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 16a, 18, 18a, 20, 22, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 40;

· channel with parallel edges of shelves P: No. 5P, 6.5P, 8P, 10P, 12P, 14P, 16P, 16aP, 18P, 18aP, 20P, 22P, 24P, 27P, 30P, 33P, 36P, 40P.

According to rolling accuracy, channel GOST 8240, GOST 19425, GOST 8278, GOST 8281 are manufactured:

· increased accuracy – B;

· ordinary accuracy – V.

An example of a channel designation: hot-rolled steel channel No. 10, steel grade St3, length 10 m GOST 8240-89 – channel No. 10 St3 GOST 8240-89.

The Taurus is a steel beam that is shaped like the letter “T”. Structural steel is used for its manufacture. Typically, the brand acts as a necessary element for load-bearing structures. Structural steel is used to make the beam. This product is an ideal solution for those who want to glaze balconies with high quality, as well as for installing glass garden greenhouses.

Rice. 1. Bent channel according to GOST 8278-83


h – channel height;

S – flange thickness;

b – shelf width;

R – radius of internal curvature.

Dimensions and weight of bent channels made of carbon boiling and semi-quiet steel

h, mm b, mm S, mm R, no more, mm Weight 1 m, kg h, mm b, mm S, mm R, no more, mm Weight 1 m, kg
25 26 2 3 1,092 90 100 2,5 4 5,505
25 30 2 3 1,218 100 40 2,5 3 3,363
28 27 2,5 4 1,423 100 40 3 5 3,966
30 25 3 5 1,611 100 50 3 4 4,458
30 30 2 3 1,296 100 50 4 6 5,813
32 25 3 5 1,658 100 50 5 7 7,137
32 32 2 3 1,39 100 50 6 9 8,37
38 95 2,5 3 4,305 100 60 3 4 4,929
40 20 2 3 1,139 100 60 4 6 6,441
40 20 3 5 1,611 100 80 3 4 5,871
40 30 2 3 1,453 100 80 4 6 7,697
40 30 2,5 3 1,793 100 80 5 7 9,492
40 40 2 3 1,767 100 100 3 5 6,792
40 40 2,5 3 2,185 100 100 6 9 13,08
40 40 3 5 2,553 100 160 4 6 12,72
42 42 4 6 3,49 104 20 2 3 2,144
43 45 2 3 1,971 106 50 4 6 6,002
45 25 3 5 1,965 108 70 6 9 10,63
45 31 2 3 1,563 110 26 2,5 3 3,01
48 70 5 7 6,666 110 50 4 6 6,127
50 30 2 3 1,61 110 50 5 7 7,53
50 30 2,5 3 1,989 110 100 4 6 9,267
50 32 2,5 3 2,068 120 25 4 6 4,871
50 40 2 3 1,924 120 50 3 5 4,908
50 40 2,5 3 2,382 120 50 4 6 6,441
50 40 3 4 2,809 120 50 6 9 9,312
50 40 4 6 3,615 120 60 4 6 7,069
50 47 6 9 5,732 120 60 5 7 8,707
50 50 2,5 3 2,774 120 60 6 9 10,25
50 50 3 4 3,28 120 70 5 7 9,492
50 50 4 6 4,243 120 80 4 6 8,325
60 26 2,5 4 2,011 120 80 5 7 10,28
60 30 2,5 3 2,185 140 40 2,5 3 4,148
60 30 3 5 2,553 140 40 3 5 4,908
60 32 2,5 3 2,264 140 60 3 5 5,85
60 32 3 4 2,668 140 60 5 7 9,492
60 32 4 6 3,427 140 60 6 9 11,2
60 40 2 3 2,081 140 70 5 7 10,28
60 40 3 4 3,045 140 80 4 6 8,953
60 50 3 5 3,495 140 80 5 7 11,06
60 60 3 4 3,987 145 65 3 5 6,204
60 60 4 6 5,185 148 25 4 6 5,75
60 80 3 5 4,908 160 40 2 3 3,651
60 90 5 7 8,707 160 40 3 5 5,379
63 21 2,2 3 1,677 160 40 5 7 8,707
65 75 4 6 6,284 160 50 2,5 4 4,916
68 27 1 2 0,9252 160 50 4 6 7,697
70 30 2 3 1,924 160 50 5 7 9,492
70 40 3 5 3,26 160 50 6 9 11,2
70 50 3 5 3,731 160 60 2,5 4 5,308
70 50 4 6 4,871 160 60 3 5 6,321
70 60 4 6 5,499 160 60 4 6 8,325
78 46 6 9 6,957 160 60 5 7 10,28
80 25 4 6 3,615 160 60 6 9 12,14
80 32 4 6 4,055 160 70 4 6 8,953
80 35 4 6 4,243 160 80 2,5 3 6,11
80 40 2,5 3 2,97 160 80 3 5 7,263
80 40 3 4 3,516 160 80 4 6 9,581
80 50 4 6 5,185 160 80 5 7 11,85
80 60 3 4 4,458 160 80 6 9 14,02
80 60 4 6 5,813 160 100 3 5 8,205
80 60 6 9 8,37 160 100 6 9 15,91
80 80 3 4 5,4 160 120 5 7 14,99
80 80 4 6 7,069 160 120 6 9 17,79
80 85 4 6 7,383 160 160 6 9 21,56
80 100 6 9 12,14 170 60 4 6 8,639
90 50 3,5 5 4,869 170 70 5 7 11,45
90 54 5 7 7,059

Dimensions and weight of bent channels made of carbon boiling and semi-quiet steel

h, mm b, mm S, mm R, no more, mm Weight 1 m, kg h, mm b, mm S, mm R, no more, mm Weight 1 m, kg
170 70 6 9 13,55 200 180 6 9 25,33
180 40 3 5 5,85 205 38 2,5 3 5,345
180 40 4 6 7,697 210 57 4 6 9,707
180 50 4 6 8,325 250 35 3 5 7,263
180 70 6 9 14,02 250 60 3 5 8,441
180 80 4 6 10,21 250 60 4 6 11,15
180 80 5 7 12,63 250 60 5 7 13,81
180 80 6 9 14,96 250 60 6 9 16,38
180 100 5 7 14,2 250 125 6 9 22,5
180 100 6 9 16,85 270 100 7 10 24,42
180 130 8 12 25,76 280 60 3,9 6 11,8
185 100 3 5 8,794 280 140 5 7 21,27
200 50 3 5 6,792 300 80 6 9 20,62
200 50 4 6 8,953 300 100 8 12 29,53
200 80 4 6 10,84 310 100 6 9 22,97
200 80 5 7 13,42 380 65 6 9 22,97
200 80 6 9 15,91 400 95 8 12 35,18
200 100 3 5 9,147 410 65 6 9 24,38
200 100 6 9 17,79

Note: The weight of 1 m of profile is calculated based on the nominal dimensions at a material density of 7850 kg/m3 and is a reference value.

Dimensions and weight of bent channels made of carbon mild and low-alloy steel

h, mm b, mm s, mm R, no more, mm Weight 1 m, kg h, mm b, mm S, mm R, no more, mm Weight 1 m, kg
25 26 2 5 1,065 50 40 2,5 6 2,331
25 30 2 5 1,191 50 40 3 7 2,748
30 25 3 7 1,571 50 50 2,5 6 2,723
30 30 2 5 1,269 50 50 3 7 3,219
38 95 2,5 6 4,254 50 50 4 10 4,135
40 20 2 5 1,112 50 60 4 10 4,763
40 30 2 5 1,426 60 30 2,5 6 2,135
40 30 2,5 6 1,742 60 30 3 7 2,513
40 40 2 5 1,74 60 32 2,5 6 2,213
40 40 2,5 6 2,135 60 32 3 7 2,607
40 40 3 7 2,513 60 40 2 5 2,054
48 70 5 12 6,498 60 40 3 7 2,984
50 30 2 5 1,583 60 50 3 7 3,455
50 30 2,5 6 1,938 60 60 3 7 3,926
50 40 2 5 1,897 60 60 4 10 5,077
60 90 5 12 8,539 120 105 8 20 18,43
65 40 4 10 3,978 130 135 8 20 22,82
65 75 4 10 6,176 140 40 2,5 6 4,097
70 40 3 7 3,219 140 60 4 10 7,589
70 60 4 10 5,391 140 60 5 12 9,324
70 65 4 10 5,705 140 60 6 14 10,99
78 46 6 14 6,754 140 70 5 12 10,11
80 32 4 10 3,947 140 80 4 10 8,845
80 35 4 10 4,135 140 80 5 12 10,89
80 40 2,5 6 2,92 145 65 3 7 6,163
80 40 3 7 3,455 145 75 5 12 10,7
80 50 4 10 5,077 160 40 3 7 5,339
80 60 3 7 4,397 160 40 5 12 8,539
80 60 4 10 5,705 160 50 4 10 7,589
80 60 6 14 8,167 160 50 5 12 9,324
80 80 3 7 5,339 160 60 3 7 6,281
80 80 4 10 6,961 160 60 4 10 8,217
80 85 4 10 7,275 160 60 5 10 10,18
90 54 5 12 6,89 160 60 6 14 11,94
90 115 5 12 11,68 160 75 8 20 17,17
100 40 2,5 6 3,312 160 80 2,5 6 6,06
100 40 3 7 3,926 160 80 4 10 9,473
100 50 3 7 4,397 160 80 5 12 11,68
100 50 4 10 5,705 160 120 6 14 17,59
100 50 5 12 6,969 160 160 6 14 21,36
100 50 7 18 9,207 170 70 5 12 11,29
100 60 3 7 4,868 170 70 6 14 13,35
100 60 4 10 6,333 180 50 4 10 8,217
100 80 3 7 5,81 180 70 5 12 11,68
100 80 4 10 7,589 180 70 6 14 13,82
100 80 5 12 9,324 180 70 7 18 15,8
100 120 8 20 19,05 180 80 4 10 10,1
100 160 4 10 12,61 180 80 5 12 12,46
110 26 2,5 6 2,959 180 80 6 14 14,76
110 50 4 10 6,019 180 80 8 20 19,05
110 50 5 12 7,361 180 100 5 12 14,03
120 25 4 10 4,763 180 100 6 14 16,65
120 50 3 7 4,868 180 130 8 20 25,33
120 60 4 10 6,961 200 60 4 10 9,473
120 60 5 12 8,539 200 80 4 10 10,73
120 60 6 14 10,051 200 80 5 12 13,25
120 75 4 10 7,903 200 80 6 14 15,7
120 80 4 10 8,217 200 100 5 12 14,82
120 80 5 12 10,11 200 100 6 14 17,59
120 90 7 18 14,7 200 160 8 20 30,36

Continued Dimensions and weight of bent channels made of carbon mild and low-alloy steel

h, mm b, mm s, mm R, no more, mm Weight 1 m, kg
205 38 2,5 6 5,294
206 75 6 14 15,52
210 57 4 10 9,599
250 25 3 7 6,752
250 60 4 10 11,04
250 60 5 12 13,64
250 60 6 14 16,17
250 90 8 20 24,71
250 125 6 14 22,3
270 100 7 18 24,04
280 60 3,9 10 11,69
280 60 6 14 17,59
300 80 6 14 20,41
310 100 6 14 22,77

Note: The weight of 1 m of profile is calculated based on the nominal dimensions at a material density of 7850 kg/m3 and is a reference value.


The main external difference that shows the difference between the two types of U-shaped profiles is the outer corner. In the cold-rolled version it is more rounded, while in the hot-rolled version you can notice a slight thickening at the corner, which gives it special strength.

The second important difference is weight. The bent version is much lighter than hot-rolled, so it can be used to create lightweight structures.

The third difference is durability. The hot-rolled version is more durable, since its bending point is more reliable and is not subject to mechanical deformation. In addition, the strength can be additionally recognized by the batch marking, where the letter B indicates standard strength, B - increased, and A - the highest.

Finally, the last difference is the choice of sizes and options. Hot-rolled profiles are produced on standard machines, so their dimensions are clearly limited by standards. Cold-rolled channel, which is sometimes called lightweight, has many more manufacturing options, because a strip of any size can be bent into a U-shaped profile. Moreover, the accuracy of the finished steel product will be even higher than that of the “hot” version.

Bent and hot-rolled channel: what to choose?

We have already given different versions of answers to the question about the difference between a cold-rolled channel and a hot-rolled analogue. The most significant difference between these types of rolled products is that products with the same wall height have different strength and, accordingly, load-bearing capacity. This indicator is a determining factor in the selection of rolled products, which are intended for the manufacture of load-bearing structures in construction and industrial production.

Bent and hot-rolled channel in construction

In construction, bent and hot-rolled channels are usually used for building floors, bridge spans, loading and unloading overpasses and other structures where structures must have high load-bearing capacity with relatively low weight. Both types of rental are completely equal in the construction industry. The main condition is that their strength characteristics meet the requirements of the construction project or technical documentation for the production of a particular industrial product.

Which channel to choose - bent or hot rolled?

The main criterion for choosing channels is their strength. If bent and hot-rolled products of suitable size meet the design requirements for the moment of resistance to vertical load, bent products are preferable. It is lighter and cheaper. However, when it comes to extreme loads, hot-rolled channels have no alternative.

For example, the moment of resistance for the walls of hot-rolled channels of the maximum standard size (No. 40P) is 763 units. For bent products with a wall height of 400 mm, it is only 458.99 units.


Based on the properties and characteristics, experts recommend making the following choice. For those structures where strength, stability and reliability are especially important, for example, for frames, it is better to purchase a hot-rolled channel. If the weight of the finished structure is especially important to you and you would like to lighten it, and also if you need high-precision rolled products or you intend to use a U-shaped profile for the manufacture of machines or machines, then a bent metal channel is more suitable.

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