Manual presses: types, design features and selection recommendations

This term has other meanings, see Press.


- a mechanism for producing pressure for the purpose of compacting substances, squeezing out liquids, changing shape, as well as forging and stamping. According to the design of the press there are:

  • Roller
  • Screw
  • Hydraulic
  • Wedge
  • Crank
  • Press brake
  • Magnetic pulse
  • Lever
  • Eccentric
  • Rack and pinion

The largest manufacturers of pressing equipment:

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  • ISITAN – Turkish company
  • Metal Mark – machine-building plant from China
  • Sahinler - Turkish leader in machine tool manufacturing
  • Hochstrate is a brand of a famous German company
  • Gidropress - plant in Belarus
  • Ermaksan - Turkish manufacturer
  • Baykal is a Turkish company


The most ancient presses, for example, for beating olive oil, were a stone with a large rounded recess. Once this container was filled with the squeezed product, another stone was lowered from above, which, with the force of its weight, squeezed (knocked out) the oil, which flowed through the tray into the container prepared for it [1].

In the tenth years of the 21st century, presses equipped with servo drives became widespread. This makes it possible to reduce energy costs for production using such presses by 60% compared to energy costs for production using hydraulic and electric presses.

Scope of use of the device

The table press can operate on automatic or manual traction. The popularity of such a device is also explained by its particularly small size. Which is very important given the high rental price for production purposes. This equipment can be called truly durable, as it is made of hardened steel. Such equipment can operate for about 10 years without replacing component mechanisms, as well as without making additional repairs. Its operation does not require consumables, and the maintenance of such a machine can be entrusted to even the most unskilled and inattentive employee in the enterprise.

Using a hand press you can process the following materials:

  • Cardboard.
  • Skin.
  • Foam rubber.
  • Plastics and polymers.
  • Various types of materials.
  • Rubber.

Mechanical presses are actively used in all areas of production activity for pressing plastic containers, paper, various non-ferrous metal waste, aluminum, metal shavings, as well as other waste after production. This type of press is commonly used in printing houses, restaurants and hotels. The press will significantly reduce the costs of waste disposal.

Excerpt characterizing the Press (mechanism)

“Yes,” said Princess Marya, “he won a lot.” - And a short frock coat, and cropped hair; definitely, well, definitely from the bathhouse... dad, it used to be... “I understand that he (Prince Andrei) did not love anyone as much as he did,” said Princess Marya. – Yes, and it’s special from him. They say that men are friends only when they are very special. It must be true. Is it true that he doesn't resemble him at all? - Yes, and wonderful. “Well, goodbye,” Natasha answered. And the same playful smile, as if forgotten, remained on her face for a long time. Pierre could not fall asleep for a long time that day; He walked back and forth around the room, now frowning, pondering something difficult, suddenly shrugging his shoulders and shuddering, now smiling happily. He thought about Prince Andrei, about Natasha, about their love, and was either jealous of her past, then reproached her, then forgave himself for it. It was already six o'clock in the morning, and he was still walking around the room. “Well, what can we do? If you can’t do without it! What to do! So, this is how it should be,” he said to himself and, hastily undressed, went to bed, happy and excited, but without doubts and indecisions. “We must, strange as it may be, no matter how impossible this happiness is, we must do everything in order to be husband and wife with her,” he said to himself. Pierre, a few days before, had set Friday as the day of his departure for St. Petersburg. When he woke up on Thursday, Savelich came to him for orders about packing his things for the road. “How about St. Petersburg? What is St. Petersburg? Who's in St. Petersburg? – he asked involuntarily, although to himself. “Yes, something like that a long, long time ago, even before this happened, I was planning to go to St. Petersburg for some reason,” he remembered. - From what? I'll go, maybe. How kind and attentive he is, how he remembers everything! - he thought, looking at Savelich’s old face. “And what a pleasant smile!” - he thought.

Design features and principle of operation

The main parameter, depending on which tabletop mechanical presses are divided into different types, is the type of rod. So, according to this parameter there are:

  • rack devices;
  • mechanical screw presses.

The most widespread for a number of reasons are mechanical rack-and-pinion presses, the design of which includes the following elements:

  1. rack rod;
  2. working shaft;
  3. a column-shaped frame, in the lower part of which there is a stand for the workpiece being processed or a rotary table;
  4. a gear train that can be driven by a lever element or a special screw.

Device of a manual mechanical press of static (non-impact) action

A press with a manual drive of the design described above operates as follows: when physically acting on a lever or screw, a gear drive is activated, the rotation from which is transmitted to an eccentric connected to the press punch; making reciprocating movements imparted to it by an eccentric, the punch acts on the workpiece placed on the working surface of the matrix. It is the design of the matrix, which is a replaceable element, that determines what technological operation the mechanical press will perform.

The pressure developed by a hand press depends on the length of the lever

On modern models of manual lever presses or screw-type equipment, several schemes for installing replaceable dies are used. Thus, lever or screw manual presses can be equipped with replaceable dies of the following types:

  • point;
  • hexagonal;
  • spinning.

The main characteristic of manual mechanical presses, which determines the technical capabilities of such equipment, is the value of the maximum force created by the rod.

Tabletop mechanical presses, depending on the model, can create a force whose value is in the range of 450–5000 kg. To perform the entire range of work in a car repair shop, a manual metal press is quite suitable, which is capable of creating a force of 2000 kg, and for use for domestic purposes, a device that creates a force of 500 kg will be sufficient.

The transmission of force in both presses is carried out using a gear, but the model on the right is equipped with a ratchet mechanism for precise and reliable pressing

Important parameters that characterize a tabletop mechanical press are also the dimensions of its working platform and the length of the rod overhang, which, in particular, determines the height of the workpiece that can be processed on such a device. The more powerful a table press is, the larger and heavier it is. So, if the force created by the press increases by only a ton, then the weight of such a device doubles.

The cross-sectional area of ​​the rod, which is installed on a mechanical press, is also of great importance. The higher the value of this parameter, the larger and more massive parts can be processed with such a mechanical press.

Purpose and functions of the press in everyday life and industry

A press is the oldest industrial device, which in many cases cannot be done without. It is used for pressing a huge range of different types of products and structures (from jewelry to airplanes).

The most popular device, hydraulic press

Essentially, a press is a device that provides powerful compaction of various substances, as well as:

  • squeezes out liquid;
  • lifts and moves heavy objects.

Today there are 4 main types produced:

  1. Wedges.
  2. Lever.
  3. Hydraulic.
  4. Screw.

Installation rules: secrets of specialists

The assembly of metal-plastic pipes using press connections is not technologically difficult. Before starting work, clear the area of ​​debris and dust.

To work you will need tools:

  • Pipe cutter For metal-plastic material this is the best option. When cutting such a pipe with a hacksaw, you will not encounter any particular difficulties, but the cut will be unsuitable for installation. you will need to additionally chamfer both sides of the cut, align the cut geometry to the correct circle, and remove all burrs. When using a pipe cutter, you will get a cut of the desired quality without additional processing.
  • If you used a hacksaw or other improvised tools to cut the pipe, then you will need a gauge. This tool will straighten the circle and remove the chamfer.
  • Press tongs (manual) or electric press machine. For one-time work on small sizes, you can get by with hand tools.

The connection to the crimp sleeve is made according to the following scheme:

  • a press sleeve is placed on the outer part of the pipe;
  • insert the fitting inside, pushing it all the way;
  • crimp the sleeve with pliers.

When using a sliding sleeve, the procedure is as follows:

  • a press sleeve is placed on the outer part of the pipe, moving it away from the edge;
  • use an expander to increase the diameter of the pipe, insert the fitting all the way (without expansion, the pipe will not fit onto the fitting of the part with a sliding sleeve);
  • Using special pliers, pull the press sleeve onto the pipe with the fitting and crimp it.
  • The pipe should be cut for each section sequentially during the work, this will allow you to avoid getting confused in the finished sections;
  • The fitting is crimped once; repeating this operation will lead to damage to the part;
  • The chamfer can be replaced with sandpaper and a sharp knife;

In the summer, work can begin immediately, regardless of where the purchased materials were stored. In winter, you will have to wait several hours for the material to warm up to room temperature. The best solution is to bring in the pipes, fittings, and tools in the evening and leave them to warm up and dry the condensate overnight.

Which hydraulic press to buy: tabletop or floor-mounted

When choosing a floor or tabletop type of device, you should first decide what the press is for.

The floor device is impressive in size. The instrument is located on the floor. It is used for processing large parts. The floor type hydraulic press is often chosen by large service stations whose main activity is car repair. Thanks to this device, the productivity of technological processes increases. In addition, the presence of a hydraulic press helps to expand the range of services provided.

On a note! To quickly carry out technological processes that require high power, it is more advisable for a service station to purchase a hydraulic press with an electric drive.

Floor-standing hydraulic presses are designed for processing large parts.

Floor-standing hydraulic presses are selected based on the characteristics of the hydraulic cylinder and the design parameters where it is installed. An important factor is the maximum force that the tool can exert on the workpiece being processed. This criterion varies between 5-20 tons. The effective operation of a floor press depends on the distance that the rod travels, acting on the part.

Note! When choosing a hydraulic press, you should study the technical parameters of the tool, which are displayed in the equipment passport.

In conclusion

A self-made hydraulic press has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. The simple and inexpensive design will please you for a long time.
  2. The model does not have various types of safety devices for rebooting, which simplifies the model.
  3. The operation of the device is not affected by the position of the work table.
  4. You can safely change the parameters of the height and length of the working stroke.

Today it is impossible to imagine a garage or car service without hydraulic equipment. By making the press yourself, you will receive exactly the device that will serve you for a long time. In conclusion, we would like to offer you a video to clearly see the intricacies of home production of a hydraulic press.

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