How to crimp a high pressure hose with your own hands

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Repair and replacement of power steering hoses

The reason for damage to power steering hoses is most often that when the steering wheel rotates due to friction, a serious force is generated. This force causes deformation of the elastic element, which changes the size of the holes in the distribution mechanism that regulates the pressure drop in the hydraulic cylinder.

As a result, the power steering sleeve connected to the limit valve wears out. This power steering sleeve is designed for pressure, depending on the make of the car, from 70 to 130 kgf/cm2.

At such high pressure, repairing a damaged power steering hose using clamps or wire is almost impossible.

There are two options left: either replace the entire power steering tube, or replace only the damaged part of it, replacing the fittings with a new hose.

Moreover, it is better to rearrange the fittings in a special workshop.

Replacement and installation of the power steering hose is carried out as follows:

  1. The front of the car is raised on jacks.
  2. The steering wheel is turned all the way to the left.
  3. Using a syringe with a tube attached to a needle, fluid is pumped out of the power steering reservoir.
  4. After this, the hose is disconnected, and the working holes of the hydraulic system are closed with plugs.

Power steering hoses

The selection of a new hose is made with exact observance of the diameter, otherwise the performance qualities of the power steering may change.

Then a new hose is installed, fluid is poured into the hydraulic system and the quality of installation is checked.

Causes of failure

I know two reasons for the breakdown. This fitting is removable and is pressed in manually. Oil enters the power steering through this fitting. The most common reason is that the cars are already old, on average thirteen to fifteen years old. Accordingly, this fitting has an oil seal; with age it can leak. That is, this oil seal requires replacement.

But as it turns out, I have a different reason. This fitting has burst. I'm not the first owner, so I don't know what happened to the fitting before me. As it turns out, the fittings are not sold as consumables and are not supplied separately.

The oil seal most likely comes with the power steering kit. A power steering kit with oil seals is available. Therefore, before I find the spare part I need, I decided to repair the power steering “according to Kolkhokh”.

Manufacturing of high pressure hoses

To deliver flowing material, hydraulic fluid or technological substance from one unit to another in special-purpose mechanisms, enterprises use flexible pipeline devices - high-pressure hoses (HPS). They are used in manipulators, excavators, and as part of industrial equipment for chemical, food, oil, and construction enterprises. We produce high-quality hose hoses in full compliance with current Russian state standards. Thanks to a large number of mobile workshops equipped with high-performance devices, mechanisms, instruments, consumables, and components, the manufacture of hose hoses is carried out on-site at the work site. Having arrived at the site, a team of craftsmen clarifies the parameters of the pipeline device, design features, purposes and promptly carries out actions for the manufacture of hose hoses.

Common mechanical breakdowns

  1. Increased level of corrosion on fittings.
  2. Excessive fracture of the HP hose.
  3. The occurrence of abrasion of the high pressure hose in the upper part.
  4. Severe blockage of the hose.
  5. The occurrence of depressurization in the area of ​​joints.
  6. The fittings come off the hose.
  7. Formation of leaks in connecting mechanisms.
  8. Problems with the inner rubber layer.

In all cases, power steering (power steering) hoses are repaired or replaced. Let's consider how these processes occur.

Production of high pressure hoses around the clock

Understanding the importance and significance of special equipment, the possibility of large losses when units are idle, the company’s specialists accept orders for the production of high-pressure hoses around the clock. Upon receipt of an application, a mobile team, staffed by craftsmen with many years of experience, practical skills, equipped with modern equipment, necessary consumables, and components, arrives at the location of the special equipment and carries out a set of actions:

  • studies the technical characteristics of the liquid or gaseous working medium supply device submitted by the customer;
  • clarifies the design features of a specific hydraulic or pneumatic hose;
  • With the help of high-tech equipment, components from world brands, it quickly produces hoses in compliance with GOSTs and specifications;
  • tests the tightness and ability to withstand the calculated pressure of the hose.

Structural features of power steering hoses

In addition to working under high pressure, the power steering hose must have reduced susceptibility to the working fluids used. Thanks to this, its inner surface is made on the basis of oil- and gasoline-resistant synthetic rubber.

The outer surface is protected by layers of wear-resistant rubber. Under certain circumstances, this layer plays the role of thermal protection. It may have the following surfaces:

  • corrugated;
  • polymer;
  • metal.

The outer and inner layers are separated by a metal braid. This gives the entire structure the required operational strength and acceptable rigidity. Wire layers alternate with rubberized elements.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of hoses:

  • Winding . During the manufacture of this product, turns of wire are braided evenly around the entire perimeter.
  • Braided . Each turn covers the sleeve at a certain angle to the common axis in such a way that it intersects with the turns of the previous layers. This technology increases the strength of the structure and can operate at higher pressures than the previous type.

Company advantages

The demand for the company’s services and its popularity are explained by the following advantages:

  • the obligation to promptly manufacture high pressure hoses, regardless of the time of day, weather and climatic conditions;
  • the presence of a large number of mobile workshops equipped with modern high-tech equipment, staffed with highly qualified craftsmen;
  • the coordinated work of the dispatch service and the provision of each vehicle on which the workshop is installed with modern means of communication, navigation, and registration;
  • the use in the manufacture of pneumatic and hydraulic hoses of components and consumables only from time-tested, global manufacturers, which is a guarantee of high-quality technical and operational parameters;
  • transparent pricing makes the company’s services available to any owner of special equipment, manager of an industrial enterprise, or individual entrepreneur;
  • production of hose hoses not only of standard design, but also according to samples, description of technical parameters;
  • technological capabilities to produce high pressure hoses with a wide range of nominal diameters (from 5 to 60 millimeters).

Contact the company for quick production of high pressure hoses at an affordable price and on favorable terms.






years of experience

Suspected damage

During operation, motorists may encounter different types of hydraulic damage, after which repair of the power steering hoses is necessary. The following points can be noted:

  1. Manufacturer defect . This feature is typical for insufficiently known hydraulic equipment manufacturing companies. Failure is characterized by poor-quality crimping of the joint of a sleeve or fitting. This happens when the equipment is undebugged or incorrectly configured.
  2. Operational output . Damage occurs due to wear and tear during operation of the mechanism. The main problems are cord breaks, cuts and frayed areas. This often occurs due to hose sagging due to incorrectly selected length.
  3. Structural inconsistencies . Failure occurs due to the installation of equipment that does not meet the specifications specified by the automaker. In such situations, a wire rupture or fittings may break due to a discrepancy between the pressure in the system and the permissible value for the hose.
  4. Disagreement in temperature or chemical characteristics . Damage to the structure can occur during operation at an ambient temperature for which such rubber was not designed, as well as during the use of aggressive chemicals in the structure of the working fluid.

Range of equipment for hoses and pipes

In addition to stationary machines, we offer you to equip a mobile workshop that solves the problems of repairing high-pressure motors in remote areas. Many machines can operate on a pneumatic drive and from a 12V network. All presented equipment is manufactured in Italy, machine components are made of high-quality materials and assembled by experienced specialists, among whom there are design engineers who are engaged not only in the development of technical drawings, but also in work related to the study of ergonomics. Despite high competition, OR Srl can rightfully be called a leader among companies producing equipment for the production of rigid and flexible pipelines.


  1. High-quality equipment for hoses and pipe processing;
  2. Wide range of machines for hoses and pipe processing;
  3. Multi-level quality control;
  4. Possibility to purchase equipment with installment payment;
  5. Maintenance of equipment for the manufacture of hose hoses and pipes;
  6. Low prices for wholesale purchases and the opportunity to become a distributor.

When purchasing equipment for hose hoses and pipes from us, you will always receive guaranteed, high-quality and professional assistance; we will teach you how to properly operate the equipment and provide full warranty and post-warranty service.

Do-it-yourself hose crimping machine - Metalworker's Guide

There are components whose importance is difficult to overestimate - even large industrial enterprises cannot do without them. Without hesitation, we will include high-pressure hoses (or abbreviated as HPS) here. There has always been and will be a demand for these products.

So why not take advantage of this and launch your own workshop for their production? And since the price of equipment for the production of high pressure hoses is relatively low, when compared with equipment in some other industries, everyone will be able to do this.

High pressure hoses are actively used to transport liquids and gases over certain distances.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 600,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

The quality of the products will directly depend on the machines and devices chosen by the entrepreneur. Therefore, in a business plan it is important to pay special attention to technical equipment.

We are expanding our range to the maximum

The business of producing high pressure hoses will bring much greater profits if every consumer finds what he needs in the range of products offered.

Therefore, it is better to immediately provide for the release of a wide range of products.

But why is it important to do this at the initial stage of workshop planning? The fact is that the functionality, and therefore the price of the machine for the production of high-pressure hoses, which you will need to buy, will depend on the types of products.

The following high-pressure hoses are “subject to” modern equipment:

  • in a braid,
  • polytetrafluoroethylene,
  • rubber;
  • based on thermoplastic.

Also, the line should be selected taking into account the main technical parameters of the final product:

  • diameter,
  • number and type of braids,
  • pressure,
  • fitting.

We develop manufacturing technology

The technology for producing high pressure hoses is relatively simple, but it requires great professionalism of the hired personnel and high-quality equipment in the workshop.

Since finished products can then be used not only for domestic purposes, but also in large high-tech enterprises, it is important that the hoses meet all established standards and quality indicators.

Without going into details, the production of high-pressure hoses includes the following processes:

  • Preparation. Do not underestimate the importance of this stage - here the line and all the parts necessary for “assembling” the hose are prepared for work, the hoses are cut.
  • Sleeve crimping. Using special equipment, the assembled high-pressure hose is pressed. Crimping can be done in 2 ways - transverse and longitudinal. It is the first method that is used more often at Russian factories - it is simpler and requires less financial costs.
  • Hose testing. This is the most critical stage where the quality of the finished product is confirmed.

For the test run of the workshop, it is necessary to prepare all the components for assembling the hoses. To minimize costs, it is better to agree on wholesale supplies with raw material sellers. The production of high-pressure hoses RVD is impossible without the following parts:

  • nipples,
  • couplings,
  • fittings,
  • adapters,
  • pipe connections.

We equip the production workshop

Set of equipment for the production of high pressure hoses

You can buy equipment for the production of high pressure hoses both in Russia and abroad.

Despite the fact that this area is not yet very developed, there are quite a lot of offers on the market of machines and devices. And any equipment here will vary in power, configuration and degree of automation.

Naturally, all technical characteristics will directly affect the cost of production lines.

To save costs on starting a workshop, many entrepreneurs order equipment from China. And we note that not everything made in China is bad - many machines are famous for their excellent price/quality ratio.

The production of high pressure hoses is carried out using the following equipment:

  • Crimping press - from 250,000 rubles.
  • Cutting machine - from 90,000 rubles.
  • Peeling machine - from 60,000 rubles.
  • Marking machine – from 50,000 rubles.

It turns out that it will cost the entrepreneur 450,000 rubles to equip the workshop to a minimum.

But additional equipment must be included in the list of basic equipment, since without it it will be difficult to organize the production of high-quality products - a frame for the press, devices for changing jaws and for unwinding reels with hoses. And this is at least another 150,000 rubles.

A minimally equipped line will not require a lot of space. An area of ​​30 m2 will be sufficient to accommodate all the machines.

We have given the minimum prices for devices, which are quite enough to launch small-scale production. To organize a more powerful workshop, you will need to buy a machine for the production of high-pressure hoses with higher performance indicators. Such lines, accordingly, cost much more – up to 2,500,000 rubles.

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But it’s hardly worth rushing to look for investors for your project - there’s no need to waste money. To begin with, it is worth considering the distribution channels for finished products.

For example, to make hoses for household and agricultural needs, you don’t need multifunctional machines - even hand-held machines are quite suitable.

But high-pressure hoses intended for use in construction and metallurgical enterprises must be produced on high-tech equipment - a cutting and crimping machine is needed here.

But even if the planned launch is not a mini-workshop, but a large plant, an expensive production line will pay for itself quite quickly - no later than 3 years. But this is subject to full shipment of all manufactured products.

This is precisely the main problem, since it will not be easy for a novice entrepreneur to find wholesale buyers of hoses, because large companies that need this product are already cooperating with someone, and you can lure them over only with a favorable price for the product.

Equipment for crimping high pressure hoses

For the manufacture of high-pressure hoses, a special type of equipment is used - crimping machines. With their help, a reliable connection of the components of the hose design is formed.

Review and comparison of crimping machines for high pressure hoses

vendor codeS1MPaketS2APaketS10PacketHM220HM375HM665
Compression force, t7590280140315450
4 coils1″1″2″1 1/4″»3″3″
Industrial hoses1 1/4″1 1/4″4″2″4″10″
max Ø crimping, mm526313970165380
Cam opening, max, mmØ + 10Ø + 22Ø + 45Ø + 35Ø + 70120
Weight, kg154124.Jan2857504200
Type of jaws used261263239/237239239/237237/239/247

Main types of products

A hose clamp is a connecting mechanism that has many variable designs and sizes. Specialized stores offer a huge range: from cheap Chinese options to reliable German products. Commercially available clamps for fastening hoses are divided into several types:

  • Spiral. Mechanisms are used to connect the sleeves to the outer helix.
  • Worm-shaped. The device contains a special screw that tightens the perforated or stamped tape around the pipe.
  • Power. Reliable fasteners designed for harsh environments with high clamping force.
  • Reinforced. The tape and clamp of such reinforcement are a single structure that can withstand significant loads and pressure.

Fastening mechanisms are not completely universal. Each type of product has its own specifics - used for one or another type of sleeves

For this reason, it is important to know for what purpose the device is selected

Replacing power steering hoses on a Chevrolet Niva

Below watch the video about replacing low pressure hoses on a Chevrolet Niva and express your opinion about it in the reviews of the article.

Video quality: DTVRip

The video was uploaded to the admin from the user Avksentiy: for immediate viewing on the portal.

To give the correct answer to the question Replacing low-pressure power steering hoses on a Chevrolet Niva, you need to watch the video. After viewing, you will not need to seek help from specialists. Detailed instructions will help you solve your problems. Enjoy watching.

Humor in the topic: The worker came to the sanatorium on a voucher. In the morning, from a wild hangover, he surveys the beach... Shielding himself from the bright sun with his palm, he examines the half-naked audience: - Rest, heal... Here you can work and work!


  • Key for 10
  • Container for draining liquid
  • Phillips screwdriver

Parts and consumables:

  • Fluid - power steering oil
  • Rags

Notes: Replace the fluid in the power steering system if it is excessively dirty. The manufacturer does not give clear recommendations on the frequency of replacing fluid in the hydraulic system, so we recommend replacing it after six years, regardless of its condition.

For use in the hydraulic system of the amplifier, the manufacturer recommends a fluid - Pentosin Hidraulik Fluid CHF11S oil. However, for technological reasons, cars starting with VIN No. X9L21230040005880 use Shell Donax TA D-21631 (Dexron II) hydraulic fluid in the hydraulic system, and with VIN No. X9L21230040006248 - Ravenol Dexron II D. Cars filled with Shell Donax oil have a mark on the tank - “*”, and cars filled with Ravenol Dexron II D are marked “R”, but on cars of the latest production these marks may not be present.

Dexron II fluids (red) cannot be mixed with Pentosin Hidraulik Fluid CHF11S (green). It is possible to completely replace the fluid after flushing the power steering hydraulic system.

When using Dexron II fluids, reduce the period of use by half the recommended time.

1. Remove the pinch bolt of the power steering reservoir reservoir bracket.

2. Unscrew the tank cap.

3. Remove the reservoir from the bracket and drain the liquid from the reservoir into a suitable container.

4. Loosen the clamp securing the outlet hose and remove the hose.

5. To prevent fluid from leaking out, plug the hole in the tank fitting and lower the end of the outlet hose into a container for drained fluid. Start the engine and, turning the steering wheel from lock to lock in both directions three or four times, drain the old fluid while adding new fluid. Repeat the operation until fresh fluid appears from the outlet hose.

Warning: Carefully monitor the fluid level in the reservoir and do not allow air to enter the power steering pump. This may damage the pump.

6. Install the tank in the reverse order of removal.

7. Add fluid to the level of the upper mark on the dipstick of the reservoir plug.

8. Bleed the power steering system as described here.

The article is missing:

  • High-quality photos of repairs

Using a syringe with a tube, completely pump out the fluid from the power steering reservoir.

Niva Chevrolet Niva Chevrolet replacing the heater hose using the dentist's method

If the power steering fails, it is possible to drive the car, but the steering wheel will be difficult to turn and will become heavy. To partially replace the power steering oil, you will need a syringe with a tube and the oil itself, enough so that at the end of the work it will no longer be dark.

[em]Continuation of the report (+) - Alexander - What is the frequency of changing the power steering oil? I thought about just disconnecting the hose...

At this moment, you must not allow the power steering oil to completely drain from the reservoir into the system and allow air to be sucked in! You can drain everything old so that it doesn’t mix with the new when topping up.

To partially replace the power steering oil, you will need a syringe with a tube and the oil itself, enough so that at the end of the work it will no longer be dark. The fitting is located to the right of the gearbox axis in the top cover and is secured with 4 bolts in the center - adjusting the gearbox backlash; internal hexagon; replacing power steering hoses on a Chevrolet Niva; lock nut. Drive onto an overpass, or jack up the car so as to hang the front wheels of the Chevrolet Niva, in order to be able to easily rotate them with the engine not running.

The oil itself is not aggressive to your hands or paintwork, like brake fluid, for example? The screw is located on the gearbox cover, which is secured with four bolts. Am I now studying the picture in the manual?

You can drain everything old so that it doesn’t mix with the new when topping up.

Next, assemble the line, pour new water into the reservoir, one swings the steering wheel between the extreme positions without starting the engine, the other unscrews the fitting with a key of 8, as on the brake fittings, the cone-to-cone fit is the same and bleeds the air. In the process, add oil to the reservoir. When liquid flows through the fitting, close it.

Start the engine, one rotates the steering wheel as stated above, the other, in extreme positions, bleeds air through the fitting, CAUTION, as there is a possibility of getting a jet in the face, there is pressure on a running engine. As soon as one fluid flows, consider the process complete, tighten the fitting well. This sequence of actions was carried out personally on the advice of a person from the Elex warranty station; I did not find an accessible manual anywhere.

After replacing the steering wheel became even lighter, 1 click the flight was normal. After replacing, wash your face and hands; no traces or irritation were noticed. The fitting is located to the right of the gearbox axis in the top cover and is secured with 4 bolts; in the center there is an internal hexagon and a lock nut for adjusting the gearbox play.

During operation, Chevrolet Niva power steering fluid can leak in various places, most often through hoses. As a result, the power steering oil level will drop.

Driving without fluid in the Chevrolet Niva's power steering puts you at risk of breaking the power steering pump, which costs a lot of money, since it will run dry. As a result, it will suffer serious damage and fail.

Machines for cutting high pressure hoses (HHP)

Cutting machine for hose hose EM 1Drive type ElectricEngine power To order 85 211 q

2,450 BYN 405,021 KZT 81,712 KGS 495,389 AMD $963,796 €

Cutting machine for hose hose EM 3 EcolineDrive type ElectricEngine power 1.8 kW To order 107,761 q

3,099 BYN 512,205 KZT 103,336 KGS 626,488 AMD $1,218 1,007 €

Cutting machine for hose hose EM 3Drive type ElectricMotor power 3 kWIn stock 151 704 q

4,363 BYN 721,073 KZT 145,475 KGS 881,958 AMD $1,715 1,418 €

Cutting machine for hose hose EM 3 DCDrive type ElectricEngine power To order 168,817 q

4,855 BYN 802,414 KZT 161,885 KGS 981,448 AMD $1,908 1,578 €

Cutting machine for hose hose EM 8MDrive type ElectricEngine power 4.6 kW To order 414 468 q

11,921 BYN 1,970,032 KZT 397,450 KGS 2,409,585 AMD $4,685 3,874 €

Cutting machine for hose hose EM 8RDrive type PneumaticEngine power 4.6 kW To order 647 907 q

18,636 BYN 3,079,604 KZT 621,304 KGS 3,766,725 AMD $7,324 6,057 €

Cutting machine for hose hoses EM 6Drive type ElectricEngine power 4.6 kWIn stock 313 391 q

9,014 BYN 1,489,597 KZT 300,523 KGS 1,821,955 AMD $3,542 2,929 €

Cutting machine for hose hoses EM 110Drive type ElectricEngine power 7.5 kW To order 1 935 255 q

55,665 BYN 9,198,574 KZT 1,855,795 KGS 11,250,959 AMD $21,878 18,093 €

Cutting machine for hose hoses EM 115Drive type ElectricEngine power 7.5 kW To order 1 108 279 q

31,878 BYN 5,267,826 KZT 1,062,774 KGS 6,443,182 AMD $12,529 10,361 €

Cutting machine for hose hose USC 10Drive type ElectricEngine power To order 4 722 355 q

135,832 BYN 22,446,103 KZT 4,528,460 KGS 27,454,275 AMD $53,387 44,150 €

Cutting machine for hose hose USC 20Drive type ElectricEngine power To order 6 913 690 q

198,864 BYN 32,861,867 KZT 6,629,822 KGS 40,194,002 AMD $78,160 64,638 €

Pendulum saw for cutting RVD SOM-400RDrive type ElectricEngine power 2.2 kWIn stock 46 815 q

1,346 BYN 222,519 KZT 44,892 KGS 272,167 AMD $529,437 €

New structural elements

Car manufacturers, in order to reduce the pressure in the power steering system when the vehicle moves in a straight line, install an electronic control unit for the entire system.

At high speeds, such a system regulates oil pressure in such a way that driving the car becomes more informative and the driver always has time to react in time to the slightest change in the trajectory.

But the improvements do not end with the introduction of electrical oil pressure control. The mechanical power steering was replaced by an electric oil pump. The mechanical drive replaced the electric motor, which is capable of changing the rotation speed when the vehicle speed changes.

And the concept cars are already equipped with electric power steering instead of hydraulics.

Cleaning and testing of high pressure hoses

For those who want to be confident in the quality of manufactured hoses, we offer a unique additional service - testing of finished products. The special Uniflex test bench we use allows us not only to check the load under the most severe conditions, but also to treat the hose hose with a water-oil mixture, which has an anti-corrosion effect.

Cleaning of hose hoses is also carried out using German Uniflex equipment. Flushing of the high pressure hose is carried out both from the inside and from the outside. After washing, the sleeves are completely cleaned of microdust, burrs, etc.



But in the end, all this torment was not worth it. It’s better to contact the service center and replace the old, broken spare part with a new one.

But if time and money are running out, then you can do like me. You can save money and buy separately only those spare parts that you need, and leave those suitable for use.

Of course, in salons, masters will achieve better results than self-taught drivers. But if hands are not hooks, then why not try?

I hope I helped you, my dear readers. Happy travels!

Equipment for high pressure hoses

For this activity you will need the following:

  • Presses that will crimp models;
  • Cutting machines;
  • Machine for removing layers of rubber;
  • Marking machines;
  • Some additional equipment: a frame, devices for storing cams and rolls for unwinding RVD coils.

Many manufacturers offer ready-made sets of equipment for the production of hose hoses, which will allow you to save on workshop design and purchase machines with optimally selected parameters. A set that includes an OS-25A-380 press with a pedal, cams (10 sets), a cutting machine SM-70, a cutting machine SM-70 with 7 sets of knives, an SB4/S-50 compressor will cost 560 thousand rubles .

In addition to everything mentioned earlier for the production of high pressure hoses

You should purchase some components that should be of good quality. Raw materials don't cost much. Let us indicate the most important components that will be needed in any case:

  • Crimping couplings;
  • Fittings;
  • Nipples;
  • Inserts and adapters;
  • Pipe connectors.

Materials must be stored in a separate warehouse. At the same time, in order to save money, you can store everything in one place, this is not so bad. Warehouses and a production workshop will occupy no more than 50 square meters of area, this is quite enough. The national average cost of renting premises of a suitable type is 200-500 rubles/m2.

The manufacture of hose hoses consists of several stages: preparation, crimping and testing of finished hose hoses. The product should only be manufactured by specialists with special education and strict compliance with current rules and regulations.

Payback of RVD production

Initial investments in opening this type of business start from 1 million rubles. (RUB 1,080,000), which will include the following one-time expenses:

  • Rent of premises (50 sq.m. - as a rule, it is necessary to make an advance payment 2 months in advance) - about 30 thousand rubles. with a rental cost of 300 rubles/m2, minor repairs of the premises – another 30 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​560 thousand rubles. Its delivery and commissioning costs 50 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of necessary consumables) - about 50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising and promotion of services (signboard, flyers, business cards, contextual advertising, etc.) - about 50 thousand rubles.
  • Salary of 2 employees for 2 months – 200 thousand rubles.
  • LLC registration – 10 thousand rubles.

Other operating expenses until self-sufficiency is achieved - 100 thousand rubles.

The minimum cost of a small diameter product is rubles/meter. The cost of the hose is at least thirty percent less. This circumstance indicates that this business is profitable and has high profits. The initial costs incurred will pay off in six months when all manufactured products are shipped. You can also provide other services to customers, that is, maintenance and repair of high-pressure hoses.

Key indicators:
Initial investment, rubles1080000
Required area, m250
Number of employees, people4
Net profit per month, rubles223000
Payback period, months10
Revenue per month at the end of the 1st year, rubles630000

Purpose of brake pipes

brake pipes are needed for and what function they perform , you do not need to regard them as an independent component, you should get acquainted with the entire system of the car. The car braking system functions in this way: if it is necessary to reduce speed or during sudden braking, the driver unscrews the corresponding lever, and the piston, which is in the main cylinder under great pressure, begins to drive away the liquid along special paths.

Braking itself or the absolute stop of the car occurs at the moment of restructuring the fluid pressure forces on the wheel cylinders in opposition to the brake pads. So, the paths along which the piston drives fluid to the wheels consist of tubes and hoses. Taking a part out of operation results in a malfunction of the entire braking system, and your car becomes unusable for use.

Advice on choosing a machine

Manual crimper

Industrial or repair equipment has certain technical characteristics. They are the main selection criterion. Therefore, it is first necessary to study the parameters of the finished product and select a crimping machine that would correspond to them.

Basic selection options:

  • crimping force, tons;
  • maximum and minimum diameter of the hose. The number of braid layers is taken into account;
  • for electric models – mains voltage;
  • maximum cam opening value, mm;
  • dimensions and weight;

Dies are important. They can be either crimping or marking

In some cases, special designs will be required for limited crimping of the product. They are made to order.

The advantage of the crimping machine is its versatility. With its help, you can not only produce high-quality hose hoses, but also crimp any products

It is important that they correspond to the parameters of the equipment

Carrying out repairs

Based on the nature of possible damage, it can be assumed that the most common repair of power steering hoses involves putting the fittings in order or replacing individual parts of the hose. To carry out the replacement, crimping with couplings will be necessary.

Tools for DIY repairs

The work algorithm may be as follows:

  1. The damaged hose must be disconnected from the system.
  2. The new hose will need to be the same length so as not to create unnecessary sagging. The measurement is carried out from nipple to nipple. At the same time, we select a hose that satisfies all geometric data and pressure parameters. The markings indicated on the outside by the manufacturer will help with this. The internal diameter will also be indicated there.
  3. When repairing a high-pressure hose, the ends are stripped both outside and inside to the metal braid. The procedure is carried out faster using debarking machines.
  4. Fittings are selected according to geometric parameters and technological thread data. Measurements are easy to take using a caliper and thread gauge. Domestic and foreign fittings may differ from each other according to several criteria, so it is better to take measurements yourself.
  5. We crimp the fittings using crimping equipment, using suitable removable jaws in each case.
  6. Using a control probe, we determine the quality of the work performed. At specialized factories, this operation is carried out using special industrial stands.

For non-standard connections, repair kits with recommended fittings must be used. You can disconnect the head of the old fitting, if it is not damaged, and solder it to the part to be crimped. This option is used in extreme cases, since the effect of this repair is short-lived.

Industrial presses

Industrial press for high pressure hose HM 220Drive type ElectricForce 140 t Coming soon 1 854 501 q

53,342 BYN 8,814,738 KZT 1,778,357 KGS 10,781,481 AMD $20,965 17,338 €

Industrial press for high pressure hose HM 225Drive type ElectricForce 160 t To order 2 498 219 q

71,858 BYN 11,874,431 KZT 2,395,645 KGS 14,523,853 AMD $28,242 23,356 €

Industrial press for high pressure hose HM 325Drive type ElectricForce 280 t To order 3 196 933 q

91,955 BYN 15,195,530 KZT 3,065,670 KGS 18,585,955 AMD $36,141 29,889 €

Pipe reduction machine HM 375Drive type ElectricForce 315 t To order 4 249 415 q

122,229 BYN 20,198,144 KZT 4,074,939 KGS 24,704,752 AMD $48,040 39,729 €

Industrial press for high pressure hose HM 380Drive type ElectricForce 340 t To order 4 401 833 q

126,613 BYN 20,922,611 KZT 4,221,099 KGS 25,590,862 AMD $49,763 41,154 €

Industrial press for high pressure hose HM 450Drive type ElectricForce 400 t To order 6 122 813 q

176,115 BYN 29,102,703 KZT 5,871,417 KGS 35,596,094 AMD $69,219 57,244 €

Industrial press for high pressure hose HM 480Drive type ElectricForce 450 t To order 6 982 679 q

200,848 BYN 33,189,783 KZT 6,695,978 KGS 40,595,082 AMD $78,940 65,283 €

Industrial press for high pressure hose HM 660Drive type ElectricForce 800 t To order 14 060 641 q

404,437 BYN 66,832,461 KZT 13,483,328 KGS 81,744,110 AMD $158,958 131,457 €

Industrial press for high pressure hose HM 665Drive type ElectricForce 450 t To order 13 173 679 q

378,925 BYN 62,616,590 KZT 12,632,783 KGS 76,587,594 AMD $148,931,123,164 €

Industrial press for high pressure hose HM 1200Drive type ElectricForce 1200 t To order 21 736 597 q

625,227 BYN 103,317,500 KZT 20,844,118 KGS 126,369,686 AMD $245,736,203,222 €

Replacing power steering hoses on a Chevrolet Niva

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To give the correct answer to the question Replacing low-pressure power steering hoses on a Chevrolet Niva, you need to watch the video. After viewing, you will not need to seek help from specialists. Detailed instructions will help you solve your problems. Enjoy watching.

Humor in the topic: The worker came to the sanatorium on a voucher. In the morning, from a wild hangover, he surveys the beach... Shielding himself from the bright sun with his palm, he examines the half-naked audience: - Rest, heal... Here you can work and work!


  • Key for 10
  • Container for draining liquid
  • Phillips screwdriver

High pressure hose repair

The machine park includes modern Italian crimping machines. Our production line is industrial scale. Hence the favorable price of hydraulic hoses! The main task of crimping hoses for us is to crimp as efficiently and quickly as possible! We manufacture hoses according to European standards, which guarantees the highest quality hoses, which can then be easily used on both domestic and imported equipment.

We provide a full range of services related to the production of hydraulic hoses:

  • crimping of hose hoses (crimping, rolling, rolling, pressing, crimping - this is all the same process);
  • re-pressing (or re-rolling of high-pressure hoses);
  • repairs of any complexity, replacement of fittings.

You can buy ready-made high-pressure hoses in our offices and warehouses throughout Russia. And order crimping (crimping) of a hose to order - in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Causes of hose damage

The flexible tubes included in the power steering design are commonly called high-pressure hoses. The elements play an important role in the operation of a hydraulic structure. Liquids and gases pumped into the system are transported through the hoses. In addition, RVDs absorb vibrations, increasing the service life of steering elements. Hose connections are subject to significant stress. In addition to mechanical deformations and bends, power steering system tubes are tested by high pressure, temperature changes, and withstand the aggressive effects of chemicals used to produce automotive fluids.

The service life of the tubes largely depends on their quality and the reliability of the connecting fittings. The design of the hoses includes an inner and outer layer, as well as a metal braid. The outer part of the tubes is made of heat-resistant, wear-resistant rubber. The inner surface of the hose is synthetic rubber. The braid gives the RVD additional strength, allowing it to be safely used in extreme conditions.

Masters name a number of reasons why the connecting hose needs to be repaired:

  1. 1. Poor quality of fitting crimp or defective tube.
  2. 2. The parameters of the installed hose do not correspond to the conditions of use (pressure is too high, temperature violation, incorrect choice of product length).
  3. 3. Damage caused by long-term operation of the hose (hose leakage as a result of a break or cut, corrosion processes and failure of sealing of connections, surface abrasion).

A malfunction of the high-pressure hose is indicated by a hum and extraneous noise when the pump is turned on, a decrease in the fluid level in the car's tank, and unclear operation of the steering. Before carrying out repairs, it is important to accurately determine the location and nature of damage to the hose hose - you can do this yourself or seek help from MAZDA service specialists. Professionals in the auto repair shop will perform the work efficiently and inexpensively.

Company advantages

The demand for the company’s services and its popularity are explained by the following advantages:

  • the obligation to promptly manufacture high pressure hoses, regardless of the time of day, weather and climatic conditions;
  • the presence of a large number of mobile workshops equipped with modern high-tech equipment, staffed with highly qualified craftsmen;
  • the coordinated work of the dispatch service and the provision of each vehicle on which the workshop is installed with modern means of communication, navigation, and registration;
  • the use in the manufacture of pneumatic and hydraulic hoses of components and consumables only from time-tested, global manufacturers, which is a guarantee of high-quality technical and operational parameters;
  • transparent pricing makes the company’s services available to any owner of special equipment, manager of an industrial enterprise, or individual entrepreneur;
  • production of hose hoses not only of standard design, but also according to samples, description of technical parameters;
  • technological capabilities to produce high pressure hoses with a wide range of nominal diameters (from 5 to 60 millimeters).

Do-it-yourself hose crimping machine - Metals, equipment, instructions

To manufacture hose hoses, TsPK LLC placed Finn-Power equipment in its warehouse in Moscow, and we also use Parker components.

The high pressure hose is an indispensable and one of the most important parts of the production process. It transports gases and liquids. But installation of high pressure hoses requires special equipment for reliable fastening of hoses and their strong connection.

Lines for the production of high-pressure hoses today need to be equipped with special crimping equipment. Machines and presses for crimping high-pressure hoses are available in various types and sizes and can be used both in industrial conditions and for urgent repairs anywhere (mobile presses).

Types of hose crimps

Pressure testing of high-pressure hoses is carried out using specialized equipment. The technological process is quite labor-intensive and requires care and precision. Today, mainly two methods are used for crimping:

  • 1. European (longitudinal). This method is also applicable when crimping braided hose hoses. The essence of the method is as follows: the internal coupling is equipped with ring teeth, which are inserted into the sleeve braid, ensuring a reliable connection. When crimping two types of hoses - 1SN and 2SN - the outer thin layer of rubber is not removed. This allows you to make the connection even tighter.
  • 2. Cross crimp. This method is considered classic and is used most often. Used in crimping high-pressure braided hoses. This process uses a tubular coupling. The process is as follows: the top layer of rubber is removed along the entire length, which holds the sleeve from the inside with transverse protrusions. The coupling is pressed tightly against the sleeve and provides fastening.

Traditional crimping is transverse. Longitudinal is most often used for crimping hose hoses with metal braiding of domestic production, produced in accordance with GOST 6286-73. Such hoses are the most economical and reliable in operation.

In hydraulic systems with high pressure, longitudinal crimping methods are mainly used. The sharp teeth on the coupling cut firmly into the metal braid, allowing you to avoid scraping off the top rubber layer.

The connection is sealed due to high pressure compressing the sleeve on the nipple.

Crimping equipment can be divided into types depending on the scope of application:

  • The service press is most often used in workshops and small-scale or even single-piece production;
  • a mobile press is in demand for urgent repairs, mines and replacement of high pressure hoses directly on site;
  • an industrial press is used in large-scale production.

Features of the machine for the manufacture of hose hoses

The hose crimping press is part of the production line. Today on the market there are both small mobile machines and stationary ones for industry. When choosing a machine, it is necessary to take into account the initial parameters of working with the equipment: the type and diameter of the hose, the maximum size of fittings, the type and performance of the machine.

The scope of use of crimping machines is quite large:

  • · production of hydraulic hoses;
  • · production of auto parts;
  • · production of construction equipment;
  • · production of sea and railway transport;
  • · production of wire, hoses, pipes and pipelines, cables.

The crimping machine has the following features:

  • · works from several sources: battery, compressed air or manually;
  • · crimping accuracy is always at its best;
  • · the design of the machine is convenient and ergonomic, it is easy to operate;
  • · quick pressure testing of hose hoses is possible due to the system for quick replacement of cams;

You can use the machine in production conditions and on site.

Selecting a crimping machine

The reliability of fastening of sleeves and hoses depends on the quality and performance characteristics of the equipment. When choosing, pay attention to the details and characteristics of machines and presses:

  • 1. Crimping speed. This parameter is especially important in production. Machines with high crimping speeds are used in multi-batch production and various conveyors. In standard press models, the speed ranges from 300–2500 crimps per hour.
  • 2. Mobility. In industrial conditions, mainly stationary powerful machines are installed. In the field, for urgent installation and repair, mobile portable presses will be required.
  • 3. Crimping force. Varies between 3500-12000 kN.
  • 4. Working diameter. The maximum permissible opening of the crimping jaws in millimeters shows the permissible size of the hose that can be crimped.

High-pressure hoses are used today both in large enterprises and in small workshops. Crimping of the hose may be required at any time. A high-quality crimping machine is a guarantee of connection reliability, long service life and strength of the connection point.

We manufacture hose hoses of any complexity and sizes up to 2.5 inches. with fittings made of galvanized and stainless steel, as well as polymer protection (plastic spiral).

Contact us by phone +7 (495) 247-87-27. We are located at: 115230, Moscow, Elektrolitny proezd, 3, 5 minutes from the Nagornaya metro station.

Manufacturing and repairs are possible in front of you and in the shortest possible time!

Business in the production of high-pressure hoses (HHP) (November 2018) - how to open from scratch, examples and a ready-made plan with calculations for beginners

Train your brain with pleasure

Start developing

High pressure hoses are a pipeline through which any gas or liquid can be distilled. They are used both in everyday life and for industrial purposes. Of course, the characteristics of these products, depending on the purpose, are different. These products also exist on the market from manufacturers from Europe and the CIS countries. Today we will look at how to set up the production of high-quality high-pressure hoses.

  • What equipment to choose for the manufacture of high pressure hoses?
  • RVD production technology
  • Franchise business
  • Step-by-step plan for starting a business
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • Which OKVED code must be specified for the production of high-pressure hoses?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose for the production of high-pressure hoses
  • Do I need permission to open?

This product requires certain knowledge of the technological process. It is also impossible to organize a production workshop without special equipment. It comes in different capacities and differs in other characteristics. You need to study them before purchasing. It would also be a good idea to find out reviews from industrialists who are already working on it.

What equipment to choose for the manufacture of high pressure hoses?

You can buy equipment for the production of hose hoses in the form of a finished line or each machine separately. The standard kit looks something like this:

Machine namePrice, thousand rubles
Crimping press or crimping device200,00
Cutting machine80,00
Apparatus for stripping rubber inside and on the surface of hoses60,00
Marking machine50,00

Additional equipment (rolls, frames) will cost another 150 thousand rubles. The prices in the table are the minimum prices. This price segment of equipment will provide an opportunity to open a small production facility.

This is enough to start a business, since it is very important to determine the channels for future sales of products.

After establishing strong partnerships with customers, you can think about increasing production capacity.

To make a high-pressure hose you will need the following equipment:

1Crimping machine or crimping press.
2A device for removing the upper and inner layers of rubber from high-pressure hoses.
3Equipment for marking.
4Roll for unwinding coils.
5Racks for presses.
6Storage for a set of jaws.

The technological process can be divided into several stages:

  • preparatory work with material and equipment setup;
  • crimping operation;
  • quality control and testing of finished products.

High-pressure hoses are distinguished by the type of metal coating. They can be made by braiding or winding. I also use different materials for this process.

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