Popular welding methods in Poland. Tips for a welder in Poland

To the certification center ACST-1000 Limited Liability Company "Certification Center Interregional National Agency for Control and Welding", 100000, Moscow, Ulichnaya street, building 1, building 1, building 1, office. 1

Details of the applicant organization: Name of the organization LLC "Installation and Welding Technologies" Postal address 200000, Moscow, Proezdov Avenue, 2, building 2, office. 2 Telephone, fax

outgoing number ____________ date _____________

APPLICATION for production certification of welding (surfacing) technology No. ________

1. General information.

3.1. ND for control (in accordance with the category or group of objects)

1. Visual RD 03-606-03 2. Measuring RD 03-606-03 3. Radiographic GOST 7512-82 4. Tensile GOST 6996-66 5. Flattening GOST 6996-66 6. Static bending GOST 6996-66 7. Metallographic research GOST 5639-82, GOST 10243-75 ND, regulating the assessment of qualities GOST 5264-80, GOST 23118-99, SNiP 3.03.01-87 General Director of LLC “Installation and Welding Technologies” M.M. Morozov Head of Welding Production V.V. Vladimirov

Technology of manual arc welding with coated electrodes for installation and reconstruction of metal building structures - TP-RD-MSSK, approved on May 15, 2010.

subject to the conditions specified in the application for certification, it is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

Work as a welder using method 111 in Poland

Nowadays, getting a well-paid job abroad is not so difficult.
Every year more and more people want to find a job in Europe, but this does not mean that there are fewer vacancies and the demand for qualified personnel is steadily growing. The most favorable country for working and living is Poland. Ukrainians are attracted by the short distance from home, the loyalty of employers, high earnings and comfortable living conditions.

To set off towards financial independence, stability and new prospects, you need to follow a few simple steps. The first is to contact a company for employment abroad.

The demand for welders in Poland is quite high. For specialists in this profession, there is a large selection of vacancies in different fields: equipment, assembly, cars. That is, you can choose a job according to your preferences, explore all the options and possibilities, identify the advantages and choose the best offer from the employer

The most popular welding methods in Poland

Let’s say from our own experience, since we are an agency that employs on average 20 welders for work in Poland every month directly to the employer and to our agency. According to the welding method in Poland, the most popular method is 135. We already wrote this in our previous article “Welder in Poland. What do employers offer and for what? Interview".

You can see this with a clear example by going to our vacancies section for welders. Most of them are based on the 135 method.

We advise welders to also master other methods. This makes you a rarer specialist, allowing you to negotiate the best rate for yourself. Why are we sure of this? Since the employer spends time and money looking for a welder. Plus the fear that a good specialist might come, but he drinks. We wrote this for a reason. Employers, when they give us an order to recruit workers, emphasize that the welder does not drink or appear drunk at work.

Why should you contact Gvardia Sp. z oo?

Guardia Sp. z oo is an agency that provides employment to its clients in European countries, mainly in Poland. The company works without intermediaries, directly with employers. All vacancies presented on the site are relevant and require official registration with the provision of all necessary documents.

Advantages of cooperation with the company:

  • The company provides its services free of charge.
  • A large selection of vacancies to suit any client needs.
  • Partner companies have undergone a thorough check, which means that fraud and conflicts are excluded, wages will be paid on time, and working conditions will be comfortable and safe.
  • The company's employees treat each client with great attention, that is, the workplace is selected according to the skills, abilities and personal preferences of the applicant.
  • At all stages of employment, constant support is provided to the client: the company helps in collecting all the necessary documents and undergoing medical examination. commissions.
  • Everyday issues are also discussed before departure: searching for housing, booking airline tickets or bus seats, first steps upon arrival.

It should be noted that Gvardia employs its clients only on an official basis. An employment contract must be concluded with the employer company, which is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Polish legislation. In total, there are three types of documents of this type in the country and they spell out in great detail the rights and obligations of the parties, indicating the presence of social services. package for the employee, namely paid sick leave and vacations.

Features of welding method 111

Method 111 welding is also known as the manual arc welding method. They come in two types: using a consumable and non-consumable electrode.

The consumable electrode welding method is the main method for manual welding. To implement this, a piece electrode coated with coating is used. An electric arc is excited between the consumable electrode and the product, which heats and melts the edges of the product and the electrode. The resulting bath of liquid metal mixture cools and forms a seam.

The welding method with a non-consumable electrode is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that when an arc is formed, only the product melts along the edge. Next, the metal, as in the previous method, hardens, forming a seam. This method is used for welding work with non-ferrous metals and alloys.

Popular welding methods in Poland - list

Numerical symbols for welding methods PN-EN ISO 4063:2002 Welding and related processes. Process names and numbers.

  • 111 Spawanie łukowe elektrodą otuloną MMA (covered electrode arc welding MMA)
  • 113 Spawanie łukowe elektrodą nieotuloną (arc welding with an uncovered electrode)
  • 114 Spawanie łukowe samoosłonowym drutem proszkowym (arc welding with powder coating)
  • 121 Spawanie łukiem krytym drutem elektrodowym (arc welding with electrode wire)
  • 131 Spawanie metodą MIG (MIG welding)
  • 135 Spawanie metodą MAG (welding using the MAG method)
  • 136 Spawanie w osłonie gazu aktywnego drutem proszkowym (shielded gas welding with active flux-cored wire)
  • 137 Spawanie w osłonie gazu aktywnego drutem proszkowym (shielded gas welding with active flux-cored wire)
  • 141 Spawanie metodą TIG (TIG welding)
  • 151 Spawanie plazmowe (plasma welding)
  • 311 Spawanie acetylenowo-tlenowe (oxygen-acetylene welding)
  • 912 Lutowanie twarde płomieniowe (hard flame soldering)
  • MIG/MAG method (semi-automatic welding).

Less known and less popular methods can be found here.

Requirements for a candidate

The general requirements for applicants for the position of welder are as follows:

  • The applicant's age is from 21 to 50 years.
  • Having a biometric passport or an open work visa will be an advantage.
  • Experience from 1 year.
  • The candidate must have sufficient endurance and physical strength.
  • It is obligatory to have documents evidencing medical completion. commissions. In some cases, employees undergo medical examination. commission upon arrival.
  • Knowledge of the Polish language at a basic level is required. Knowledge of English will be an advantage.
  • Ability to work with drawings and technical documentation.
  • Knowledge of equipment design.
  • Knowledge of and compliance with safety precautions and labor protection regulations.
  • Availability of necessary professional skills.
  • Responsibility, accuracy, punctuality.

Working conditions

The work of a mechanic is paid hourly. The cost of an hour of work depends on the chosen vacancy and is in the range of 10-40 zlotys, possibly more, depending on the type of activity. Payments are reviewed every six months. That is, the employee can count on an increase.

Work schedule: Monday to Saturday, 8-10 hours a day. Often, employers provide transportation to the place of work. If this is not provided, you can get there by any type of public transport. One trip will cost 3.37 zlotys. Due to the fact that you will have to travel every day, it will be more profitable to purchase a monthly pass. Its cost is 91 zloty.

Specialist. Clothing will be provided by the employer upon arrival. New employees are also provided with all necessary training and induction. Compliance with occupational safety and health regulations is strictly monitored at Polish enterprises, so managers are interested in responsible and careful personnel.

Living conditions

In most cases, employers provide housing for their employees. Usually these are rooms with a capacity of 2-3 people in hostels or apartments. Everything necessary in the premises is already provided (electrical appliances, kitchen, shower, internet) and payment is charged only for utilities - about 250 zlotys.

There is also the option of finding housing on your own. There are many different online platforms for finding apartments in Poland. For example, a one-room apartment with everything you need will cost 1,100 zlotys per month. The rental price depends on the city, region, and quality of repairs.

On average, it costs about 350 zlotys per month to purchase food. To save time, you can eat at catering establishments. Lunch at a local cafe will cost about 35 zlotys.

You can buy a SIM card from local mobile operators at any showroom or large household appliance store by presenting your international passport. Its cost starts from 5 zlotys, depending on the installed service package. Subscription fee per month – from 42 zlotys per month, depending on the operator and the options provided. Popular communication companies in Poland are Play, Orange Polska, Virgin Mobile.

You can get to your place of work by bus, plane and train. The most budget option is a bus. The total cost of the trip will depend on the final destination (transfers may be required). For example, a Vinnitsa-Wroclaw bus ticket costs 790 hryvnia.

So, we can conclude that the main thing is the desire to earn money and develop, and Gvardia Sp. z oo will help everyone get a promising job abroad!

RD/111-VIK (welding of butt joints of plates or pipes)

RD/111-VIK (welding of butt joints of plates or pipes)

Appendix 3: Criteria for assessing welded joints.

RD/111-VIK (welding of butt joints of plates or pipes)

Name of defect Group B criteria Group C criteria Group D criteria Limited competition validity! Not suitable for competition!
Corresponding points 10 9 7 5 0
Lack of penetration, slag inclusions

on the surface, a superficial pit or crack will result in a deduction of 100 points

Seam reinforcement 0.0 ≤ h ≤ 2.2 mm 2.3 ≤ h ≤ 2.8 mm 2.9 ≤ h ≤ 4.0 mm 4.1 ≤ h ≤ 5.0 mm h>5.0mm; h<-0.1mm
Height difference at seam reinforcement h ≤ 1 mm 1.1≤ h ≤ 2 mm 2.1 ≤ h ≤3 mm 3.1 ≤ h ≤4 mm h>4mm
Difference in width at seam reinforcement b ≤ 1 mm 1.1≤ b ≤ 2 mm 2.1 ≤ b ≤3 mm 3.1 ≤ b ≤4 mm b>4mm
Undercuts None Undercut depth ≤ 0.5 mm and undercut length ≤ 25 mm Undercut depth ≤ 0.5 mm and undercut length ≤ 50 mm Undercut depth ≤ 0.5 mm and undercut length ≤ 75 mm Undercut depth > 0.5 mm and undercut length > 75 mm
Displacement of edges of butt joints ≤0.5mm ≤1mm ≤1.5mm ≤2mm >2mm
Root concavity Absent 0.1≤h≤0.5 mm >0.5mm
Angular distortion (deviation from plate flatness) 0-2 mm 2.1-3 mm 3.1-4 mm 4.1-5 mm >5mm
Return roller height 0.0 ≤ h ≤ 2.2 mm 2.3 ≤ h ≤ 2.8 mm 2.9 ≤ h ≤ 4.0 mm 4.1 ≤ h ≤ 5.0 mm h ≥ 5.0 mm; h<-0.1mm
Mechanical damage No One Two Three More than three
Seam appearance / Continuity (facing pass) Excellent shape and beautiful appearance, continuous weld, matching height and width. Good shape, continuous and smooth seam Modified shape and smooth seam Curved seam and obvious difference in height and width Quite obviously curved seam and big difference in height and width
Total points 100

RD/111 - VIC (welding corner joints of plates)

Name of defect Group B criteria Group C criteria Group D criteria Limited competition validity! Not suitable for competition!
Corresponding points 10 9 7 5 0
Lack of penetration, slag inclusions on the surface, surface pit or crack will result in a deduction of 50 points
Height (thickness) of the seam: a, corner seam a = 5.0 – 5.9 mm a = 6.0-6.9 mm a = 7.0 – 7.5 mm a = 7.6 – 8.5 mm a = less than 5 mm or more than 8.5 mm
Excessive asymmetry of fillet weld (difference of legs) ≤ 2 mm ≤ 2.5 mm ≤ 3 mm ≤ 3.5 mm h>3.5mm
Undercuts None Undercut depth ≤ 0.5 mm and undercut length ≤ 25 mm Undercut depth ≤ 0.5 mm and undercut length ≤ 50 mm Undercut depth ≤ 0.5 mm and undercut length ≤ 75 mm Undercut depth > 0.5 mm and undercut length > 75 mm
Angular distortion (deviation from plate perpendicularity) 0-2 mm 2.1-3 mm 3.1-4 mm 4.1-5 mm >5mm
Seam appearance / Continuity (facing pass) Excellent shape and beautiful appearance, continuous weld, matching height and width. Good shape, continuous and smooth seam Modified shape and smooth seam Curved seam and obvious difference in height and width Quite obviously curved seam and big difference in height and width
Total points 50

Welding inspector

A welding inspector
is an inspector who carries out control from the storage of welding and basic materials to control of non-destructive testing on a finished welded product.
I have prepared a whole series of articles for you in which I tried to briefly outline the essence of the task of a welding inspector. In this article we will get acquainted with the classification of the main welding methods, the principles of the main methods of electric arc fusion welding and the international codes and abbreviations for the main welding processes. Classification of main welding methods

Welding is one of the processes of joining materials. As indicated below, all existing welding methods can be divided into two main groups:

  • fusion welding: gas, electric arc, electroslag, electron beam, laser, etc.;
  • pressure welding: contact, friction, diffusion, ultrasound, etc.

Fusion welding

carried out by melting the edges of the parts being connected and the filler material to form a common weld pool. The welded joint is formed without external forces.

Pressure welding

carried out by establishing interatomic bonds between the connected parts using external forces.

Principles of basic methods of electric arc fusion welding

Technology of mechanized consumable electrode welding in active gases and mixtures (MG)

9.5.1 Mechanized welding with a solid wire in a carbon dioxide environment with controlled transfer of droplets through the arc gap (STT, UKP, VKZ) is implemented using specialized welding current sources that provide a change in the welding current and voltage according to a specific algorithm and is intended for welding the root layer of welded connections of pipes with a diameter from 100 to 1220 mm with wall thicknesses from 3 to 32 mm. The algorithm for changing the welding current determines the name of the process; currently the most widespread processes are:

The equipment includes:

— special power source;

— wire feed mechanism;

- welding torch;

- coaxial cable;

— gas cylinder with reducer, flow meter and gas heater;

protective tent. 100% premium grade carbon dioxide in accordance with GOST 8050 should be used as a shielding gas. Welding is carried out using a top-down method using direct current of reverse polarity. The welding method can be used to perform the root layer of a weld during special welding operations - welding joints of different thicknesses, overlaps, pipe-fitting connections and pipe-stop valves.

Technology of mechanized welding with solid wire in a carbon dioxide environment using the STT method Gas consumption when welding should be 10-16 l/min. The stickout of the electrode wire during welding should be from 10 to 15 mm. An overhang of up to 20 mm is allowed. In the 0.00-1.00 (1.30) hour position, welding is carried out with slight transverse vibrations without delay at the edges. In position 1.00 (1.30) - 6.00 o'clock welding is carried out without transverse vibrations. Welding modes for the root layer of the weld are presented in Table 9.26. Hot start parameter value 1.5-3.0.

Table 9.26 – Mode parameters for mechanized welding using the STT method with wire with a diameter of 1.14 mm

Layer nameProcess parameters
Wire feed speed, in/minPeak current, ABase current, APulse trailing edge duration
Rootfrom 90 to 120* from 120 to 160**from 400 to 420from 45 to 55
* For welding in the 12.00-1.00 hour position. ** For welding in position 1.00-6.00 o'clock.

9.5.1 Mechanized welding with a solid wire in a carbon dioxide environment with controlled transfer of droplets through the arc gap (STT, UKP, VKZ) is implemented using specialized welding current sources that provide a change in the welding current and voltage according to a specific algorithm and is intended for welding the root layer of welded connections of pipes with a diameter from 100 to 1220 mm with wall thicknesses from 3 to 32 mm. The algorithm for changing the welding current determines the name of the process; currently the most widespread processes are:

The equipment includes:

— special power source;

— wire feed mechanism;

- welding torch;

- coaxial cable;

— gas cylinder with reducer, flow meter and gas heater;

protective tent. 100% premium grade carbon dioxide in accordance with GOST 8050 should be used as a shielding gas. Welding is carried out using a top-down method using direct current of reverse polarity. The welding method can be used to perform the root layer of a weld during special welding operations - welding joints of different thicknesses, overlaps, pipe-fitting connections and pipe-stop valves.

Technology of mechanized welding with solid wire in a carbon dioxide environment using the STT method Gas consumption when welding should be 10-16 l/min. The stickout of the electrode wire during welding should be from 10 to 15 mm. An overhang of up to 20 mm is allowed. In the 0.00-1.00 (1.30) hour position, welding is carried out with slight transverse vibrations without delay at the edges. In position 1.00 (1.30) - 6.00 o'clock welding is carried out without transverse vibrations. Welding modes for the root layer of the weld are presented in Table 9.26. Hot start parameter value 1.5-3.0.

Table 9.26 – Mode parameters for mechanized welding using the STT method with wire with a diameter of 1.14 mm

Layer nameProcess parameters
Wire feed speed, in/minPeak current, ABase current, APulse trailing edge duration
Rootfrom 90 to 120* from 120 to 160**from 400 to 420from 45 to 55
* For welding in the 12.00-1.00 hour position. ** For welding in position 1.00-6.00 o'clock.
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