Top 10 ways to distinguish brass from gold at home: properties of brass, radical and popular methods of testing precious metals

You can protect yourself from buying cheap fakes by purchasing gold items exclusively from trusted jewelry stores that are ready to provide all the necessary certificates for the products, but even in this case there is a small chance of deception from unscrupulous sellers. The best option for checking the authenticity of jewelry is to order a paid examination from a jewelry workshop that is not interested in falsifying the results; however, knowing the basic physical and chemical characteristics of the materials, you can determine the material from which the product is made at home, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Air signs

The most suitable metal according to the zodiac signs of the air elements is silver, copper, bronze. “Air” people are communicative, freedom-loving, and changeable. Therefore, metals and stones are suitable for them, helping to activate their best qualities and saving them from hasty decisions and senseless risks.

Aquarians are eccentric and energetic people, despite their apparent modesty; deep thinkers with a passion for helping people. They know how to solve problems easily; They are friendly, so they can boast of many friends. Metals for Aquarius are determined by their ruling planet, Uranus. Their talismans are green gold, copper, lead. Of the precious stones, sardonyx, coral, and fluorite are considered their amulets.

Communicative Geminis are very enterprising. This sign needs intellectual stimulation; he always seeks development physically, mentally and spiritually. Since the patron saint of Gemini is Mars, metals such as mercury and silver are suitable for them. And their stones are considered to be aquamarine, emerald, and crystal.

People born under the sign of Libra are calm and fair. They really want to love and be loved, they hate loneliness. In pursuit of equality and justice, they must strive for spiritual harmony. Metals such as bronze and white gold help them achieve this. They prefer malachite, emerald, and carnelian as precious stones.

gold standard

In different countries, gold alloys of different composition and quality are used for jewelry. Let's say, the inhabitants of Japan choose precious jewelry made of pure gold, i.e. from gold of the highest standard. Assay is a determination of the superiority of precious metals, which shows the ratio of metal and alloy. The higher the purity of “gold”, the more valuable it is. There are two main hallmark systems: metric and carat. In the metric system, the unit of measure is a gram in the ratio of pure gold to alloy 1 to 1000. In other words, the 585th sample shows that 1000 grams of the alloy contains 585 grams of gold, and the remaining 415 is the alloy. The metric system is used in Russia and the CIS countries; in other countries, the gold standard is measured in carats. The ratio of gold to alloy is 1/24. Accordingly, the highest standard is 24 carats. In the Russian Federation, the following standards are established for gold jewelry: 375, 500, 585, 750, 958, 999. To facilitate international trade in gold, there is a ratio between the standards of the metric and karat systems. Thus, an alloy with a proportion of pure gold of 99.9% has a purity of 999, which corresponds to 24 carats. 958 standard is equal to 23 carats (23/24 = 0.958), etc.

How to determine gold purity

Gold products intended for the general market are always hallmarked. This is a three-digit imprint on the inside of the product. Samples are 375 (the lowest), 500, 583, 585, 750, 916, 958, 999 (the highest - only a gram of impurities per kilogram of metal). Use a magnifying glass to examine the markings on your jewelry.

Gold samples

Gold without purity can most often be found in pawn shops (where it is most often a fake or a product of very low quality). However, sometimes jewelry is made to order without testing. Such items are passed down from generation to generation in families and are highly valued.

It will be quite difficult to accurately determine the gold sample at home. To do this, you will need nitrogen chloride and assay needles, which can only be purchased in specialized stores. Apply nitrogen to the surface of the product and monitor the reaction. If nothing has changed within two seconds, you have 585 gold or higher. If after a few minutes the stain from the solution turns brown, then the metal is below 585 standard. And if the stain turns black, then it is completely fake.

In order not to accidentally spoil the item, it is better to first use one of the methods suggested above to make sure that your jewelry is made of real gold, and then go to a specialist.

How gold is counterfeited: types of counterfeits

There are two types of fake gold: jewelry alloys coated with gold and alloys with a low level of precious metal in the composition, which does not allow the product to be graded. The second type of fakes is more difficult to distinguish. There is another tricky trick: a lock on a chain or bracelet is made of gold in order to stamp it, and the product itself is made of an alloy with a low content of precious metal. Gypsy gold (samovar, randol) - yellow copper or brass with a minimum gold content or without him. Contains beryllium. Easily dissolves in all acids. Has bright color and shine. The peculiarity of the randol is that its physical qualities only improve over time and the metal becomes stronger. Because of this, gypsy gold is even used in the aviation and automotive industries. Randol is also popular as a material for making jewelry, watches, decorative items, blades, and coins. Gypsy gold is identical in composition to the 375-carat alloy.

To make imitation precious metals look as true as possible, some jewelers have tried all possible methods. One of the most popular is the creation of alloys that are barely distinguishable from gold in appearance.

Tompak plates, creation of an alloy with gold
Tompak is an alloy of 90% copper and 10% zinc, resistant to corrosion. Tombak is used to counterfeit different shades of gold, since this alloy easily accepts other additives. Compatriots often bring such products from Turkey. They quickly become deformed and lose their attractive appearance. Also characterized by a rich yellow or reddish metallic color. Similor is a combination of copper, zinc and tin.

Durametal is an alloy of zinc, copper and aluminum with a golden-bronze hue.

Mosaic gold is an alloy of 70% copper and 30% zinc.

Heragold is a German alloy with a low gold content used to make costume jewelry.

Garnet gold is an alloy containing 25% pure metal. At the end of the 19th century, it was used in the Czech Republic for setting multi-colored pomegranates.

Platinor is an alloy of 18% platinum, 10% silver, and the rest is copper, nickel and zinc.

Modern gold jewelry in original design

How to recognize white gold

Another reason to be attentive and cautious: “solar” metal is not only the usual yellow color. It is quite difficult to determine the authenticity of products made of white gold, which an ignorant person can easily confuse with silver. How to be?

Original methods will help you distinguish white gold from silver

What to do What result is possible
There is another simple method for distinguishing real white gold from silver. To do this, you only need a clean sheet of paper. Slide the decoration over the surface of the paper. If a gray stripe remains on it, this means that they are trying to sell you silver jewelry. This effect is explained by the fact that the density of silver is softer than that of real gold, which will not “draw” on paper.
Another simple cosmetic product such as foundation will come to the rescue. Apply a little foundation to the back of your hand and wait until it is completely absorbed into the skin. Then run the gold jewelry over the area. When it comes into contact with real gold foundation, a gray stripe will appear on the skin. But if there is none left, then, most likely, you are looking at a piece of jewelry made from brass.

Also pay attention to the color. In silver it is cold white, but white gold has a warmer tint. If a white gold item is coated with a rhodium layer, then the jewelry will have a barely noticeable bluish glow.

Checking using available tools

If you have any doubts about the authenticity of gold jewelry, it is recommended to check it using available means. Typically, vinegar, iodine or black bread are used for such purposes. In addition, there are a number of options that will help you distinguish gold from other metals yourself. This check can be done as follows:

Vinegar. Pour a little vinegar into a ceramic or plastic dish and place the jewelry in there for a few minutes. If the metal is real, it will not change color or become stained. The fake will definitely darken. Iodine. You need to drop it on the jewelry and wait 5 minutes, then wipe the product with a napkin. One drop is enough to distinguish real gold from fake gold at home. A ring that has darkened or turned greenish will confirm that it is fake. Black bread. You will need a crumb in which to place the product. You need to roll the ball so that the decoration is in the middle of it, and leave it for a couple of days until it becomes stale. This jewelry will not change color and will shine as usual. If it turns out to be an alloy, it will become dark as it undergoes oxidation. Lapis pencil. This drug can be bought at a pharmacy. It is used to treat wounds and stop bleeding. To determine whether it is gold or costume jewelry, you need to wet the item and draw a line along it with a lapis pencil, then wipe it with a dry towel. On real gold there will be no trace of the drawn line. If the stripe remains after wiping the product, then it is definitely a fake. Magnet. To distinguish gold from copper or other alloys, it can be tested using a magnet. The decoration should be applied to it and see if it is attracted. Pure gold does not react to a magnet in any way. A slight pull will indicate that the product contains copper. Aluminum and tin can also be in an alloy; they do not react to a magnet. And such jewelry will weigh less than real gold rings or earrings. Nitric acid. An authenticity test using this chemical compound will accurately indicate whether an item is genuine. For the experiment you will need a deep metal bowl. Place the decoration in it and add just one drop of acid. A change in color to milky or green will be a bad sign, indicating that a fake ring or bracelet was purchased. Needle test. This method is suitable to eliminate gilding. If you scratch with a needle, there will be no marks left on the gold ring. As for the gilding, it will peel off. Ceramic tile. Other metals or alloys leave a dark or grayish mark on the surface when rubbed across the tile. A gold ring will leave a golden mark. Sun test. This check can be carried out on a bright sunny day. First you need to carefully examine the decoration in the shade. Then do the same in sunlight. Real gold does not change its shine and appearance in any light and in any weather conditions. Archimedes' method. This method will require certain knowledge and effort. A deep bowl must be filled with water, having first measured its volume.

Carefully place all decorations into the container until the liquid pours out. According to Archimedes' law, an object immersed in water is subject to a buoyant force, which is equal to the weight of the liquid itself in the volume of the immersed object.

Knowing that the density of water is 900 kilograms per 1 cubic meter, we can use the formula to calculate the mass of a gold product. The gold should sink because its weight will be greater than the volume of liquid poured out.

Complex laboratory analysis

You can use nitric acid to test gold without manipulating a touchstone or special needles. To do this, the laboratory takes a sterile metal container into which the gold item being tested is placed. Using a pipette, a small amount of nitric acid is dropped onto the surface. Real gold will not react in any way to this interaction, but other metals will show themselves by changing their shade. Depending on the composition of the item, it may change color to green or milky. A greenish tint indicates that the jewelry is only covered with a layer of gold plating, but its base consists of another metal. And the milky tint says that this is high-quality silver with gilding. But in any case, the jewelry being tested is definitely not made of gold.

Hallmark analysis is not suitable for determining the authenticity of small jewelry; it is more often used when you need to know the quality of gold bars or other massive gold objects. This is due to the fact that during laboratory manipulations, in order to distinguish gold, a piece is sawn off from the product as an analyzed sample. This piece is heated to a very high temperature at which it melts. This gold liquid is then combined with liquid silver and lead. These elemental agents, at the end of a long analysis process, separate and collect the pure gold. The resulting sample is weighed to determine how pure the original sample was.

Today, there are more modern methods of how to accurately distinguish gold from other various metals without causing harm to the product.

In particular, electronic testers can be used. There are units for both laboratories and individuals. True, due to the high cost of these devices, you rarely see them in small pawn shops, much less in someone’s home. The operating method of such electronic testers is based on the use of special liquids to scan a sample. After checking, the device determines the purity of the gold and displays its numerical value on the screen.

An even more expensive method for determining the purity of gold can only be used in professional laboratories, as it involves interaction with X-rays. This complex process allows not only to distinguish pure gold from other metals, but also to obtain a complete report on the composition of the gold alloy. The advantage of this method is that the analyzed jewelry will not be subject to mechanical stress.

Detection of brass and bronze by heat treatment

If you have equipment or instruments capable of producing temperatures in the range of 600-650 o C, you can try to determine the alloy by heating the metals. The method is applicable to brass because it contains zinc. When exposed to this temperature, zinc undergoes oxidation. As a result of the process, oxide (an ash-colored coating) is formed on the surface of the brass product. Also, the brass alloy itself will become more ductile, so it will not break under heavy loads, but will simply bend. Bronze at temperatures up to 650 o C will simply heat up without changing its physical properties. The method is also applicable only for brass alloys in which the alloying component is zinc, so it is easy to make a mistake if it is not present in the composition.

Methods for determining the authenticity of gold products

All the differences between gold and gilding lie in the composition of the products, because... visually it is difficult to immediately determine who is who

Don't pay attention only to the price. Some sellers, on the contrary, may overestimate it in order to confuse an uninformed buyer

If you have doubts about the authenticity of the purchased jewelry, you can carry out a number of activities and find out whether you were deceived or not.

Visual inspection

You can perform a similar verification method immediately before purchasing. Having carefully examined the gold jewelry, there should be no abrasions, chips, or blurred colors on it. A clearly visible sample must also be present. The precious metal has a characteristic cold shine and uniform color. No dark stains or stripes are allowed.

The easiest way to figure out whether there is gold in front of you or not is to test it with light and shadow. The precious metal shines equally in the shade and in the sun. If under the rays of the sun the jewel sparkled with new colors, but in the shadow it looked faded and unattractive, then it is a fake.

Real gold is stamped with hallmark data.


The higher the grade indicated on the jewelry, the more expensive it is. However, it should be remembered that pure gold is extremely rarely found in stores. The most popular samples are 585 and 750. Silver, copper and other less valuable impurities are mixed into the base metal. Thus, the strength of the alloy is achieved and the ability to create jewelry of various shapes and sizes from it.

Real gold is marked with information about the fineness, manufacturer, price per gram and for the entire piece of jewelry. In addition, the Quality Control Department stamp must be present.

No matter how much one would like to believe that the presence of a sample is a guarantee of the authenticity of the product, this is not always the case. The fact is that bracelets, chains and earrings have clasps. Unscrupulous suppliers most often send these parts for testing and, having received a positive result, put the gold part on a cheap gold-plated piece of jewelry.

Determining the authenticity of gold using vinegar


Another quick and affordable way to distinguish real gold from other metals is to use vinegar. Everyone probably has acid at home, so testing for originality is not difficult.

Pure vinegar is poured into any suitable container and the product is dipped into it. Wait 2 to 4 minutes. If the surface does not darken during this time, then the jewelry is indeed made of precious metal. But obvious darkening indicates that you were given gold plating. After the experiment, the product is washed with clean water and dried with a soft towel.

Determining the authenticity of gold using iodine


Using iodine, you can quickly and accurately determine gold. To do this, you will need a bottle of liquid, a cotton swab and toothpaste.

  1. One end of a cotton swab is dipped in iodine and a dot is placed in any less visible place of the product being tested.
  2. If after a few minutes the iodine dot remains the same dark, you have gold. If the speck has acquired a light, milky hue, then it is anything but a precious metal.
  3. After the test, the stain should be wiped off with toothpaste. A small amount is applied to the iodine point and wait 5 minutes.
  4. Then gently rub your finger over the surface and after no traces of iodine remain, the jewelry is washed and wiped.

It is advisable to work with iodine with gloves and on a covered surface, otherwise the spilled liquid will be quickly absorbed and will be quite difficult to get rid of.

lapis pencil

Lapis pencil can be bought at any pharmacy. This is a means to stop bleeding, but in this case, it will help distinguish gold from gilding. A small cut is made on the reverse side of the product being tested and the area is washed with water. Then they run it with a lapis pencil and see if the metal has changed color. If this doesn't happen, then it's real gold.

Determining the authenticity of gold using nitric acid

Nitric acid

Nitric acid is another way to distinguish a fake from a noble metal. The product is placed in a metal container. Pipette the acid and gently drop it onto the test sample. If the place where the acid entered does not change color, then it is a gold product. If the color has changed to milky, then the decoration is made of gilding.

Needle test

A needle or other sharp object will be a great help in determining the authenticity of jewelry. You need to make scratches in an inconspicuous area. After such manipulations, the gilded layer will immediately peel off, and not a trace will remain on pure gold.

Popular laboratory methods for gold analysis

More serious methods of verifying the authenticity of gold jewelry are used in pawnshops and in production. Among the most commonly used laboratory testing methods are the following:

  • drip method;
  • use of touchstone;
  • use of nitric acid;
  • assay analysis;
  • instrument testing;
  • X-ray inspection.

The drop method for testing gold quality is a bit similar to the home method using iodine. But only in the laboratory are more complex chemical solutions used for this purpose. They interact with the ligatures that make up the gold alloy and change their color. Thus, these solutions indicate what alloys (metals) are included in gold and their quantity. For a quality test, not only the chemical solution is important, but also the qualifications of a specialist who wants to distinguish gold from other metals used in the jewelry industry. He must be able to see the slightest differences in color during a chemical reaction.

One of the chemical elements often used to analyze the composition of gold is chlorine. If it is used, the color of gold will take on a different shade - depending on the standard of the precious metal. If during the analysis a green speck appears on the gold surface, this indicates that sample 375 was tested. The most popular 585 yellow or red gold is characterized by the appearance of a light brown speck. But on white gold of a similar standard, during a chemical reaction, a spot of a golden hue or orange color will appear.

To determine the quality of gold jewelry, many pawnshops use a touchstone - a black block with a rough surface.

It is a fine-grained siliceous shale. To check the quality of a gold product, the specialist first rubs the touchstone with almond oil and wipes it dry using special filter paper. Then he draws a one and a half centimeter line on the surface of the touchstone with the gold jewelry. After this, the specialist applies strokes to the stone with special needles indicating the gold standard. After this, he applies a little nitric acid across all the strokes. During the chemical reaction, the alloys begin to oxidize, and the lines acquire different colors, by which the quality of the analyzed gold object is judged.

The colors obtained from the strokes of the assay needles are compared with the color of the stroke of the gold product. With which of the strokes the color matches, that sample will be the analyzed gold object. If the shade of the line left by the item being tested on the touchstone is darker than the shade of the matching needle, there is reason to be wary. This means that the sample applied to the surface of the jewelry being tested is actually lower than specified. If the color of the line does not coincide with any of the other lines, it means that the product being tested is not made of gold, but of another metal.

Precious metal shades

How to distinguish brass from bronze

The difference between brass and bronze is determined by the following characteristics:

  • By heating both alloys in air to 600-650 degrees, you can clearly see what happens to the surface of the brass - it is covered with a thin film of ash-colored zinc oxide. The bronze remains in its original form.
  • After heating, brass becomes more ductile than before. Bronze does not change its properties.
  • If you bend a piece of brass at a right angle, it will retain its integrity. When bent, a piece of bronze will break and its coarse-crystalline structure will become visible.
  • And now through experience. Taking 0.05 g of bronze and brass shavings and adding 10 ml of diluted nitric acid (1:1) to each, leave for a while. After dissolving most of the alloy, bring the contents almost to a boil in a water bath and let stand for 30 minutes. In a beaker with brass, the solution will be transparent. In a beaker containing bronze, if it is tin-like, a white precipitate will appear.

How to distinguish copper from bronze

You can recognize bronze and copper like this:

If after a long stay in the open air a green coating appears on the surface of the metal, then it is copper. By dipping a copper wire and a piece of bronze into a hot salty solution, you can see that the copper has become darker, but the color of the bronze has not changed. Copper has a reddish-pink tint and is more viscous. Bronze is harder and its color is yellowish. Determining a material by its density. To do this, you will need the weight and occupied volume of a piece of metal and alloy

Weight is determined by electronic scales - purchasing them is now available to everyone, and volume can be easily determined by having a vessel with graduation on hand - it is important that it be smaller. By noticing the difference in the volume of water with and without a piece of copper or bronze immersed in it, it is possible to find out the exact volume of the metal or alloy itself

Using the formula - density equals mass divided by volume, density is calculated. Based on the obtained value, you can understand what is what - the density of copper is 7200-7500, and that of bronze is 7500-7800.

How to distinguish gold from bronze

The following will help you recognize gold and bronze:

  • The most accessible reagent to determine where bronze is and where gold is is iodine. After placing a drop on the product, you need to wait a minute and check if there is a reaction. A dark oxide will definitely appear on the gold, which can only be washed off by polishing.
  • Gold will not change its color if you look at it in different lighting conditions - in the sun or in the shade. Bronze changes color.
  • If you heat gold and bronze in a fire to 400 degrees and cool it, the bronze will darken, but the gold will not.

Differences between gold and brass

To distinguish gold from brass, use one of the following methods.

Carefully inspect the gold item when purchasing. A professional craftsman must have perfect workmanship. The main sign of handicraft production is an ugly reverse side, a non-shiny surface, small cracks or nicks. If you think that the quality of the jewelry is poor or not very good, there is a high risk of running into a fake.

There is an opinion that brass is duller than gold, but this is not true. It has no less shine and can be polished. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish gold from brass, especially if you are dealing with 585 carat.

The shade of the product may often vary. If its color is slightly more reddish than normal gold, then the alloy has a higher copper content. If the color is too pale, then most likely the product contains an increased amount of zinc, which also speaks in favor of brass. A ring can become “golden” if it is “yellow copper” or tombac, a type of inexpensive copper alloy used to make coins.

Research prices. Too large a discount or discrepancy with market prices speaks in favor of brass, because even the largest discounts on jewelry cannot bring their value closer to the price of gold set by the Central Bank. You just need to understand that the Central Bank sets the price for pure gold, the price of the alloy will be proportional to its content.

How to identify brass at home:

  • Find a product that you are confident in, and preferably the same size as the one you want to test. The next method will be based on the fact that gold and brass have different densities: 19.3 g/cm3 for gold and 8.5 g/cm3 for brass. A gold item will have to weigh more than 2 times as much. In order to determine, you will need accurate scales, for example, kitchen or pharmacy scales.
  • If you throw both items on glass, the gold one will make a crystal clear sound.
  • The strength of gold and brass also differs; it will not be difficult to scratch a brass product, which cannot be said about gold.
  • If you apply gold chloride to a gold surface, the reaction will not occur; its presence indicates a different origin of the metal.
  • If you have gilding in front of you, then most likely it will not have an assay mark. Since in order to test the product, it is necessary that there is a sufficient layer of gold there.
  • Another common method is using iodine. The fact is that gold reacts with this chemical element and stains form on it. But be careful, such stains are difficult to remove later.

Testing brass and gold with iodine

If you moisten the product with water and rub it with a lapis pencil, the copper that is part of the brass will darken. 585 gold will not change color, since it is inert towards it. You can also get tools for checking the authenticity of gold and even determining its purity from a specialized jewelry store.

All of the above folk methods are good, however, they will not give a 100% guarantee that the product is not a fake. More and more new technologies are being invented by scammers to make the differences less noticeable. You can determine this more accurately if you seek help from a professional appraiser or jewelry maker.

Gold is one of the most coveted precious metals on Earth. It is used not only in the production of jewelry, but also in various fields of science, in the production of technology, and various equipment. Gold in its pure form is rarely used, as it is a soft, ductile material. It is usually mixed with other metals to form alloys. In jewelry, quality is assessed by the gold content of the product. For this purpose, a sample in the form of a stamp is used. Fineness 999 means almost pure gold, without impurities.

For the most part, gold jewelry contains hallmarks of 585 and 583. 585 standard means that the product contains 58.5% gold and 41.5% admixture of other metals. The deception in the production of gold jewelry is to indicate, for example, 585 standard, but in fact there will be much less gold. There are also complete fakes, when the product does not contain a single percentage of gold. How can you determine whether you have gold in front of you or not?

TOP 10 ways to distinguish gold from brass at home

They consider different possibilities to determine what metal an object is made of:

  • perform an inspection: check the external characteristics (evaluate the appearance of the product, sound upon impact, etc.);
  • they use methods to determine that it is brass or gold that is being considered;
  • They use available means to ensure that the choice is correct.

Brass and gold ring

Ways to check brass jewelry by eye and sound

Before purchasing, it is not always possible to test with chemicals or use another method to determine the authenticity of a gold product. In this case, you should rely on indirect signs and some characteristics that are characteristic of the precious metal.

Availability of stamp and sample

Different types of equipment are used to mark jewelry:

  • hallmark: placed on the product, confirms that the metal belongs to one group or another (common options for gold: 583, 585, 750), the shape is always rectangular;
  • name book – contains information about the manufacturer;
  • jeweler's mark or manufacturer's logo imprint.

How to distinguish brass

Brass is a combination of copper and zinc in a two-component alloy, or with several additional alloying elements to produce a multi-component metal. The properties of the alloy depend on the percentage of zinc, which varies in the range of 4-45%, and the inclusion of other components. Features and differences of brass:

  • density, g/cm 3 – 8.4-8.7;
  • lack of magnetic properties;
  • plastic;
  • corrosion resistance, the appearance of oxides on the untreated surface after contact with oxygen;
  • the melting temperature reaches 950 °C, with a minimum value of 880 °C;
  • surface color is yellow-golden.

In terms of strength, brass is inferior to bronze and superior to soft gold, but sometimes only experienced specialists can visually establish the differences between these materials.

How to distinguish brass from bronze

In the classic version, with a high percentage of basic alloying elements (zinc in brass or tin in bronze), yellow brass surfaces acquire a golden tint, and bronze ones are characterized by a reddish tint. With other combinations of components, the color of the materials often coincides and other methods are used to identify them:

  • heating to T°≈600-650 °C. This process will not have any effect on bronze workpieces, and the difference between brass is the appearance of an ash deposit on the surface and an increase in the ductility of the material;
  • chemical method - placing a fragment (or shavings) of the material in a container with an aqueous solution (proportion 1:1) of nitric acid. After heating the contents to a boil and completely dissolving the metal, the liquid is studied: brass fragments do not change the characteristics of the solution, and it will remain transparent, and the dissolution of bronze fragments will lead to the formation of a whitish precipitate.

A method often practiced at home is to use a magnet. This technique is incorrect, since only some brands of bronze have very weak ferromagnetic properties.

How to distinguish brass from gold

In addition to the original shade, which is similar to brass and gold, there are cases when gilding is applied to a brass base and the product is presented as jewelry made from precious metal. To avoid mistakes or deliberate deception, it is recommended to use methods to distinguish brass from gold:

  • make sure there is a clearly readable marking - a rectangular hallmark, a name tag, a jeweler's or factory mark;
  • focus on the cost of jewelry with similar characteristics in other stores - the frankly low price is alarming;
  • intentionally or “accidentally” dropping an item on glass: gold is characterized by a clear, “crystal” sound, different from brass ringing;
  • “by the tooth” - characteristic marks will remain on soft gold, but alloying additives can make it harder;
  • gold jewelry 375-585 samples are tested using gold chloride or nitric acid - these reagents will leave a characteristic mark on the brass surface;
  • a drop of potassium iodide leaves a red stain on the gold surface;
  • if you pass a gold piece over unglazed ceramics or porcelain, a yellow stripe will remain; no trace will remain on the glass;
  • When a lapis pencil (sold in pharmacies) is applied to a gold surface moistened with water, no reaction will occur, and the brass will darken.

These are just some of the methods for identifying brass, but none guarantee 100% accuracy. With jewelry, it is better to contact a professional jeweler for non-destructive express testing using an electronic tester or chemicals. Spectral analysis at a non-ferrous metals collection point will help you distinguish brass scrap from bronze.

Properties of brass and its difference from gold. How brass is disguised as a noble metal

At a quick glance at gold and brass products, it may seem that they are made of the same metal. In fact, upon closer inspection, the difference between the materials will be visible

To do this, you need to pay attention to the main parameters, find out the composition, density, etc. Brass is an alloy of copper with zinc, several alloying components

Zinc is considered essential. The metal comes in two types: two-component and multi-component. Its physical and chemical characteristics:

  • density - 8.5-8.7 kg/cm3;
  • the metal is not ferromagnetic (but there are exceptions when a ferromagnetic substance is added to the composition during production);
  • temperature at which the metal melts: 880-950°C;
  • color - yellow with a golden tint;
  • high degree of plasticity;
  • untreated metal oxidizes upon contact with oxygen;
  • corrosion resistance.

Brass exhibits different properties, which are determined by the content of alloying components. The type of products made from such metal depends on this. The main type of raw material for brass production is copper. In terms of strength, such a metal is inferior to many: bronze, but not gold (the latter is softer).

Two rings made of brass When compared with gold, many differences are noted. But you can only learn about them by taking a closer look at the characteristics. Differences of gold:

  • higher temperature at which the metal melts and density;
  • bright shine: in comparison, brass also shines, often subdued, but this characteristic manifests itself in different ways, depending on the composition.

There are quite a lot of similar properties between metals, which explains the high risk of buying a fake, since brass can easily be disguised as gold; tricks are used for this:

  • a certain number of components are used in production, thanks to them the finished product acquires external characteristics that make brass look like a noble metal;
  • applying a decorative coating, for which the gilding technique is used; the brass is first polished.

Jeweler's recommendations on how not to buy a fake

Molokanov N.M.

Jeweler, 26 years of experience in jewelry production.

Ask a Question

First of all, you should pay attention to the price. If it is low, then do not consider the purchase option. When the cost remains the same regardless of the composition of the material, you can inspect it and touch it. In most cases, the properties of the product are carefully studied. Brass is lighter than gold due to its low density.

How not to “run into” a fake?

Professionals say that you are more likely to buy a counterfeit product in stalls and on the market. If you do not know how to distinguish gold from a fake, then you should purchase it in specialized jewelry stores that offer products from domestic manufacturers or famous factories in other countries. Naturally, in this case, the precious ring/earrings will cost more, but the risks of getting a fake are minimal.

Real gold will bear its hallmark. But, for example, in Turkey, at a retail outlet, they will put a purchase test right in front of the buyer, and the one you want. It follows from this that other “gold” objects may have an inappropriate standard.

When choosing a product, carefully consider it; it’s great if, in addition to the standard designations, it bears the manufacturer’s logo. This imprint is a guarantee of sample compliance. If the “wrong” side is processed with high quality, this indicates the high skill of the manufacturer. (Read more: How to test and identify gold at home)

Ways to check gold for originality:

  1. Iodine. This method is often used by so-called “hucksters” when buying scrap gold. It's very simple - apply a little iodine to the product and wait a few minutes. Next, wipe the iodine with a handkerchief or piece of clean cloth. If there is a fingerprint left on the gold, then rest assured that this is a real fake, but if the color has not changed, then we are talking about gold;
  2. Magnet. There is such a method of fraud as coating the surface of a product with a gold composition. Sometimes there are craftsmen who spray on ordinary metal. Use a magnet - if it magnetizes the jewelry, then this is a natural scam. However, there are materials that also do not have the property of attracting, such as aluminum, bronze and copper, but they can be distinguished from gold by weight - they are much lighter;
  3. Vinegar. Testing based on the iodine principle. Pour vinegar into a container, send the experimental object there and wait a couple of minutes. If it has darkened, it is counterfeit;
  4. Lapis pencil. Its main function is to stop bleeding; the pencil can be purchased at the pharmacy. We soak the jewelry in water and apply a thin stripe with a pencil. There should be no dark marks left on the product. This method is very convenient, since metal oxidation occurs instantly.
  5. How to spot fake gold yourself. Surely each of us has gold jewelry that we are confident is authentic. You need to draw a line with it on a solid object, and next to it repeat a similar manipulation with the experimental sample. Now let's compare the prints. This verification method has a drawback - if the samples have different samples, then the fingerprints left will be different;
  6. Testing gold with a device. Today there are special devices designed to identify precious metals and coins. This device allows you to conduct a rapid authenticity test. The work is based on measuring the electrochemical potential of the surface of an object.

Methods for checking gold items in a store

Particularly difficult is the task of distinguishing gold from other metals with similar external characteristics without leaving the store display. After all, the seller will probably not allow iodine to be dripped onto jewelry, much less scratch its surface in order to get to the bottom of the truth. In this case, you will have to rely on the seller’s honesty and the good name of the jewelry store. But when you are on vacation, for example, in Turkey or Egypt, where you have taken a fancy to some kind of gold jewelry, it is quite difficult to rely on the honesty of the store, since ordinary tourists simply do not know which jewelry chains there can be trusted. Then you need to be vigilant and carefully examine the gold item you are purchasing, at least visually.

What should you pay special attention to? First, study the hallmark, which must be applied to the surface of the jewelry. As a rule, the values ​​are very small and difficult to see with the naked eye, so ask the seller to give you a magnifying glass, or use vision glasses. Study the sample carefully. If you notice that the numbers on the stamp “jump” or their outlines are very illegible, this may indicate that you have a low-quality product. This method of visual analysis will not be able to completely protect you from buying a fake, since only a professional appraiser can do this, but it may stop you from making a quick purchase if in doubt. If you, in principle, could not find a test mark, then you can safely leave the jewelry store, since they are definitely trying to sell you a fake, and a low-quality one at that.

Be sure to ask the seller to demonstrate a quality certificate confirming the composition of the gold alloy, with an exact indication of the alloys included in it and their quantity. Check that the certificate has the seals and signatures of the responsible persons.

When you plan to buy gold jewelry at a pawn shop, second-hand store, or simply secondhand, you should also pay attention to the overall appearance of the jewelry. Make sure that the uniformity of the gold coating is the same in all places. Pay special attention to the edges of the jewelry, as well as where it touches the skin. If you notice that other metal is visible in areas of wear, refuse to purchase as it is not real gold. Most likely this item is made of a different metal and simply has gold plating.

At the same time, if you are dealing with a product made of real gold, the color of its surface may also differ slightly, but precisely in the richness of the golden hue. This is especially true for items consisting of several elements, such as a bracelet or watch. Where the two links meet, the gold surface will be a little brighter. Soldering of products is done using gold solder of a higher standard, since such gold melts more easily. And at the junctions this moment can be noticeable.

Similarity of metals

Copper is a non-ferrous metal. It is characterized by a reddish, or rather golden-pink hue. People have discovered and used it since ancient times to make tools, jewelry, weapons, and dishes, so now the deposits have been depleted, as a result of which the metal has become quite expensive.

This is a very soft material, from which, when heated, absolutely any part can be made. One of its main advantages is excellent thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity. This property allows the use of copper parts in various heating and electrical appliances.

Brass is an alloy, also quite ancient. It is obtained by mixing copper and zinc. It also contains tin, manganese and lead. The people living in the southern Black Sea region made it without knowing the chemical elements, but quite successfully even before our era.

For the production of brass, exclusively recycled materials are used. The color of the material may vary, it all depends on the components included in the alloy.

Considering the fact that brass contains copper, we can conclude that these two metals still have similarities. They are similar to each other visually and in some physical and chemical properties.

Gemstone Testing

Products with stones are most valuable. Knowing how to test gold, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the procedure for testing stones. In a pawnshop, the procedure is carried out according to the global 4C methodology for four indicators:

  • mass of stone;
  • color;
  • purity;
  • cut.

The weight of the material is measured in carats. Stones are small - less than 0.29 carats, medium - less than 0.99 and large - more than 1 carat. This indicator is determined by weighing and subsequent visual inspection using a magnifying device.

The color is clearly visible if you place the stone on a white piece of paper or plastic. In this case, gemological lighting with white rays is used.

The most important criterion for a stone is purity. To identify it, GOST tables have been developed. There are 12 purity values. Stones with severe damage are of least importance. Cracks that are visible at 10x magnification or with the naked eye are taken into account. Higher magnification is not used to evaluate purity. Scratches can be on the surface of the material or inside.

To evaluate the cut, a scale with graduations A-G is used. The methodology was developed by GOST. This parameter is subjective, since the same cut may attract one consumer and not appeal to another. But often a product is purchased based on its cut.

A complete gold inspection includes an assessment of the precious metal and stone, mounting option, appearance of the product, manufacturer and level of wear. How the gold is checked at a pawnshop determines whether the owner will be able to sell it at a decent price. At home, it is impossible to accurately determine the quality of the decoration. Therefore, it is worth resorting to the help of professionals.

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