Do-it-yourself manual oil blower from an nsh pump

Oil blower from fire extinguisher

On occasion, I took fire extinguishers to one organization to recharge. At the same time, I found out from a friend that there was a defective fire extinguisher that was going to be sold for scrap.

This defective fire extinguisher was the beginning of this project.

Step-by-step description of supercharger manufacturing:


First you need to take a decommissioned powder type fire extinguisher with a volume of 2-3 liters and empty its contents. 2
Next, you need to measure the PVC intake pipe of the fire extinguisher, taking into account the tightly screwed nozzle. If necessary, cut the tube to the required length, carefully and accurately. 3
. You need to take a new standard rubber tip for tubeless rims that have a spool.


Let's prepare a drill with a drill whose diameter corresponds to the internal groove of the tip. 5
Now, in the side of the body of the former fire extinguisher, you should drill a hole for the rubber tip. 6
. Next, metal shavings are removed from the fire extinguisher body, and the hole made is checked to see if there are burrs on it. If there is, take sandpaper and process it.


After this, taking the wire, you need to pull a rubber tip for tubeless discs from the inside of the body, which should fit tightly into the hole made with a groove. 8
. Let's start filling the tank with transmission oil.


. Now you need to assemble the supercharger and apply a pressure of 1-2 atmospheres to it with a compressor.


The device is ready for use. eleven
. We have a pleasant time operating the supercharger and enjoy the results obtained.

With this device, created on your own, oil will no longer flow on your hands and clothes.

Burner assembly

Now let's talk about how to make a working burner and start it up. In fact, after the injector has been manufactured, we can safely say that the main part has been manufactured and only assembly is expected. Now you need to combine everything in the body. And as it you can use a tee and a metal pipe screwed to it. Its length should be approximately 20-40 cm. The nozzle should be welded or screwed to the tube that supplies air. The second end of the tube is connected to the compressor.

The sprayer is placed inside the tee and secured with fittings. You need to make a hole in the tee itself; a tube for supplying used oil is placed in it. It is necessary that it ends above the sprayer. The lower element of the tee is used as the outlet tube. An adapter for a thin tube is screwed in here, through which the excess will flow into the drain tank. To organize the supply and removal of oil, you need to use flexible thin copper tubes.

Supercharger made from a plastic bottle

Many people know the situation when there is a problem with filling oil into a gearbox, transfer case, automatic transmission, etc. After thinking a little, I collected the necessary funds that were at hand and assembled the supercharger myself. At the same time, I remembered the program about crazy hands.

This device requires such components as a 5-liter plastic bottle, two valves, several fittings, and a metal tube.

To operate the supercharger, you need to fill it with 1 liter of oil, then connect a compressor - a car compressor will do - and increase the pressure to 2 kg/cm2. After this, close the air valve. Done, you can use the device. To do this, insert the hose into the filler hole of the gearbox and open the oil injection valve.

Under the influence of air pressure, oil enters the gearbox through a tube and hose. Within a minute, approximately 1 liter of oil is consumed.

After testing the bottle's critical burst pressure, it was determined that bursting would occur at a pressure of 4 kg/cm2.


Operating principle of the solid oil blower

The basic combined operating diagram of the proposed solid oil supercharger is shown in Figure 1.5 in the PP. Solid oil is filled into a barrel, where it is heated to a temperature of 70...80°C by a heating device. The temperature is controlled by a sensor: when the temperature is below the set limit, the contact of the sensor is closed and, as can be seen from the diagram, current from the battery or from the power source flows to the heating device. The mass is the installation frame.

When you press the gun button further, the second contact closes. Current flows to the solenoid valve, opening it, and, at the same time, through the signal wire it goes to the control unit to turn off the electric motor.

Fluid replacement devices

To change the lubricant in a modern car, you need to have special installations. Such systems include:

Today there are gas stations that provide lubricant changes. Filling the car with gasoline is their immediate responsibility. But, in addition, the existing unique oil-changing equipment makes it possible to perform a lubricant change operation within 20 minutes. Service workers will replace:

In addition, they will check the injection system and pour new fluid into the gearbox.

Typically, to perform such work, gas station workshops use various compressors that create a vacuum.
Liquid is collected using a pneumatic method. For replacement, vacuum technology is used, which is characterized by simplicity, high speed, and environmental safety .
To replace automatic transmission lubricant, original equipment is used. The work is somewhat different from a regular operation. The replacement process is subject to automated control. Automation monitors the system pressure. After removing the liquid from the installation container, the system automatically switches to the ring mode.

The installation is connected to a car battery. Liquid dosing occurs automatically. The microcontroller monitors the process. The operator's hand does not take part in this work. The device operates in autonomous mode.

Types of oil superchargers

To replace the lubricating fluid, it is impossible to do without special oil fluid superchargers. These systems are mainly manufactured abroad. To work with grease, 2 types of installations are used:

To determine the level, the manual lubricant blower is equipped with an indicator. This device can be equipped with an electric drive. Grease is pumped into the vehicle after high pressure is created.

The manual oil pump is designed to supply fluid to the dispensing mechanism. The installation has a cylindrical container with a lid. To create pressure, there is an original pressure plate resembling a piston.

The industry produces various types of superchargers. Each model has a long service life, high quality, and excellent performance.

Manual superchargers have become very popular in automotive oil change shops. To carry out this operation you do not need to buy expensive equipment. The supercharger reduces operation time and increases the number of machines serviced within one hour. The cost of a manual supercharger directly depends on its manufacturer.

A special “funnel” shows on the display all the necessary information about the oil. According to the specified parameters, the master makes his decision on draining the liquid. Using a hose, the oil is drained through the drain neck into a container. The volume of such a special barrel reaches 60 liters. Then new lubricant is filled in

Development of a pneumatic solid oil blower

Life safety

Assembly drawing of a solid oil supercharger barrel

Mobile solid oil supercharger

Combined electrical diagram of solid oil supercharger

Main advantages of oil dispensing equipment

Almost every auto repair shop has such equipment. It makes it possible to quickly change the oil in the main mechanisms of the car:

Today you can buy models that are characterized by high performance, reliability and ergonomics.
The main advantage of such installations is ease of control. There is no need to hire additional personnel to operate these devices. However, they are expensive .
Using classical technology for transmission oil changes takes a very long time. A homemade oil supercharger, where pumping is done manually, is not used. Modern equipment allows you to reduce the time several times. When replacing, a pneumatic oil blower allows you to remove harmful mechanical deposits from the engine.

Some models have a preliminary chamber to determine the level of wear, as well as the volume of fluid. Usually the lubricant is changed through the hole intended for the dipstick.

There are models equipped with a special funnel. It is easy to drain the oil through it while under the car. To increase the speed of fluid replacement, install a pneumatic oil supercharger.

Oil dispensing systems are distinguished by high performance and the presence of various functions. The cost of such systems is quite high and is determined by the country of manufacture.


Communities › Do It Yourself › Blog › Supercharger of technical fluids.

I am planning to change the transmission oil in the Daewoo Matiz manual transmission. I decided to prepare. A supercharger was made from the available goods. I found out what it’s called after I made it, I also learned that there are a lot of such craftsmen among us and there are also an incredible number of options for superchargers. The only thing that makes me happy is the cost. I bought a hose clamp in the store - this is the asking price (15 rubles). The hose was presented by a friend, the used canister did not wait for the trash bin, the nipples were preserved from the times of the USSR. I will use a car compressor to create pressure. Taps and pressure gauges are not needed, I think so. Perhaps my experience will be useful to someone.

Detailed photo and video instructions for making a burner using a blowtorch

Furnaces and boilers running on waste oil have long taken their rightful place among heating appliances. Exhaust is a cheap and sometimes free type of fuel; it is often used for this purpose in car repair shops and garages. Many craftsmen, when choosing a design, ask the question: is it possible to convert a gasoline blowtorch into a burner for mining?

Oil blower from fire extinguisher

This defective fire extinguisher was the beginning of this project.

Step-by-step description of supercharger manufacturing:

. First you need to take a decommissioned powder type fire extinguisher with a volume of 2-3 liters and empty its contents. 2

Next, you need to measure the PVC intake pipe of the fire extinguisher, taking into account the tightly screwed nozzle. If necessary, cut the tube to the required length, carefully and accurately. 3
. You need to take a new standard rubber tip for tubeless rims that have a spool.

. Now you need to assemble the supercharger and apply a pressure of 1-2 atmospheres to it with a compressor.

. The device is ready for use. 11

. We have a pleasant time operating the supercharger and enjoy the results obtained.

With this device, created on your own, oil will no longer flow on your hands and clothes.

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Honestly, I have quite enough syringes for pumping oil and grease, I even have an excess of them after I sold my Volga. I also remember a situation where you need to pump in oil with a manual supercharger, and then your hands remain up to your elbows in nigrol and TAD17, which is not entirely convenient.

Is it possible to make a blowtorch work during mining?

The principle of operation of a conventional blowtorch is to ignite gasoline vapors, which are pushed out under the action of compressed air. This effect is achieved by forcing air into the burner fuel tank.

What happens if you pour used oil into a blowtorch?

Oil itself, even under pressure, does not evaporate well - it needs to be heated. Due to poor atomization, the flame will be uneven and it will be difficult to ignite the burner. The oil burns with the formation of a large amount of soot and soot, so the jet will quickly coke, its cross-section will decrease, and the lamp will fail. Increasing the cross-section of the nozzle will also not give the expected effect - the oil will be sprayed in large drops, which will not allow obtaining a uniform flame of the torch.

In addition, used oil often contains impurities: diesel fuel, gasoline, antifreeze and even water, which can lead to flashes inside the lamp. To use waste as fuel for a blowtorch, you will have to install a filtration system, which will further complicate the task.

Considering all the difficulties, using a gasoline blowtorch as a burner during mining is difficult and unsafe. Therefore, it is necessary to modify or completely change its design.

Fluid replacement devices

To change the lubricant in a modern car, you need to have special installations. Such systems include:

Today there are gas stations that provide lubricant changes. Filling the car with gasoline is their immediate responsibility. But, in addition, the existing unique oil-changing equipment makes it possible to perform a lubricant change operation within 20 minutes. Service workers will replace:

In addition, they will check the injection system and pour new fluid into the gearbox.

Typically, to perform such work, gas station workshops use various compressors that create a vacuum. Liquid is collected using a pneumatic method. For replacement, vacuum technology is used, which is characterized by simplicity, high speed, and environmental safety.

To replace automatic transmission lubricant, original equipment is used. The work is somewhat different from a regular operation. The replacement process is subject to automated control. Automation monitors the system pressure. After removing the liquid from the installation container, the system automatically switches to the ring mode.

The installation is connected to a car battery. Liquid dosing occurs automatically. The microcontroller monitors the process. The operator's hand does not take part in this work. The device operates in autonomous mode.

Supercharger made from a plastic bottle

Many people know the situation when there is a problem with filling oil into a gearbox, transfer case, automatic transmission, etc. After thinking a little, I collected the necessary funds that were at hand and assembled the supercharger myself. At the same time, I remembered the program about crazy hands.

This device requires such components as a 5-liter plastic bottle, two valves, several fittings, and a metal tube.

To operate the supercharger, you need to fill it with 1 liter of oil, then connect a compressor - a car compressor will do - and increase the pressure to 2 kg/cm2. After this, close the air valve. Done, you can use the device. To do this, insert the hose into the filler hole of the gearbox and open the oil injection valve.

Micropump for changing oil with clean hands: putting it to the test

Needless to say...

On the website of a popular Chinese online store, in the description of a 12-volt water pump for arranging fountains in aquariums and country decorative mini-pools, we accidentally came across an interesting review from a Russian car owner who used this pump as a system for pumping oil out of the crankcase of his Fiat Bravo ! The pump is designed for water, but the cunning citizen quickly realized that if you connect thin hoses and wires with a pair of alligator clips to it to power the device from a car battery, you will get an ultra-low-cost system for changing the oil in an engine or gearbox! Similar pumps complete with tubes and wires, designated as specialized for pumping out oil, cost from 2,000 rubles or more in a Chinese online store, so in this case it turns out to be an extremely economical option.

Articles / Practice How often do you need to change the engine oil Most drivers do not ask this question: there is a service schedule every 10-15 thousand kilometers - and that’s it. However, it all depends on the mode of operation and what exactly is poured into the motorcycle... 597539 35 49 01/24/2015

This solution, of course, is not relevant for everyone - after all, what is the use of pumping out oil through the dipstick if you still need to crawl under the “belly” of the car in order to unscrew the filter? However, there are quite a lot of cars in which the modification of the engine and the layout of the engine compartment make it possible to easily unscrew the oil filter from above from under the hood: from the Granta to the Focus and from the “Volgov” old man ZMZ-402 to the “Skoda” 1.2 MPI with replaceable paper elements in glasses. Well, there are some unique ones - Volkswagen engines CAXA, CFNA, etc., in which the filter is located almost vertically at the level of the block head, as a result of which unscrewing it is even easier than adding water to the washer reservoir. Plus, the filter is removed completely clean and empty, without a drop of oil.

Let's check how convenient and feasible the proposed solution is? Our goal is to determine the efficiency of the pump, whether the performance is sufficient when working with thick oil instead of water, and most importantly, how durable is its design? After all, if in the interval between oil changes the waste residues in the pump destroy its plastic from the inside, then there is no point in such “handjob”...

Pump design

The design of the pump surprised and upset me. There was a feeling that the cunning citizen who threw the idea into the masses did not disassemble it before using it as an “oil pump”... The principle of operation of the Chinese craft is almost the same as that of high-pressure pumps of washing installations “a la Karcher”, but not on based on metal plungers-pistons, and on the basis of silicone elastic membranes. An eccentric is installed on the electric motor shaft, which, rotating, alternately lifts the pumping membranes arranged in a circle. One-way flow of liquid is ensured by check valves made of the same transparent silicone.

Let's pump the oil!

To pump oil through the dipstick hole, you will have to select a suitable plastic tube. This task is not to say difficult, but, to some extent, creative. The tube must fit into a narrow hole and have thin enough walls so as not to resist the flow of oil. In our case, we came across a Russian-made television antenna cable, from the shell of which we pulled out the central core and inner braid, holding the tail in a vice.

A real experiment confirmed the efficiency of the pump - approximately three and a half liters of oil from the WV Polo engine are vigorously pumped out in about five to six minutes; The motor heats up during this time, but not critically. A test unscrewing of the oil pan plug showed that no more than half a glass of oil was not sucked out. In general, a non-critical amount, which can also be reduced by splashing 200 grams of pure fresh oil into the oil filler neck after bubbles come out of the pump.

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