Manganese steel production

produces casting steel 110G13L , which is also called manganese steel. This grade of steel is the most wear-resistant and belongs to the austenitic class. Its appearance is due to the English metallurgist R.A. Hadfield. It is used to create elements that are subject to significant mechanical loads. For example, bucket teeth are cast from this grade of steel, crusher tracks and jaws, tram tracks and a host of other products that work, as they say, “wear and tear” are made from it.

The initial state of 110G13L steel has an austenitic structure with a hardness of about 250HB. Steel of this grade in liquid form has increased viscosity and hardens extremely quickly. The impact of dynamic loads and forces causing deformation in products leads to 110G13L steel becoming twice as hardened. Products made from this steel working in the following conditions:

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  • high,
  • low pressure,
  • increased deformation acquire even greater wear resistance.

Garfield steel is obtained by adding the following elements to the metal:

  • manganese,
  • silicon,
  • copper,
  • chromium,
  • nickel,
  • carbon,
  • sulfur,
  • phosphorus.

Directly after casting, the steel does not have a strong structure, but mainly consists of excess carbides. To obtain increased wear resistance, products cast from steel 110G13L are hardened in water. From this steel you can order from us all types of castings from ferrous and non-ferrous metals from 1 kg . Once dissolved in water, carbides are completely removed, and the steel acquires legendary toughness and strength.

Casting steel 110g13l

The tensile strength of steel grade 110G13L is approximately 800-900 MPa, its plasticity is 15-20%, the initial hardness is about 200 HB, the density is 7820 kg/m3, the elasticity approximately reaches 200,000 MPa.

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The structure of steel assumes the temporary resistance of the metal when exposed to forces equal to 800-900 MPa; fluidity (its conditional limit) σ0.2 = 320-360 MPa; elongation (relative) δ = 15-20%; narrowing (relative) ψ = 50-30%; initial hardness of the material is 200 HB; after “hardening” it reaches 600 HB; modulus of elasticity E = 200000M Pa; Shear modulus G = 78000 MPa; density of grade 110G13L - 7820 kg/m3.

Manganese steel production

For the production of austenitic manganese steels, furnaces with a basic lining are used exclusively. Smelting of manganese steel in acid furnaces is not carried out due to the rapid erosion of the acid lining. For example, a high-frequency acid-lined furnace can withstand 160 heats of ordinary carbon steel. When smelting manganese steel in it, the furnace lining could not withstand even 20 heats. The reason for this is the active reduction of silicon oxide in the steel lining with manganese according to the equation 2Mn + Si02 = 2MnO-f-Si, which causes, on the one hand, severe erosion and, on the other hand, contamination of steel with manganese oxides. Therefore, manganese steel is smelted in the main furnaces: high-frequency, electric arc and open-hearth.

When smelting it, it must be taken into account that the carbon content should not be high for reasons of reducing the amount of gases and non-metallic inclusions in the bath formed during the interaction of carbon with other elements; At the same time, it is desirable to use cheap additives and, first of all, ferromanganese with a high carbon content. Electric arc furnaces and open hearth furnaces fully satisfy these requirements. High-frequency furnaces are less suitable, since to obtain the required Mn:C ratio = 10 it is necessary to use a charge consisting only of mild steel and low-carbon additives. These furnaces are used very rarely for the production of austenitic manganese steels.

Before electric furnaces found widespread industrial use, manganese steels were usually produced in open hearth furnaces. In the latter, high-quality steel can be obtained, but due to difficulties in deoxidizing steel after removing phosphorus and carbon, these furnaces are used only in cases where electric furnaces are not able to produce a sufficient amount of steel for the production of very large castings. At one Czechoslovak metallurgical plant, the duplex process has recently been introduced. Steel is made in an open-hearth furnace, and ferromanganese is melted in a cupola furnace. The liquid steel and molten ferromanganese are then poured into a ladle, which completes the process of making manganese steel.

Another plant used a different method. Ferromanganese was melted in a small cupola furnace, and a charge consisting of cast iron and steel scrap was melted in another cupola furnace. The molten cast iron was poured into a Bessemer converter, in which the carbon was burned to a content of 0.1%. The mild steel thus obtained was mixed with molten ferromanganese in a foundry ladle. By this method it is often impossible to obtain manganese steel containing less than 1.5% carbon with a content of 0.14% phosphorus. Interestingly, this old method, which has not been used recently, is being used again in England in the production of various parts for hinge chains.

It can be argued that austenitic manganese steel is currently produced mainly in electric arc furnaces. The process of producing steel of this type in electric furnaces occurs as follows: the charge is made up of steel shavings and lump scrap in a ratio of 1: 4. Typically, such a charge already contains 4 - 6% of additives that create slag. After melting, the carbon and manganese content in the steel is determined, then the slag is removed and iron scale or iron ore is thrown onto the bath mirror. Thus, deoxidation, degassing and dephosphorization of steel are carried out. To obtain the maximum carbon content (maximum 0.05%), the oxidizing slag is removed and coke, anthracite or electrode waste with a small amount of ferromanganese is thrown into the furnace. After calming the bath and preliminary determination of the carbon and manganese content, the smelting is completed by adding the required amount of ferromanganese.

Casting technology. Based on production experience, it was determined that the optimal temperature for releasing steel from the furnace into the ladle should be 1520 - 1570 degrees, and the temperature of the steel when pouring molds should be 1440 - 1500 degrees (temperatures were measured with an immersion thermocouple). In reality, the melting point of high manganese steel is much lower.

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According to GOST 977-88, when casting steel 110G13L the following is produced:

  • excavator components,
  • mining industry components,
  • hammers,
  • cheeks,
  • cones,
  • crushing and abrasive plates,
  • beaters for mills and crushing machines,
  • armor bolts and plates,
  • crowns,
  • beds,
  • gear wheels,
  • skating rinks,
  • grinding balls and much more.

produces not only products from steel 110G13L, but also carries out quality control of products, and also offers cast iron to order . For this purpose, there is a certain laboratory at the plant that carries out strict control over all stages of casting from manganese steel. The resulting products comply with all standards and requirements, including GOST.

After casting, all manufactured products undergo high-quality heat treatment. When paying for products we produce, we always meet the client halfway and select convenient transaction options. In addition to casting grade 110G13L, our plant carries out repairs of mining equipment, including work on turning and welding equipment. It also delivers manufactured parts to all cities of Russia and the CIS.

Manganese casting

Our company produces castings from manganese steel 110G13L (Hadfield steel), made according to customer drawings and used in crushing and grinding equipment, excavator equipment, in the cement industry and mining processing enterprises.

The main method of casting this steel is gasified mold casting (GMC). Only in the most extreme cases, castings made from manganese steels are subjected to mechanical processing, so this technology makes it possible to obtain castings with minimal slopes and high surface quality that do not require subsequent mechanical processing.

To date, we have developed the following products:

Spare parts for crushing and grinding equipment

NameDrawing no.
Cone crusher KSD-2200, KMD-2200
Fixed armor1272.07.313
Upper armor1272.05.204-1
Fixed armor1275.07.415
Mobile armor1272.05.203
Mobile armor1275.05.317
Fixed armor1273.07.305
Mobile armor1239.05.206
Fixed armor1275.07.429
Fixed armor1272.07.320
Cone crusher KSD-1750, KMD-1750
Mobile armor1250.05.202
Fixed armor1250.07.201
Fixed armor1279.07.301
Fixed armor1278.07.301-1
Fixed armor1280.07.309
Fixed armor1249.07.101
Fixed armor1277.07.316
Mobile armor1277.05.311-1
Mobile armor1249.05.107 (1280.05.206)
Jaw crusher SMD-118
Movable crushing plate3450.02.011.00
Movable crushing plate3450.02.021.00
Fixed crushing plate3450.01.111.00
Jaw crusher SMD-111
Movable crushing plate3440.02.010.00023SB
Movable crushing plate3440.02.020.0023SB
Fixed crushing plate3440.01110.0023SB
Jaw crusher SMD-110
Fixed crushing plateSMD110.00.00002
Movable crushing plateSMD110.02.00.019
Upper right wedgeSMD110.02.00.004
Upper left wedgeSMD110.02.00.006
Jaw crusher SMD-109
Fixed crushing plateSMD109.00.00.002
Movable crushing plateSMD109.02.00.016
Upper right wedgeSMD109.00.00.004
Upper left wedgeSMD109.00.00.005
Jaw crusher SMD-108
Movable crushing plateSMD108.02.00.022
Fixed crushing plateSMD108.00.00.009
Wedge top rightSMD108.00.00.002
Wedge top leftSMD108.00.00.003

Casting for the cement industry

NameDrawing no.
Chain link1196
Chain link1975.20.192.003
Chain link2005.20.611.00
Left side grate
Sharp blast grateР61.07.011
Private grate
Grate with corner projection3.310.00.000
Special grate
Armor plate1.
Armor plate1.
Lining plateMS-04.945
Disc feeder24-570-1k

Spare parts for ECG excavator

Bucket tooth curve1085.52.06-1
Bucket tooth1080.02.11

Offers its customers both finished products from stock and custom-made products. We carry out steel casting to order based on the finished product and according to drawings provided by customers.

Technological process

Manganese casting is a complex technological process that involves filling molds with liquid metal and including its further processing. Casting of steel 110G13L is carried out by various methods, among which there are die casting, carbon casting, manganese casting and steel casting. Before casting, a special mold is made that completely follows the contours of the future casting. Then it is filled with a melt, which, having hardened, turns into a casting. If it is necessary to create internal cavities or holes in the casting, special rods are used. The mold filled with the melt is shaken, pressed and placed in a device designed for cooling. After the casting has cooled and hardened, it is removed from the mold and subjected to thermal and mechanical treatment.

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Product Catalog


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Finished products of LMZ "Luch"

Our plant produces cast iron products using casting technology. We offer a wide selection of finished products, namely products and model equipment from:

  • SCH (gray cast iron);
  • VChShG (high-strength cast iron with nodular graphite).

LMZ "Luch" is a large supplier of cast iron hatches. Our company produces hatches for inspection and cable wells, storm water inlets of various configurations. Our production capacity allows us to produce casting products of any complexity that strictly comply with GOST standards.

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