I show you 5 ways to seal a plastic water tank.

A plastic tank is a practical container in which it is convenient to store water supplies. The material is not afraid of corrosion, but can easily crack or deform under mechanical stress. Due to technical features, it is difficult to seal the polymer hermetically. There are 5 ways to repair a leaky barrel, which I will discuss below.

Characteristics of plastic

Durable material is very demanding in terms of operating conditions. Installation errors or an uneven installation surface can lead to changes in the geometry of the tank. Impacts and careless use cause deformation, which leads to damage.

A small crack on the bottom or side gets larger under water pressure. If you don’t know how to seal a plastic tank, the tank will fall apart. Small containers are easier to buy. I can’t always find voluminous, oversized or exclusive models on sale, so I prefer to repair them.

Source greenera.com.ua

Before sealing the tank, I advise you to understand the type of plastic. Tanks made of low-density polyethylene can be identified by the “PE-HD” marking. Very hard raw materials are resistant to inorganic and organic matter. Due to the preservation of characteristics in the temperature range from -50 to +80 C, it can be used both at home and outdoors.

Water storage containers can be made of polypropylene (PP-H). The strong material does not break down under the influence of household chemicals and is highly resistant to tearing. Due to its resistance to UV rays, the liquid inside does not deteriorate, which allows you to store moisture for a long time.

Source polipro.kz

Tanks made of polyvinyl chloride are easily recognized by the “PVC-U” marking. The tanks operate in a temperature range from 0 to +60 C, so I do not recommend leaving the tanks outside in cold weather. The raw materials have high resistance to aggressive and oxidizing environments, which preserves the hardness of the containers.

Properties of polypropylene

This material is one of the technological achievements in the chemical industry. Polypropylene was created relatively recently - in the middle of the 20th century.

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In 1954, the result of the joint work of the German organic chemist Karl Ziegler and the Italian chemist Giulio Natta was the discovery of metal complex catalysis for the polymerization of olefins. Thanks to this achievement, scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize.

Polypropylene is a cloudy white solid obtained by industrial polymerization of propylene under medium and low pressure conditions with mandatory interaction with organometallic catalysts. To put it in simpler terms, polypropylene is the lightest thermoplastic.

Bitumen tape

I advise you to seal small cracks and shallow damage with bitumen-polymer tape. The single-sided consumable material consists of reinforced polyethylene film and a thin layer of aluminum. Elastic raw materials perfectly follow the shape of the tank, and the astringent coating ensures strong adhesion to the plastic.

Source nasha-stroyka.com.ua

I use a patch made of bitumen-polymer tape to eliminate leaks in PVC containers. I degrease the surface of the tank and wipe it with a dry cloth. The patch should protrude 2-3 cm above the damage. Using scissors, I cut out the required size, remove the protective film and, with a gentle movement, seal the crack from the outside.

Wood construction

To create a wooden tank prepare:

  • wooden beam;
  • bricks;
  • polyethylene film;
  • boards;
  • geotextile insulation;
  • self-tapping screws

As soon as all materials are available, you can begin constructing a wooden structure according to this plan:

  • first level the site;
  • bricks are laid around the perimeter of the site;
  • timber is laid on the bricks;
  • the wood is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws;
  • OSB boards are laid on top of the prepared structure and secured with self-tapping screws;
  • a frame is created from the boards, securing them to the sides of the prepared wooden base;
  • OSB sheets are screwed to the installed side boards;
  • the interior of the wooden structure is covered with geotictile;
  • lay the film on top (its size should be such that it extends beyond the edges of the wooden box);
  • two boards are nailed crosswise from the top of the container to provide additional stability to the structure;
  • if the tank has a large volume, wooden spacers are secured to the outside of the structure.

Epoxy adhesive

The resin-based product quickly hardens under the influence of hardeners, forming a dense polymer layer on the surface. If a plastic tank is sealed with epoxy, the raw material will provide good adhesion to the smooth wall. The inert composition of the chemical is resistant to aggressive environments and will not collapse under the influence of moisture.

Source sdelai-lestnicu.ru

Before sealing the plastic tank, I degrease the damaged area. For restoration, I cut off a piece of glue, which I knead in my hands until smooth. In terms of plasticity, the material resembles clay or plasticine. I make a small cone out of the mass, fix it in the hole and leave it to dry for 1-2 hours.

If you need to seal a plastic tank without draining the water, I recommend using two-component Contact glue. The product hardens upon contact with liquid and quickly restores the altered shape of the tank. The plastic mass is ready for use in 3 minutes, and polymerization takes place within half an hour.

Source hobbirukodelie.ru

How to weld a metal water tank on your site

Most people living in apartment buildings have a very vague understanding of the problems and concerns of private home owners. For example, the independent process of manufacturing a water storage tank from steel can become a reason for an ironic smile from an apartment resident. Although in fact, the possibility of welding a steel water tank with your own hands is an interesting and relevant question for many.

So, which approach should you choose, weld the tank yourself or order a ready-to-use tank?

Of course, you have the opportunity to seek the help of professionals. Prepare a competent drawing of the structure for them, and the water tank will be made in accordance with your wishes. If you don’t want to spend time drawing up a drawing, you will most likely be offered several types of designs to choose from. This is all great, but you will have to pay accordingly for quality work. In this regard, many homeowners opt for the second option - making the tank themselves. It's not very easy, but the real savings and moral satisfaction are worth it.

Glue BF

I advise you to seal polyethylene containers with BF-4 or BF-2. The products dissolve the top layer of plastic, thereby improving adhesion to patches. Before restoration, I carefully remove any remaining damage, leaving smooth edges without creases. Degreasing ensures maximum adhesion of the adhesive to the polymer.

Source dnepravtokraz.com.ua

As patches, I take pieces of fiberglass that are 3-4 cm larger than the crack. I fill the flaps with liquid BF. I slightly warm up the area of ​​the breakdown using a blowtorch or a hair dryer, apply the polymer to the hole and seal the tank. After 4-6 hours you can add water.

Correct operation

Homemade septic tanks require regular inspection and maintenance just as much as industrial models of treatment plants.

Repair work may be necessary if the drain is clogged. Overflow and sewer pipes will need to be cleaned. For such work it is better to hire a professional plumber. To avoid problems with clogging, it is necessary to periodically add biological preparations containing special cultures of bacteria to the storage container, which are capable of breaking down fat plugs and deposits.

Maintenance includes:

  • Regular pumping out of the contents of the container. The frequency depends on the intensity of use of the sewer system and the volume of septic tanks. Usually this is from one to three pumpings per year using special equipment.
  • Insulation of the lid during the cold season, which speeds up the processes of decay and wastewater treatment.
  • And, of course, you must follow the simplest rules - do not dump large mechanical waste and hygiene items into the sewer.


The technology is suitable for repairing containers with thick walls. Extrusion welding is based on combining raw materials using filler material. As a result, I get a strong, durable seam, almost invisible to the naked eye.

When exposed to high temperatures, even the most resistant plastic melts and deforms. Reinforcement will prevent the appearance of new holes and eliminate damage. As a filler material I use a mesh of:

  • stainless steel;
  • aluminum;
  • copper

Metals should not oxidize when they come into contact with water, so I take options with anti-corrosion properties. Using scissors, I cut out thin strips, 1-2 cm wide. I clean out the cracks in the tank and degrease them. I apply the patch to the edge of the damaged area and seal the tank.

Source cheb.my-teplo.ru

To heat the plastic, you can use either a hair dryer or a household soldering iron. The power of the former must be at least 1.6 kW, of the latter - 100 W. It is more convenient to use a tool with hot blowing, the intensity of which is regulated and there are several types of attachments. When working with tinning equipment, I advise you to take models with a wooden handle.

I use a soldering iron or a hair dryer to burn a piece, pressing the mesh to the plastic and sealing the tank. The material must be completely immersed in the polymer. I fix the tape with a screwdriver or the edge of a knife. Cold metal acts as a heat exchanger, cooling the walls. In order for the mesh to better penetrate the molten raw material, the tool must be guided following the hot blowing.

Source kraska.guru

The melted edges are smoothed using a soldering iron. After the patch sticks, move on to the next section. The work is slow, painstaking and requires attentiveness and accuracy from the performer. A few unsealed millimeters will leak. I recommend carrying out reinforcement on the external and internal sides of the tank, preventing possible rupture.

The main condition for high-quality cleaning is filter media

The working container is selected so that all the necessary filling fits into it. A variety of components are used for absorption: artificial and natural. The latter have higher filtration capabilities. These include:

  • sand from a river or quarry;
  • gravel;
  • zeolite;
  • Activated carbon.

For initial rough cleaning, cotton fabric materials or even paper are usually used. According to hygienic requirements, they are very impractical: they are constantly in a humid environment, subject to rotting, and an unpleasant odor appears. The very structure of such filters contributes to almost instant contamination, which requires frequent replacement.


The principle of the technology is similar to extrusion, but instead of mesh I use plastic rods. To seal the tank, I cut patches from an old water container. Instead of a soldering iron, it is more convenient to work with a professional hot-melt gun. Equipment with a narrow nozzle must support manual temperature adjustment.

I clean the edges of the damage and degrease it. Using a drill, I carefully drill small grooves on the back and inside of the tank. The depth of the ditches is 75% of the thickness of the walls. The holes should be longer than the crack. Then I change the drill to a rusty attachment and make cone-shaped indentations.

I place thin and thick plastic patches in the grooves. In order for the contact to be better, it is necessary to give the elements a cross-section in the shape of a ditch, sharpening the ends. I install the tank at an even angle. On the heat gun I select the range 290-330 C, after heating I start soldering.

Source kraska.guru

When working with the tool, I heat the ends of the rods and carefully guide them along the crack. In order for the patch to accurately fall into the ditch, you need to apply slight pressure while moving. Under the influence of high temperature, a drop of plastic will appear at the contact area, which will begin to flow into the damage and solder the edges. The top layer of material will reliably close the hole.

Welding is a painstaking process, the quality of which depends on the accuracy of the performer. When heating the plastic, you should not rush, otherwise the polymer will not soften easily. On average, one rod takes 3-4 minutes. After the first layer, I use pliers to bite off the excess and move on to the next tier.

The number of patches per crack depends on the size of the damage. I recommend melting 3 more units than will fit in each ditch. The sealed seam will stick out above the surface of the tank. After the weld has hardened, the walls should be treated with a grinding wheel.

Principle of operation

Any plastic container functions simply. Waste accumulates in it and gradually settles. In the sludge that has settled to the bottom, natural decay processes begin - anaerobic bacteria begin to work. As a result, a characteristic smell appears near the sewer drain - this is one of the obvious disadvantages of such a system.

As the tank fills, the liquid and bottom sludge are pumped out using sewage disposal equipment. To save on calling specialists, you can install a structure with several sections that allow the water to settle several times and be purified as much as possible. From the last container, the liquid flows by gravity to the filtration field or into a filter well with a reliable natural filter at the bottom (sand, crushed stone, peat, etc.).

Filtration into the ground is prohibited if the wastewater contains harmful chemical impurities or fecal matter. The entry of hazardous substances into the soil can cause infectious diseases or poisoning among residents of the house.

Review and details

Metal containers

Structures made of metal are often used to store masses of water. To create them, different metals are used depending on the purpose for which water collection is planned. If it is important to keep drinking water in reserve, high-quality stainless steel is selected for the manufacture of a metal tank. Even from this capacity, new demands are put forward:

  • Cutting into the plumbing edge.
  • Installation of a protective mesh on the hole.
  • It is necessary to have a ventilated hole that will be tightly closed with a lid.

This design allows you to maintain the quality of drinking water. Twice a year, such a tank must be cleaned, and it can be used with disinfectants. To facilitate the process of washing a metal barrel, a hatch of sufficient diameter is installed on the side. Such a hatch will be equipped with seals in order to ensure a normal degree of tightness. Owners of dacha-type plots are still striving to purchase or even make metal tanks in order to store water, which they plan to use in the future for technical needs:

  • Solutions to household problems.
  • Collecting water from rain.
  • Watering the garden.

In such cases, I take any metals as a basis. By the way, most summer residents install metal barrels specifically to collect water after rain. This solution will significantly save on water consumption. There is also an excellent opportunity to buy any barrels, even those that were previously used. It is important that toxic chemicals are not stored in them until such time.

Plastic containers

Plastic containers, as well as barrels, are increasingly popular because:

  • Their price is much lower than that of their stainless counterparts.
  • Plastic barrels can be purchased in different sizes.
  • The structure will not require additional sealing.
  • They are not subject to rust.
  • The barrels will not require priming or painting the surface.
  • Plastic cases have an excellent level of resistance to extreme temperatures.

Do-it-yourself water containers can be made of plastic, and food-grade plastic will have additional advantages:

  • High level of frost resistance.
  • High level of strength.
  • High level of reflection of ultraviolet rays.

Due to these features, the water in such containers does not spoil for a long time. Most food-grade plastic barrels will have holes, and their diameter makes it possible to install taps in them. Plastic barrels can be horizontal or vertical. Eurocubes, which are placed in a metal type sheathing for an additional degree of strength and stability, are even more popular.

How to make containers from tires with your own hands

If you can’t buy water containers for a small amount, but you don’t want to spend a lot of money, you can make the design yourself. The storage tank can be made from scrap materials that are available on the farm or they can be borrowed free of charge from friends/neighbors. For example, you can even use old tires. It is advisable that these be tractor tires, as they have a huge diameter. Initially, you should determine the place where the structure will be installed in the future. This space should be leveled, and after that you can begin to create the main structure, following the step-by-step instructions:

  • The top part of the inner type needs to be cut off from the tire.
  • The cut tire should be placed on the prepared area.
  • Prepare a solution by combining cement and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3, adding water until the mixture has a creamy consistency.
  • The solution should be poured onto the bottom of the tire; it is important to level the surface.
  • Cover the tire with the solution using polyethylene and leave it for a week (polyethylene will perform protective functions and will also prevent the aggressive effects of rain).
  • After a week, the film should be removed and the volume filled with water.

Making such a reservoir is not difficult, but here you should remember the fact that water from such a container can only be used for technical purposes. A great advantage of such a container is that the accumulated mass of water in it will quickly heat up.

Wooden structures

To make a wooden tank, you should prepare the following:

  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Geotextile type of insulation.
  • Boards.
  • Polyethylene film.
  • Bricks.
  • Wood beam.

As soon as all materials have been prepared and delivered to the site, you can begin constructing a wooden structure according to this plan:

  1. First you need to level the site.
  2. Bricks should be laid along the entire perimeter of the site.
  3. Beams should be laid on top of the bricks.
  4. The wood must be attached to the frame using self-tapping screws.
  5. OSB boards should be laid on top of the structure, which has been prepared in advance, and secured (also with self-tapping screws).
  6. Make a frame from the boards, secure it to the sides of a pre-made wooden base.
  7. OSB sheets should be screwed to the side boards that are already installed.
  8. The interior of the wood structure is covered with geotikstyle.
  9. Place the film on top (its size should be such that it goes beyond the edges of the wooden box).
  10. It is important to nail two boards crosswise on the top of the container to provide an additional degree of structural stability.
  11. If the tank is of large volume, it is necessary to secure wood spacers on the outside of the structure.

Water should be poured into a pre-prepared tank. The pressure should not be large to allow the polyethylene film to be smoothly leveled under water pressure and pressure.

Film pond

How to make a water container with your own hands? Some summer residents are trying to learn how to make a small private pond on their summer cottage using film. The process of making such a pond is also simple, and also quite accessible to everyone. Subsequently, this pond can be decorated and turned from a very ordinary water storage tank into a non-standard landscape element. Before you start creating a pond from film, you can watch a video that shows all the step-by-step actions. You can also study the step-by-step instructions and follow them in the future:

  1. First you need to dig a suitable hole (the depth and shape may vary).
  2. The bottom should be covered with crushed stone, compacted, and also covered with sand and compacted again.
  3. Next, you need to lay geotextiles on the bottom.
  4. It is recommended to keep the film purchased from the retail chain for 2 hours in direct sunlight.
  5. The film should be placed on the bottom of a dug pit (if you are unable to buy a whole piece, and the individual film parts should be glued together using a specialized adhesive composition).
  6. It is important to cover not just the bottom of the pit with film, but also the side parts.
  7. It is important to fill the pond with water at least 30%.
  8. After three hours, water should be added so that the total amount does not exceed 60%.
  9. After another three hours, it is important to add water, filling the prepared container completely.
  10. It is important to trim the film ends.
  11. Decorate the outer boundaries of the pond around the entire perimeter.

So, we have already looked at all the most accessible methods of making a water container with your own hands in the country. They will not be the only possible method of storing water. For example, a container made of concrete will be much stronger and more durable, but it is difficult to manufacture and will entail additional costs. You will also need skills in preparing and using concrete mortar.

DIY making

If you want to save money and install a container of a non-standard shape, you can make a metal tank with your own hands. For assembly, you need to use thin-sheet stainless steel with high rates of weldability and ductility. Additionally, you will need a metal brush, a welding machine, an angle grinder, and a tap for draining water.

Build process:

  1. Apply markings to metal sheets.
  2. Trim the sheets with a grinder.
  3. Weld the parts using a welding machine.
  4. Make a hole for the drain valve and install shut-off valves.
  5. Make a hole for water supply.

All that remains is to clean the welding seams with a metal brush and coat them with an anti-corrosion compound.

Application options

Storage tanks are relevant in places where there are interruptions in water supply. Indoors, water tanks are most often installed in a horizontal position.

The tanks are used to store rainwater and tap water. With their help, you can organize an outdoor shower or keep them for fire safety purposes so that you can extinguish the fire.

They can store water for watering plants, gardens and vegetable gardens. Often round tanks are installed in a bathhouse to store water. There are many designs that can be round, rectangular or other shapes.

It is important to understand what the tank is for. If it is used inactively, the water in it promotes the growth of algae and microorganisms. Moreover, if the container is constantly located in an open area under the sun's rays.

Therefore, choosing the volume of the tank is one of the main tasks before starting its manufacture. Ferrous metal tanks must be primed and painted to prevent them from rusting.


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Plastic containers

Plastic containers and barrels are increasingly popular because:

  • their cost is much less than that of their stainless steel counterparts;
  • plastic barrels can be purchased in various sizes;
  • their designs do not require additional tightness;
  • they do not rust;
  • barrels do not require priming or painting the surface;
  • The plastic case has a high level of resistance to temperature changes.

Containers can be made of plastic. Food grade plastic has additional benefits:

  • high level of strength;
  • high frost resistance;
  • high level of reflection of ultraviolet rays.

Thanks to these features, the water in such containers does not spoil for a long time.

Most food-grade plastic barrels are equipped with holes the diameter of which allows taps to be installed in them.

Plastic barrels can be vertical or horizontal. Also very popular are Eurocubes, which are placed in a metal frame for additional strength and stability.

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