How to transfer a drawing, photo or picture from paper to wood or plywood using printing easier and with better quality

Stamp for burning on a soldering iron (for making an impression on wood, leather)

What cliche size should I choose?

The size of the cliche is determined primarily by needs. Needs should be divided into strictly regulated (GOST, technical specifications, drawing) and relatively free, i.e. allowing options.

In the first case, everything is adjusted to the regulations. Secondly, it will be useful to know that the larger the area of ​​the cliche, the greater the vulnerability from unevenness of the working surface. Not everything that looks smooth actually is. We guarantee an absolutely flat surface of the cliche relief. A hard, uneven surface (wood, plastic) makes it difficult to make a high-quality impression. In such cases, the less cliché, the less this vulnerability. Consider the feasibility of making a large cliché. Choose smaller clichés if possible.

Which heater should I choose?

The speed at which the cliche is heated to operating temperature depends on the power of the heater. The larger the cliche area in the size range for a specific heater, the longer the cliche takes to heat up. The more powerful the heater, the faster it will heat the cliche.

We have selected a set of stamps and offer a heater designed so that it heats the largest cliche in its size range in no more than 30 minutes at room temperature without drafts.

In the order form you will be offered the opportunity to install a more powerful heater or two heaters per cliche.

When ordering a brand for burning, consider the following rules:

1. The larger the area, the more difficult it is to make a high-quality print.

2. The larger the cliche, the more powerful the heater should be.

3. The engraving depth must be selected depending on the degree of surface roughness. The standard relief depth is 2 mm. This depth was suitable in all cases known to us. We can go deeper, but this is not always advisable.

4. On black leather, the imprint will be almost invisible.

How to understand what diameter range your cliche is in?

The size range determines the power of the heater and the price of the stamp. Determining the size range is easy if you have decided on the size of the stamp cliche. The diameter into which the cliche can be inserted is the diameter of the stamp.

Having found out the diameter, you can understand what range it falls into:

Varieties of checkers

Afterwards, the Cossack saber of the 1838 model was accepted for divination. Despite this, the cavalry units and the Cossacks still had a variety of checkers and sabers, of various classes and types, in service.

After the defeat in the Crimean War, it became obvious that the army needed a number of reforms. Which were aimed at improving army management, re-equipping units with more advanced models, and improving the training system for soldiers and officers.

In the process of implementing reforms, Lieutenant General Gorlov introduced the statutory saber of the 1881 model. Her blade was slightly curved to achieve a balance between stabbing and slashing. But the result was exactly the opposite. The new checker did not chop and pierce well.

After the shortcomings of the new checker were identified, a commission was created to develop a new model. In 1894, the first prototypes were presented, made in the classical style, but using more advanced technologies. In 1896, a modified saber and dagger were introduced. Which were put into service in 1904.

In general, the following types of checkers can be distinguished:


The welder's mark code is purely individual. Thanks to this, it is almost impossible to confuse employees, even if the enterprise has a high staff turnover or employs employees who work on a rotational basis. As a rule, such a mark must contain the following information in encrypted form:

  • Name of the specialist
  • His name and patronymic,
  • Date of Birth.

The placement of components occurs randomly in an automatic mode, however, there are impact marks on which the first letters of his last name are used to identify a specialist. Please note that the cipher is assigned without the right to change. That is, if an employee changes his welding method or undergoes repeated or extraordinary certification, his mark will remain the same.

If a specialist passed the NAKS certification before the FNP “Welding at hazardous production facilities” came into force, then his mark can be used until the next certification. After this, he will be issued a new mark with a different code, which will not change during subsequent certifications.

The arrangement of symbols on the brand may be as follows:

  • The characters are placed in two lines, there is no frame.
  • The symbols are arranged in two lines and have a frame.
  • Numbers arranged on one line and enclosed in a rhombus.
  • Numbers that fit on one line, framed by a circle.
  • Numbers located on one line and enclosed in a square.
  • Numbers on one line without frame.

Making impact stamps

The stamp is a metal rod or bar with an image printed on the end. It is necessary to separate the terms “impact mark” and “punch”. Impact stamps, as a rule, mark the non-working parts of parts, and punches mark the front parts. Marking with punches is done using a press.

Through the site’s contact form you can buy impact stamps for metal (both digital and alphabetic), as well as a NAKS welder’s stamp, a forge’s hot metal stamp, a forester’s stamp, and an OTK stamp.

Technologies for producing impact stamps. 1. Manual. Previously, impact stamps were usually made by hand. Master engraver using such tools

like shtikhel, messerstikhel, spitzshtikhel, etc. I manually cut out the required image using the markings. Currently

this method is practically not used. 2 . Electrical discharge machining. A common method of making stamps. It is more common in the manufacture of stamps for marking non-ferrous metals. This is due to the fact that during erosion processing it is almost impossible to obtain sharp cutting edges. Instead, they turn out to be rounded. The print area inevitably increases, which is undesirable when working with steels because

. It takes more effort to get a good impression. 3. Laser processing . Typically used for microstamps. Due to the high cost of the technology, it is unprofitable to make large prints, plus it is technologically problematic to obtain any significant depth of relief. Nevertheless, this method is indispensable for the production of stamps with an extremely small imprint area. The laser beam has an incomparably smaller diameter than the thinnest engraving tool. Therefore, in cases where mechanical processing fails

laser comes to the rescue. 4. Mechanical processing . One of the most common and perhaps the optimal method for producing impact stamps and punches. Relief engraving is done mechanically using high-precision modern CNC machines. The most technologically flexible method. Allows you to reproduce any pattern and any depth of relief within reason. Materials for the production of impact stamps. The most common material for impact stamps and punches is tool carbon steel u8a (or u10a). Meets all requirements for similar products. After engraving it is hardened. The ready-to-use product has a Rockwell hardness of about 50-57 units. KhVG grade steel is also often used for punches. It does not withstand shock loads as well as y8, so it is preferable to use it in cases where marking is done using a press. HVG grade steel is not so prone to cracking during hardening, which makes it possible to produce products of complex shapes with various holes and thin walls. In cases where marking is carried out on hot metal, x12 steel is used as the material. Let's look at it in more detail. Hot metal stamps (forging stamps). What to do, you ask, if you, for example, have a blacksmith shop and you need to mark hot metal? The hardening temperature of U8A steel is 820 degrees. When working on hot metal, the working part of the stamp will inevitably heat up to a temperature close to the hardening temperature, the stamp will “release” and inevitably quickly fail. In these cases, alloy steel grade x12MF is used as the material. Products made from it are hardened at a temperature of about 1200 degrees. The stamp or punch of this steel does not lose its properties, even if it is heated to 700-800 degrees (red hot). In addition, the steel itself also has even greater hardness than y8. Therefore, it is financially justifiable to produce stamps from x12MF even in the case of cold stamping if particularly difficult working conditions are expected. For example, labeling of auto parts. We have come to the question of the survivability of the mark. Service life of impact stamps. If you are planning to buy an impact stamp, then it would be wise to inquire about its service life. It is believed that stamps made from U8A steel are capable of withstanding about 2-3 thousand blows to material with a hardness of up to 30 Rockwell units. Naturally, the harder the material on which the blows are struck, the shorter the service life. OTK stamps. One of the common methods of technical control is the use of quality control marks at enterprises where parts are accepted within the enterprise and parts are checked. The OTK stamp is made from a steel bar of grade u8a or x12mf with appropriate hardening to 55-57 units. Welder's mark. In a certain sense, the welder’s “signature” is the welder’s mark, the imprint of which he leaves when carrying out important work. The welder's mark is assigned after certification. Data on the brand code must be in the register of personnel who have passed certification and posted on the Internet. After certification, the organization performing welding work assigns the corresponding codes to the welders. This NAKS welder code can contain both digital and alphabetic characters. It is generated automatically using the welder’s personal data (such as last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth). If the certification is extended, or the welder is certified for other types of work, he will use the same mark in the future. If a welder has a mark that was issued to him before the adoption of the Federal norms and rules “Welding at HPFs,” then he has the right to retain this mark assigned to him by order of the enterprise. After the next certification, he will be issued a new welder’s mark that meets the requirements of the Federal Tax Service. There are different options for graphically producing a welder's mark imprint: in one or two lines, an imprint with or without a frame. The height of the characters can vary from 3 to 6mm. If you are going to order a welder's mark, you should indicate the welder code NAKS, the height of the symbols on the print and the required hardness of the finished product on the Rockwell scale. Production of letters. A letter (“littera” – letter (Latin)) is a metal bar made of steel, brass or other metal or alloy with an image (letter, number, symbol, logo) printed on the end. Letters are used for marking printing in marking clichés, in filling machines, numberers, markers and other marking mechanisms. They are subject to periodic replacement as they are consumables. Letters are also used for marking nameplates (with their help, the date of manufacture, various numbers, weight and volume of products are entered in the corresponding fields of technical plates). Based on your drawings, samples and models, we can produce type from steel u8a, hvg, x12mf, brass, as well as type holders. Forester's mark. Forest guards carry out branding, marking the wood of growing or felled trees, as well as cut stumps. As a rule, the forester's mark is a double-sided round hammer with a corresponding image. You can order all of the above types of stamps through the site’s contact form.

Testing and marking: current legislation

Today, the affixing of state hallmarks is carried out by the Assay Chamber under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. This state institution is vested with such powers in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 106 “On the Russian State Assay Office”.

Absolutely all products made of precious metals produced in Russia must comply with current standards. All samples are defined in the Decree of the Russian Federation No. 643 “On the procedure for assaying and branding products made of precious metals.” In addition, all such products must be branded with the state mark.

Markings on spoons

Modern industry does not produce devices from precious metals for mass consumption due to their fragile structure and high cost. To improve the quality and increase the service life of products, various metal alloys are used, giving an external resemblance to gold or silver.

High-quality tableware is indicated by markings, thanks to which you can determine the alloy material used to make the product. Domestic manufacturers, when minting a mark on a spoon, use the following designations in marking:

  • MELCH (MN) – cupronickel alloy;
  • MNC – analogue of cupronickel – nickel silver;
  • AL – aluminum;
  • STAINLESS – made of stainless steel.

Some devices are covered with a thin layer of precious metal on top. In this case, a double mark is applied, which includes an indication of the sample number. Silver spoons are marked using the numbers 925.

Many buyers confuse nickel silver devices with nickel silver alloy, which is explained by the high degree of external similarity of the materials. Their difference is that by adding manganese, a cupronickel silver product is obtained, and nickel silver is an alloy that includes zinc. The basic basis of both materials is the same - it is copper with nickel. Having studied the markings, the buyer will be able to find out the composition of the MNC alloy on the spoon, what it is, and how much such spoons cost.

When to brand

Welders are required to put their personal mark every time they perform work on connecting elements of critical structures. It is in this case that the most stringent requirements for reliability and operational safety are imposed on the final result. Such structures include lifting and transport, boiler, gas, oil production equipment, pipelines, building and other structures.

The stamp is placed on a free metal surface, the thickness of which is at least 6 mm. After applying the imprint, a test report and a welding log are filled out. In cases where the object is made of metal of less thickness or reinforcement is to be welded, the mark is not applied.

Review of the best samples

This sample is a classic tired saber, the blade of which is made of 65G spring steel. Due to the low level of chromium content, it is susceptible to corrosion. The blade is hardened by 20-24 units. according to Rockwell, which classifies the saber as a souvenir weapon, as a result of which it is allowed to be freely purchased. Of course, it is not recommended to chop anything with it; such actions can lead to damage to the blade.

The main difference of this model is the presence of a protective bow on the hilt, which protects the cavalryman’s hand from injury in battle. Similar checkers were in service with privates and non-commissioned officers, which led to minimalism in the design of the sheath device.

Information contained in stamps on precious metals

The place for the stamp on the jewelry is chosen so that it does not spoil the appearance of the item: on the back, on the clasp, etc. Often two marks or more are used which show:

  • precious metal sample;
  • workshop or jewelry factory, sometimes - the date of manufacture and the name of the craftsman;
  • country of manufacture.

There are many types of marks, characteristic of different countries and in different historical periods. Only professional experts understand them thoroughly.

In some countries, the state does not control the production of jewelry, and workshops stamp jewelry completely uncontrollably. Thus, when purchasing jewelry in Turkey, you need to be especially careful, since in this country jewelers are not required to affix marks and be responsible for the content of precious metals in their jewelry.

Dutch jewelers also do not adhere to standards in their work, and the content of gold or silver in their products can be almost anything. The only guarantee is the reputation of a particular jewelry company.

Cliche for embossing. Soldering iron stamp. Creating a vector drawing

Do-it-yourself hot stamping on leather, wood or paper or solving the problem of applying a logo at home using a replaceable stamp with a soldering iron

We produce replacement hot stamping stamps from brass or magnesium and come complete with a soldering iron so you can apply your logo at home or in a small production facility as part of your hobby or small business. The stamp is removable, and in its place, to the soldering iron, you can screw another one.

A brass or magnesium stamp with a soldering iron can be used to apply a logo or personal signature on leather, wood, some types of plastic, or thick paper manually without the use of expensive equipment.

And the brass cliche?

Both magnesium and brass cliches are perfect for a soldering iron, and you can choose the material based on their properties.

The main advantages of magnesium cliches are fast heating and an attractive price. However, when used under pressure, it is better to use brass cliches due to the greater strength of the material.

Basically, if you only use a soldering iron for embossing, you can get by with magnesium. If you have the prospect of using embossing machines, then it makes sense to take a brass cliche.


As a rule, the blade of a checker was made of high-carbon steel that underwent special heat treatment. Sometimes there are samples made of Damascus steel, but as a rule these are premium samples. Individually, officers of cavalry and Cossack units ordered sabers with damask blades.

Caucasian samples are characterized by a slight bend in the blade, while Turkestan checkers have a more pronounced bend. Fullers were made on the sides of the blade; if there were several of them, then the one with the larger width was located closer to the cutting edge.

Checkers were produced in large quantities, and in the serial version, engraving was not applied to the blade. The handle was made of wood, using overhead mounting, and impregnated with special bitumen-based varnishes. To strengthen the handle, it was fastened with brass rings.

The standard Cossack saber had the following dimensions:

Ultraviolet printing

A primer is applied to the degreased metal, paint for a UV plotter is applied, and the design is “fixed” under the influence of ultraviolet light, because The ink used is photopolymerized and hardens on the surface. Marking equipment - UV inkjet printer


● The method is suitable for any type of metal, alloys;

● Fast marking cycle: direct printing from a computer to metal, a few minutes from the start of the operation to the finished product;

● High quality printing with resolution up to 1400 DPI.

● Resistant to moisture, fading.


● Consumables. Ink (6500-9000 rubles per 1 liter of paint of the same color, consumption 10-20 ml*m2), all components in contact with paint: pump, wipers, cartridges, seals;

● Ultraviolet printing has more of a decorative function; for industrial purposes, its disadvantage is that the design can be “scraped off”.

History of origin

In general, the term saber is tightly linked to the Abkhaz-Adyghe word “sashkho”, which literally means “big knife”. The first examples of sabers date back to the 12th-13th centuries, and these were large combat knives, which, along with daggers, complemented the warrior’s weapons. The first literary mention of checkers dates back to 1625.

The blade of the so-called “Caucasian type” was chosen as the basis for the new model.

The arguments for replacing the saber with a saber were:

The checker handle was held with 5 main grips:

Structurally, the checker consists of the following elements:

We will produce and deliver impact stamps

The LLC PPK ProfGraver company has been manufacturing impact stamps for more than 10 years. We produce stamps in St. Petersburg and deliver to all regions of Russia in a short time and with a quality guarantee in accordance with GOST.

Methods for branding products made of precious metals

There are three modern methods of branding products made of precious metals:

The impact or mechanical method is one of the most ancient branding methods, but is still popular.

Branding is carried out using a hammer or special machines for mass branding. Sometimes special anvils are used that fit the shape of the product.

Advantages of the impact method: obtaining clear impressions that are highly resistant and durable.

Disadvantages of the impact method: if there is insufficient experience or a violation of the branding technology or manufacturing of the product, it may become deformed or cracks may form in the metal.

A distinctive feature of this method is the application of imprints using copper electrode stamps using electric spark equipment.

The brand is burned out with a spark, so this method allows you to apply even complex images.

It is very easy to determine that the mark was applied using the electric spark method: thin bridges are clearly visible between the contours of the nameplate and its signs. This is a unique distinctive feature of this branding method.

Advantages of the electro-spark method: the prints are very clear and durable.

Disadvantages of the electric spark method: the surface of the product on which the stamp will be applied must be ideally prepared - clean, smooth and even.

The most modern branding method, which uses a laser machine and special stamp masks. As with the electro-spark method, it is important that the surface of the product on which the mark will be applied is perfectly flat, clean and smooth.

Advantages of the laser method: clear impressions and the ability to brand products of any shape and with any surface - hollow, concave, convex.

Disadvantages of the laser method: this method has almost no disadvantages, except for the need to carefully prepare the surface of the product for subsequent branding. Perhaps the only drawback of such a mark is its fragility. During wear, scratches inevitably appear on the jewelry, and the mark becomes unclear. When polished, such marks completely disappear from the surface of the product.

  • Shock
  • Electro-spark
  • Laser

Making a checker sheath

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Did you treat the seam with anything to make it less noticeable?

It was necessary to make the stitch pitch smaller, then the threads on the seam would look better. Otherwise, it is enough to iron the seam with an iron and coat it with shoe polish first.

It turned out very well!

Thank you for your good review of the work.

How much time did it take for everything? And the work is really very good.

Let's summarize

At the moment, 2021-2022, laser marking of metal products is considered the most effective both in terms of quality (accuracy of 5-7 microns) and economic component. Having bought a laser marker, you can forget about the constant additional costs for consumables (which, for example, for a jet inkjet machine per year reach 30% or more of the cost of the equipment), it does not affect the established speed of the conveyor belt, and the service life of 10 years is one of the longest of markers. The device can be installed in a 24-hour production facility and withstand loads 24/7. Technically, using it is no more difficult than other installations, even easier, since basically everything is done by the program. The operator’s task is to prepare a layout file and set parameters in the software. The reliability of the device (manual, stationary) as well as the applied markings is several times higher, which directly affects the final cost of ownership in the future for 3-6 years and beyond.

In addition to the laser, you can take a closer look at the needle impact device. Especially if you do not have large-scale production. The cost of ownership is higher than that of a laser (80,000-130,000 rubles/year). There are small consumables and needles, but they can make deeper markings, faster than with a laser (5 characters/s). Also, the impact point gun takes any metal, regardless of its hardness and shape. It requires less manual labor and indirect labor costs that are encountered when working with other equipment: choosing ink, solvent, cleaning after printing, monitoring the constant availability of ribbons, ink ribbons and thermal labels, and replacing them.

The choice of metal marking equipment is wide. We tried to honestly cover the most popular and advanced methods and technologies for the next 5 years. I sincerely hope the information was useful to you

Article prepared by: GrosseMARK Senior Engineer, Mikhail Tolmachev

Making a homemade stamp with your own hands

In this project we will make wood branding tools. It’s always nice, after finishing a project, to record the ownership of the product and put a homemade stamp of your own brand on it.


  • Nails. In this case, the nails were 12.5 cm long. The head had a diameter of 1 cm.
  • The block from which the handle is made.
  • Vinyl fox with adhesive side
  • Propane gas


  • Etching tool – you will also have to make this yourself.
  • A solution of salt in water.
  • Hammer
  • File
  • Sharp knife
  • Bulgarian

Step 2: Hammer

We drive a nail into the end of the block. This will make it easy to hold it while working.

Use a file to clean the nail head so that it is smooth. This will make etching easier.

Cut out the desired design from a sheet of vinyl. It will have to be made absolutely tiny!

Remember that the design will have to be drawn backwards, especially if it is text - as with everything related to printing. It must be flipped horizontally to show up properly on the wood.

Firmly glue the workpiece to the nail head.

Step 5: Etching

You will have to make an etching tool. This tool is quite simple to make. And you can even use a battery as a source of electricity.

We attach an etching tool to the nail and supply electricity to it. Pour the salt solution into the container. We put a nail there. We hear hissing - this is the etching process.

And yes, harmful gas will flow. Be sure to do this in a well-ventilated area and do not inhale the fumes.

Step 6: Cleaning

Etching usually takes ten minutes before the design, cut from the vinyl, appears on the nail.

A layer of oxide forms at the end of the nail. It is loose and easily scraped off with a knife. And under it there will be a finished design.

Step 7: Saw it off

  • Cut off excess metal at the edges.
  • This will allow the stamp to be as visible as possible - you won't risk the excess metal on the edges pressing into the wood and ruining the stamp.
  • But you should file the nail carefully so as not to touch the design with the grinder.

The smaller the disc of the grinder, the better. A file will do the job no worse than a grinder.

Step 8: Handle

We saw off the block to a convenient length to make a good handle.

We refine the handle with a plane, chisel or sandpaper to the desired shape that will fit comfortably in the hand.

Step 9: testing

Now you can start branding.

Heat the end of the nail with a propane torch.

This may take some practice before you discover the right temperature for branding. But for testing, you can use any available piece of wood.

Press it against the tree for a couple of seconds.

We shoot and get the result.

Step 10: Branding the brander

Why not put a stamp on the instrument itself.

This will be very useful so that you can easily see what the mark looks like. Especially if you have several such tools.

Remove the nail from the handle.

We heat up the nail as before. This time you need to be careful, because there is no wooden handle - you can get burned.

We put a stamp on the handle.

Carefully return the nail to its original place.

Step 11: Ready-made homemade stamp of various types (photo)

The tool is small but very useful. They can put a mark on even the smallest object.


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