Business idea - “Coin attraction” - minting souvenirs

With the right approach, making souvenir coins (minting) can become a permanent source of income and quite a profitable business. Such souvenirs are purchased with pleasure by tourists, collectors, and vacationers. The coins depict the name of the city, its attractions, historical and solemn events, names, meaningful and funny inscriptions. Some companies mint business cards and logos in this way, which is essentially nothing more than advertising. Modern coinage does not require large expenses for organizing such a mobile business, but requires only the correct organization and approach.

Technology and equipment for minting souvenir coins

Coin minting is a promising type of business in cities with a population of more than 200 thousand. Stages of organization. Equipment and components. Manufacturing process. Payback and profitability.

With the right approach, making souvenir coins (minting) can become a permanent source of income and quite a profitable business. Such souvenirs are purchased with pleasure by tourists, collectors, and vacationers. The coins depict the name of the city, its attractions, historical and solemn events, names, meaningful and funny inscriptions. Some companies mint business cards and logos in this way, which is essentially nothing more than advertising. Modern coinage does not require large expenses for organizing such a mobile business, but requires only the correct organization and approach.

Modern coin minting technology

The stages of organizing a business are as follows:

  1. Register as an entrepreneur.
  2. Choose a form of taxation: UTII (single tax on imputed income) or a simplified system.
  3. Buy the necessary equipment.
  4. Purchase consumables (blanks made of different metals).
  5. Decide on the nomenclature of souvenir coins.
  6. Make a demonstration stand.

The sale of souvenir coins is carried out without installing a cash register and does not require the issuance of any documents to buyers.

How to choose equipment for a coin attraction

In order for the business to operate and make a profit, you must purchase the following equipment:

  • anvil;
  • manual mini press;
  • stamps for embossing or cliches. You will need at least 4 of them. If your budget allows, you should purchase a lot more of them. This will expand the number of potential clients.
  • hammer;
  • Consumables. This includes blanks for copper coins in quantities of at least 200 pieces. Brass - you need about a hundred of them (not as popular as the first ones), to raise prestige you can take 10-20 silver blanks.

Equipment for minting production

Equipment includes:

  • stamping press;
  • anvil;
  • hammer, sledgehammer or powerful hammer;
  • stamps (clichés).

In addition, it is necessary to have a certain number of blanks, which can be made of different metals: aluminum, copper, brass, silver and even gold. The cost of production directly depends on the material on which the print will be made. You can buy blanks with a diameter of 25 and 30 mm at the following prices:

  • aluminum - from 22 to 30 rubles;
  • brass - from 29 to 42 rubles;
  • copper - from 28 to 38 rubles;
  • silver - from 4 to 5 thousand rubles (depending on the sample);
  • gold - from 48 to 57 thousand rubles (depending on the sample).

Most often, entrepreneurs who have a business producing souvenir coins use blanks made of copper and brass.

The manufacturing process itself is simple. Blanks made of sheet or round material (usually 25 or 30 mm in diameter) are inserted into a special press consisting of 2 parts. On each part of the coining press there is a drawing or inscription of a three-dimensional type (obverse and reverse). Next, the lid is struck with a hammer and thus an image is obtained on a piece of metal.

The design of stamps is developed independently or with the help of specialists. It begins with the production and approval of a sketch. It is usually performed in computer programs, most often CorelDRAW. If the entrepreneur himself does not own the program, then on the Internet you can find sites where they will quickly develop it at a reasonable price (for example, Next, the sketch is converted into a vector image and laser engraving is performed. The metal is then heat treated and chromed or polished. This is the cliche making process in a nutshell. But the stamp can also be ordered from companies that manufacture them for a reasonable fee. If the sketch is developed by the entrepreneur himself, then making cliches from third-party companies will cost much less.

Making coins in ancient times

According to Herodotus and other ancient sources, the first coins appeared in Lydia, the state of Asia Minor. At the moment, the evidence of Herodotus is confirmed - the first coins date back to approximately 685 BC. - during the reign of King Ardiz. They were made from a natural alloy of gold and silver - electrum. On one side of these coins there was the head of an Assyrian lion, and on the other there was a hallmark.

A few decades later, silver coins began to be issued in the Hellenic city of Aegina; they differed in shape from the Lydian ones. It is assumed that the Greeks invented the coin on their own, albeit a little later than the Lydians. Coins from these two places quickly spread throughout Hellas, its colonies and reached Persia. Later, the Romans and even barbarian tribes began to use coins. In China and India, coins were also invented completely independently. Moreover, the oldest are Chinese bronze coins (1200 BC), but they were used only regionally.

It is obvious that in ancient times coinage was minted by hand. Silver, copper or gold were melted in small smelting furnaces, after which the molten metal was poured by an apprentice into a special mold, and the blacksmith struck the frozen but still hot metal with a hammer, on the working side of which there was an imprint of the denomination or other design.

With this technology, there was no way to achieve the identity of the coins being produced, so they all turned out different.

Over time, minting coins with your own hands improved its technology, until at some point coins began to be cut, like slices of sausage from a rod of a certain diameter. At the same time, an edge appeared on the side surface of the coins - a notch, which was designed to complicate the work of counterfeiters. The edge also reflected the specific mint that issued the coin.

If you look at coins under a microscope, you can see on their surface traces of almost every step-by-step operation, the chain of which turned a piece of metal into a beautiful coin. Moreover, different forging techniques are characteristic for different places of minting and periods of its implementation, thanks to which it is possible to restore the prehistory of the coin.

In the history of some countries there were periods when, for various reasons, the circulation of metal coins temporarily ceased, and there was a return to the natural exchange of goods. For example, from the 12th to the 14th centuries, coins ceased to be used in Rus', since the influx of foreign silver dried up, and at that time there were no silver mines of our own.

Visually, even minting coins with your own hands made it possible to more clearly convey the smallest details of the design on the stamp than when casting. In addition, the minting process was so multi-stage and technologically complex that counterfeiters could not replicate the quality in artisanal conditions. Therefore, the process itself was one of the degrees of protection of “legitimate” coins at that time - a cast counterfeit coin could be easily visually distinguished by areas not filled with metal, cavities from air bubbles, unclear relief of the details of the design, in addition, the fakes did not have the characteristic stamp shine.

Video about minting coins with your own hands

Coin minting business

To calculate income from the coin business, you need to know the costs not only of purchasing a press and blanks, but also of renting a plot of land, and also set at least an approximate price per coin. After making rough calculations, you can calculate the payback of such a business. The approximate costs for purchasing everything you need are as follows:

  • equipment - from 50 to 90 thousand rubles;
  • production of cliches - from 100 to 150 thousand (when ordering from other companies, the cost of one cliche will be 1 thousand rubles);
  • blanks - from 18 to 36 rubles (price depends on the material);
  • land rent - from 5 thousand rubles per month.

Now you need to decide on the price at which the coinage will be sold. Analyzing prices on the Internet, we can say that the cost ranges from 150 to 700 rubles. If you manage to sell about 15 coins per day, then the costs of minting will pay off very quickly. Even when performing calculations based on average data, the payback time will not exceed 2 months, while profitability can reach 600÷700%.

You can also get people interested in this way. Give them the opportunity to make a coin themselves, that is, organize something like a coin attraction. In this case, the one who will sell souvenir coins will be dressed in a blacksmith’s costume. You also need to think about this, just like advertising on the Internet.

How much money do you need to start a Coin Attraction business?

A new, fully “stuffed” vending coin attraction (LCD display, advertising stand, lighting system) will cost about 200 thousand rubles. Boo. the machine will cost approximately 80 – 100 thousand rubles. According to equipment suppliers, the investment pays off within 4-5 months of operation, provided the attraction is well located.

Basic monthly expenses include: rent of a point ~ 5000 rubles for a good location (shopping center, railway station), machine maintenance (maintenance, depreciation) ~ 3000 rubles, tax (UTII) ~ 2000 rubles, other expenses (fuels and lubricants, minor repairs) ~ 5000 rubles. Total total expenses per month are approximately 15,000 rubles. Hence, the net profit of the coin attraction will be: 90,000 – 15,000 = 75,000 rubles. Not bad for practically passive income. And this is from one machine! Investments pay off with such profitability indicators in just 3-4 months of work.

Related video: [youtube]

Package for organizing a coin minting business

Ready business on a turnkey basis. Clear, simple, profitable, not requiring additional skills and abilities.

The basis of its success lies in two things:

1. A popular and sought-after product: everyone knows about coins, and the various images printed on it give it even greater value.

2. An easy-to-organize show with a “wow” effect. You pick up a hammer and start making money.

The kit includes everything you need for a quick start: equipment, a set of coin blanks, promotional materials and cliches, which we will produce individually for you and your city!

The structure is designed in such a way that you not only recoup the 48,000 rubles invested, but also receive your first profit in the amount of 12,000 rubles!

The Coin Attraction show is an interactive show where everyone, even a child, can mint a souvenir coin with their own hands.

  1. “Wow” effect from the interactive show (swing an ax)
  2. The opportunity to do something with your own hands
  3. Unique assortment (formed individually for each partner and each region)

To date, more than 850 entrepreneurs in more than 600 cities of Russia and 15 foreign countries have become our partners.

After all, each of them invites its buyer to feel like a real “coin smith” and in just a few seconds mint a commemorative souvenir coin with original symbols with his own hands.

  1. We have prepared a line of equipment with which you can mint coins D=25 mm and medals D=32.6 mm
  2. Provided a wide selection of equipment and consumables (more than 30 types of cliches and 20 types of blanks from 5 metals)
  3. We made an original assortment available for each partner - an individual cliche to order costs only 2,500 rubles.

In order to start a business with us, you just need to purchase an initial set of equipment, which already includes everything necessary for its organization.

Explore your city and the places where its guests and residents gather. This could be a park, recreation area, exhibition center and much more.

Then all you have to do is prepare an assortment for your outlet (together with our designer) and start earning money.

The show itself will do the rest for you, gathering crowds of people around and selling your services.

Calculation of income from the sale of manufactured coins

In a recreation park with a foot traffic of about 30 thousand people per month, approximately 2,300 souvenir coins can be sold during the period from May to the end of August.

The equipment set consists of 2 stamps (you can order your own design). When you receive your first income, you can order 2 – 3 more stamps with a different design.

Prices for blanks for souvenir coins, estimated sales volume and selling price for the “Coin Making” business are listed below.

Alloy typeCost pricePrice for oneNumber of coins sold

If you sell 2,300 coins, you can earn approximately 334,000 rubles during the summer season (May-end of August).

Below are calculations of the estimated income for the summer period, with revenue (rub.) 334,000

  • cost (RUB) 77,900;
  • total expenses (rub.) 160,000;
  • purchase of equipment 48,000
  • salary 15 thousand rubles. per month 60,000
  • rent space for 10 thousand rubles. per month 40,000
  • order new cliches 2 pcs. 10,000
  • develop an individual layout 2,000
  • profit (rub.) 96,100
  • profitability (%) 29%

Coin minting equipment

Dear partners!

Start your business by purchasing equipment for minting souvenir coins.

By cooperating with us on special terms, you will receive a number of advantages:

- free shipping

— discounts on assortment

— technical support

Our catalog contains the necessary equipment for minting coins.

You will be able to purchase a press for hand embossing, as well as all the necessary materials.

  • Blanks. Tokens are available in aluminum, copper, brass and cupronickel. All blanks are of high quality material.
  • Cliche. We use durable steel to make it. We produce stamping cliches of 20.8 mm, 25 mm, 32.6 mm. They are double-sided, voluminous, with a matte effect. You can choose a ready-made image for the cliche or order an individual design.
  • Edge application device. The gurtokat will allow you to apply a design to the edge of a souvenir coin, which will make the souvenir more original.
  • Accessories. Our assortment includes a large selection of accessories for coins, namely gift boxes, blisters, key rings, capsules and holders.


How to make money minting coins

The essence of the business idea is to buy equipment for minting coins and sell souvenir products of your own production. Namely, souvenir coins with images of names, heraldic symbols, memorable dates and landscapes. Of course, the production of souvenirs is aimed at large tourist flows. And it has a greater chance of success in the tourist regions of the country. Especially if the process itself is given the flavor of an entertaining show.

In resort towns, few tourists will refuse to buy a souvenir to remember their vacation, especially since its price is not that high. If desired, the coin minting machine can produce key rings, monistos and other souvenir products.

To start a business project, you need to select and buy a minting machine, as well as blanks for minting coins. To choose the best option in terms of cost and quality, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists.

How to choose a place for the “Coin Attraction”

First of all, the business is designed for placement in tourist cities where there is a high flow of vacationers. Such places are rightfully considered the most profitable. But this does not mean that similar business will not work in other cities. There are many high-traffic places where placing a vending coin attraction is quite reasonable: airports, shopping centers, museums, stadiums, hotels, entertainment centers, parks, exhibitions, restaurants and cafes, wedding palaces.

By the way, the location of the machine in wedding palaces can be justified by some kind of ritual for the newlyweds, when a couple makes a pair of coins with “love” symbols for happiness. In such places, the price of a service can range from 200 to 300 rubles (for such reasons, as a rule, no expense is spared).

Machine selection

Different methods of making souvenirs offer different quality of coinage. Accordingly, the choice of equipment should be based on the needs of potential buyers (in addition to the amount of investment in the process). Devices for automatic production of products are characterized by an average level of quality. Wear of machine parts leads to image displacement, unclear drawing and blurred relief. You need to watch them especially carefully. In addition, such a machine must be installed in a walk-through location. Otherwise there will be no benefit from its placement. And profits too. So before purchasing, you should carefully check the planned locations for installation: whether it is possible to place commercial objects there, whether permission is needed and how to obtain it.

Manual creation requires a certain skill. But it is more suitable for resort towns, where the process itself can be further enhanced. The quality of products will directly depend on the skill of the worker. A laser engraver can be used to make cliches. It significantly improves product quality, but is quite expensive. So the issue of purchasing it is better to decide after passing the first stage of the project’s payback.

All that is needed

To implement a vending business and install such a machine, you will need a very small area of ​​1 square meter (accordingly, a very low rent), power supply (220 V outlet), as well as mobile communications or the Internet to be able to track sales. The costs of maintaining a coining machine are minimal, and the profit, even with a small influx of customers, is very significant.

In the manufacture of such machines, an absolutely unique set of different cliches is used. The devices can be equipped with a variety of functions that meet the customer’s wishes. Their body is made of 8 mm. steel, which serves as quite significant protection against vandals.

The cost of a coining machine is about 70,000 rubles, and 100% payback will be in 1 - 3 months. They should be installed in places with maximum traffic, profit will directly depend on this. Almost all landlords freely provide such information. Even if the traffic flow is small, the machine will bring in about 60,000 rubles per month.

Since such machines are new to the modern market, taking advantage of their unusual nature, they can easily become an excellent source of income.

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