The chemical element magnesium (Mg) - characteristics, structure and properties of the metal. What group of metal alloys does magnesium belong to?

Features of Mg as an element of the periodic table

The chemical properties of magnesium largely lie somewhere between beryllium and calcium. First of all, this manifests itself in interaction with water. The first does not react with it at all, while the second dissolves in it. Mg reacts weakly with heated water. But when interacting with water vapor (from 400 degrees Celsius), the reaction Mg + H2O = MgO + H2 , in which the metal dissolves with the active release of hydrogen.

Video - chemical properties of magnesium:

A slightly different reaction occurs with water vapor: Mg+ 2H2O = Mg(OH)2 + H2. Moreover, free hydrogen is ultimately absorbed by magnesium MgH3. As a result, if the metal melted in a humid environment, as it solidified, the hydrogen almost completely disappeared.

Properties of magnesium : it interacts with water at high temperatures and begins to burn in the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - making it difficult to extinguish fires involving Mg. They cannot be extinguished with water. According to the instructions, use powder fire extinguishers and sand. You can also use Si oxides, with which magnesium reacts, but the amount of heat generated is much lower.

In the photo: magnesium combustion

It should also be noted that despite the actual insolubility of Mg(OH)2 in water, a solution of phenolphthalein in its presence turns pink.

Magnesium in the periodic table

Magnesium metal is resistant to caustic alkalis, soda, kerosene, gasoline, and mineral oils. The ability of this element to remove oxygen and chlorine is used to restore pure substances. For example, bromine or titanium.

For the synthesis of different classes of organic compounds, the property of magnesium to interact with halogens is used. Typically, Cl, Br, I, with fluorine Mg forms a protective film, which is why their compound is rarely used for the synthesis of Grignard reagents. The latter are most often formed based on the formula RMgHal, where R is an organic radical and Hal is one of the listed halogens.


The masses of atoms and molecules are very small. Therefore, it was logical to introduce new units of mass measurement in chemistry, choosing the mass of one of the elements as a standard. In modern physics and chemistry, 112 mass of the carbon atom 12C is chosen as the unit of atomic mass. The new unit was called the atomic mass unit.


Atomic mass unit (amu) is a non-systemic unit used to express the masses of atoms, molecules, atomic nuclei and elementary particles. Defined as 112 masses of a 12C carbon atom in the ground state.

1 amu = 1.660539040⋅10−27 kg ≈ 1.66⋅10−27 kg

The masses of all atoms and molecules can thus be expressed in atomic mass units. In such cases, we talk about absolute atomic mass (A) or absolute molecular mass (molMmol). These quantities have the dimension [amu].

It is quite convenient to express the atomic masses of all elements relative to the mass of a reference unit. The mass of an atom, calculated relative to 1 amu, is called relative atomic mass.


The relative atomic mass of the element Ar is the ratio of the mass of the atom to the 112 mass of the 12C carbon atom:


Relative atomic mass is a dimensionless quantity!

Relative atomic mass shows how many times the mass of a given atom is greater than 112 times the mass of a carbon atom. For example, Ar(H)=1, i.e. one hydrogen atom has the same mass as 112 carbon atoms; and writing Ar(Mg)=24 means that a magnesium atom is 24 times heavier than 112 carbon atoms.

Initially (in the 19th century), the atomic weights of elements were related to the mass of hydrogen, taking the latter as one at the suggestion of John Dalton, since hydrogen is the lightest element. Then, the mass of oxygen, taken as 16, was used as a standard, since when calculating the mass of elements, their oxygen compounds were mainly used. The ratio of the mass of oxygen to the mass of hydrogen was taken as 16 to 1. However, oxygen has three isotopes:

, therefore 1/16 of the weight of natural oxygen was characterized only by the average value of the mass of all known oxygen isotopes.
As a result, two scales were drawn up: physical (based on the mass of 16O
) and chemical (based on the average value of the mass of natural oxygen), which created certain difficulties.
Therefore, in 1961, 1/12 of the weight of a carbon atom 12C
The atomic masses of many elements were established experimentally in the 19th century. For example, it was known that copper reacts with sulfur to form copper sulfide of the composition

, where there is one sulfur atom for every copper atom.
Having calculated the masses of the sulfur and copper that reacted, we noticed that the mass of the reacted sulfur is half the mass of the reacted copper, and therefore, each copper atom is 2 times heavier than the sulfur atom. In a similar way, the atomic masses of other elements were established by the formation reactions of their compounds with oxygen - oxides.

The numerical values ​​of the absolute masses of atoms, expressed in amu, coincide with the values ​​of the relative atomic masses.

The values ​​of the relative atomic masses of elements are given in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D.I. Mendeleev. If an element has several isotopes, the average mass of all isotopes is indicated as the atomic mass in the periodic table.

When solving calculation problems, the atomic mass is rounded according to the rules of arithmetic, to the nearest whole number .

For example: Ar(P)=31, Ar(Ge)=73, Ar(Zn)=65

The exception is chlorine, the atomic mass of which is rounded to the nearest tenth:


However, in most exam and basic level problems, the mass of copper is rounded to the nearest whole number: Ar(Cu)=64.


The atomic masses of elements given in the periodic table have fractional values. This is due to the fact that in this case we are talking about the average relative atomic mass of the element. It is calculated taking into account the abundance of isotopes of the element in the earth’s crust:


where Ar is the average relative atomic mass of element X,

Ar(aX),Ar(bX) - relative atomic masses of isotopes of element X,

ω(aX),ω(bX) are the mass fractions of the corresponding isotopes of element X in relation to the total mass of all atoms of this element in nature.

For example, chlorine has two natural isotopes - 35Cl (75.78% by mass) and 37Cl (24.22%). The relative atomic mass of the element chlorine is:




European scientists experimented with ore in the 18th and early 19th centuries. It was possible to obtain only highly contaminated substances.

The real history of the discovery begins in the mid-19th century, when the Frenchman A. Bussy and the Englishman M. Faraday obtained material of a sufficient degree of purity. Both used molten magnesium chloride. The first reduced the substance with metallic potassium, the second - by electrolysis.

The history of the name of the substance dates back to the times of Asia Minor. Magnesia was the name of a city near which deposits of magnesite were discovered.

In Russia, the term " magnesium " has been used since the mid-19th century.

Magnesium atom and molecule. Magnesium formula. Structure of magnesium

Magnesium (Latin Magnesium, from ancient Greek βαρύς - “heavy”) is a chemical element of D. I. Mendeleev’s periodic system of chemical elements with the designation Mg and atomic number 12. Located in the 2nd group (according to the old classification - the main subgroup of the second group), the third period of the periodic table.

Magnesium is an alkaline earth metal. Belongs to the group of non-ferrous metals.

As a simple substance, magnesium under normal conditions is a light, malleable metal of a silvery-white color.

The magnesium molecule is monoatomic.

The chemical formula of magnesium is Mg.

The electronic configuration of the magnesium atom is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2. The ionization potential (first electron) of the magnesium atom is 737.75 kJ/mol (7.646236(4) eV).

Structure of the magnesium atom. The magnesium atom consists of a positively charged nucleus (+12), around which 12 electrons move through three atomic shells. In this case, 10 electrons are in the internal level, and 2 electrons are in the external level. Since magnesium is located in the third period, there are only three shells. First, the inner shell is represented by the s-orbital. The second – the inner shell is represented by s- and p-orbitals. The third - outer shell is represented by the s-orbital. At the outer energy level of the magnesium atom, the 3s orbital contains two paired electrons. In turn, the nucleus of a magnesium atom consists of 12 protons and 12 neutrons. Magnesium belongs to the elements of the s-family.

The radius of the magnesium atom (calculated) is 145 pm.

The atomic mass magnesium atom is 24.304-24.307 a. eat.

Excess and deficiency

Magnesium is practically harmless to the body, although some of its compounds are assigned hazard class II. Basically, metal in different forms brings only benefits. And people, animals and plants most often suffer from a lack or excess of the substance.

When there is too little metal in the body, the risk of developing diabetes, kidney and intestinal diseases increases. People suffering from a lack of microelements often have headaches, insomnia, muscle spasms, and fatigue quickly sets in. If left untreated, this can lead to various more serious diseases, increasing the risk of cancer.

Before you begin to restore the level of a substance in the body, you must consult a doctor and determine the degree of need for the substance. After passing the tests, the doctor will prescribe a variable or constant intake of appropriate medications over a period of time, which should be taken strictly according to the instructions.

When there is an excess of microelement, people develop the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • speech disorder;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • and so on.

When the soil contains insufficient amounts of the substance, plants begin to develop leaf marbling and chlorosis. Lack of magnesium in the diet causes grass tetany in cattle.

Magnesium is one of the vital microelements. It is difficult to overestimate the role of this substance in animal and plant organisms. Its absence in sufficient quantities can cause many diseases.

Obtaining pure metal

Industrial metal production is possible in two ways:

  1. Electrolytic.
  2. Thermal.

The first method requires dehydrated magnesium, sodium, and potassium chlorides. They are mixed in an electrolytic bath, and magnesium is reduced in the melt.

The pure metal is drained, adding raw materials to the bath. The rough metal contains up to 2% impurities. If necessary, magnesium that has not yet cooled down is refined, bringing the purity to almost ideal - 99.999%.

In the second method, it is preferable to use dolomite with the addition of coke as a raw material. It is possible to use sea water. The mixture is heated to 2100 degrees, magnesium vapor is distilled off and condensed.

Production of magnesium alloys

Smelting of cast magnesium alloys is carried out:

  • in crucible furnaces operating on liquid fuel, gaseous fuel, electricity;
  • in electric induction furnaces;
  • in reverberatory furnaces.

Smelting of wrought magnesium alloys is carried out:

  • in reverberatory furnaces (3-12 t);
  • in induction furnaces (more than 12 tons).

During the smelting of a magnesium alloy, its surface is heavily protected with a layer of flux to prevent contact with oxygen. Fluxes made on the basis of fluorine and chlorine salts, as well as alkali metals, are used. Special additives are also introduced into molding mixtures to avoid burning of the alloy.

Further processing of cast alloys is carried out in the following ways:

  • sand casting - the production of castings by pouring metal into specially prepared casting models, where the future voids of the product are filled with sand;
  • chill casting – production of castings in collapsible molds suitable for repeated use;
  • injection molding - making castings by injecting metal into a mold under pressure.

Further processing of deformable alloys is carried out in the following ways:

  • pressing - processing an alloy by pressure by squeezing it out of a closed cavity;
  • forging – processing of an alloy by pressure by applying a high impact load to it;
  • stamping – processing of an alloy by pressure through directed plastic deformation;
  • hot rolling - processing of an alloy by pressure by passing it between pressure rolls at high temperatures;
  • cold rolling - processing of an alloy by pressure by passing it between pressure rolls at low temperatures.

Methods for processing finished products to improve their mechanical properties:

  • hardening (homogenization);
  • hardening with artificial aging;
  • annealing to relieve mechanical stress (recrystallization);
  • annealing to level the metal structure and reduce grain size (diffuse).

Receipt in industry

In industrial conditions, electrolysis of anhydrous chloride or anhydrous carnallite is most often used to obtain magnesium. The process goes like this:

  1. Electrolysis takes place at temperatures from 720 to 750 °C.
  2. As the elements are isolated, the composition of the bath is adjusted, part of the electrolyte is removed, and raw materials are added.
  3. The molten metal of interest floats to the surface and is regularly removed.
  4. The resulting substance contains many impurities. To clean the element, it undergoes refining in special furnaces under a layer of flux.
  5. The purified metal is poured into molds.
  6. The next purification involves sublimating the reagent several times under vacuum.

In addition to this method, metallothermic and carbon-thermal methods for producing magnesium are used in production. In the first case, briquettes from hot and decomposed dolomite are mixed with a reducing agent and heated in a vacuum at a temperature of 1300 °C. The resulting magnesium vapor forms condensate when the temperature drops to 400−500 °C. To clean the metal, use submerged arc melting or vacuum melting. The pure element is poured into molds.

When using the second method, briquettes consisting of coal and magnesium oxide are heated in electric ovens to 2100 °C. The metal that has turned into steam is distilled off and condensed.

The substance is also extracted from sea water. To do this, the raw materials are mixed in very large tanks with a suspension of calcium hydroxide, which is obtained by grinding sea shells. As a result of the chemical reaction that occurs, a special suspension is formed, which, after drying, becomes magnesium chloride. After this, the product is subjected to electrolytic processes.

In addition to sea water, water from some salt lakes can be used to distill magnesium. In the Russian Federation, such lakes are located in Crimea, the Volga region and other regions.

Properties of magnesium (table): temperature, density, pressure, etc.

100General information
102Former name
103Latin nameMagnesium
104English nameMagnesium
106Atomic number (number in table)12
108GroupNon-ferrous, alkaline earth metal
109OpenJoseph Black, Scotland, 1755, Humphry Davy, Great Britain, 1808, Antoine Alexandre Brutus Bussy, France, 1829.
110Opening year1755
111Appearance, etc.Lightweight, malleable, silver-white metal
112OriginNatural material
114Allotropic modifications
115Temperature and other conditions for the transition of allotropic modifications into each other
116Bose-Einstein condensate
1172D materials
118Content in the atmosphere and air (by mass)0 %
119Content in the earth's crust (by mass)2,9 %
120Content in seas and oceans (by mass)0,13 %
121Content in the Universe and space (by mass)0,06 %
122Abundance in the Sun (by mass)0,07 %
123Content in meteorites (by mass)12 %
124Content in the human body (by weight)0,027 %
200Properties of the atom
201Atomic mass (molar mass)*24.304-24.307 a. e.m. (g/mol)
202Electronic configuration1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
203Electronic shellK2 L8 M2 N0 O0 P0 Q0 R0

204Atomic radius (calculated)145 pm
205Empirical atomic radius*150 pm
206Covalent radius*141 pm
207Ion radius (crystalline)Mg2+ 71 (4) pm,
86 (6) pm,


201* The range of atomic mass values ​​is indicated due to the varying abundance of isotopes of a given element in nature.

205* The empirical radius of the magnesium atom according to [1] is 160 pm.

206* The covalent radius of magnesium according to [1] and [3] is 141±7 pm and 136 pm, respectively.

407* The specific heat of fusion (enthalpy of fusion ΔHmel) of magnesium according to [3] is 9.20 kJ/mol.

408* The specific heat of evaporation (enthalpy of boiling ΔHboiling) of magnesium according to [3] is 131.8 kJ/mol.

410* The molar heat capacity of magnesium according to [3] is 24.90 J/(K mol).

Electronic circuit of magnesium


1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 Short notation:

The magnesium atom and -1Na, +1Al, +2Si, +3P, +4S, +5Cl have the same electronic configuration

The order of filling the shells of a magnesium (Mg) atom with electrons: 1s → 2s → 2p → 3s → 3p → 4s → 3d → 4p → 5s → 4d → 5p → 6s → 4f → 5d → 6p → 7s → 5f → 6d → 7p.

The 's' sublevel can have up to 2 electrons, the 's' level can have up to 6 electrons, the 'd' level can have up to 10 electrons, and the 'f' level can have up to 14 electrons.

Magnesium has 12 electrons, let's fill the electron shells in the order described above:

  • 2 electrons in the 1s sublevel
  • 2 electrons in the 2s sublevel
  • 6 electrons in the 2p sublevel
  • 2 electrons in the 3s sublevel

Buying powder or shavings

The easiest way to “get it” is to buy or order an element. Where can I get magnesium powder? You can find a store in your city or order powder or shavings delivered by mail to your home.

Today, magnesium is sold not only in bulk industrial containers. You can easily order it in a container of any packaging suitable for you. So, for example, 1 kg of magnesium powder will cost you, on average, 300 rubles.

The purchase can be made in the online stores “Alibaba”, “Ruskhim”, “Russian Metal”, “BVB Alliance”, Shilanet and others.

Valency Mg

Magnesium atoms in compounds exhibit valency II.

The valency of magnesium characterizes the ability of the Mg atom to form chemical bonds. Valence follows from the structure of the electron shell of the atom; electrons involved in the formation of chemical compounds are called valence electrons. A more extensive definition of valence is:

The number of chemical bonds by which a given atom is connected to other atoms

Valence has no sign.

Molar mass of mg(no3)2

Molar mass, molecular weight and elemental structure calculator

Molar mass of mg(no3)2
1578.9112 g/mol
Formula in the Hill system
Elemental composition of Mg(No3)2:

24,305011,5394 %
NoNobelium259,1010698,4606 %

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Calculation of molar mass

To calculate the molar mass of a chemical compound, enter its formula and click the 'Calculate!' button. In the chemical formula, you can use:

  • Any chemical element
  • Functional groups: D, Ph, Me, Et, Bu, AcAc, For, Ts, Tos, Bz, TMS, tBu, Bzl, Bn, Dmg
  • round () and square [] brackets.
  • Common compound names.

Examples of calculating molar mass: NaCl, Ca(OH)2, K4[Fe(CN)6], CuSO4*5h3O, water, nitric acid, potassium permanganate, ethanol, fructose.

Calculation of molecular mass (molecular mass)

To calculate the molecular mass of a chemical compound, enter its formula, indicating its isotope mass after each element in square brackets. Examples of molecular weight calculations: C[14]O[16]2, S[34]O[16]2.

Determination of molecular weight, molecular weight, molecular weight and molar mass

  • Molecular mass ( molecular mass ) is the mass of one molecule of a substance, expressed in atomic mass units (u). (1 and equal to 1/12 the mass of one carbon-12 atom)
  • Molar mass ( molecular mass ) is the mass of one mole of a substance and is expressed in g/mol.

Masses of atoms and isotopes from the NIST article.
Leave us feedback about your experience with the molecular mass calculator.

See also: molecular weights of amino acids

molecular weight calculated today

Magnesium crystal lattice:

500Crystal cell
511Crystal grid #1
512Lattice structureHexagonal close-packed
513Lattice parametersa = 3.2029 Å, c = 5.2000 Å
514c/a ratio1,624
515Debye temperature318 K
516Name of space symmetry groupP63/mmc
517Symmetry space group number194

Physical properties

Magnesium is a silver-white metal with a hexagonal lattice and has a metallic luster; space group P 63/mmc, lattice parameters a = 0.32029 nm, c = 0.52000 nm, Z = 2. Under normal conditions, the surface of magnesium is covered with a fairly strong protective film of magnesium oxide MgO, which is destroyed when heated in air to about 600 °C, after which the metal burns with a blinding white flame to form magnesium oxide and nitride Mg3N2. The rate of ignition of magnesium is much higher than the speed of pulling back the hand, so when magnesium is set on fire, a person does not have time to pull back the hand and gets burned. It is advisable to look at burning magnesium only through dark glasses or glass, as otherwise there is a risk of getting a light burn to the retina and going blind for a while. The density of magnesium at 20 °C is 1.738 g/cm³, the melting point is 650 °C, the boiling point is 1090 °C, the thermal conductivity at 20 °C is 156 W/(m K). High purity magnesium is ductile, easily pressed, rolled and amenable to cutting.

Interaction with various acids

For brevity, it's easier to look at a few experiments. The following types of acids are used for them:

  1. Solyanaya.
  2. Nitrogen.
  3. Sulfuric (diluted and not).

In the first case, almost instantaneous dissolution is observed, accompanied by bubbles of white gases and a pungent odor of chlorine. The container in which the reaction took place heats up.

A piece of magnesium does not sink in nitric acid. Brown gas accumulates above the surface of the liquid and heat is released. The acid is sometimes said to be "boiling" around the magnesium pieces.

The third case must be considered as two particular ones. In undiluted sulfuric acid the reaction proceeds slowly. If you use a solution with a small amount of water, magnesium, just like with nitric acid, floats on the surface. In this case, a barely noticeable reaction occurs with the release of white gas bubbles.

Chemical properties

When heated in air, magnesium burns to form an oxide and a small amount of nitride. This releases a large amount of heat and light. Magnesium burns well even in carbon dioxide. Hot magnesium reacts vigorously with water, as a result of which burning magnesium cannot be extinguished with water. Alkalis have no effect on magnesium; it dissolves in acids with the rapid release of hydrogen. A mixture of magnesium powder reacts explosively with strong oxidizing agents, for example with dry potassium permanganate.

Being in nature

Clark magnesium - 1.95% (19.5 kg/t). This is one of the most common elements of the earth's crust. Large amounts of magnesium are found in seawater in the form of a salt solution. The main minerals with a high mass content of magnesium:

  • sea ​​water - (0.12-0.13%),
  • carnallite - MgCl2 • KCl • 6H2O (8.7%),
  • bischofite - MgCl2 • 6H2O (11.9%),
  • kieserite - MgSO4 • H2O (17.6%),
  • epsomite - MgSO4 • 7H2O (9.9%),
  • kainite - KCl • MgSO4 • 3H2O (9.8%),
  • magnesite - MgCO3 (28.7%),
  • dolomite - CaCO3 MgCO3 (13.1%),
  • brucite - Mg(OH)2 (41.6%).

Magnesium salts are found in large quantities in salt deposits of self-sediment lakes. Deposits of carnallite of sedimentary origin are found in many countries.

Magnesite is formed predominantly in hydrothermal conditions and belongs to medium-temperature hydrothermal deposits. Dolomite is also an important magnesium raw material. Dolomite deposits are widespread and their reserves are enormous. They are genetically related to carbonate sedimentary layers and most of them are of Precambrian or Permian geological age. Dolomite deposits are formed by sedimentation, but can also arise when limestone is exposed to hydrothermal solutions, groundwater or surface water.

An extremely rare mineral is native magnesium, formed in flows of reducing gases and first discovered in 1991 in the coastal sediments of Chona (Eastern Siberia), and then in lavas in Southern Gissar (Tajikistan).

Natural sources of magnesium

  • Fossil mineral deposits (magnesian and potassium-magnesian carbonates: dolomite, magnesite).
  • Sea water.
  • Brines (brine of salt lakes).

In 1995, most of the world's magnesium production was concentrated in the USA (43%), CIS countries (26%) and Norway (17%), with China's share of the market increasing.

Minerals, deposits

Our hero is so chemically active (simply “promiscuous”) that it is almost impossible to find it in nature in its pure form.

Natural sources of magnesium - minerals:

  • brucite;
  • kieserite;
  • dolomite;
  • magnesite;
  • bischofite;
  • epsomite;
  • carnallite.

Fire metal can even be extracted from sea water. Self-sedimented lakes (the water in them is called brine) contain a large amount of mineral salts, including magnesium.

Educational: there are many such lakes in the Astrakhan region. These are Belinsky, Zinzilinsky, Mochagovsky self-sedating lakes (the list goes on).

The largest Russian group of deposits - Satkinskoye - (14 explored) is located in the Chelyabinsk region, near the city of Satka. High purity magnesium ores are concentrated here.

Groups of metals in chemistry

The word “metal” comes from the Latin “metallum”, which translates as “mine” (another translation is “mine”). Metals are a group of chemical elements united by a number of common characteristics: high electrical conductivity, malleability, good ductility, high thermal conductivity. Another feature common to all metals is metallic luster. Most metals in nature are found in the form of ores or compounds. To obtain any metal in its pure form, the ore is processed using various methods, and the resulting raw material is put through a purification process.

Metals are divided into a number of groups: alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, light metals, semimetals, lanthanides, actinides.


The group includes six chemical elements:

Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Rubdium (Rb), Cesium (Cs), Francium (Fr)


The group includes four elements:

Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), Barium (Ba), Radium (Ra)


There are forty chemical elements in the group:

Scandium (Sc), Titanium (Ti), Vanadium (V), Chromium (Cr), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Yttrium (Y), Zirconium (Zr), Niobium (Nb), Molybdenum (Mo), Technetium (Tc), Ruthenium (Ru), Rhodium (Rh), Palladium (Pd), Silver (Ag), Cadmium (Cd), Lanthanum (La), Hafnium (Hf), Tantalum (Ta), Tungsten (W), Rhenium (Re), Osmium (Os), Iridium (Ir), Platinum (Pt), Gold (Au), Mercury (Hg), Actinium (Ac), Rutherfordium (Rf), Dubnium (Db), Seaborgium (Sg), Bohrium (Bh), Hassium (Hs), Meitnerium (Mt), Darmstadtium (Ds), Roentgenium (Rg), Copernicium (Cn).


There are seven metals in the group:

Aluminum (Al), Gallium (Ga), Indium (In), Tin (Sn), Thallium (Tl), Lead (Pb), Bismuth (Bi)


This group includes seven elements:

Boron (B), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb), Tellurium (Te), Polonium (Po)


In addition to lanthanum (La), there are 14 more elements in the group:

Cerium (Ce), Praseodymium (Pr), Neodymium (Nd), Promethium (Pm), Samarium (Sm), Europium (Eu), Gadolinium (Gd), Terbium (Tb), Dysprosium (Dy), Holmium (Ho), Erbium (Er), Thulium (Tm), Ytterbium (Yb), Lutetium (Lu)


In addition to Actinium (Ac), there are fourteen more elements in the group:

Thorium (Th), Protactinium (Pa), Uranium (U,) Neptunium (Np), Plutonium (Pu), Americium (Am), Curium (Cm), Berkelium (Bk), Californian (Cf), Einsteinium (Es), Fermium (Fm), Mendelevium (Md), Nobelium (No), Lawrencium (Lr).

Two metals remain outside the separate groups - BERILLIUM (Be) and MAGNESIUM (Mg).

This is the division into groups of metals in chemistry. Metallurgy has its own division of metals: ferrous, non-ferrous and precious.

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Magnesium-based alloys are an important structural material in the aircraft and automotive industries due to their lightness and strength. Prices for magnesium bullion in 2006 averaged $3/kg.

Chemical current sources

Magnesium in the form of pure metal, as well as its chemical compounds (bromide, perchlorate) are used for the production of very powerful backup electric batteries (for example, magnesium-perchlorate cell, sulfur-magnesium cell, lead chloride-magnesium cell, silver-magnesium chloride cell, copper-magnesium chloride cell element, magnesium-vanadium element, etc.), and dry elements (manganese-magnesium element, bismuth-magnesium element, magnesium-m-DNB element, etc.). Magnesium-based CCDs are distinguished by very high specific energy characteristics and high discharge voltage. In recent years, the problem of developing a battery with a long service life has become more acute in a number of countries, since theoretical data suggest very great prospects for its widespread use (high energy, environmental friendliness, availability of raw materials).


Magnesium hydride is one of the most capacious hydrogen batteries used for hydrogen storage.

Fireproof materials

Magnesium oxide MgO is used as a refractory material for the production of crucibles and special linings of metallurgical furnaces.

Magnesium perchlorate, Mg(ClO4)2 - (anhydrone) is used for deep drying of gases in laboratories, and as an electrolyte for chemical current sources involving magnesium.

Magnesium fluoride MgF2 - in the form of synthetic single crystals is used in optics (lenses, prisms).

Magnesium bromide MgBr2 - as an electrolyte for chemical backup current sources.


Magnesium oxide and salts are used in medicine (asparkam, magnesium sulfate, magnesium citrate, bischofite mineral). Bischophytotherapy uses the biological effects of natural magnesium in the treatment and rehabilitation of a wide range of diseases, primarily the musculoskeletal system, nervous and cardiovascular systems.


Magnesium powder with oxidizing additives (barium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, potassium permanganate, sodium hypochlorite, potassium chlorate, etc.) was used (and is now used in rare cases) in photography in chemical flashes (magnesium flash).

The benefits and harms of supplements

Pure magnesium is a malleable, lightweight metal. The only property metal has is susceptibility to corrosion. Therefore, pure metal is rarely used, unlike its alloys. For magnesium alloys, the addition of aluminum, zirconium, and zinc is very important.

Aluminum makes the alloy stronger and more convenient for foundry work.

The amount of alloy is important for the qualities of the alloy:

  • 3% aluminum will give the greatest ductility;
  • 6% ligature - will give better strength and ductility;
  • 9% aluminum will give the alloy maximum strength.

The properties of zinc in alloys are similar to aluminum:

  • 3% additive maximizes plasticity;
  • 5% zinc will give a harmonious combination of ductility and strength of the alloy;

If the alloy contains harmful impurities (nickel, iron), then the zinc alloy will increase corrosion resistance.

Silicon will increase castability, but in the presence of iron will reduce rust resistance.

Nickel and iron impurities are harmful and make the alloy susceptible to rust.

Magnesium alloys are divided into wrought alloys (MA) and cast alloys (ML); the latter are used much more often. Copper, iron, zinc, and nickel are added to the MCI alloy. This mixture of metals is good under vibration loads.

To which group of metals does iron and its alloys belong?

To which group of metals does iron and its alloys belong?

a) To refractory; b) To black; c) To diamagnetic materials; d) To metal with high specific strength

a) Refractory metals have a melting point higher than the melting point of iron

c) Iron and most of its alloys are pronounced ferromagnets

d) Structural materials are classified according to their specific strength. In addition, materials such as titanium alloys, beryllium and especially composites have higher specific strength than iron-based alloys

2. Which of the following metals (alloys) is considered ferrous?

a) Brass; b) Corrosion-resistant steel; c) Babbitt; d) Duralumin

a) Brasses are non-ferrous alloys whose main components are copper and zinc

c) Babbitts are non-ferrous anti-friction alloys based on tin or zinc

d) Duralumins are non-ferrous alloys based on aluminum

What are metals with a melting point higher than the melting point of titanium called?

a) Refractory; b) Noble; c) Black; d) Rare earth

b) Metals that are chemically inert (Rh, Pd, Ag, Os, Pt, Au) are classified as noble metals. They have t pl. both above (plate metals) and below (Ag, Au) t pl iron

c) Black includes iron and alloys based on it

d) Rare earth metals include gr. lanthanum-lanthanides (Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) as well as yttrium (Y) and scandium (Sc) Most REMs have a tm lower than the tm of iron

What group of metals does tungsten belong to?

a) To actinides; b) To the noble; c) To rare earths; d) To refractory

a) Main difference The characteristic of actonoids is radioactivity. Natural tungsten radioact. has no isotopes

b) To the good. include Ag, Au, metals gr. platinum For them, maybe Tungsten copper is not included among these metals

c) In gr. REM includes lanthanides and similar yttrium and scandium Tungsten does not belong to lanthanides

Which of the following groups contains only refractory metals?

a) Nickel, aluminum; b) Titanium, sea anemone; c) Molybdenum, zirconium; d) Tungsten, iron

a) Nickel belongs to gr. iron, and aluminum - light metals. In addition, the t pl. of both metals is lower than the t pl. of iron

b) Ac refers to gr. uranium In addition, the t square of actinium (1050) is lower than the t square of iron

d) To tightness include metals with t pl above t pl Fe

6. Which group of metals (alloys) does magnesium belong to?

a) Low-melting; b) To the noble; c) To the lungs; d) To rare earths

a) t pl Mg is really low (650), but it has a character. sign, according to cat. it is classified as another group.

b) To the good. include Ag, Au, metals gr. platinum for them, maybe. Copper is included Magnesium is not among these metals

d) In gr. REMs include lanthanides and similar yttrium and scandium. Magnesium is not a lanthanide.

Which of the following groups contains only light metals?

a) Titanium, copper; b) Silver, chrome; c) Aluminum, tin; d) Magnesium, beryllium

a) Light metals include low-density metals, while copper is denser than iron

b) Silver belongs to the noble group, and chromium belongs to the refractory group. In addition, Ag is significantly higher in density than iron, Cr is only slightly inferior to it

c) Sn is low-melting (t pl = 232), moreover, the density of tin is only slightly inferior to iron

Which of the following groups contains only fusible metals?

a) Indium, magnesium; b) Tin, lead; c) Antimony, nickel; d) Zinc, cobalt

a) t pl In and Mg are really low (157 and 651), however, Mg, due to its low density (1.74 g/cm3), is classified as light

c) Only antimony has a low t pl (630), while for nickel it is quite high (1453). Nickel belongs to the metals of the iron group.

d) Only Zn (420) has a low tmelt, while for Co it is quite high (1493). Co belongs to the metals of the iron group.

What property of metals can be explained by the lack of directionality of interatomic bonds?

a) paramagnetism; b) electrical conductivity; c) anisotropy; d) high compactness

a) the magnetic properties of a material are determined by its electronic structure. Among metals there are not only paramagnets, but also diamagnets (Be, Zn, Cu, Ag)

b) Not only metals have high electrical conductivity, but, for example, graphite, a substance with directed interatomic bonds

c) anisotropy is characteristic of all crystalline bodies, including those with directed interatomic bonds

What is a domain?

a) unit of metal grain size; b) region of spontaneous magnetization of a ferromagnet; c) type of defect in the crystal structure; d) a section of metal grain with an undisturbed crystal lattice

a) the size of the metal grain is determined in units of length, or in points

c) domains are associated with the crystal structure of ferromagnets, but are not its defects

d) practically defect-free areas of the metal grain are called blocks of mosaic structure

To which group of metals does iron and its alloys belong?

a) To refractory; b) To black; c) To diamagnetic materials; d) To metal with high specific strength

a) Refractory metals have a melting point higher than the melting point of iron

c) Iron and most of its alloys are pronounced ferromagnets

d) Structural materials are classified according to their specific strength. In addition, materials such as titanium alloys, beryllium and especially composites have higher specific strength than iron-based alloys

2. Which of the following metals (alloys) is considered ferrous?

a) Brass; b) Corrosion-resistant steel; c) Babbitt; d) Duralumin

a) Brasses are non-ferrous alloys whose main components are copper and zinc

c) Babbitts are non-ferrous anti-friction alloys based on tin or zinc

d) Duralumins are non-ferrous alloys based on aluminum

General conditions for choosing a drainage system: The drainage system is selected depending on the nature of the protected area.

Mechanical retention of earth masses: Mechanical retention of earth masses on a slope is provided by buttress structures of various designs.

Papillary patterns of the fingers are a marker of athletic abilities: dermatoglyphic signs are formed at 3-5 months of pregnancy and do not change throughout life.


Meaning for humans

Magnesium is initially present in biological organisms. However, in everyday products (bread, milk, meat) there is a minimum of it.

Life processes

Without metal, the normal course of important life processes is impossible:

  • Protein synthesis.
  • The work of the nervous system and heart muscle.
  • Vasodilation.
  • Bile secretion.
  • Work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Removing cholesterol from the body.
  • Muscle contraction.

The daily intake of the substance for women and men is 300 and 400 mg.

The need is increased by mental and physical overload, stress, alcohol abuse, and sweating.

It must be taken into account that the body absorbs only a third of the total amount of the substance ingested.

Phytin, fatty or calcium-rich diets interfere with the absorption of microelements more fully.


Magnesium compounds are low-toxic (with the exception of salts of such toxic acids as hydrocyanic, hydronitrous, hydrofluoric, chromic).

Biological role

Magnesium is one of the important biogenic elements; it is found in significant quantities in the tissues of animals and plants (chlorophylls). Its biological role was formed historically during the period of the origin and development of protolife on our planet due to the fact that the salt composition of the sea water of the ancient Earth was predominantly magnesium chloride, in contrast to the current one - sodium chloride.

Magnesium is a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions. Magnesium is necessary for the conversion of creatine phosphate into ATP, a nucleotide that is a universal supplier of energy in living cells of the body. Magnesium is necessary at all stages of protein synthesis. It is involved in maintaining the normal function of the nervous system and heart muscles, has a vasodilating effect, stimulates bile secretion, increases intestinal motor activity, which helps remove cholesterol from the body.

The absorption of magnesium is hindered by the presence of phytin and excess fat and calcium in food. A lack of magnesium in the body can manifest itself in different ways: insomnia, chronic fatigue, osteoporosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, muscle cramps and spasms, cardiac arrhythmia, constipation, premenstrual syndrome (PMS). With sweating, frequent use of laxatives and diuretics, alcohol, great mental and physical stress (primarily under stress and in athletes), the need for magnesium increases.

Most magnesium is found in wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, and cocoa powder. Foods rich in magnesium also include sesame, bran, and nuts. However, the abundance of phytin in these foods makes it difficult to absorb, so only green vegetables can serve as a reliable source of magnesium. There is very little magnesium in bread, dairy, meat and other everyday food products of modern people. The daily requirement of magnesium is about 300 mg for women and 400 mg for men (it is assumed that about 30% of magnesium is absorbed).

When consuming vitamin-mineral complexes containing magnesium, it must be remembered that if it is consumed excessively, an overdose is possible, accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, depression of the central nervous system, decreased reflexes, changes in the electrocardiogram, respiratory depression, coma, cardiac arrest, respiratory paralysis, anuric syndrome.

People with kidney failure should also be careful when taking magnesium.


Cocoa powder, bran, nuts, and pumpkin seeds are saturated with magnesium. However, the abundance of phytin in them interferes with the absorption of the element.

Nutritionists consider green vegetables to be a storehouse of magnesium. These are cabbage, cucumbers, peas, asparagus, celery, onions, spinach, parsley.

Consequences of deficiency or excess of a substance

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency:


Those who are looking for where to get magnesium metal will be interested to know in what forms it is supplied by manufacturers. Basically, it is shavings or powder. Produced in accordance with GOST 6001-79. According to the standard, the magnesium content in all forms should not be less than 99%. The share of absorbed water is no more than 0.01%.

There are four main brands: MPF-1, MPF-2, MPF-3, MPF-4. Their differences are only in the size of the magnesium granules.

Since the powder is highly chemically active, it is supplied in a sealed tin container that does not allow air to pass through. This is a mandatory storage condition, since its interaction with oxygen can lead to spontaneous combustion.

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