High carbon steel production
Carbon steel. Brands, properties and their application
High-carbon steel, due to a number of undeniable advantages that it possesses, is successfully used for the production
welding machine resanta 160
Welding machine "Resanta 160": description, technical characteristics, reviews
Resanta welding machines are simply extremely popular in Russia. The equipment is reliable and
What is a toroidal transformer and how is it different from other types?
When it comes to transformers and their types, all models still have a similar
Technology for galvanizing at home
Those who remember well the school curriculum for the Chemistry course will immediately answer the question that
surface scraping
Scraping of progressively moving parts of a screw-cutting lathe. Scraping around the lighthouses.
One of the options for final metal processing is scraping. With this operation you can
Detailed review of the chuck for a metal lathe
Heavy industry is currently gaining more and more momentum, because the production of parts, starting from simple
Vulcanized tires
The two main methods of tire repair are “cold” vulcanization and “heat press”.
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The structure of carbine
The hardest materials: types, classification, characteristics, interesting facts and features, chemical and physical properties
Everyone knows that diamond is currently the standard of hardness, i.e. when determining hardness
Structure, properties and application of cast irons (page 3)
Types of cast iron The grade of cast iron alloy is determined by the amount of carbon and other substances in its composition.
Welding ranks: what you should be able to do and how to improve them
If you look from the outside, it may seem that welding is very simple. Indeed, after several
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