Rainbow passivation process for bright zinc coatings based on trivalent chromium salts Pasigal H

CJSC "Zavod Trud" offers galvanic coating services in its own galvanic shop.

The plant has the most modern equipment:

  • galvanic lines made in France
  • automatic conveyor line for powder coating
  • towing installations for dry and wet polishing of products
  • chamber electric furnaces for heat treatment

Why should you order galvanic coating services from Trud Plant CJSC:

  1. Orders are fulfilled by highly qualified employees with more than 10 years of experience in the plant’s galvanic shop.
  2. All coated products undergo multi-stage quality control control.
  3. All technical processes are regulated according to the quality management system and confirmed by the GOST ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2008) certificate.
  4. Huge production capacity is a guarantee of fast and high-quality execution of your order.
  5. CJSC "Zavod Trud" has been operating for more than 120 years, since 1893 it has been a stable developing enterprise, ready to become a reliable partner for your organization.

Galvanizing with rainbow chromate

Protection of steel from corrosion under various operating conditions. Designation: Ts [thickness] hr. Applicable to all types of steel, cast iron, TsAM. Microhardness: 500-1200 MPa. Specific resistance (18°C): 5.75*10 Ohm*m. Operating temperature: up to +300°C.

Advantages of coverage:

  • Protects steel from corrosion in both light and severe operating conditions, even in the presence of scratches or chips of the coating (anodic protection);
  • Restores protective properties over time in case of minor mechanical damage (the “self-healing” property of the chromate film);
  • Ensures easy screwing of threaded parts;
  • Average ductility, in some cases withstands bending, flaring, etc.

Disadvantages of coverage:

  • Low abrasion resistance of chromate film;
  • protective properties decrease at temperatures above +70°C;
  • Increased fragility at temperatures above +250° and below -70°C;
  • Low chemical resistance to the effects of products released during the aging of organic materials and in salt environments.

Galvanizing services

Galvanic galvanizing is the application of zinc to iron using an electrochemical process.
The treated surface becomes able to resist corrosive processes. Possible types of chromatization:

  • colorless chromate
  • rainbow chroming
  • black chromate
  • olive chromate

The thickness of the coating depends on the operating conditions of the products:

  • 6 microns - light operating conditions.
  • 12–15 µm - average operating conditions.
  • 30 microns - severe operating conditions.

The thickness of the protective layer can be increased to 500 micrometers.
Advantages of galvanic galvanizing:

  • Improved performance
  • Low cost
  • Optimal level of metal protection
  • Uniform coverage (no drops, smudges)
  • The application of zinc coating to a product does not depend on the structural complexity of the product.
  • Decorative coatings (smoothness and shine), parts do not need additional processing.
Individual approachSpeedQuality
We produce any parts according to existing samples or according to your drawings and sketchesOur production facilities allow us to fulfill orders of any volume in the shortest possible timeConstant quality control at all stages of production. The plant is certified according to the ISO quality system

Galvanizing with colorless chromium plating

Protection of steel from corrosion in light conditions, decorative finishing. Designation: C [thickness] chrome.btsv. Applicable to all types of steel, cast iron, TsAM. Microhardness: from 500 to 1200 MPa. Specific resistance (18°C): 5.75*10 Ohm*m. Operating temperature: up to +300°C.

Advantages of coverage:

  • Improves the appearance of parts. Has a uniform silver color;
  • Protects steel from corrosion even if the coating is scratched or chipped (anodic protection);
  • Ensures easy screwing of threaded parts;
  • Average ductility, in some cases withstands bending, flaring, etc.;
  • Meets European environmental requirements (does not contain hexavalent chromium).

Disadvantages of coverage:

  • Low abrasion resistance of chromite film;
  • Chromite film does not have the property of “self-healing”;
  • Increased fragility at temperatures above +250° and below -70°C;
  • Low chemical resistance to the effects of products released during the aging of organic materials and in a saline environment.

Galvanizing with olive chromate

Excellent protection of steel against corrosion under harsh operating conditions. Designation: C [thickness] khaki. Applicable to all types of steel, cast iron, TsAM. Microhardness: from 500 to 1200 MPa. Specific resistance (18°C): 5.75*10 Ohm*m. Operating temperature: up to +300°C.

Advantages of coverage:

  • Maximum protects steel from corrosion (compared to other types of galvanizing) under severe operating conditions, even in the presence of scratches or chips of the coating (anodic protection);
  • Restores protective properties over time in case of minor mechanical damage (the “self-healing” property of the chromate film);
  • Ensures easy screwing of threaded parts;
  • Average ductility, in some cases withstands bending, flaring, etc.;
  • It is used in processing parts of military equipment and has a characteristic khaki color.

Disadvantages of coverage:

  • Low abrasion resistance of chromate film;
  • Increased fragility at temperatures above +250° and below -70°C;
  • Low chemical resistance to products released during aging of organic materials.

Questions - Answers

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Tip: By clicking the "forward" link, you can view the questions in chronological order. Using the “back” link, you can scroll through the questions in reverse chronological order, starting with the newest ones.

Popular about electroplating and electroplating

  • Chrome plating at home
  • How to organize electroplating of parts in an auto service station
  • Are batteries harmful and what are the consequences of electrolyte evaporation?
  • Service life of galvanic coatings
  • Electroplating at home (in the garage)
  • Is it dangerous to live in a house built on the site of a galvanizing shop?

Economic and legal issues

  • Certification of electroplating production according to ISO
  • Is certification of galvanic equipment required?
  • Pricing in electroplating
  • How to reduce fines for exceeding maximum permissible concentrations
  • The question of the mandatory nature of REACH and other European regulations in Russia
  • Occupational safety and health Interindustry rules on labor protection when applying metal coatings
  • Manual loading and unloading of large and heavy products into baths

Processes of electrodeposition of metals and alloys

  • Galvanizing newProblems with additives (emulsifier or brightener) in the weakly acidic ammonium-free galvanizing electrolyte
  • newWhite coating on zinc coating
  • Hydrogenation of thin-walled parts in zincate electrolyte
  • Dark spots on the zinc coating of complex profile products
  • Cracking and peeling of zinc coating with paintwork from steel on parts with a screw connection
  • Differences in the properties of zinc coatings made from electrolytes with additives from different manufacturers
  • Treatment of zinc coating before painting
  • Porosity during galvanizing of TsAM
  • Why is a zinc generator better than anodes or baskets in a galvanizing bath?
  • Galvanizing of hardened nitro-carburized steels in zincate electrolyte
  • Increasing the rate of dissolution of zinc anodes
  • Question about the composition of ammonia electrolyte for galvanizing and passivation bath
  • Anodic film, does it interfere with the alkaline galvanizing process?
  • Zinc coatings on steel at high temperatures
  • Permissible volumetric current density for zincate electrolyte
  • Peeling of zinc coating during rolling process
  • Problems of bright galvanizing with Colzinc
  • Black dots on zincate electrolyte coating
  • Selection of brightening agent and type of passivation for bright galvanizing
  • Do matte and shiny zinc coatings differ in corrosion properties?
  • Overheating of the galvanizing bath
  • Comparison of zinc coatings
  • Selecting an electrolyte for galvanizing window fittings
  • Application of ammonia-free galvanizing electrolyte without brighteners
  • Thermal diffusion galvanizing of springs
  • Prevent heating of alkaline galvanizing electrolyte
  • Galvanizing of parts that have previously undergone nitrocarburization
  • Drum galvanizing at high current density
  • Potassium chloride galvanizing
  • Dark spots during potassium-chlorine galvanizing of bolts on hangers
  • Galvanizing of contaminated threaded products
  • Problem with galvanizing in ammonia electrolyte
  • Problems with galvanizing in a drum
  • Questions about galvanizing in cyanide-free alkaline electrolytes
  • Chrome plating
      Dewatering of thin steel discs
  • Chrome plating of recesses
  • Chrome plating of titanium parts
  • Distance between anode and cathode during chrome plating
  • Chrome plating of brass
  • Chrome plating of molds made of steel 45X
  • Chrome plating with pulse and reverse current
  • Permissible volumetric current density for chrome plating
  • Washing chrome parts with cold water
  • Increasing the wear resistance of well pumps
  • How to achieve good adhesion with chrome-plated piston rings
  • Express analysis of chromium plating electrolytes
  • Chrome plating of large parts
  • Is it possible to chrome aluminum to a mirror finish?
  • The influence of a high content of trivalent chromium in the chromium plating electrolyte
  • Nickel plating
      newAbout the causes of turbidity in nickel coating
  • newNickel plating of corrosion-resistant steel
  • newPulcers on extreme parts during nickel plating
  • Preparation of dispersed phase of silicon carbide SiC for nickel plating electrolyte
  • Preparation of nickel plating electrolyte from chemically pure reagents
  • Nickel rod NP-1 and NP-2 as an internal anode for nickel plating of holes
  • Elimination of pitting on nickel plating baths
  • Nikasil and its deposition on aluminum
  • Adjustment of sulfamate electrolyte nickel plating
  • Replacement of anti-pitting additive for nickel plating
  • Problems with Nickel Plating from Watts Electrolyte with Sodium Fluoride and High pH
  • On the introduction of Cl-ions into the nickel plating electrolyte in the form of nickel and sodium chlorides
  • Replacing chemical nickel with electrolytic nickel for soldering
  • On the possibility of increasing the dimensions of the nickel plating bath
  • Brilliant nickel plated brass parts
  • Bubbles in the coating when applying electroplated nickel to parts made of AMC alloy
  • Question about poor adhesion of nickel to coating
  • What affects the dissipation and covering ability of nickel plating electrolyte?
  • Nickel plating of small parts (keys) in the drum
  • Preparation of brass parts before nickel plating
  • What is the reason for the defective nickel coatings deposited on aluminum?
  • Eliminating the causes of nickel plating defects.
  • Purification of nickel plating sulfate electrolyte from iron ions
  • Processing modes for nickel plating electrolyte
  • Neutralization of nickel plating solution
  • Problems associated with the nickel plating process
  • Additives for nickel-boron coating
  • Copper plating
      How to preserve the color of copper?
  • “Patterned” coating with thick-layer copper plating
  • Adjustment of copper pyrophosphate electrolyte
  • How to insulate uncoated surfaces before copper cyanide plating
  • Tin plating and tin alloys
      newOperation of tin-nickel electrolyte
  • newTin-lead coating in bells
  • Porosity and hiding power of tin-cobalt electrolyte
  • Non-coating of brass with tin-bismuth alloy
  • How to properly prepare fluoroborate electrolyte
  • Tin plating from fluoride chloride electrolyte at elevated pH
  • Characteristics of tin-bismuth alloy
  • About the dissipative ability of the electrolyte for tin-bismuth coating
  • Tin plating for automotive contact coating
  • Precipitation of noble metals
      Applying gold with a nickel sublayer to parts made of MD40 alloy
  • Insulating part of a part during silver plating
  • Silver plating from dicyano-argentate-rhodanate electrolyte
  • Is a copper underlayer required for silver cyanide plating of bronze?
  • Adjustment of silver cyanide electrolyte
  • Silver plating of VNM alloy parts
  • Methods for controlling acid consumption when plating with precious metals
  • Distinctive characteristics of galvanic gilding by immersion and rubbing method
  • Brass plating
      Cyanide brass plating of TsAM alloys: coating color
  • Question about brass plating electrolyte
  • Composition of a non-cyanide brass plating bath
  • Other metals
      newPitting in cobalt hydrometallurgy
  • Titanium coating
  • Molybdenum precipitation
  • Multilayer coatings
      About the corrosion resistance of copper-nickel-chrome coating and options for its replacement
  • Why do we need multilayer nickel coatings?
  • Chemical coatings

    • newColor of chemically deposited nickel coating after heat treatment
    • newFiltration of electroless nickel plating solution
    • Replacing chemical nickel with electrolytic nickel for soldering
    • Conductive coating, resistant to marine environments
    • Heating an electroless nickel plating solution using a steam jacket
    • About the solderability of chemically deposited nickel
    • Heating the electroless nickel plating solution
    • Hard nickel plating
    • Is it possible to coat part of an aluminum part with chemical nickel?
    • About replacing enameled buckets in the electroless nickel plating process
    • “Boiling” of the electroless nickel plating solution
    • The role of lead sulfide in the electroless nickel plating process
    • Deterioration of solderability of parts with chemical nickel-phosphorus coating
    • Local overheating of the electroless nickel plating solution
    • Anodic protection of titanium nickel plating baths
    • Chemical metallization - a question from the Society of Novice Electroplaters

    Surface treatment

    • Pre-treatment Degreasing AMG
    • Titanium etching
    • Grinding copper parts with electrocorundum
    • Degreasing of parts made of different materials in one solution
    • Electrical steel pickling
    • Preparation of brass parts before nickel plating
    • Steel wire pickling
    • Iron precipitate and its permissible concentration in the clarification bath
    • Descaling
  • Chromating
      About the time between galvanizing and chromating zinc parts
  • On the presence of 6-valence chromium in coatings and steels
  • Difference between chromate plating and filling in chromate solution
  • Self-healing of chromate and chromite films
  • Dehydration of cadmium steels before chromating
  • Chromium plating is a replacement for chromate plating
      Colorless passivation after galvanizing
  • Method for determination of chromium VI in passive film
  • Where does hexavalent chromium come from from a trivalent passivation solution?
  • Chemical passivation of copper and copper alloys
  • Passivation of zinc without hexavalent chromium
  • Chemical passivation of copper and copper alloys with silver contacts
  • Phosphating
      Temperature of surface preparation with phosphating solution with KFA-8
  • Phosphate-soap coating as a lubricant for cold deformation of metal
  • Is it possible to replace chemical phosphating with chemical oxidation?
  • Question about phosphating con and Foskon-471
  • Increasing the size of a part during phosphating
  • The most cost-effective methods for phosphating threaded connections
  • Degreasing surfaces before phosphating
  • How to obtain lighter oxide phosphating films
  • Sludge formation during phosphating
  • Color phosphating of ferrous metals
  • Application of phosphate coatings by jet method on steel 3 for painting
  • Is con applicable for phosphating galvanized parts?
  • Does phosphating lead to changes in the fitting dimensions of steel parts?
  • Neutralization of spent phosphating solution
  • Thread insulation before hot phosphating
  • Cold chemical phosphating of steel bushing
  • Chemical phosphating of steels 25Kh1MF and 38KhN3MFA
  • Selection of phosphating concentrate for coating high-carbon steels
  • Anti-seize phosphate coatings for threaded connections
  • Oxidation
      Cold oxidation of steel
  • Phosphates in a solution of hot bluing of steel
  • Aluminum processing
      newChoice between An.Ox.black. and Chem.Ox.black.
  • Nikasil and its deposition on aluminum
  • Filling operation in distilled water during anodizing with coloring
  • Coating defect An.Oks.ch on D16T
  • Aluminum coating for highly alkaline environments
  • Anodic oxidation in two steps
  • Borate electrolyte for aluminum oxidation
  • Fade of black dye on an.ox.ch coating
  • Durable color of anodized aluminum
  • How to prepare a black dye solution for aluminum?
  • Is it possible to coat part of an aluminum part with chemical nickel?
  • Distance between contacts when anodizing large sheets
  • Cold anodizing D16T
  • Alkaline etching of aluminum: bath haze
  • About changing the dimensions of a part when anodizing aluminum
  • Increasing the thickness of the anodic film when anodizing aluminum
  • Problem with deep anodizing electrolyte
  • Surface insulation during anodizing
  • Filling the anodic film in a chromium solution
  • Aluminum accumulation in anodizing bath
  • Hardness of the anodic film on aluminum
  • Hanging aluminum parts to the current lead
  • Anodizing of aluminum alloy followed by black painting
  • What is the reason for the defective nickel coatings deposited on aluminum?
  • Chemical oxidation of aluminum alloys AmG 3, AmTs
  • Applying enamel and primer to oxidized aluminum
  • Parameters of anodizing aluminum alloys in sulfuric acid
  • Bulk anodizing
  • White spots with black anodizing
  • Causes of thinning and breakage of aluminum wire at the solution/air interface
  • The influence of impurities on the color of aluminum alloy during anodizing
  • Dyes for anodic painting of aluminum alloys
  • How to prepare clad aluminum for metal coating
  • Milling of aluminum products with three-layer coating
  • Chemical oxidation of aluminum grade D 16 in chromate solutions
  • Duration of processing of freshly prepared aluminum anodizing electrolyte
  • Treating aluminum surfaces before powder coating
  • How to achieve good adhesion of powder coating?
  • Titanium anodizing
  • Replacing waterproofing liquid for coatings
  • Question about painting zinc surfaces
  • Passivation of products from ZAM without electrochemical galvanizing
  • Anodes and anodic processes

    • Anode for nickel plating of the inner surface of the cylinder
    • Depolarized Nickel Anodes
    • Cathode material when anodizing aluminum
    • Anodic film, does it interfere with the alkaline galvanizing process?
    • Passivation of anodes during nickel plating
    • Location of anodes during galvanizing in drums
    • Anodic area during galvanizing using titanium baskets
    • Anodes for galvanizing in cyanide-free alkaline electrolytes
    • Selection of nickel anodes for nickel plating from sulfamate electrolyte
    • The influence of temperature and quenching time on the service life of titanium anodes ORTA and ORTA-I (iridium)
    • Features of the anodic process in various galvanizing electrolytes

    Corrosion protection

    • On the possibility of replacing cadmium coatings with zinc-lamella or zinc-nickel alloy
    • Corrosion of nickel-plated steel parts during storage
    • How to Remove Greenery from a Gilded Bronze Chandelier
    • Protecting silver items from tarnishing
    • Color change of "colorless" passive film upon drying
    • Is Dacromet suitable for protecting fasteners before embedding in concrete?
    • Corrosion protection of the diesel locomotive water system pipeline
    • Protection of the walls of the internal channels of the cooling system from corrosion
    • Question about the universal protective coating “METAS-anticorrosive”
    • Adhesion of Dacromet 500 LC coating and compatibility with epoxy paints
    • Corrosion resistance of parts in climatic conditions UHL 5
    • Corrosion resistance and wear resistance of zinc coatings compared to nickel
    • Methodology for determining the corrosion resistance of zinc coating after passivation
    • Service life of galvanic zinc coating in alkaline environment
    • On the durability of nickel coatings on copper when working in transformer oil
    • Dacromet coating, its corrosion properties and the possibility of use in the tropics
    • Measuring the degree of corrosion of phosphated and painted surfaces
    • Protection of steel products in various climatic conditions
    • Protection against atmospheric corrosion. Comparison of galvanizing, anodizing and chrome plating


    • Electroplating technology of silver and silver alloys
    • What is needed to organize an artistic electroplating workshop?

    Removal of electroplating

    • Electrochemical removal of chrome plating
    • Permissible density of sulfuric acid in solution for removing nickel coating
    • Sandblasting removal of galvanic coating
    • Removing nickel coating from copper-steel assemblies
    • Isolation of a porous surface during chemical removal of nickel plating
    • Dewatering tempering of steel after removing the chrome coating
    • Removing nickel from a multilayer copper-nickel coating from TsAM zinc alloy parts
    • Mechanical and chemical ways to remove chromium

    Ecology of galvanic production

    • Water consumption issues Calculation of water consumption for washing by spraying parts above the bath
    • Washing scheme after chrome plating
    • Calculation of water consumption for flushing using a two-stage scheme
    • How to prepare water for an evaporator to avoid scale
    • The question of drainless technology of galvanic processes with a closed cycle of use of wash waters
    • Vacuum wastewater evaporation method
  • Restoring the performance of technological solutions
      Removal of excess carbonates from cyanide electrolytes prepared on the basis of potassium salts
  • Regeneration of copper-ammonia etching solution for printed circuit boards
  • Regeneration of the pickling bath
  • Regeneration of acid etching and activation solutions
  • Regeneration of alcohol-gasoline mixture
  • Wastewater treatment
      Disposal of hydrochloric acid after removing zinc coating with it
  • Additional purification by electrocoagulation from compounds of nitrates, nitrites and phosphates
  • Formula for calculating sodium hypochlorite to neutralize cyanide
  • Neutralization of hexavalent chromium after passivation
  • Wastewater treatment of nickel electroplating and alkali etching of aluminum
  • Comparison of electro- and galvanocoagulation methods of wastewater treatment
  • Solid waste
      How ferritization of galvanic sludge affects the hazard class of waste
  • Sources of sludge formation in galvanic production
  • Electroplating equipment

    • newSelection of material for the heat exchanger
    • newCombination of ventilation from the oil bath and galvanic bath
    • Insulation of suspension devices with galvanic tape or plastisol
    • Zirconium heating elements for heating electrolytes of nickel sulfate plating
    • Possibility of using aluminum cathode rods for chrome plating
    • Selecting a heater and material for an electroless nickel plating bath
    • Thermal insulating floats made of polypropylene
    • How to properly design an aluminum hard anodizing bath
    • Voltage of heating elements in galvanic baths
    • What temperature can PVC and polypropylene equipment withstand?
    • Drums with partial immersion in electrolyte
    • Criteria for choosing suspension design
    • Materials for lining chrome plating baths
    • AC Rectifiers Which rectifier is needed for the aluminum anodizing process
    • Special requirements for current sources used for chrome plating

    Quality control

    • Methods for determining antimony in silver electrolyte
    • Quantitative determination of copper impurity in bright nickel plating electrolyte
    • Determination of chloride ions in chromic acid anodizing electrolyte
    • Purification of cadmium sulfate electrolyte
    • Measuring the concentration of gold and nickel with the Corian-3 analyzer
    • Analysis of electrolyte for chemical oxidation of aluminum for chromium and fluoride content
    • Express methods for determining phosphorus compounds in electrolyte for chemical nickel plating
    • Methods for analyzing gold plating electrolyte
    • Analysis of nickel plating electrolyte for iron content
    • Determination of the presence of hexavalent chromium compounds in conversion films on zinc
    • Method for determining the current efficiency of zinc
    • Express methods for determining hexa- and trivalent chromium in chromic acid electrolytes for chrome plating

    General engineering issues

    • Terminology Is anodic film an electroplating?
    • Difference between Chemical Ox.fluorine and Chemical Ox.e coatings
    • Coating Chemical Ox.e
    • English terms for electroplating
    • What is the difference between a metal coating shop and a site?
  • Design and documentation
      Digital designation of types of electroplating
  • Acceptability of different galvanic processes in one room
  • Set of rules for designing local ventilation systems for galvanic lines
  • Designation of zinc laminate coating
  • Question about compatibility of cadmium, nickel, copper, tin-bismuth baths in one line
  • How to correctly name the process of alkaline galvanizing followed by passivation
  • Where to connect drains when designing a galvanic section
  • How to correctly indicate alkaline galvanizing followed by passivation in the design documentation
  • How to properly label an anti-seize phosphate coating
  • Selecting technology for the task
      newChoice between An.Ox.black. and Chem.Ox.black.
  • Choice of anodic oxidation (wear resistance or protective ability)
  • Chemical oxidation or primer?
  • Black glossy finish
  • Minimum thickness of parts to be plated
  • Conductive coating, resistant to marine environments
  • Gold finish
  • Replacing nickel coating with zinc
  • Why do we need multilayer nickel coatings?
  • Other
      newPowder Coating Remover
  • On the fungal resistance of copper and tin-bismuth coatings
  • Heat treatment before phosphating cadmium-plated parts
  • Healing cracks and scratches in nickel with galvanic nickel
  • Heat treatment of steels after chrome plating
  • Galvanic powder coating of parts
  • Absorption of moisture by concentrated sulfuric acid solution
  • Application of a recovery bath in the cadmium cyanide process
  • Soldering a long-applied tin-bismuth coating
  • Use of tap water in electroplating workshop
  • Negative dissipative power of electrolyte
  • How to avoid uneven thickness of diamond-plated coating
  • Magnesium metallization for soldering for operation in particularly harsh operating conditions
  • Loading Live Parts
  • Information and its sources

    • newGOST for nickel-phosphorus coating
    • Methods for determining potassium silicofluoride
    • Copper plating modes on reverse current
    • Error in analyzes of electrolytes for gilding, silvering, and palladizing
    • Question about advanced training courses in galvanizing
    • Mechanical and corrosion properties of zinc coatings according to M.A. Schluger and in the reference book of Yu.D. Hamburg
    • Search for Zinclamel Coating Services
    • Erroneous data in report abstracts
    • About the article on “trivalent chromium plating” in the magazine “World of Electroplating”
    • About the book “Physico-chemical foundations of electrochemistry” by Lukomsky and Hamburg
    • Hard Anodizing Processes
    • Search for companies using galvanic production
    • At which enterprises over the past 5-10 years have they created new galvanic workshops or carried out reconstruction?
    • Electrolysis at very high current densities in stationary and pulsed modes

    Galvanizing with black chromating

    Decorative blackening of steel with high anti-corrosion properties. Designation: Ts [thickness] hr.ch. Applicable to all types of steel (including stainless steel), cast iron, TsAM. Microhardness: from 500 to 1200 MPa. Specific resistance (18°C): 5.75*10 Ohm*m.

    Advantages of coverage:

    • Deep black color;
    • Protects steel from corrosion even in the presence of scratches or chips of the coating (anodic protection), in contrast to chemical oxidation;
    • It perfectly replaces chemical oxidation of steel in cases where increased requirements for corrosion resistance are imposed on products.

    Disadvantages of coverage:

    • Obligatory oiling is necessary;
    • Low abrasion resistance of black chromate film;
    • Increased fragility at temperatures above +250° and below -70°C;
    • When bending or flaring, black chromate film can be damaged.

    You may also be interested in the following articles:

    • Zinc - metallurgy and its grades
    • High temperature galvanizing
    • Lead and its electrolytes
    • Reasons for the appearance of defective products on a hot-dip galvanizing unit
    • Electric arc metallization

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