Description of CNC plasma metal cutting machine

10.21.2019 Author: VT-METALL

Issues discussed in the material:

  • What is plasma cutting of metal on CNC machines?
  • What types of CNC machines are there for plasma cutting of metal?
  • What should be the accuracy of plasma cutting of metal on CNC machines?
  • What are the pros and cons of plasma metal cutting

Plasma cutting of metals is one of the most popular cutting methods today. Processing is carried out on special plasma cutters equipped with an automated control system. Our material contains information about how plasma cutting of metal is carried out on CNC machines.

The structure of CNC plasma machines for metal cutting

To understand how such a CNC machine functions, you need to know how it works. Its main parts include:

  • A frame is a strong base designed to support other pieces of equipment.
  • A working surface with mechanisms is needed to change its position.
  • The guides serve to move the working part of the apparatus.
  • Stepper motors - with their help the plasma torch moves.
  • Portal - a plasma torch is attached to it.
  • Sensors - These read basic information about the process during processing.
  • The control panel is required to set algorithms.

Reference . The machine also contains fastening parts, switches, wires, and illumination of the working surface.

How to increase productivity?

Based on the criteria for choosing a CNC plasma cutting machine, it is necessary to note the productivity that is needed to ensure a large volume of completed tasks.

In addition, productivity can be increased due to high cutting accuracy and the ability to cut materials with complex designs. This allows you to quickly complete the task.

However, experts emphasize that performance should not affect the quality of the initial result. All this can be done using a CNC plasma cutter.

Operating principle of CNC plasma machines for metal cutting

A plasma metal cutting machine is a cutting source that consists of rails, a moving cutter and a work table. The CNC system is a combination of a display and a stand, which are located in a protected shell. The system also has a control console with a keyboard.

The device does the job by downloading technical drawings. The workpiece, which has the usual form, is loaded by the worker into the database and carried out without a plan. Workpieces with complex shapes are monitored by control programs such as AutoCAD and CorelDraw.

The plasma device has a simple operating principle. The plasma cutter is heated to a high temperature using an air stream. The ionized gas melts the metal piece at a certain place, and the excess part of the workpiece is cut off due to pressure. The CNC device, pre-programmed, does all the work independently, without human intervention.

Reference . CNC plasma equipment is an indispensable device in industrial organizations, as it quickly performs cutting operations. Such models process blanks of metal structures and parts of technical devices.

Selection principles

Before purchasing a unit, you need to understand the direction in which CNC cutting will be used. Selection principles:

  1. Select the program that is installed on the machine.
  2. Speed ​​of execution of individual technological operations. The performance of the plasma cutter will depend on this.
  3. Machine power, optimal thickness of cut workpieces.
  4. Check the integrity of the connection of the main elements to each other. Consider the current required to start the equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any machine has a number of strengths and weaknesses that you need to know about before purchasing. Advantages:

  1. CNC plasma cutting equipment virtually eliminates human effort during the working process.
  2. High precision, performance of CNC plasma cutting.
  3. The ability to change the positioning accuracy of the plasma torch in different directions.
  4. Long service life of the installation.
  5. High cutting speed.
  6. Ability to make both simple and complex cuts.

Plasma torches have very few disadvantages. One of them is the impossibility of cutting parts thicker than 15 cm. You cannot cut titanium parts with plasma.

Manufacturers and cost

Among domestic manufacturers, we can highlight several manufacturers of CNC plasma metal cutting machines to understand what prices the buyer will expect. These include:

  1. NORD - vertical. Industrial installation with large work table, portal structure. The average price is about 800,000 rubles.
  2. OPTITOME 15. Industrial equipment with digital control. The average price is about 1,000,000 rubles.
  3. Magnet-CNC. A portable unit used to perform thermal cutting. The average price is about 700,000 rubles.

Machines from foreign manufacturers are much more expensive. The price directly depends on several indicators:

  1. Brand awareness.
  2. Desk size.
  3. Plasma torch power.
  4. Availability of additional functions.

Features of the cutting process

When using plasma machines, you need to take into account their technical characteristics, the chemical composition of the mixtures used and the dimensions of the products.

If the metal sheets have a small thickness of up to one centimeter, then the temperature of a low-power plasma arc is sufficient. Sheets with greater thickness can be cut and further stabilized into an arc. When the sheet thickness is above ten centimeters, plasma devices that are capable of forming an arc with a more powerful effect will be required.

The type of source is also of great importance. For thin sheets of steel up to six millimeters, a small current is enough. To process sheets that are twice as thick, a high current source will be required.

Essential elements

The design of CNC plasma cutting equipment consists of the following elements:

  • plasma torch equipped with a gas supply system;
  • working surface;
  • system of products for controlling the height of the burner level;
  • CNC system.

In models of devices used for large manufacturing enterprises, the kit includes several plasmatrons. Of great importance is the source that forms the plasma - a high-temperature electric arc compressed by an air flow. If a part is processed from thin sheet steel (no more than 6 mm), then the machine operates at a relatively low current. If the workpiece thickness is 12 mm or more, high current must be used.

If the source does not have the required power, the quality of cutting the workpiece will decrease: slag deposits, scale and other types of defects will appear in the cut area. To avoid such phenomena, you need to select a source whose power will be 1.5-2 times higher than the required level.

The best CNC plasma cutters

CNC plasma models are divided according to different parameters. There are two groups:

  • Small mobile models have special wheels for moving around the workshop.
  • Stationary devices. Large with a lot of mass.

Plasma equipment is also divided according to the permissible number of metal sheets to be cut due to the products being processed. Some devices are used for cutting sheet material, while others are used for separating pipes.

Some organizations assemble plasma equipment to their own specifications, but many consumers use ready-made devices. The choice of equipment is represented by models of both Russian and foreign manufacture.


Equipment from Russian manufacturers, intended for use in medium and small enterprises. The model has a compact surface and a powerful Focut mechanism that controls the cutting height.

PresCut 1530

The model is a portal type device. Thanks to its special design, high precision when cutting metal is ensured. Next to the portal there are the main elements of equipment: a plasma source, channels, and a height control system.


It differs from previous models in greater power, which is provided by 4-step engines. The general electronics package for the equipment includes sensors, network cables and a disk with settings for the equipment. The device can be controlled from a rack via a network or USB portal.


The device has different sizes, power of the plasma source and load capacity. It is designed for the use of metal whose thickness is twenty-eight millimeters, is in high demand and is used in the technical equipment of small workshops.

In many models of machine tools used in industry, the plasma torch is cooled forcibly under the influence of liquid, while others are naturally cooled using air.

It is also worth noting that the weak point of such machines is their vulnerability to electromagnetic radiation. This makes CNC models demanding in terms of the method of igniting the electric arc. The safest option is pneumatic ignition, which is designated in the names of devices as PN.

Its distinctive feature is a movable electrode, which moves towards the nozzle at the required moment. Due to the reduced distance, high-frequency pulses are not needed to move the arc.

Areas of application of CNC plasma machines for metal cutting

Plasma cutting has become popular recently. If we compare this method with others, we can say that such machines allow us to achieve high quality during operation and inexpensive manual installation. Therefore, the use of such cutting in business has become widespread:

  • When processing various rolled metal products. The method is used on non-ferrous, ferrous and refractory types of metal.
  • Used in the manufacture of metal structures.
  • Allows you to create complex parts of various shapes.
  • In other types of industrial enterprises, including mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing and even major repairs.

Reference . The use of a plasma torch helps businessmen build a business based on this technology: having a plasma torch, they can take orders for cutting rolled metal.

Advantages of plasma metal cutting on CNC machines

The advantages of using plasma cutting machines are as follows:

  • Technology. The meaning of air plasma cutting is to locally straighten the metal at the cut site and blow it out with air used in an electric arc, the temperature of which is twenty thousand degrees. Today there are cutting installations that are designed for currents up to 400 A. They provide high-quality cutting of metal with a thickness of up to 100 mm.
  • Speed ​​of work. Depending on the thickness of the metal used, the cutting speed is twelve times higher than other types.
  • Burning speed. Burning with this cutting method occurs in two seconds.
  • Cutting quality. Slight deformation of the material as a result of thermal action. Good edge quality.
  • Versatility. Plasma equipment can be easily reconfigured to fit a specific workpiece shape. The equipment is also capable of cutting several parts from different types of metal at once, such as aluminum, copper, stainless steel.
  • Safety. The width of the thermal zone during cutting is only 2 mm. During operation, no flammable gases are used.
  • Price. Plasma cutting technology uses only air and electricity. At the same time, conductive types of metals, including copper and titanium, are cut efficiently and quickly. This allows you to reduce the cost of processing with better quality.

With proper maintenance, your plasma cutting machine will last for many years. Information on the frequency of technical inspection is contained in the instructions for each device.

  • November 02, 2020
  • 2340


A CNC plasma metal cutting installation has a number of parameters that determine its performance and capabilities. Characteristics of the plasma torch:

  1. The size of the desktop, the ability to change its position.
  2. Guide dimensions.
  3. Additional CNC settings, software version.
  4. Plasma torch power.
  5. Maximum heating temperature.
  6. Metal cutting speed.
  7. Equipment accuracy, permissible errors.
  8. Type of gas forming the plasma flow.
  9. Coolant gas used.

Some models operate on alternating current, but most use direct current during the work process.

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