What to do if you caught bunnies from welding? First aid and treatment

The welding profession is included in the group of dangerous and harmful to human health. However, eye burns from welding occur not only in production.

Now that purchasing your own welding machine is not a problem, you can “catch bunnies” anywhere. But regardless of where the injury occurred, the result is the same: in the late afternoon, the burned person literally washes himself with tears, household members have no idea about the causes of the strange symptom, and precious time is running out.

But in some cases, a minute of delay leads to irreversible impairment of visual functions. To save a victim from blindness, it is important to know the symptoms of an eye burn and the basic rules of first aid.

What does it mean to “catch welding bunnies”?

For your information! The tissues of the eye (in particular, the retina) are designed for certain light loads, exceeding the level of which can lead to burns.
In nature, such a high level of illumination is characteristic only of the sun, but since in ordinary situations no one consciously looks at it directly and without eye protection, sunburn of the retina is considered a rarity.

For welders, burns of the retina, conjunctiva and cornea are considered occupational diseases, and their severity directly depends on the length of service and intensity of work, as well as on the brightness of the electric arc.

Traditional methods


If your eyes are burned by welding, you can do the following: Brew the tea bags and wait until they cool to room temperature. Apply them to the damaged organs for fifteen to twenty minutes, then replace. You can also brew and strain loose leaf tea. Make gauze and cotton swabs, soak them in tea, and apply to the cornea. This will help narrow the conjunctival vessels and eliminate pain.


If you get a burn, then make a potato mask. Take a couple of raw potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater. Make a multi-layer bandage from gauze, put grated potatoes on it, wrap it, and apply it to the organs of vision for half an hour. This will significantly reduce pain, eliminate swelling, and cool the affected areas.


Mix two tablespoons of honey with heated boiled water. Make cotton swabs, moisten them with the solution, and place them on the places where sparks hit. Change the poultice every half hour. Honey perfectly eliminates pain and redness. It is especially useful when there is pain in the eyes.


Chamomile is optimal for those who have burned their eyes. Mix a couple of tablespoons of chamomile with one tablespoon of boiling water. Let the mixture sit for ten minutes, then cool to room temperature. Apply the mixture to the cornea, replacing the compress every quarter of an hour.


Cut fresh aloe leaves and mix them with warm boiled water. Let the mixture sit for a couple of hours, then make bandages out of it. Soak cotton swabs in the solution and apply to the cornea. Aloe juice perfectly fights various inflammatory processes. You can also mix the juice of this plant with honey, drop the mixture twice a day, one drop at a time.


Oak bark has long been famous for its medicinal qualities. Therefore, if your eyes hurt from boiling, you can make a tincture of three tablespoons of oak bark. Mix it with a cup of boiled water, let the mixture brew. After three hours, soak cotton swabs and apply them to your eyes for twenty minutes.


This vegetable is available in any home. Cabbage perfectly relieves pain, if, of course, it is fresh. Grind a few cabbage leaves in a meat grinder. Apply the resulting pulp to the injured organs. You will feel cool, get rid of pain and inflammation.


Use a herbal decoction made from chamomile, linden, and calendula. There should be as many of each plant as the others. Mix herbs with 0.5 l. boiling water Wash your eyes with the decoction every couple of hours.

Symptom Signs

Signs of burns (or “bunnies”) are:

  • sensation of the presence of a foreign body or sand under the eyelids in the eyes;
  • feeling of itching, burning and irritation;
  • for minor burns – discomfort similar to symptoms of eye fatigue;
  • headaches that worsen with eye movement;
  • the appearance of spots of light before the eyes .

With such symptoms, the victim must provide first aid and consult an ophthalmologist, who will determine the severity of the lesion and prescribe appropriate treatment if necessary.


It doesn't take long to pick up bunnies; this happens even to experienced welders. It is much more difficult to provide first aid and treatment correctly. A slight burn can have a big impact in the future, don’t skimp on time, it’s better to take sick leave and have your eyes treated well. It definitely won’t be superfluous. It also wouldn’t hurt to visit a doctor; he will prescribe you the most effective course of rehabilitation.

Medicines and traditional medicine will perfectly help get rid of bunnies. But the best protection remains a good mask or glasses. Do not neglect safety rules, the consequences of this are harmful.

Symptom from a medical point of view

“Bunnies” are a manifestation of electrophthalmia, which occurs due to exposure of the organs of vision to strong ultraviolet radiation, which can damage the retina, mucous membrane, cornea and other elements of the eye .

Important! In the first few minutes and sometimes hours, the consequences of such a burn may not appear, but subsequently the victim experiences a number of symptoms that may vary depending on the extent of the injury.

In ophthalmology, electrophthalmia is divided into four degrees :

  1. First degree . Redness of the conjunctival membrane is observed, increased lacrimation and slight pain appear, the cornea in some cases becomes slightly cloudy.
  2. Second degree . Ulcerations and erosions form on the cornea, opacities become more noticeable, and a film forms on the conjunctival membrane, which is easily separated over time.
  3. Third degree . The cornea becomes so cloudy that it becomes opaque. Signs of necrosis appear on the tissues of the eye and on the skin around the organs of vision, and the films formed on the conjunctiva are separated with difficulty or not at all.
  4. Fourth degree . Maximum clouding of the cornea is observed, which becomes completely opaque. Irreversible necrotic processes occur, affecting the conjunctiva and deep tissues of the eye.

We can talk about a favorable outcome in the first two degrees, and in these cases, sometimes treatment with folk remedies at home is sufficient, although it is still worth seeing a qualified specialist.

How to treat eye burns from welding

To treat an eye burn, especially if the retina is affected, first aid actions are not enough. Only a doctor will determine the extent of the damage and, after assessing the condition of the victim, prescribe treatment after an eye burn.

Timely therapy will not only relieve inflammation, but also minimize the risk of complications. The main method of treatment for electroophthalmia is drops for eye burns, for pain relief, accelerating tissue regeneration, and restoring vision.

Some people prefer traditional medicine recipes, achieving good results. But for any method of treatment there is a rule: do not use it without a doctor’s recommendation.

In extreme cases, in severe forms of burns and severe damage to the cornea, laser microsurgery is prescribed.

Note ! Often victims neglect medical help, coping on their own. This is a big mistake! Experts say that a 2nd, 3rd, 4th degree burn of the cornea or retina leads to absolute blindness if the patient is not provided with qualified medical care.

Drops for the treatment of the first stage

For mild eye lesions, drops with vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects are used. They relieve itching and irritation, reduce swelling of the conjunctiva.

However, you should not self-medicate, because each drug has a number of contraindications and side effects. So, drops for eye burns from welding for the treatment of the first stage:

  • "Visoptik" - eliminates pain, burning of the mucous membrane, lacrimation.
  • "Octilia" - relieves irritation and swelling, stops the inflammatory process.
  • "Vizin" - relieves swelling and inflammation. The effect occurs within a few minutes and does not subside for up to 8 hours. The medicine does not enter the bloodstream. (not recommended for long-term use, as it is addictive).
  • "Proculin" - quickly relieves pain and relieves inflammation. The best remedy for the treatment of welding eye burns of the first stage (not used for prevention).

The duration of action of the described drugs is from 4 to 8 hours. They are prescribed three times a day, 1 drop into the conjunctival sac. Duration of use is no more than 3 days. The decision to extend the course of treatment is made by the ophthalmologist.

Drops for corneal restoration

If your eyes are severely burned by welding, drops with a regenerating effect are prescribed. These drugs heal damaged mucous membranes, restore nerve endings, resolve hemorrhages, and strengthen vascular walls.

Moreover, the use of such drops is an effective prevention of possible complications. Most often, ophthalmologists recommend:

  • "Emoxipin";
  • "Vitasik";
  • "Derinat";
  • "Tobrex".

Regenerating drops are prescribed after an examination of the visual organs. For each case, a separate drug is selected and an individual treatment regimen is drawn up.

At the end of the course, the doctor examines the eyes and determines whether therapy needs to be continued. In some cases, the scheme is adjusted. If treatment is ineffective, the patient is prescribed surgery.

Pain relieving drops

Having injured the eyes from welding, a person experiences a lot of discomfort. They could have been endured if not for the pain that enveloped the eyes and encircled the entire head.

To reduce pain, the eyes are instilled with special painkillers:

  • "Alcain";
  • "Lidocaine";
  • "Tetracaine".

After injection into the conjunctival sac, an almost instant “freezing” effect is created. Drops block pain and relieve itching. Use medications twice a day, no longer than 2 days after injury.

Traditional methods

For a minor burn or if a child has “picked up bunnies,” traditional medicine will help. In more severe stages, homemade decoctions and compresses are combined with drug therapy. They are easy to use, affordable and have virtually no contraindications. But this does not mean that you can take any recipe and test it on the victim.

Important! Start treatment only after consulting a specialist. Use caution if the victim is prone to allergic reactions. It is possible that harmless aloe pulp or chamomile decoction will cause life-threatening consequences.

The following describes several folk recipes that can be used for minor burns:

  1. Cut peeled raw potatoes in half and place on your eyelids. Remove when the pain subsides. You can grate it, wrap it in a bandage and apply it three times a day.
  2. Apply a used, cooled tea bag or tea leaves wrapped in a bandage to the affected area. It will feel better in 15 minutes. During this time, prepare the next bag. Repeat until inflammation subsides.
  3. If you alternate the “tea” remedy with compresses from an anti-inflammatory chamomile decoction, relief will come faster. (decoction: pour 1 teaspoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes).
  4. Mix chamomile infusion with melted butter, moisten gauze with the resulting mixture and apply it to the eyelids for 10 minutes. Perhaps this is the most effective remedy for eye burns from welding.
  5. Apply healing aloe juice to the surface of the eyelids and leave until dry. Result: swelling and inflammation go away, pain syndrome weakens, regeneration of burned tissues accelerates.
  6. Stir one teaspoon of honey in a glass of water, soak cotton pads in the solution and place on your eyes. The vitamin cocktail prevents corneal clouding, improves lymph flow, relieves inflammation, and accelerates tissue healing. Attention! Honey is used after the primary inflammation has been relieved.
  7. Soak cotton swabs in a decoction of medicinal herbs and apply them to the eyes for 15 minutes. Wash your eyes three times a day with a decoction of calendula, string, sage, and chamomile.
  8. Apply a paste of fresh cabbage leaves to the inflamed area. Swelling and inflammation “deflate” before our eyes.

This is interesting! The molecules of honey or herbal decoction are smaller than the pores of the skin. This means that the components of folk remedies quickly penetrate into the source of inflammation and “work” directly there.

Doctors' recommendations

As a rule, symptoms of eye burns from welding appear at night. During sleep, a person feels sand under the inflamed eyelids, burning, pain. For “newcomers”, i.e. those injured for the first time, such sensations cause a state of shock.

The victim has no idea what is happening and frantically rubs and washes his eyes with tap water. Such actions do not help relieve pain; on the contrary, they accelerate the development of the inflammatory process.

Having received a burn to the eyes from welding, a person feels sand under the inflamed eyelids, a burning sensation, and pain in his sleep.

Having received an eye burn from welding and feeling discomfort, you need to cope with the panic state: calm down, even out your breathing, normalize your pulse rate. Only after this can you begin to provide first aid. It’s difficult to cope on your own, so you’ll need help from your household.

Before starting drug treatment, you should consult your doctor. This precaution will eliminate the likelihood of unpleasant consequences.

Even if the affected area is small, and treatment is carried out at home, the victim is advised to rest and rest in bed. Compliance with this condition will speed up recovery.

What not to do

In case of eye burns from welding, the following actions should be avoided:

  1. Rub your eyes (pain and swelling of the tissue will increase).
  2. Stay in a brightly lit area and continue welding (the depth of damage will increase).
  3. Apply hot compresses (the inflammation process will accelerate).
  4. Use ointments before applying drops (a greasy film will not allow the medicine to reach the site of inflammation).
  5. Touching your eyes with dirty hands (risk of infection).
  6. Self-medicate, use eye drops uncontrollably (there is a high risk of developing side effects). For example, Albucid drops, which can be found in any first aid kit, will only cause irritation of the affected tissues.
  7. Rinse your eyes with running water (tap water contains substances and particles that irritate the mucous membranes: chlorine, calcium, magnesium, etc.).

What to do if you catch bunnies: first aid

Know! Since eye burns from welding always occur in industries where there is no doctor, in such situations it is first necessary to provide the victim with emergency assistance, which consists of the following:

  1. be rinsed with running cold water for several minutes to eliminate painful sensations.
  2. If the burn is accompanied by electrode particles , they must be removed with the corner of a folded napkin or a clean handkerchief.
  3. It is advisable to apply compresses soaked in antiseptic ointment to your eyes , if you have one in your medicine cabinet.
  4. If you experience severe pain, you can take painkillers orally.

If you have ice on hand, you can apply pieces of it to the victim’s closed eyelids.

Remember! In the process of providing first aid, it is necessary to call an ambulance or, if possible, independently deliver the victim to the nearest clinic.

The main causes of eye burns from welding

Neglecting the rules for working with a welding machine can result in a burn to the cornea of ​​the eye. Often the organs of vision are affected in the following cases:

  1. Assembling metal structures without the help of a partner and fasteners. Without wearing a mask, the welder holds the parts with his own hands and places tacks.
  2. Using a low-quality mask. Ultraviolet rays penetrate into the gaps between the filters and the mask frame.
  3. Using the wrong mask. To perform some tasks, an automatically darkening chameleon mask is required. In a mask with a regular shield, a worker simply will not have time to cover his face.

Presence during welding work (forced or accidental). The risk of injury increases on bright sunny days. Having succumbed to the deceptive sensation of the faint glow of the arc, a person loses his vigilance and by the evening he receives a full bouquet of burn symptoms.

What causes electroophthalmia?

Electrophthalmia is a burn of the eyes caused by welding, quartz or other powerful light source in medical language. The main cause of injury is the effect of ultraviolet rays on the mucous membrane, involving the cornea and retina.

The depth of damage depends on the scale of irradiation. A burn to the mucous membrane occurs when:

  • a particle of hot metal or a spark gets into an unprotected eye;
  • open contact with fumes of metals and gases;
  • ultraviolet/infrared radiation;
  • failure to comply with safety regulations (described above);
  • exposure to thick toxic smoke (from a melted electrode) in the eye.

Using eye drops

For the first three degrees of electrophthalmia, ophthalmic instillation solutions can be prescribed for treatment:

  • vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory drugs Visoptin and Vizin, which are instilled three times a day, but not longer than three days;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs indomethacin and nimesil - such drugs help relieve pain and reduce inflammation;
  • antibiotic drops (tobramycin, gentamicin), which promote disinfection and enhance the regenerative properties of affected tissues (for a week, such drops are used six times a day, one drop in each eye);
  • anesthetics (tetracaine, lidocaine), which quickly relieve pain and irritation.

Such drugs can only be prescribed by a specialist after examining the victim’s eyes and assessing the severity of the burns.

Folk remedies for electroophthalmia

There are also a number of folk remedies for “bunnies” after welding, which are good to use together with medications. The main thing is not to overdo it in this matter, so as not to further harm your health.

  • One of the simplest, most accessible and effective remedies is to immerse your face in cold water; relief will appear immediately after this procedure.
  • You can apply raw potatoes to your eyes, cut them in half and try to keep the potato halves on your eyelids longer until the severe pain disappears.
  • Many welders apply used tea bags to their eyes. Relief occurs within 10-15 minutes. You can use fresh tea leaves; it should be placed on gauze or a bandage in two layers. If you have pharmaceutical chamomile in the house, you can also use it after making a decoction and alternate it with a decoction of tea. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties, so it always has a positive effect, the eyes hurt less.
  • When there is pain with inflammation of the eyelids, there is also one proven recipe that is well known to experienced “bunny” catchers. Chamomile decoction is mixed with butter and gauze or bandage is moistened with this product, and then applied to the affected area for several minutes. The product works flawlessly in case of burns after welding.
  • Honey can be called an irreplaceable remedy. It is applied to relieve swelling, as well as to heal the epithelium and eliminate opacities on the cornea. Substances contained in honey help restore corneal tissue. But you need to know that honey can be used only after the primary inflammation of the eye has been relieved.
  • People who have worked in this profession for many years recommend that if light gets into your eyes, do not immediately close them, then you can avoid changes in light and darkness. This advice works when there are no severe burns.

It is recommended to wear sunglasses with glass lenses at home and outdoors. Glass, unlike plastic, does not transmit ultraviolet radiation, so there will be no burn from light and it is easier on the eyes, they are less tired and sore.

All first aid methods described are suitable in cases where there are no serious welding burns. It is best to contact an ophthalmologist, who can determine the extent of the injury and prescribe treatment after examination. When burns are dangerous and severe, the patient is hospitalized.

It must be remembered that any injury, which at first glance is not serious, can lead to complications in the near future. It is best to seek medical help immediately to preserve your vision in the future.

What is not recommended to do in such cases?

It is worth noting! If you have eye burns from welding, you should refrain from certain activities that may aggravate the condition of the damaged eyes:

  • You should not check unverified or expired funds ;
  • strictly forbidden to rub your eyes with your hands , as this will lead to additional irritation;
  • not recommended to look at bright light ; if possible, it is better to give the victim sunglasses or take the person to a dark room to provide first aid;
  • You cannot wash your eyes with anything other than water , but it is advisable to use bottled water and only if it is unavailable, use running water.

First aid

What to do in case of a 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree welding burn to the eyes in order to alleviate the suffering of the victim and not harm him even more?

Experienced welders immediately sense if the cornea of ​​the eye has been burned and immediately stop working. If this is not done, the damage will affect deeper tissues. Then follows a set of first aid measures:

  1. Wash and rinse your eyes thoroughly with clean drinking water, potassium permanganate, tea leaves or chamomile decoction (all in low concentration). Do not skimp on liquid; copious rinsing is indicated.
  2. Cover the windows with dark curtains or remove the victim to a place protected from light.
  3. Eye drops will help relieve pain and swelling from burns: “Vizin”, “Visoptin”, “Proculin” (for eye burns, drip 1 drop while lying down). Special products will speed up the healing of affected tissues, reduce itching and pain intensity. For mild trauma to the mucous membranes, therapy continues for 3 days until the discomfort is completely eliminated. If the pain is very severe, the burned eyes are instilled with Lidocaine 2% or Tetracaine every 12 hours.
  4. Take a painkiller tablet (“Spazmalgona”, “Analgina”). If it’s really bad, you can inject Ketanov intramuscularly.
  5. To relieve inflammation, drink Nimesil, Diclofenac, Nimesulide.
  6. Using a sterile napkin or a clean handkerchief, remove metal particles and other foreign bodies from the eyes. If this is not possible, seek medical help immediately.
  7. To relieve inflammation, cover your eyes with a cloth moistened with cool water. Do not use ice!
  8. Squeeze a little antiseptic ointment (Tetracycline, Solcoseryl) into the conjunctival sac.
  9. In case of stage 4 burns, it is necessary to call an ambulance and relieve the suffering of the burned person with an anesthetic injection.

Attention! Long-term use of these drugs leads to a decrease in visual functions.

How long do “bunnies” usually last and how long does treatment last?

Important! The duration of the consequences of a burn in the form of pain, light spots in front of the eyes and redness can last a different amount of time depending on the degree of damage and the “training” of the eyes.

Over the years, the retina of boilers becomes less sensitive, and where a beginner would receive a burn, an experienced master will not even feel any impact.

Typically, the peak development of unpleasant and painful sensations is reached on average 8-10 hours after receiving a burn . It is especially difficult to endure such sensations at night, when the symptoms intensify.

Even with proper and timely treatment, the effects of burns will be felt for another 7-10 days.

How to remove pain

In any case, when, upon completion of welding, the operator experiences pain and discomfort in the area of ​​the pupils, he should be provided with pre-medical first aid.

Most often it is expressed in washing the eyes with a previously prepared solution of potassium permanganate or a significant amount of absolutely clean boiling water (after it has cooled).

In a situation where small particles of welding waste get into the eyelids when splashed, they should be carefully removed with medical tweezers, a clean handkerchief or a moistened cotton swab.

If a welder complains of severe pain and burning in the eyes, doctors recommend a corneal anesthetic medicine such as Lidocaine. It is used in the form of a two percent aqueous solution.

The patient is given Tavegil or Diclofenac as anti-inflammatory drugs. From the category of oral painkillers, after receiving it, you can use any analgesic.

We would like to pay special attention to the fact that in case of a burn or other damage to the cornea due to welding, it is strictly forbidden to rub your eyes too hard. Any attempt to solve the problem that has arisen in this way can only lead to increased itching and the appearance of blepharospasm

Further irritation of the cornea can increase the feeling of discomfort and provoke inflammation of the organ of vision.

If it is not possible to remove a small metal particle from the eye using traditional welding methods, doctors give an injection of a calcium solution that helps clean the mucous membranes. After the injection, tetracycline ointment is required to be placed under the eyelids, used as an antiseptic.

Possible consequences

In case of serious welding burns and lack of adequate treatment and first aid, the following complications may develop:

  • disruption of the shape of the lens and cornea , which leads to astigmatism;
  • irreversible corneal opacities;
  • corneal erosions and ulcerations;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • with severe burns of the cornea - complete loss of vision .

Reason to urgently seek help

When a welder has picked up “bunnies”, he should turn to the first aid station for help. If a person cooked without a mask, it is necessary to examine the organs of vision for the presence of scale particles. If foreign bodies are detected, the mucous membranes are wiped with a clean cotton swab and washed with boiled water.

We recommend reading: Welding a sauna stove yourself at home

The following signs are reasons to immediately visit an ophthalmologist:

  • long-lasting pain in the eyes;
  • red color of the sclera;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • headaches, dizziness.

How to protect yourself during treatment?

To recover faster from a burn or eye injury, you should behave carefully:

  • Lower your head or turn away if there is a strong wind.
  • In bad weather, when it snows or rains, it is better to stay at home to avoid a relapse.
  • Use glass sunglasses, preferably chameleons.
  • Protect your eyes from dust, sand, and midges. Do not renovate the apartment: whitewashing, painting. Do not use hairspray or air fresheners.

How long will the illness last?

If the eye is damaged by welding, symptoms may not appear until seven hours later. If the corneal layer is not damaged, the disease will last several days. You will notice: lacrimation, photophobia, anxiety. Over time this will pass. If the presence of a burn is established, the doctor will prescribe treatment, the duration of which is directly dependent on how severe the injury is. Even after completing the full course, discomfort may occur.

There is no need to hope that a thermal burn will go away quickly. It may take a long time for complete recovery. Therefore, even if you feel relief, complete the full course of treatment prescribed by your doctor. In order not to miss procedures, it is better to issue a sick leave.

Etiology and pathogenesis of the disease

The symptom of burn by UV rays in the range from 311 to 290 nm, due to their effect on the eyes, is called electroophthalmia (photoophthalmia). In domestic or industrial conditions, it occurs if a person looks for a long time at a source of UV radiation: arc welding or UV lamps used to disinfect a room, for tanning or for medicinal purposes (quartz lamps).

The symptoms of the disease are more pronounced the longer the UV radiation has affected the organs of vision and the greater its intensity.

It is customary to distinguish four degrees of retinal burn, which have similar manifestations but differ in the severity of individual symptoms:

I – I degree:

  • Redness of the eyelids;
  • Itching;
  • Burning.

II – I degree:

  • Photophobia;
  • Sharp pain in the eyes;
  • Feeling of a foreign object (“sand in the eyes”);
  • Conjunctivitis.

III – degree:

  • Sharp nagging pain in the eyes;
  • Cloudiness of the cornea;
  • Swelling of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation;
  • Erosions and ulcers on the inner surface of the eyelids.

IV – degree:

  • Corneal necrosis;
  • Inability to open eyes;
  • Loss of vision;
  • Dying of the cornea.

Any of these degrees of electroophthalmia is dangerous for vision, but with damage to degree IV, the injury is irreversible and can lead to complete loss of vision if timely treatment is not started or its onset is delayed using “folk” remedies.

Let's sum it up

Unfortunately, even a professional is not immune from getting an eye burn. The first symptoms are pain, itching, and a feeling as if hot sand had been poured into the eyes. In most cases, the injury is accompanied by swelling. After providing first aid, you should definitely visit a doctor because you may have burned your retina.

In general, following safety precautions and carefully checking the integrity of protective equipment immediately before work prevents such accidents. If you follow these seemingly simple rules, you won’t have to wonder what to do if your eyes hurt from welding. After all, health is the most precious thing we have, and the least we can do for it is to take care of it.

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