What can and cannot be done if your eyes hurt after welding?

Four degrees of electrophthalmia

Mild degree. Accompanied by burning and itching, redness of the conjunctival membrane, reddening, slight and completely reversible clouding of the cornea (not always).

Average degree. There is a pronounced sensation of pain, severe redness of the conjunctiva, and severe photophobia. A film appears on the conjunctiva and the cornea becomes covered with ulcers.

Severe degree. Severe vision impairment. Severe pain, swelling of the eyelids, severe photophobia.

Extremely heavy. Acute pain. The cornea loses its transparency, necrosis develops, and the conjunctival membrane dies, resulting in loss of vision.

At each stage, individual treatment is used - from medication to surgery.


Most often, electroophthalmia occurs when safety rules that are necessary when working with welding are not followed. When working with this device, it is extremely important to protect your face and eyes using special glasses or a mask.

If you neglect the rules, you are likely to develop electroophthalmia and retinal burns.

Symptoms of the disease are determined by the severity of the burn. There are four degrees of severity:

  • With a mild burn, there is redness of the mucous membrane, itching, and burning. There is a decrease in corneal transparency.
  • The average degree of burn injury is accompanied by pain and photophobia. A film forms on the surface of the conjunctiva and corneal erosion develops.
  • Severe eye damage from welding is characterized by decreased visual acuity and significant clouding of the cornea. The eyelid tissue becomes swollen, and severe pain appears. In addition, the patient experiences discomfort and a feeling of a foreign body in the eye.
  • Fourth degree burn damage leads to tissue necrosis. The patient complains of severe pain and cannot open his eyes. Rejection of conjunctival tissue also occurs. Sometimes blindness develops, and the corneal tissue becomes faded and colorless.

How to relieve pain: first honey. help for burns from electric welding

What do welders usually do after they “catch bunnies”? Rinse eyes with water and apply tea bags or raw potato slices. This relieves the symptoms, but not rarely, the problem itself is not solved.

If you have electrophthalmia, you should immediately visit a doctor to get qualified help. However, this is not always possible to do immediately, which means it is necessary to take certain measures:

  • Rinse eyes with running, clean water.
  • If there is a possibility of foreign particles getting into the eye, you should try to remove them.
  • Close your eyes and apply a cold compress. Treat the outside of the eyelids with any antiseptic ointment.
  • If the pain is severe, take a painkiller tablet.


Injuries are distinguished depending on the causes and method of their occurrence. The following types of burn injuries are distinguished:

  1. Chemical damage - develops when contact with acids, alkalis, or aggressive chemicals, many of which are used in everyday life. Chemical burns to the eyes can be of an industrial or household nature.
  2. Radiation injuries - occur as a result of exposure to active ultraviolet rays. Injury can be caused by being in bright direct sun without glasses, in a solarium, or as a result of using electric welding, a quartz lava, or other devices.
  3. Thermal burn of the eye - occurs under the influence of high temperatures. In everyday life, such an injury is caused by steam, boiling liquid, etc. entering the eye area.

What is the danger?

Any burn injuries to the eyes are very dangerous and traumatic. In case of severe damage or if the victim was not promptly provided with competent medical care, there is a high probability of developing the following complications and adverse consequences: scar formations localized in the area of ​​eye tissue, cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, blockage of the lacrimal ducts, corneal opacity, inflammatory processes, occurring in a chronic form, visual impairment, up to absolute blindness. Therefore, it is so important to take timely measures.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent possible burn injuries to the eyes, we recommend:

  1. When going out into direct sun, wear sunglasses.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly after contact with household or industrial chemicals.
  3. When working with a welding machine, ultraviolet sources, etc., always wear a special protective mask.
  4. When working with an angle grinder (grinder), wear special safety glasses.

Prohibited actions

There are actions that are strictly contraindicated in case of burn damage to the visual apparatus! These usually include the following:

  1. Wiping the eyes with dry wipes, tissues, hands.
  2. Continued contact with the source of injury (for example, welding or exposure to the sun).
  3. Applying warm compresses.
  4. Instillation of antiseptic drops containing irritants. In general, it is better to use any medications after prior consultation with your doctor.
  5. Rinsing with dirty water (for example, river water).

Chemical burns to the eyes

Chemical burns are considered the most dangerous, as some substances can be absorbed into the eye within 15 seconds. Burns also occur after exposure to certain plants, for example, hogweed. The severity and degree of the burn is determined depending on the substance that caused the injury, its volume, concentration, duration of exposure to the chemical reagent, the physical condition of the victim and the timeliness of treatment provided.

Symptoms of a thermal burn: inflammation of the conjunctiva, pallor of the cornea, decreased visual acuity and perception, the presence of foreign body particles in the conjunctiva, clouding of the cornea or damage to its epithelium, scar formation on the conjunctiva or on the damaged eyelid.

First aid consists of eliminating the damaging factor and cooling the affected organ. And if the first point usually does not raise questions, then the second requires a little clarification. So, how to properly cool your eye if it’s burned?

  • Wrap your fingers in a sterile bandage and open the eyelids of the injured person as much as possible;
  • If necessary, remove chemicals from the eye immediately. This can be done with a clean cotton swab. After removing the painful substance, be sure to rinse the affected eye with clean water.
  • Carry out the cooling process under running water (12-18° C) for 20-30 minutes;
  • For cooling, you can use any suitable container that can create a flow of water, for example, a syringe without a needle, a rubber balloon or a plastic bottle. You can cool the affected organ by placing your face in a suitable container with cool water and blinking periodically, or by running a piece of cotton wool soaked in water along the eyelid from the temple to the nose.
  • In case of severe pain, give the victim a tablet of any analgesic and seek medical help.
  • If possible, first aid to the victim should be provided in a darkened room.

Radiation damage to the eyes (welding burns)

The cause of eye burns from welding is the effect of UV rays on the conjunctiva. With prolonged exposure to UV rays, an inflammatory process is formed, the integrity of the membrane cells of the eye is disrupted, and the victim experiences severe pain. Symptoms of an eye burn from welding: painful discomfort in the eye area, intense and increasing pain, photophobia, excessive lacrimation, eyelid spasm.

These signs tend to increase, with the victim experiencing maximum unpleasant feelings 7 hours after the traumatic situation. The consequences of an eye burn from welding are reversible; as a rule, the symptoms subside after 3 days.

In cases where the victim has simply watched enough welding to the point of pain in the eyes, the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of drops is allowed, which accelerate the healing of the cornea and conjunctiva after a burn and at the same time prevent conjunctivitis. Do not rub your eyes in an attempt to get rid of the “sand.” Eye contact with hands, which may contain germs, increases pain and inflammation. Washing the eyes with running water will not help with electroophthalmia at all - cooling does not reduce inflammation and does not promote the healing of a thermal burn. If the victim suffers from excruciating, severe pain, he may be recommended analgesics, which are used in the form of drops and tablets.

Do not put off visiting your doctor if you have picked up “bunnies”. Electroophthalmia is dangerous due to the development of chronic keratitis, erosive and ulcerative changes in the cornea and a decrease in the quality of vision.

Ophthalmologist of the State Health Institution "City Clinic No. 4 of Grodno" Kozhetskaya A.A.

What not to do?

Many people prefer not to see a doctor, but to solve the problem at home, through self-medication or traditional medicine. Meanwhile, there are a number of contraindications for ophthalmic burns.

  • You should not put aloe juice or honey in your eyes.
  • Do not rinse eyes excessively with tap water. It's better to take bottled water.
  • Don't rub your eyes.
  • Do not use the first eye drops you come across. They all have different compositions and different effects. The likelihood of making the situation worse is very high.

3.Treatment of eye burns at home

After burning your eyes, rinse your eyes well with cool water. It's done like this

: Fill the sink with water. Place your face in the water and then open your eyes so that the water gets into all parts of the eye.

To manage pain and fever, try over-the-counter medications—acetaminophen (Tylenol), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen-based), aspirin.

If you think that you managed to cope with the burn on your own and there was no serious damage to your eyes, still carefully monitor the condition of your eyes for several days. If the feeling of irritation, burning and redness persists, you should definitely consult a doctor. If pain increases, blurred vision or signs of eye infection appear, this should be done as quickly as possible. Treatment of an eye burn by a specialist will help preserve vision and eye health.

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In what cases is medical assistance needed?

Welding scale on the iris of the eye.
It is impossible to independently assess the degree of eye damage, so you need to see an ophthalmologist in any case. The pain does not appear immediately after finishing welding work; it increases over the course of 7-10 hours. If after this time other symptoms appear and the pain is pronounced and persistent, you should seek medical help.

If, within 2 days after receiving a burn, tried home treatment methods were unsuccessful, it is recommended to make an appointment with a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

Other manifestations that are not associated with pain should also be alarming:

  • loss of sharpness;
  • deterioration of visual acuity;
  • persistent soreness;
  • snowiness.

Drug treatment

There are specially created products for treating eye burns. For treatment, you should know which welding eye drops can be used.

Auto-darkening filter for welding.

Home therapy involves the following actions:

  1. Use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Special drops work as anesthetics and create a freezing effect.
  2. The use of medications to relieve swelling and prevent inflammation (usually drops or ointment).
  3. Taking antibiotics to speed up the recovery of corneal tissue.

The use of “any” eye drops and medicinal gels is unacceptable. You need to know what drops you can put in your eyes after welding. Lidocaine drops have an analgesic effect. Sulfacyl sodium can be instilled as an antibacterial agent. Drops called Floxal also have a bactericidal and antimicrobial effect.

First aid

What to do in case of a 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree welding burn to the eyes in order to alleviate the suffering of the victim and not harm him even more?

Experienced welders immediately sense if the cornea of ​​the eye has been burned and immediately stop working. If this is not done, the damage will affect deeper tissues. Then follows a set of first aid measures:

  1. Wash and rinse your eyes thoroughly with clean drinking water, potassium permanganate, tea leaves or chamomile decoction (all in low concentration). Do not skimp on liquid; copious rinsing is indicated.
  2. Cover the windows with dark curtains or remove the victim to a place protected from light.
  3. Eye drops will help relieve pain and swelling from burns: “Vizin”, “Visoptin”, “Proculin” (for eye burns, drip 1 drop while lying down). Special products will speed up the healing of affected tissues, reduce itching and pain intensity. For mild trauma to the mucous membranes, therapy continues for 3 days until the discomfort is completely eliminated. If the pain is very severe, the burned eyes are instilled with Lidocaine 2% or Tetracaine every 12 hours.
  4. Take a painkiller tablet (“Spazmalgona”, “Analgina”). If it’s really bad, you can inject Ketanov intramuscularly.
  5. To relieve inflammation, drink Nimesil, Diclofenac, Nimesulide.
  6. Using a sterile napkin or a clean handkerchief, remove metal particles and other foreign bodies from the eyes. If this is not possible, seek medical help immediately.
  7. To relieve inflammation, cover your eyes with a cloth moistened with cool water. Do not use ice!
  8. Squeeze a little antiseptic ointment (Tetracycline, Solcoseryl) into the conjunctival sac.
  9. In case of stage 4 burns, it is necessary to call an ambulance and relieve the suffering of the burned person with an anesthetic injection.

Attention! Long-term use of these drugs leads to a decrease in visual functions.

Treatment with drugs

If your eyes hurt from welding, then three groups of drugs are often prescribed:

  • The first group of medications is aimed at relieving swelling and removing microbes. An inflamed cornea is a vulnerable place for the development of bacteria, so one of the drugs is prescribed: Ophthalmodec, Visin, Visoptin. The medicine must be instilled three times a day, one drop at a time.
  • The patient often experiences discomfort, a feeling of sand and pain. To relieve this, medications from the second group are used - painkillers. Instillation of Alcaine, Tetracaine, or Ledocaine reduces pain, thereby easing the general condition.
  • The third group of drugs are eye drops after welding, which remove the inflammatory process. The doctor may prescribe one of the antibiotics: Levofloxacin, Oftaquik, Tobramycin.

Let's sum it up

Unfortunately, even a professional is not immune from getting an eye burn. The first symptoms are pain, itching, and a feeling as if hot sand had been poured into the eyes. In most cases, the injury is accompanied by swelling. After providing first aid, you should definitely visit a doctor because you may have burned your retina.

In general, following safety precautions and carefully checking the integrity of protective equipment immediately before work prevents such accidents. If you follow these seemingly simple rules, you won’t have to wonder what to do if your eyes hurt from welding. After all, health is the most precious thing we have, and the least we can do for it is to take care of it.

Reason to urgently seek help

When a welder has picked up “bunnies”, he should turn to the first aid station for help. If a person cooked without a mask, it is necessary to examine the organs of vision for the presence of scale particles. If foreign bodies are detected, the mucous membranes are wiped with a clean cotton swab and washed with boiled water.

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The following signs are reasons to immediately visit an ophthalmologist:

  • long-lasting pain in the eyes;
  • red color of the sclera;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • headaches, dizziness.

Eye injury - symptoms and treatment

The diagnosis is established based on the patient’s complaints, history of injury (history of its occurrence), physical, instrumental and, if hospitalization is necessary, laboratory examination.

History taking and examination

Collection of complaints and medical history is the first, most significant stage in the diagnosis of eye injury. During the interview, it is important to tell the doctor when and under what circumstances the injury occurred, from what object and along what trajectory it moved.

Before interviewing and examining the victim in a calm environment, the doctor should drop anesthetic drops into his eyes [6][7].

After a carefully collected history, the ophthalmologist examines both eyes, and not just the injured one:

  • first examines them in daylight;
  • then, using a slit lamp, performs biomicroscopy of the cornea of ​​the anterior chamber of the eye, lens and vitreous body.

The surface of the cornea is stained with fluorescein, and a Schirmer test is also performed: the end of a special paper strip is placed behind the edge of the lower eyelid to measure the volume of tear fluid.

Before biomicroscopy, the doctor must dilate the pupil using mydriatic drops. When examining the injured lens, it is important to note whether there are fusions with the scar of the cornea and iris, and to assess the condition of the anterior chamber of the eye. If the transparency of the lens allows, then you also need to carefully examine the posterior chamber of the eye and the anterior layers of the vitreous [6][7]. If there is a suspicion that a foreign body remains in the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye, as well as in secondary glaucoma, it is important to examine the entire angle of the chamber using a gonioscope and a slit lamp, not limited to the suspicious area [6][7].

During ophthalmoscopy - examination of the vitreous body and fundus of the eye - the condition of the optic nerve head and macula is assessed for any defects, edema, detachment, the presence of a foreign body, infiltrates, hemorrhages and shvarts (dense strands of connective tissue similar to adhesions) [6] [7].

It is also important to examine the basic functions of the eyes : their mobility and position in the orbit, visual acuity and field, refraction and intraocular pressure.

Visual acuity is checked using tables, field of vision - at the ophthalmological perimeter, refraction - using a refractometer, intraocular pressure - in a non-contact way, by palpation (feeling the eyes) or with A. N. Maklakov’s tonometer. In case of strabismus, the nature of the pathology and the magnitude of the angle are determined.

If visual acuity cannot be assessed, doctors check whether the victim can correctly determine the projection of light. Patients with abnormal projections should be further evaluated with radiography [1][6][7].

If the visual acuity of the affected eye is high (0.3 or higher), it is important to determine whether both eyes equally perceive the clarity and size of surrounding objects. If necessary, correct strabismus.

biometry of both eyes and echography of the anterior part of the injured eye are mandatory

Additional examinations

  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fluorescein angiography of the eye (FA) - allow you to identify damage to the retina, optic nerve and choroid, help determine treatment tactics and decide whether the patient needs laser coagulation of the retina, find a foreign body, clarify its depth and influence on the retina and choroid, monitor the course of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment [1][6][7].
  • Electrophysiological examination (EPS) of the eye and electroretinography help determine the severity of the injury, as it reveals gross changes in the layers of the retina and optic nerve fibers. They can also be used to predict the course of the disease and its outcome [1][5][6][7].
  • X-ray of the eye . If metal or dense rubber gets in contact, it is advisable to do a survey radiography in two projections, and to detect glass, stone and other low-contrast fragments - a survey non-skeletal radiography.
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging (CT or MRI) - are performed to clarify the location of a foreign body located close to the wall or inside the membrane of the eye. MRI is preferable, as it does not carry an x-ray load [1][5][6][7].
  • Ultrasound examination (US) and ultrasonic biomicroscopy (UZBM) - allow you to obtain additional information about the condition of the eye and its refractive media.

For a comprehensive general clinical examination, patients are examined:

  • a therapist or pediatrician to assess the general condition of the body;
  • an anesthesiologist if surgery is necessary;
  • a dentist or maxillofacial surgeon for damage to the orbit;
  • an otolaryngologist if the ENT organs are damaged;
  • neurologist for optic nerve injury;
  • a neurosurgeon if there is a suspicion of traumatic brain injury.

It is advisable that the ophthalmologist perform preliminary surgical treatment together with a neurosurgeon, maxillofacial surgeon and traumatologist. This will help avoid additional surgical and psychological trauma [1][5][6][7].

A bit of physics and technology

In most types of welding that are used in construction, the connection of products occurs under the action of a welding arc. A welding arc is an electric charge that arises between two electrodes in a mixture of gases, has high power and persists for a long time. It has ultra-high temperature and high current density. The physical properties of the welding arc are such that when it is formed, an additional release of a large flux of ultraviolet radiation occurs.

Ultraviolet radiation is radiation with a wavelength from 10 to 400 nm. Occupies an intermediate position between visible light, whose wavelength exceeds 380 nm, and X-ray radiation with a wavelength shorter than 10 nm.

Ultraviolet radiation is not uniform and can be divided into four parts depending on its wavelength. There are:

  • UVA rays, or near ultraviolet, with wavelengths of 315-400 nm;
  • UV-B rays, or 280-315 nm;
  • UV-C rays, or far ultraviolet, with wavelengths of 100-280 nm;
  • extreme ultraviolet 10-100 nm.

The biological effect that ultraviolet radiation has on the human body directly depends on its wavelength. The longer they are, the weaker the influence.

UVA rays are practically not felt by humans.

Ultraviolet rays with a length of 280-315 nm have a strong effect on the skin and mucous membranes and, with prolonged exposure, can cause burns.

The most aggressive are UV rays shorter than 280 nm, which can easily penetrate deep into the tissues of the body. For example, they can pass through all media of the eye and reach the retina, causing its damage.

The composition of ultraviolet radiation arising in the welding arc is dominated by UV rays with a wavelength from 100 to 300 nm.

The main causes of eye burns from welding

Neglecting the rules for working with a welding machine can result in a burn to the cornea of ​​the eye. Often the organs of vision are affected in the following cases:

  1. Assembling metal structures without the help of a partner and fasteners. Without wearing a mask, the welder holds the parts with his own hands and places tacks.
  2. Using a low-quality mask. Ultraviolet rays penetrate into the gaps between the filters and the mask frame.
  3. Using the wrong mask. To perform some tasks, an automatically darkening chameleon mask is required. In a mask with a regular shield, a worker simply will not have time to cover his face.

Presence during welding work (forced or accidental). The risk of injury increases on bright sunny days. Having succumbed to the deceptive sensation of the faint glow of the arc, a person loses his vigilance and by the evening he receives a full bouquet of burn symptoms.

What causes electroophthalmia?

Electrophthalmia is a burn of the eyes caused by welding, quartz or other powerful light source in medical language. The main cause of injury is the effect of ultraviolet rays on the mucous membrane, involving the cornea and retina.

The depth of damage depends on the scale of irradiation. A burn to the mucous membrane occurs when:

  • a particle of hot metal or a spark gets into an unprotected eye;
  • open contact with fumes of metals and gases;
  • ultraviolet/infrared radiation;
  • failure to comply with safety regulations (described above);
  • exposure to thick toxic smoke (from a melted electrode) in the eye.

What should you do if your eyes hurt from welding?

This question often arises among newcomers to this profession.
First of all, you should determine for yourself how sharply the pain began to manifest itself and what its nature was. If symptoms begin to appear quickly, welding bunnies are to blame. Depending on the severity of the injury, you can try using traditional methods. In this case, you should not feverishly perform all possible procedures one after another. You should use one or two “old-fashioned” methods and be patient. If relief does not come after some time, you will have to go to the hospital.

If pain, even if it seems insignificant in your opinion, constantly haunts you, most likely you have developed an occupational disease. Here it is worth thinking about what you expect from treatment. Home remedies can temporarily dull the pain (possibly for a long time), but if the case is advanced forever, this problem cannot be eliminated in this way.

If you are a highly qualified worker and have received an occupational disease, you must understand that only an ophthalmologist can help you get rid of this problem. Any person, no matter what qualification, who uses a welding machine should know what can and should be done if he or she catches a bug from welding and not to neglect protective equipment when working.

Advice: whenever possible, get examined by an ophthalmologist, take care of your health.

There is only one cause of pain in the eyes after welding - burns

If your eyes hurt after welding, it means a burn has occurred. It is a fact. When a metal is melted by an electric arc, strong ultraviolet radiation is released. It irritates the mucous membrane, and upon direct contact burns the retina. It’s no wonder that after watching enough welding, your eyes hurt.

Important: you should never neglect protective measures, otherwise the consequences can be very serious.

So why do your eyes hurt after welding?

The outer side of the eyeball is covered with a thin mucous membrane - the cornea. It acts as a lens and has a thin covering called epithelium on the outside. Its cells have the ability to absorb ultraviolet rays. With a powerful impact, epithelial cells are destroyed and die, this manifests itself in the form of an eye burn.

The response will be inflammation, which has the following symptoms:

  • Pain and pain in the eyes;
  • Redness;
  • Edema;
  • Itching;
  • Tearing.

The worst thing is that signs of a burned cornea from bunnies do not appear immediately, but after several hours. Therefore, as a rule, first aid for pain relief is provided at home after work. So if you were looking at welding, what should you do? At the first symptoms, it is advisable to start treatment immediately.

The first step is to rinse your eyes with plenty of clean water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Carefully examine the affected eyes for the presence of foreign bodies. They need to be removed with a clean cloth very carefully so as not to cause infection. To relieve pain, you can instill drops of Lidocaine 2%.

Attention: you must look at the percentage of the drug.

Visin drops will help relieve inflammation and create a protective threshold against infection. If relief does not occur within a few hours, you should consult a doctor.

Important: neglect of treatment can cause not only deterioration of vision, but also provoke eyelid diseases.

What is electroophthalmia

Welding bunnies are a common phenomenon encountered by both beginners and professional welders. Such a high level of illumination, as from welding, is typical only with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight on the organs of vision. But few people will deliberately look at the sun for so long without eye protection.

Therefore, retinal burns from the sun practically do not occur. Welders have to constantly look at bright lights, so even if you wear protective equipment at all times, there is still a risk of eye damage.

First aid for tissue damage

If you experience pain, do not wait until evening; you must stop welding immediately. As a rule, symptoms intensify after 7-10 hours. Eyes are a very vulnerable part of our body that requires a lot of attention.

So, what to do if you catch bunnies:

  • Rinse eyes.
    This will help remove small particles if they get in and relieve tension. Rinse with clean, cool water. Weak solutions of potassium permanganate, chamomile or tea leaves are also excellent. They are very easy to make: for the chamomile solution and tea leaves, you must first pour boiling water over them and wait. Then mix herbal decoctions or a few drops of potassium permanganate with water. There should be much more water.
  • Eye drops.
    Drops will help relieve pain. Before use, you should consult your doctor, as there may be contraindications. Visine or Okomistin are usually used. After welding, dry eyes often occur, so it will be useful to buy eye drops that suit you.
  • Rest.
    A very simple step, but no less important. You need to give your eyes a rest. It is best to put some drops in your eyes and go to sleep. A good rest is always welcome.

For any damage to the eyeballs, it is better to contact a specialist. Even a small burn can have a negative impact on your vision in the future.

Compliance with some contraindications will have a good effect on treatment.

What is better not to do in case of tissue damage:

  • Touch your eyes. After the burn, they will begin to itch and create the feeling that there is something in the eye. At such moments, the main thing is to hold on and not start scratching them. Excessive contact with the eyes will only increase the itching and pain.
  • Use running water. It is important to rinse your eyes with clean water, for example, store-bought or chilled boiled water. Tap water may contain substances harmful to damaged eyeballs.
  • Expose to bright light. It is best to curtain the room where the victim will lie. Bright light provokes pain.
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