Countries with the largest reserves of copper ores

Countries with the highest water availability, thousand m3 per person.

Countries with the lowest water availability, thousand m3 per person.

Hydropower is the energy from water used in hydroelectric power plants to produce electricity.

Hydropower potential is the potential of the waters of the land and the World Ocean. The world's hydropower potential is 10 trillion kWh.

Leading countries in hydropower resources Russia USA China Brazil Canada DR Congo

RESOURCES OF THE WORLD OCEAN Biological: 90% - fish. The most fish-producing seas: Norwegian, Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese. Ocean - Pacific. Sea water resources: contains 75 chemical elements. 1/3 of the world's table salt, 60% of magnesium, 90% of bromine and potassium are extracted. Mineral resources of the seabed: solid - placers of zirconium, gold, platinum, diamonds, ferromanganese nodules, coal, sulfur. Liquid - oil. Gaseous - natural gas. Energy: mechanical and thermal energy of the ocean, tides.

Copper deposits

Metals in the copper subgroup are characterized by low chemical activity, for this reason they are found in the form of chemical compounds, as well as nuggets. Many centuries ago, copper could only be found in the form of sulfur compounds - chalcopyrite and chalcocite. This is because copper has a high chemical affinity for sulfur. Most primary ores contain copper in sulfide form - CuS. Over time, especially under conditions of volcanic activity, under the influence of large amounts of oxygen, copper sulfides became oxides. Copper nuggets were formed in nature during the strong heating of oxidized sulfur ore. For example, if oxidized copper minerals and sulfur ores lay under a thick layer of rock, they were heated by natural disasters and earthly heat. In such natural “metallurgical shops” colossal volumes of copper were smelted. A nugget weighing 420 tons was found in North America. However, this is rare; native copper on the planet is approximately 1%.

Bauxite ore is the basis of global aluminum production

The silver metal itself is directly obtained from alumina. This raw material is aluminum oxide (Al2O3), obtained from ores:

  • Bauxite;
  • Alunitov;
  • Nepheline syenites.

The most common source of starting material is bauxite, which is considered the main aluminum ore.

Despite the more than 130-year history of discovery, it has still not been possible to understand the origin of aluminum ore. It is possible that simply in each region the raw materials were formed under the influence of certain conditions. And this makes it difficult to derive one universal theory about the formation of bauxite. There are three main hypotheses about the origin of aluminum raw materials:

  1. They were formed due to the dissolution of certain types of limestone as a residual product.
  2. Bauxite was obtained as a result of weathering of ancient rocks with their further transport and deposition.
  3. The ore is the result of chemical processes of decomposition of iron, aluminum and titanium salts, and fell as sediment.

However, alunite and nepheline ores were formed under different conditions from bauxite. The former were formed under conditions of active hydrothermal and volcanic activity. The second - at high temperatures of magma.


As a result, alunites generally have a crumbly porous structure. They contain up to 40% of various aluminum oxide compounds. But, in addition to the aluminum-bearing ore itself, the deposits, as a rule, contain additives, which affects the profitability of their mining. It is considered profitable to develop a deposit with a 50 percent ratio of alunites to additives.

Nephelines are usually represented by crystalline samples, which, in addition to aluminum oxide, contain additives in the form of various impurities. Depending on the composition, this type of ore is classified into types. The richest contain up to 90% nephelines, second-rate 40-50%; if the minerals are poorer than these indicators, then it is not considered necessary to develop them.

Having an idea of ​​the origin of minerals, geological exploration can quite accurately determine the location of aluminum ore deposits. Also, the formation conditions, which influence the composition and structure of minerals, determine the extraction methods. If the deposit is considered profitable, its development is established.

World copper deposits

A lot of copper, like other minerals, is located at the bottom of the oceans. At the bottom there are clusters of round stones containing approximately 0.5% copper. According to the analysis of geologists, the reserves of copper ore in the ocean reach 5 billion tons. There are almost 250 copper minerals, but only 20 are used industrially. The main copper ores include:

  • chalcocite - Cu2S, which contains 79.8% copper
  • chalcopyrite - CuFeS2, which contains 30% copper. This ore accounts for almost 50% of all copper deposits
  • bornite - Cu5FeS4, contains from 52 to 65% copper
  • covellite – CuS, contains 64% copper.

According to genetic and industrial-geological parameters, copper deposits are:

  • stratiform, which include copper shales and sandstones
  • pyrites. This group includes native and vein copper
  • hydrothermal
  • igneous, including the most common ores of the copper-nickel type
  • carbonate. This group includes iron-copper and carbonatite ores.

Natural compounds containing copper

Pure copper, which is what its nuggets represent, is found in nature in very small quantities. Copper is mainly found in nature in the form of various compounds, the most common of which are the following.

  • Bornite is a mineral that got its name in honor of the Czech scientist I. Born. This is a sulfide ore, the chemical composition of which is characterized by its formula - Cu5FeS4. Bornite has other names: variegated pyrite, copper purple. In nature, this ore is presented in two polymorphic forms: low-temperature tetragonal-scalenohedral (temperature less than 228 degrees) and high-temperature cubic-hexaoctahedral (more than 228 degrees). This mineral can have different types depending on its origin. Thus, exogenous bornite is a secondary early sulfide, which is very unstable and is easily destroyed by weathering. The second type, endogenous bornite, is characterized by variable chemical composition, which may contain chalcocite, galena, sphalerite, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Theoretically, minerals of these types can contain from 25.5% sulfur, more than 11.2% iron and over 63.3% copper, but in practice this content of these elements is never maintained.
  • Chalcopyrite is a mineral whose chemical composition is characterized by the formula CuFeS2. Chalcopyrite, which is of hydrothermal origin, was previously called copper pyrite. Along with sphalerite and galena, it is included in the category of polymetallic ores. This mineral, which, in addition to copper, contains iron and sulfur, is formed as a result of metamorphic processes and can be present in two types of copper ores: contact-metasomatic type (skarns) and mountain metasomatic (greisens).
  • Chalcocite is a sulfide ore, the chemical composition of which is characterized by the formula Cu2S. This ore contains a significant amount of copper (79.8%) and sulfur (20.2%). This ore is often referred to as “copper lustre”, due to the fact that its surface appears as a shiny metal, ranging in shades from lead-gray to completely black. In copper-bearing ores, chalcocite appears as dense or fine-grained inclusions.


In nature, there are also rarer minerals that contain copper.

  • Cuprite (Cu2O), a member of the oxide group of minerals, can often be found in places where there is malachite and native copper.
  • Covelline is a sulfide rock formed metasomatically. This mineral, whose copper content is 66.5%, was first discovered at the beginning of the last century in the vicinity of Vesuvius. Now covellite is actively mined in deposits in countries such as the USA, Serbia, Italy, and Chile.
  • Malachite is a mineral well known to everyone as an ornamental stone. Surely everyone has seen products made from this beautiful mineral in the photo or even owns them. Malachite, which is very popular in Russia, is copper carbonate or copper dihydrocoxcarbonate, which belongs to the category of polymetallic copper-containing ores. The malachite found indicates that there are deposits of other minerals containing copper nearby. In our country, a large deposit of this mineral is located in the Nizhny Tagil region; previously it was mined in the Urals, but now its reserves there are significantly depleted and are not being developed.
  • Azurite is a mineral that is also called “copper blue” due to its blue color. It is characterized by a hardness of 3.5–4 units; its main deposits are developed in Morocco, Namibia, Congo, England, Australia, France and Greece. Azurite is often intergrown with malachite and occurs in places where deposits of sulfide-type copper-bearing ores are located nearby.


Copper reserves in the world

The largest amount of copper, approximately 65%, occurs in North and South America. European states have 15% of resources, Asian states - 11%, African states - 4.5%. The largest confirmed copper reserves are recorded in Chile. Almost 20% of the world's reserves are located there. And in the USA - 12.7%. In addition to these countries, there is a lot of copper in Poland, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Uzbekistan, the Philippines, as well as in Zaire, Zambia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Australia. In each of these states, according to experts, there are about 10 million tons.

Copper ore mining

Due to the low copper content in the ore, its extraction involves processing large volumes of rock. In order to smelt 1 ton of copper, over 200 tons of ore must be processed. Copper mining methods:

  • open method. If ore deposits are located close to the earth's surface, then they are developed in this way; the depth of open-pit mining is 150-300 m. The method is characterized by lower losses
  • underground method. Using this method, ore is mined from a depth of 500 m, and sometimes from 800-1000 m.

There are five technological systems for field development:

  • using self-propelled equipment. This technology is widely used
  • using continuous vibration mechanisms
  • using hardening goaf backfill. In this case, there is a continuous excavation of reserves of powerful deposits with minimal losses. With the use of such systems, losses are reduced by 3-4 times
  • method of extracting ore in horizontal layers. When filling goafs (in underground mines) with hardening compounds, pipes lined with rubber or basalt are used, the service life of which is 50-100 times higher than that of steel
  • cyclic-flow technology for the implementation of mining operations.

Undeveloped Aynak copper deposit in Afghanistan

According to some sources, in particular the non-governmental organization Transparency International, Afghanistan has the largest copper reserves, which rank second in volume in the world. But most have not yet been fully studied and industrial extraction is not carried out.

Copper deposits in Afghanistan

Ainak is considered the largest, not only in Afghanistan, but also in the world. The main problems of its development arose as a result of a dispute between the mining company and archaeologists. The fact is that on the territory of the copper deposit, scientists found the ancient Buddhist city of Mes Aynak, which is of great historical value. Therefore, it was prohibited to develop the deposit of the same name.

The government plans to organize ore mining in the Ainak deposit at the level of 300 thousand tons per year, and gradually increase volumes.

Characteristics of the Ainak deposit:

  • area – 5 km2;
  • estimated copper reserves: central Aynak – 9.8 million tons;
  • western Aynak – 9.9 million tons;
  • the volume of planned investments in development is 4.4 billion US dollars;
  • attracted investor - MSS company (PRC).
  • Assessment data for actual reserves of the Ainak field

    Starting from 2011, it was planned to activate the Ainak field - to reach the level of 200 thousand tons in 2015. Now the deadlines have moved again - until 2022. We can only hope that Aynak will start working at full speed and will significantly improve the financial situation of the state, while at the same time preserving the cultural and historical value of the Buddhist city.

    Copper production centers

    Copper production centers are present in different regions of Russia. Kazakhstan boasts the richest ore deposits. There are also deposits in the Urals. According to the latest data, Russia ranks first in the world in copper ore mining. Copper plants are being built in close proximity to the mines. The raw material factor is the determining component, due to the low content of concentrates in the feedstock. There are 11 copper complexes in the Urals, producing 43% of the country’s copper. In addition to our own raw materials, production also uses those imported from Kazakhstan. There are also waste recycling plants. For example, sulfur dioxide gases, as a byproduct of copper mining, are used to create sulfuric acid, which is then used to make fertilizers.


    Sredneuralsky plant: characteristics.

    As mentioned above, the Sredneuralsk Copper Plant (SUMZ) is one of the main copper smelting centers in our country. This plant is located in the city of Revda, in the Sverdlovsk region. SUMZ belongs to the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, and is also a member of the regional industrial chamber.

    Copper deposits and mining

    But before you start mining, the substrate will need to be examined more closely. With further drilling and sound waves, the best production sites should be explored by next year. According to von der Linden, 700 million euros will be invested in the construction of the mine. The operating company hopes to promote copper worth at least €300 million per year for 20 years. Shiny metal plates emerge from the black rubble. The copper sheets from the dining table, each weighing more than 100 kilograms, are eventually sold to industry. It is much more common in jewelry making than copper. Often you think about magnetic bracelets made of copper, which are supposed to have a healing effect. However, many people know that copper is also used as a material.

    At SUMZ, copper is smelted from primary raw materials, which are taken from the Degtyarskoye deposit.

    The Sredneuralsk Copper Smelter has a large copper smelting workshop, an enrichment plant, as well as xanthate and sulfuric acid workshops. The plant also has a number of auxiliary enterprises that serve the needs of the copper smelter.

    When did people start winning copper?

    But nowadays copper has been brought out of the flood and is used mainly for its beautiful color for jewelry. What properties make the material a suitable raw material for jewelry? The history of copper is long because copper is very easy to work with, people really enjoy making objects from this material at an early stage. In addition to gold, silver and tin, copper was the first metal that people recognized and appreciated. Copper finds a date as far back as a thousand years ago. It was even referred to as the Copper Age, when copper was used and processed excessively. SUMZ produces about one hundred tons of blister copper annually. Copper concentrates at this plant are processed by firing in fluidized bed furnaces, and the method of converting and reflective smelting of the cinder is also used.

    The products of the Serdneuralsk plant are supplied to all large Russian enterprises operating in the metallurgical, mining and chemical industries and located in different regions of the country, as well as abroad.

    Almost everything at that time was made of copper. At that time, copper mining strongholds were found in Jordan and the former Roman Empire, where up to 000 tons of copper were produced annually. Copper is what is called a semi-precious metal, so it does not have the value of the precious metals gold and silver. However, copper has very good properties that are in no way inferior to silver and gold. Since copper has always been mass produced, its reputation is of course not as good as precious metals, which cannot be won as easily or in harsh quantities.

    Ferrous metal ores (Iron ore)

    Among ferrous metal ores, the most popular and used in industry are iron ores.

    Iron ore is the basis for the production of ferrous metals - cast iron, steel, rolled products.

    • The largest reserves of iron ore are concentrated in the USA, India, China, Brazil, and Canada.
    • There are separate large deposits in Kazakhstan, France, Sweden, Ukraine, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Australia, Liberia, Malaysia, and North African countries.
    • In Russia, large reserves of iron ore, in addition to KMA, are in the Urals, the Kola Peninsula, and Karelia.

    Natural resources

    Nature management and ecology

    Basic concepts, processes, patterns and their consequences

    Water resources

    distributed extremely unevenly. The leaders in the provision of river flow resources per capita are the Democratic Republic of Congo, Canada, Norway, New Zealand, Liberia; the minimum indicators are in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Poland.

    Land resources

    include the following types of land: arable land (11%), pastures (24%), forest land (31%), the rest of the Earth is not used.

    Mineral resources

    It is customary to subdivide into
    fuel and energy, ore, and non-
    metallic minerals.
    Almost all of them are classified as non-renewable.
    Of the fuel and energy resources, oil, gas and coal are of greatest importance. From total coal

    40% comes from brown coal, 60% from hard coal.
    The largest coal basins are Tunguska, Lensky, Kansko-Achinsky, Kuznetsk, Ruhr, Appalachian, Pechersky, Taimyr. The largest oil and gas
    basins: the Persian Gulf, Maracaiba, Orinoco, Gulf of Mexico, Texas, Illinois, California, Western Canada, West Siberian, Sumatra, Gulf of Guinea, Sahara.
    minerals correspond to the foundations and overhangs of ancient platforms and folded areas.

    Large ore belts

    — Alpine-Himalayan, Pacific, etc.
    minerals include rocks and minerals used in construction, chemical industry, etc. World forest resources are characterized by two main indicators: the size of forest area (4.1 billion hectares) and reserves wood (333 billion m3). There are two vast forest belts - northern and southern.

    Natural resources

    - these are all types of natural resources directly used by man or used by him for the production of material assets.

    Natural conditions

    - these are the properties of the natural environment, the components of which have an impact on production and humans, but are not directly used by them.

    Nature management

    - the activity of human society aimed at satisfying its needs through the use of natural resources.

    Rational environmental management

    - a system of environmental management in which extracted natural resources are used quite fully (and accordingly the amount of consumed resources is reduced), the restoration of renewable natural resources is ensured, production waste is fully and repeatedly used, which allows reducing environmental pollution. Rational use of natural resources is characteristic of intensive farming.

    Resource availability

    — the relationship between the amount of natural resources and the extent of their use. It is expressed by the number of years for which a given resource should last, or its reserves per capita of a given territory.

    Top ten countries by freshwater resources

    A countryResources, km 3A country

    Leading countries in reserves of fuel and energy minerals

    FossilsLeading countries in reserves
    CoalUSA, China, Russia, India, South Africa, Australia
    Brown coalRussia, USA, Australia, Germany
    OilSaudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Venezuela
    GasRussia, Iran, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan

    Leading countries in ore reserves

    FossilsLeading countries in reserves
    Iron oreRussia, Brazil, China, Australia, USA, India, Canada, Ukraine
    Bauxite (aluminum ore)Australia, Guinea, Brazil, Jamaica, Suriname, Guyana, China
    Copper oreChile, USA, Congo (Zaire), Zambia, Canada, Russia, China, Kazakhstan
    Manganese oresSouth Africa, Australia, Gabon, Brazil, Ukraine
    Tin oresMalaysia, Brazil, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, China, Russia, Bolivia, South Africa
    GoldUSA, South Africa, Australia, Canada, Russia

    Leading countries in reserves of non-metallic minerals

    FossilsLeading countries in reserves
    DiamondsSouth Africa, Russia, Namibia, Australia, Botswana
    PhosphoritesKazakhstan, Morocco, South Africa, Australia, Algeria
    Potassium saltsBelarus, Germany, Brazil
    SulfurUkraine, Italy, Turkmenistan, Iraq
    BeltArea, billion hectaresRock compositionAreas of distribution
    Northern2Coniferous – 67% Deciduous – 33%Russia, Canada, USA, Nordic countries
    Southern2Broadleaf – 97%Brazil, DR Congo, Congo (Zaire), Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Venezuela, etc.

    Top ten countries by arable land area

    A countryArable area
    million hectaresin % of the land fund

    Measures to combat the negative consequences of human economic activity

    Copper production centers

    Copper production centers are present in different regions of Russia. Kazakhstan boasts the richest ore deposits. There are also deposits in the Urals. According to the latest data, Russia ranks first in the world in copper ore mining. Copper plants are being built in close proximity to the mines. The raw material factor is the determining component, due to the low content of concentrates in the feedstock. There are 11 copper complexes in the Urals, producing 43% of the country’s copper. In addition to our own raw materials, production also uses those imported from Kazakhstan. There are also waste recycling plants. For example, sulfur dioxide gases, as a byproduct of copper mining, are used to create sulfuric acid, which is then used to make fertilizers.

    There are not many metals on our planet whose production volumes exceed those of copper. The twenty-ninth number in Mendeleev’s periodic table is in honorable third place in terms of production levels, right after iron and aluminum. Too many industries would be in trouble if their storerooms suddenly ran out of much-needed metal. The importance of copper and copper ore can hardly be overestimated for electrical engineering, heating engineering, metallurgy, medicine and even transport.

    How copper differs from other metals and how copper is mined will be discussed below.

    TOP 10 leading countries in the world of copper producers

    The metal received its Latin name Cuprum due to its location on the island of Cyprus. Most of it is found in soil (mines) than in water. Element 29 of the periodic table is found, both in pure form and with impurities.


    Perhaps in 2022 Poland will break all production records in history. In 2022, huge deposits of the fossil were discovered. So far, according to analytical data, Poland refined 630 thousand tons of copper ore last year.


    According to Bloomberg, copper production has fallen sharply. Such trends were noticed due to the exhaustion of mines. The material that can be obtained is of poor quality. State investment in such projects will lead to an increase in prices for fossil fuels. According to agency statistics, only 740 thousand tons were smelted in Japan in 2022.


    Canada is one of the countries with the largest amount of non-ferrous metal deposits in the world. This feature is observed due to the peculiar tectonic location of the territory of the state. Despite the large number of reserves, Canada cannot boast of high numbers due to the presence of ore deep underground. It takes a long time to obtain copper ore and process it. At the same time, the quality of ore is getting worse every year. Last year, 890 thousand tons were produced.


    According to the deputy director of the Ural Metallurgical Company, 2019-2021 may become the starting point for a shortage of minerals in the world. This announcement was made due to the increasing need for copper in the electricity and automotive industries. The production of environmentally friendly cars requires several times more material than the production of conventional vehicles. Last year, 920 thousand tons of minerals were mined in Russia.

    South Korea

    Over the past 20 years, South Korea has seen changes in the non-ferrous metals industry. Today, some industries are gradually moving to a fully automatic process for processing copper ore. Now, instead of 20 workers, only two mechanization supervisors are needed. In 2022, South Korea produced 1.3 million tons of fossil fuels.


    According to analysts at Dow Jones, the United States invests more money in the development of the non-ferrous industry than in the extraction of precious metals. Since the demand for copper is growing every year. It is expected that the cost of the fossil will increase in 2022. Last year, 1.9 million tons were produced in the United States.


    The indigenous population of Peru again staged protests in the first quarter of 2022 over the export of copper outside the state. For several months, factories practically did not work, which will most likely affect the statistics at the end of 2022. According to analysts at Morgan Stanley, 2.4 million tons of minerals were produced in 2022.


    According to analysts, copper production in India in 2022 will reach about 2.1 million tons. In 2022, the figures were equal to 2.6 million tons. Every year, the need for the use of copper increases in various industries in India. Over the past few years, the need has doubled. Thanks to new infrastructure projects, according to the director of the Indian company Birla Copper, Jagdish Chandra Laddha, the plants will be able to produce the required amount of metal.


    According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, last year showed strong results for domestic production. Thanks to this, the need to purchase metal from other countries has decreased. According to general estimates of the PRC, 3.1 million tons were produced.


    6.2 million tons of copper were obtained by ore processing. This is slightly more than ¼ of the world's global production. Due to the strike of some Chilean factories and the flooding of some mines, production figures fell slightly.


    Aluminum industry

    Aluminum is the most common non-ferrous metal in the earth's crust.

    Aluminum production can be divided into three parts:

    1. Extraction of raw materials for the aluminum industry - bauxite
    2. Bauxite is processed into alumina
    3. Aluminum is produced from molten alumina
    • Primary aluminum is aluminum that is produced from raw materials - bauxite.
    • Secondary aluminum - remelted aluminum (The industry of developed countries is aimed at the production of secondary aluminum)

    Rating of countries for bauxite mining:

    1. Guinea
    2. Australia
    3. Brazil
    4. Jamaica
    5. Cameroon
    6. India

    Bauxite is predominantly found in the humid tropics and subtropics.

    Map showing which countries are leading in bauxite mining

    Methods for obtaining pure metal from ore

    Today, copper production is carried out by the most common method - pyrometallurgical. Globally, it is used by 90% of processing companies.

    Scheme for obtaining copper from ore

    • preparatory – receiving raw materials from mining enterprises, sorting them;
    • melting for matte;
    • blowing in a converter - the output is blister copper;
    • refining.

    Enrichment of the resulting raw materials occurs using flotation. The ore is placed in a container of water, then compressed air is added there. As a result, foam is formed, copper particles stick to the bubbles, and waste rock settles to the bottom.

    The next stage is firing. As a result, they try to reduce the sulfur content in the ore as much as possible. The composition is heated to 800 o C - sulfides are oxidized, and the amount of sulfur is reduced by 2 times.

    Next, the resulting mass is sent to special furnaces - the smelting stage for matte. Here the temperature rises to 1450 o C. The iron and remaining sulfides are finally oxidized and blown out in converters. The result is blister copper, which is cast into ingots, and slag.

    Copper production ends with refining. It involves the final purification of the metal from impurities.

    Electrolytic refining (purification) of copper

    The method is as follows:

    • blister copper ingots are placed in a bath with an electrolyte (sulfuric acid);
    • Thin sheets of pure copper are placed in the container - the cathode;
    • connect electric current;
    • As a result, all copper particles collect at the cathode, and impurities settle at the bottom - they are called sludge.

    Often the sludge contains precious metals - gold, platinum.

    Aluminum Industry Location Factors

    1) Raw materials

    • Enterprises are located near sources of raw materials - bauxite or alumina.
    • When producing secondary aluminum, enterprises are located near large consumers of aluminum.

    2) Energy

    • Aluminum production requires a lot of energy, so enterprises are located near sources of cheap electricity (for example, in Brazil this is hydropower, in the Gulf countries cheap energy is generated by thermal power plants).

    3) Water

    • Aluminum production requires a large amount of water, so plants are most often located near large rivers.


    What factors contributed to the location of a large primary aluminum production plant in Krasnoyarsk.

    1) A large river, the Yenisei, flows in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and aluminum production is a water-intensive industry

    2) The Krasnoyarsk region is provided with cheap electricity due to powerful hydroelectric power stations.


    150,000₽ prize fund • 11 honorary documents • Certificate of publication in the media


    Heavy industry sector Includes mining, beneficiation of ore resources and production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Features of the industry: material consumption, multi-stage production process, high environmental load

    Iron ore mining and beneficiation

    Cast iron, steel, rolled products, ferroalloys

    Extraction of raw materials and their enrichment

    Factors for the location of ferrous metallurgy: Raw materials - the industry gravitates towards deposits of coal and iron ore; Energy – the industry is energy-intensive, therefore it focuses on cheap sources of electricity; Transport – gravitates towards the flow of raw materials necessary for production; Consumer – The industry is consumer-oriented.

    Main areas of iron ore mining and steel smelting

    Leading countries in iron ore reserves: Australia, Brazil, Russia, China, India.

    Leading countries in iron ore production: China, Australia, Brazil, India, Russia

    LARGEST IRON ORE BASIN: KMA (Russia), Krivoy Rog (Ukraine), Carajas (Brazil), Lorraine (France), Newfoundland (Canada), Lake Superior Iron Ore Region (USA)…


    Full cycle enterprises

    Part-time enterprises

    Ore mining; Processing and enrichment; Iron production; Steel production; Production of rolled products.

    They are engaged in the production of either cast iron and steel, steel and rolled products.....

    Production of steel and rolled products from scrap metal; They operate as part of large machine-building enterprises.

    Leading countries in cast iron production: China, Japan, India, Russia, Republic of Korea.

    Leading countries in steel production: China, Japan, India, USA, Russia.


    ASIAN – the leading and fastest growing of the centers, rich in raw materials. The region has the oldest leader in iron and steel industry - Japan and new dynamically developing leaders - China, India, Republic of Korea

    EUROPEAN is the oldest metallurgical center in the world. The leaders of the region are Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain. Due to the deteriorating environmental situation, it is actively switching to imported raw materials, so ferrous metallurgy plants are increasingly appearing in the area of ​​port cities.

    NORTH AMERICAN , leader of the region - USA, the region has changed its international specialization: instead of large plants, small factories are being created here for the production of high-quality steel

    NON-FERROUS METALLURGY A branch of heavy industry engaged in the extraction of ores and the production of non-ferrous metals and their alloys.

    PLACEMENT FACTORS: Raw materials; Energy; Water; Consumer; Ecological;

    Heavy: copper, lead, zinc, tin, nickel

    Lightweight: aluminum, magnesium, titanium

    Minor: bismuth, cadmium, antimony, arsenic, cobalt, mercury

    Alloying materials: tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium, vanadium

    Noble: gold, silver, platinum

    Disseminated (rare earth): zirconium, gallium, indium, thallium, germanium, selenium

    Volumes of metal production in the structure of non-ferrous metallurgy

    Raw materials: bauxite, nepheline, alunite Main consumer: mechanical engineering (1st place - aerospace industry), electric power industry. Technological chain: Bauxite mining: Australia, Guinea, Jamaica, Brazil, China, Suriname, Russia, Venezuela, India, Kazakhstan, Greece, Hungary. Obtaining primary aluminum: aluminum oxide (alumina), where there is fuel and lime. Obtaining secondary aluminum from scrap metal and extracting the metal through electrolysis (where there is cheap electricity). Production of aluminum alloys

    Products: blister copper, refined copper, alloys Main consumer: mechanical engineering (automotive industry, instrument making). Technological chain: Copper ore mining - Russia, Chile, USA, Zambia, DR Congo, Kazakhstan, Canada, Peru, Mexico, China, Australia, Poland, Papua New Guinea. 2. Enrichment (concentrate contains 35% copper) - USA, Chile, Japan, Zambia, Zaire, Canada. 3. Production of refined copper (98% copper) - USA, Russia, Kazakhstan, Chile, Japan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Germany, Poland. 3. Alloys: brass (+zinc), bronze (+tin), beryllium bronze.

    Regions for the extraction of non-ferrous metal ores

    USA, Australia, Canada, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Peru, China, Germany

    Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Russia, Nigeria, DR Congo, Rwanda, Bolivia, Brazil

    USA, Australia, Canada, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Peru, China, Germany + Japan, France, Italy, UK

    Nickel: Russia, Canada, New Caledonia, Cuba


    Leading countries in gold mining: China, Australia, Russia, USA, Canada.

    Leading countries in silver mining: Mexico, Peru, China, Chile, Australia

    Leading countries in platinum production: South Africa, Russia, Zimbabwe, Canada, USA.

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    Copper industry

    • Copper is one of the most common and most valuable non-ferrous metals
    • The electrical industry is the largest consumer of copper
    • Most often, copper ore is mined together with nickel ore.
    • The production of pure copper (refined) requires large amounts of electricity

    Most copper mined : Chile, Peru, Russia, Australia and Canada

    Rating of countries by copper smelting:

    1. Chile
    2. China
    3. Peru
    4. USA
    5. Australia
    6. Russia

    Map showing which countries are leading in copper smelting

    The US is not only a major producer of refined copper, but even imports copper.

    Reason: developed production of electrical products

    Copper exporters

    The country with the largest volume of metal production does not always lead the ranking in raw material exports. The picture on the world market for the sale of refined copper is somewhat different than in terms of production volumes.

    Leading countries for red metal exports:

    Export of refined copper by leading exporting countries in 2007, thousand tons

    • Chile - 2,547,000 tons per year;
    • Russia – 633,000 tons;
    • Peru - 415,000 tons;
    • Kazakhstan – 354,000 tons.

    The leading countries in production in Africa are not far behind:

    • Zambia;
    • Democratic Republic of the Congo;
    • Republic of South Africa.

    The main importers of copper products are the European Union countries, as well as:

    Copper smelting volumes by region

    • USA;
    • Japan;
    • Taiwan;
    • China;
    • Korea;
    • Türkiye.

    The total volume of imports is 5805.4 thousand tons per year.

    China buys raw materials mainly from Chile. Türkiye, the USA and Japan are in Africa, Korea is near Australia.

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