Is it possible to solder a gold chain at home?

Wearing gold jewelry has been fashionable at all times. They add elegance to any look and style for both men and women. The only drawback is that such products are distinguished by their fragility. Their breakdown is far from uncommon. In order to repair a gold item, you need to contact jewelry craftsmen. However, it is not always possible to take your favorite chain to a jewelry workshop. Therefore, many people wonder whether it is possible to solder it at home? Many people mistakenly believe that soldering a chain at home requires a lot of knowledge and skills. In reality this is far from the case. In this article we will look at all the nuances of this procedure.

What defects can you fix yourself at home?

  1. Small cracks on the inside of the product. The location of the chip is especially important for wide chains, on which poor-quality seams after soldering are clearly visible.
  2. Break of one link in a multi-level weave. The chain did not break completely. One edge of the link has bent, which needs to be bent (soldered) so that it does not cling.
  3. The ring on the lock was bent and torn. You can solder it yourself, since it is located at the back of the decoration. And even if your gold seam is not the most beautiful, it will not be visible.

Complete breaks, defects on the outer side of the weaving, loss of several links - all these situations are best left to the shoulders of the master. A jeweler can not only solder a gold chain, but also add a little metal to recreate the original appearance of the threads.

The main criterion for excellent chain soldering

The quality of the seam obtained during soldering depends on various factors:

  • degree of metal cleaning before starting work;
  • applying flux;
  • solder composition;
  • proper handling of solder, it should not be overheated;
  • choosing the method of connecting the metal sections of the chain will determine how long the product will last, which means that this factor is the main one when assessing the quality of the soldering.

Soldering gold products requires high precision and accuracy

What instruments and devices will be needed for home soldering?

To understand how to solder a gold chain at home, you need to carefully examine the place of the chip or break. And also prepare all the necessary tools and equipment for work:

  • a small gas burner with a thin torch - needed to heat the alloy;
  • special gold solder, which is needed for correct soldering;
  • homemade or purchased flux;
  • small pliers and tweezers for gripping the product;
  • a set of needle files of various shapes;
  • a drill and a small vice for fixing the chain.

The soldering process is no different from working with other metals. The only peculiarity is the miniaturization of the product parts that need to be soldered to each other.

Important! If you have not worked with a blowtorch or soldered other metals before, you should not practice on gold jewelry. You can completely ruin the product. And then even the master will not be able to restore it.

Basics of the metal soldering process: refractory and low-melting solder, flux

The temperature at which gold melts is 1064°C. But this meaning changes depending on the content of this component. Before repairs can begin, the material is heated. Individual sections are connected using special materials, without which gold soldering is impossible:

  • flux - a composition of several components, used to prevent the formation of an oxide film on the material being processed, and also helps to increase the fluidity of the solder as it heats up;
  • Solder - a material in the form of a wire, used to create conditions under which broken metal parts will be connected, it is distinguished by a lower melting point than that of a restored gold product.

There are different types of solder:

  • low-melting: changes structure at temperatures below 300°C;
  • refractory: melts when the temperature exceeds the limit of 300°C.

Moreover, the second option is characterized by improved characteristics. The properties of a material are determined by its composition. Low-melting solder most often contains tin, lead, and refractory solder: copper, silver, zinc, gold, etc. But solder is chosen not only taking into account the characteristics, the color of the material is also taken into account.

It must match the shade of the chain, and therefore refractory solder is used.

You can make the mixture yourself.

Stages of soldering a gold chain at home

  1. Solder preparation. If you don’t have special solder for gold, you can create it from scrap materials at home. To do this, you need to prepare a crucible for melting metals, a small amount of gold, silver and copper. As well as pharmacy scales and a mold for melting solder. The recipe itself is as follows: for 585 parts of gold, take 115 parts of silver and 185 parts of copper.
  2. Preparing the chain for soldering. It is necessary to secure the product in a vice or other clamp so that the damaged area is visible. The product must take its original shape. That is, the thread must be straight.
  3. Preparation for soldering. It is necessary to boil the solder and gold jewelry. Under the influence of high temperatures, gold will be covered with a special protective layer.
  4. Adjusting the flame and soldering itself. Before starting to create a seam, it is worth adjusting the burning intensity. Then heat the gold evenly at the joint. When the chain reaches the desired temperature at the break point, take solder and make a neat seam.
  5. Grinding and processing of the seam. If, after “gluing” the links, a large seam has formed that protrudes above the surface of the chain, it must be sanded. And then treat it with a special napkin to give the product shine.

Important! You not only need to understand how to solder a gold chain at home, but also be able to handle soldering equipment. And also for miniature products with small links, there is another, more subtle soldering technology.


At the first stage, you need to prepare everything for soldering. You will need solder and flux. Flux is a mixture of chemicals whose purpose is to remove films of metal oxides from the surface before soldering to improve contact. Flux is also used to reduce surface tension, it improves solder flow and so on.

Each type of this substance has its own purpose, that is, a specific flux is also used for soldering gold. It can be purchased at a store dedicated to jewelers. It is very easy to use - you need to use a brush to apply it to the place that will be sealed before starting work. It will also remove remaining fat from the surface, and this will not need to be done additionally. To ensure uniform distribution over the working surface, the flux contains alcohol. In most cases, it heats up to 600–900 degrees.

Solder is even more necessary, since without it it will not be possible to join two torn surfaces. Solder is a metal, in this case gold, that is melted at a lower temperature than the base metal to fill the pores in the metal being fused. In order to lower the melting point of solder, impurities are added to it. It can also be purchased at a jewelry store. It is sold in small pieces or thin wire. There are several types:

  • Solder with a high gold content and a small amount of impurities. It will hold more firmly, but it will initially need to be heated to a higher temperature. Such solder will have a purity of 14 carats and above. In addition, it can be medium-melting and refractory.
  • Solder with a lower content of precious metal is easier to melt, but it will also hold up worse. The gold carat will be less than 14. Used for simple repairs.

There are solders with gold of different colors. But before using any of them for soldering, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition. It may contain cadmium, and you need to solder with it carefully, as it is toxic.

If you can’t buy solder, you can make it yourself. To do this you will need:

  • crucible;
  • copper;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • brass;
  • burner;
  • container for casting solder.

We place gold in the crucible, as well as silver and copper in the following proportions: 585:115:186. Jewelry requires high precision; it would be a good idea to use jewelry scales for measurements. It is best to use brass, but you can also use cadmium. Brass will need 135 parts, cadmium - 112. Using a gas burner, melt silver, gold and copper. Add the fourth ingredient to the melted mixture.

After completely mixing the ingredients, pour this composition into a container. When the metal has cooled a little, we shape it into a wire or plate using an anvil. After this, we put it away for storage, you can first roll it up.

Next, prepare the tools that will be needed for soldering:

  • a gas burner, with the help of which gold will be soldered;
  • vice;
  • tweezers;
  • awl;
  • needle files or portable drill (engraver);
  • pliers;
  • sheet of refractory metal.

All tools must be small. You are unlikely to find them on the open market, but you can try going to a jewelry or watch repair shop to purchase them. You can also try looking for them at a flea market.

Cost and features of repairing gold chains in workshops

For those who have never worked with soldering equipment and do not know how to solder a gold chain at home, the easiest way out of a difficult situation with a breakdown is to contact a jewelry workshop.

The cost of repairing jewelry in a workshop depends on various factors:

  • complexity and scale of the breakdown - one link in the chain or several;
  • features of chain weaving - for example, a large anchor chain is faster and easier to solder than elegant women's weaving;
  • urgency of work - you will always have to pay extra for speed;
  • the need to add gold - the cost of 1 g of gold is about 1500 rubles. by the end of 2022.

The jeweler will tell you the exact price of the work when you bring your gold chain to the workshop for repair.

The recovery process itself includes several stages:

  1. Preparing jewelry for soldering. It is fixed on a stationary machine in the workshop. Clean the edges of the break so that no dust or dirt remains in the microcracks. Select the required solder composition.
  2. Soldering. Various tools are used depending on the type and degree of damage. Often special laser equipment is used, after working with which there are no visible seams on the chain.
  3. Seam cleaning and processing. The gold jewelry is returned to the client in perfect condition. To achieve shine, the seam is cleaned. Then the entire decoration is treated with a protective solution. It is this that increases the strength, reduces the abrasion rate of gold and gives the product shine.

Jewelers are much quicker at understanding how to solder a particular gold chain. After all, the craftsmen themselves are capable of making it from scratch. They take into account the features and direction of weaving. Specialists are even ready to apply engraving over the seam so that none of your friends and family will ever guess that the chain has been repaired.

Common causes of damage to gold chains

You can prevent the rupture of the product, but to do this it is necessary to eliminate all negative factors that contribute to damage to the gold and create conditions for the long-term use of the jewelry. Causes of ruptures and breakdowns:

  • natural abrasion of links: the chain consists of elements that are mobile relative to each other, constant wear promotes friction of the links, as a result, the natural process of abrasion of the precious metal develops, in the weakest places the product breaks;
  • active use of the clasp: intensive wear of jewelry, which accelerates the wear of the elements of the lock, since it has its own resource (determined by the design and characteristics of gold), with frequent wear it decreases, parts break;
  • sudden movements: even a new chain can break; in this case, the cause is considered to be an accident when the jewelry is unexpectedly touched.

Product preparation

Before jewelry soldering, the product should be secured in a vice or other suitable method. The damaged part of the decoration must be returned to its original shape.

You may have to tinker with this, but this is a mandatory procedure. This may require additional equipment. Selected cylindrical parts will help restore the original shape of a ring or chain link.

Such a part is inserted inside a deformed ring or chain link, after which the product is gently crimped from the outside with pliers until the desired result is achieved. Of course, the chain must be assembled, the damaged link or clasp connected to other links.

After the shape of the product is restored and it is securely fixed, the place of future soldering is cleaned, degreased and covered with a layer of flux. Flux creates a protective film on the surface of gold that prevents oxidation of the metal during the soldering process.

Now you can start the actual soldering. You can buy flux for soldering gold ready-made or make it yourself, taking 10 g of borax and boric acid per 100 g of distilled water.

The solution is boiled, and then the gold item is dipped into it and also boiled for several minutes. As a result, the gold is covered with a protective layer.

Causes of chain breakage

How to repair or shorten the chain? First of all, let's consider the reasons that influenced the breakdown of the product. There may be several of them:

  • Marriage. In order to confirm or refute the version of poor-quality work, it is necessary to conduct an examination. If a manufacturing defect is confirmed, the manufacturer is obliged to pay the cost of repairs and examination or return the money spent to the buyer.
  • Light weight product. One of the common reasons that a product breaks is because it is lightweight. Very often, jewelry is made from tubes. Such products weigh much less, their price is much lower. Having paid less for the product, owners often spend a lot of money on repairs.
  • An attempt to untangle a not entirely new product. Very often the chain breaks while trying to untangle it. If the product is not completely new, the links may become loose from prolonged use. To determine whether repairs and replacement of links with new ones are necessary, carefully inspect the product through a magnifying glass. It is better to replace frayed links immediately and not wait until the chain breaks completely.
  • Heavy pendants on the product. You should always consider the weight ratio of the pendant and the thickness of the chain on which you plan to hang the pendant.
  • The product is hollow. Such a chain very often breaks from the slightest mechanical impact. Heavy crosses and pendants cannot be hung on it, as this leads to rapid wear of the product.

Important! To determine whether a piece of jewelry is hollow or not, hold it in your hand. The size and weight of the product must correspond

As you can see, there are very few reasons for a product to break, so you should always remember that jewelry is a rather fragile thing and can break if handled carelessly.

Practical advice - video

If your chain is broken - silver or gold, then do not despair, but follow our instructions:

  1. Place all decoration pieces in a clean, tightly resealable bag.
  2. Find out where jewelry is repaired.
  3. Give the product to the workshop, having previously discussed the cost of the work. The more complex the repair, the more expensive the repairman’s services will cost.
  4. If you decide to repair the jewelry yourself, then in the workshop you can familiarize yourself with the soldering process and purchase a certain amount of solder. The last point is the main one, since it is extremely difficult to make high-quality solder for gold at home. And you don't need the rest of the alloy.
  5. If the clasp is faulty, purchase it separately. You can use a fastener made of a different material, the main thing is that the color matches. You can install the clasp yourself.

Repairing jewelry in a workshop

Jewelers use a standard scheme for restoring the integrity of a product:

  1. Preparing the decoration: cleaning, fixing.
  2. Choice of flux and solder.
  3. Soldering. At this stage, workshops use special equipment - laser.
  4. Cleaning the seam, polishing the product.

To repair silver and gold jewelry, you should contact the jewelry workshop closest to your home. Salons in different cities:

CityWorkshop nameprice, rub.Contacts
Novosibirsk"Master Jeweler"from 350+7(953)877-05-55
Chita"Jewelry repair shop"from 2008(3022)31-59-76
Smolensk"Jewelry repair shop"from 250+7(920)324-68-69
St. PetersburgARTELfrom 850+7(812)982-88-78
Samara"Jewelers of Samara"from 1708(927)201-32-23
EkaterinburgShubin ServiceAfter preliminary assessment+7(343)361-35-11
MoscowNota-Goldfrom 900+7(495)135-00-10
Bryansk"Master Jeweler"from 250+7(910)337-65-51
BarnaulDiamond gold300+7(913)239-89-89

Advantages of laser soldering at a jeweler

Positive qualities of technology:

  • high accuracy;
  • small radius of the light point;
  • performing soldering in areas where access to the broken part is limited;
  • no metal stress effect;
  • increased corrosion resistance;
  • no need to use filler material;
  • the ability to solder coated products without the risk of damage.

How to solder gold at home?

Soldering gold step by step will look like this:

  • we prepare or buy solder suitable for the required gold standard;
  • apply flux beyond the boundaries of the soldering area and wait until it spreads over the surface;
  • you will need to get a fevka - a bent tube with a hole at the end to supply a narrow jet of flame from the burner;
  • we join the parts to be soldered and after heating them, introduce solder;
  • After cooling, remove excess solder using a needle file.

This type of soldering can be done independently. If the work is done carefully, no seam should be visible in a small area.

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