where can you find aluminum at home?

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  • Where can you find aluminum?

Aluminum is one of the most readily accepted non-ferrous metals for scrap. It is light and at the same time dense, has an attractive appearance, a noble silver color, has plasticity and is perfect for recycling.

At work and at home, each of us constantly encounters objects made from it, but those who are going to get serious about selling aluminum need, of course, more.

  • City landfills. Here you can easily find dishes, cables, profiles, and household appliances.
  • Abandoned villages and outskirts of villages. In abandoned estates you can sometimes find a real warehouse of aluminum items, and in ravines, gullies and along roads, spontaneous dumps with tin and beer cans, pots, kettles, cans, buckets and other utensils are found.
  • The territories of former factories, factories, and livestock farms will bring a big jackpot, especially if other seekers have not yet visited them. Door and window profiles, equipment, wiring elements, furniture and dishes can be found in destroyed schools, kindergartens, and canteens.
  • Fields. The main object of attention here is failed agricultural machinery and spare parts: pistons, engine housings, radiators, batteries, etc.
  • Repair stations and their surroundings delight with the same finds.
  • Meadows and plantings near transformers and power lines often contain discarded pieces or entire coils of wires.
  • Landfills with waste from metallurgical enterprises.

Beneficial features

This element of the periodic table belongs to the category of compounds that play a primary role in the human body.

Aluminum Features:

  1. Regulates and accelerates cell regeneration, thereby prolonging health and youth.
  2. Participates in the formation of cartilage, ligaments, skeleton, muscle, bone and connective tissue, promotes epithelization of the skin.
  3. Increases the activity of digestive enzymes and the digestive ability of gastric juice.
  4. Needed for the production and improvement of the body's perception of phosphate and protein complexes.
  5. Activates the thyroid gland.
  6. Strengthens bone tissue.

In addition, aluminum is contained in biomolecules, creating a strong bond with nitrogen and oxygen atoms. The microelement is indicated for people with bone fractures and people suffering from acute, chronic hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulcers, and osteoporosis.

Alunite ores

This type of deposit contains up to 40% aluminum oxide. Alunite ore is formed in water basins and coastal zones under conditions of intense hydrothermal and volcanic activity. An example of such deposits is Lake Zaglinskoye in the Lesser Caucasus.

The rock is porous. Mainly consists of kaolinites and hydromicas. Ore with an alunite content of more than 50% is of industrial interest.

Aluminum shortage

Microelement deficiency in the body is such a rare phenomenon that the likelihood of its development is reduced to zero.

Every year the amount of aluminum in the human diet is rapidly increasing.

The compound comes in food, water, food additives (sulfates), medications, and sometimes in the air. In medical practice throughout history, several isolated cases of deficiency of the substance in the human body have been recorded. Thus, the pressing problem of the 21st century is the oversaturation of the daily menu with an element rather than the development of its insufficiency.

Despite this, let’s look at the consequences of aluminum deficiency in the body.

  1. General weakness, loss of strength in the limbs.
  2. Slowing growth and development of children and adolescents.
  3. Impaired coordination of movements.
  4. Destruction of cells, tissues and loss of their functionality.

These deviations occur if a person regularly does not receive the daily requirement of aluminum (30-50 micrograms). The poorer the diet and the lower the intake of the compound, the more intense the symptoms and consequences of deficiency.


Aluminum ore has gained the most popularity in modern industry. Aluminum is the most common metal of all metals existing on earth today. In addition, it holds third place in the ranking in terms of the number of deposits in the bowels of the Earth. Also, aluminum is the lightest metal. Aluminum ore is a rock that serves as the material from which the metal is obtained. Aluminum has certain chemical and physical properties that make it possible to adapt its use to completely different areas of human activity. Thus, aluminum has found its wide application in such industries as mechanical engineering, automotive, construction, in the production of various containers and packaging, electrical equipment, and other consumer goods. Almost every household appliance used by humans every day contains aluminum in one quantity or another.


Excess microelement is toxic.

An increased aluminum content is dangerous for human health, since immunity is reduced, and sometimes irreversible changes occur in the body, which sharply reduce life expectancy.

Reasons for exceeding the permissible microelement norm

  1. Work in production where the air is saturated with various aluminum compounds, which leads to acute poisoning by vapors. Aluminosis is an occupational disease of people working in metallurgy.
  2. Living in places with high levels of substances in the air and environment.
  3. Using aluminum cookware for cooking and eating from them.
  4. Taking medications with a high content of microelements. Such medications include: antacids (phosphalugel, Maalox), vaccines (against hepatitis A, B, papillomavirus, Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococcal infection), some antibiotics. With prolonged use of such drugs, aluminum salts accumulate in the body, causing an overdose. To prevent this phenomenon during therapy, it is necessary to simultaneously use choleretic, diuretic drugs and medications with magnesium and silver ions, which remove and inhibit the effect of the element.
  5. The use of decorative and preventive cosmetics that contain aluminum (antiperspirant deodorants, lipstick, mascara, creams, wet wipes).
  6. Acute, chronic renal failure. The disease promotes the accumulation and prevents the removal of aluminum salts from the body.
  7. Oversaturation of the diet with foods rich in this microelement. Remember, any shelf-stable food products packaged in foil or iron cans can accumulate a lot of aluminum. Such products should be abandoned. In addition, today the following food additives are registered, regulated by state standards and approved for use in production: E520, E521, E522/E523. These are aluminum sulfates or salts. Despite the fact that they are absorbed less actively than compounds coming from food or medicine, such substances slowly poison our body. The largest quantity is concentrated in sweets and canned goods.
  8. Aluminum ions enter the body with drinking water, which is treated at a water treatment plant. In regions subject to heavy acid rain, lake and river water bodies are characterized by tens of times higher AL concentrations than the norm, which leads to the death of mollusks, amphibians, and fish.

Thus, no one is immune from an excess of aluminum in the body.

Characteristic signs of excess microelement:

  • decrease in hemoglobin;
  • decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood;
  • cough;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nervousness;
  • constipation;
  • mental disorders;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys;
  • speech disorders, spatial orientation;
  • clouding of mind;
  • memory lapses;
  • convulsions.

Consequences of the toxic effect of a microelement:

  1. The development of osteomalacia, a disease associated with softening of bone tissue, which disrupts the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, leads to bone fractures and an increase in injuries.
  2. Brain damage (encephalopathy). As a result, Alzheimer's disease develops. This condition manifests itself in increased nervousness, apathy towards everything around, memory impairment, a tendency to sudden, causeless stress, and depression. In old age, progressive dementia occurs.
  3. Dysfunction of the gastric tract, intestines, kidneys.
  4. Trembling of the head, cramps in the limbs, development of arthritis, anemia, rickets.
  5. Inhibition of the metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc in the body.
  6. Disruption of the central nervous system.
  7. Inadequate production of salivary enzymes.
  8. Shortening human life.

Remember, aluminum belongs to the category of immunotoxic microelements, so to maintain health you need to monitor the amount of the compound entering the body daily.

How is bauxite aluminum ore formed?

Bauxite is formed from alumina monohydrate, boehmite and diaspore, trihydrate hydrargillite and associated minerals hydroxide and iron oxide.

Depending on the composition of nature-forming elements, three groups of bauxite ores are distinguished:

  1. Monohydrate bauxite – contains alumina in monohydrate form.
  2. Trihydrate - such minerals consist of alumina in trihydrate form.
  3. Mixed - this group includes the previous aluminum ores in combination.

Deposits of raw materials are formed due to the weathering of acidic, alkaline, and sometimes basic rocks or as a result of the gradual deposition of large quantities of alumina on the sea and lake beds.

Natural sources of aluminum

The trace element is predominantly found in plant foods and baked goods, due to the latter being baked in aluminum pans. In addition, dyes, food additives under the sign E520-523, yeast, and canned food regularly supply humans with this compound. Every year the metal content in ready-made “store-bought” products is rapidly increasing.

Meat, fish, dairy products, eggs are 50–100 times poorer in this microelement than vegetables, fruits, and berries.
Table No. 1 “Sources of aluminum”

Product nameAmount of aluminum per 100 grams of product, micrograms
Rye grains1670
Sorghum cereal1548
Wheat grains1520
Crackers, bagels, baked goods1500
Pistachios, nutmeg1500
Wheat flour 1st grade1400
Wheat flour 2 grades1220
Premium flour1050
Rice cereal912
Jerusalem artichoke815
Beet tops815
Savoy cabbage815
White cabbage570

When consuming foods rich in aluminum, remember that the microelement slows down the absorption of ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C and sulfur-containing amino acids. Therefore, it is recommended not to combine these compounds or to increase your mineral intake.

Aluminum ores of Russia

The Russian Federation is ranked 7th among all countries in the world in terms of the amount of aluminum ore mined. It is worth noting that this raw material is mined in colossal quantities on the territory of the Russian state. However, the country is experiencing a significant shortage of this metal, and is not able to provide it in the volume necessary to absolutely supply the industry. This is the priority reason why Russia has to purchase aluminum ores from other countries, as well as develop deposits with low quality mineral ores.

World production of aluminum ores

Aluminum ore was first mined in the first half of the 19th century in the southeast of France, near the town of Box. This is where the name bauxite comes from. At first, this industry developed at a slow pace. But when humanity appreciated which aluminum ore was useful for production, the scope of aluminum application expanded significantly. Many countries have begun searching for deposits on their territories. Thus, the world production of aluminum ores began to gradually increase. The numbers confirm this fact. Thus, if in 1913 the global volume of ore mined was 540 thousand tons, then in 2014 it was more than 180 million tons.

The number of countries mining aluminum ore also gradually increased. Today there are about 30 of them. But over the past 100 years, leading countries and regions have constantly changed. Thus, at the beginning of the 20th century, the world leaders in the extraction of aluminum ore and its production were North America and Western Europe. These two regions accounted for about 98% of global production. Several decades later, in terms of quantitative indicators of the aluminum industry, the countries of Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Soviet Union became the leaders. And already in the 1950s–1960s, Latin America became the leader in terms of production. And in the 1980–1990s. There was a rapid breakthrough in the aluminum industry in Australia and Africa. In the current global trend, the main leading countries in aluminum production are Australia, Brazil, China, Guinea, Jamaica, India, Russia, Suriname, Venezuela and Greece.


If a person seriously engaged in searching for scrap non-ferrous metals, he cannot do equipment . Searching for non-ferrous metals with a metal detector will make searching for scrap simpler, but more productive.

Metal detector

A purchase that you will undoubtedly need to search for non-ferrous metals in the ground is a metal detector.
On the modern market, the choice is huge, there are cheap models, and there are expensive ones, costing several tens of thousands of rubles.

But it is not necessary to buy an expensive model; the main thing is that the metal detector has the following functions:

  • discriminator - which will allow the model not to react to scrap ferrous metals;
  • possibility of adjusting sensitivity ;
  • the presence of special modes - “Coins”, “Precious metals”.

The best budget models are:

  1. Bounty Hunter Tracker IV is one of the cheapest models, the price does not exceed 7,000 rubles. The device is very light compared to other models (1.3 kg), the maximum detection depth is almost 92 cm. There is a discrimination function and 3 general search modes.
  2. Garret Ace 150 is an inexpensive model, the price does not exceed 12,000 rubles. An easy-to-use device, light in weight, but with an excellent sensitivity range and search depth. There is a discriminator function.
  3. Garret Ace 250-RUS is an inexpensive model costing up to 16,000 rubles. Compact metal detector, ideal for beginners. Operates on 4 AA batteries. You can adjust the sensitivity level and search depth; there is a universal “All metals” mode; when unnecessary scrap ferrous metals are detected, the device will make an appropriate sound.

How to operate a metal detector:

  • before use, it is important to adjust the search depth, sensitivity and tonality (sound signals);
  • studying the nature of the sound is necessary to understand what information the device produces;
  • it is necessary to move the search coil as close to the ground , and you need to move it not only directly, but also to the sides;
  • when a sound signal is triggered (metal detection), you need to look at the display - the target indicator located at the bottom of the display signals the presence of a small object (up to 1-1.5 cm in diameter), at the top - a larger one (more than 3-4 cm);
  • After finding the target, you can dig for scrap.

Search magnets

A specialized search magnet is another device that can make scrap mining simple and effective. The operating principle is based on the ability of some non-ferrous metals to become magnetized . It is especially popular to search for scrap metal using a search magnet in:

Popular inexpensive models suitable for collecting non-ferrous scrap metal.

  1. search single-sided magnet is small in size, its diameter is 7 cm, height is 1.4 cm. Load capacity is 120 kg. An excellent indicator at a low cost - 1000-1600 rubles. The case is durable and has corrosion protection.
  2. The double-sided search magnet F-120*2 has small dimensions, height 2.8 cm and length 6.7 cm. But despite this size, the load capacity is surprising - 120 kg. The demagnetization rate is very low - less than 1% per 10 years, so the device will last a long time. Considering the low price (2000 rubles), such a device will quickly pay for itself.
  3. The single-sided search magnet F-600 is much more expensive (RUB 4,000), but the maximum load capacity of this device is 600 kg. The model itself is compact, diameter 14 cm, height 2.5 cm, weight about 3200 kg. This magnet is ideal for searching from bridges and boats, has an easy mount and a durable, rust-resistant housing.

How to search for scrap with a magnet:

  • first, a place to search is selected;
  • a strong rope is tied to the fastening in the form of a loop or hook, securing it securely;
  • lower the body of the magnet into water and simply move it to the side - the magnet collects all the scrap;
  • After this, the magnet is taken out and the scrap is separated.

Cutting tool

When collecting non-ferrous metal scrap, it will not hurt to have a cutting tool. There are situations when the found scrap has impressive dimensions, which makes loading and transportation difficult. Therefore, having a grinder will help. In addition to it, you can use metal cutting scissors to cut . Their price is low - from 300 to 700 rubles, so anyone can afford such a purchase.

Some people use circular saws , but their disadvantage is their high cost and bulky size.

Reciprocating saws are great for cutting hollow structures (pipes). Another option is a regular hacksaw, manual or mechanical. But this method requires physical effort and takes a lot of time.


Another device that is expensive, but useful when digging for non-ferrous metals is an analyzer, or spectrometer. With its help, you can accurately determine what metals a part or metal object is made of. Another important function of such devices is the ability to conduct quantitative analysis of the alloy .

The use of the analyzer will be useful in cases where the capacity of transport for loading scrap is limited. You have to choose the most expensive metals (copper, brass) from all the scrap metal extracted. Cheaper ones (stainless steel, aluminum, lead) can be left.

The only disadvantage of analyzers is their high cost , so not everyone can afford such a purchase. Even used devices are sold at prices ranging from 600-800 thousand rubles. New models, depending on the type and functionality, can be purchased from 1 million rubles. and higher.

Loading devices

When digging for scrap, a simple loading device can be useful - a trolley .
A small cart will fit even in the trunk of a passenger car and will help transport non-ferrous scrap from the digging site to the place of loading and transportation.

After all, scrap sources are often located far from each other, and a truck or gazelle cannot travel everywhere.

It’s easier to collect 20-30 kg of scrap into a cart and load it into a trailer than to walk with 2-3 kg countless times. To make it easier to unload scrap into the trailer, you can make a scaffold for easy lifting of the cart.

Important points

To dig for non-ferrous metals, you need to carefully prepare. This is not an easy task; you need good physical strength and endurance. It is better if the cop is carried out by a company of several people - help may always be needed.

Immediately before collecting scrap, you need to prepare the equipment:

  • check the charge level (or take an additional set of batteries) and set up the metal detector;
  • do not forget the accompanying equipment: magnets, analyzer (if available), shovels, cutting tools, cart.

You should not ignore safety precautions; when collecting scrap, injuries (bruises, cuts) are possible, so you need to take a complete first aid kit and clean water (2-3 liters).

Clothing must be appropriate. A cop is always associated with the earth, garbage, dust, so you need to protect yourself. It is better to choose a suit made of thick fabric with long sleeves and pockets. A headdress is also desirable; a cap (in summer) or a hat will do. Shoes should cover the entire foot, have a high arch and thick soles.

When collecting scrap, you should never look for easy prey - cut wires, take equipment and household utensils from dachas, operating factories and protected sites. The consequences can be dire - in the form of criminal penalties and dangerous injuries.

Algorithm for digging non-ferrous scrap:

  • after identifying the source of the scrap, digging is carried out;
  • the collected scrap is loaded , and the place is necessarily buried;
  • then the scrap is transported to a warehouse or garage, cleaned of debris and dirt;
  • It is equally important to sort scrap by type of metal using an analyzer or external features;
  • delivery of scrap metal and receipt of revenue.


The collection of scrap non-ferrous metals is gaining popularity, because metal recyclables have been valued at all times. According to people who have been collecting for several years, such an activity is addictive and captivating , and digging for non-ferrous metals becomes an original hobby for many.

maximize the benefits from digging and delivering scrap non-ferrous metals , you need appropriate equipment (metal detector, magnet) and knowledge of the properties of non-ferrous metal, plus the desire and desire to earn money.



This is an aluminum ore of igneous origin. It is a fully crystalline alkaline rock. Depending on the composition and technological features of processing, several grades of nepheline ore are distinguished:

  • first grade – 60–90% nepheline; it contains more than 25% alumina; processing is carried out by sintering;
  • second grade – 40–60% nepheline, the amount of alumina is slightly lower – 22–25%; enrichment is required during processing;
  • the third grade is nepheline minerals, which are of no industrial value.
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