Rhodium plating of jewelry - what is it, pros and cons
Historical facts Rhodium was discovered in 1803, it was obtained by studying platinum,
Tin chloride is a reagent with a wide range of applications
Tin (II) chloride, or tin chloride SnCl2•2H2O is obtained by dissolving tin in hydrochloric acid,
Channel cross-sectional area
Determination of surface area when painting steel structures
Steel channel is a type of shaped rolled steel with a U-shaped cross section. For the manufacture of these metal products
With consumable electrodes
Welding cast iron with electrodes on cast iron, how to weld correctly, which electrodes are the best to choose
Characteristics of cast iron The material is an iron alloy containing a large amount of carbon. The substance gives cast iron
Imbus key - features, application, size range
Every house or apartment should have, if not professional, then at least
Rod and wire - production and use
Wire is one of the most popular types of metal products. It could be steel
These examples will help you calculate a metal beam without stress
Metal I-beams In addition to the ongoing construction of multi-storey buildings with a large number of apartments, a wide range of
An example of corrugated sheeting for cladding a fence
How and what is the best way to cut corrugated sheets to get high-quality results
For decorative finishing, especially in the private sector, material from the group is increasingly in demand
Soldering: basics for beginners, technology, types and materials, subtleties
The ability to solder in modern life, saturated with electrical appliances and electronics, is just as necessary as the ability
How to choose a diamond pencil for editing sanding wheels
An electric sharpening machine intended for metal processing requires periodic editing of the emery wheel. Necessity
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