How to check a welder's certificate in the NAKS register?

What is it?

The NAKS register of welders allows you to quickly find out by personal mark who welded a given structure , since the data of those who have completed a retraining course in similar centers are entered into the agency’s computer database.
A similar rule was introduced quite recently, and this was done in order to quickly find the culprit of the defect and punish for a poorly completed task. After completing the courses, welders receive a personal identification card, the data of which is entered into the NAKS EDO (Electronic Document Flow) register. Upon returning to professional work in production, course graduates have the right to receive more responsible assignments and increased wages. To do this, you need to submit to management a document on increasing your qualification level.

NAKS centers conduct three main types of certification:

  1. Primary.
  2. Repeated training, which is carried out to improve the level of a welder after working in production for a certain number of years.
  3. Extraordinary retraining is necessary when the contractor, for some reason, has not performed his duties for six months or management doubts the welder’s qualifications.

The purpose of certification is to check the readiness of the enterprise to perform welding work and confirm the qualifications of performers who have access to complex types of welding.

T. I. Kiryushkin, education: welder training college, specialty: sixth-grade welder, work experience: since 2003: “A certificate from the NAKS center is necessary for every welder, because only such a certificate gives the right to carry out responsible operations for the durable connection of structures made of metal."

What is the NAKS register of welders and why is it needed?

To avoid such unpleasant situations, a registry of the National Welding Inspection Agency was created. This register includes only those specialists who have passed certification at the appropriate level.

By accessing the NAKS register, any employer can quickly check the qualifications of a potential employee and find out for what types of work he has been certified.

In addition to a certificate with all the necessary marks, each certified welder is also assigned an individual mark. It marks the finished design so that in the future it can be easily identified by the specialist who made it.

Identity verification

To carry out this operation, you need to go to the NAKS personal website at the address, then find the field in the required section and enter the appropriate data. To receive comprehensive information, you must fill out the following items:

  1. The last name, first name and patronymic of the employee is the main point that helps in determining the authenticity of the certificate issued by the retraining center.
  2. The place where the certification was carried out , because there are many similar centers in the regions of the Russian Federation, and the city is strictly indicated on the certificate.
  3. Date of conduct - this helps to indicate that the crusts are actually registered at the certification center. The exact date of passing the exams to increase the rank is present in every document issued by the NAKS center.
  4. A number , consisting of letters and numbers, is affixed to each certificate, since in the absence of similar numbering it is impossible to carry out verification even according to a simplified scheme.
  5. The validity period of the certification is a mandatory item in the welder’s certificate, because each level has an exact validity period of one or two years, as indicated in the corresponding column.
  6. Extension period - in some cases, the document indicates the period when it is possible to extend the validity of the certificate.

So that the management of the enterprise can check the NAKS certification at any time, it is enough to enter the listed data into the register and the result will be issued by the system almost instantly. The usual option for management is also possible - submit a written request to the relevant organization, waiting for a response will take a lot of time, but the result will be identical.

An example of an entry in a welder’s certificate of the date of recertification indicating the validity period.


NAKS agencies are engaged not only in the certification of welders and similar equipment; their scope of activity also includes the following functions:

  1. Development and distribution of regulatory plan documentation.
  2. Compilation of methodological manuals by category.
  3. Consultations on the correct conduct of welding work of any complexity.
  4. Formation of expert commissions to inspect organizations and enterprises related to welding or operating similar equipment.

The main activity is still certification, which has four levels:

№1 — these are welders who are given the right to carry out relevant work of varying complexity.

№2 - a welding foreman who already has the right to supervise all similar work in the workshop or on the site, as well as issue recommendations for their implementation orally or in writing.

№3 — technologists who control welding work at the enterprise.

№4 — engineering staff who approve the documentation regulating the work of welders and monitor strict compliance with the rules of the welding process.

In addition to personnel, equipment involved in the process is tested . For this purpose, special commissions are created that visit the enterprise and certify welding equipment in accordance with NAKS standards on site.

NAKS Certificate

If the subject's skills are assessed positively, a special certificate is issued. It confirms that this specialist can work at all facilities controlled by Rostechnadzor. This certificate is issued to welders of all levels, without exception, subject to a positive test result.

Welders must undergo re-certification only after two years; foremen and technologists take certification exams even less often - after three years, engineers - after five. Each document that is handed to specialists indicates the type of work to which the specialist who received the document is allowed.

For example, if the certificate contains the abbreviation RD, this means that the welder has the right to work with manual arc welding, RAD - manual argon arc welding. Other designations:

  • G – gas;
  • AF – automatic submerged arc method;
  • KTS – contact point;
  • MP – mechanized.

If a course participant has passed exams for admission to several types of welding work, then the certificate, accordingly, contains several abbreviations. We emphasize that the received document is a kind of permission to carry out welding work on critical structures.


Enterprises should only use serviceable welding equipment that provides technological parameters in accordance with established GOST, which is why periodic inspections are carried out by NAKS commissions that inspect:

  • imported equipment for welding processes;
  • equipment being used at the enterprise for the first time;
  • welding equipment undergoing certification for the first time.

The complete set and compliance of the equipment with the requirements of regulatory documents are carefully checked .
For new equipment, certification is valid for three years, and for products that have been in operation for more than 6 years - no more than 18 months. Each inspection object must have a technical condition log, which records information about inspections, repairs and movements within a given production complex. In addition to the leading organization involved in certification in the field of welding work, NAKS provides advisory and methodological services to enterprises, has the right to form and direct the technical activities of SASv or the Welder Certification System, as well as monitor compliance with the welding process at the enterprises entrusted with supervision. Documents and certificates issued by NAKS are a guarantee of the quality and high professionalism of the performers.

Certification of organizations and enterprises

If the company’s list of services includes welding processes, then the structure itself is also subject to NAKS certification. The purpose of such a check is to confirm or refute the technical capabilities of the company in performing a certain type of work. Specialists check how competently organizational and technological problems are solved; how quality control measures are carried out. And the main task of such monitoring is to confirm the availability of qualified personnel to perform welding work.

It is important that the enterprise has documentation on the technological processes that are used in the production activities of the organization. It represents detailed instructions describing all stages of the welding cycle. As a rule, it is developed by specialized specialists with higher education. The duration of the company inspection by NAKS specialists largely depends on the quality of elaboration of sections of technical documentation. Defects can prolong the verification period and ultimately lead to refusal to issue a certificate.

Specialists of the audited company need to carefully prepare for certification. The NAKS Commission needs to provide the following documents:

  • technological maps of performed operations;
  • a valid agreement with the control laboratory for selective testing of product samples;
  • welder's production instructions;
  • NAKS certificates issued to company specialists;
  • a complete list of equipment and separately that which has already passed NAKS certification;
  • quality certificates for consumables and welding equipment.

During the company certification process, as a rule, the quality of welded joints made by welders of this organization is checked. In this case, it is allowed to resort to various quality control methods, including destructive ones. Welding equipment is also subject to inspection. Subject to compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation, an appropriate certificate is issued. It is signed by all members of the commission and is valid for four years.

Operated equipment and accessories are checked according to technical parameters. They must be the same as those indicated in the accompanying passport. Deviation of indicators for the worse is grounds for the commission to refuse approval of equipment for welding work. The same is true with consumables. Provided that electrodes or other consumables are produced in large quantities, a certificate is issued with a validity period of three years. If the products are small-scale, then the document is issued for a period of one year. It is mandatory to check the complete set of equipment provided for inspection.

During the inspection, all systems and mechanisms are checked: electronics, mechanics, pneumatics, hydraulics. Testing necessarily includes test welding of two metal workpieces. After this, the quality of the resulting seam is checked and appropriate conclusions are drawn.

Documents for passing

To be among the applicants for advanced training at the NAKS center, you must prepare the following package of documents:

  • personal application or from the management of the enterprise;
  • documents confirming the education of a welder or related professions;
  • a certified certificate of special training in the specified profession;
  • detailed information about work experience in the field of welding work or an extract from the work book, certified by the head of the personnel department of the enterprise or organization;
  • copies of documents on passing safety standards for welding work;
  • health certificate 086/у;
  • receipt for payment for the center's services.

After this, they are enrolled in a group to gain theoretical knowledge and practice in welding work of varying complexity, which depends on the level of training, followed by passing exams and testing the acquired skills in the chosen profession. Upon completion of studies, a numbered certificate is issued, in which a record is made of the assignment of the next rank, admission to types of welding is indicated, and much more.

Offers periodically appear on the Internet to buy a document conferring a certain qualification as a NAKS welder, but it is important to remember that these fakes will not pass official verification in the system registry.

What type of certificate is issued and what does it allow you to do?

After passing the certification, the welder is issued a certificate confirming admission to certain types of work.

The cover of the ID card is made of hard cardboard with a vinyl coating. Inside is a six-page insert that lists information about the employee and his clearances. The first page contains a photo of the welder, as well as a QR code with which you can quickly access the NAKS database and obtain information about the owner of the certificate. Only employees of accredited organizations have the right to fill out the fields of the ID.

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A NAKS sample certificate is a document required for a welder to be allowed to work. Presentation of this document is mandatory in such cases as:

  • apparatus employed;
  • advanced training or assignment of rank;
  • Claiming insurance compensation for a work injury;
  • inspection of the enterprise by supervisory authorities.

It should be remembered that a six-month break in professional activity leads to the fact that the NAKS certificate loses its validity. This also happens in cases of systematic violations during operation or after expiration.

You can extend the validity of your NAKS certificate at accredited centers by submitting documents without waiting for the expiration date and attending a meeting of the certification commission at the appointed time.

Search for certified welders

Finding yourself in NAKS in order to check the validity of the certificate issued during certification is quite simple - a link is inserted in the Google or Yandex search engine and the official website opens. The search is carried out by last name or personal mark; complete filling out of the form is not required.

After entering the above data, a window opens where the system requires you to confirm that the login was not carried out by a robot - complete the task of selecting the presented pictures and click the window that says “I am not a robot.” Then press the Filter button, after which the system will open all the registry data. If you have a common surname, then enter the full first and middle name, not just the initials, the address of the certificate issuing center and the dates of the exams. There are no restrictions on displaying any data in the NAKS catalogue.

The key labeled “More details” opens a list of permissions that the holder of the certificate has , for example, to oil production or operation of equipment for boiler houses. Therefore, it is quite simple to find yourself in the NAKS by personal mark or surname in the register, and information about the validity period of the issued certificate, the rank received and the position held becomes available.

It is impossible to independently change the information available in the registry or add false information.

When the registry does not provide data

We have already described in detail instructions on how to quickly check NAKS by last name, but sometimes annoying misunderstandings occur when the system does not provide information on correctly entered data about a person who has recently completed advanced training courses at the certification center.
The following reasons may occur here: firstly, the occurrence of failures or errors in the operation of the system cannot be ruled out, but such an incident occurs extremely rarely; secondly, users often enter data incorrectly, using capital letters, forgetting to change the case; thirdly, a random error may occur when entering the digits of the ID number.

If any of the listed errors are present, the computer system will not provide the requested data, so carefully check the entry of the last name and numbers; if it does not work, then repeat the request again . A negative result may occur due to the fact that two weeks have not yet passed since the end of the course and the register has not received data about the requested person. Such delays are allowed within a month from the date of certification.

If the permissible deadlines have passed, and this welder and certificate are not in the register, this means that the certificate of completion of the courses is fake.

Such a welder must undergo repeated training at the NAKS center, but at personal expense, in order to officially receive certification.

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