Welding for metal and polymer gas pipes
Gas pipes are installed regularly. It is prohibited to weld gas pipes yourself. This kind of work can
GOST 14952-75 Combined centering drills. Specifications
A centering drill is a special metal-cutting tool with a double-sided cutting part and, as a rule,
Hair dryer for welding polypropylene sheets
How to weld plastic film with your own hands
Sheet polypropylene is a modern construction material with excellent characteristics. It is used in construction as
Walk-behind rake
Types of rakes for a walk-behind tractor: how to make it yourself, drawings and dimensions, video
Among farmers and gardeners, one of the pressing questions is how to make a rake for a walk-behind tractor.
Welding a car body: what and how best to carry out welding work
Welding work on the car body may be required in two cases - severe wear in
Operating instructions for the electric car winch Electric Winch and rules for use and maintenance.
Electrical diagram of a car winch Connection diagrams for various winches, motors, remote controls, solenoids, contactors, radio units. Honestly
How much copper is in the VAZ 2109 generator
How much copper is in the VAZ 2110 generator – AutoTop
Copper and aluminum in the generator. We extract copper from the generator. How much copper is from KAMAZ wiring?
electrodes ozl-6
Features of the use of OZL-6 electrodes, their advantages and disadvantages
Home / Electrodes Back Reading time: 2 min 0 2715 Electrodes OZL-6 —
Welding accessories
Tools and accessories for beginner welders on Aliexpress
Homemade or factory welding fixtures hold metal components in position and increase
It would seem that it could be simpler
How to calculate area - what methods are useful at a construction site
On the one hand, there is nothing simpler than calculating the area of ​​any surface (vertical, horizontal). However
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