How to clean jewelry from darkening using improvised means

  • Rules for storing jewelry
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  • An alternative to jewelry made from precious metals is costume jewelry. It looks stylish and beautiful, but over time it can darken, blacken, lose its shine and presentability. Many fashionistas are interested in how to clean jewelry from darkening, using available products and safe methods.

    We have collected useful tips that will help you whiten the blackness and restore your jewelry to its original shine.

    Costume jewelry looks beautiful and is a worthy alternative to products made from precious materials. To ensure that it retains its shine, radiance and cleanliness for a long time, clean it regularly and organize storage correctly.

    How to determine the material of decoration

    Before you start cleaning your jewelry, determine the material from which it is made.

    Typically, the following alloys are used:

    1. Nickel silver (nickel, copper and zinc) – the product is white with a bluish or greenish tint. A distinctive feature is that it is resistant to corrosion.
    2. Brass (copper and zinc) – the decoration has a yellow tint.
    3. Cupronickel (iron, copper, nickel, manganese) looks like silver.
    4. Pewter (based on tin) has a silver or gold finish.

    Various materials are used to make decorative products - glass, copper, metal, plastic, and various alloys. When choosing a cleaning method, be sure to consider what the ring, bracelet or earrings are made of

    Almost any jewelry contains metal, which oxidizes under the influence of water, air and contact with the body. Inlaid stones and rhinestones become cloudy and lose their shine. To restore the product to its original appearance, it is necessary to clean it properly using suitable products.


    Toothpaste perfectly restores metal jewelry (gold-plated):

    Just spread the paste on a toothbrush that you haven’t brushed your teeth with for a long time, and use it to clean toilets and tidy up. Important! The softer the bristles of the brush, the better. Brush over beads and metal stones. Rinse off the paste with running water. Well, wipe the beads and ring with a dry cloth.. Jewelry that imitates gold items that has begun to darken should never be cleaned with abrasives.

    They will erase all the pseudo-gilding (sputtering) - you’ll just have to throw away the cute trinkets

    Jewelry that imitates gold items that has begun to darken should never be cleaned with abrasives. They will erase all the pseudo-gilding (spraying) - you’ll just have to throw away the cute trinkets.

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    How to clean gold jewelry

    A pressing question for many is how to clean jewelry from darkening at home. The problem is especially acute for products coated with imitation gold. They cannot be cleaned with abrasive sponges or aggressive agents, as they remove the top layer.

    You can clean gold jewelry at home in the following way:

    1. Pour warm water into a bowl and add a little liquid soap.
    2. Dampen a soft cloth in the solution and treat the decoration with it. Use cotton swabs to clean hard-to-reach areas.
    3. Rinse items with clean water and wipe dry.

    Products with gold plating require a special approach during cleaning. To care for them, you cannot use aggressive agents or abrasive substances, as they can remove the top layer, which will irreversibly damage the jewelry

    Removing gilding from silver

    Sometimes gold plating is applied to silver items. After a certain period of wear, you may want to change the appearance of the jewelry and make it completely silver. A similar need may also arise due to damage to the gilding. There are several recommendations for transforming jewelry:

    • The first method is based on the influence of a strong oxidizing agent - “aqua regia”, which has a very pungent odor. This composition is obtained by mixing high concentration nitric and hydrochloric acids. Mixture proportions – 1:3.
    • Another way is to use an electrolytic bath.

    The top layer of the decoration is a varnish coating, which is removed with sulfuric acid, acetone, or alcohol.

    Despite the effectiveness of both types of procedures, they are not recommended to be done at home without special skills in handling chemical compounds. There is a high risk of harm to health and property.

    How to clean glass and plastic jewelry

    A soap solution will help to wash jewelry made of glass, plastic or Czech beads . To prepare it, you can use any soapy product - liquid soap, powder, dishwashing liquid.

    Do not use detergents containing bleaching ingredients to clean jewelry. They damage the material and lead to the loss of its presentable appearance.

    How to clean your jewelry:

    1. Place a ring, bracelet, earrings or chain in a soap solution.
    2. Leave the decorations for a few minutes, but stir them occasionally with your hands.
    3. Rinse items in clean water and wipe dry.

    To restore shine to glass beads, add a little ammonia to the water while rinsing.

    Cleaning methods

    Costume jewelry is made from various materials, the most common of which are:

    • copper;
    • alloys imitating silver;
    • metal alloys coated with imitation gold;
    • semiprecious stones;
    • rhinestones;
    • glass;
    • plastic.

    The metals from which jewelry is made begin to oxidize and darken over time, and the stones and rhinestones on such products become covered with dust and other contaminants, become dull and lose their original shine. It is quite possible to clean jewelry at home without going to a jewelry workshop for this purpose, but before you begin such a procedure, you should understand what methods are suitable for caring for items made from various materials.

    Metal jewelry

    To clean metal jewelry, which may darken over time due to oxidation, you can purchase special products or use traditional methods to solve this problem, the most popular of which are as follows:

    • The product to be cleaned is dipped for several minutes in a solution prepared by adding chalk or tooth powder to water in a proportion of 2 tbsp. spoons of powder per 100 ml of water. After removal from the solution, the surface of the product is treated with a soft toothbrush, and then washed with water and wiped dry.
    • Toothpaste will help remove blackness from metal jewelry, using a toothbrush with soft bristles to treat the surface of the product. After performing this treatment, the product should also be washed and wiped dry.
    • To clean jewelry made to look like silver, use a paste made from soda with the addition of water. The prepared paste-like mass is applied to the surface of the product to be cleaned, left for some time so that the mixture dissolves the dirt, and then passed over particularly contaminated areas of the surface with a soft toothbrush, washed and wiped with a soft cloth.
    • Silver jewelry can be cleaned with ammonia by soaking a cotton swab in this product and wiping the surface of the item to be cleaned. After completing this treatment, the surface is wiped dry and polished to a shine with a soft cloth.
    • A concentrated soap solution is also used to clean metal jewelry, in which the product should be placed for 10 minutes, and then removed from it, rinsed in water and wiped dry. If, after cleaning using this method, contaminated areas remain on the surface of the product, they can be scrubbed with a soft-bristled toothbrush, after moistening it in a soap solution.
    • If the metal jewelry is not made of surgical steel, then traces of oxidation on its surface can be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar.


    To restore the decorative appeal of copper jewelry, you can use one of the following folk methods:

    • Vinegar is added to finely ground table salt until a paste-like mass is obtained; the surface of the product to be cleaned is then treated with this slurry using a soft toothbrush or a piece of cloth. After performing this treatment, the product is washed with water and then wiped dry with a soft cloth.
    • Many owners of earrings, brooches and rings made of copper clean their surface with a mixture of finely chopped garlic and salt. This unusual mixture is applied to the surface of the product to be cleaned and left on it for 5 minutes, after which it is washed with water and wiped dry.

    Sprayed jewelry

    Jewelry with a silver or gold decorative coating on its surface cannot be cleaned with products containing abrasive particles. Neglecting such an important recommendation will result in the decorative coating on the surface simply being erased. To clean such products, more gentle methods are used, the most popular of which are:

    • The product to be cleaned is placed in a solution consisting of water and dishwashing detergent or liquid soap, kept in it for some time, after which it is wiped with a soft cloth or sponge soaked in such a solution, washed with water and dried.
    • Treating them with a solution made from water and ammonia (a few drops of alcohol per glass of water) will help restore the shine to tarnished jewelry, the surface of which has been coated with gold.
    • If you wipe gold jewelry with a soft cloth soaked in wine vinegar, this will also help restore the shine of such jewelry.

    Glass and rhinestones

    Jewelry additionally decorated with elements made of glass and plastic is cleaned of contaminants in the following ways:

    • The items to be cleaned are placed for some time in a solution prepared by adding dishwashing detergent or liquid soap to warm water. To better remove dirt from the surface of jewelry, the container with the cleaning solution and the items to be cleaned can be gently shaken. After removal from the solution, the jewelry is thoroughly washed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft cloth. Jewelry should be kept in the cleaning solution longer, the more dirty it is.
    • To restore the original shine to artificial diamonds on jewelry, you can add a spoonful of ammonia to the cleaning solution prepared as described above.

    Natural, artificial stones

    If you are not sure that the stones with which the jewelry is decorated are natural, then it is better not to clean it using methods that involve soaking them. It is best to clean stones on jewelry, if they are artificial, from dirt with a dry woolen or velvet cloth.

    An exception is artificial pearls, which, unlike real ones, are not afraid of water and can be cleaned with a soap solution.

    Decorative elements of jewelry, if they are made of natural mother-of-pearl, opal and aquamarine, can be cleaned with a soft cloth soaked in clean water. After performing such cleaning, the jewelry is washed with clean water and then wiped dry. You should use a hairdryer very carefully to dry jewelry with stones, since the hot air distributed by such a device can worsen the bonding properties of the glue with which the stones are glued to the surface of the product.

    Rules for cleaning copper products

    Copper jewelry looks elegant and attractive, but when exposed to moisture, it quickly oxidizes and loses its shine and beauty. In order for them to maintain their appearance for a long time, experts recommend caring for them in 2 stages: cleaning and creating a protective layer.

    To clean your jewelry, use one of the following methods:

    1. Dissolve 30 g of oxalic acid, 3 tbsp. l. turpentine and 4 tbsp. l. alcohol _ Rub the resulting solution onto the decoration, then wipe with a soft cloth.
    2. Prepare a paste by combining 9% vinegar and fine salt . Treat the product, then rinse and polish with a soft cloth. An alternative is a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice .
    3. Grate the peeled garlic on a fine grater and add a little salt to it . Apply the garlic mass and distribute evenly throughout the decoration. After 5 minutes, rinse it well and polish it.
    4. of whey and salt in a ratio of 10:1 will help restore shine and remove darkening . Soak a cloth in the mixture and apply it to the entire decoration. Rinse under running water and rub with a dry cloth.

    Copper products look original and unusual, but their appearance is often spoiled by green plaque and dark spots. Affordable and safe home remedies will help you clean copper bracelets, rings and earrings

    The procedure for creating a protective layer:

    1. Clean the copper product using one of the following methods.
    2. Rub with a sponge, which you periodically soak in water and turpentine.
    3. Dip the jewelry in a mixture of turpentine and copal varnish.

    Important Tips

    When cleaning gold-plated silver jewelry, start by degreasing it. To do this, wipe the surface with ethyl, medical, denatured alcohol or water and vinegar (2 tablespoons per glass of water). This will remove greasy deposits, dust and other surface contaminants.

    If a gold-plated chain or bracelet has a base metal clasp, it may rust if it comes into contact with water. Therefore, try not to immerse part of the jewelry with the clasp in an aqueous solution for a long time, and wipe it dry after cleaning.

    The final stage of cleaning gold-plated silver is polishing. Rub a suede or piece of flannel over the surface to make it shine.

    When all procedures are completed, let the decoration or cutlery “rest” for several days. During this time, a protective layer will form on the surface, and dirt will stick to it less.

    What cannot be cleaned

    Since the gold plating layer on a silver item is thin and delicate, avoid using the following cleaning products:

    • aggressive acids;
    • hard brushes, sponges, fabrics;
    • dry powders (chalk, tooth powder).

    How to preserve gold plating

    Cleaning gold-plated silver is half the battle! To ensure that it pleases you with its original shine for a long time, follow a few simple rules:

    1. Sweat that gets on a silver item can lead to oxidation, that is, the appearance of a dark coating. Therefore, be sure to remove your jewelry when playing sports or other physical activities.
    2. Protect your jewelry from contact with creams, perfumes, cosmetics, and household chemicals. All of them lead to damage to the top layer and the appearance of stains.
    3. Remove gold-plated jewelry before visiting the pool, bathhouse, swimming in the sea, taking a shower and other water procedures to avoid rust.
    4. Store gold-plated silver in special jewelry boxes away from heating devices, sunlight and dampness.
    5. Don't store silver in cardboard boxes. Some types of cardboard emit sulfur, which promotes metal oxidation.
    6. Store gold-plated silver and gold separately, as jewelry can also oxidize from such proximity.
    7. After each use, wash gold-plated cutlery thoroughly with soft sponges and wipe until shiny with suede or flannel.

    Take proper care of your gold-plated silver, and it will delight you with its appearance for a long time!

    Features of cleaning products made from other materials


    Baking soda will help clean metal jewelry without gold plating. Dilute the powder with a small amount of water to form a paste. Apply the mixture to the jewelry, and after a couple of hours, rinse with warm water.

    Chalk/tooth powder

    To polish metal jewelry, use chalk, tooth powder, or toothpaste without bleach. Using a soft cloth, rub the jewelry, then rinse with running water and wipe dry.

    After cleaning, be sure to dry the products with a soft towel or napkin. Remaining water will cause further discoloration or rust.

    Soap + ammonia

    Gold-plated metal chains or rings can be cleaned using a special solution. To prepare it, dissolve a small amount of liquid soap in 1 liter of water and add 2 tsp. ammonia. Rinse the jewelry in the resulting solution and then dry.


    Features of cleaning products made from other materials:

    1. Jewelry with turquoise or artificial pearls should not be cleaned with aggressive agents or wetted.
    2. Wash items made of aquamarine or opal under running water without using detergents. After cleaning, be sure to wipe them dry.
    3. Do not use vinegar to clean mother of pearl. Chalk paste will help restore cleanliness and shimmer to your decoration.

    To preserve artificial pearls and extend the life of the jewelry, coat the stone with colorless varnish. This will protect it from the negative effects of the environment and high humidity.

    Why do products darken?

    Costume jewelry is influenced by the environment - air humidity and temperature, sunlight, skin care products.


    Moisture enhances oxidative processes in metal alloys . Because of it, stones become dull and the coating peels off. In people who sweat a lot, jewelry loses its attractiveness faster.

    Contact with other decorations

    Earrings, bracelets, rings, piled up in one pile, scratch each other. Damaged surfaces darken faster. In them, oxidative processes occur more intensely.


    Blackness on metal parts appears after contact with aggressive detergents.

    Rules for storing jewelry

    Proper care will help maintain the shine and purity of jewelry, protect it from green plaque, oxidation and darkening. However, storage organization and operating conditions play an important role.

    To preserve the original appearance of your jewelry, follow these simple rules:

    • remove jewelry before bathing, showering, washing dishes or cleaning to protect it from contact with water and detergents;
    • in order to preserve the beauty of the products, cover them with colorless varnish before use;
    • store rings and earrings in a dark and dry place;
    • Avoid contact of jewelry with creams or perfumes.

    Jewelry should be stored in a dark and dry place. The ideal option is a jewelry box with a soft inner lining.

    You can clean jewelry from darkening and plaque at home, using available products and available substances. In this case, be sure to take into account the type of material, type of stones and general care recommendations so as not to damage the product.

    Care Tips

    In order to be as little as possible puzzled by the question of what means to clean jewelry belonging to the category of costume jewelry, you must follow simple rules for caring for such products, which are as follows:

    • Before taking a bath, shower or applying cream to the face and neck area, it is better to remove jewelry to prevent its contact with water containing chlorine and cosmetics.
    • To ensure that they do not lose their decorative appeal, it is not recommended to spray perfume on jewelry and prevent it from coming into contact with nail polish remover.
    • After each wear, it is better to immediately check the jewelry for the presence of dirt on its surface and, if present, you should immediately take measures to clean the product.
    • After cleaning jewelry using a wet method, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe it dry and not allow traces of moisture to remain on its surface, which can become hotbeds for the occurrence and spread of oxidative processes.
    • If it is not possible to clean expensive jewelry on your own, it is better to take it to a jewelry workshop, where qualified specialists can easily handle this task.
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