Silver (metal): properties, photo. How to identify silver

Silver is a metal (see photo below), which is one of the rare chemical elements. It is most often used to make jewelry.

However, silver is a metal with a wide range of applications. Cinematography and medicine, photography and engineering cannot do without it. Silver is also used as an investment vehicle. In this regard, it is in no way inferior to gold. On the contrary, silver is often used by investors to diversify risks.

Silver as a chemical element

Is silver a metal or a non-metal? Of course, metal. And this can be confirmed by the periodic table compiled by Mendeleev. You can find this metal in its first group. The atomic number of silver is 47. Its atomic mass is 107.8682.

Silver is a noble metal that consists of two isotopes. These are 107Ag and 109Ag. In addition, science has discovered more than thirty-five radioactive isomers and isotopes of silver, the mass numbers of which range from 99 to 123. The longest-lived of them, 109Ag, has a half-life of 130 years.

History, being in nature

Order “On special accounting of organizations and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transactions with precious metals and precious stones” 2003 Resolution “On amendment and invalidation of certain decisions of the government of the Russian Federation on licensing of certain types of activities” 2002 Resolution “On approval of the Regulations on transactions with natural precious stones on the territory of the Russian Federation" 2000 Order "On the preparation by customs authorities of a conclusion on the payment of customs duties" 2000 Resolution "On the procedure for testing and marking products made of precious metals" 1999 On commission trade 1998 Federal Law "On Precious Metals and Precious Stones" 1998 Resolution “On approval of the Rules for the sale of products made of precious metals and precious stones” 1994

Origin of the name

Silver is a metal that has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. The name "silver" comes from the Sanskrit word "argenta". It means "light". The Latin "argentum" (silver) has the same roots. But in this language it means "white."

Silver is a noble metal, and alchemists did not ignore it. In ancient times, they developed a method for eliminating this natural element.

In Russian, the metal in question is called “silver”, in English it sounds like “silver”, in German – “silber”. All these words come from the ancient Indian “sarpa”, meaning Moon. The explanation for this is quite simple. The shine of silver reminded people of the light of a mysterious celestial body.

Silver: origin and unique properties, mining technologies, application today

In ancient times, silver was believed to have magical powers.

Jewelry made from this mysterious metal testified to the high status of its owner. People believed that rings and bracelets that did not darken for a long time retained a beautiful shine and brought good luck and prosperity.

Many centuries ago, silver was used to purify water and treat wounds. Even then they noticed that the mysterious metal had a beneficial effect on human well-being. This amazing property of silver has been confirmed by both observations and scientists. In ancient Babylon and Assyria, this mineral served as a symbol of the Moon and was revered no less than gold.

History of the precious metal

Silver has been known to mankind since time immemorial. The exact date of its opening is unknown. However, written sources indicate that jewelry from this metal was made by the ancient Egyptians. During that period, silver was rarer than gold and therefore valued significantly more.

The first mines for the extraction of this natural element were founded by the Phoenicians before our era. Development took place in Cyprus and Corsica, as well as in Spain.

At that time, silver was incredibly expensive as jewelry. For example, in ancient Rome, the pinnacle of luxury was a salt shaker made of this beautiful metal. Why was such an element, widespread in nature, so valued by people? The fact is that humanity knew only native metal. It was very difficult to find him. This was prevented by sulfide, which covers all nuggets with a dark coating.

A turning point in the history of silver was the experiments carried out by medieval alchemists. The purpose of their experiments was to obtain gold from any other metal. Thus, Europeans managed to extract silver from its compounds with various chemical elements (arsenic, chlorine, etc.).

In the history of silver, personalities such as Scheele, Paracelsus and others played a significant role. These scientists studied silver (metal) and the properties of its compounds. As a result, interesting conclusions were drawn. Thus, the fact was confirmed that this natural element has disinfecting qualities that were noticed in ancient times. For example, healers in Egypt used silver plates to treat wounds to prevent the formation of pus in them. The high antibacterial properties of this metal were also appreciated by the aristocracy. Thus, for many centuries, silverware was synonymous with high-quality and expensive tableware. By that time, humanity had improved methods of extracting the described metal, which made it possible to significantly reduce its cost.

Silver was also used as a means of payment. For this purpose, coins were made from it. It is silver that Russians owe the name of their state currency. For settlements in Rus', the required amount of silver bars was cut off. This is how the word “ruble” came into use.

Historical facts about silver

There is a legend that the first silver mines were discovered in 968 by none other than the founder of the Holy Roman Empire, the East Frankish king Otto I the Great. Legend has it that one day the king sent his huntsman into the forest to hunt. During the hunt, he tied the horse to a tree, which, while waiting for the owner, dug up the ground with its hooves, where there were unusual light stones. The emperor realized that this was silver and ordered a mine to be founded at this place. There is evidence that this rich mine was developed six centuries later. This is evidenced by the records of the German physician and metallurgist Georg Agricola (1494–1555). In general, Central Europe was very rich in deposits of silver nuggets. In Saxony in 1477, one of the largest nuggets in history was found weighing up to 20 tons! Millions of European coins were minted from silver mined in the Czech Republic, near the city of Joachimsthal. That’s why they were called “Joachimsthaler”; Over time, the word was shortened to "thaler". In Russia, this name was changed in its own way and here they were called “efimkas”. Silver thalers were the most common European coin in history, hence the modern name "dollar".

Czech Bohemian Joachimsthaler

European silver mines were so rich that silver consumption was measured in tons! But because The bulk of European silver mines were discovered in the 14th-16th centuries, but by now they have already been depleted. After the discovery of America, it turned out that this continent is very rich in silver. Its deposits have been discovered in Chile, Peru and Mexico. Argentina was even named after the Latin name for silver. Here we need to point out a very interesting fact. Geographical names of chemical elements were usually given to an element from the name of a place, for example, hafnium is named after the Latin name of the city of Copenhagen in which it was discovered, the elements polonium, ruthenium, gallium and others have geographical names. Just the opposite happened. The country was named after a chemical element! This is the only such case in history. Silver nuggets are still found in America today. One of them was discovered already in the 20th century in Canada. This nugget was 30 meters long and 18 meters deep! After mastering this nugget, it turned out that it contained 20 tons of pure silver!

Physical properties

Silver is a relatively ductile and soft metal. From one gram of it, the thinnest wire can be drawn, the length of which will be almost two kilometers.

Silver is a heavy metal with a density of 10.5 grams per cubic centimeter. According to this indicator, this element is only slightly inferior to lead.

Silver is a metal that has no equal in electrical and thermal conductivity. This is why a spoon made from this substance heats up so quickly in a glass of hot water.

What other properties does silver have? What metal do jewelers most often use? Silver is a relatively easy material to work with. This is due to its ability to melt at a temperature of 962 degrees. This value is relatively low. In addition, silver can be easily alloyed with many other metals to change its characteristics. Thus, copper can increase the hardness of this plastic natural element. When it is added, silver becomes suitable for making a variety of products.

This amazing element was described in detail in his works by D.I. Mendeleev. He also indicated how to identify the metal silver among others. First of all, the noble component stands out for its whiter and purer color. In addition, silver is so soft that it is easily abraded.

Scope of application of silver

There are many applications for the material in question, which is why it has such a high cost and authority among the broadest masses of people.

Here are the main cases of its use:

  1. Technical applications in science and industry. Reliable contacts for electrical connections are treated with silver. Since the material melts at a very high temperature, almost 1000 degrees, it is used wherever it is important to withstand a high-temperature environment.
  2. The specific gravity of the substance allows it to be used in various solders; for example, copper-silver solder is very popular.
  3. Used among precious metals in the field of jewelry making.
  4. The metal is also used to create high-quality mirrors with increased reflectivity in microwave electrical engineering.
  5. Silver is known for its disinfecting properties, so it is used to purify water from germs.

In chemistry, there is more than one formula for using silver for science, the chemical industry and a host of other tasks. With its help, all kinds of tests are carried out, high-quality welds are made, and complex electronics are created.

Chemical properties

How to distinguish silver from metal in finished products? Rings, chains, spoons, forks, coasters and antique coins begin to fade and even turn black over time. The reason for this is the effect of hydrogen sulfide on them. The source of the latter is not only rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide is released by rubber and some polymers. A chemical reaction occurs when some amount of moisture is present. In this case, a thin film of sulfide is formed on the surface of the products. At first, thanks to the play of light, it appears rainbow. However, the sulfide film gradually thickens. It darkens, changes its color to brown and then to black.

Silver sulfide cannot be destroyed by strong heating, nor can it be dissolved in alkalis and acids. If the film is not very thick, it is removed mechanically. It is enough to polish the product with powder or toothpaste with soapy water to restore its shine.

How to distinguish silver from metal in other ways? To do this, you should observe chemical reactions. The noble element can be easily dissolved in some acids. These are nitric and concentrated hot sulfuric, as well as iodo and hydrobromic acids. If the chemical reaction between silver and hydrochloric acid took place in the presence of oxygen, then its result will be complex noble metal halides.

Silver will not react with nitrogen and hydrogen. It does not react with carbon either. As for phosphorus, it can affect silver only after reaching the red heat temperature at which phosphides are formed. But the noble metal interacts with sulfur quite easily. When these elements are heated, sulfide is formed. The same substance can be obtained by exposure of heated metal to gaseous sulfur.

Of interest is the chemical reaction of a noble metal with oxygen. Silver does not react with it, but it can still dissolve a significant amount of this gas. This property of the metal, when heated, contributes to the appearance of a very dangerous, but at the same time beautiful phenomenon. This is a splash of silver. This phenomenon was known in ancient times.

Silver is a metal whose properties allow it, like gold, to easily interact with aqua regia, as well as with hydrochloric acid saturated with chlorine. As a result of this reaction, it precipitates into an insoluble precipitate, since a slightly soluble chloride is formed. These differences in the behavior of silver and gold are often used to separate them.

Lunar metal can also dissolve in dilute sulfuric acid. However, for this to happen, the silver must be finely dispersed and in contact with oxygen.

The noble metal can be dissolved in aqueous solutions of alkaline earth and alkali metals, cyanides, if they are sufficiently saturated with air. The same reaction occurs when silver comes into contact with an aqueous solution of thiourea, which contains iron salts.

Lunar metal compounds, as a rule, have a positive first oxidation state. In some elements this indicator reaches a value of two or three. However, such silver compounds are of no practical importance.

Extraction, production, methods and technologies

What are the prices for silver today is of interest to many investors; its production annually exceeds 20 thousand tons, and demand continues to grow. For a long time, the primacy in the supply of precious metal belonged to Latin America. The largest deposits of ores containing this trace element were found in Peru.

In recent years, among the countries leading in silver reserves and production, Poland unexpectedly took second place, where deposits of polymetals are concentrated near Lyuboml. Chile follows. Russia closes the top five. The largest deposits are located in Yakutia, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk territories.

Scientists suggest that silver mining in the world will continue for no more than 25 years, since reserves will quickly dry up. The precious metal is increasingly used in various fields, so the demand is not decreasing. According to the published forecast for the price of silver in 2022, you will have to pay about $18 per ounce.

Biological properties

Silver is a metal (see photo below), which is found in living matter six times less than in soils. In other words, this element is not classified as biological.

However, a small amount of positive silver ions is quite sufficient for many processes to occur. For example, the ability of low concentrations of this metal to have a bactericidal effect on drinking water has been known since ancient times. Even such a small amount of ions as 0.05 milligrams per liter provides sufficient antimicrobial activity. This water can be consumed without fear for your health. Interestingly, its taste remains unchanged.

If a liter of liquid contains 0.1 milligrams of silver ions, then it can be preserved for one year. But you should not boil the water. High temperatures cause silver ions to become inactive. The bactericidal property of the noble element allows it to be widely used for the purpose of sterilizing drinking water. Thus, some household filters contain activated silver-plated carbon. This component releases negligible doses of healing ions into the water.

The antimicrobial ability of silver is also used in the disinfection of swimming pools. The water in them is saturated with bromide of this metal. Low concentration of AgBr (0.08 mg/l) is harmless to humans and harmful to algae and pathogenic microorganisms.

How can one explain the bactericidal effect of silver ions? The fact is that they affect the life activity of various microbes, interfering with the work of their biological catalysts. This is exactly how silver works. What other metal is capable of this? Such substances include, for example, mercury. It, like silver, is a heavy metal, but much more toxic. Mercury chlorides are easily soluble in water and are dangerous to human health. Copper has similar properties.

Mineral deposits in nature

Based on the calculations presented by scientists, 700 thousand tons of silver were extracted from the bowels of the planet. Among all the precious metals, this mineral is the most common in nature. Its highest concentration is found in clay shales. Silver is found in deposits:

There are fifty silver minerals in nature, but in industrial production nuggets and only a few substances containing its ions are used. The primary production of silver is no more than 20% of the total amount; it is mainly obtained together with gold, copper, and lead. Deposits of this precious metal are found all over the world. The most significant deposits of the mineral have been identified in Latin and North America, Australia, Russia, and China. Silver was discovered in European countries such as Armenia, Poland, Germany, Romania, and Spain.

Negative effects of silver

It often happens that a substance that is beneficial to humans in small doses becomes harmful in large quantities. Such elements include silver. It has been experimentally proven that significant volumes of this metal ions can reduce immunity in experimental animals and introduce negative changes into the nervous and vascular tissues of the brain. Even larger doses damage the liver, thyroid gland and kidneys. In practice, cases have been recorded when a person received poisoning from silver preparations, which was accompanied by severe mental disorders. Fortunately, this element is easily eliminated by the body.

Physiological action

Silver, which has the ability to kill microbes, is present in small doses in plant and animal tissues. Its ions participate in metabolic processes. Under the influence of this substance:

If there is a deficiency of silver in the body, the functioning of the glands is disrupted. Long-term use of large doses of the precious metal can lead to changes in skin color. Studies have shown that this does not affect the condition of internal organs, and a person develops resistance to bacteria and viruses.

Pathological condition caused by lunar metal

In medical practice, there is an unusual disease called argyria. It appears in a person if for many years of his life he works with silver or its salts. These substances enter the body in small doses, depositing in connective tissues, as well as in the walls of the capillaries of the kidneys, bone marrow and spleen. The pictures below clearly demonstrate the external symptoms of this pathology.

Silver is a metal that gradually accumulates in the mucous membranes and skin, giving them a bluish or gray-green color. At the same time, it becomes especially bright in those areas of the body that are exposed to light. Sometimes the skin color changes so much that the person looks like an African.

The development of argyria occurs very slowly. Its first symptoms become noticeable after two to four years of constant work with silver. The most severe darkening is observed after tens of years. First of all, the color of the lips, temples, and conjunctiva of the eyes changes. Then the eyelids darken. Sometimes the gums and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, as well as the nail holes, become stained. Sometimes argyria appears as small green-blue spots.

It is impossible to get rid of this pathology and return the skin to its previous color. However, apart from external cosmetic inconveniences, the patient does not complain about anything. That is why argyria can only be conditionally considered a disease. This pathology has its own positive side. A person literally soaked in silver never suffers from infectious diseases. Healing ions kill all pathogens entering the body.

Rules for the sale of certain types of goods

Laws of the Russian Federation

On subsoil (dated March 3, 1995 No. 2395-1) On foreign exchange regulation and foreign exchange control (dated October 9, 1992 No. 3615-1) On foreign exchange regulation and foreign exchange control (dated December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ)

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Articles 181, 191, 192 Violation of the rules for the manufacture and use of state hallmarks. Illegal trafficking in precious metals, natural gemstones and pearls. Violation of the rules for the delivery of precious metals and precious stones to the state.

Departmental Orders and Resolutions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Instruction “On the procedure for receiving, spending, accounting and storing precious metals and precious stones at enterprises, institutions and organizations” (as amended) (dated August 4, 1992 No. 67) Departmental Orders and Resolutions of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation Letter on Identification diamonds made from Russian diamonds (dated June 6, 1997 No. 01-15/10778)

Similar metals

Silver is a non-ferrous metal that is sometimes difficult to distinguish from similar ones in appearance. This is not easy to do, but it is quite possible.

The metal that looks like silver can be white gold, cupronickel, or aluminum. How can you tell them apart? Only professionals familiar with the specifics of these metals can determine whether a product is made of silver or white gold. Doing this yourself at home is not recommended.

Externally, these two metals are very similar to each other. The fact is that the white gold alloy contains a large percentage of silver. Only a jeweler can distinguish products made from these materials, who can calculate the original by density.

Silver is a non-ferrous metal that is often confused with cupronickel. The latter is an alloy of nickel, lead and copper. Cupronickel often is a production component of silver of various technical grades. How to distinguish “metal like silver”? First of all, you need to carefully consider the existing product. There will be no hallmark on cupronickel. On such products only the “MNC” mark is placed, which indicates the composition of the alloy (copper, nickel and lead). Silver differs from the alloy in density and weight. However, only a specialist can determine these characteristics. At home, you can drip iodine solution onto the product. After this, a stain will remain on silver, but not on cupronickel.

Often they try to pass off aluminum as a noble metal. However, the latter has significant differences from silver in density, luster, hardness and color. They try to sell counterfeit products only in doorways and various shops. This type of jewelry begins to oxidize after wearing for a short time. You can distinguish silver from aluminum using a magnet. Noble metal will not be attracted to it. In addition, any physical or chemical impact on aluminum causes a change in its color, appearance and dimensional deformation.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Silver jewelry goes with any outfit. The same cannot be said about gold. Gold items can ruin a person's appearance. It often overshadows the appearance of clothing, attracting increased attention.
  2. It is customary to wear gold jewelry for large celebrations and ceremonies. Silver is suitable for any holiday, business meeting, interview.
  3. Silver jewelry is suitable for both men and women. There are no predominant factors for gender differences.
  4. Durability, strength, wear resistance.

This metal has no serious drawbacks, except that it darkens over time.

Silver and jewelry fashion

Due to its availability, a large number of different decorations are made from this material. Is silver a precious metal or not? Yes, it is in the same group as gold and platinum. These are noble metals that are not subject to oxidation and corrosion. They are called precious not only because of their unique properties, but also because of the small reserves contained in the earth’s crust.

Silver is a universal material. It is equally suitable for both women and men of different social status and age. Silver goes well with enamel and gold. Precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, corals and ivory look great on it.

Silver jewelry is suitable for any occasion. Moreover, from a wide variety of models, you can always choose a product for a specific occasion. In addition, according to ancient ideas about this metal, it is capable of healing and calming. That is why, in our insanely fast age, you should not deny yourself the acquisition of a little joy.

Today, jewelers offer a huge number of different jewelry, the material for which is silver. Each of these products will certainly give you a good mood. It’s easy to recognize them in a jewelry store window.

Silver is the lightest noble metal. It is not surprising that the demand for jewelry made from it is stable in all countries of the world. An important factor in the popularity of silver products is their color. After all, clothing made from gray fabric with a metallic tint, as well as black and white, is considered one of the most fashionable. This trend has transferred to jewelry made from precious metals. There is high consumer demand for products in which silver is combined with sapphire, emerald, topaz, garnet, amethyst, and tourmaline. Malachite and lapis lazuli, agate and jasper, carnelian and chalcedony, amber and tiger's eye are often used as inserts. Silver is often used to create rings and pendants with enamel, filigree, engraving and enamel.

All these decorations have a wonderful alternative. Metal coated with silver is used to create jewelry. In appearance and in their quality, such things are no different from those that are entirely made of noble material. One of the positive aspects is their price. She pleasantly surprises buyers. In addition, silver-plated jewelry is suitable for those who have sensitive skin. Such products do not cause any irritation and do not leave marks when worn. Their quality is evidenced by the fact that they do not rust or darken over time. Thus, silver-plated rings, chains, bracelets and pendants will be an excellent gift for a loved one or friend. Their cost is quite reasonable, and the quality is excellent.

Largest silver deposits in the world

The distribution of the precious resource across the surface of the planet is extremely uneven. The most intensive extraction of material occurs in Peru

– this state is the undisputed leader in the amount of silver produced here. On average, about 110 million ounces of the substance are mined in this country in one year.

Poland is also one of the leaders in silver mining, although few people realize this. About 40.5 million ounces of silver are mined here.

Russia and post-Soviet countries have about 12-15% of the world's silver reserves. The mining industry here is quite developed and produces tons of material annually. Australia is also included in the list of lucky ones who are lucky with the resource in question. There is not much silver in other parts of the world, but there is always the possibility of discovering as yet unknown deposits.

Russian samples of shiny metal

Silver alloys are used in jewelry and electrical engineering. And this implies a certain amount of impurities. The proportion of pure Ag is indicated using a special classification - the metric system of samples.

  • Less than 800 is technical silver, suitable for industrial needs.
  • 800 - the composition is highly durable, but fades over time and oxidizes. It is called yellow silver because of its hue. Used for casting dishes, cutlery, and decor.
  • 830 is a jewelry alloy that still retains a yellowish tint. They make dishes and jewelry from it in the middle price segment.
  • 875 is an alloy without shades, hard and durable, but loses its luster over time. Used for cutlery and jewelry.
  • 925 is the main jewelry material. The alloy is durable, does not include shades, and almost does not oxidize. Coins, orders, jewelry, and art objects are cast from it.
  • 960 – plastic option. Used to produce premium filigree jewelry. It is easy to damage.
  • 999 – pure silver. Used in electrical engineering. Bank bullion is also cast from it.

The fineness indicates the amount of silver inside the metal. That is, 875 means that 1000 g contains 875 g of silver and 125 g of impurities.



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