Welding arc temperature: description, arc length and conditions for its occurrence
The principle of electric arc welding is based on the use of the temperature of the electrical discharge that occurs between the welding electrode and
Self-sharpening hairdressing scissors: how to sharpen correctly?
Very often the question: “How to sharpen dull scissors at home?” - follows the answer,
Electrolyzer: devices for home use, type, assembly and installation of the device
One of the many physical and chemical processes that have found wide application both in industry and in
Copper Ore Nugget
Materials used in the cable industry (copper)
Physical and mechanical properties of copper Copper is a red-pink metal with a golden tint,
General view and placement of controls for a screw-cutting lathe mod. 16K20
Screw-cutting lathe 16K20 (16K20P, 16K20G, 16K25). Electrical circuit diagram. Device Description of the electrical circuit Starting the electric motor
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Muffle furnace: purpose, device, application, manufacturing
Muffle furnaces are by no means modern devices. The idea of ​​creating kilns for firing ceramics and
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Sometimes in the lives of people living “on earth” there are moments when you want to make something your own
Mandrels with one-sided collet
Mandrels and plugs for installation and fastening of workpieces on the internal machined surface
Mandrels with a single-sided collet Mandrels with a single-sided collet are used for light work. Base surface
Glue gun
Glue gun - what can be glued, types of consumables, characteristics of popular models
There are several ways to connect various objects and materials, but the simplest and most effective method is
Find out everything about the lightest metal
Which metal is the lightest? Its properties and features
The word “metal” is commonly associated with heavy weight. But this is not at all true - some
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