Practical application of orthophosphoric acid: characteristics and properties
Properties of orthophosphoric acid The main property of orthophosphoric acid is its effect on the acid-base balance of the body,
cathodic corrosion protection
Technology and basic methods of cathodic corrosion protection
Various anti-corrosion protection technologies are used for metal sheets and parts. cathode
Features of reinforcement of aerated blocks: use of masonry mesh
No ceramic or concrete-based building material can provide 100%
Study of the essence, main types and purpose of hot stamping
Hot die forging process The method is that when high pressure is applied to the metal
Step-by-step making of a practical knife from a file, sharpening rules
To obtain the necessary characteristics of the future knife, a file is drawn on paper as a blank
Gasoline torch for soldering: how to make it yourself
If there is a need to reproduce the soldering (welding) process at home, then with small metal
Austenitic stainless steels: structure and properties
Intergranular corrosion in austenitic stainless steels The susceptibility of steel to intergranular corrosion results from
metal carbides formula
What are carbides, their role in production and properties
Carbides are compounds of metals and non-metals with carbon. Typically in such compounds the carbon
The best masks for welders
Best Spot Welding Spotters for 2022
Rating of machines for spot welding The adhesion of materials is ensured by a seam consisting of many small welded
Hot rolled steel sheets
The main differences between hot-rolled sheets and cold-rolled sheets
The modern world is unthinkable without steel. This is a metal alloy of iron, carbon, and other components. Their ratio
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