Replacing steel with bimetal from Element increased the service life of linings 10 times
According to its characteristics, steel 40X belongs to the group of medium-carbon structural alloy steels. Stands out among
What is rust and how to deal with it: iron oxides
Rust color Rust is a general term for iron oxides. In colloquial speech
Drilling brick
The best way to drill a hole in a brick wall: tools and methods
Rare repairs can be done without drilling into the walls. If they are made of brick, it is important before
How to sharpen jointer knives correctly
How to make a template for sharpening knives for a jointer
The jointer and jointer have long been one of the most popular carpentry tools, they have not lost
How to make an ammeter circuit from a non-working multimeter. A simple homemade voltmeter
An ammeter is not such a rare device and they are often found in old chargers and
Steel 40Х13
Steel 40x13: characteristics, use, reviews
It is not possible to create a steel grade with an ideal structure, so manufacturers are trying to develop alloys
16B20P High-precision screw-cutting lathe, universal passport, manual, diagrams, description, characteristics
Even with the advent of new methods of molding parts (combustion casting, laser and plasma
Mobile grinding machine
GOST R 59109-2020. National standard of the Russian Federation. Elements of reaction tube furnaces operating under pressure. Specifications
Cleaning welds after GOST welding Today, welding is one of the most popular
Centrifugal casting machine
Centrifugal casting. The essence of the method. Basic operations and scope of use
Every year modern mechanical engineering places new demands on the manufacture of parts from metal alloys,
marking of rolled metal photo
The World Steel Association has defined “green steel” and its variations
Home > Articles > Marking of rolled metal Marking of rolled metal is regulated by GOST 7566-94. However, in
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