6 Common Places to Find Scrap Copper and Wires.

An old non-ferrous metal product gets a chance for a new life. At PK Metal-Snab, copper purchases are carried out daily until 20:00. The company accepts non-ferrous metal from private suppliers and organizations. Offers high rewards per kilogram. To find out what the price for copper scrap is today and why you shouldn’t put off getting additional income until tomorrow, contact the manager, who has three collection points in Moscow or picks up a batch of used non-ferrous metal products at the supplier’s territory. Anyone who knows where to find copper is not left without a stable source of additional income.

Our prices for copper intake

Type of copperPrice per kg, rub
Scrap copper glitter685-712
A piece of copper675-706
Copper mix660-692
Scrap copper burner670-705
Scrap tinned copper, burnt waste550-585

Where is the most copper in household appliances?

There are a number of older electrical appliances that contain the most copper:

  • Tube TV. In total, up to one and a half kilograms of non-ferrous metal can be extracted from equipment parts.
  • CRT TV. The metal is found in resistors and other elements. The average amount is about 500 g.
  • Soviet style refrigerator. Motors, refrigeration chamber elements and cooling tubes were made from copper. The average amount is within 3 kg.
  • Transformers. The amount of valuable metal in this device depends on its power.
  • Various starters, electric motors, elements of washing machines, microwave ovens, hair dryers and other electrical appliances.

Requirements for donated copper

In conditions of demand, copper recyclables, which are handed over to a collection point, are subject to special requirements regarding their quality. These criteria primarily depend on the grade of copper and its type:

1. A1-1/M0,M1:

• Transformer bus. The surface is matte or glossy, there are no traces of oxidation, soldering, paint or insulation. No more than 0.5% contamination is allowed.

• Multi-core cables. There must be no traces of welding or soldering. The blockage is no more than 0.5%.

Rope suitable for receiving

• Oil submersible cable cores. Surface without insulation or its residues, traces of oxidation or welding. The blockage is no more than 0.5%.

• Current conductors. There should be no oxidation or entanglement with a wire made of another metal. The degree of blockage is no more than 0.5%.

2. A1-1 section/M0, M1:

• Current conductors. Thickness no less than 0.5mm, degree of contamination no more than 0.5%. Traces of oxidation and welding are not allowed.

3. A1-1a categories V.G/M0,M1.

• Transformer bus. Surface cleared of debris. No more than 3% foreign inclusions are allowed.

• Multi-core cables. Wires burned from insulation without soldering residues, the degree of contamination is no more than 3%.

• Oil submersible cable cores. Free from grease, other metals, and traces of soldering. No more than 3% blockage.

• Conductive wire. The degree of blockage is at least 3%. Insertion and impurities of cadmium, beryllium and chromium are not allowed.

4. A1-1a category D/M1, M2, M3:

• Rolled copper. Plates, rods, sheets without traces of oxidation, paints, soldering. No more than 3% contamination.

• Pipes. Cleaned from oxidation, paint and other types of processing.

• Cutting and die-cutting. Homogeneous pieces within 0.5x0.5 meters without traces of oxidation and various types of processing. Scrap containing beryllium, chromium and cadmium is not allowed.

5. A1-2 mix/M1,M2,M3:

• Lump copper household and industrial waste. Contains no other metals, free of paint, insulation, and traces of soldering. No more than 3% blockage.

• Tinned current conductors and parts. Clogging 3-15%.

• Gas water heaters. Clogging 8%.

• Conductive wires in varnish enamel. Tinned and nickel-plated parts, conductors insulated with various materials, shavings, presses/packages are not allowed for acceptance.

6. A1-3a:

• Scrap copper in mica or glass insulation. 15-30% contamination.

7. B1-2/M1,M2,M3:

• Copper shavings. No more than 5% contamination.

8. A2-2a:

• Cut diesel radiators. From 20% contamination.

• Copper coils. Clogging from 30%.

What else has copper to spare?

There are other household products where you can get copper. This metal is resistant to temperature changes, UV exposure and corrosion, so it is used for the production of heating radiators, air conditioning parts, pipes and various plumbing products. When they wear out, they can be handed over for further processing.

Small household items and utensils are made from copper: samovars, teapots, basins, etc. Sources of copper can be: furniture fittings (supports, hinges, handles), figurines and various souvenirs, coins, jewelry, bathtubs and sinks.

Another obvious source of copper is copper cables and wire. It is unlikely to be found in large quantities in everyday life, but quite a lot of this scrap metal can be found on the territory of abandoned enterprises.

Cable reception

Scrap metal collection points accept any type of cable scrap that has served its useful life. Cable scrap helps recover and recycle metals such as lead, aluminum and copper. The following cables are accepted for delivery:

  • power;
  • used for communication transmission;
  • installation;
  • control;
  • winding

As well as simple wires without insulation.

The most profitable is the delivery of a power cable, however, an installation cable, collected in sufficient quantity, can bring good profit, since it consists of tin and copper, and can be coated with silver or nickel. It is less profitable to hand over telephone cables, which are difficult to disassemble, since they consist of a large number of thin copper strands that are difficult to separate from the insulation. Control cables make a good source of copper or aluminum.

Where can I get copper?

In addition to old household appliances that may remain in your household, there are other places where you can find various copper items. Here you will have to show some activity and, to simplify the search, acquire a metal detector, as well as a car for transporting the collected scrap.

Such places include:

  • A landfill is a place where not only ordinary household waste is thrown, but also broken down equipment and electrical appliances. By the way, this method of disposal causes serious damage to the environment, so you can not only make money by selling scrap metal, but also eliminate potentially hazardous waste.
  • Abandoned enterprises - here there is a large amount of scrap of various non-ferrous metals and industrial waste, which contains copper.
  • Car repair centers - here you can find failed spare parts, various car components, cables, etc.
  • On the outskirts of the villages, local residents uncontrollably throw away various household waste, so here you can easily find an old tube TV or a Soviet-style refrigerator.

When going to such places, do not forget about personal protective equipment. Under no circumstances enter sensitive facilities and operating enterprises, otherwise this may result in administrative or criminal liability.

Main sources of copper

People use non-ferrous metals in everyday life, in production and for construction purposes. Copper conducts electricity and is therefore widely used in the manufacture of electrical appliances and wiring. The secondary market values ​​this metal for its physical properties and offers its owners high rewards for purchasing it.

Sources of copper content:

  • old tube TV, refrigerator, washing machine;
  • winding of a starter, fluorescent lamp, transformer;
  • small household items - Turks, teapots, samovars;
  • electric motor (inside a cast iron or aluminum housing);
  • parts of unsuitable wiring;
  • souvenirs - figurines;
  • furniture fittings – handles, supports, hinges.

Used copper products allow you to receive additional income and take care of improving the environmental situation in the capital. The process of assessing, weighing and accepting scrap does not take much time. The buyer pays the reward immediately and in full.

How to get a high price for scrap metal?

Experienced metal detectorists who have made this activity one of their sources of income know well how to distinguish copper from other metals. But novice private sellers often confuse pure copper with copper alloys, which contain this non-ferrous metal. As a result, they do not receive the income they originally expected.

The cost of copper directly depends on its percentage, category and batch size. To get a good reward for non-ferrous metals, you need:

  • hand over scrap metal in large quantities (at collection points for wholesale customers there is always a more favorable price per kg);
  • hand over copper of the “shine” type, which does not contain foreign impurities;
  • study stock quotes in advance and make an appointment.

Upon arrival, the specialist determines the category of scrap and weight, and will also inform you if the scrap metal you collected turned out to be not pure copper, but a copper alloy. The appraiser will determine the quality of the metal and also offer a good price for bronze or brass (depending on what you find).

Advantages of PC Metal-Snab

For those who know how to find copper, distinguish it from other non-ferrous metals and clean wires from insulation, we offer a high reward for buying scrap. We appreciate the “brilliance” category very well. We accept scrap with traces of burning or tinning.

Advantages of PC Metal-Snab:

  • three large equipped collection points in Moscow;
  • your own transport for scrap removal in the capital and region;
  • stable work schedule - from 9:00 to 20:00 seven days a week;
  • purchasing non-ferrous scrap that turned out to be not copper;
  • assessment, weighing and instant payment for the appointment.

To sell your copper stock from old refrigerators, TVs and cables, leave us a request online or by phone. We will meet you at the collection point or pick up a large shipment from the territory. We will offer a price from 330 rubles. per kg of copper scrap. We will help you get a high additional income.

What copper parts cannot be returned?

operates strictly within the framework of current legislation, therefore, at our collection points there are certain rules regarding the handed over scrap. Please note that any points that accept scrap in accordance with GOST and current regulations work the same way.

We do not accept the following types of copper scrap:

  • elements of military equipment;
  • property that belongs to a third party;
  • scrap metal with a high radioactive background;
  • property owned by public utilities.

Understanding which devices contain copper gives you a good opportunity to make money by selling scrap metal that seems unnecessary at first glance. Remember that by contacting a specialized collection point, you not only receive a good reward, but also rid the surrounding environment of hazardous waste that can poison the soil and groundwater.

Copper production method

Obtaining copper, even in industrial conditions, is a very labor-intensive process:

  • At the initial stage, the metal is crushed, after which it is cleaned of impurities of other rocks. After purification, the starting material is fired, after which a solid substance can be obtained - cinder, which in turn undergoes melting.
  • After this procedure, matte is obtained, which contains up to 50% copper.
  • The manufactured matte is enriched with oxygen, air blowing, and quartz flux.
  • Only after these procedures can blister copper be obtained; it is melted and passed through an oxygen melt.
  • Finally, the resulting material is treated with sulfur oxide, after which the percentage of copper is 99.9%.

Business on buying TVs (January 2020) - vipidei.com

Often at the entrances of houses, transport stops and just on the fence you can see notices that various equipment is being purchased. We are talking mainly about broken things or those that are morally obsolete. The population thus has the opportunity to get rid of unnecessary garbage. For a businessman, buying up old televisions that have fallen into disrepair is a good opportunity to make money.

Where to start a business buying old equipment?

You can deal with TVs bought with little money in different ways. Most often they are dismantled for spare parts. The resulting parts are sold to various production facilities where they are accepted. New technologies today make it possible to reuse spare parts. This makes it possible for an entrepreneur to receive a stable income.

Often the purchase of household appliances takes the form of a home business. Investments in it are minimal, and practically no knowledge is required. To develop your business you will need mobile communications, the Internet and your own residential or non-residential space.

To this you need to add ingenuity, imagination and a great desire to receive satisfaction from your work.

Most ordinary people do not even realize that they have unique and rare things stored in their apartment. These are old televisions, radios, walkie-talkies. Any old equipment is valuable today. If you don’t have such items in your house, then your relatives probably have them. Grandfathers and grandmothers are often happy to get rid of those things that take up space in the house and have not been useful for a long time. How many of them are still in the houses of our friends and relatives!

Now the question arises: we organized the reception of old Soviet televisions, but what is their value? The fact is that the manufacturing technology of many parts of old equipment involved the addition of precious metals and copper. Silver, gold and even platinum were added to the boards. A completely fair question arises: how many of these metals were there before, if they are even in technology? Previously, the device simply could not work without them. These precious metals are the goal of our business. It is “gold” that makes accepting old products profitable and cost-effective.

In addition to precious materials, old TVs contain a lot of non-ferrous metals. These are pieces of copper and aluminum. They can be separated from parts mechanically. Gold and silver, for example, are extracted only through chemical reactions. You can judge how much aluminum or copper is in a TV based on the specific model. As for copper, it was used as winding in transformers. Typically, 500-800 grams of copper can be extracted from one TV, and sometimes even more than 2 kg. 1 kg of it costs 145 rubles on the market, and aluminum is valued at 50 rubles.

Taking Soviet technology and extracting valuable materials and copper from its parts forms the basis of our home business. Even if the entrepreneur does not have the knowledge to isolate metals, the boards can be sold to people who know a lot about radio engineering. Even under such conditions, the purchase will be profitable.

Scrap metal search equipment

If you look for scrap metal only with a shovel, that is, dig in the intended location, the chances of a successful discovery and financial enrichment are sharply reduced. Professional searchers for ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal always have special equipment. The following equipment will help make your scrap metal search more effective:

  • different types of metal detectors will indicate with varying accuracy where to look for scrap metal, which depends on the functions and cost of the device;
  • magnet for searching, used in reservoirs and wells;
  • cutting tool to reduce the size of scrap metal (metal scissors, grinder);
  • the analyzer is used to accurately determine the type of metal element;
  • equipment for loading a large metal find (ordinary wheelbarrow);
  • transport for transporting large quantities of scrap metal products.

Of course, in searching for non-ferrous metals, a metal detector with a discriminator and sensitivity, which is regulated by special modes on the device monitor, is of great importance.

How to operate a metal detector?

Choosing and buying a metal detector is not an easy task, since the modern market is saturated with a wide variety of such equipment. Everyone will be able to make a personal choice according to their goals and needs. Working with a metal detector involves the following algorithm of sequential actions:

  • setting up equipment at search depth, sensitivity and tone diversity of the signal;
  • preliminary study of sound signals characteristic of each specific find;
  • keeping the search head as close to the ground as possible, moving it evenly on all sides;
  • when a sound signal appears, you should correctly analyze the indicators on the device display;
  • After the metal detector has been triggered, you can begin searching with a shovel.

The display of the metal detector displays information about the size of the metal element located in the ground and the height of the ground above it. Thanks to this device, the search for non-ferrous and ferrous scrap metal becomes more productive and profitable.


Point groupm3m (4/m 3 2/m) – hexoctahedral
Space groupFm3m (F4/m 3 2/m)
Cell Optionsa = 3.615Å
Morphologycubes, dodecahedrons and tetrahexahedrons; rarely octahedra and complex combinations; thread-like, tree-like
Twinning{111} twins according to the spinel law
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