Blackening silver at home: the effect of niello on silver, the history of blackening, professional technologies, how to blacken and how to age metal

Precious metal jewelry is often subjected to various jewelry techniques. For example, silver is blackened in order to change the shade and give contrasting lines in the ornament. Such items look unusual and can be mistaken for antiques, so it is necessary to wear silver jewelry correctly. They do not show any defects, chips, or dullness, however, you need to know how to store and care for them. What is the process of blackening silver, is it possible to do it at home?

Silver blackening: what is the essence of the process. Popularity of aristocratic blackened silver in the 17th century

Blackening or patination of silver is a type of decorative and applied art that appeared among the Russian people in the 17th century. The process of this type of creativity originated in the city of Veliky Ustyug, where craftsmen working with precious metals lived.

The reason for this was the geographical location of the city of Veliky Ustyug. Once upon a time, all trade routes from west to east and back passed through it. Valuable goods and precious metal passed through this city.

Naturally, craftsmen quickly realized that they could make good money in this business. This is how the silver craft appeared, which turned from a way of earning money into an art. Almost every master could perform the technique of blackening silver products, and he did it by hand.

Metal oxidation

Now you can find oxidized silver in stores, which is passed off as blackened. They may be visually similar, but they differ in quality.

Oxidized silver has the same blackish color, but with uneven filling and is slightly darker than real blackened silver should be.

Metal oxidation is a cheaper way to apply niello to a patterned surface. The product is coated with a thin oxide film, which creates blackness. The thicker the layer, the blacker the pattern will be.

But this method of blackening metal is short-lived. Over time, the film wears off and the item loses its original attractive appearance.

Types of jewelry silver

Jewelry silver is divided into different types. They are distinguished from each other by their appearance, composition, characteristics, and the products that are made from them.

  1. Sterling silver is an alloy that is the strongest. It is distinguished by its color - perfect whiteness. Sterling silver does not tarnish and is of the highest standard 925. It is successfully used for the production of premium jewelry. Cutlery is also made from it.
  2. Blackened silver. All jewelry that came to us from the last century is undoubtedly made of blackened precious metal. This is a type of alloy considered aristocratic. It was made by applying sulfur oxides of silver and copper to the finished jewelry. Then the decorations were heated, subsequently dark ornaments appeared on its surface. Such jewelry was often worn as talismans and amulets.
  3. Oxidized silver. Oxidation is a modern process of coating the surface of jewelry with a protective oxide film. This film consists of silver oxide. Oxidation of noble metal not only protects jewelry from external influences, but helps preserve its color.
  4. Rhodium plated silver. The rhodium plating process is often used in jewelry production. This is a noble metal, similar in appearance to silver, but its properties are much stronger. Rhodium plating serves as a protective layer for decoration. The rhodium plating method is not too expensive, which is why it is so widespread on an industrial scale. Rhodium plating does not lose its shine, does not fade, and remains white.

Types of silver alloys

Now on the Russian precious metals market there are several main types of silver alloys: Matte. From the name it is clear that such silver does not reflect and does not have bright patterns; jewelry made from it will not shine in the sun. To obtain a matte surface, various chemicals are added to the metal, due to which the metal slightly changes its properties. It is with the admixture of emulsions that the surface becomes rough rather than smooth, which gives some originality to such products.

  1. Filigree. As a rule, this option has openwork on the products. The design is made from thin threads, which can be obtained due to the pliability and strength of silver. As a rule, this type of product has a fairly high price tag, due to the complexity of the work, which requires professionalism and skill.
  2. Sterling (coin). The most common type of silver goods on the Russian market at the moment. These jewels are silver in color, last a long time and shine pleasantly in the light.
  3. Rhodinated. An expensive method of treating silver with another precious metal belonging to the platinum group. What is rhodium plated silver: the item is coated with a thin layer of rhodium, which gives it strength, scratch resistance, and a “rich” appearance. The irradiated product is often mistaken for white gold due to its noble shine and brightness. Such decorations are considered the best. If the ring is rhodium plated, it will never tarnish or oxidize.
  4. Blackened silver. Obtained through a sulfur chemical reaction of a metal. Silver with blackening looks like it has aged, darkened from long wear, but this effect is achieved artificially.

Methods for making niello

As already mentioned, folk craftsmen began blackening precious metal more than 3 centuries ago. To this day, niello is one of the classic ways of decorating items made of precious metals. Using this method, silver jewelry is given a black color and all its various shades. Thanks to the niello, the product acquires noble and contrasting outlines. Blackening also helps to hide some defects, for example, seam connections on a ring or bracelet. In addition, blackening makes silver jewelry strong and durable.

Jewelry with a flat surface is not blackened. First, engraving is done on the jewelry, and original designs with indentations are applied. It is into these recesses that the niello is subsequently fused. Engraving depth: approximately 3 mm.

In turn, niello is an alloy that consists of copper, silver, sulfur and lead. These metals are melted down and applied in liquid form to the surface of the jewelry. Heated metals form a chemical reaction. As a result of the reaction, the drawings and patterns become black, and the precious metal itself successfully contrasts with it.

The main methods for producing alloys for blackening:


Copper and silver are melted, the entire composition is constantly stirred when heated. Molten lead is poured into it. Then the finished composition must be mixed with preheated sulfur powder. It is important to constantly stir the alloy. Thanks to stirring, all the metals that make up the alloy react perfectly chemically with each other.

Sulfur granules

Modern Moscow

This method involves remelting the following metals: copper, silver and lead. As the melting progresses, sulfur powder is added in small doses, after which the composition is filled into a cast-iron frying pan. The alloy is then left to solidify, crushed into solids, and melted again. At the second stage of heating, the composition is mixed with sulfur and flux.

Methods of applying black: dry and wet

There are two ways to blacken silver items:

  1. Dry method. The silver surface must be moistened with a special solution for blackening silver, then apply fine powdered black. The prepared decoration is dried and fired in a muffle. Required temperature for firing: 300-400 degrees Celsius.
  2. Wet method. We are talking about niello, made in the form of a mushy mass, diluted with water, and using a brush to fill the engraved recesses. Then they leave it for a while, waiting until the water evaporates, and calcinate it in a muffle. The heated niello softens, melts and spreads over the design; if the decoration is small, then a special soldering gun is used.

After the blackening procedure, the product is sanded and sanded.

How to clean a silver ring with a stone

The easiest and most reliable way to clean jewelry inlaid with semi-precious stones is to take it to a specialized workshop. Professionals use tools and compounds that can deal with any contamination carefully and successfully. But there is not always the opportunity and desire to visit such an establishment. We have to look for alternative ways.

Silver blackening technology

Silver can be blackened using several methods.

Mechanical impact

The mechanical blackening method is the direct action of certain substances on the surface of a silver product.

Silver bracelet with blackening

Applying a mixture of graphite with iron oxide and turpentine to a silver product

First, graphite and iron oxide are mixed, then turpentine is added to the composition. The resulting solution is applied to the silver jewelry, left until it becomes dry. As soon as the composition on the surface of the jewelry is dry, it is wiped with a soft rag, fiber or suede, which is pre-moistened in alcohol.

Electroplating with electrodes

Galvanic silver is produced by mechanical blackening. The electrolysis method with electrodes helps make the precious metal blackened and aged. But, unfortunately, the niello applied by this method is short-lived and wears out quickly. Electroplating is ideal only for blackening inexpensive silver jewelry.

Why does silver darken?

According to statistics, silver jewelry darkens after six months of wear.
If your chain has changed color before, this indicates poor quality of the product. After all, all factory chains are treated with a special solution (rhodium film). The main reasons for darkening of metal include:

  • natural wear and tear of the protective rhodium film, after which the silver is exposed to “attacks” from the environment;
  • severe sweating in the neck area, containing acids - they affect the color of silver;
  • incorrect functioning of the kidneys or liver - there are more toxins in the body, which change the shade of the jewelry;
  • the impact of sulfur-containing substances on jewelry - the chain can darken even when it is lying in the closet.

About 50% of the Russian population attaches magical significance to silver. In this light, the darkening of the chain speaks of the evil eye or damage caused by an ill-wisher.

How to blacken silver using improvised means at home

You can darken precious metal yourself at home, using readily available and inexpensive means at hand. Common recipes for patination of silver at home.

Darkening with a Boiled Egg

One of the simplest ways to darken silver at home. You will need:

  • chicken egg – 1-2 pcs;
  • a container that can be tightly closed;
  • thin thread, fishing line will also work.

Blackening stages:

  1. The eggs need to be boiled.
  2. Clean silver jewelry from dirt.
  3. Cut the boiled eggs in half, using only the yolks.
  4. Place the yolks on the bottom of the container, hang the silver item on a thread, secure it to the lid of the container and close tightly. The decoration should dangle inside the container; it should be rotated periodically so that the blackness is formed evenly.
  5. Remove the jewelry after 5-6 hours.

How can an egg darken silver? In fact, a chemical process occurs: the egg yolk releases hydrogen sulfide, which changes the color of the metal.

Blackening silver with a boiled egg

Sulfur ointment and hair dryer

You can get blackened silver using sulfur ointment and a regular hair dryer. It is necessary to heat the ointment with a hairdryer so that it becomes liquid. As soon as the ointment begins to flow, pour it over the surface of the silver jewelry. By the way, you can notice that already at the initial stage the metal will begin to darken. After the ointment has hardened, sand the metal with special sandpaper, and the blackening process can be considered complete.

Application of iodine

Iodine, which is found in every housewife's medicine cabinet, is also an excellent means for blackening precious metals. To begin with, silver earrings or rings need to be cleaned of fingerprints, sweat marks, and dirt. Then, using a cotton swab or swab, the jewelry should be thoroughly coated with iodine and left to dry in the sun.

Black silver price per 1 gram

The cost of a silver alloy depends on its purity. You can buy jewelry made of blackened silver in various jewelry boutiques, buying stores, pawn shops, and on Internet sites.

In order to find out the current cost of blackened metal, it is convenient to use the table:

TryPrice per 1 gram
960180 rubles
925160 rubles
875130 rubles

The actual cost largely depends on the pricing policy of the selling store.

Use of blackened silver

The material has many fans around the world. The “antique” effect attracts buyers of all ages, and gives craftsmen ample opportunities for creativity.

During the Soviet era, the “Northern Chern” plant was created, which produces products in accordance with Russian traditions. Silver objects are decorated with mythical images of Ancient Rus', city panoramas, and floral patterns. The product catalog of “Northern Chernya” is striking in its diversity and is expanding from year to year.

The relevance of black silver jewelry

Each jewelry boutique offers a wide range of products made from black lunar metal. In the display cases you can see rings, earrings, chains, rings, pendants, bracelets, amulets made from this material.

Products from Kubachi, a Dagestan village where the legendary forge of exclusive items made of blackened metal is located, are in great demand. The technologies of Kubachi fishing are kept secret; all products are created by hand. Kubachi craftsmen use special ornamentation techniques, such as tutta, marharai, tamga.

The scarlet precious metal is used by famous jewelry houses to create collections; it is perfect for the most stylish design solutions.

Stones for blackened silver

Often products are inlaid with amethysts, amber, cubic zirconia, diamonds, and pearls. These stones look most advantageous with black and white material.

Advantages and disadvantages of the home method - how to age silver at home

Blackened silver has many advantages:

  • it does not need to be constantly cleaned;
  • it does not fade or darken, since it is already black;
  • a piece of jewelry that has been artificially aged looks antique and expensive.

If we talk about the disadvantages of blackening at home, it is important to note the risk of causing potential harm to the noble metal. Without precise knowledge and skills of blackening technology, silver items can simply be ruined.

Universal recipe for cleaning silver

When the first attempt fails to cope with the darkened product, you can use a more complex mixture. It helps to cope with both single stains and complete discoloration of the silver thread.

To prepare the miracle mixture, prepare:

  • 1 tablespoon table salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid;
  • the same amount of table soda;
  • 1 liter of water.

All of the above must be thoroughly mixed in a metal (preferably aluminum) container. Then put the product there and boil over low heat for 30 minutes. After this simple procedure, your silver chain will look like new.

Get rid of blackheads in 30 minutes

The most affordable and easiest way to get rid of black metal: clean the precious metal with a soda solution.

You need to pour 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda into a saucepan with water. Place foil on the bottom of the container and decorations on top. Boil the contents of the saucepan for about 5 minutes. By the way, this cleaning method is also applicable for tableware and silverware.

Another effective means for cleaning silver items from niello is citric acid. Moreover, you can use both powdered citric acid and juice squeezed from lemon.

Lemon juice, which is not as concentrated as citric acid, is more gentle on the blackness on silver.

How to clean silver from blackness using citric acid? Dissolve 100 g of powder in half a liter of water in a bowl, wrap silver items in foil, and place inside the container. Boil the solution for 15 minutes. Boiling in a lemon solution helps make the product snow-white and shining.

How to clean a silver ring from blackness

How to clean a silver ring if it has turned black? Most likely, no attention was paid to him for a long time. In this case, more effective methods will be needed.

When working with this metal, follow simple rules and recommendations:

  • Silver items need to be cleaned regularly; fresh stains are easier to remove;
  • follow safety rules - do not allow ammonia to come into contact with the skin, as this solution can corrode the dermis;
  • After cleaning, rinse all items thoroughly with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.

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Silver ring with the rune "Ansuz" Runic ring

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To remove stubborn plaque on the ring, a mixture prepared according to the following recipe will help:

  1. Mix baking soda and ammonia in equal proportions. To enhance the effect, add a little toothpaste.
  2. Apply the mixture to the product, rub with a cloth or soft toothbrush.
  3. Rinse off the cleanser under cool running water.
  4. Next, wipe the ring dry and polish it with a piece of velvet.

This method effectively cleans and restores shine, but there is a high risk of damaging the jewelry, especially if it contains any impurities or coatings. A coating or cloudiness may appear. If you are not sure of the quality of the product, do not use peroxide for cleaning.

Soaking or boiling treatments are not suitable for jewelry with glued stones. In a humid environment, the composition becomes wet and decorative elements may fall off. If silver paws are used for fixation, this prohibition disappears by itself.

The method of cleaning with yolk has come down to us from ancient times. Soak a cotton swab in egg yolk and rub the surface of the ring. Then let it dry and rinse with water. The product will not only be cleaned well, but will also not become dirty for a long time, since the yolk protects against oxides that cause darkening.

Regular lipstick will help you polish a smooth silver ring. It contains microscopic mineral particles, which remove plaque from the surface of products. Apply lipstick to the silver ring and polish with a soft cloth. Wipe it until all makeup is removed. However, this method is not suitable for cleaning jewelry with stones or carvings, since particles of lipstick are difficult to remove from the “secret” corners, as a result of which the appearance of the product will be hopelessly ruined.

A solution of citric acid will help clean silver. To do this, pour 0.5 liters of water into a container and dilute 100 g of dry powder in it. Place in a water bath. After boiling, drop the jewelry, for example, a ring, and a piece of copper wire into the solution. Boil the product for about 15 minutes. Afterwards we wash and dry. Citric acid can refresh and restore the former shine of tarnished silver items.

The following method will help remove blackness:

  • Mix 1 tbsp in a liter of water. l. soda, salt and dishwashing detergent.
  • Place over low heat, place the decorations in the solution and boil for about 20 minutes.
  • During this time, the products will lighten and acquire their original shine.
  • Rinse under running water, dry and polish with suede.

When blackened silver looks appropriate. How to choose the right jewelry

Jewelry made from niello-treated silver is not intended for every day. They look perfect with an ethnic, animal, or boho look.

In order not to be mistaken about the authenticity of silver, you should make purchases in jewelry stores with a proven reputation, check the mark on the product and, if necessary, request a certificate for the product.

You should be wary of purchasing jewelry online or on Avito. It is better then to purchase the jewelry at a pawn shop or at a discounted price, since it will already be checked by a local jeweler.

What is rabble? History of technology

The technique of blackening silver has been known since the dawn of civilization. The oldest work, a blackened silver horn found inside a pagan burial, dates back to the end of the 9th century.

Jewelry made of blackened silver
In Russia, metal began to be blackened in the 10th century; archaeologists have found many pendants, bracelets, and moonlights of that era, processed using this technique. Silver niello has become a real diamond in the crown of Russian jewelry. The traditions of the ancient craft are preserved by many craftsmen to this day.

The technique can be briefly described as follows: crushed niello is sprinkled on a metal surface that has previously been engraved. The surface is fired, after which a black tone appears on it, firmly fused with the base.

Silver, gold, platinum, and many other metals can be blackened.


I started wearing black silver several years ago. These are some of my favorite pieces of jewelry today. They feel unique, bohemian, some kind of magic and esotericism.

Anastasia R., Lviv

Zhenya K., Moscow

I wear blackened silver items, which I am very pleased with. Especially because this metal is easy to maintain. Cleaning once every few months, using affordable means, suits me perfectly. The undoubted advantage of such jewelry is that even if they turn black or fade, no one will notice it.

I would like to note the aesthetic aspects of silver jewelry with niello. They look expensive, as if they were inherited from their great-grandmother, the countess. Therefore, his nobility is not just emphasized, but even intensified.

Valentina P., Stavropol

Rules for the care and storage of products

The jewelry is perfect for classic outfits, will be the highlight of a formal look, and is suitable for everyday wear. It is better to refrain from wearing them with tracksuits.

It is recommended to remove products before cleaning, visiting the pool, or training. If the jewelry is encrusted with precious stones, it should be protected from contact with chemicals and direct sunlight.

Products should be stored separately from other jewelry; jewelry bags or boxes with soft inner lining are ideal for these purposes. You can put chalk or silica gel inside the box; they will absorb excess moisture.

It is also recommended to store chains and rings separately, this will help avoid the appearance of creases.

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