TOP 5 best ways - how to remove gold plating from silver at home: service life and care rules, home and professional removal methods

Since ancient times, gold has always had the highest value. This precious metal acts not only as a guarantor of currency, but also as various types of jewelry that show the status of its owner.

That is why gold rings, chains, earrings, bracelets, etc. are the most luxurious and desirable gift. However, not many people think that gold can be used to create technology, in particular radio components.

This article will introduce you to such interesting information and answer the question: how to extract gold from radio components?

Jewelry made of gilded silver. Why and what test is applied to silver jewelry?

Jewelry, as well as objects of art, are never made of pure precious metal (as regulated by the periodic system of elements); this is impossible due to the specifics of the metal, since at 0.1% they contain their own oxide - a product of oxidation by atmospheric air .

First of all, the demand for using bimetallic alloys for making jewelry is explained by the characteristics of the metals. Gold and silver are very soft metals that are easily deformed. To reduce this manifestation, alloying (strengthening) metals are added to gold or silver. Let's say copper is most often used for silver, and the same silver is used for gold.

Silver rings with gold plated
In order to reflect on the product the quantitative content of precious metal in relation to the alloying metal, a special test is set. This is a “printed” embossed number on a special belt, which is displayed in an inconspicuous place so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the jewelry.

The Russian jewelry industry uses a metric calculation of the quantitative metal content, which is calculated in milligrams.

Demand for gold-plated products. Service life of gold-plated jewelry

Products made from pure gold have a high cost, and therefore are not available to everyone. An excellent alternative is presentable, high-quality jewelry made of silver with gold plated. If you don’t look closely, such jewelry may well be mistaken for gold. In addition, they are made of silver, which is also a noble and precious metal.

Detection of a counterfeit can only be done with the help of undercuts or the use of chemicals. But this requires special conditions.

Gold-plated products have their own life, which is associated with wear and tear of the gilding layer. It is also called the leaf layer. The specific durability depends on the composition and thickness of the application. The most durable are jewelry that is sprayed with a layer of liquid alloy of gold and copper. But if you replace copper with cheaper tin, the service life of the coating will be shorter.

How to preserve gold plating: care recommendations

Try the following tips to keep your jewelry and silverware looking bright and shiny longer:

  • Remove jewelry while playing sports, in the bathhouse, bath, shower, and when applying skincare and decorative cosmetics.
  • Store gold-plated silver separately from items made from other precious metals. You should not put it in cardboard boxes, as the sulfur contained in this material can damage the coating. Wooden boxes are better suited for this.
  • Wipe items regularly with a soft cloth such as suede or flannel.
  • Don't take jewelry with you to the beach. Both sand and salt water can damage them.

The above recommendations will help preserve the gilding for as long as possible, but not forever. Depending on the quality of the coating and the characteristics of use, the layer will last from 3 to 15 years. Then you will have to contact a jeweler for re-gilding.


How to Handle Gilt Silver

Gilded silver has a number of rules for use, which are designed to increase its durability when worn:

  • Before going to bed, it is better to put your jewelry in a specially designated box or case.
  • When performing work, it is also better to remove jewelry.

These rules are not related to abrasion or deformation, but to the formation of sweat during sleep and work. Sweat destroys gold plating due to its specific composition and acidity pH.

  • When working with aggressive cleaning substances, gold-plated jewelry is removed.
  • If there is a risk of scratching or harsh impact on gold-plated jewelry, then it is better to refrain from wearing it. Otherwise damage may occur.

In addition, cleaning jewelry is very important, and there are many ways to do it at home. To do this, you can use solutions of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar...or simple alcoholic beer. The main thing is to use the recommendations and follow the rules.

Gold plated bracelet

2 best ways - how and how to remove gold plating from silver at home

The following methods are great for removing gold plating yourself at home. They are effective and completely safe if basic safety rules are followed. But at the same time, maximum attention should be paid to safety, since acids are used for sale.

What you need for safety:

  • smooth, clean surface;
  • latex gloves;
  • baking soda on a plate for quick use to “remove” acid that gets on the skin;
  • metal or glassware.

Silver earrings with gold plated

Acid method

  1. Sulfuric acid

What hazards do chemical reactions and processes entail?

Naturally, you need to understand that any work with acids can have serious consequences.

For example, working with aqua regia, or rather the refining process where metals are dissolved, takes about six hours.

In this case, a strong release of nitric oxide occurs.

Therefore, in no case should such work be carried out in closed lighting; the windows must be open so that fresh air has a constant opportunity to enter the room.

One breath of poisoned air with oxides can cause a sudden and painful death, since doctors simply do not have time to provide first aid.

Professional method

The professional method excludes the use of acids in their pure form. A professional way to remove gold plating is to use a specific electrolysis method.

Technology for removing gold plating from coins

Electrolysis involves the following manipulations:

  • 50 mg is poured into a glass bath. potassium cyanide or an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid - electrolyte.
  • Two electrodes are placed inside the dish; professionals use metal plates for this - a negative anode and a positive cathode.
  • The decoration is fixed on a conductive cathode.
  • A current of up to 15V is supplied to the bath through the anode.

When current passes through the electrolyte, the gold plating will begin to dissolve, and gold will begin to be adsorbed on the cathode. In other words, this is the removal of gilding without dissolving the base.


Concentrated acids with the addition of mercury can be used as a liquid, but the voltage should be increased to 35V.

Silver coins with gilding

Methods for removing gold plating

There are several ways to remove gold plating from the desired item. It is important to understand that if we remove an unnecessary layer from a piece of jewelry, trying to bring it back to its divine form, we can do this at home. But if high-quality processing is necessary, it is better to trust an experienced specialist.

The purpose of removing the gold plating is also important. Some people remove the gold plating from radio components to get the remainder of the gold. This process is simple, but does not provide much profit. Gold obtained by this method is not suitable for sale. It can only be used for soldering damaged products. And to obtain it you need to have a lot of parts and expensive reagents.

Professional methods

Experienced specialists have all the necessary equipment for electrochemical cleaning. They know how to remove gold plating from silver using an electrolyte, which is a 7% solution of potassium cyanide and distilled water. A copper plate is used as a cathode.

Electrolytic fluid is required to remove gold plating.

The product is placed in a bath of electrolytic liquid, into which a copper plate is inserted. Then a voltage of 3.5 volts is applied, under the influence of which a chemical reaction occurs. As a bath, you can use a jar tightly closed with a lid. It must not be opened, otherwise you may get poisoned by the hydrogen sulfide vapors released.

When the product is processed, it is removed and washed thoroughly. If there is still gilding on the silver jewelry, it can be removed with a brush. When using this method, it is important not to overexpose the product. If it is exposed to reagents for a long time, its appearance may deteriorate. It is also important to take care of your own health. It is useful to wear a mask on your face and rubber gloves on your hands.

Methods for removing gold plating at home

You can remove gold plating from silver using chemicals. Most often, the so-called “royal vodka” is used for this. The method allows you to remove gilding without harming the base material from which the product is made. When working, you must use protective equipment.

The following steps need to be taken:

  • First of all, you need to cover with a protective layer those places in the product where the gilding has worn off and the silver is visible. To do this, use a special substance in the form of a paste.
  • If the product contains elements from other materials, they should be disassembled and only the gold-plated parts should be selected.
  • Prepare a porcelain cup.
  • Make “royal vodka”. To do this, you need to mix concentrated acids - nitric and hydrochloric in a ratio of 1:3. It must be prepared immediately before use, because its properties are weakened during storage.
  • Place the product in a cup and fill it with the resulting reagent.
  • Heat the cup, but do not bring to a boil.
  • A spot of silver chloride will begin to appear on the surface of the liquid, which is a signal that it is time to interrupt the process. At this time you need to remove the decoration.
  • Rinse the product with ammonia.
  • If there is any gilding left, clean it with a brush.

This method can be used at home. But in order to carry out high-quality cleaning of gilding, you need to have experience working with such items. A beginner can easily ruin the product. Therefore, if you are not sure of the successful completion of the case, it is better to turn to a professional.


I decided to remove the gold plating from my wedding ring. It is very dear to me, although it is not made of real gold. I made a solution of hydrogen peroxide and hydrochloric acid - my husband gave it to me. I mixed it, threw in the ring, and waited a day. The next day I received a brand new silver ring. Great way. I am preparing the bracelet for cleaning.

Anastasia R., Novgorod

Mark G, Leningrad

I decided to update the chain a little, a gift from Turkey. The gold chain has become patina. I used the hydrolysis method, I read it on the Internet. The acid completely dissolved the gold plating. For 20 years I thought the chain was gold. But at least the method works, I recommend that anyone interested take note. By the way, my wife’s earrings also turned out to be fakes from Turkey.

My mother gave me an old silver ring, covered with gold... well, gilding. Beautiful, but the gilding has peeled off in places. I decided to make myself a simple silver ring. I found many methods on the Internet and chose one - “removing gold plating with citric acid and hydrogen peroxide.” I did everything exactly and now I have a brand new silver ring.

Masha P., Lviv

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