Low-magnetic steel grade 45G17YUZ for sheet and profile products


Designation GOST Cyrillic45G17Yu3
Designation GOST Latin45G17Ju3
By chemical elements45Mn17Al3
Designation GOST CyrillicYu3
Designation GOST LatinJu3
By chemical elementsAl3
Designation GOST CyrillicEI839
Designation GOST LatinEI839
By chemical elements

Welding steel 45. Practice

If work is carried out outside equipped workshops, then it is difficult to ensure strict adherence to the technology. In this case, you can use the following method:

  1. Preparing parts for welding : cleaning, forming edges for welding seams.
  2. Warming up parts using a gas (propane, acetylene) cutter or torch . To determine the temperature, you should use an infrared pyrometer; thermal pencils are also used, which begin to melt when certain values ​​are reached.
  3. Welding is carried out as quickly as possible ; if necessary, the parts can be additionally heated during the process.
  4. Upon completion of work, the product must be placed in a container with sand so that the cooling process occurs as slowly as possible.
  5. If the part is too large and cannot be removed into the sand, then you can heat the welding area with a cutter or torch , gradually reducing the temperature.

In some cases, it is possible to use the “cold” welding method. For this, it is recommended to use a semiautomatic device or argon, since the heating zone in this case will be smaller than when using coated electrodes.

Welding is done as follows:

  • elements of the product are assembled onto small tacks - 5-7 mm with a pitch of about 150 mm;
  • The structure should be scalded with small seams , it is important not to let the metal get too hot;
  • If possible, the seams should be placed unevenly on different sides of the product..

Important: this method cannot be used when welding critical structures.

When using the cold method, it is necessary to conduct a thorough visual inspection of the seams and check the strength of the joints, since the likelihood of cracks is high.


Steel 45G17Yu3 is used : for the production of rolled sheets up to 60 mm inclusive and strip bulbs used in various metal structures and equipment in shipbuilding; long and shaped rolled products; forgings and stampings; light-loaded structures of ship hulls, ships and marine equipment products (sheet and profile parts of surface ship hulls, forgings welded into the hull, chains and chain devices, winches, capstans, axles, drums, bolts, nuts, studs, gears and worms for low-speed mechanisms , frames, casings, hatch covers, rescue devices, doors, cable hangers, pilot post spools (in a nitrided state, ballasts, ship engine housings); transformer parts.


Low-magnetic steel of austenitic class. Magnetic permeability μ ≤ 1.01 gs/e. Cold forming, as well as mechanical cutting, slightly changes the magnetic permeability of steel, but the value of this characteristic after these technological operations does not exceed 1.01 gf/e, if the cold deformation does not exceed 50%. The magnetic field of products increases sharply in the presence of scale, which is ferromagnetic. Scale must be completely removed. Steel cannot be used for friction parts and parts operating in aggressive environments.

45G17Yu3 (Yu3, EI839)

  • Products made of steel 45G17Yu3 (Yu3, EI839) in stock:
  • Sheet
  • Square

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Steel 45G17Yu3 (Yu3, EI839) for shipbuilding, low-magnetic austenitic class

Steel 45G17Yu3 is used: for the production of rolled sheets up to 60 mm inclusive and strip bulbs used in various metal structures and equipment in shipbuilding; long and shaped rolled products; forgings and stampings; light-loaded structures of ship hulls, ships and marine equipment products (sheet and profile parts of surface ship hulls, forgings welded into the hull, chains and chain devices, winches, capstans, axles, drums, bolts, nuts, studs, gears and worms for low-speed mechanisms , frames, casings, hatch covers, rescue devices, doors, cable hangers, spool valves of pilot posts (in a nitrided state, ballasts, ship engine housings); transformer parts. Magnetic permeability μ ≤ 1.01 gf/e. Cold forming, and Also, mechanical processing by cutting slightly changes the magnetic permeability of steel, but the value of this characteristic after these technological operations does not exceed 1.01 gf/e, if the cold deformation does not exceed 50%. The magnetic field of products increases sharply in the presence of scale, which is ferromagnetic. The scale must be completely removed. Steel cannot be used for friction parts and parts operating in aggressive environments.


Chemical composition in%
TU 14-1-607-73, TU 14-1-906-74, TU 14-1-774-73, TU 14-229-278-88, TU 14-1-780-730,40-0,50≤0,030≤0,04016,0-18,0≤0,50≤0,60≤0,502,40-3,60
RD 9257-760,40-0,50≤0,030≤0,04016,0-18,0≤0,50≤0,60≤0,50Ost.2,40-3,60
Mechanical properties
Mechanical properties at 20°C
Delivery statusSection (mm)t test
holiday temperature
sТ |
s0.2 (MPa)
Hot rolled sheets in delivery condition
TU 14-1-774-735-6390-635≥610≥30
TU 14-1-774-737-40390-540≥610≥30
TU 14-1-780-733; 4392-657≥608≥30
TU 14-1-906-743-40≥392≥608≥30≥1960
TU 14-229-278-886-30≥343≥610≥26
Forgings. No heat treatment
Group A hot-rolled bars in the delivered condition without heat treatment
Shaped hot-rolled steel (angle, strip-bulb, channel)
Additional Information
Rolled products and forgings made from steel grade 45G17Yu3 (Yu3) are, as a rule, not subjected to heat treatment (except for annealing to remove excessive hardening). Annealing at a temperature of 400-600 °C reduces the corrosion-static strength, and at a higher temperature it increases. You can heat rolled steel and forgings (without reducing the yield strength below 40 kgf/cm2 (392 MPa)) up to a temperature of 800 °C.
Technological properties
MachinabilityTurning, milling and gouging are possible at lower speeds compared to conventional structural steels. Drilling, cutting and cutting internal and external threads with conventional tools is difficult.
WeldabilityIt welds satisfactorily with each other and with conventional ferromagnetic body steels, as well as with corrosion-resistant steel such as grade 12Х18Н9Т by manual welding with coated electrodes, automatic and semi-automatic submerged arc welding and semi-automatic welding with thin wire in carbon dioxide. Materials for welding: austenitic electrodes grade EA-606/11 - for manual welding of steel with each other and with steel 12Х18Н9Т; electrodes of the EA-48M/22 brand - for manual welding with AK type steel and other ferromagnetic steels; wire grade Sv-08G35Yu6M2 + flux 48-OF-11 - for automatic and semi-automatic welding of Yu3 steel to each other and to AK type steels and ferromagnetic steels. Heat treatment after welding is not recommended.
Physical properties
Test temperature, °C20100200300400500600700800
Modulus of normal elasticity (E, GPa)171,6
Modulus of elasticity under torsional shear (G, GPa)
Density (r, kg/m3)7600
Thermal conductivity coefficient (l, W/(m °C))15,4917,5818,8421,7723,8625,5428,89
Ud. electrical resistance (R, NΩ m) 900
Linear expansion coefficient (a, 10-6 1/°С)15,3716,8117,9118,5919,2419,5719,9321,79
Specific heat capacity (C, J/(kg °C))481,5
Foundry properties
Temperature of the beginning of solidification, °C1395
Melting point, °C1425
Mechanical properties:
  • sв — Short-term strength limit, [MPa]
  • sT — Yield strength, [MPa]
  • s0.2 - Limit of proportionality (permanent deformation tolerance - 0.2%), [MPa]
  • d5 — Elongation at break, [%]
  • y — Relative narrowing, [%]
  • KCU - Impact strength, [kJ/m2]
  • HB - Brinell hardness, [MPa]
  • HV — Vickers hardness, [MPa]
  • HSh - Shore Hardness, [MPa]


Castings from non-ferrous metals and alloysB84RD 9257-76
Blanks. Blanks. Slabs B31TU 14-1-2403-78, TU 14-1-607-73
Sheets and stripsB33TU 14-1-2633-79, TU 14-1-774-73, TU 14-1-780-73, TU 14-1-906-74, TU 14-229-278-88
Long and shaped rolled productsB32TU 14-1-779-73, TU 14-1-985-74

Checking Welded Joints

In production, effective control methods are used: scanning of seams with x-rays or ultrasound. This allows you to detect most defects: lack of penetration, cracks, fistulas.

If possible, then weld test samples from 45 steel, cut the seams with a grinder and inspect them visually. There should not be:

  • pores - small bubbles that significantly worsen the properties of the seam. A small number of pores is allowed;
  • cracks - during the operation of the structure they can increase and cause destruction of the connection;
  • fistulas - also affect the strength of the suture.

In cases where the product is intended to operate under loads, it is recommended to check the connections mechanically. To do this, the part is subjected to loads. For example, if a weld must withstand a load of 10 tons, the test should be carried out with a weight 30% higher - 13 tons.

Chemical composition

TU 14-1-780-730.4-0.5≤0.03≤0.0416-18≤0.5≤0.6≤0.5Remainder2.4-3.6
RD 9257-760.4-0.5≤0.03≤0.0416-18≤0.5≤0.6≤0.5Remainder2.4-3.6

Fe is the basis.

Analogs of steels. Corrosion-resistant steel

Europe (EN)Germany (DIN)USA (AISI)Japan (JIS)CIS (GOST)
1.4512X2CrTi12409SUH 409
1.4000X6Cr13410SSUS 410 S08Х13
1.4002X6CrAl13405SUS 405
1.4006X12CrN13410SUS 41012Х13
1.4024X15Cr13(410)SUS 410 J1
1.4021X20Cr13(420)SUS 420 J120Х13
1.4028X30Cr13(420)SUS 420 J230Х13
1.4031X39Cr13SUS 420 J240Х13
1.4016X6Cr17430SUS 43012Х17
1.4510X3CrTi17439SUS 430 LX08Х17Т
1.4113X6CrMo17-1434SUS 434
1.4521X2CrMoTi18-2444SUS 444
1.4310X10CrNi18-8(301)SUS 301
1.4318X2CrNiN18-7301 LNSUS 301 LN
1.4301X5CrNI18-10304SUS 30408Х18Н10
1.4303X4CrNi18-12(305)SUS 30512Х18Н12
1.4306X2CrNi19-11304 LSUS 304 L03Х18Н11
1.4541X6CrNiTi18-10321SUS 32108Х18Н10Т
1.4550X6CrNiNb18-10347SUS 347
1.4401X5CrNiMo17-12-2316SUS 316
1.4404X2CrNiMo17-12-2316 LSUS 316 L
1.4571X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2316 TiSUS 316 Ti10Х17Н13М2Т
1.4435X2CrNiMo18-14-3316 LSUS 316 L03Х17Н14М2
1.4439X2CrNiMoN17-13-5S 31726SUS 317
1.4539X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5N 08904
1.4565X3CrNiMnMoNbN 23-17-5-3S 34565
1.4462X2CrNiMoN22-5-3S 31803SUS 329 J3L
Europe (EN)Germany (DIN)USA (AISI)Japan (JIS)CIS (GOST)
steel gradeAnalogues in US standards
CIS countries GOSTEuronorms
10 X2 M10CrMo9-101.7380F22
13 XM13CrMo4-41.7335F12
14 HMF14MoV6-31.7715
15 M15Mo31.5415F1
17 G17Mn41.0481
20 G20Mn51.1133
20 X11 MNFX20CrMoV12-11.4922

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mmsТ|s0.2, MPaσB, MPad5, %kJ/m2, kJ/m2
Hot rolled sheets in delivery condition
3; 4392-657≥608≥30
Forgings. No heat treatment
Group A hot-rolled bars in the delivered condition without heat treatment
Shaped hot-rolled steel (angle, strip-bulb, channel)

45G17Yu3: circle, sheet, square, hexagon

Steel grade 45G17Yu3 is produced on the basis of C-Fe-Mn-Al alloying and has low magnetic permeability. This property allows this grade of steel to be used in electrical engineering, in particular in the manufacture of transformers. Characteristics of steel 45g17yu3

The austenitic structure of steel under normal temperature conditions does not change under deformation loads. The welding properties of the metal and its malleability to machining contribute to the widespread use of steel 45G17Yu3:

  • in shipbuilding, for the manufacture of sheet and profile parts of hulls, as well as many other parts and mechanisms of ships, including ship engine housings;
  • in the mining industry, for trays used in the transportation of minerals;
  • in construction, as the use of various metal structures.

physical characteristics

TemperatureE, GPar, kg/m3R, NOM mC, J/(kg °C)l, W/(m °С)a, 10-6 1/°С

Technological properties

WeldabilityIt welds satisfactorily with each other and with conventional ferromagnetic body steels, as well as with corrosion-resistant steel such as grade 12Х18Н9Т by manual welding with coated electrodes, automatic and semi-automatic submerged arc welding and semi-automatic welding with thin wire in carbon dioxide. Materials for welding: austenitic electrodes grade EA-606/11 - for manual welding of steel with each other and with steel 12Х18Н9Т; electrodes of the EA-48M/22 brand - for manual welding with AK type steel and other ferromagnetic steels; wire grade Sv-08G35Yu6M2 + flux 48-OF-11 - for automatic and semi-automatic welding of Yu3 steel to each other and to AK type steels and ferromagnetic steels. Heat treatment after welding is not recommended.
MachinabilityTurning, milling and gouging are possible at lower speeds compared to conventional structural steels. Drilling, cutting and cutting internal and external threads with conventional tools is difficult.

Steel 45G

Structural alloy steel 45G

Brand 45G – purpose

Structural alloy manganese steel 45G is used for the manufacture of parts - driveshafts/crankshafts, anchor bolts, gear/spline shafts, gears, friction discs, brake levers, axles, connecting rods, and other products.

Steel 45G - domestic analogues

Material 45G - characteristics

Alloy structural steel

Brand 45G – technological features

Flock sensitivity

Machinability Ku

Tendency to temper brittleness

Steel 45G - chemical composition

Mass fraction of elements no more than, %:

Material 45G – mechanical properties

Depending on the cross-section of the workpiece

Quenching (water) 840 0 C. Tempering (air) 570 0 C

Hardness, MPa

Temperature of critical points, 0 C

Endurance limit, MPa

Brand 45G - exact and closest foreign analogues

Steel 45G – area of ​​application

Material grade 45G is used in mechanical engineering for the manufacture of high-strength parts.


Elongation at break

Short-term strength limit

Relative machinability factor

Proof of yield strength with 0.2% tolerance when loaded to plastic strain value

Torsional endurance limit (symmetrical cycle)

Endurance limit under compression-tension (symmetrical cycle)

number of deformation/stress cycles sustained by an object under load before fatigue failure/crack appears

You can buy 45G structural alloy steel in St. Petersburg by calling +. Specialists will place your order and advise you on the assortment, prices, and delivery conditions.

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