Installation of Egoza barbed wire: we install it ourselves

Do-it-yourself installation of Egoza barbed wire is done in stages. This option has a number of advantages and disadvantages of use. Egoza prickly fabric is divided into several types. Each of them has its own distinctive features.

Before proceeding with the installation of the Egoza fence, you need to select brackets for attaching the spiral. Each type is selected for a specific barbed tape.

Attaching wire fencing

Advantages and disadvantages of barbed wire

There are a number of advantages of using:

  • it has a long service life - more than 20 years;
  • Egoza razor tape has high strength indicators;
  • it is resistant to corrosion phenomena if made in accordance with GOST standards;
  • it can be used in different ways: either a flat, or spiral, or a fence installed on the ground is made;
  • the protective material will allow sunlight to enter the area, which makes it possible to grow various garden crops;
  • many consumers are attracted by the Egoza prickly spiral, its price is low;
  • There is nothing difficult in installing the prickly cloth; even a beginner can cope with the job;
  • it has high protection rates; strangers will not enter private territory;
  • The material looks dangerous and frightening. You can enhance the protection using current; it is passed directly through the tape. But in this case there must be a warning. The manufacturer's website contains a price list.

Diagram of the main dimensions of AKL 20 But there are a number of disadvantages:

  1. Behind such a fence you cannot hide from the curious glances of your neighbors, with the exception of a concrete fence with a barbed spiral on top.
  2. The material is not a decorative decoration; its appearance will not attract attention, but, on the contrary, will scare away.

Barbed wire: features, types and production, installation rules

Barbed wire (in everyday life “thorn”) is a wire with sharp spikes located along the perimeter. It is used in the construction of the simplest and cheapest fences and helps improve existing ones. To erect a fence, you will only need supports and the wire itself, and installation will be possible even for inexperienced workers.

For the first time, a new method of fencing areas, in which thin and flat hot-rolled steel wire should be used, was invented in France back in 1860. Just five years later, the diamond-toothed “spine” became a patented product. But then it was used extremely rarely.

Changes came in 1872 with the introduction of wire fencing by American Henry Rose, made from small boards to which pieces of sharp wire were screwed. The fence was shown to Illinois farmers. Many tried to improve the design shown, but Joseph Glidden and Isaac Elwood did it best. Their product gained popularity, and the company, founded by partners, produced approximately 270 tons of finished products in 1875.

By 1900, there were no longer any farms in the United States where animal pens were not protected by fencing of this type - the “thorn” reliably protected the cattle. In addition, fencing was cheap, which was also a huge boost to the development of American livestock farming.

Main types of barbed wire

Nowadays it is usually divided into three groups:

  • “thread” with thorns;
  • reinforced barbed tape (AKL);
  • reinforced twisted tape (ASKL).

The materials listed above are produced by many domestic enterprises. The most famous were the products of the brands “Egoza” and “Gyurza”. Sometimes it is called that - in accordance with the name of the manufacturing company.

The standard “thread” with one base is galvanized barbed wire, which is manufactured in our country in accordance with State Standard 285−69. The diameter is 2.8 millimeters. The material is low priced and lightweight.

For installation work, you will need vertical pillars (supports), which are dug into the ground, and a “thorn-thread” is pulled between them. The permissible distance between supports should not exceed three meters, otherwise the wires may sag . Experts recommend carrying out additional reinforcement by pulling another “thread” across the main one.

Installation can be done at an angle or vertically, but the essence remains the same:

  • the pillars are dug into the ground (if the length of the fences is insignificant, the supports do not need to be concreted);
  • By welding, sections of corners made of metal or reinforcement are attached to the pillars, and “Gyurza” or “Egoza” is attached to them.

It can be used as a decorative decoration for low hedges and flower beds. Small sections can be painted in different colors, creating an unusual landscape design.

“Thread” is the most common type of “thorn”. It is used in areas with a small area. On large objects, wires made from reinforced tapes are used . Fences made from such materials can be as follows:

  • flat barriers (security barrier) in the form of flat spirals;
  • grids with diamond-shaped cells;
  • mobile barriers made of volumetric spirals;
  • fences with volumetric spirals of different cross-sections;
  • thorny spikes mounted on fences.

Reinforced razor tape "Egoza" - also made of galvanized material, but covered with an additional layer of material. The two-component material costs more than conventional “threads” and is characterized by increased strength.

Installation is impossible without special devices and tools. In particular, you will need an angle grinder or grinder, as well as special reinforcement shears. Therefore, it is advisable to use the tape as an additional reinforcing element .

Rolled tape helps protect the top of the fences. You can use it to make barriers from animals by laying the ribbons in waves on the ground.

When laying and installing, you should adhere to safety rules: work in protective clothing and gloves, use suitable tools, since Egoza often springs back at the most inopportune moments, which can lead to injuries.

Manufacturing process

The manufacturing method depends on the type of “thorn”. For example, razor tape is produced by stamping from rolled metal sheets, steel scraps, and leftover profiles. And the “threads” are made from galvanized wire . The spines for them are made from the same material, giving the pieces a pointed shape and winding them around the base.

Most of the effort and finances are spent on the production of stranded wires. The fact is that at the initial stage they make ordinary “threads”, then twist them using a special machine. This wire is distinguished by increased protective characteristics of future fences due to enhanced technical parameters.


Types of Egoza razor tape

It is divided into several types, and each of them has its own distinctive features:

  1. AKL is a reinforced version; it is made of durable galvanized steel. It is crimped around the entire perimeter with a steel tape with sharp edges. Previously, production simply made sharpened coils, and then they were changed to tape. These sharp edges can seriously injure someone who tries to enter private property. This option is used when installing a flat fence made of Egoza barbed wire.
  2. ASKL is a twisted type, made of the same material as the previous type. The cutting spiral is twisted in production using galvanized rigid wire. The blades can be directed in different directions. This option is distinguished by its effectiveness and intimidating appearance. ASKL is used for installation on an already finished fence.
  3. Spiral view is a volumetric version that is a spiral. In its production, tapes of the previous types are used. Such a fence will be difficult for an attacker to overcome. Even if it is bitten in several places, it will still cause serious injuries. This type is needed to make a barrier directly on the ground.
  4. PBB is a flat type, it is somewhat similar to the spiral version, but it is more neat in appearance.

Egoza barbed wire has the same protective functions as other varieties.

The photo shows a fence with a “thorn”.

Final view of the fixed protective device

Which is better: heated floors or radiators?

Warm floorBatteries

Fidget installation instructions

To install fidget you need:

Instructions for installing the fidget are available in this video

Frequently asked questions: How much does it cost to install fidget? How much does it cost to install a prickly fidget on a fence or gardening? Let's try to partially answer.

For estimators. On one of the forums I saw a recommendation: take the E7-24-13 price, find the price for installing reinforced concrete fence posts and subtract it from the E7-24-13 price. The price for installing the fidget will remain.

The cost of installing a fidget depends on what fence it will be installed on, what method, at what height, and how far away the installation site is. In the case of installation of fidget in Kiev, Lvov and other cities that are located far from Zaporozhye, we can send a team of fidget installers on a business trip or offer installation of fidget to our partners who install fidget in these cities. We do not recommend searching the Internet for information using the search words fidget installation instructions , fidget installation instructions . We found that no one gives clear instructions for installing Egoza, but the search results contain many pages containing viruses. The presence of a security system on your computer, in the form of an antivirus and other applications, does not guarantee your security 100%. Therefore, it is better to come to terms with the idea that fidget installers are reluctant to share their production secrets, and you should get used to the idea that fidget installation needs to be ordered from specialized companies and let them earn money or install fidget on their own , having previously traveled around and seen how fidget is installed at others.

Pay special attention to safety precautions. Injuries from fidget installation can be serious. After all, it was precisely so that the attacker would be afraid of getting seriously injured that you decided to buy a fidget . The photo shows the Cossack fidget and the hand of our employee.

The installation scheme (installation of the fidget) is quite simple: it can be installed directly on the ground, for this it is pinned with special mounting brackets. You can install prickly fidget in one or several rows. You can install the fidget on the very ground in front of the fence. Most barbed spiral barriers are installed on top of fences; concrete fences, brick fences, wire fencing systems, for example TM Betafence, Kazachka. To install fidget barbed wire you need: a bracket for fidget , anchor bolts, two or more guide galvanized wires or barbed wires, the fidget itself, mounting brackets, special tools, pliers for clamping staples, good specialists. Do you want good fidget installation specialists? Call us and we will send a team of fidget installers to your site.

Different ways to install the fidget are shown in the video and diagrams below.

When installing fidget, buyers have questions: we buy fidget 450/3 with 86 turns with a stretch of 21.5 meters, but it stretches at most 18 meters. Why? Answer: the reason is the installation technology. Look at the photo where this fidget 450/3 is stretched to 21.5 meters and the video where it is stretched to 21.5 meters and 18 meters.

But in order to stretch the fidget 450/3 to the maximum distance, it must be stretched in stages. For example, 12 turns per 3 meters. In this case, the distance between adjacent turns should be 0.5 m.

Options for wire fastening brackets

They are divided into the following types:

  1. Straight - such a bracket is needed to fix a spiral, which must be installed in several rows, or a spiral fence is being installed. If there is not enough material, then it is possible to use it only for the upper part of the pillars, which are used as support.
  2. L-shaped - this type is used when installing protective wire in 2-3 rows. The bracket has tension lines and must be placed on the inside or outside of the fence. A spiral tape is also attached to it.
  3. Y-shaped, it is needed for installing a volumetric spiral or installing a sharp spiral in 2-3 rows.
  4. Semicircular - this type is chosen if the tape is installed on a slope or directly on the ground. It is convenient to use for fastening a spiral barrier.

Diagram of a classic V-bracket

Installation of razor tape: step-by-step instructions

Installation of an Egoza fence:

  1. The area is marked for installation of poles. Metal supports are being installed on a concrete base. First you need to dig holes, the depth of which will be 0.6–0.8 m. The distance between them should be 2.5 m. They can simply be driven into the ground, but it is best to concrete them. To do this, a layer of sand and crushed stone is made at the bottom. The cement mortar is prepared, the support is installed and concreted. It is recommended to make supports for the outer pillars, since they can become deformed due to the tension force.
  2. It is necessary to weld special metal eyes along the entire length of the fence. They are used as fixatives. You need to ensure that the distance between them is 10–20 cm.
  3. You need to tighten the wire while simultaneously forming rows of it. The sharp tape is attached to the eyes using special brackets. To make the fabric more dense, it is necessary to fix the tape crosswise.
  4. If you need to strengthen the protective functions of the fence, it is recommended to apply tension along the entire length of the fence. Current can be supplied using a battery, which will have to be charged periodically. After installation, you need to check whether there is voltage in the network.

Installation diagram on a brick fence

How to secure barbed wire so it doesn't sag

To fence off the area against unauthorized entry, it is necessary to install a fence. But sometimes the area is very large, and making a major barrier becomes a costly affair. Moreover, a beautiful fence will not always be a serious obstacle in the way of intruders.

If desired, the attackers will climb over it. Or, there is no need for beauty at all, but only to create a difficult obstacle. For example, in industrial or agricultural areas it is only necessary to ensure protection from entry into a protected facility. A fence with barbed wire is a suitable option in this case.

Design Features

Barbed wire is a metal thread or a narrow strip with barbs attached to it. The wire is available in several configurations. The material is used both for the construction of a full-fledged fence, and for an additional obstacle on an already installed fence of any type.

Initially, the design was invented to protect the territory against animals, and was often used in cattle breeding.

Such a wire fence does not allow painless passage into the fenced area, since the thorns cling on contact, which leads to large scratches and wounds to the body. Later, the technology began to be used for fencing against people. The advantages of the design are its low cost, practicality and the ability to install the fence yourself.

Types of barbed wire

Barbed wire is made by cold drawing and then twisting sharp parts - spikes. More often, the cross-sectional shape of the spine is round. Diameter and hardness vary. There is a soft wire that is easy to install.

Another option is a stiffer material that is more difficult to work with, but more reliable. Production is carried out on special machinery. Steel is used for manufacturing.

The most common design option is a single or two-strand thread, onto which short pieces of wire with pointed ends are wound. The wire is made galvanized or uncoated.

The ribbon thorn is knocked out in the form of a long metal strip with protruding spikes in the shape of a pyramid. This tape is wound onto solid bases. By itself it is quite soft, it can be cut with metal scissors. Even when used on hard substrates, it can be removed, which reduces the reliability of the fence. Therefore, most often the tape is used on a durable basis - a steel core. A simple option is regular wrapping.

The disadvantage is that the barb can be separated from the steel core. A more reliable option is to crimp the tape around the core. In this case, the structure is very difficult to disconnect, and the steel core does not allow cutting the barbed wire fence.

The last option is known as “Egoza”. The 0.6 mm thick tape is made of steel with a small amount of carbon in its composition. It has a zinc coating. The protrusions on it are very sharp and tenacious. The core is a spring carbon steel wire with a diameter of 2.5 mm. Has high strength. Also has a zinc coating.

Installation methods

Installation of barbed wire is carried out in various ways:

  • On the top of an already installed fence. The main fence can be made of any material: brick, wood, metal sheets, concrete slabs. The wire at the top creates an additional barrier in the way of trespassers. Today, fidget is installed more often. The barb is mounted on brackets of various options.
  • On or around the roof. The wire is attached either to brackets or to additional metal strings.
  • A continuous protective sheet is created. Barbed wire is attached between adjacent posts. Poles are made from different materials, most often metal or wood. The fence can be made flat or voluminous. Such a wire fence is not inferior in its functionality to any other fence.

Despite the fact that the installation of barbed wire can be done independently, this work requires extreme care and attention, otherwise serious damage can occur. To install the fence, you will need assembly pliers and durable leather or canvas clothing.

Flat blade

The canvas is made of fidget. It consists of coils fastened together with staples. Each subsequent turn is shifted relative to the previous one by a certain value. This barbed wire fabric has an acceptable aesthetic appearance. Therefore, it is used in the city or in private households. It is slightly inferior to the spiral design in protective qualities, but at the same time, it is cheaper and more compact.

Fence made of thorny spirals

In addition to flat fabric, three-dimensional structures are also manufactured - fidget spirals. A fence made of this design is made in the form of turns of barbed wire, connected to each other by small staples. The staples are fastened in a checkerboard pattern. The diameter of the fidget is 450 mm - the most common option for fencing. The volumetric form is a difficult barrier to pass. The spirals are springy and do not give in to compression.


The fence is a mesh of barbed wire stretched over posts. It can be flat or voluminous depending on the type of spine used. With a good frame, the fence turns out to be quite durable, despite its apparent simplicity. In addition, it ensures unhindered penetration of sunlight.


To erect a fence there is no need for a foundation. You just need to install the pillars. They are made of concrete, metal or wood. The distance between the pillars is from 2 to 3 m. The supports are driven into the ground or concreted. The latter option is more reliable and durable.

In the first case, wells are drilled approximately a meter deep and with a diameter smaller than the cross-sectional area of ​​the pillars. Then the supports are driven in with a sledgehammer. Or the depression is made with a shovel. In the second case, a well is also drilled, but its diameter in the upper part by half the depth should be 15–20 cm greater than the cross-sectional area of ​​the support. Then the support is driven into it. The upper part is filled with concrete with filler.

The barbed wire fastening scheme is quite simple. Next, you need to stretch the wire between the posts so that it does not sag. Either a structure is made of several parallel threads, or a fabric is made consisting of diamond-shaped cells fastened together with staples.


Do-it-yourself installation on the fence

The procedure for installing a spiral safety barrier (SSB) along the fence:

  1. A fence is being installed around the entire perimeter of the site. In this case, the wire is fixed directly on the fence.
  2. You need to decide in advance on the choice of brackets for fixing the canvas. They are screwed with anchor bolts or welded to support posts.
  3. Egoza barbed wire is being installed - galvanized wire must be stretched between the installed fasteners. It will serve as the basis for a sharp spiral. To ensure that it is well tensioned, it is recommended to use a winch. If the diameter of the spiral is large, then you need to stretch the wire in several rows.
  4. The SBB is stretched - this is done extremely carefully so as not to cause any damage to yourself.
  5. The Egoza “thorn” is installed using pliers or staples.

5-6 turns of SBB are made per linear meter.

For a diagram of the formation of turns and their joint ties, how to make a fence from barbed wire, read the link.

Installation of fidget on the fence in the estimate

Price for installation of wire fence "Egoza"

In local estimates for the repair of fences at energy facilities of JSC Lenenergo, due to the lack of a direct price, the Contractor for the installation of the Egoza wire fence uses the price TER 07-01-054-13 (installation of metal fences made of barbed wire on reinforced concrete pillars).
This price includes work that is not actually performed, namely: digging holes for foundations or pillars, digging trenches for basement panels with backfilling and compaction, as well as installing pillars in pits with concrete sealing, laying brick linings for pillars. As a result, this significantly increases the cost directly for installing the Egoza wire fence.

In this regard, I ask you to clarify whether it is legal for the Contractor to use the quotation TER 07-01-054-13 for installing the Egoza barrier. If there is another, more acceptable price for determining the cost of performing this type of work, I ask you to give recommendations on its use.


In response to your request to determine the cost of installation of the Egoza barrier on existing fences, we inform you that the existing collections GESN-2001 and TER -2001 SPb do not contain the necessary standards and prices.

It would be methodologically incorrect to use the price tag TER 07-01-054-13 “Installation of metal fences made of barbed wire on reinforced concrete pillars” (“applied to”) to determine the cost of work on installing the Egoza fence, since the specified price includes a set of work operations and the composition of the material resources used does not correspond to the costs required for the construction of the Egoza fence.

Taking into account the need for correct cost assessment, the St. Petersburg Regional Center for Pricing in Construction has developed standards and prices for the installation of a single-level spiral safety barrier (SSB) of the “Egoza” type for installed fences made of brick, reinforced concrete, metal and wood. The developed standards and prices will be published in one of the next issues of the All-Russian information and analytical magazine “Pricing and estimate regulation in construction.”

Fidget installation instructions - Fidget installation diagram

To install fidget you need:

buy fidget;

buy brackets for installing fidget;

buy tension wire;

buy brackets for mounting fidget;

Instructions for installing the fidget are available in this video

Frequently asked questions: How much does it cost to install fidget? How much does it cost to install a prickly fidget on a fence or gardening? Let's try to partially answer.

For estimators. On one of the forums I saw a recommendation: take the E7-24-13 price, find the price for installing reinforced concrete fence posts and subtract it from the E7-24-13 price. The price for installing the fidget will remain.

The cost of installing a fidget depends on what fence it will be installed on, what method, at what height, and how far away the installation site is. In the case of installation of fidget in Kiev, Lvov and other cities that are located far from Zaporozhye, we can send a team of fidget installers on a business trip or offer installation of fidget to our partners who install fidget in these cities. We do not recommend searching the Internet for information using the search words fidget installation instructions , fidget installation instructions . We found that no one gives clear instructions for installing Egoza, but the search results contain many pages containing viruses. The presence of a security system on your computer, in the form of an antivirus and other applications, does not guarantee your security 100%. Therefore, it is better to come to terms with the idea that fidget installers are reluctant to share their production secrets, and you should get used to the idea that fidget installation needs to be ordered from specialized companies and let them earn money or install fidget on their own , having previously traveled around and seen how fidget is installed at others.

Pay special attention to safety precautions. Injuries from fidget installation can be serious. After all, it was precisely so that the attacker would be afraid of getting seriously injured that you decided to buy a fidget . The photo shows the Cossack fidget and the hand of our employee.

The installation scheme (installation of the fidget) is quite simple: it can be installed directly on the ground, for this it is pinned with special mounting brackets. You can install prickly fidget in one or several rows. You can install the fidget on the very ground in front of the fence. Most barbed spiral barriers are installed on top of fences; concrete fences, brick fences, wire fencing systems, for example TM Betafence, Kazachka. To install fidget barbed wire you need: a bracket for fidget , anchor bolts, two or more guide galvanized wires or barbed wires, the fidget itself, mounting brackets, special tools, pliers for clamping staples, good specialists. Do you want good fidget installation specialists? Call us and we will send a team of fidget installers to your site.

Different ways to install the fidget are shown in the video and diagrams below.

When installing fidget, buyers have questions: we buy fidget 450/3 with 86 turns with a stretch of 21.5 meters, but it stretches at most 18 meters. Why? Answer: the reason is the installation technology. Look at the photo where this fidget 450/3 is stretched to 21.5 meters and the video where it is stretched to 21.5 meters and 18 meters.

But in order to stretch the fidget 450/3 to the maximum distance, it must be stretched in stages. For example, 12 turns per 3 meters. In this case, the distance between adjacent turns should be 0.5 m.

Practical results of fidget installation

Option 1
Option 2

Carrying out work on the installation of Egoza-type barbed wire along the existing fence made of profiled sheets, strengthening the entrance gates and installing a barrier at the address: Ryazan, st. Chkalova, 26 a

Participants and results

state government institution of the Ryazan region "Temporary detention center for foreign citizens and stateless persons subject to deportation or administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation"

Start: from the moment of conclusion of the Contract End: June 28, 2013.

Russian Federation, 390029, Ryazan region, Ryazan, st. Chkalova, 26a, -

Term and terms of payment

Payment is made by the State Customer in a one-time payment by transferring funds to the Contractor's bank account specified in this contract, on the basis of a Certificate of the cost of work performed and expenses in Form 3 (Form KS-3) with a breakdown of physical volumes in Form 2 “Acceptance Certificate of Completed Work” works" (Form KS-2), verified by the construction pricing department of the Main Directorate of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Ryazan Region. The calculation is made according to the actual volume of work performed by the Contractor within 10 banking days after acceptance of the result of the work performed.

Source of order financing

regional budget of the Ryazan region.

Initial price and security for the customer Initial contract price Volume for the customer

The work is carried out in accordance with the estimate. The quality of the work performed must comply with the requirements of SNiP. The quality of the materials used must comply with GOST requirements.

Installation of barbed wire

Barbed wire is the simplest and most effective way to protect an area from intrusion by intruders. Installation of barbed wire can be carried out on any type of fence, from chain-link mesh to beautiful brick fences enclosing an elite cottage. If you decide to use barbed wire as a fence, you should pay attention to the fence of the Egoza variety.

It is a barbed reinforced tape, often twisted into a voluminous spiral.

An example of mounted barbed wire on a corrugated fence

Installation of metal and plastic fencing

The manufacture and installation of stainless steel and plastic fencing, as well as fences of any type, is a complex process, the implementation of which must be based on regulatory and design documentation.

In this case, depending on the functions performed, the material, type, as well as installation methods or features are determined. For example, to ensure the safety of work, inventory fences of the installation horizon are used.

In the photo - installation of a metal fence

Installation of metal fences

Installation and assembly of metal enclosing structures consists of preparatory work and direct assembly of sections. In this regard, 5 main stages can be distinguished .

  1. Site preparation - allocation of territory, designation of places where underground communications are laid, dismantling of buildings located on the site of the future fence.
  2. Carrying out earthworks - marking the location of the future fence, digging a trench in the case of installing a fence structure on a foundation, or drilling holes for posts.
  3. Installation of supports for the fence - pouring the foundation and installing the posts on which the frames will be attached.
  4. Installation of spans - fastening fence sections to support posts.
  5. Installation of gates and gates.

Metal fencing of the territory

Note! When installing metal fences on a foundation, it must be taken into account that installation will take several days, since the concrete must harden. Typically this period is 21 days.

If the installation is being done by a contractor, there will often be an estimate to repair the fence if any problems arise.

Stainless steel products

The stainless steel fence is highly resistant to atmospheric influences. Currently, the installation of this type of fencing is the most popular, although the price is higher than that of conventional metal, it guarantees not only the durability and reliability of the structure, but also an excellent appearance.

Beauty and reliability

Installation Features

  • Do-it-yourself installation of fence sections can be done not only by welding parts, but also by using fastening bolts, in order not to damage the appearance of the product.
  • There is no need to paint the structure after installation, since this material does not corrode.
  • It can be mounted either on a concrete pad or without it.
  • Installation of a sectional stainless steel fence can be carried out during the day.

Installation Tips

During the installation process, it is important to adhere to the basic provisions that will ensure the quality and correct installation of the fence.

To do this you need:

  • The installation of the fence should begin from the gate or wicket.
  • If there is no concrete pad, it is necessary to leave a gap between the bottom of the fence and the ground - a guarantee of protecting the structure from corrosion.
  • After installing each section or opening, check that it is fastened correctly and that there are no vibrations due to gusts of wind.
  • Upon completion of all work, carry out quality control.

When all stages of installation work on installing fences are carried out consistently and accurately, an excellent result is guaranteed.

Features of fencing construction

Constant updating of the building materials market allows for the production of increasingly better and more practical products. Fences and railings occupy a special place among the wide variety.

Convenient plastic fencing

Plastic fencing

One type of modern innovation is plastic fences. They are made from PVC boards and other components, so you can repair this type of fence yourself.

The advantages of plastic fences include:

  • resistance to rodents and insects;
  • does not require additional care;
  • long service life, wear resistance;
  • ease of installation and practicality in operation;
  • Made from safe material and does not contain harmful substances.

The installation process of plastic fencing is very simple. It takes place in the form of collecting individual parts of the designer. This installation method allows you to adjust the distance between the supporting elements, and it is also possible to fit perfectly into the terrain of the site, repeating all its contours.

Tip: Also, such fences are much easier to repair if damaged. To do this, you do not need to replace the entire span, but only replace the damaged board.

Egoza fencing

Egoza barbed wire is a reliable way to protect the territory from uninvited guests. It is presented in the form of a spiral or flat barrier.

The advantages of such fences are:

  • the strength of the metal wires is not subject to corrosion or damage;
  • quick installation if you have the necessary knowledge;
  • does not require additional maintenance;
  • low cost, ease of transportation;
  • high degree of efficiency;
  • multifunctionality.

Note! Egoza fences are installed on top of another fence. When installing Egoza fencing, workers must have special thick clothing and leather gloves with wrist protection.

The tools you will need are a welding machine, a grinder, pliers for staples, a hammer, a level, a tape measure, a winch for tensioning the wire, and you will also need a ladder. The most important thing when performing installation is accuracy.

Tips for choosing and installing fencing

Before you start purchasing and installing fences, you should decide on the purpose of the fences:

  • either beautiful;
  • either safe;
  • or practical.

After choosing the type, you need to correctly calculate the required number of sheets or mesh duration. Then you should prepare all the necessary tools. All actions and sequence must be performed calmly, carefully, with maximum precision, and then the fruit of your diligence will be magnificent.


Various fencing options can significantly expand the functionality of certain areas, as the video in this article confirms. Thanks to them, it becomes possible to make the territory, for example, protected from external interference or to give it the desired flavor.

Pros and cons of barbed wire

Barbed wire has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the positive qualities we can note:

    Reliability and durability. Made in accordance with GOST, the reinforced tape has high strength and corrosion resistance. The service life of Egoza fencing is up to 20 years;

Option for installing a barb on a stone fence The advantages of barbed wire, when viewed differently, can be classified as disadvantages:

  • The transparency of such a fence will not protect against prying eyes (of course, if Egoza is not installed on top of a high concrete fence);

  • When choosing a wire fence, you need to understand that it is unlikely to serve as a decoration for the site and speak about the good taste of the owner.

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Varieties of Egoza razor tape

  1. AKL (reinforced razor tape) is a galvanized steel wire around which a tape with cutting blades is crimped. AKL is an improved type of “barb” of the old type: instead of pointed turns, a cutting tape stamped from sheet steel is used. Its razor-sharp edges can cause serious damage to a border violator.
  2. ASKL (reinforced twisted razor tape) - stamped cutting tape is twisted around rigid galvanized wire. The blades have different directions - the effectiveness and intimidating appearance of the fence increases.

  3. SSB (spiral safety barrier) is a three-dimensional structure made in the form of a spiral. To create it, tapes from ACL or ASCL are used. A barbed spiral fence is difficult to overcome. Even after several snacks, the SBB continues to be a serious obstacle for violators.
  4. PBB (flat safety barrier) is a flat design in the form of spirals, similar to SBB, only the PBB does not protrude beyond the fence and looks quite neat and not so menacing. Although this does not in any way reduce the protective functions of the fence.

Types of brackets for fastening Egoza wire

Depending on the type of fence and the type of Egoza, various fastenings and brackets made of steel are used. With their help, the installation of a barbed fence is greatly simplified. Fastening to support posts is carried out using welding or self-tapping screws.

    Straight bracket. Designed for fastening wire in several rows and installing spiral barriers. The straight bracket can be replaced by using the top of the support post, which should extend above the fence;

This is what a straight bracket for mounting barbed wire looks like

Installation and installation of barbed wire on a fence: how to string Egoza with your own hands, diagrams and videos

The stronger and more inaccessible the fence, the better it performs its main function of preventing the entry of strangers. Installing barbed wire on a fence will make any fence impenetrable. The method is simple and relatively inexpensive. There is no need to redo an existing fence. It is enough to install the brackets and mount the selected type of barbed wire on them. A professional team will complete the installation along the entire perimeter of the site in 2–3 days.

Installed protection option

Advantages of barbed wire fences

The history of using barbed wire to fence the territory of various institutions goes back more than one century. Spiked products were strung around pastures and private lands to prevent anyone from entering from the outside. In security zones, the thorn protected against attempts to escape.

The installation procedure depends on the required level of protection

Currently, barbed wire is widely used, the installation of which has advantages over other methods of increasing the degree of inaccessibility of the fence:

  • quickly installed;
  • impossible to overcome;
  • cheap;
  • installed on an existing fence;
  • transparent;
  • has a terrifying appearance;
  • capable of seriously injuring;
  • Corrosion resistant.

The thorn looks less aesthetically pleasing than forged peaks, but it is impossible to overcome the fence even with the help of wire cutters and other tools.

V-bracket placement diagram

Installing a barbed wire fence

Installing a thorny fence requires some skill and accuracy.

Installation of barbed wire on a concrete fence

  • Protective clothing. To install a barbed fence, you will need thick clothing. Particular care must be taken to protect your hands and wrists: razor tape can even cut veins. Thick welding gauntlets are suitable for this purpose;
  • Brackets and welding machine;
  • Brackets and mounting pliers for them;
  • Fidget and steel wire broach.

Stages of installing SBB on the fence

  1. Installation of brackets. A suitable fastening is welded or screwed onto the poles with anchor bolts.
  2. Installation of broach. A simple galvanized or barbed wire is stretched between the brackets, which will serve as a support for the spiral structure and will not allow it to sag. The broach must be pulled tight; for this it is advisable to use some kind of tensioning mechanism, for example, a winch. Depending on the diameter of the spiral, install from one to three rows of wire.
  3. Stretching the SBB. Very carefully the spiral barrier is stretched with the required number of spirals per meter. It is recommended to leave 5-6 turns per linear meter.
  4. Fastening barbed wire. Using staples and pliers, Egoza is attached to the tensioned wire and brackets.

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