Welding inverter for home: rating of the best in 2021-2022 according to owner reviews. Which company should you choose?

The best inexpensive welding inverters

Inexpensive inverters are primarily amateur-level equipment designed for welding parts for non-essential purposes in a private home or cottage. As a rule, such devices have a minimal set of functions, low power and, accordingly, a low welding current characteristic.

5 Eurolux IWM-190

Eurolux IWM-190

There is always a use for electric arc welding skills at home, so the desire to learn them is quite reasonable. The first step towards its implementation is the purchase of a welding machine, preferably affordable, easy to set up and unpretentious to working conditions. The IWM-190 unit fully meets these requirements. On the farm, they can weld almost anything - from a fence to a car body; the device supports 220V and connects to a household power supply.

For an entry-level welder to master it and lay a more or less even seam, he will need a maximum of 1 hour, and then it’s a matter of practice. More experienced users point out a drawback - short cords for the electrode and ground, but they themselves make the reservation that this is rather a compliance with the laws of electrical engineering. In general, even professional welders conclude that for a home, cottage and garage there is no better option at this price.


  • super light – 3 kg;
  • metal case;
  • low price;
  • large switch key.


  • "toy" appearance.

4 Wester MINI 220T

Wester MINI 220T

This device has a lot of advantages: it is very compact (the height is the size of a smartphone), and therefore convenient for storage and transportation, it can easily weld sheets of metal up to 10 mm thick, it can cope with the most popular diameters (from 1.6 to 5 mm) of electrodes, it “can” automatically stabilizes the voltage and is capable of adjusting to welding current from 30 to 220A with an accuracy of 1A. A wider range of adjustments – from 250A – are available in semi-professional models, which cost accordingly and are not always appropriate for use at home.

Despite the fact that the inverter is designed for MMA welding, the weld is of high quality, “for centuries.” From the feedback from the owners, working with it is a pleasure; the “Anti-stick” and “Hot Start” functions are very helpful. The design provides protection against overheating, against scale getting inside the body and metal splashes on the operator’s clothing. They also took care of the convenience of the operator: the specified settings are displayed on the LCD screen, two LED indicators indicate the status of the device, and there is a shoulder strap for carrying it. Almost every review confirms that the assembly was made carefully and from high-quality materials.


  • digital current indication;
  • "five" welding;
  • the best recommendations from professional welders.


  • unreliable mass clamp.

3 FUBAG IR 200


If such an indicator as the weight of the welding machine is extremely important for you, then we definitely recommend paying attention to the model of German origin (manufactured, however, in China) FUBAG IR 200. The weight of this inverter is only 3.8 kg, and the width is only 12 cm! This is one of the best (if not the best) indicator among modern inverters of this power. And the welding current strength of FUBAG IR 200, meanwhile, is 200 A, which indicates sufficient welding efficiency for repair and country needs. The device can be freely placed in the trunk of a car, welding can be performed without actually releasing the device from the “shoulder”. Lightweight and compact are the main advantages of the FUBAG IR 200.

This model also has anti-stick, hot start and even arc afterburner functions. The latter function is useful for experienced welders who need automatic control of the welding current during operation. FUBAG IR 200 is very easy to use. Stable arc burning is achieved using Arc-Force technology. It makes the process of droplet transfer through the arc gap clear and uniform. The only drawback that I would like to draw attention to is that the operating time at maximum current is not the highest, only 40%. However, for many this is not a critical factor when choosing a device for “garage” needs.

2 Cedar MMA-200

Cedar MMA-200

Cedar MMA-200 is another high-quality model in our list of the best inverters. It is produced in factories in China, but is of Russian origin. It has a high efficiency of 85%, has cold start, anti-stick and thermal load protection functions. The model is low-noise, it is one of the quietest devices in our review. With Cedar MMA-200 you can do short arc welding. The fact that the device is manufactured by a Russian company is of great importance for those who are worried about warranty claims. In principle, there should be no problems with the delivery of spare parts and timely repairs.

Based on user reviews, it is clear that the Kedr inverter is most often praised for its compactness, mobility and high performance. This is one of the best options for garage and country welding. The relatively high price and low popularity of this device somewhat exaggerate the picture. However, we did not find any negative reviews about the quality of work of the Kedr MMA-200.

The domestic welding equipment market is represented by a large number of companies that have gained popularity for the excellent quality of their products. Let's get acquainted with the most prominent representatives of this caste.

Resanta. Supplier of professional welding equipment, headquartered in Latvia. Over the past ten years, the production of devices has been focused mainly on Russia and the CIS countries, where numerous branches of the company are located.

Svarog. A Russian manufacturing company whose history goes back only ten years. Despite such a “young” age, Svarog Group of Companies is a full-fledged competitor of foreign brands and is successfully winning back their share of the domestic market.

Aurora. Nominally a domestic manufacturer of welding equipment, whose production lines are located in China. It is very popular in the Russian market, largely thanks to such series as OVERMAN, SPEEDWAY, ULTIMATE, etc.

Fubag. German manufacturer of professional electrical equipment for construction and repair, whose history began more than forty years ago. Currently cooperates with leading Asian concerns: Honda, Mitsubishi, Daishin, etc.

BLUEWELD. Italian company founded in 1963. From the same year to this day, it has been one of the most important players in the welding equipment market. It supplies products to leading countries of the world, including Russia.

1 Resanta SAI-220

Resanta SAI-220

A very high-quality modern device is offered by Latvian. Total for 8000 rub. you get a welding inverter with an operating time at maximum current of 70%. That is, the device can operate for up to 7 minutes at maximum load. Most of the more expensive models are barely able to work for 6 minutes. Add to this one of the highest maximum welding current indicators in the budget class - 220 A. It is known that the higher the welding current indicator, the more productive the welding process is.

Resant SAI-220 also has such important functions as a hot start, an overheating protection system and anti-stick. The weight of the device is also one of the lowest among competitors - only 5 kg. Many users have been using Resanta SAI-220 for a long time and have no problems with breakdowns. Indeed, this is one of the best devices in terms of price and quality.

Welding inverters are among the best-selling in Russia and the CIS countries.


  • Doesn't overheat
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Power
  • Works even on low-power networks
  • Excellent value for money and quality


  • There are questions about the quality of the wires included in the kit
  • A short wire for connecting to the network. Noted by most users. However, you need to take into account the fact that any welding cable should not exceed a length of 2.5 meters.
  • There is no indication of the set current
  • It is afraid of dust, like most modern inverters.


​Photo: https://beru.ru

This welding inverter boasts not only a high maximum current of 200 amperes, which allows it to be used for welding and cutting metal with all types of electrodes with a diameter of up to 5 millimeters, but also a wide range of operating voltages. The operation of the welding machine is maintained when the voltage in the outlet drops to 150 V, which will be appreciated by garage owners and residents of rural areas. To make work easier, anti-stick, arc force and hot start functions are provided, so even a beginner can work effectively with the IR 200.

Welding machine IR 200 (MMA)


  • decent current reserve
  • operability under large voltage drops
  • modes that facilitate ignition and arcing


  • insufficient duration of continuous operation

The best welding inverters with argon arc welding

Welding inverters with argon arc welding are indispensable when working with products made of alloy and carbon steels, as well as copper and aluminum alloys. Argon is an inert protected gas that practically does not enter into chemical reactions with molten metals. Welding in this way is distinguished by high quality seams.



A dusty environment is the enemy of any inverter: small particles are quickly sucked in by the cooling fan and pollute the entire system. Drops of water and high humidity have a detrimental effect on the device. If you intend to use the welding machine in an unheated garage or in production, it is better to pay attention to models with protection class IP23. Usually these are professional-class welding machines, but in the ELITECH line there is a more affordable “semi-professional” IS 200N, which can withstand the penetration of dust and slanting rain.

Of course, this does not mean that you should weld metal in any weather (electric welding in the rain is prohibited by safety regulations), but you can count on a longer service life of the unit. In addition, it is not afraid of mains voltage drops up to 160V, since IGBT transistors are used as power switches. The durability of the device is confirmed by reviews from owners who have been using inverters of this model for several years without problems.


  • slight splashing;
  • soft arc;
  • compactness;
  • work from 160V.


  • loud fan;
  • short wires.

3 FUBAG IN 176


A decent inverter operating in MMA or TIG welding mode is offered by the German brand FUBAG. In our review of the best inverters with argon arc welding, FUBAG IN 176 has the lightest weight - only 4.5 kg and the most compact dimensions. If we compare Resanta (18 kg), FUBAG is exactly four times lighter. In terms of cost, this device also outperforms its competitors, and in comparison with the same “Resanta”, it costs the buyer half as much.

The functionality of the device, despite the relatively low price, is in no way inferior to its competitors. There are also anti-stick functions, hot start and arc force. A huge number of repair services for FUBAG tools and equipment in every major city in the Russian Federation and the CIS allow you not to worry about warranty and post-warranty service of the device.

2 Resanta SAIPA-190MF

Resanta SAIPA-190MF

Resanta SAIPA 190 MF is a welding machine for professionals. This is the most expensive inverter considered in the review. But the price in this case is justified. The device is capable of operating in two modes: gas-shielded arc welding with MIG/MAG wire and manual arc welding with disposable electrodes. Semi-automatic welding with this unit produces a high-quality, even seam, and the welding process itself takes place quickly and with a high degree of metal protection using gas.

Among the positive reviews about this device, first of all, it is worth noting its maintainability, high-quality penetration (it easily takes metal up to 10 mm at 220V), and the availability of components.

Among the disadvantages, according to user reviews, is the absence of a TIG torch in the kit, as well as short ground wires and electrode welding. Among the characteristics, the only significant drawback of the Resant SAIPA 190 MF is the weight (more than 18 kg) and dimensions of the device. But here you have to choose, either lightness and mobility (there are cheaper options for this), or high performance and functionality.

1 Svarog TECH ARC 205 B (Z203)

Svarog TECH ARC 205 B (Z203)

For welding work in a private household, garage or small car service center, a device of Russian origin - Svarog TECH ARC 205 B - is perfect. The on-time at maximum current for this inverter is 80%! This is the highest figure in our review. At maximum load, the device can work for as long as 8 minutes. It’s not for nothing that Svarog TECH is called one of the most reliable and durable inverters with argon arc welding in the budget price segment.

Among the pleasant features of the device and user reviews, it is worth highlighting the presence of a display that displays all operating parameters and helps to carry out visual control. Absolutely all users note the easy ignition of the arc, the functionality and quality of the design of the device itself. Among the argon arc welding machines under consideration, Svarog TECH has the lightest weight - 8 kg and the smallest dimensions. So, for frequent moving around objects, Svarog is perfect.

Svarog TECH ARC 205 B – the best value for money.


​Photo: https://beru.ru

Although the marking of the AIS 200 welding machine suggests that the maximum welding current here is 200 amperes, in fact the reality is a little more modest: it can only “squeeze” 180 A, and with a duty cycle of only 60%. Thus, the optimal choice for him is welding with 2-3 mm electrodes; with the “four”, planned smoke breaks will be required, if you do not try to test the safety margin of the welder in practice. As for the safety margin, here this term can be understood almost literally: in comparison with many representatives of its elitech class, the AIS 200d with a screen will seem like a real “brick”, because it weighs 8 kg - one and a half times more than many inverters with the same maximum current . Its circuit fully satisfies modern ideas about a welding inverter: arc forcing is provided, and current consumption is quite acceptable.

Welding machine AIS 200Prof (TIG, MMA)


  • reliability
  • quality cables included
  • presence of arc forcing


  • heavy weight
  • large dimensions
  • relatively low PV coefficient

The best mid-class welding inverters

Intermediate level equipment widely used by both amateur and professional welders. Unlike budget models, such inverters can have a number of additional functions, and also combine several types of welding (usually manual arc and semi-automatic).

4 Torus 250 Extra

Torus 250 Extra

Worthy competition to foreign analogues is the Torus-250 welding machine from the well-known Russian one. Its predecessor, the Torus-200 inverter, received an award at an international exhibition in 2013, and today several lines of welders for home and industrial use are produced. Among the advantages of the 250 is the ability to work with electrodes up to 3 mm from 220V, delivering an increased welding current of 250A with a duty cycle of 60%. And if the current is reduced, then the unit is ready to operate continuously (100% duty cycle), during a full work shift.

It is not surprising that the device is equally in demand by home craftsmen, as well as construction and auto repair teams, and is considered indispensable in case of frequent changes of workplace. With small dimensions (125X19X330 mm) and a weight of 5.7 kg, it welds excellently, including thick (up to 15 mm) metal, with welding electrodes with a diameter of up to 6 mm with stable arc parameters. As befits serious professional equipment, the device has a 3-year warranty and is certified by the National Welding Control Agency - when purchasing, you need to look for the NAKS marking.


  • comfortable to use for welders of all categories;
  • thoughtful design;
  • large reserve of power and current.


  • no protection for polarized transistors;
  • sensitive to moisture.



Slightly weaker in characteristics compared to the category leader, but a high-quality inverter for semi-automatic welding. Due to the lack of information about the real power, it is pointless to talk about the value of the welding current. We can only conclude that its maximum value fluctuates around 160 amperes, while the setting allows you to lower the characteristic down to 20. In terms of ergonomics, it should be noted that the inverter weighs 11.5 kilograms: however, the entire line of products from RESANT is distinguished by considerable dimensions and parameters weight.

The main disadvantage of SAIPA-165 is still the company’s poor logistics - it is very difficult to find spare parts and consumables for this device. This is the main repulsive factor for consumers who praise the design itself, but are afraid of problems after purchasing devices from a Latvian company.


  • low price;
  • good welding ability;
  • reliable “filling” that can withstand power failures.


  • There are very few consumables and spare parts on the domestic market.

2 Svarog REAL MIG 200 (N24002)

Svarog REAL MIG 200 (N24002)

A device designed for manual arc and semi-automatic welding of metal products. Very popular in Russia, mainly for its outstanding characteristics. At a not very high price, this device has a total power of 7.7 kVA - not entirely economical, but it is possible to weld thick metal. With manual arc welding, the welding current can vary from 10 to 160 A, and with semi-automatic - from 30 to 200 A. In other words, obtaining a permanent connection of thin sheet metal can only be done by manual welding, since in the MIG / MAG mode there is a possibility burn-through. Overall, this is a great inverter, the only real drawback is the lack of a standard electrode holder.


  • very powerful device;
  • possibility of welding in manual and semi-automatic mode;
  • simplicity and practicality of use;
  • possibility of changing current polarity.


  • The set does not include an electrode holder.

1 Aurora OVERMAN 180

Aurora OVERMAN 180

A semi-automatic welding machine, which is the flagship of the Aurora company. Looking at the characteristics, you can understand why users in most cases prefer this particular model. Despite the power of 4.7 kW, the device supplies a welding current of 175 amperes, which makes it possible to work with wire with a diameter of up to one millimeter.

Several convenient features certainly distinguish the OVERMAN 180 from a number of other semi-automatic inverters. The first is the ability to manually adjust the rigidity of the current-voltage characteristic depending on the type of metal being welded. Also noteworthy is the presence of a post-gas function - carbon dioxide is supplied to the sleeve for a second longer than the welding time, in order to protect the seam from oxidation and subsequent weakening.


  • high reliability of the device;
  • possibility of flexible adjustment of the welding arc;
  • presence of a post-gas system.


  • The wire feed speed is electronically controlled.

BLUEWELD Prestige 186 PRO

​Photo: https://beru.ru

This “universal”, designed for MMA and TIG welding, is quite simple (but also cheap for this class): its main mode is still working with piece electrodes; working under argon due to the minimum settings is not always convenient. So this is a welding machine for “garage craftsmen” who are either just mastering argon in addition to working with already familiar electrodes, or who need TIG welding from time to time and without high demands on the quality of the seam. The inverter is compact and quite lightweight, which is again a plus for the garage - there is usually no extra space there. It tolerates voltage drops well, although with low power this is not surprising: the welder consumes only 4 kW, developing an output current of up to 160 A at a duty cycle of 60%.

Welding machine Prestige 186 PRO (TIG, MMA)


  • build quality
  • ease of ignition and operation


  • limited TIG welding capabilities

The best welding inverters for plasma cutting

An alternative to traditional electric welding equipment, plasma cutting inverters have long left specialized production lines. Now these devices are available for everyday use, finding increasing use in everyday life. Despite the fact that plasma cutters are capable of performing welding operations, their main purpose is the process of cutting metal, the thickness of which in some cases can reach more than ten millimeters.



The achievement of Latvian production in the field of welding machines is a little weak in ergonomics, but very stable when performing cutting work. The main advantage of RESANT IPR-40 is the balance of operating parameters. The user can vary the cutting current value in the range from 15 to 40 A - the low value range is very important for the ability to cut metals with low melting points. All parameters are monitored using a pressure gauge provided on the front wall, standard for all products of this type.

But, despite all the advantages, RESANTA IPR-40 has a very significant drawback. Many consumers complain about the lack of consumables (such as nozzles and electrodes) in many Russian cities. This is an obvious problem with the company’s logistics, resulting in general indignation, and, as a result, negatively affecting the prestige of the products.


  • high quality of cut;
  • optimal balance of parameters;
  • high degree of reliability;
  • ability to regulate cutting current in the range from 15 to 40 amperes.


  • disgusting company logistics - it is very difficult to get consumables;
  • high price.

2 Aurora AIRHOLD 42

Aurora AIRHOLD 42

Aurora AIRHOLD 42 is one of the best sellers on the domestic market, a good plasma cutter not at the highest price. The main quality of this inverter lies in its assembly - its reliability is beyond doubt. The same trend applies to performance characteristics. With a power of 6.60 kVA, the AIRHOLD 42 provides a cutting current ranging from 20 to 40 A at an air pressure of 4-5 bar. The device is capable of cutting sheets up to 12 millimeters thick, which is a standard (common) value.

The weakest point of the plasma cutter is its efficiency, equal to 80%. From the point of view of the average person, this does not play too big a role, however, in terms of performance (especially in comparison with more efficient devices), the presence of additional losses will be noticeable.


  • high power (6.6 kVA);
  • economical air consumption due to directional action (80 l/min);
  • balanced performance characteristics.


  • efficiency value (80%).

1 Svarog REAL CUT 45 (L207)

Svarog REAL CUT 45 (L207)

In fact, the most inexpensive plasma cutting machine on the inverter market shows itself exclusively on the good side. Of course, nuances of use cannot be avoided, but in terms of basic indicators it more than satisfies consumers. Metal cutting occurs with high-frequency current from 20 to 45 amperes under a 4-bar air jet pressure. The maximum thickness of the cut metal is 12 millimeters - this is an acceptable value, which is found within the limitations of most competitive devices.

According to users, the most valuable qualities of the inverter are its small size, accompanying lightness and good cutting ability.


  • high level of efficiency (about 85%);
  • small dimensions and weight of eight kilograms;
  • wide range of cutting current (from 20 to 45 A);
  • attractive price.


  • not identified.


Their products will provide you with excellent results. It is ideal for working in harsh environments. Their welding inverters are reliable and equipped with air filtration systems. Of course, all this is about the products of another currently popular manufacturer ESAB .
This company was founded back in 1904 in Gothenburg (Sweden). Constant development and search for new technologies and methods in the field of welding have allowed the brand to become one of the world leaders in the category we are considering. It was the fact that they were one of the pioneers in the field of welding technology that allowed the company to achieve a high reputation and popularity. Despite the fact that in 2012 the brand became part of the Colfax Corporation, quality, as well as the manufacturer’s priorities, remained unchanged. They continue to delight users around the world with excellent, high-tech and high-quality products, the range of which includes a decent number of models.

The best premium welding inverters

Devices designed for professional welding, combining high power and accompanying characteristics (such as welding current or output voltage). It is not uncommon for three types of welding to be found in one piece of equipment: manual arc, semi-automatic and argon arc, each of which has its own adjustable parameters. It is not advisable to use such inverters for single work in a country house or at home - they are aimed primarily at workshops and small production lines.

4 Cedar MIG-300GD

Cedar MIG-300GD

“Kedr” MIG-300GD is a high-power professional-level 300A device for semi-automatic welding in shielding gases. It is characterized by convenient and simple operation, excellent quality components and performance. Welding values ​​are adjusted smoothly and over a wide range, and are accurately displayed on the digital display. Users respond positively to the inverter. The feeding mechanism is considered to be sensible, the wire, according to them, is fed smoothly, and the seam is formed neat and visually aesthetic.

For effective cooling of the device and simultaneous protection from contamination, a complex system based on the principle of tunnel ventilation is provided. This solution makes the machine unpretentious and allows it to be used in dust-generating industries. The electronic control system is responsible for quick settings for any material and thus ensures a stable welding process. In general, the inverter fully justifies its cost; it is a reliable and well-thought-out device.


  • power, productivity, resource reserve;
  • extreme clarity of settings;
  • convenient swivel wheels;
  • unpretentiousness.


  • It is not possible to change the preset mode.

3 BLUEWELD Megamig 300S

BLUEWELD Megamig 300S

The device is of a completely different caliber, representing a real welding station for professionals. As a rule, BLUEWELD Megamig 300S is purchased for workshop equipment, since in everyday life its power will be in abundance. There is no question of universality: the inverter is intended exclusively for semi-automatic welding. 11.5 kW of power produces up to 300 amperes of welding current, which makes it possible to weld large thicknesses of metal.

Actually, the main feature and, in some cases, a disadvantage is the ability to power the semiautomatic device from a three-phase network. However, the dimensions, power, and weight lend themselves to this - although the device has transport wheels, it was created more for stationary use.


  • high power (11.5 kW);
  • wide range of welding current settings (from 20 to 300 A).


  • high price;
  • It is powered only from a three-phase network.

2 Aurora SPEEDWAY 175

Aurora SPEEDWAY 175

Another bright representative of the Aurora company enjoys the reputation of one of the best universal inverters in its price category. Despite the active power of 4.8 kW, it allows you to weld using manual arc, semi-automatic and argon-arc welding with a maximum current value of 175 A. And if everything is more or less clear with the peak current, then it is quite difficult to understand its minimum values. Welding of thin sheet metal (from 0.8 mm) at a minimum (10 A) can only be done using the argon arc method, since the minimum manual welding method is limited to 20 A, which can lead to the notorious burn-through.

While there are usually no problems with ergonomics, it can be quite difficult for users to figure out TIG (argon arc welding). Otherwise, there are rare isolated complaints, which, as a rule, are of a purely subjective nature.


  • versatility and multifunctionality;
  • the presence of post-gas supplied for three seconds after welding.


  • difficulties in mastering argon arc welding.


It is clear that all of the welding inverter manufacturers on this list offer high quality products. However, when you come across German brands, one of which is EWM , you understand this a little differently.
In this case, the phrase “German quality” takes on physical shape, and the welding equipment of this manufacturer really differs, especially in its increased efficiency. They provide everything for high-quality and reliable welding, offering economical resource consumption and environmental safety. Of course, your preferred welding method will not play a role in limiting your choice, since the range of equipment offered will most likely exceed all your expectations. High-quality, effective, reliable and safe brand products have long been loved by a large number of users.


Like some manufacturers on this list, the Latvian company RESANTA began its creative journey in 1993, which was a little more difficult for them than for the Chinese, after all, the collapse of the Soviet Union.
And yet, having established the production of voltage stabilizers at that moment, they continued to grow and develop, which allows them to be today one of the major manufacturers of welding equipment, popular not only in Russia and the CIS, but also in the European Union. Having won a wide audience, the brand continues to develop and provide new interesting solutions, which have more than once allowed it to take prizes at international exhibitions. Naturally, as with other products from popular brands, they have a lot of positive user reviews, who continually note how high the performance of a certain model is, what convenient dimensions they have, and, of course, consistently good build quality.


Modern manufacturers of welding equipment represented on the Moscow market can be divided into three segments: standard, optimal and premium (there is also economy, but this segment is not considered within the scope of this article):

  • The standard ones include devices made in China: FoxWeld, Fubag and Svarog. BRIMA is also a representative of this segment, but due to the emerging trend towards deterioration in quality, it may in the near future move to a lower category.
  • The optimal ones include Russian-made devices: NEON and FORSAZH.
  • For premium – European technology: ESAB, KEMPPI and EWM.

Of course, equipment from other manufacturers is also presented in Moscow. We have named only those who have proven themselves well in domestic conditions and, in our opinion, deserve attention. For other regions, the list of manufacturers may look different.

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Second place was taken by the manufacturer Interskol , which is none other than the leader among power tools in the domestic segment of the modern market.
The most remarkable thing here is that in a rather short period of existence for such a company, it has achieved success comparable to competitors who have overcome a much longer and thorny path. For clarity, it is worth noting that Interskol has been on the market for only 15 years. The high quality of its products can be evidenced by statistics numbering more than 40 million units of products sold and the lowest return percentage for all these years. It is also confirmed by a two-year guarantee that applies to all the company’s offerings. And the overall picture is complemented by a wide range and affordable prices, which are more than justified. So, if you still decide to look for a welding inverter, you should take this manufacturer into account.

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