How to choose a welding helmet: their types and important characteristics, what to look for when choosing, rating

Welding work in a gas-filled and dusty environment, in confined spaces with limited volume, requires an individual respiration system. For this purpose, a welding mask with air supply is used. This device provides comprehensive protection during work.

  • the sealed housing isolates the access of contaminated air to the respiratory organs,
  • the cleaning unit and the blower operate on the principle of a respirator, the required level of air exchange is maintained,
  • the screen protects the face from the high temperature and chemical effects of molten metal,
  • The light filter protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation from the electric arc.

Welding mask with air supply

Industrial masks are additionally equipped with alarming sound and light signals that notify:

  • about the discharge of the battery connected to the supercharger,
  • insufficient degree of purification by the air mixture filter.

Creating a layout for cutting

For the layout I used a piece from an old cardboard box measuring 400x400 mm. External dimensions and other details of the mask are visible in the photograph. The shaded areas will be removed.

A protective mask made of cardboard can ignite from sparks during welding. Do not use it or analogues made of flammable materials when working.

Homemade welder's mask. I'm thinking of doing it

Homemade welder's mask.
I'm thinking of making one. Has anyone made a homemade mask? I was thinking about making a homemade welder’s mask. There is a chameleon filter, and there is electric cardboard. yellow (natural color, not dyed). what I want from a mask: 1. that it fits the shape of my face, that is, much smaller than the standard one that I have. (chamelion) 2. I would like to be able to make a sliding filter so that I don’t have to take off the mask when I want to look properly. p2. can be implemented using magnetic plates. Friends have attached a magnetic plate 1-2 mm thick to their refrigerators. with some kind of advertisement. So, if you place a steel plate on the mask, and attach such a sheet magnet to the filter (figuratively, the design may be different), then it will be easy to remove and install. and most importantly it should turn out tight. but you can also make a sled. Maybe there are some other ideas on how to make a homemade welder’s mask. I'm thinking of doing mygolf (today, 20:00) wrote:

1. so that it matches the shape of the face,

If the issue of breathing is not important, why not do it...

mygolf (today, 20:00) wrote:

2. I would like it to be possible to make a sliding filter

A sliding one will be inconvenient, make a folding filter Homemade welder's mask. I think I tried to make it out of linoleum - I bought an inverter, there was a filter for a mask lying around at home, but there was no way to buy the mask itself. I riveted a similar one from linoleum, installed a filter and got electroophthalmia!!!! It turns out that ultraviolet light passes unhindered through many thin materials. Therefore, I would not advise risking your eyes - the cheapest masks I saw cost 35 rubles - so you can modify them as much as you want. As for the yellow electrical cardboard, I very much doubt that this is really electrical cardboard for masks, which is dark by definition... Homemade welder’s mask. I'm thinking of doing it

mygolf (today, 20:00) wrote:

1. so that it matches the shape of the face,

Here is the topic Homemade welder’s mask. I'm thinking of doing it

TRRRaktor (today, 21:15) wrote:

I tried to make it out of linoleum - I bought an inverter, there was a filter for a mask lying around at home, but there was no way to buy the mask itself.:( I riveted a similar one from linoleum, installed a filter and got electroophthalmia!!!! It turns out that ultraviolet light passes unhindered through many thin materials. Therefore, I would not advise risking your eyes - the cheapest masks I saw cost 35 rubles - so you can modify them as much as you want. Regarding the yellow electrical cardboard, I very much doubt that this is really electrical cardboard for masks, which is dark by definition... I really sympathize with you, I’m afraid for my eyes. By the way, if the mask is not tight, then ultraviolet radiation is reflected from clothing and surrounding objects, especially if you cook the car while lying on the ground. or there is a wall behind you. linoleum, if you look in the sun, usually shines through. It's a shame you didn't know it was loose. I recently bought a mask made of electric cardboard, painted with regular or unusual paint. That’s why I came up with the idea about electric cardboard. branded cardboard, Soviet, that is on old masks. differs in thickness and texture.

desti (today, 20:27) wrote:

mygolf (today, 20:00): 1. what would it be according to the shape of the face, If the issue of breathing is not fundamental, why not do it.. mygolf (today, 20:00): 2. I would like to see what could be done sliding light filter A sliding one will be inconvenient, they make a folding filter, but it won’t fit well, it will turn out to be a folding standard one. I wanted to use it + but the ones I saw, including in your picture, are much smaller in size than the chameleon’s filter, and even with sensors and adjustment.

Post edited by mygolf: 26 September 2010 — 21:56

Homemade welder's mask. I'm thinking of doing it

I always wanted to have one of the available masks that was easy to transport, folding and unfolding. For field work.

Homemade welder's mask. I’m thinking of making it Once in the early nineties, I also made a homemade mask for working with a homemade apparatus. The mask was made from tin. There is no need to talk about any advantages of the design, but I worked with it for a couple of years. Homemade welder’s mask. I’m thinking of making one. Like Desti already posted - the best welding mask)

Attached images

Homemade welder's mask.
I'm thinking of making Kremator, Kremator (today, 20:40) wrote:

I think Desti already posted it - the best welding helmet)

I posted this mask. I once analyzed the best option for a welding helmet - I came up with the idea that you need to take an infantry gas mask for nuclear war and put a tank helmet on it. I made my first mask based on a tank helmet. I just couldn’t find a gas mask with such glasses. I made do by sticking a Soviet mask made from electrical cardboard to the helmet. Homemade welder's mask. I'm thinking of doing it

Gideon (yesterday, 21:07) wrote:

I'm sorry

There is another interesting picture from the Internet on the same topic:

Attached images

Forming corners

After removing unnecessary parts of the cardboard, I create four overlays. They will be used to glue the parts together:

  • I form the contours of the mask, the corners of which will be held in place by the overlays.
  • First, I grab the parts with pieces of tape.
  • Then I glue the parts together using a hot gun.
  • I look at a bright light (desk lamp) to check that there is no lamp light coming through the connections.

Installing glass

I purchased tinted glass for welding work at a local store. Its shade number is 10. It only costs a couple of dollars.

  • I determine the location of its installation inside the mask - I outline it with a marker.
  • Then I cut a hole for it.
  • To prevent the glass from falling out, I make two cardboard frames for it.
  • I place the glass itself inside the frame and glue it into the mask.
  • I also check in bright light to make sure no light penetrates inside through the cracks.

How to choose a mask with an air supply system

Manufacturers offer more than 80 types of blower masks used for welding work in hazardous conditions.

They are divided according to the degree of air purification, blowers, and electrical supply elements. Models Airtek, Monsoon 200, Optrel have the maximum degree of purification and are equipped with a turbo unit. Monsoon 1000 filters operate with lower efficiency and provide P2 protection level.

Welding mask with air filtration system Monsoon 200

The filter size varies from 90x32 to 110x93. If the welding zone is visible, a small window is sufficient. For work near walls, on ceilings, in closed containers, it is better to choose a mask with a large view, in this case the load on the neck is reduced.

The degree of darkening of the filters varies from 2 to 5 units, the marking corresponds to this indicator. Fifth filters are used in good light conditions, for street work. The premises need No. 3 and No. 4. In poorly lit spaces, it is more convenient to work with the second degree of darkening of the filter. “Chameleons” are marked differently: from 5 to 15 DIN. Masks with liquid crystal windows are additionally equipped with a power supply system and sensors.

Making a wooden handle

The handle is made of ordinary wooden beam:

  • On one side I cut it at an angle, and on the other side I trimmed it with a knife to give the handle a round shape that is comfortable to hold in the hand.
  • Then I glued the handle to the mask using hot glue.
  • From the inside of the mask I put a piece of thin plywood and use a self-tapping screw to additionally secure the handle.

The yellow arrow points to the hole in the handle, which is intended for hanging the mask on a nail in the wall.

DIY welding mask

Every professional welder or DIYer who has to deal with this type of work knows how important it is to provide personal protection. For example, using a high-quality and comfortable protective mask will greatly simplify the task. It is worth noting that the use of a standard sample is not always possible, because the anthropometric data of each person is individual, so knowing how to make a welding mask with your own hands is worth it for everyone who is engaged in this difficult but important work.

Table of contents

General description and features

To begin with, it is necessary to say a few words regarding general definitions. So, a welding mask is a special device designed to protect the eyesight and skin of the face from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation emitted during the welding process. In addition, during work, the surfaces of the elements being welded are heated to high temperatures, which causes melting of part of the metal. This leads to the formation of harmful fumes, which should also be shielded by the mask.

The nuances of using this protective equipment determine some of the features of its manufacture. For example, the material from which the mask is assembled should not transmit ultraviolet radiation. When making this element of equipment yourself, this point must be taken into account, since some materials, for example, linoleum, which can be considered as a material suitable for the task, transmit ultraviolet radiation. Failure to comply with this condition may result in injury, so it must be taken into account.

Types of welding helmets

To fully consider the issue, it is necessary to determine possible options for manufacturing welding helmets. Based on the manufacturing features and materials used, several types of welding helmets can be distinguished.

  • Welding shield.
    This is the simplest type of protective device, which consists of a mask with an installed light filter and a handle for holding. This option is optimal for home use, as it allows you to quickly remove the shield from your face and put it back, which is quite convenient. However, this mask is not suitable for intensive use, because it limits movement and has insufficient functionality for professional use. The main advantage of such a mask is its affordable price and prevalence. Welding shield
  • Standard mask. It is also a fairly common option for manufacturing this protective device. The main difference between such a mask is the presence in the design of a special fastener, which is put on the head and serves to hold the mask in a certain position. Such masks are more expensive than shields and provide greater freedom of action, as they allow you to raise and lower the mask itself. This significantly improves the overall usability of the mask. The disadvantage of this type of design is that when the mask is raised, the face remains completely open, which is not very good from a safety point of view.
  • Mask with a folding light filter. This type of protective mask is a logical continuation of the previous manufacturing option. The main structural difference is the presence of a folding light filter, which allows you to begin carrying out tasks related to welding work. The point is that such a mask does not allow you to raise the entire mask, as in the standard version, but only the light filter. As a result, the face remains protected and you can immediately begin cleaning the slag from the weld seam.
  • Mask for specialized tasks. This type of welder protective equipment is the rarest and is used to solve highly specialized problems. The main difference between such a mask is that its design includes a special filtration or air supply system. This allows you to work with hazardous materials containing, for example, manganese or chromium. Here we can also mention helmets with an air supply system, which are used when working underwater. The structural complexity of such devices entails their significant increase in cost, although, based on the specifics of the application, their private use is inappropriate.

Chameleon mask

A separate category includes welding helmets with installed chameleon filters. Their main difference from other manufacturing options is the use of special light filters that can automatically change a number of their operational parameters from the degree of darkness to the interval for switching operating modes.

This filter consists of a protective film, LCD glass and a direct protective filter that screens ultraviolet and infrared radiation. An automatic control element is supplied with it, with the help of which all necessary adjustments are made. This also includes an arc detection element and a solar panel needed to power the filter. Such filters are more expensive than conventional ones, but provide good protection, while saving time, which means they have a positive effect on overall labor productivity.

The choice of a specific option for manufacturing a welding mask should be made based on the specifics of the intended tasks. Naturally, it is not advisable to purchase an expensive mask if you are going to use it only from time to time. As for making it yourself, it’s simply not possible to assemble the most complex types of masks with your own hands.

Light filters for welding helmet

Depending on the specifics of the work performed, light filters for welding helmets can be divided into several categories. They will differ in the degree of filter throughput, and in the case of using a “chameleon” in the quality of workmanship. You can determine the degree of darkening of Russian-made filters by the markings applied. Thus, there are safety glasses on the market from C-3 to C-8 (or in DIN: from 8 to 13).

Darkness level of welding filters

You can clearly observe the differences in manufacturing options simply by looking at a regular light bulb. If the element is slightly darkened, the filament will be clearly visible, but the maximum level of protection will practically hide it from view.

If you have to carry out welding work on an ongoing basis, or if you want to be as safe as possible when using the device as an amateur, then you should turn to professional equipment. The modern market is able to offer many ready-made options. It is important to take into account that the price of such protective devices will be quite high. In this regard, the idea of ​​making your own welding helmet comes to mind.

It is important to understand that the main problem in solving such a problem will be finding the necessary material. The bottom line is that ultraviolet and infrared radiation can penetrate even seemingly dense materials. In this regard, the best solution in such a situation would be to modernize the finished mask. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. You need to purchase the simplest welding helmet. The price on the construction market here will fluctuate around several hundred rubles, and on foreign sites it may be even less. In this case, you should pay attention only to the overall quality of workmanship and the materials used.
  2. Next, you need to dismantle the standard protective filter. As a rule, this means that a special latch is pulled out and the glass can be removed freely.
  3. After this, a chameleon filter is installed. You can purchase it both in simple construction equipment stores and on foreign Internet sites. Installing the filter is simple - you just need to secure it with a few mounting bolts.

Using the manipulations listed above, you can assemble a fully functional protective chameleon mask, which will not be inferior to the factory versions. At the same time, the cost savings will be quite significant, especially if you purchase components abroad, in any Chinese online store. This is exactly what most retailers on the market do, they simply put their logos on the assemblies.

DIY welding mask with air supply

During the welding process, not only ultraviolet and infrared radiation are released, but also harmful gases that rise upward, getting under the mask and then into the lungs. This phenomenon is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health. The way out of this situation is to purchase a professional protective mask equipped with forced air supply. This type of protection can greatly simplify the task, but it is quite expensive. You can save money if you make such a mask yourself.

  1. You need to take a simple welding mask. If necessary, it can be upgraded according to the above scheme.
  2. Next, the air supply system is mounted and secured. It can be made from simple polypropylene pipes with a diameter of about 2 cm. Pieces of pipes are soldered together through appropriate adapters. The result should be a structure resembling an oval.
  3. A piece of tube is soldered into its upper part, the end of which is left uncovered. Next, air will be supplied through it.
  4. A series of holes are drilled in the tubes along the perimeter, from which the pressure blower will subsequently blow out external gases.
  5. The frame of the future air supply system is fixed to the inner surface of the mask.
  6. Next, a pump is made to supply air. It can be made from the same polypropylene pipes, but with a larger diameter.
  7. A plug is installed at one end of the pipe section into which a filter from any gas mask is screwed.
  8. A fan (computer cooler) is mounted inside the pipe and blows air.
  9. Next, the cooler can be connected to the battery.
  10. The second end of the pipe is closed with a plug into which an adapter for a corrugated tube is screwed in (you can take a corrugated pipe for laying electrical wiring).
    Wires inside a corrugated pipe
  11. The tube is connected to the structure inside the mask and an improvised air supply is ready.

If you show due attention to detail and some ingenuity, you can end up with a pretty good version of a welding helmet with forced air supply.


You can watch a more complete and detailed video on how to make a welding helmet with air supply with your own hands.

DIY drawings on a welding helmet

The desire to decorate your working tool is inherent in all professionals. This will not only allow you to realize your creativity, but will also highlight an individual element of protection, which means no one will use it “by mistake.”

For example, you can apply some kind of colorful design to a welding mask. To do this, you just need to find a suitable picture and, after transferring it to paper, make a stencil. Next, the design is applied using a can of paint.

If it is possible to use a spray gun, then the task is greatly simplified. As you gain experience, you can try to apply more and more complex multi-layer designs.


You can watch the video on how to make a design on a welding helmet with your own hands.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that personal protective equipment should never be neglected, and especially when it concerns a risk to vision, as is the case with a welding helmet. It is not always possible to purchase an expensive professional sample, but with the help of simple manipulations, you can significantly improve the simplest manufacturing option, which will allow you to achieve a significant improvement in performance characteristics, and therefore greater health protection. By the way, assembly, modification and external tuning of welding helmets can also be considered as a business idea that can also generate income. How to use this idea is up to you.

tools Paint Material welding welding mask DIY

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