Steel 12Х18Н12Т corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant, heat-resistant austenitic class

The steel from which the knife is made determines its main characteristics - strength, wear resistance, and anti-corrosion qualities. Depending on a number of ingredients added to the carbon-iron alloy, as well as the degree of hardening and heat treatment, we obtain a certain grade of steel for hunting, kitchen, and utility knives. These factors also determine how long the knife will remain sharp, its resistance to various deformations, as well as blade breakage. The brand that is closest to high performance in all characteristics will be the best, but not always the most expensive.

The best steel grades for knives

The best steel grades for knives
Depending on the percentage of carbon in the alloy, steel is divided into three types: high-carbon, medium-carbon, low-carbon. If the alloy contains other chemical elements, it is called alloyed. If the percentage of alloying elements that change its properties is from 10 to 50, the steel is highly alloyed. Since when chemical elements are added to a steel alloy, its composition can change, this suggests that while some qualities of steel increase, others may not change for the better. Therefore, it is difficult to say unequivocally which steel grade is the best. Rather, the best characteristics of a knife depend on the quality of the heat treatment of the blade, the technology of which varies among different manufacturers.

The best materials for making knives over a long period of time remain damask steel and damascus. The highest grades of this steel have a complex smelting technology, and the quality of the blade and its exceptional sharpness, elasticity and strength also largely depend on the correctly chosen heat treatment mode, the thoroughness of grinding and polishing. Of the numerous varieties of modern steel, only Swedish steel SRM-T-440S can compete with Damascus and damask steel. It is made using powder metallurgy, and its wear resistance is several tens of times greater than the 440C grade. But the complexity of manufacturing this material makes its cost very high.

Definition and purpose of files

This name is given to a large group of tools designed to work with metal. When producing them, GOST must be taken into account. Among the features we note the following:

  1. The working part is represented by a metal part with notches. In this case, the form may differ significantly.
  2. A metal rod is attached to the handle.

Due to the notches during the reciprocating movement, metal processing occurs, chips are formed, which are then removed.

Steel grades for knives: decoding

Steel grades for knives: explanation
Alloy steel has serious advantages over ordinary carbon steel, since strength, wear resistance, hardness and toughness depend on elements such as molybdenum, chromium, vanadium, nickel, silicon, tungsten, manganese. The addition of molybdenum simultaneously increases strength and toughness, and the high chromium content improves the cutting properties of the blade, increasing hardness, wear resistance, and also giving the steel anti-corrosion properties.

In order to understand the types, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of steel grades for knives:

  1. Russian stamps
  • 65Х13

    Steel grades for knives

The most common brand for mass production of knives. Alloying with chromium gives this steel grade high levels of anti-corrosion, resistance to oxidation and external factors. In addition, it is low in cost and can be sharpened quickly.

  • 50Х14МФ

    Steel grades for knives

A universal brand, similar in characteristics to those described above, but capable of corrosion during prolonged contact with water. With a high level of quality heat treatment, this steel produces hard and durable knives that hold an edge for a long time.

  • 9ХС

A grade of alloy steel used to make tools and bladed weapons. It is used to produce parts that are subject to heavy loads and which must have increased wear resistance and bending strength: these are drills, reamers, cutters, taps, etc.

  • 95Х18

High alloy steel with high hardness and good cutting edge properties. Designed for the manufacture of products with high strength and wear resistance. One of the best domestic steel brands.

  • 40Х12

Mild steel used only for making kitchen or gift knives. Subject to deformation and often requires sharpening. It is a good option for the kitchen because it does not rust and can be easily repaired with musat, but the material is not used for other uses.

  • 45Х13

    Steel grades for knives

Good corrosion resistance, the material is easy to process. Used for making household and travel knives.

  • X12MF

Types of notches on the surface of the tool

Based on the nature of the notches, it is customary to speak of a single or double design.

Single execution is more common with rough instruments. Here the tooth has a long cutting edge. Its length corresponds to the width of the file. To make it easier to penetrate into the thickness of the metal being processed, the notch is made inclined at an angle of 25⁰. The result is cutting with some displacement. It makes it easier to penetrate deeper into the part. The effort is slightly reduced.

The double design of the notches is made at an angle to each other. The second cut is made at an angle of 45⁰. Now the cutting teeth are limited in length. Where the lines intersect, places where chips break are formed. Consequently, such files require less physical effort during operation (no need to waste effort on twisting long shavings).

Steel grades for hunting knives

Steel grades for hunting knives
For hand forging a hunting blade, a good option would be to choose the 9XC grade. A knife made of this steel will have good cutting qualities and will also hold an edge perfectly. Steel 95X18 perfectly combines high quality and affordable price, has high strength and hardness, but because of this the blade is difficult to sharpen. The X12MF grade will allow you to create a very durable, wear-resistant hunting blade, provided that it is carefully cared for. Based on this brand, many domestic manufacturers produce damask steel, which indicates the quality characteristics of this brand.

Damascus knives are an excellent option for hunting or hiking. Damascus is very durable and resistant to corrosion. Thanks to the high carbon content of Damascus, the blade is very sharp, but also fragile enough to do household work.

The domestic brand 65G is suitable for making a hunting knife, the purpose of which is not cutting, but chopping. It has excellent viscosity, but should be protected from moisture, because metal is susceptible to corrosion.

Purpose of files

A file is a universal-purpose hand tool capable of cutting off a thin layer from the surface of the material being processed with one forward movement. It can be used to solve many different problems:

  1. Clean parts and workpieces from rust and other types of corrosion.
  2. Remove a layer of dirt or paint.
  3. Turn the part until the required size is obtained.
  4. Sharpen other tools used in everyday work.
  5. Clean electrical contacts in electrical equipment systems.
  6. Grind and polish the surface of metal and other materials.

This file is not suitable for manicure

I remember this well from my school years, when we took plumbing. We were given details and tasks. It was necessary to bring the workpieces to a certain size, using measuring instruments to find out how much the part should “lose weight”. And most importantly, name and choose the instrument correctly. One girl was skipping work and came and didn’t understand anything. The teacher asked her if she lost her manicure set, could she use a file? She answered: “Yes,” he said: “Well, try it,” and he gave her the largest file, half a meter long, she could barely hold it in her hands.

Every craftsman knows perfectly well the whole range of these simple, one might say old-fashioned, but necessary tools - files. They are especially often used when working with metal, in the garage or country house, or when renovating an apartment. Fitting parts to size, removing rust, scale, burrs, and finally grinding to a mirror finish - we perform all these operations using files.


Description of mechanical symbols

sT|s0.2Yield strength or proportional limit with tolerance for permanent deformation - 0.2%
σBShort-term strength limit
d5Elongation after break
d4Elongation after break
yRelative narrowing
kJ/m2Impact strength

Heat treatment of D2 steel

The production of D2 steel begins with the electroslag remelting (ESR) method. The hot alloy is passed through a special flux. This way harmful impurities are removed. Further steel production continues through heat treatment.

D2 steel blanks.

During hardening, it is important to ensure uniform heating of the entire mass of metal. A short delay is enough for this. The process is carried out in an oxidizing environment, which ensures decarburization of the surface layer of the workpiece. It is removed during mechanical processing.

Conventional heat treatment is carried out as follows:

  • The initial hardness of steel is achieved when hardened at 1000-1010 °C. Exposure at temperature is carried out for 5-7 minutes;
  • tempering is carried out at 175-200 °C, holding for 2 hours.

This achieves an alloy hardness of 61-61 HRC. When making special knives for certain dynamic loads, the steel hardening mode changes:

  • the workpiece is heated to 1020-1040 °C and hardened;
  • tempering is carried out within two hours at 310-340 °C.

physical characteristics

TemperatureE, GPaG, GPar, kg/m3l, W/(m °С)R, NOM ma, 10-6 1/°СC, J/(kg °C)

DIY file handles

Real craftsmen equip their existing tools with handles made by themselves. With the advent of plastics, there was a wider choice of materials for homemade products.

If you have a lathe, then the handle can be turned from hardwood: walnut, birch, ash. There are quite a lot of drawings on the Internet, using which a suitable handle is made.

Some craftsmen use epoxy resin to make unusual handles.

  • First, possible porous materials that can be impregnated with epoxy resin are selected. Most often, fabrics of different colors are used. Micarta is created - a multi-layer fabric impregnated with epoxy.
  • They are placed in the desired sequence.
  • The epoxy resin is diluted according to the attached recipe.
  • Wet each layer.
  • Lay in the chosen sequence and place under a press.
  • After polymerization is completed, a new material is formed - micarta.
  • A file handle is made from micarta.

Video: “Cuban” files.

Chemical composition

TU 14-1-1529-2003≤0.12≤0.02≤0.0351-217-19≤0.811-13Remainder≤0.3≤0.2≤0.5≤0.2
TU 14-3R-55-2001≤0.12≤0.015≤0.031-217-19≤0.811-13Remainder≤0.3
GOST 5632-72≤0.12≤0.02≤0.035≤217-19≤0.811-13Remainder≤0.4≤0.2≤0.5≤0.2
TU 14-158-137-2003≤0.12≤0.02≤0.035≤217-19≤0.811-13Remainder
TU 14-3-460-2003≤0.12≤0.025≤0.0351-217-19≤0.811-13Remainder≤0.3≤0.2≤0.5≤0.2

Fe is the basis. According to GOST 5632-72, TU 14-1-1529-2003 and RD 9257-76 Ti content % = 5С% - 0.7%. For aircraft parts, Mo content % ≤ 0.30%. According to TU 14-1-1529-2003, the mass fraction of residual elements: tungsten, vanadium, molybdenum must comply with the requirements of GOST 5632. For steel 12Х18Н12Т-Ш, the sulfur content should be ≤ 0.15%, the phosphorus content ≤ 0.30%. According to TU 14-3-460-2003 Ti content % = 5·(C-0.2) % - 0.7%. The mass fraction of residual elements: tungsten, vanadium, molybdenum must comply with the requirements of GOST 5632. According to TU 14-158-137-2003, the content of Ti% = 5C% is 0.7%. It is allowed to introduce cerium and other rare earth metals at a rate of 0.2-0.3%, which are not determined by chemical analysis. According to TU 14-3R-55-2001, the technological addition of rare earth elements is allowed to improve the quality of the metal. The content of residual elements is in accordance with GOST 5632. The content of Ti% = 5·(C-0.02)% - 0.7%.

Historical reference

Historically, the alloy belongs to the group of high-carbon and high-chromium steels. Such steel began to be produced back in 1821 in America. The first patent for the alloy was received by Julius Baurum in 1865 in New York. But the use of steel was not found for 70 years.

The problem was forging the metal. During this process, many cracks appeared in the steel structure. And only over time, people learned to process metal correctly. It was not until 1928 that the first patent was issued for a composition that was very close to D2 steel.

And already in 1934, steel was produced with the composition: 1.55% C (carbon), 12% Cr (chromium), 0.25% V (vanadium) and 0.8% Mo (molybdenum). Where alloying impurities improved the characteristics of the alloy when hardening the product. D2 steel gained real popularity during World War II.

It was used on stamping lines. The parts of military aircraft and cars came off the assembly line. It was also used for cutting simpler alloys. In peacetime, knife makers liked steel. Today blades of various directions are made from it.


Long and shaped rolled productsB22GOST 1133-71, GOST 2590-2006, GOST 2591-2006, GOST 2879-2006
Test methods. Package. Marking B09GOST 11878-66
Sheets and stripsB23GOST 19903-74, GOST 19904-90, GOST 103-2006, GOST 19903-90
Sheets and stripsB33GOST 4405-75, GOST 7350-77
Classification, nomenclature and general normsB30GOST 5632-72
Long and shaped rolled productsB32GOST 5949-75, GOST 7417-75, GOST 8559-75, GOST 8560-78, GOST 14955-77, TU 14-11-245-88, TU 14-1-1529-2003
Steel pipes and connecting parts for themB62GOST 9940-81, GOST 9941-81, GOST 14162-79, TU 14-159-165-87, TU 14-3-1109-82, TU 14-158-135-2003, TU 14-3-460-2009 , TU 14-3Р-110-2009, TU 14-3Р-55-2001, TU 14-158-137-2003, TU 14-3-460-2003, TU 14-3-1654-89
Blanks. Blanks. Slabs B31OST 3-1686-90, OST 95-29-72, TU 108-938-80, TU 14-1-1214-75, TU 14-1-565-84
Welding and cutting of metals. Soldering, riveting B05OST 95 10441-2002
Castings from non-ferrous metals and alloysB84RD 9257-76
Thermal and thermochemical processing of metalsB04STP 26.260.484-2004


In many countries, a little later than in America, alloys similar in composition and characteristics to D2 steel began to appear. Russia also did not stand aside. The alloys are practically no different from the original sample. And sometimes they surpass it in some indicators. List of analogues:

  • X155CrMo12 – analogue of D2 steel in Germany;
  • 2379 – steel marking, according to the European designation system;
  • SLD – Japanese equivalent;
  • SKD-11 – steel marking in Sweden;
  • X12MF is an analogue of steel in Russia.

Comparison of steel with analogues

D2 steel is often compared to Russian-made tool steel X12MF. They are as similar as possible to each other. Functional and production aspects are quite similar. But the controversy surrounding this comparison continues.

No one can give an exact answer as to which steel is better. There are also analogues of D2 steel. These are the following varieties: AUS-8, K110 and 440C. In practice, no one undertakes to compare them. The only thing to consider when purchasing a knife is its cost.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mmsТ|s0.2, MPaσB, MPad5, %d4y, %kJ/m2, kJ/m2Brinell hardness, MPa
Small-sized tubes (capillary) heat-treated or cold-worked as delivered according to GOST 14162-79
Blanks (forgings and stampings) according to OST 95-29-72 in delivery condition: Austenization at 1020-1100 °C, cooling in water or air
Long products. Hardening in air from 1050-1100 °C
Blanks (forgings and stampings) according to OST 95-29-72 in delivery condition: Austenization at 1020-1100 °C, cooling in water or air
Long products. Hardening in air from 1050-1100 °C
Hot rolled sheets (4.0-50.0 mm) and cold rolled sheets (4.0-5.0 mm) according to GOST 7350-77. Hardening in water or air from 1030-1080 °C
Long products. Hardening in air from 1050-1100 °C
Sheet metal. Hardening in water or air from 1050-1080 °C
Long products. Hardening in air from 1050-1100 °C
Hot-rolled and forged long products according to GOST 5949-75. Quenching in air, oil or water from 1020-1100 °C
Long products. Hardening in air from 1050-1100 °C
Hot-rolled and forged long products according to STP 26.260.484-2004. Hardening in water or air from 1000-1080 °C
Long products. Hardening in air from 1050-1100 °C
Pipe blank + Hot-deformed pipes (Dн=57-465 mm) according to TU 14-3-460-2003. Austenization from 1000-1200 °C, cooling in air or water (longitudinal sample)
Seamless hot-deformed pipes as delivered in accordance with GOST 9940-81
Seamless pipes for steam boilers and pipelines according to TU 14-3R-55-2001. Austenization at 1100-1200 °C, cooling in air or water
Hot-rolled seamless pipes. Without heat treatment (wall thickness indicated, longitudinal sample)
Cold- and heat-deformed seamless pipes, cold- and heat-deformed pipes of improved quality. Quenching in water or in air from 1030-1080 °C (wall thickness indicated, longitudinal sample)
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