Equipment for casting aluminum at home

Making molds for aluminum casting stages and manufacturing process

Aluminum is a fairly cheap metal and at the same time has remarkable performance characteristics. Therefore, aluminum products are in great demand. The main method of manufacturing aluminum parts is metal injection molding.

Casting requires molds into which liquid metal will be poured. When performing aluminum injection molding, you can very quickly produce a large number of aluminum parts using a single mold, which is impossible to do using other casting methods.

Moscow Foundry LLC will produce molds for aluminum casting. The most modern equipment and the experience of our employees allow us to produce any design of molds for aluminum injection molding.

Advantages of the mold

Equipment for plastic production has a number of advantages:

  • able to withstand high-temperature production processes under pressure and then quickly cools the plastic;
  • the mold is repeatedly used for large-scale production of plastic products;
  • finished products are produced completely identical to each other, with exact dimensions.

Using aluminum molds, you can debug large-scale serial production of miniature products from plastic compositions.

Equipment for the production of plastic products can reduce costs when starting small enterprises of up to 50,000 pieces. Its resource ranges from 10,000 casts for complex plastic parts, such as housings for electronic devices, electronic devices, and up to 100,000 for simple ones: plugs or covers with bushings.

The highest quality process for producing parts is considered to be injection molding, which allows you to obtain products with a tolerance of up to 0.01 mm, which indicates high quality workmanship and detailing.

The price of casting molds is far from budget due to the complexity and cost of the technology. But due to the fact that such molds can cast plastic products in large volumes, the cost of injection molding is low.


Aluminum die casting machines have a number of special technical characteristics. Knowing some parameters and choosing the most suitable equipment to work on:

  • Performance. The cost of an aluminum die casting machine directly depends on how many parts it can produce in one hour and, when used in production mode, in 8-10 working hours. The higher the productivity, the higher the cost of the machine.
  • Mass of castings. This characteristic also depends on what pumps, engines, pistons and tips the device should be equipped with.
  • Dimensions and weight of equipment. The choice depends entirely on the size of the production facility and the total production area.

Machines designed for aluminum injection molding are directly related to large-scale production equipment, although modern manufacturers also offer equipment designed for use in mini-factories. The cost of the car plays a big role in the choice. It is based on the combination of all the above qualities that equipment used both in production and in a small workshop must have.

Most modern models of aluminum die casting machines are equipped with a computer unit, numerous sensors capable of reading and analyzing data on operations, and a high-quality hydraulic system. You can make the right choice only by comparing the capabilities of the purchased equipment and the user’s needs.


During operation, an aluminum mold for plastic injection has one big disadvantage: if the equipment is old or a specialist has not installed a safety mode, or recycled materials were used in the manufacture of plastic products under pressure, the mold will break on the first day. b. To manufacture products using a mold, you need high-quality equipment.

There are many enterprises that produce simple molding parts, but their quality is low due to the fact that they only have an engraving and milling machine as equipment, and they are cast on old injection molding machines or manual injection molding machines.

Work order

It is quite simple to set up the production of aluminum parts by casting at home, without the need to purchase expensive equipment.

Models that will participate in the casting process need to clean and lubricate the inner surface. If you use the “in the ground” method, preparation is also necessary.

In this case, you should check that the technological recess exactly follows the contours of the future part.

When performing work, an important parameter is the shrinkage of molten aluminum.

Shrinkage when pouring should be minimal, otherwise the dimensions of the part will not correspond to the specified ones.

In order for the shrinkage during solidification of aluminum to have a minimum value, it is necessary to make a small edging on the mold from clay, along which the molten metal is poured into it.

To melt aluminum, as a rule, a steel container and a special furnace are used.

The video below shows the casting of aluminum metal parts by hand.


In order to cast a wide variety of parts from aluminum, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment.

Everything you need for work can be found in the household.

At the same time, when performing work, do not forget about safety rules.

It is recommended to use special clothing that will protect the skin from possible burns.

Comparison with steel mold

When choosing a material for equipment, one should strive to ensure not the maximum possible, but the required service life, which is determined by the durability of the resulting products.

The use of aluminum, as opposed to steel, increases the speed of work and reduces delivery times. The advantages of aluminum include good thermal conductivity, which means the most efficient cooling system. Thus, it takes less time to form products and the production speed becomes higher, while the load on the press machine is reduced. In some cases, the service life of aluminum equipment is up to 50,000 work cycles, which is significantly less than that of steel molds

To simplify technological equipment, various elements are made of steel with good hardness. For example, gates and signs that form holes are made of steel. This leads to higher prices, but greatly increases the resource.

Aluminum equipment is much cheaper than steel, which makes it possible to increase competitiveness in the market.

Making molds is an expensive financial investment. Therefore, this method is best used for large print runs, from 1000 pieces and above.


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Moscow Foundry: aluminum die casting

High-pressure aluminum casting makes it possible to produce parts of various shapes, configurations, weights (from several grams to tens of kilograms) in the factory, with walls having a thickness of up to 0.5 millimeters. The products exactly correspond to the drawings, in the vast majority of cases do not require subsequent mechanical processing, and have excellent surface quality and aesthetic advantages. Products created by aluminum injection molding are widely used in the automotive and instrument making industries, in the aviation and electrical industries, as well as in everyday life (room heating radiators, frying pans, garlic dishes, etc.).

The main advantages of the method include the absence of the need to further process the product after casting, the smoothness of the surfaces, and the ability to use the method for large-scale and mass production (the mold is filled with metal in a split second; under high pressure, the aluminum hardens, and the casting is uniform and dense). To reduce the cost of molds, normalization of parts is used and standard mold designs are created. Our specialists can produce standard and unique molds for you.

Making molds for aluminum injection molding is a very complex process. High-precision equipment, experienced employees, control at all stages of the design and manufacture of molds for aluminum injection molding provide greater accuracy and reliability to the products produced at the plant.

We can develop a mold design for you ourselves. If you order a mold for casting aluminum parts from us, the price will depend on a number of factors: the size of the mold and its weight, the number of cavities, the presence of undercuts (areas of the casting that have the opposite slope in relation to the entire casting), the type of steel, mold design, requirements for the surface of the future part, etc.

The production of aluminum injection molding with our molds will satisfy any customer.

Reviews of our plastic products

We made equipment and parts for casting. We were completely satisfied with both the price of the molds and the quality of the casting. We continue cooperation. Mikhail, MirBTH LLC

We started working from scratch. The price of casting is completely satisfactory and the main thing is that you don’t have to constantly take care of the equipment. Andrey, Spetsmontazhprom LLC

We have been cooperating for more than 5 years in casting. The quality of the parts is pleasing and so is the flexibility of the management. We look forward to long-term cooperation. Vasily BytTekhnika LLC

We are making a gear to participate in the tender. Everything was done in a short time. We completed it within 1 month from the moment of ordering - before the product was released

Metalworking parts

Milling and turning works. Takes on average 2 weeks.

The cost of aluminum plates is higher than steel

Metalworking MoscowAddressTelephoneEmailMillingAssembly
TsvetmetArbatetskaya st., 2, building 21, Moscow+7Not reallyYes / No
Industrial construction2nd Perov Polya Ave., 5, MoscowNot reallyYes / No
UnexVyatskaya st., 49, building 1, Moscow+7,, +7 (495) 748-14-50Not reallyYes / No
Cut Gear - CNC metalworkingYeniseiskaya st., 1, building 3, Moscow+7Not reallyYes / No
Repair of leversRussia, Moscow, South-Western administrative district, Yuzhnoye Butovo district, Projected passage No. 661+7Not reallyYes / No
Stainless MetalserviceIzyumskaya st., 46, Moscow+7 +7Not reallyYes / No
Race-Labst. Pererva, 19, building 3, Moscow +7 +7Not reallyYes / No
StroyMontazhServis-MIrkutskaya st., 11, bldg. 1, Moscow +7Not reallyYes / No
Company Modern TechnologiesBryanskaya st., 2, Moscow+7Not reallyYes / No
SurfoxKutuzovsky Prospekt, 36, building 10, Moscow+7Not reallyYes / No
APS RadisSharikopodshipnikovskaya st., 4, Moscow+7,Not reallyYes / No
Trust metalVolokolamskoye sh., 73, Moscow+7,Not reallyYes / No
Continental3rd Khoroshevskaya st., 11A, Moscow+7Not reallyYes / No
TD Sortprokatst. Verkhnie Polya, vl18V, Moscow +7Not reallyYes / No
Wholesale/retail metal goodsUgreshskaya st., 2, building 23, Moscow+7Not reallyYes / No
Santa M1Avtozavodskaya st., 25, Moscow+7Not reallyYes / No
StalKom PlusRussia, Moscow, MKAD, 85th kilometer, external sideNot reallyYes / No
PKF Stroy InvestNizhegorodskaya st., 29-33с36, Moscow+7Not reallyYes / No
Steel productionLeninsky Prospekt, 42, bldg. 1, Moscow +7Not reallyYes / No
Tech MetalAltufevskoe sh., 27A, building 1, Moscow+7 +7Not reallyYes / No
Sphere of groupsst. Borisovskie Ponds, 1, building 1, Moscow Not reallyYes / No
Technological equipment and metalworkingNovodmitrovskaya st., 5A, building 1, Moscow+7Not reallyYes / No
Bonetti Opus RusRyazansky Prospekt, 8A, building 24, Moscow+7Not reallyYes / No
First fastener plantst. Vavilova, 69A, Moscow 8Not reallyYes / No
ProfileKulakov lane, 6, MoscowNot reallyYes / No
TPK K-Stroy1st Vyazovsky Ave., 4, bldg. 1, Moscow +7Not reallyYes / No
Trest Spetsmashmontazh No. 7Olonetsky Ave., 4, bldg. 2, Moscow +7, +7Not reallyYes / No
TC Stalintex TradeNovosuschevskaya st., 19B, Moscow8,,, +7 (495) 649-83-00,,, +7 (499) 973-38-97,,, +7 (499) 973-25-47,Not reallyYes / No
GasSnabStroyDmitrovskoe sh., 163, building 6, Moscow+7,Not reallyYes / No
GrundZeleny prosp., 3/10с15, Moscow+7,, +7 (495) 232-91-85Not reallyYes / No

Manufacturing process

The production of a mold begins with receiving a technical specification from the customer. Based on the data obtained, a three-dimensional model is made. After the mold configuration is approved by the customer, the design of the material supply system, transport system, and fasteners begins.

Products are usually made on CNC milling and EDM machines. The molds undergo finishing treatment - the accuracy of plastic injection largely depends on its quality. After this, testing is carried out to ensure that the resulting castings meet the customer's requirements.

Our specialists will answer any questions regarding the features of mold production. From us you can order the production of products of any complexity.

Hot runner molds

In cold runner molds, the sprue must be cooled in each cycle and ejected in solid form along with the castings, in order to then be sent for grinding and recycling. In hot runner molds, the gating system is equipped with an electric heater, which constantly maintains the material in a molten state. The sprue no longer needs to be removed, which means the mold cooling time is reduced and the amount of material waste is reduced.

The gating system of hot runner molds includes two main elements - distribution manifolds and a nozzle system. The system's manifold, located in the die plate, delivers molten material from the injection molding machine nozzle to the nozzles. The nozzles feed material directly into the mold cavity or into a cold gate, similar in design to a two-plate gate.

The design of the key elements of the hot runner system - the manifold and nozzles - is very diverse. Since these elements fail quite often, mold manufacturers try to use standard models from specialized manufacturers rather than making them themselves.

The design of the hot runner mold is similar to the three-plate mold, in the second parting line of which the hot runner manifold is located. A special controller is used to control the heating elements.

Equipment used

Injection molding machine K320S

Injection molding machine K260VT

Injection molding machine K120VT


Plastic injection molds are created using automated design systems. Our designers rely on traditional solutions and our own developments. We are improving production technology and reducing the price of plastic products. Molds are made on metal-cutting equipment using technological equipment and professional tools. Raw materials from domestic suppliers are used.

The technical base includes specialized software, modern models of milling, turning, boring and other machines. We have a three-shift work schedule and a well-thought-out organization of interaction between departments. Thanks to strict adherence to technical specifications and quality control, we guarantee excellent performance characteristics of products and provide a guarantee on them.

The price of equipment for plastic depends on the order volume, materials and design complexity. Often it has a non-standard design, so the cost of a specific batch is calculated upon receipt of the task. When ordering molds from VIUS, you can be sure of their quality.

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