A simple machine for making bricks at home
Making a machine for making bricks at home
A machine for making bricks at home will come in handy if you are planning construction, but want
How to make a car lift for a garage: 20 drawings with photos (step-by-step diagrams)
How to make a car lift for a garage: 20 drawings with photos (+ step-by-step diagrams)
08.08.2019 Auto-TOP AvtoVAZ Car parts are subject to wear and tear. For this reason, it will come in handy in a private garage
How to change the gasket between the manifold and engine
The exhaust system of any car is subjected to heavy loads and the harmful effects of caustic gases, as well as
Purpose of the soil
The best primer for metal for painting a car: acrylic, alkyd, which one to use for rust
When processing a car body to create a uniformly smooth surface, it is almost impossible to do without a primer.
“Design of circular saws for wood processing”
Circular saws, which produce sawing with circular saws, are one of the most common in sawmilling.
Storing drills in a drawer under the table cover
Stands and organizers for drills: do it yourself and store drills correctly
The order when storing drills allows you not only to always keep them in working order and
Piston compressor
Pressure switch for compressor: device, marking + connection diagram and adjustment
The use of an air pneumatic relay allows you to automate the filling of the compressor receiver with compressed gas. Equipment operator with
Tips for welding aluminum at home - it's possible
The need for welding work often arises not only in production, but also in everyday life.
electrical steel
What is electrical steel - where is it used, composition and properties
Electrical steel is a type of ferrous rolled metal, unalloyed or alloyed with silicon, aluminum with specified ferromagnetic properties.
Welding inverter without cover
Schematic diagram of a welding inverter: let's look at the details
The circuit of a welding inverter is fundamentally different from the design of its predecessor, the welding transformer. Basis
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