Sample of filling out a work permit for welding work

Hot work, as a rule, is associated with a high level of danger for the specialists who carry it out, so they require special permission. This is represented by a special document called “Permit to hot work”.

Hot work is considered to be any work in which open fire is used, sparks are generated, as well as heating of structures, objects, devices, materials, etc. to high temperatures that can lead to ignition, including gas and electric welding, gasoline cutting, electric cutting, soldering, etc.

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What is this document for?

The design of the outfit has preventive and legal significance. Despite the measures taken, an emergency situation is still possible. According to the labor protection rules, it is necessary to conduct an investigation at the legal level and then a clear answer will be received to the question: does the work permit require a permit for welding work.

This document has legal significance, and it is drawn up in the interests of those persons who are responsible for the correct performance of dangerous work. One of the arguments in their favor when analyzing their actions is “forewarned is forearmed.” Having access to welding work will indicate that they have fulfilled their duties.

The preventive value of observing this formality is invaluable. When a person must perform such dangerous actions every day due to his profession, his attention may become dull. Receiving an outfit mobilizes his attention, forces him to exercise reasonable caution and can save his health, and maybe even his life. Not to mention the fact that property may be significantly damaged and, as the culprit, he will have to pay significant sums of money.

Special restrictions

The authorized commission on labor protection categorically prohibits contractors represented by hired employees:

  • use clothing with obvious traces of kerosene, oil and other flammable materials during work;
  • perform assigned duties on equipment in faulty condition;
  • allow students and trainees to work or carry out joint work with them;
  • allow electrical wires to touch containers that are under compressed gas pressure, keep a fuel tank close, etc.;
  • carry out welding work or cutting on the freshly painted surface of structures;
  • weld devices filled with gas;
  • use a return wire for grounding or grounding metal structures;
  • use uninsulated wires or with gross violation of insulation;
  • feed the arc of electricity directly from the distribution network;
  • carry cylinders on the shoulder, welding in strictly designated areas;
  • turn welding units on and off by welders into the general power supply network (electrical network).

Important! Other prohibitions include restrictions on the installation or permanent presence of a welding machine in production premises and subjecting oxygen cylinders to mechanical stress.

What needs to be done before filling out the work order

Before you start filling out the document, you must check that the requirements of the rules for safe conduct of metal welding work are met. Welders with qualifications corresponding to the complexity of the work ahead can be admitted to them. They must have identification with them confirming this.

The work manager must draw up a clear plan for the sequence of actions and familiarize all persons involved with it. Safety training specific to the specific task conditions must be provided. It may well be that even experienced welders will encounter this option for the first time and this will expand their knowledge. Instructions must be carried out by persons authorized to do so. After the end of the lesson, students must sign in the registration log in the column provided for this.

Workers must be provided with personal protective equipment, consisting of a suit made of material with high fire-resistant properties, gloves, special shoes and a protective mask.

Care should be taken to ensure that all workplace safety measures are implemented. It is necessary to check whether there are fire extinguishers on it. When carrying out work indoors, an exhaust system must be equipped there. The danger zone must have a fence with identification signs. It is necessary to check the serviceability of the equipment used. The time elapsed since the last verification should not be overdue. You can do a test run.

What document is required to carry out operations with fire at the site?

Labor activity associated with an increased fire hazard in the area is allowed in rare cases, if it is impossible to do without this type.

To carry out operations with fire, specially equipped permanent or temporary posts are allocated.

The entire range of hot work can be divided into 2 stages:

  • preparatory;
  • basic.

Before starting to perform direct duties, the work team must obtain permission - an outfit that allows for a specific type of assignment.

A permit is issued for all types of high-risk activities, including hot work.

In case of violation of the established deadlines and a decision is made to extend the time, the head of the structural unit makes changes to the work order indicating a new period for the delivery of the object.

Filling rules

The work permit for welding work must be issued not by hand, but in printed form. There are different options. It can be printed on plain A4 paper. Continuation on the reverse side of the sheet is allowed. If several sheets are filled out, they must be stapled together. In this case, a sample work order for welding work is used. A reputable enterprise can develop a letterhead, the use of which saves time and makes work easier.

The work order is filled out by an authorized person. It is performed in 2 copies. One of them is given to the contractor under his signature, and the second remains with the manager and is filed in the file.

Filling out the items can be done manually or on a computer. When filling out manually, you must do this in legible handwriting with a pen filled in with a color that is clearly visible on the paper. The use of a pencil or fine marker is not permitted. The paper should be free of dirt and oil stains.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no grammatical errors. It is especially important that last names and initials are written correctly, otherwise the document will become invalid. If errors are found, a correction record is not allowed. The document will have to be reprinted or filled out again manually.

Filling out the form

The work permit for welding work is a type of permit. This places special demands on its content. Let's look at how to do this correctly using the following example of a sample of filling out a work permit for welding work.

At the top of the sheet, on the left side, the full name of the enterprise or organization whose forces will carry out the welding work and its specific section must be indicated. On the right there should be the inscription “APPROVED”, indicating who exactly is approving with his signature and decoding of his last name. Space must be left for the approver's signature and date.

Below in the center the name of the document should be printed in large letters. In addition to mentioning hot work, more specific things are allowed. For example, “Permission work order for welding work.” The first paragraph indicates to whom the document was issued and his position. In the future, he will be responsible for the correct execution of welding work. In the second paragraph, it is necessary to indicate the nature of the work being performed, and there may be several of them, as in the sample under consideration.

The third indicates the exact address of the place of work and the name of the organization to which these services are provided. An entire table is devoted to the fourth point. Each column indicates a specific employee, his profession and his current rank. Next to his name, he must put his signature certifying that the briefing was carried out and the date of it.

In the fifth paragraph, the specific start and end times of the planned time allotted for completing the task are entered. The sixth lists the necessary fire safety measures. The seventh indicates with whom this document was agreed upon. The eighth sign is signed by the person responsible for ensuring that the work site is prepared.

After completing the task, a corresponding note is made about this. It indicates the final activities carried out, makes a note about the closure of the order and puts the signature of the person in charge.

In addition to these main points, additional ones can be filled in. The fifth paragraph indicates only approximate times. If the welder does not meet it, then the ninth paragraph must be filled out, which indicates until what time the welding work order has been extended. It is necessary to take into account that one shift is the longest extension period.

In the tenth paragraph, a mark is placed on agreement with the official specified in the seventh paragraph. If there has been a replacement of welders, this is indicated in the tenth paragraph, presented in the form of a table. It records all the changes that have occurred.

It is necessary to ensure that all required signatures are provided. Only in this case will the work order for welding work acquire the status of a valid document. A sample work permit for welding work will help you fill out this document correctly and quickly.

Necessary requirements for registration

A work permit for welding tasks is never issued freely, a strict form will be required, and any authorizations made without this form are considered invalid. Sometimes production makes their own forms. This is acceptable, but only if all parts of the base version are preserved.

Before registration begins, the workplace is prepared and inspected. First, the work area itself is checked, then the equipment located in it, and then personal protective equipment. If something is faulty or damaged, a permit can be issued only after all defects have been eliminated.

Who issues the permit?

The issuance of this document is the prerogative of a specialist in the field of labor protection. He must have all the specific knowledge in this area. This employee must have a certificate of receipt of appropriate education. If there is no such specialist on staff, the head of the department is authorized to issue the document.

The permit is issued for one work shift. If long-term welding work is to be carried out, then a separate work order will have to be issued for each shift. The absence of such a document may be regarded as an administrative violation.

Additional sections

The rules require the issuance of an access order for one work shift. For long-term welding in hazardous conditions, it is necessary to issue a permit for each work shift separately.

But sometimes it is necessary to extend the period of welding work of a shift. In this case, you can enter information about the new time, having previously agreed on it.

The extension period cannot exceed the duration of one shift. If there have been changes in the composition of the repair team, this is also reflected in the corresponding column of the work permit.

After the team has completed the repair, the manager records the date, hours and minutes and puts his signature on it. Then the document goes to the director of the company, he approves it and signs it.

The permit permit allows you to resolve many issues in the event of emergency situations and protects the rights of the welder in the event of an industrial injury due to the fault of management.

The document will also resolve many issues in case of non-compliance by the electric and gas welder with safety regulations when carrying out electric welding.

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