Semi-automatic welding machine: which one is better to choose - rating and review of inverter-type devices according to tests


  1. Operating principle and device
  2. Types of the best semi-automatic welding machines
  3. Criteria for choosing a semi-automatic welding machine
  4. Who produces semi-automatic welding machines: rating of the best manufacturers
  5. Review of inverter-type semi-automatic welding machines: the best in the middle class
  6. The best budget semi-automatic welding machines
  7. The best professional semi-automatic welding machines

Let's consider equipment that is simply irreplaceable in the manufacture of a huge number of metal parts. We will review and compare semi-automatic welding machines and try to answer the question of which one to choose from the best models based on the most important performance characteristics.

Let us note that today these devices are used everywhere, not only in large professional industries, but also in small private workshops, and even at home, in garages and dachas. Using them, you can obtain the proper clutch quality faster than the arc method, they are easy to learn (do not require specialized skills), consume standardized consumables and, what is also important, cost less. The prerequisites for purchasing one of them are the most serious, but which one? This is exactly what we will deal with, but first, let’s talk about the nuances of operation.

Operating principle and device

Any of the simplest, most powerful and generally the best semi-automatic welding machines are equipment that connects metal surfaces by melting their edges. The electrode is a wire wound on a coil located inside the housing. But let's take a closer look - all such devices consist of the following functional units:

  • burner;
  • a power source equipped with a control unit (panel), as well as manual adjustment controls, and with indication means;
  • a reservoir with a volatile compound (which can be either active or inert) and components for this container;
  • a hose cable that supplies electricity and the working medium to the sleeve, and a wire for connecting to ground;
  • automatic wire feeding device.

The operating principle is as follows:

  1. gas flows to the burner;
  2. the power source is started, in our case it is of an inverter type, not a transformer type - to effectively reduce the voltage;
  3. current is supplied;
  4. the wire (remember, an alternative to the electrode in its classical sense) unwinds at the required speed; if flux is used, a funnel may be available as additional equipment;
  5. the additive melts due to an electric arc appearing between the contact surfaces.

The same gas provides the proper level of protection. The power supply can be different: with single- and three-phase voltage, with mode switching (220 V to 380 and vice versa) from the control panel, using contactors, and so on.

WATT CombiMIG 250

Another semi-automatic welding machine on our list is the budget WATT MMA 200. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find on sale now. But it is still available in some online stores.

The device is designed for welding in MIG/MAG mode, and does the job well. There is also the possibility of conventional MMA welding with a coated electrode. The power supply requires a voltage of 220V, but as practice shows, it works great even with small drawdowns. It produces up to 230 Amps, which is not enough for a practicing welder, but just right for a beginner.

This welding machine is very compact, weighs little, and has a convenient handle for carrying. The body of the device is quite strong and durable, but we still recommend treating it with some attention. The arc ignites easily and burns stably. The efficiency is high, you can cook for a long time.

Reviews from welders:

The device cooks excellently, despite its modest price. Any type of steel can be welded. During the entire period of use, the semiautomatic device never overheated, which surprised me. The kit includes cables and a holder for electrodes. They are of good quality and suitable for a beginner. For 2 years of work, no complaints.

A very good device for the money. I have been using it for 5 years, the flight is normal. Never let me down. Cooks even at low voltage.

Types of the best semi-automatic welding machines

All modern devices can be divided into three groups according to the source of energy supply:

  • Rectifiers are reliable, unpretentious in operation and storage, ensuring almost complete sealing of the seam due to the high power of the electric arc. True, they are bulky and take up a lot of space.
  • Transformer - in addition to being large, they are also heavy, therefore they are suitable mainly for stationary installation and use. But they have a simple design and a unified scheme.
  • Inverter - compact, relatively lightweight, energy-efficient. They are precise to set up, easy to learn, reliable, can be mobile and can be used not only in production, but also in garage workshops.

Having considered all three options, we give preference to the last one - it is much more practical than the others. Therefore, further we will talk about its varieties.

Criteria for choosing a semi-automatic welding machine

There are a number of points that you need to focus on in order to ensure convenience, efficiency and safety of work in the future. Let's consider each of them (at random, and not in order of importance, since in the general case it is impossible to immediately determine which of the nuances will have the greatest impact specifically in your situation).

Wire feeder

There are 3 of them:

  • Pulling - a device is provided to move the additive, which makes it possible to lengthen the sleeve, but also makes the torch somewhat heavier, and therefore makes it difficult to apply facial seams and solve problems at heights.
  • Pushing - equipped with rollers to move the wire into the cable channel, which is usually short (up to 5 m) so that nothing gets stuck in its bends.
  • Combined - combines the features of the previous two, with a wire of up to 10 m, allows you to quickly change the operating point, which is especially convenient on large sites, for example, when creating a roof on a long greenhouse.

The design can be either built-in or remote. The first type provides greater compactness, but is convenient only in case of permanent installation. But the best inverter-type semi-automatic welding machines are still those in which the wire feed mechanism and power source are located in different housings. With this configuration, it is not a problem to use the device permanently, placing its parts on top of each other, and, if necessary, moving only the coil.

Shielding gas

This implies the use of an inert or active mixture, which will be supplied through hoses from a cylinder. The substance comes out when you press the burner start button, from the nozzle, immediately after opening the channel. Due to the parallel blowing, the air does not come into contact with the liquid metal of the “bath”.

There are three types of volatile compounds used with an eye to the specifics of the problem being solved - these are:

Pure argon is used when it is necessary to connect surfaces made of titanium, alloy steel, copper or aluminum, but with restrictions, relatively rarely - due to its high cost.

Carbon dioxide - on the contrary, it is relatively cheap, however, it provides a seam with a rough structure, leads to the appearance of crackling, and provokes the splashing of molten drops. Therefore, it is suitable either for “ferrous” metals, where accuracy is not so important, or for non-critical joints.

A mixture of these two media – in the proportion of 80% Ar to 20% CO2, designated MIX. In practice, a modern semi-automatic welding machine, inexpensive and good, most often works on it. Why? Because it is average in cost, but due to the smooth arc it gives an even, aesthetic, fine-scaled joint that requires almost no further grinding. The option is just for the most common cases - for elements made of stainless steel and carbon steel.

Yes, you don’t have to use gas at all, but then you should use tubular cored wire with flux inside. The latter will melt and with its vapors protect the bath from exposure to air. At the end of the work, you will need to remove the crust and plaque. This technology is great for hard-to-reach places, but it is expensive to implement and absolutely unprofitable in everyday life.

Wire diameter and current

These parameters are directly related to the thickness of the surfaces being joined. Where it is necessary to prevent burn-through, the cross-section of the additive and feed should be small. And vice versa, low-power equipment simply will not melt a large part, resulting in an unreliable joint.

To make it easier for you to decide, we summarize the ratios in a table:

Metal layer, mm Current, A D wire, mm
0,5-1 10-30 0,6
1,2-2 45-100 0,8
2,5-4 120-200 1-1,2
5-8 150-350 1,6
9-20 300-500 1,6

The leaders in the rating of budget semi-automatic welding machines usually have 150-200 A and a coil with an additive with a diameter of 1-1.2 mm, and this is enough to connect the surfaces of parts made of sheet steel and stainless steel up to 2 mm thick. Yes, such a device will no longer cope with some channel, but usually problems of this kind do not have to be solved, not only in garages, but also in private workshops.

Supply voltage

Its parameters are important, because if it is designed for 220 V, then the maximum current can be 250 A. This is enough for a home or cottage, but for a semi-professional level or higher, a three-phase input is needed. In cases where it is realistic to connect it, do so - thereby expanding your capabilities.

The use of combined equipment that switches to 380 V and vice versa is justified only when it is mobile and has to be used at various operating points.

At their dachas and country houses, many people experience low voltage. For such situations, options with a range of 150-200 or even 120-200 V are suitable, since others can produce an initially weak arc and not melt the metal, but only soften it to a plasticine-like state.

Power consumption

It determines not only the efficiency of the device, but also how it loads the network. When you decide which semi-automatic welding machine is better to choose, remember that a model that is too productive can burn out the socket or knock out plugs. For everyday household needs - for corners or steel plates - 3-4 kW equipment is sufficient. If you plan to solve more serious problems, for example, assembling metal gates, doors and other similar structures in the garage, take equipment from 7 kW. Just be sure to provide a reserve - 15-20% more powerful than necessary, in order to protect yourself from the problem of drawdowns.

Burner type and length

Its different types have a similar design: there is a start key, a handle, a gander, at the end of which there is a mouthpiece that discharges gas and wire, as well as a nozzle with a special purpose: to help form a protective bath. The diameters of all these elements of the device may vary based on personal convenience and the nature of the work performed.

But there are features that need to be taken into account regardless of personal preferences:

  • The current limit is usually 150-500 A. The main thing is that the burner should not be lower than the maximum value at which the device can operate, otherwise it will soon overheat and become deformed.
  • Presence/absence of a pulling mechanism - it is a separate block that provides greater mobility, but at the same time additionally loads the hand and blocks the view. Therefore, as a rule, models of semi-automatic welding machines for professional use are equipped with it.
  • Liquid cooling - relevant for cases of increased productivity, is a sealed hose filled with distilled water and ethyl alcohol. This mixture effectively absorbs heat when natural evaporation is not enough, allowing you to work for hours on end, but increases the final cost of the equipment.

Let's consider the length of the burner separately: it is measured from the sleeve to the gun. The most common is 2-5 m; for household, amateur, semi-professional needs, 3 m is often sufficient, but specialized options reach up to 7-10 m, but they are much less common.

The type of connector also plays a role, which can be separate, pin or euro. The latter is the most common, as it is universal and more effectively resists the negative effects of mechanical and thermal loads.

Inductance adjustment

The best semi-automatic welding machines have this function, as it helps to adjust the degree of penetration of liquid metal deep into the seam and at the same time reduces spattering. But if it is available, the equipment is more expensive, so this option is important only for those devices that are constantly in use and make critical connections, and for irregular household use, its absence will not be critical.

Circuit breaker

Triggers when there is a short circuit or overheating, preventing fire or melting of parts. It is a means of protecting not only the equipment, but also the person behind it, so its presence will be an absolute plus.

Digital display

The drawn scale and toggle switch are enough to solve simple problems, since they provide only an approximate idea of ​​changes in wire feed, current strength and other characteristics. For joining body parts, aluminum plates and other, thinner cases, it is necessary that the indicators be more clear. A good example is the symbols that light up on the scoreboard (in windows), which will remain easily readable even in poor lighting. It’s even more convenient if you can calibrate them using buttons rather than turning a switch.

Network cable quality

A practical test of inverter-type semi-automatic welding machines showed the importance of this seemingly minor property. Need to:

  • The copper conductors were of sufficient cross-section to transmit voltage - the thicker the more powerful the device. Typically relevant values ​​are from 10 to 25 mm2 (for 400 A).
  • The insulation layer effectively resisted not only thermal, but also mechanical loads and therefore must be double. Then it will not wear out too quickly, even if it is stepped on or something is dropped.

MMA opportunity

It is convenient when the device not only has the MIG/MAG function, but is also able to work with a coated electrode. The presence of another connector for this purpose brings the equipment closer to the top of the best semi-automatic welding machines, because in this case it effectively and quickly cuts metal, even quite thick ones, even in hard-to-reach places that you simply cannot get to with a grinder. And it’s also convenient to connect different surfaces deep in pipes, even in areas where you can’t reach with your hand or a torch hook. True, this requires that the equipment support up to 250-300 A, and this is no longer an amateur option, with a corresponding price.

Be sure to focus not only on the properties and options that a particular device has, but also on the tasks that it has to solve - they play a decisive role.


The rating of semi-automatic welding machines will be incomplete if we do not add an ultra-budget model for those who are on a budget. ELAND MIG-130 is a standard budget Chinese semi-automatic, of which you can find plenty in any specialized store. However, this model is quite reliable and gets the job done.

The device requires 220V for power supply, so it is not suitable for welding in low voltage conditions. According to the manufacturer, the maximum current is 130 Amperes, which seems to be true. You can cook for no longer than 5 minutes without a break. The device weighs a little less than 20 kg, so be prepared for that. Overall, the ELAND MIG-130 is a good option for the price. It does not have any special characteristics, but it works stably and is inexpensive. What else does a beginner or summer resident need?

Feedback from a welder:

I spent a long time choosing among different welding machines. In the end I bought this one. It was necessary to digest the arches of the car. I read in reviews that the metal spatters a lot when welding, but everything was fine for me. I think it depends on the quality of the wire and the correct settings of the device. Cook stainless steel without any questions at all. For the money, this is a decent option for the home and small jobs.

Who produces semi-automatic welding machines: rating of the best manufacturers

The modern market offers models from a variety of companies, domestic, European, and Asian. Let's highlight those brands that have already managed to impress or prove the quality of their solutions.

  • Svarog is a Ural plant offering both entry-level and professional lines (the most successful ones will be discussed below).
  • Aurora is equipment assembled using Asian technologies, with special care for ergonomics of use.
  • Elitech is a joint Russian-Chinese brand, famous for the availability of its devices with a sufficient level of reliability and durability.
  • Fubag is a bright representative of German technology, with impeccable execution and an emphasis on a wealth of digital options.
  • Resanta is a Latvian manufacturer that has become famous thanks to its pleasant pricing policy.
  • Telwin – Italian quality, professional-class equipment.

Review of inverter-type semi-automatic welding machines: the best in the middle class

This category includes universal devices that are quite functional to solve any household or amateur problem, but do not have some specialized options and therefore find limited use in production.

Svarog PRO MIG 200 SYNERGY (N229)

Works with all types of wire, in TIG DC and MMA modes, does not overheat at either 160 or 200 A. It features convenient arc control, which can be adjusted in a “synergic” mode, that is, according to the selected program. Supports 2T and 4T, due to auto-activation VRD is safe even in conditions of high humidity.

The only negative is the lack of a TIG AC function, so it is not suitable for light alloys.

AuroraPRO Speedway 200

With massive reels designed for large volumes of work. If you have a private workshop or car service center, and you are looking for a suitable semi-automatic inverter welding machine, here is the one you should choose first. Speedway two hundred from the AuroraPRO series will provide the required production volume, will appeal to the classic mechanical regulators, and will be able to operate safely and non-stop at 200 A in MIG mode with 60% duty cycle.

The only drawback, and only a conditional one, may seem to be its massive dimensions.

Svarog ARCTIC MIG 250 Y (204)

Compact, despite the large coil, designed for connecting thin-walled elements. Focused on long-term operation - at 200 A it cooks continuously, and this is with efficiency (consumes up to 14 A) and an increased power factor - up to 0.85.

Among the relative disadvantages are the too simple feed mechanism (two-roller) and the lack of polarity reversal.

AuroraPRO Overman 200

Focused only on wire, but on any wire, including aluminum. Its advantage is that it has a lower operating voltage threshold of 140 V, which expands the possibilities for adjusting the current-voltage characteristics. The arc and current are adjusted separately, which is also convenient.

The disadvantage is the relatively large weight (15.5 kg) and dimensions (482 by 197 by 466 mm).

Svarog MIG 200Y (J03)

A life hack that perfectly tells you how to choose a semi-automatic welding machine - reviews: which is better, which is worse - people who have actually used the devices talk about all this and much more. And many praise this particular model - because it has the following qualities:

  • ease of learning;
  • flexibility in configuration (you can adjust voltage, inductance, arc current);
  • heating connection, allowing you to solve problems in the cold;
  • fifteen-kilogram bays.

The only downside is the cost and the fact that the wire drawing speed cannot be changed.

Fubag INMIG 200 Plus

The German approach is immediately felt: the functionality of the equipment has been expanded. The MIG/MAG mode is easy to program, the SPOT option allows you to make short seams, MMA (up to 170 A) and TIG (up to 200 A) work is also possible.

True, there are also a lot of disadvantages: with a sharp drop in voltage, failure is likely, the wire is supported only 0.8 mm, the electrodes are 2 mm, the duty cycle coefficient is quite small.

Solaris MULTIMIG-225

The first semi-automatic machine in our rating is the MULTIMIG-225 model from the Solaris brand. The device is not cheap, but it boasts excellent technical characteristics. The semi-automatic machine produces an honest 220 Amps when welding in MIG mode and 200 Amps when welding in MMA mode. This is enough to perform most welding work in a country house or small workshop.

MULTIMIG-225 works perfectly even with unstable or low voltage, which is very important when welding in the country. The heart of the device is modern IGBT transistors, thanks to which the semi-automatic machine can boast of great functionality. For example, the machine is capable of not only MMA and MIG welding, but also spot welding under certain settings. In short, a universal assistant in everyday life and during repairs.

The device comes with a burner with a Euro connector. The body has a convenient metal carrying handle. The body itself is also made of metal and is resistant to corrosion.

Below is one of the real reviews from a welder:

I spent a long time choosing a welding machine and noticed that my neighbor had this exact model. I used it a couple of times and was pleased with the results. I bought myself exactly the same Solaris. I am 100% confident in him! The seams turn out neat, just as needed. The metal does not spatter, the arc burns well. I use it and enjoy the work.

The best budget semi-automatic welding machines

This category includes devices whose main advantage is price, and all other advantages are additional. As a rule, they are intended for solving everyday problems, although there are also representatives with the help of which you can perform certain minor operations in production.

Elitech IS 200P

With low power consumption - up to 5.4 kW - it uninterruptedly withstands drawdowns of up to 160 V, so it is great for a personal garage workshop. It is also distinguished by the presence of a cooling system that helps maintain 80% duty cycle at 180 A. The location of the controls is on an inclined panel, feel free to give a plus for ergonomics.

Although the settings themselves are quite small - apart from the feed speed and voltage, you can’t adjust anything else, and this is a relative disadvantage.

Resanta SAIPA-200

This model gained widespread popularity and a place in the ranking of budget inverter-type semi-automatic welding machines due to its current reserve - even at 200 A, it maintains the duty cycle at a level of 70%, which is enough to solve everyday problems.

Although there is nothing else to boast about: the settings of analogues from other manufacturers are more flexible, and the equipment is richer. There is another advantage - it is a Euro connector, but with a sleeve of 2 m it becomes only a conditional advantage. But fame does its job - people continue to buy equipment.

Resanta SAIPA-165

A compact device that supports conventional wire and flux, but with a diameter of only up to 0.8 mm, focused on working in a carbon dioxide environment. One of the cheapest, so it is often ordered by amateurs.

It is not suitable for serious work, since at 160 A it gives 70% duty cycle, which limits its use, including in the MMA mode (up to electrodes up to 3 mm thick). At the same time, it is not the most stable and reliable, with a not very practical connection to the sleeve. Attracts only by the price.

AuroraPRO Overman 200

Another popular welding machine from the Aurora brand in our rating. The Overman 200 is designed for MIG and MAG gas shielded welding. There is also a “NO GAS” mode, you can weld with cored wire. The welder can regulate the welding current, voltage, adjust the inductance, penetration depth and monitor the shape of the bead.

Also, this model works perfectly at reduced voltage from 140V and above. Consumes about 6 kW. If you want to connect this device to a generator, then choose a generator with a power of 8 kVA or more. The Overman 200 produces an honest 200 Amps. The device is very compact and relatively lightweight, weighing no more than 15 kg.

Feedback from a welder:

The device is very good. Suitable for both home and work. All stated characteristics are completely true. The efficiency is high, the device does not overheat, you can cook for a long time. If you are fully equipped, you can cook aluminum with high quality. You can adjust the inductance and heat the carbon dioxide. The build quality is excellent.

The best professional semi-automatic welding machines

This category includes equipment for very complex tasks. Yes, it is much more expensive than the previously considered options, but it pays for itself many times over over many years of operation.

Telwin MASTERMIG 400

Reliable, heavy (weighs more than 100 kg), large, powerful equipment. Attention, not an inverter, but a transformer (we will make an exception to confirm the rule).

  • supports current up to 400 A;
  • with an open circuit voltage of 40 V, it always lights an arc;
  • voltage – both single- and three-phase (depending on the specific production series);
  • the pulling mechanism will take any wire, since it has 4 rollers;
  • 2 ground terminals – for copper, aluminum alloys and for stainless steel, low-alloy steels;
  • There is a timer for applying spot stitches.

The only real downside is the weight.

Aurora SKYWAY 330 Synergic

Here is a classic inverter, certified by NAKS, with digital control, supporting up to 300 A in MMA mode, weighing up to 60 kg. Powered by a 3-phase network, consumes up to 18 A.

In the memory of such a device, you can save synergetic settings, and then recall them and adjust them by pressing one key. Separate button for 2T, 4T and VRD. We also note the presence of self-diagnosis.

The relative disadvantage is that the controls take some getting used to.

Cedar MIG-250GS

Cheaper than other professional options, but with a rated power reaching 7.8 kW with a coefficient of 0.73 or even 0.93 (for the three-phase GN version). At 250 A in MMA and MIG/MAG modes, it has a duty cycle of 60%, supporting wire up to 1 mm thick. Therefore, it is aimed at performing relatively light production operations. But it is distinguished by responsive control, quick switching, and flexible adjustment.

We tried to comprehensively consider what features each more or less popular inverter-type semi-automatic welding machine has, which one is better to choose depending on the specifics of the work being performed, what to look for when comparing models. All you have to do is decide - thoughtfully, slowly, based on the tasks that you plan to solve.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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