How to choose indoor climbing equipment

Indoor climbing is experiencing a real boom. Well-equipped complexes with a wide variety of training opportunities have been opening frequently lately and are not lacking in visitors. From a once elite sport, rock climbing has become one of the modern types of fitness, which often requires nothing more than enthusiasm; the equipment necessary at first can be rented on the spot. But if you decide to take up rock climbing seriously, become part of this community, discover a new fascinating world, you will need to master some terminology, climbing ethics, and also choose the right equipment.

So where to start?

Types of indoor climbing

Before you go shopping for equipment, it's important to understand the differences between the three main types of climbing found in climbing gyms.

Entering the gym, you will see shorter walls with holds, 3-4 meters high, under which there are thick sports mats, and higher ones, usually 10-15 meters, sometimes higher, from which ropes hang or a track of guy ropes is hung.


Short walls without ropes or guys are designed for bouldering. Completing a boulder route is called a “challenge” among initiates.

The main advantage of bouldering is its social orientation. You can easily find yourself in a crowd that is passionate about climbing one “problem”, as opposed to the more individualized rope climbing. In addition, many people prefer to climb in bouldering gyms because the only necessary equipment for this is climbing shoes and a bag of chalk. And finally, bouldering is the “cleanest” type of climbing, where there are no ropes and no person to belay you. Just you and the rock. Many people are attracted to this freedom of climbing.

Top rope climbing

High walls with ropes hanging on them are designed for top rope climbing. Each section where the rope hangs is simply called a "route". This is the safest form of climbing and is ideal for beginners. You will have to overcome the fear of heights factor, but it gradually disappears as you develop trust in the equipment and your partner, who will belay you and, in case of a fall, will keep you from falling with the help of a rope.

For climbing with a top rope, in addition to climbing shoes and a bag of magnesium, you will need a harness, a carabiner and a belay device.

Climbing with a bottom rope

High walls without ropes are designed for climbing with a bottom rope in ropes using quickdraws to organize the belay. This advanced form of rock climbing requires technical skill and also carries higher risks than top rope climbing. In the bottom belay, the rope is not passed through the carabiner at the top; the belayer releases it from below. When climbing the wall, you need to snap it into the guy ropes hanging every 2-3 meters. In the event of a fall, the flight will be the distance to the last guy into which you managed to snap the rope, plus the same distance below it and a meter or two by which the rope will spring back and etch the safety device. The thrill of falling is guaranteed, but the risk of serious injury in the gym is minimal. However, bruises, dislocations and other injuries are possible, so at first you should climb under the guidance of a coach, and in the future take seriously the assessment of your level and technical skills before choosing the next route.

For climbing with a bottom rope, in addition to all the above equipment - climbing shoes, a bag of magnesium, a harness, a carabiner and a belay device - you also need quickdraws. At some climbing walls, they can be hung, like ropes for the top rope. But advanced climbers prefer to bring their own and climb, clicking guy ropes into the safety anchors themselves. This is the “purest” style of climbing a climbing route, completely simulating the work of a rope on natural terrain.

Claws for climbing poles and trees

Fitter's claws (fitter's manholes, crampons) are devices used by electricians and high-rise workers to safely climb concrete and wooden power line supports and trees.

Despite the widespread use of specialized automobile towers and telescopic lifts, mounting claws still have a very large list of situations in which their use is more appropriate and convenient: when space is cramped and there is no possibility for equipment to approach power lines, when hydraulic mechanisms break down or fail lift at the work site.

Simple claw device

Design and principle of operation

The simplest manholes for concrete supports consist of 2 elements for attaching to shoes, each of which consists of the following main components:

  • Oval foot support with transverse reinforcements;
  • 2 straps holding the foot on the platform;
  • “Sickle” is a rectangular grip with 4 conical spikes attached at an angle of approximately 600 to the supporting platform.

Climbing onto a reinforced concrete pole using a similar device occurs as follows:

  • The electrician securely fixes the manholes on his shoes using belts;
  • Approaching the pillar, he grabs it with the grips of each of the elements of the claws;
  • The electrician climbs the pole, thanks to the fact that the claw grips, which he alternately rearranges in the vertical plane, located at an angle to the supporting platforms, bite into the concrete with their spikes and prevent slipping.

Using a similar principle, electrical claws designed for this type of support help you climb onto a wooden pole. Their only differences from the crampons used for concrete pillars are the semicircular shape of the grips and softer spikes.

Types of climbing cats

How to properly install street lighting

Depending on the design and purpose, all such devices are divided into claws for concrete pillars, manholes for wooden supports, dart climbers (devices used for climbing trees).

Manholes, claw-holes for reinforced concrete pillars

Catches for reinforced concrete pillars

This is the most common type of these devices, widely used by modern electricians and installers.

They consist of two oval support platforms with fastening straps for legs and rectangular grips up to 190-200 mm long, having 2 conical spikes on each of the short sides.

Claws for wooden posts

Crampons for wooden supports

Less common and less commonly used by modern electricians, manholes have one significant difference from the previous ones - their grips have a semicircular shape with a diameter of up to 220-315 mm and 5 spikes on each. The most famous model of such a device is the KM 1 brand claws.

Tree frogs

Tree climbers have claws for climbing tree trunks. They are a curved “L”-shaped splint with a semicircular casing for the shin and a sharp triangular spike located on the outer part and a belt for fixing the foot. A similar device is used by high-altitude tree trimmers and hunters.

Areas of application of KLM2

Lazy claws marked KLM 2 are the most popular and widespread device. They are used for lifting reinforced concrete trapezoidal or rectangular supports with a diameter of up to 190 mm.

On a note. There is also a universal type of these devices, which has grips that allow you to climb most modern power transmission towers. The most famous model of such manholes is LU-2.

Rules for using claws

Street lighting regulation

The procedure for using manholes consists of the following manipulations:

  • When working on power lines, you must have the appropriate education and permission to repair such communications;
  • When working on power lines, you must take care in advance to de-energize them;
  • Before starting work, be sure to check the integrity of the retaining belts, support platforms for the feet, grips and the spikes located on them;
  • It is advisable to work together - this is necessary so that in the event of an electric shock when working on an unpowered line or falling from a height if the technique of using claws is not followed, the second person can promptly provide first aid and call doctors.

Important! Manholes of a certain model and type can be used for certain supports specified in the passport. The use of such devices for lifting onto supports with a diameter larger than that specified in the passport is strictly prohibited.

Safety during work

Who is assigned group 2 electrical safety?

Both the installer and the other person using the claws must adhere to the following safety rules:

  • In order to minimize the risk of falling, it is necessary to use a safety (safety) belt, with which the worker must fasten himself to the pole;
  • To avoid electric shock and head injuries, it is imperative to use a protective helmet, special dielectric gloves, and overalls;
  • The shoes to which the manholes are fastened must fit tightly on the feet: before putting on the manholes, they are carefully laced or fastened;
  • Before you start lifting, be sure to check the stability of the support.

When using tree climbers, be sure to have a safety rope attached to a strong branch.

Equipment operating conditions

The use of manholes is permitted subject to the following conditions:

  • Integrity of all elements: metal frame, support platforms, grips, holding belts;
  • Mandatory verification of manholes - such equipment must be verified every two years in specialized laboratories. During the verification, the values ​​of the strength characteristics of the main manhole structures declared are determined, and a conclusion is issued on the safety of using such equipment. The verified equipment must have a stamp indicating the date of verification;
  • It is undesirable to use manholes of dubious origin: those that do not have manufacturer logos or initial verification marks;
  • Requires appropriate education or training in the use of such equipment;
  • Absence of foreign elements - for the safe use of factory models of manholes, it is prohibited to independently modernize them, replace structural elements and spikes with homemade ones.

All the details of working with manholes are described in special instructions for electricians and high-rise installers.

Defects in mounting claws

The main defects that can be found in an electrician's claws include the following:

  • Cracks – such damage includes a violation of the integrity of the metal structures of the supporting platform, grip;
  • Burrs are sharp edges of cracks in metal parts that, in contact with belts, can cause damage;
  • Tears and fraying of retaining belts - with prolonged use, the material of the belts, gradually losing strength, begins to tear and separate into fibers, which is visually manifested in the form of terryness and clearly visible transverse tears;
  • Deformation and reduction in the strength of the studs - caused by natural fatigue of the metal, this defect manifests itself in the partial or complete loss of this element of its main functions.

Note! If one of the above-described defects is detected in factory-made models, experts recommend not to repair them yourself, but to take them to a specialized workshop for repairs. It is prohibited to use such installation equipment even with minimal damage.

Proper storage conditions

After each use, the claws must be cleaned of dirt, rust, concrete dust or crumbs.

Claws for climbing poles should be stored suspended (on hooks or special hangers), in well-ventilated, dry areas out of the reach of children and pets.

Another advantage of such equipment for installers and electricians is the possibility of making it yourself - on the Internet you can easily find both a visual drawing and video instructions for assembling claws from scrap materials with your own hands.

Climbing and safety

It may seem counterintuitive at first glance to the uninitiated, but indoor climbing is quite safe. Provided that you go to a well-known, reputable climbing center whose equipment meets all safety requirements. Sure, accidents do happen occasionally, usually in bouldering where sprains and broken ankles can occur due to bad falls on the mat, but in reality, serious injuries are quite rare. Yes, of course, you can pull a muscle or tendon when trying to overload your body, which is not ready for such stress, but this applies to any physical activity.

Purpose and purpose

The main purpose of assembly manholes is to create conditions for quick ascent to a vertical pole where it is necessary to perform certain work. Quite often, this device is used in situations where it is necessary to carry out repair, installation or maintenance work.

The basis of the climbing claws is formed by two hooks, to which toothed belts are fixed, ensuring the fastening of this device to the leg. Due to the fact that this device is made of metal, this tool is highly rigid, which ensures safety during work.

The hook of this device has a diameter that exceeds the size of the post . In order for the leg to be moved up or down, the hook must be placed at a right angle relative to the axis of the post. If it is located at an angle to the axis, this will not allow the maintenance personnel to move. However, it is precisely this position that allows workers to ensure reliable attachment to the support for safe work at heights.

What should you pay attention to when choosing climbing shoes?

Comfort and convenience. This is especially true at the entry level. If you feel pain even when putting on these special shoes, then you have chosen the wrong size.

Women's and men's models differ in fit: women's are usually narrower. At the same time, men often choose a female model, and women - a male one, it all depends on the individual shape of your legs!

Choose a last that leaves no space between the toes and the toe of the shoe, and the toes are only slightly bent.

Climbing shoes come with Velcro or lace-up. Velcro makes it easier to get on and off, but laces provide a more comfortable fit, especially if you have wide feet.

All rock shoes in "Kant"

Climbing harness for climbing at a climbing wall.

If you plan to do more than just bouldering, the next piece of equipment you'll need is a harness.

There are different models. Harnesses designed for mountaineering or sport climbing on natural terrain are very light, since you have to carry them in a backpack along with other equipment. However, this factor is not significant if you plan to climb only indoors. More importantly, you will have to spend a lot of time falling, falling and hanging on the rope, which means you should buy a comfortable harness with wide soft straps, designed for repeated falls.

DIY claws for climbing poles

  • 1 Claws for climbing poles with your own hands - Metalist's Handbook
  • 2 Monter's claws and manholes: types, purpose, rules of use
  • 3 Claws for climbing poles and trees
  • 4 Claws for climbing poles: materials of modern varieties of devices (100 photos)
  • 5 Claws for climbing poles: reinforced concrete and wood, electrician’s tools for work
  • 6 Operation of claws for climbing poles: types, selection, storage - SibNovStroy

Electrician's claws are used for lifting electricians along wooden poles or reinforced concrete supports of power lines.

They are used if there is no aerial platform, or there is no way to quickly deliver it to a given pole, or there is simply an urgent need to make repairs.

Therefore, sometimes people make repair claws with their own hands, which is undesirable, as it can lead to injuries. The claws are also called monter's holes.

  • general information
  • Selecting a purchase by manufacturer and cost
  • General design of installation manholes
  • Equipment that should be supplemented with monter's claws
  • Requirements for the installer
  • Inspections and tests throughout the entire service life
  • Trial of the Claws
  • Storage conditions

What should you pay attention to when choosing a harness?

Harnesses intended exclusively for indoor climbing may have a simplified design - with an adjustable waist belt, but without buckles on the leg rings, since in the gym you always climb in thin indoor clothing.

Universal safety harnesses, in which you can both climb on a climbing wall and climb in the mountains, have adjustable volume of the belt and leg loops. Adjusting the leg loops is especially necessary in the mountains, when the harness must be worn over clothing of varying thickness and volume - from a T-shirt and shorts in warm climbing areas to insulated pants and jackets in high altitudes or winter. In addition, the removable leg straps allow you to remove or put on additional warm or windproof trousers without unfastening the rope and without losing your belay.

Harness PETZL luna violet

8 270



Salewa hardware rock w harness ( m/l ) reef /

3 490 6 980

Harness PETZL 2022 corax blue jean

6 800


Black Diamond momentum harness

4 193 5 990

Modern models of harnesses are equipped with quick-adjustable Speed ​​Adjust buckles (Black Diamond Momentum), thanks to which there is no need to fix the belt in the opposite direction after each adjustment, which makes their use safer. Many climber accidents have occurred when they forgot to lock the strap in reverse.

There are 2-4 loops on the waist belt of the harness for hanging equipment - quickdraws, anchors, hooks, loops and other equipment. Models intended for the gym may have only two loops - for a bag of magnesium, several guy ropes and a safety device.

There are women's models designed taking into account the female anatomy. For example, Black Diamond Primrose or Salewa Hardware ROCK W. But when buying a harness, as well as when choosing climbing shoes, an individual approach is important. It is necessary to try on each model and hang in it - all specialized outdoor stores, including Kant, provide this opportunity. This way you can choose the harness that suits you.

Safety harnesses have a range of sizes - S, M, L. If universal use is intended, then it happens that the girth range of one size is not enough for the harness to sit evenly on a thin T-shirt with shorts and on a thick down jumpsuit. It may turn out that when worn on shorts, it will be too loose, but on thick winter clothes, on the contrary, it will be too tight, causing the safety loop to slide to the side. All this can cause inconvenience during the climb, and if you fall, it can twist or turn over. In this case, the best solution is to choose a universal model with double-sided belt buckles. The downside is the extra weight of the extra buckle. Plus, you can more accurately adjust the fit no matter how many clothes you wear. For example, the popular model Black Diamond Momentum or the PETZL Corax, also well known and loved by climbers.

And one more important point. The harness must have safety certification - UIAA or CEE. Large outdoor stores, such as Kant, sell only certified safety equipment.

All models of harnesses in "Kant"

Claws for climbing poles: materials of modern varieties of devices (100 photos)

The operation of power lines, like any other equipment, is impossible without damage or malfunctions that occur at the most inopportune moment. In order to eliminate them in a timely and efficient manner, it is necessary to have suitable tools and devices available.

To eliminate malfunctions in the operation of power lines, there are special tools, and even equipment that can be used to quickly get to the location of the breakdown. Such equipment is monter's claws (cat's claws, monter's manholes), which help you easily climb up the pole.

This type of equipment is an integral part of specialized equipment for performing work related to power lines, so they must be in the arsenal of any enterprise related to the repair of power lines.


The main purpose of the claws is considered to be quick and convenient climbing up the pole in order to perform planned or unforeseen work.

The design of the claws is simple: the main element of the device is two hooks with straps attached to them, with which they are directly attached to the legs (each separately).

The device is made from durable and reliable metal, which guarantees safety when working at heights.

The diameter of the hook is slightly larger than the parameters of the circle post. To conveniently and correctly climb up or down, you need to install the hook perpendicular to the vertical pole. Otherwise, the worker will not be able to move up or down. How difficult is it to climb a pole without claws?

Materials used

Wooden poles for power lines have been replaced by reinforced concrete poles that are more durable and resistant to use.

In this regard, the linemen's manholes also underwent some changes: they began to use inserts made of harder alloys, as a result of which the likelihood of them slipping decreased and the potential of the device increased.

The most commonly used claw material is high-strength steel, coated with an anti-corrosion protective layer for greater durability.

The structure of the belts is multi-layered; yuft and rawhide are used as the main material for their production; in addition, in the end they are also stitched with nylon threads for greater reliability.

Varieties and properties

To perform the work efficiently and efficiently, it is necessary to use suitable equipment and tools. To move along a wooden pole, you should select the appropriate claws, for concrete ones - similarly.

Today, claws used for climbing poles are classified into:

  • linemen, which are used to move along round metal or wooden poles, but they are now practically not used.
  • assembly manholes for concrete supports, designed for movement on pillars with a round or trapezoidal cross-section. It is considered the most popular type of claw.
  • assembly manholes for climbing reinforced concrete supports with a trapezoidal cross-section in diameter. Plus, they can be customized and used for any type of power pole.

Auxiliary elements

Any specialist servicing power lines must have a full arsenal of tools and devices to perform the work. It must include: a protective helmet and a safety lanyard.

Selection rules

To make the right choice of claws, you need to have some knowledge in this area. When choosing a device, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

Product price. In this case, it is worth remembering that cheaper versions of the claws may use insufficiently high-quality metal, as a result of which the device will be unreliable and dangerous. Focus on medium or high price, which guarantees quality.

Manufacturer. As you know, it is better to trust proven and well-known manufacturers.

Quality. Products must comply with current GOST or TU and have quality certificates. Upon external inspection, no defects or unevenness of the seams should be noticeable. The thickness of the belts must be at least 0.3 mm, the stitches must be even and securely fixed.

and exploitation

Conditions of maintenance and operation are simple. Post claws are suitable for use in all temperature zones. The safe use period is indicated on the label. During their use, it is necessary to carry out preventive inspections and, if necessary, change components. Clean your claws regularly.

Storage conditions

It is recommended to store claws in a dry, well-ventilated area at a temperature of -20 to +30 degrees.

If damage to the claws is detected, you should stop using them, have them repaired by a specialist, or replace them with new ones.

Photo of claws for climbing poles

Belay device

When climbing with a top rope, you need a belay device, which is used to hold on in case of a fall and to descend after completing the route. It clings to a locking carabiner, which, in turn, is fastened to the safety loop of the belayer’s harness.

Types of belay devices

There are many different types of belay devices, including the outdated "eight"

Most often today, modern “basket” type devices or self-locking braking devices such as Petzl Grigri are used. The latter are most common at climbing walls.

Basket type belay device

It is the most versatile and is suitable for almost all types of climbing - from gym climbing to multi-pitch and technical mountaineering. The "basket" is easy to use - the folded rope is pushed through the slots and then secured to the belayer's harness or station. The friction caused by the contact between the belay device and the curved rope passing through it slows down its sliding until it stops and locks. Some "baskets" have "teeth" that increase friction even more.

This type of device does not have an automatic locking mechanism or assisted braking mode. This means that if the belayer lets go of the rope, his partner will fall to the ground.

Descender-Belay Device PETZL reverso green

3 170


athlete price

Descender-Belay Device Salewa alpine tuber midnight blue

1 990

Descender-Belay Device Black Diamond atc-guide alpine envy green

2 690

athlete price

Descender-Belay Device Black Diamond atc-sport

1 990

Grigri type self-braking devices

Self-braking devices have an additional mechanism that blocks the rope in the event of a jerk caused by a person falling and falling. This helps the belayer “catch” the fall. While standing on the rope, you can even let go of your hands, and your partner will not fall, but will remain hanging on the rope.

Safety device PETZL grigri+ violet

11 250


Descender-Belay Device PETZL grigri gray

7 990


Descender-Belay Device PETZL grigri red

7 990


Descender-Belay Device PETZL rig

16 990


Over the years, there has been a lot of debate among mountaineers and rock climbers about which belay device is best, most of which stems from improper use of the devices. In principle, if you carry out insurance, competently using its equipment, then it does not matter whether you do it with the help of a “basket” or a Grigri. The big advantage of the Grigri is that it makes it easier to hold the rope while a climber is hanging from it, since your hand is not an involved component of the system. The disadvantages are that self-braking devices are heavier and require more skill to use correctly.

DIY pole climbing claws - Metals, equipment, instructions

In order to work on high-rise poles, pole climbing claws are needed. This allows you to avoid using aerial platforms to lift to the desired point.

Electrical installation claws ensure the safety of electricians and reduce operating costs.

In this article we will look at lineman's claws, lineman's manholes for concrete and other types of such necessary equipment.

Manholes and similar structures consist of steel parts that are arranged in a semicircle or perpendicular, as well as spikes that allow them to cling to the surface of the pole. They are attached to a special foot platform, which has straps to secure the worker's feet.

To keep it in an upright position, the kit includes slings and a harness to prevent a person from falling if the wire slips or falls. However, only one worker can lift such a device. If you need to lift two or more workers, you must use the services of a lift truck.

Next, we will consider the main types of such devices depending on their purpose.

Main types of devices

Electrical claws have many modifications. However, the most used and practical are the following designs:

  • Universal claws;
  • Monter's claws;
  • Montersky manholes KRPO;
  • Monter's claw-holes KCO.

Universal claws are suitable for trapezoidal concrete supports of any height. The design consists of the following elements: footrest, hooking bracket, adjustment insert, fastening belt.

The hook is made of a metal pipe with fasteners. The footrests have special plates with recesses that allow you to fix two layers of leather clamps.

The buckles in such claws unfasten quickly and without problems, which makes them especially valuable in work.

The fitter varieties of claws and manholes, as well as the connected type, are designed to work with supports of any cross-section, weighing from 3 to 5 kilograms and a coverage of 168 to 315 millimeters.

Also suitable for working on centrifuged power line poles. Includes carbide metal spurs and leather clamps.

Having considered the main types of such structures, let’s move on to some points that help to work with them correctly.

Monter's claws for climbing wooden posts

Electrician's claws are used for lifting electricians along wooden poles or reinforced concrete supports of power lines.

They are used if there is no aerial platform, or there is no way to quickly deliver it to a given pole, or there is simply an urgent need to make repairs.

Therefore, sometimes people make repair claws with their own hands, which is undesirable, as it can lead to injuries. The claws are also called monter's holes.

  • general information
  • Selecting a purchase by manufacturer and cost
  • General design of installation manholes
  • Equipment that should be supplemented with monter's claws
  • Requirements for the installer
  • Inspections and tests throughout the entire service life
  • Trial of the Claws
  • Storage conditions
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