Monter's claws - purpose, types, instructions for use

What it is?

Due to the specifics of manufacturing manholes, the equipment is used at ambient temperatures from -30 to +55˚С.

Claws or claws are special devices for lifting a worker onto a power line pole. They are fixed on a person’s legs and make it possible to gain a foothold on a support and stay in one position for the required amount of time. The structure of the manholes will be improved to increase the reliability of the equipment and the speed of climbing to the top. There are three groups of such devices:

It is convenient to climb the round pillars using universal equipment.

  • Lazy. Designed for lifting reinforced concrete structures of round and trapezoidal shape in section.
  • Universal hooks. The installation tools are suitable for round pillars made of concrete or wood. The latter have lost their relevance.
  • Claw-holes. They differ in structure. Equipped with a specific control solution, especially effective in relation to trapezoidal reinforced concrete supports.

The latter devices are used more often than other types, because their specificity allows this device to be used to work with all types of standard supports. The use of manholes is permitted if this possibility is confirmed by accompanying documents. Each company specializing in electrical installation has its own set of tools for servicing power lines.

Changing the heater

Here is one of the methods that allows you to change the heating element on an Ariston automatic washing machine with your own hands. Heater malfunction can manifest itself in two ways: an open circuit or current leakage into the housing. In both cases, it is necessary to replace the faulty module with a new, working one.

To change the heating element, you need to have free access to the rear wall of the case. In the base of the washing machine you can see a small plug. Unscrew the mounting screws and remove the wall covering the hole in the housing. Through the window that opens, you will have access to the heating element, which is located on the top, on the right.

Using your smartphone camera, record how all the wiring should be connected correctly. On the side you can see the power contacts - zero and phase, colored red and blue, respectively. There is a housing contact in the center; this cable has a yellow-green tint

Please note that next to the housing contact and the power wire there is a temperature sensor, which is a plastic connector equipped with a special latch. All wiring going to the heater must be carefully disconnected

The nut located in the center of the heating element must be loosened. She pulls on an elastic band designed to completely seal the connection. There is no need to completely tighten the nut, just loosen it and press it inward along with the tension bolt. These actions will weaken the seal and make it possible to remove the heater from the washer.

When you take out the heating element, you will probably see a white limescale deposit on it. It is this layer that disrupts heat transfer, resulting in overheating of the part and breaking the circuit. When replacing the heater, the temperature measurement sensor is removed from the non-working element and attached to a new one.

To make the installation of the new heating element easy and smooth, lubricate its gasket with liquid laundry detergent. When further installing a working part, be sure to check that the edge of the element is connected to the fastener located in the tank. To do this, insert the heating element into the tank and press it firmly until it completely enters the hole in the tank. Then secure the structure by tightening the tension nut. Connect all existing wires and contacts according to the previous diagram.

Before installing the plug cover, check the heater for leaks - fill the tank with water without starting the wash. If it turns out that the connection is leaking liquid or air, tighten the tension nut more tightly. Once the functionality of the washing machine has been confirmed, assemble the Ariston machine completely.

Rating of the 12 best holes and claws for 2022

NameWeight, kgManhole solution, mmRatingPrice, ₽
1. KLM No. 15,11689,85200
2. Installer KM-142509,73670
3. Manhole claws KLM-24,981909,75100
4. KVT KM-2 605474,13209,63500
5. Installer KM-24,23259,53900
6. Sickle claws Bison Kodiak 115904,112509,33200
7. Monter's claws SIBIN 115794,52509,12600
8. Universal manholes LU No. 36,5175-1909,14200
9. KVT KM-1 6054642509,03700
10. Claw-holes KCO (analogue of LMC)53159,05600
11. LU with spikes KVT 611925168-1908,93800
12. LMC assembly manholes6,23108,77000


The main purpose of the claws is considered to be quick and convenient climbing up the pole in order to perform planned or unforeseen work.

The design of the claws is simple: the main element of the device is two hooks with straps attached to them, with which they are directly attached to the legs (each separately).

The device is made from durable and reliable metal, which guarantees safety when working at heights.

The diameter of the hook is slightly larger than the parameters of the circle post. To conveniently and correctly climb up or down, you need to install the hook perpendicular to the vertical pole. Otherwise, the worker will not be able to move up or down. How difficult is it to climb a pole without claws?

Equipment operating conditions

The installation kit is allowed for use only if:

  1. Compliance with GOST or TU
  2. Availability of manufacturer's logo
  3. Availability of a passport for the product, which must indicate the serial number, technical characteristics, date of manufacture, purpose
  4. The presence of a mark on the test results, date, static load value.

A professional electrician must have specialized training, and when performing a task he must take into account: the degree of serviceability of the elements, the condition of the spikes, the seams of the clamps, the serviceability of the fasteners, the presence of nut locks, cotter pins.

The rules for working at height provide for maintaining the serviceability of all elements of the assembly claws. It is recommended that the specialist store his equipment in places inaccessible to unauthorized persons, as well as excluding physical impact, which will result in deformation, chipping, cracking, tearing, or the formation of sharp edges on parts that can be detected by hand or visual diagnostics.

The fitter's set of equipment provides the specialist with the safety of high-altitude work, provided that the welding seams between the elements are reliable, the elements of the step and replacement plates are properly fixed, the height of the thread ridges of the studs, and the lock nut.

Description KVT 61192

Designed to move along reinforced concrete trapezoidal pillars of power transmission line supports Type of supports: SV 95/105/110 Claw opening: 168 - 190 mm Test and operational load: 180 kgf per 1 manhole Adjustment of the manhole opening is carried out by rearranging the insert Leather fastening straps included Fourth additional belt for rigid fixation of the sling on the claw foot Weight: 5.00 kg

All information on the website is not a public offer. Product photographs on the website are for illustrative purposes only. The name, color, and characteristics of the product may be changed unilaterally by the manufacturer without appropriate notice.

Electrician's claws in the online store "Cheap Electrics"

In our online store in the “Fitter Claws” section you can find products in stock at low prices. The assortment is updated regularly. Product cards contain information about the name of the product, its manufacturer, properties and characteristics, as well as an image.

Using catalog filters it is very easy to find exactly what you need.

How to buy repairman's claws at "Electrics Cheap"?

It’s easy to place an order in the Electrics Cheap online store: add the product you like to the “Cart”, indicate your full name, e-mail and contact phone number. For legal entities, it is also necessary to indicate the name of the company, TIN and KPP. After this, wait for confirmation of the order from our manager.

If you don’t find what you need in the “Fitter Claws” section, you can always call us at the contact numbers listed in the header of the site, and we will help you select an analogue from stock.

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Which ones are better?

It is impossible to say for sure which claws are better and which are worse. Today there is a wide range of this device for working at height on the market. All claws are different. Therefore, in order to purchase the best option for yourself, you need to know the criteria by which to make a choice, namely:

on what basis will the lifting be carried out;

technical characteristics of the product - carefully study the document on the claws, in which pay attention to information such as load capacity, thickness and material of the belts; it is also very important to look at the production date and expiration date (almost all repair claws can be used for no more than 5 years);

integrity of the structure and all its elements;

compliance with TU, SNiP and GOST; the availability of quality certificates, which confirm that the product has passed all laboratory tests required by law, will help ensure this;

cost, it is best to choose expensive, high-quality products; you should not save, much less go for dubious promotions and discounts. Perhaps the low price is due to the fact that the permissible shelf life is coming to an end or the integrity of the structure is compromised;

manufacturer - this is another important aspect of the correct choice and purchase of a reliable product; give preference to a well-known brand.

Be sure to visually inspect the purchase, check for markings. A bona fide manufacturer must have all the documents for such equipment. If they are not there, it is better not to buy such a product.

Be sure to visually inspect your purchase and check for markings. A bona fide manufacturer must have all the documents for such equipment. If they are not there, it is better not to buy such a product.

Types and their features

The principle of operation of manholes is the moment of impulse. The hooks are fixed under the weight of a person due to the difference in the levels of the spikes on the equipment. The higher the worker’s body weight, the more reliable the clutch.

Depending on the type of support, the following options for electrical equipment are used:

Model KLM-2 is one of the options for such products.

  • Universal. Designed for trapezoid shaped concrete support. Allows you to rise to any height. The hook, made of a metal pipe, has fastening elements.
  • Claw-hole. Combines the functions of both types of devices. Its two types KLM-1 and KLM-2 differ in the solution (168 and 190 mm).
  • Laz KRPO. Used for rectangular reinforced concrete structures. Girth from 160 to 203 mm. Device weight up to 4.5 kg.
  • Claw-hole KCO. It is used if the reinforced concrete structure is round in cross-section. Allowed for use with centrifuged power line supports. Claw opening 315 mm. Weight of the manhole is up to 5 kg.


Claw models differ in the diameter of the post for which they are designed. Types of claws.

  • Type KM-1. Pole diameter 140 - 245 mm. The maximum distance between the spines in the claws is 245 ± 10 mm.
  • Type KM-2. Pole diameter 220 - 315 mm. The maximum distance between the spines in the claws is 315 ± 10 mm.
  • Type KM-3. Pole diameter 310 - 415 mm. The maximum distance between the spines in the claws is 415 ± 10 mm.

Fitter's claws for steel poles - KMM. Combined manhole claws for concrete supports - KLM. Universal manholes - LU. Such products are designed for operation in the temperature range from -40 to +50C.

  • Type KMM, fitter claws, pole diameter 126 - 150 mm. The maximum distance between the spines in the claws is 136 ± 15 mm.
  • LU type, assembly manholes, column diameter 168 - 190 mm. There are models of universal manholes with varying distances between the tenons.
  • Type KLM-1, combined claws and manholes. Maximum distance between pins 168 ± 5 mm.
  • Type KLM-2, combined claws and manholes. Maximum distance between pins 190 ± 5 mm.


Claws and pole holes have a similar design.

  • Leather straps for fixing the fitter’s foot on the support.
  • Support or platform for feet.
  • Spikes for reliable fixation of the device at height. The spikes are attached to a threaded connection and are replaced as they wear out. Tenons designed for wooden posts differ from tenons for concrete.
  • Metal arcs wrapping around a pole. The claws are oval, the holes are rectangular.

The foot platform is stamped, with holes to reduce the weight of the product. On the back side there are stiffening ribs that prevent the platform from bending. Along the perimeter of the platform there are low sides that reduce foot slipping during work.

Spikes wear out the fastest in holes or claws. It is the spikes and fastening straps that must be monitored when using these devices. The spikes are installed on the front (3 spikes) and rear (2 spikes) parts of the arc.

According to GOST, belts must be leather, impregnated with animal fat. Stitched with nylon threads. The mounting structure is designed for 140 - 160 kg.

Features of use

Laps and claws are simple devices, but they are used in dangerous conditions: high altitude, presence of live wires nearby. Therefore, these devices must be operated in compliance with safety regulations.

  • Use claws and manholes only for supports made of suitable material.
  • Twice a year, claws and holes are checked.
  • Before putting on the devices, check the condition of the cleats and straps.
  • Climb the pole only with a safety belt.

Prevention and maintenance of claws and manholes for high-altitude work

Claws and manholes do not require complex maintenance. After use, they are cleaned of dirt and stored in a dry place. Requirements for using protective equipment at height.

  • Claws and manholes must withstand a static load of 180 kgf without deformation.
  • The service life of claws and manholes (without spikes and belts) is set by the manufacturer, but not more than 5 years.
  • You cannot use manholes and claws on supports covered with ice, at temperatures below the permissible ones - in this case, the steel becomes brittle and there is a high probability of product breakage.

What other means of protection are needed?

In addition to the claws are used.

  • Mounting belt with a wide or narrow sash. A sling made of chain or steel cable is attached to the belt.
  • A helmet to protect the head from contact with support elements or wires.
  • Protective gloves depending on the work performed. Installation work - leather is suitable, electrical installation - dielectric rubber.
  • Signal vests.

Our store sells claws and manholes starting at 4,800 rubles. Electrician's belts with fastening to the belt, belt and shoulders, belt, shoulders and hips. Cost from 500 rubles.

You can increase the safety of installers and electricians by using safety vests. We sell signal vests of protection classes 2 and 3. It is possible to apply a logo.

Find out more about the terms of payment and delivery of mounting manholes and claws1 seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Moscow time.

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Safety during work

Safety requirements for working at height include the selection of high-quality equipment. An electrician should not experience any inconvenience during his professional activities. The industry produces different types of personal protective equipment:

  • safety harness belt PL-2
  • strapless safety mounting belt
  • fastening belts
  • traverses - ZIP-2 and ZIP-3
  • assembly spikes ZIP-4
  • gaffs
  • carbines
  • blocking devices
  • lanyard retaining adjusters
  • dielectric overalls
  • dielectric gloves.

Selection rules

When considering the models offered by manufacturers, you need to evaluate the following details:

For quality products, the seller must have an appropriate certificate.

  • Price segment. It is dangerous to skimp on installation equipment. A low price may be a sign of poor quality materials from which the equipment is made. It is recommended to consider models from the middle and highest price categories.
  • Company manufacturer. You should not choose a model from an unknown manufacturer. It is better to give preference to a trusted company.
  • Qualitative indicators. A product of any type must have a certificate of compliance with TU and GOST. Metal parts must not be damaged. It is important to check that the seams are even and the thickness of the belts is at least 3 mm. The stitching on leather elements must be securely fastened.

The finished equipment indicates the release date of the product, trademark and batch number. Every six months, devices are checked for wear. A corresponding marking with the result is left on the hole. If the tools are used without errors, then they are allowed to work for at least a year. The more damage to the hooks, the lower the level of safety.

Design versions

The type of claws depends on the material of the support on which the electrician will climb, the diameter of the support and the mouth of the claws in their open position. All standard sizes are standardized in accordance with GOST 14331-77, TU34-09-10147-88, and TU 34-2412-77.

Installer's claws for lifting onto ordinary wooden supports, or supports with reinforced concrete attachments, include the following elements:

  1. Steel arches, the configuration of which can be in the form of a semicircle (for round supports) or an oval rectangle (for rectangular supports).
  2. Removable spikes with tips of various shapes.
  3. Platforms for the feet of the worker.
  4. Double-layer leather straps that secure the foot.

Structurally close to these products are the so-called fitter manholes. They are designed for lifting an electrician onto reinforced concrete supports, and therefore have a rectangular arc. Combined claws and manholes are also produced. With their help you can climb wooden, metal and reinforced concrete supports.

The operating principle of lineman's claws is based on the fact that, under the influence of gravity, the platform with the electric lineman's leg begins to slide down while simultaneously rotating around its axis. In this case, the arc enters into an obstacle with the surface of the support, and sticks its spikes into the material (for wood), or rests the end of the spike against reinforced concrete or steel. Since the spikes are made from hardened structural steel of grades not lower than 40X according to GOST 4543-81, self-jamming of the spike on reinforced concrete occurs without damage to the spike, and, therefore, is very reliable. In order to increase safety, the number of spikes is at least three. For the most critical applications, replaceable studs made of hard alloys such as VK 25 or VK 30 are produced.

With increasing load on the spikes, the force of fixing the claws or manholes increases.


Storage Features

The use of installation equipment for climbing on supports without a safety belt is prohibited.

Such equipment is used only in conjunction with a safety belt.

It is allowed to store equipment at temperatures from -20˚С to +30˚С. You cannot leave instruments outside in the open air, as precipitation negatively affects their quality indicators. Storage in areas with high humidity or direct sunlight is prohibited. Recommended conditions are a ventilated warehouse and average air temperature. It is forbidden to carry out repairs yourself, without knowledge and experience. If the hooks appear defective, they cannot be used.

Checking the serviceability of hooks

Before starting work, the equipment is tested as follows:

  • All parts are inspected. The strength of the belts and the condition of the spikes are specified.
  • The spikes are tested on a wooden support of the appropriate diameter.
  • The occurrence of deformation is checked by measuring the studs and grout before and after the test.
  • Manholes are removed from service if they are deformed.

A wooden support is required to test the equipment.

Carrying out work

Any repair work is carried out after turning off the power supply. Fitter crampons are used for those supports that are specified in the documents for the equipment. Otherwise, the required grip will not be achieved, which could result in an accident. You cannot use manholes on structures with a grounding line, as the spikes can pierce the cable right through.



Information about types of concrete pillars at


Wood and Concrete Post Crampons are used as safety equipment on wood and concrete posts. Safe and convenient work of electric and PTT installers is guaranteed by the proprietary design of all types of cats, with a 30-year tradition in the production of the specified equipment.


The crampons meet the requirements of SRPS Z.B1.055- Cranes for wooden poles for wires.

The quality testing and issuance of the certificate were carried out by the Institute IMS Belgrade, which guarantees the quality of the products and the quality of the materials used in production.

Type PDS-220 PDS-240 PDS-260 PDS-280 PDS-300
Pole diameter (mm) 120-220 140-240 160-260 180-280 210-280
Weight, kg) 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50



The design of these crampons is based on a hinged gear mechanism that allows easy adjustment of the desired distance of the crampon's flight.

By installing selected materials and heat treatment, a cat is obtained whose quality is guaranteed, in addition to the factory, by the Institute IMS Belgrade.

Instructions for use: By pressing the handle, the free branch of the hook is released and the desired flight distance of the cat is opened, corresponding to the shape and size of the post. By lowering the handle, the selected, desired position of the hook branch is fixed.

The branch of the cat is closed; for small diameters of the post, we simply support the branch of the hook to the post.

Type Pu-310 Pu-400 Pu-650
Pole diameter(mm) 140-280 220-380 280-650
Pole type high voltage carrier 10 kV low and high voltage angled 40° high voltage angled 60°
Weight, kg) 6.50 7 8


The design solution of this cat is based on a hook as an adjusting element, which can be easily and well adjusted using screws in accordance with the diameter of the post.

The quality test is carried out by the Institute IMC Belgrade, which guarantees the functionality and quality of our cats.

Type PM-310 Pv-400 Pn-500
Pole diameter (mm) 140-280 220-380 280-500


high voltage carrier 10 kV low and high voltage angled 40° high voltage angled 60°
Weight, kg) 6.80 7.30 7.60


The new design of fixed crampons for concrete posts has proven to be practical and suitable for working in colder and wetter geographical areas.

The cylindrical spiral shape of the steel hook with the help of a metal pusher allows for an almost perfect fit of the cat to the post, thereby minimizing slippage under the most unfavorable conditions.

Quality testing and issuance of a certificate were carried out by the Institute IMS Belgrade, which guarantees the quality of products and materials used in production.

Type PB-310 PB-400 PB-500
Pole diameter (mm) 140-280 220-380 280-480


high voltage carrier 10 kV low and high voltage angled 40° high voltage angled 60°
Weight, kg) 4.60 4.80 6.50


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We are located in the western part of Serbia in the town of Bajina Basta, on the border with the Republika Srpska. Bajina Basta is located on …


Photo of claws for climbing poles

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