Welder masks and welding helmet: how to choose

Types of protective devices

The first option for a welding helmet is a chameleon-type welding shield. Its purpose is that it protects the face from thermal, infrared and ultrasonic radiation. However, it is not very convenient, since you need to hold it with your second hand. This seriously complicates the welder’s work, for example, he will not be able to hold parts or remove slag from the seam. Such a shield costs from 700 to 20 thousand rubles.

A chameleon mask for welding is much more convenient. It costs almost the same , but has great advantages:

  • The automatic light filter makes it possible to work without removing the device.
  • The convenient fastening system is suitable for any head due to the presence of adjustment.
  • Some modifications allow you to change the planting depth, the distance between the filter and the eyes, and the angle of inclination.
  • Can be worn with the uniform in accordance with company safety regulations.

Such masks are suitable for industrial enterprises; they will be superfluous at home. They are most convenient for working with harmful metals, under water, with insufficient ventilation and in difficult places. There is also an air supply system to protect the respiratory system.

Types of welding helmets

Manufacturers distinguish 5 main types of welding masks produced:

  1. Simple welding shield. This option is the most budgetary on the market and was popular among professionals not so long ago, but its main disadvantage is the fact that one hand is occupied, and this is extremely inconvenient when performing work and can affect the quality of the result, so more often welders can find a mask with a folding shield.

  2. Mask with flip-up shield. This version of this welding helmet is a shield that is raised by hand and temporarily fixed above the head, and then, if necessary, lowered back with one nod of the head. This option is very popular, however, it also has a number of significant disadvantages. For example, nodding your head at work distracts you from your work, and wearing this mask is extremely uncomfortable and sometimes almost impossible to work in hard-to-reach locations and narrow spaces.

  3. Mask with lifting filter. The design of this version of the welding helmet allows you to work even in narrow spaces, and the special permanent transparent glass reliably protects against ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

  4. Mask with air filter. This type of welding helmet allows you to protect your respiratory system from combustion products, gases and poisoning during hazardous work.

  5. Chameleon type mask. Among professional welders, the “chameleon” mask, which has a special light filter with an LCD layer supplemented with polarized films, has recently become especially popular. Polarizing films are transparent when not in use, but when current passes through them, they create an opaque layer. Expensive models of welding helmets may have several LCD layers for enhanced protection during welding. In some versions of masks of this type, there is an adjustment of the initial darkening; this option is especially convenient when working both in darkened rooms and in open sunny spaces, as it can quickly adjust to the required lighting.

Tips for choosing

How to choose such protective devices? Most often, price or appearance are not the main criteria. Before purchasing such a mask, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Does the seller have the necessary certificates? Otherwise, there is a possibility of purchasing a fake that resembles a chameleon, but does not protect the eyes.
  2. Check the optical class of the filter, class 1 is best. Below means minimal protection.
  3. What type of welding is this mask suitable for? If for argon, then it is suitable for other welding, both automatic and manual welding.
  4. What is the mask made of? The best option is a non-conductive metal that is resistant to sparks and splashes, because in most cases it is plastic or electrical cardboard, which is not the best option.
  5. Check the strength of the fastenings, the fit on the head, and the comfort of wearing. The mask should not be too heavy or large, as further work will be difficult.

In addition, you should look at the manufacturer's brand , since only a few manufacturers make quality masks (Corundum, Otos, Tecmen, Optrel and Speedglas). They are of high quality and reasonable price. Look carefully at the temperature range, because in severe frosts the filter may fail. And of course, do not believe sellers who say that the filter works on its own, since it operates on batteries and rechargeable batteries.

Which welding helmet to choose

The choice of protection is not based on cost or appearance, since it is necessary to select a special device solely according to the required characteristics. First of all, it is important to make sure that the mask is certified and approved for use. To do this, it is important to familiarize yourself with the certificate.

The optical class of the filter should be equal to one, as this indicates the maximum degree of protection. If you find a mask with class 3, then be sure that this device works using last century technology.

The dimensions of the window should not be large, since in this case the fragility of the material increases. The light filter must run on batteries, so it must be possible to replace them.

The operating ambient temperature should be between -5 and 100 degrees Celsius; in severe subzero weather, the filter may not work.

The protective welding helmet must be selected exclusively for the required work. It is also important to verify the manufacturer so as not to run into a fake.

When choosing, check the strength of the mask, as well as the material from which it is made. The material is fiber or plastic. The minimum number of sensors on the filter is four, and the filter operating speed should not exceed one hundred microseconds.

Advice from experienced professionals

You need to choose the most suitable mask yourself so that it fits all parameters. But here there are small tricks that make this process easier:

  • Sellers very often do not mention that the kit includes consumable components, including batteries, replaceable filters, as well as mounting frames and diopter glasses. Be sure to check what is included in the set.
  • The seller may describe the very high sensitivity of the filter. It is important to remember here that the device will blink frequently during operation and as a result, your eyes will be damaged.
  • Older people need lighter glass in the window, as vision may deteriorate. Young people can also work with such glass, since fixed dimming is a thing of the past, which is ensured by smooth or step adjustment in the ranges of 5-9 or 9-13.

There are other features and tricks associated with purchasing and working with this mask, but they are the subject of other articles.

Varieties and structure

First of all, the mask protects the master’s eyes from the harmful effects of thermal, UV and infrared radiation. There are both masks and shields. Using the second type can be inconvenient, since there is no dedicated strap that would secure the mask on the face, but only a handle, so one hand will always be busy holding the shield.

The structure uses a special light filter for welding masks, which allows you to work without removing the mask in order to at least see something. Modern devices also have all sorts of adjustments and settings to ensure maximum convenience while working.

There are also helmets that fit completely over the head, but such devices are often very expensive, so using them in everyday life is impractical, unlike on an industrial scale.

However, such helmets have additional advantages, such as use in aquatic environments, in places where it is difficult to penetrate, and can also be used with oxygen supply.

Expert advice

There are cases when arrogant sellers take out additional components from masks, these could be spare filters, batteries, etc. Be sure to take this into account, and even better, be interested in what is included in the complete package.

You should not choose a device with high sensitivity to light, as blinking will begin during operation, which will not only interfere with work, but also harm your eyes.

Elderly people should not purchase masks with strong darkness, as this can also harm the eyes, and in general, devices are now sold with the ability to regulate this function. In some cases, you may want to consider masks with an air filter if the job at hand requires it.

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