Do you want to buy a metal punching press in Moscow?

Types of equipment

The equipment that is used to make holes can be divided into “conditionally manual” ones, that is, those that require the constant presence of an operator - a machine operator, and automated ones, which work with minimal human intervention. As a tool for punching holes in metal, various types of punches, stamps and some others are used.

Hand press

Punching presses

The first group includes equipment operating from a mechanical, hydraulic or other type of drive. The second are fully automated machines operating under CNC control, for example, coordinate punching presses or a hole punching machine.

Manual process

Manual methods for making holes in metal include drilling and punching. Drills and related equipment - drilling machines or hand drills - are used as tools for punching holes in metal. For manual punching of the tool, a bit and a percussion tool (hammer, sledgehammer) are used. This punch can be installed on hand presses.

Manual punching process

Drilling of holes is carried out on drilling, milling or lathes. Drills are used as a working tool. For final shaping of the hole, countersinks, counterbores, and reamers are used. With their help, ovals are eliminated, chamfers are formed, and the hole accuracy and surface cleanliness are increased.

To punch holes in metal, different presses are used - pneumatic, hydraulic, etc. The forces developed for the effective operation of a stamp, consisting of two parts (a punch and a matrix), range from several kilograms to hundreds, or even thousands of tons.

Punching holes on combined press shears

Often in production, combined presses and shears are used to produce holes.

Punching holes on combined press shears

This device consists of several mechanisms that allow you to process a metal profile, for example, a corner, cut strips of metal, cut in the shape of straight or triangles and, of course, a tool for punching holes in the metal is installed on these scissors. As a rule, it consists of a punch and a matrix. The punch has the diameter of the hole to be punched. The matrix has a hole in its body corresponding to the size of the punch. Through it, cutting waste is removed.

It should be noted that the above methods for producing holes are not characterized by high productivity, especially in conditions of large-scale or mass production. The advent of automated equipment eliminates this problem.

Punching holes on presses

The use of equipment operating under the control of a CNC system has led to a reduction in the labor intensity of production processes, and accordingly this has a positive effect on the cost of the finished product. The fact is that the control program, which is entered before starting work, contains precise data regarding the location of the holes on the sheet.

Punching holes on presses

For example, a revolving punching machine is equipped with a drum on which punches (tools for punching holes in metal) of different sizes and shapes are installed. When working, the program automatically selects the required tool. This engineering solution allows you to change the tool without stopping the operation of the machine, and increase the speed of obtaining the finished product. With this type of equipment it is possible to produce up to 1,500 holes per minute. Obtaining a finished product consists of several operations. The first is to lay the sheet of metal on the workbench. To secure it to it, different types of clamps are used. Once installed and secured, the operator launches the control program. After this, the movement of the workpiece begins. According to the coordinates specified in the program, at the required point, the clamping device is lowered, fixing the sheet in the right place. After pressing, a blow is applied by a punch (punch).

A rotary tool can be installed on the tool drum, which significantly expands the capabilities of the machine and allows cutting contours of complex shapes. A press for punching holes in metal allows you to perform, in addition to breakdown, the following operations:

  • bullet - extrusion, obtaining edges of different directions;
  • molding;
  • incomplete punching.

Disadvantages of technology

We must remember that the quality of the resulting product directly depends on several factors, including the quality of the tool, equipment settings, and the quality of the software used to create the control program.

Coordinate punching and its disadvantages

But it should be noted that, in principle, regardless of the method of obtaining a group of holes, the defects in manual and automated punching are the same.

Hole offset

Most often, when making a group of holes, you can encounter such a defect as displacement of the holes relative to each other or the sides of the sheet. This defect may occur due to errors in the program, incorrect machine settings, etc.


This defect appears due to the fact that the dimensions of the punch and matrix are incorrectly selected. In addition, burrs appear as a result of poor-quality sharpening of the tool.

Punches and dies


There are frequent cases of beards appearing on the surface of the hole along its axis. They are caused by the presence of defects on the punch surface.

Grooves when punching metal


The formation of cracks at the edges of the punched holes is caused by the fact that their diameter is close in size to the thickness of the sheet.

Machine for punching holes in pipes and profiles

We offer individual solutions for each type of production activity! We understand well that only the most modern equipment can perform even the most difficult production tasks quickly and efficiently.

TR-Prom offers manual and automatic machines for punching holes in pipes and profiles of different sections and wall thicknesses.

In addition, the main part of the punching equipment is suitable for working with workpieces of various shapes and sizes: round, rectangular, angular and other types of pipes.

In this regard, our clients have the opportunity to reduce the cost of operations on the machine to a minimum, while receiving high-quality holes without deformation of the product.

We offer machines for punching holes in pipes, profiles and strips, which can guarantee the following advantages:

  • Optimal combination of price and quality;
  • Reducing marriage to zero;
  • High precision and increased productivity;
  • Reduced electricity consumption;
  • Safety and ease of use.

You can buy a punching machine at a reasonable price by simply leaving a request on our website, or by contacting the manager by phone.

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