How to make an ice screw from a chainsaw with your own hands?

Do-it-yourself motor drill from a chainsaw - Friendship - Metalist's Handbook

Good day, dear readers and subscribers of Andrey Noak’s Blog. Have you ever had to use a drill? Chances are that many men and even some women will answer yes.

When fishing, building a summer house, or when surrounding a summer house with a fence, it is often necessary to drill a deep hole with a small radius. I studied information on how to make a chainsaw drill with my own hands.

I tried it and it worked for me.

What you need for work

It’s good if you can drill calmly and stop if you get tired. However, there are times when this is quite difficult to do.

For example, the ground may be very frozen or when drilling an ice hole for ice fishing it may be very cold.

In this case, there is a desire to do everything as quickly as possible, while spending as little effort as possible.

Is there a simple solution for this kind of drilling? Certainly. This is a connection between a drill and a chainsaw. The motor power of a modern chainsaw is very high; such a motor remains operational in almost all climatic conditions.

To combine you need:

  • Boer;
  • Chainsaw motor, can be taken from a circular saw;
  • Gearbox – for transmitting torque;
  • Pipe - for making the body;
  • Welding apparatus;
  • Grinding machine (grinder);
  • Drill or screwdriver.

Let's start with the gearbox

The choice of gearbox must be approached very responsibly: you cannot just take the first one you come across. The chainsaw engine is very powerful, and its speed is high. If the drill starts rotating at such a speed, it will simply be impossible for it to work.

And if the gearbox transmits too low a torque to the output shaft, then using a chainsaw will be useless, because the rotation speed will remain low.

That is why it is necessary to accurately and accurately calculate the characteristics of a suitable gearbox.

You can try reading technical literature and making this calculation yourself. And then make your own gearbox. But if you don’t have the time or desire, then you should contact a professional engineer who will not only perform the calculations correctly, but also help you choose the appropriate gearbox.

Assembling the body

The first step is to make a strong body. To do this, you need to take a metal pipe and bend a frame from it. I used the following manufacturing algorithm:

  1. First, I measured the required piece from the pipe: it should be equal to the perimeter of the frame (approximately 160 cm);
  2. I made cuts on it with a depth of approximately 1.3 pipe radii. Incisions are made at the fold points. In order for the metal pipe to be easily bent, 4 to 6 cuts should be made for each bend, half a centimeter apart from each other. If the right angle does not come out well when bent, you will have to grind off the cuts made a little with a grinder;
  3. I welded the corners and joints with a welding machine.

According to the described algorithm, it is necessary to make another frame (with a perimeter of 40 cm) and connect the manufactured frames to each other. The distance between the planes of the frames should be approximately a third of a meter. It is imperative to ensure that the corners of the frames are connected by pieces of pipe of the same size.

This will result in a structure in the shape of a truncated quadrangular pyramid. The gearbox will be firmly fixed in this housing. But here the thing is, you yourself will have to modify the housing depending on which gearbox you choose.

Motor: removable or non-removable

So, there is a drill, a chainsaw engine and a gearbox in a strong and reliable case. Now they need to be connected to each other. And here the question arises: how will the engine be used?

If the engine will be used only for drilling, then the structure can be made monolithic: the engine will not be removed from the structure.

However, this decision seems somewhat strange. After all, you will probably need to use a chainsaw someday, which means you will have to return the engine to its place. Therefore, it is better to leave the ability to remove the engine from a homemade housing as needed.

In order to obtain this opportunity, you need to make holes in the housing to install the engine. The hole must match the dimensions of the chainsaw engine.

In addition, it is very important to consider a reliable fastening system. The engine mount should be strong, but it shouldn't be a horribly time consuming process to insert or remove the engine. Ideally, it should be like this: unscrew two or three nuts, lift the frame, pull out the motor (or insert the motor, lower the frame, screw in the nuts).

When making a design, you need to take into account not only the size of the chainsaw, but also the convenience of refueling and valve control to control the pressure in the engine.

Old model chainsaw

The advantage of the old model chainsaw is that now there are few people willing to work with it. Therefore, taking its engine and making a drill with a motor is a very good solution. In this case, the engine can be fixed permanently in the frame structure.

Mounting the engine this way is much easier. It will be convenient to bring the fuel supply to the frame, which is located on top. It is best to connect the system to the same frame for emergency shutdown.

Of course, if the drill is needed to drill through ice, such precautions are not necessary. But for drilling the earth, emergency shutdown is very important. The soil may be so hard that the drill must be stopped immediately.

You can use the motor from the units Druzhba, Shtil, Partner.

My practice shows that it is better not to use a chain drive to organize the transmission of torque from the engine to the gearbox. It is optimal to make the shaft, taking into account the original dimensions. You can make such a shaft to order from a turner.

Let's start attaching the drill

Of course, like the engine, the drill must be firmly fixed. But it's much easier to do.

To attach it, you can take a pipe and connect the gearbox and drill with such a pipe, and then fix these connections.

The big advantage of this design is that the drill can be replaced if necessary (for example, you may need to drill a hole of a different size).

It is imperative to ensure the reliability of the drill and check that the completed design will be safe for the driller.

You can try to make an “advanced” drill, which will have the ability not only for horizontal, but also for vertical drilling. To do this, you need another frame (made of a metal pipe) with a welded piece of vertical pipe.

More metal rings need to be welded to the body, which was made first. These rings must fit onto the vertical pipe without gaps. Now the entire updated structure is put on the drill pipe. You can start drilling.

There are two advantages to such an “advanced” drill: firstly, vertical drilling becomes possible, and secondly, drilling becomes much more convenient. However, there are also two disadvantages: firstly, it becomes heavier, and secondly, when drilling very deep, the drill pipe will interfere.

You can get rid of the second disadvantage if you make a drill guide pipe from parts that slide out from one another. Of course, these parts should not have a gap, but they should move within each other. Yes, and the structure will become even heavier.

You can also make it so that you can drill at a given angle. But the need for such drilling arises so rarely that it is better not to think specifically about this problem.


Sometimes a flexible shaft can be used to transmit torque. But we must not forget that in order for such a shaft to be strong, capable of withstanding heavy loads, it needs to be in a protective shell.

And, of course, for the drill you can use not only the engine of a chainsaw, but also the engine of a lawn mower or trimmer. You just need to correctly calculate and select the gearbox. It is not necessary to use an overly powerful engine or a large-volume engine for a drill, as this will make the motor drill too heavy.

to the point

Andrey Noak was with you, good luck and see you again! my blog and don’t forget to recommend reading the article to your friends and acquaintances.

Ice drill from a chainsaw - how to make it yourself

A motor drill, or, as it is also called, an ice drill, is a useful household unit that allows you to make holes in the soil for installing a pile foundation, or prepare holes in the ice for winter fishing.

Features of choosing a power unit

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing an engine for a motor drill from a trimmer is its power. This factor, in turn, depends on the planned dimensions of the homemade product.

If in the future the manufacturer wants to assemble a large drill from a trimmer, which will be able to cope with making large holes for laying a pile foundation, then he will need a reliable engine with a power of 4 hp or more. With. If the designer does not have such needs, and he needs a drill to make small holes in ice or soil, then for assembly it is best to use a motor with a power of up to 3-4 liters. With. Such an engine will consume low amounts of fuel and will be easier to transport around the site.

The second important criterion is the configuration of the power unit for the motorized drill from the trimmer. Almost every modern trimmer is equipped with a motor that includes an easy start system, carburetor preheating, an anti-vibration system and improved air cooling. Each of these design solutions plays an important role in the operation of the power unit, so for the manufacture of a motor drill it is better to use an engine equipped with all of the listed options.

Making a compact drill from a chainsaw: instructions and step-by-step description of the work

Many of us at our dacha used a simple hand auger.

What if the hole in the ground needs to be made deeper, and the soil is very dense? Or do you need to drill a lot of holes for posts to build a fence? Just for such situations, to save effort and time, we suggest you make a compact drill from a chainsaw. It is necessary to combine two units - a gasoline-powered rotary drive and an auger.

What materials and tools are needed?

To make a chainsaw drill we will need:

  • gasoline engine from a chainsaw
  • gearbox for changing gear ratio and torque
  • auger drill
  • metal pipe
  • circular saw "grinder"
  • drill
  • welding machine

Calculation of the future gas drill

A calculation must be made to check the compatibility of the parameters of the gasoline engine and gearbox. The motor shaft rotates at very high speed. The gearbox's task is to reduce this speed, while increasing the power, which is exactly what is needed for drilling dense and viscous earth. If you do not have experience in carrying out such calculations, then contact a specialist.

As a result of the calculations obtained, it will be possible to select the most efficient gearbox for the engine. If you have engineering knowledge and experience in this area, then you can not only calculate the compliance of the engine with the gearbox, but also make the gearbox yourself.

But given the loads and the importance of stable operation, it is still safer to purchase an industrial-made gearbox.

Assembly: connect the drill to the chainsaw

Having checked by calculation the theoretical compatibility of the engine with the gearbox, we begin assembling the product - connecting the auger drill to the chainsaw. To securely fasten the gas drill elements, you need to make a strong frame housing. For this purpose we use a metal pipe. We make transverse cuts on the pipe with a depth slightly greater than the radius of the pipe.

To make the pipe bend easily, you need to make about 5 cuts at a distance of 5 mm from each other. If a right angle cannot be obtained due to too wide pipe fragments, bore the slots with a grinder. We bend the pipe along the resulting cuts. You need to get a rectangle measuring 35x45 cm. Use the same method to make a frame measuring 10x10 cm.

We weld the corners on both frames to increase the strength of both structures.

motor drill frame with gearbox

Two metal frames must be connected one above the other so that a figure resembling a truncated pyramid is obtained, the distance between the frames should be 30 cm. We connect the corners of the frames by welding four pieces of metal pipe. The center of the resulting structure will house the engine and gearbox.

The above dimensions, angles and relative positions of structural elements may differ in each specific case, since we do not know the dimensions of the units that you will use.

We mount the engine

Before fixing the engine in a welded frame structure, you need to decide whether it will be removable or stationary. If you have plans to use the gasoline engine somewhere else - for example, in the same chainsaw, then the engine should be quickly and easily removed.

To temporarily but securely fix the engine, you can use different methods - bolts and nuts, a clamping frame, clamps, staples, etc. If you were able to make a welded mounting frame from metal pipes, then choosing a way to securely mount the engine with the ability to quickly dismantle it will not be a problem.

As in the case of the frame, we cannot give the exact dimensions of the fastening elements; all such structures are individual with some external similarity.

general view of the motor drill

In general, we can only draw attention to the fact that the bodies of gasoline saws are made of plastic. The softness of this material complicates the organization of a reliable collapsible system for fixing the engine and gearbox in the frame, taking into account the strong vibration of the product in operating mode. Be sure to place the throttle control assembly comfortably.

Are old chainsaws still needed today?

Probably, many people have old chainsaws of the “Friendship” type lying in their sheds and storage rooms. For a long time it was a pity to throw away the saw, but it came in handy for making a drill. This saw has a fairly powerful and, importantly, low-speed engine. There should be no difficulties with mounting such an engine.

We install the fuel supply control handle on the upper (smaller) frame. The soil is very uneven in its structure - layers of varying density and viscosity, stones, roots, etc.

The drill can jump off, suddenly increase speed, or move to the side, so we strongly recommend placing an emergency engine shutdown system next to the fuel supply control mechanism.

old chainsaw "Friendship"

Some old Soviet saws are quite large, which requires an increase in the size of the gas drill. Before starting work, consider whether it will be convenient to operate such a structure. Otherwise, the Druzhba, Ural and similar chainsaws are quite suitable for our task.

Torque transmission: chain or shaft?

To transmit torque from the motor to the gearbox, experts and practitioners do not recommend using a chain drive. This solution is not very reliable and unsafe. It is best to use an intermediate shaft to transfer force from the engine to the gearbox. This part is not very complicated, and if you cannot find it, you can order it from a familiar turner.

The question often arises about using a flexible shaft. The convenience of such a part is obvious - you do not need to precisely adjust the location of the engine and gearbox, you can place them at your discretion. However, unlike rigid metal parts, any flexible products have reduced mechanical strength and reliability.

In principle, a flexible shaft can be used in a homemade drill on a gasoline engine. The only question is what the rotation speed will be and what maximum force will be applied to the shaft. And what will happen to the entire structure if this force is applied.

In any case, the flexible shaft must be separated from the operator by a durable protective cover.

motor drill gear chain

The design will be simpler if the flexible shaft must transmit rotation not from the engine to the gearbox, but from the gearbox to the drill.

In this case, the shaft can be hidden in a pipe, which simultaneously plays the role of a structural structural element and a protective casing. Rotation speeds with this option are lower.

Considering the flexibility of the shaft, it is possible, if necessary, to create a non-standard design where the drill and drive are not coaxial.

We attach the auger drill

The auger drill must be secured very securely. This is easier to do than fixing the engine in the frame. A metal pipe most often serves as a durable structural element.

The drill is not permanently attached to the shaft, but so that it can be removed and replaced with a product of a different configuration - a coil, a chisel, a spoon drill, etc.

To removably fasten the drill, you can use studs and dowels.

Not just a chainsaw!

drill bit

Let's add a little to our story: a gasoline engine can be taken not only from a chainsaw, but also from a lawn mower, trimmer, etc. You can use any rotary drive - for example, electric. The main thing is to carry out calculations for pairing with the gearbox, check whether the received power is enough for you for soil of one density or another.

Preparing for the manufacture of a motorized ice drill

Before you start making a drill, you need to carefully prepare. First, you need to find detailed drawings that should tell you how and in what sequence to install the elements into the overall structure of the device. The diagram should also indicate the dimensions of all parts used.

Their list includes:

  • a fully operational and ready-to-use household chainsaw with an internal combustion engine power of at least 2.5 liters. With.;
  • all-metal gearbox;
  • 2 mm sheet of plywood or sheet steel;
  • bolts, screws and other fasteners;
  • all-metal tube of small diameter;
  • 1 steel pipe, the diameter of which is 15 cm;
  • 1 metal pipe, the length of which is 25 cm;
  • metal screw;
  • rubber insulation for mounting on handles.

All metal parts should not show signs of corrosion, as they will quickly become unusable.

The list of equipment required for work includes:

  • key head No. 27;
  • manual grinder with disc;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • manual grinding machine;
  • electric welding machine.

Some parts for a homemade drill can only be made on a lathe. If the manufacturer does not have experience in working with it, then it is best to order ready-made spare parts.

Do-it-yourself chainsaw drill - Friendship - Special equipment

Do-it-yourself ice drill from a chainsaw, the diagram of which, at first glance, is not complicated; it is enough to combine the engine and the drill; in fact, it is not the simplest solution. Let's start with the fact that the engine is a very powerful device that rotates at high speed.

The drill cannot rotate at such a speed; the engine power may be enough, but no one can vouch for the safety of the fisherman. Therefore, first you need to calculate the characteristics of the gearbox, which at the output will give the required number of revolutions.

Characteristics of fastening of all elements

How to attach an ice screw to a chainsaw - only through a gearbox, the choice of which must be approached very seriously. It is impossible to take the one at hand and mount it. If the engine transmits too many revolutions to the auger, it will be impossible to use the drill. On the other hand, with low torque, the speed will become insufficient.

In principle, you can use a gearbox from power tools if you know the required gear ratio. Its value should vary in the range of 1:25-1:50. The second rule is that the rotation must be straight, that is, the shank and shaft must rotate in the same direction. Next, they begin to make alterations, which you can also read about in the article “How to make an ice screw from improvised means.”

How to make a case

So, how to make an ice screw from a chainsaw with your own hands. First you need to make a fairly strong case. The frame for it is bent from a metal pipe of a suitable diameter. The further process is as follows.

  • The required length of pipe is measured, approximately 0.16 m, its length is equal to the perimeter of the frame.
  • At bend points, cuts are made to a third of the radius. They are made in five pieces every 5 mm so that a right angle is formed on the fold.
  • Using welding, the joint and bends are strengthened.

The second frame is made in the same way, the perimeter of which is 0.4 m. Both frames are connected to each other by equal sections of pipes at the corners. The result is a truncated pyramid of the correct configuration, in which the gearbox is stably mounted. The housing is finalized depending on the gearbox model.

Engine mount

Now we have an ice drill, a motor and a gearbox mounted in the housing.

It would seem that we can move on to the final phase, but first we need to decide whether the engine will be mobile or firmly attached.

In most cases, the engine will be needed for other purposes, for the same chainsaw, for example. Therefore, it will have to be designed in such a way that conditions are created for its extraction as needed.

This is possible if you drill holes in the housing for the engine. It is impossible to indicate exact dimensions; they depend on the engine model. For example, if you make an ice screw from a Shtil chainsaw with your own hands, the fixing methods will be the same. For other brands - friendship, ural - they will be slightly different.

Domestic chainsaws

Old Soviet-made chainsaws have proven themselves well in the manufacture of motor drills. They have undoubted advantages - decent power and low revs. In addition, they are rarely used for their intended purpose, so they can be tightly fixed to the frame.

Knowing the dimensions of the engine, it is not difficult to make a frame for it. The fuel supply handle is located on the top of the structure. It should be always at hand, as well as the emergency shutdown mechanism. It should be noted that if the Ural is used, its element design will require the very minimum of modifications.

True, there is also a minus here - the engine is quite high, so if the angler is short, it will be difficult for him to drill. Now regarding the transmission of torque to the gearbox. Some Kulibins suggest using a chain drive, but this is hardly a good option. In this case, it is better to use a specially machined shaft.

Connecting the gearbox and the screw part

This part of the operation is the easiest. Alternatively, these two elements can be connected using a metal pipe, which can be secured with a keyed or stud joint. In this case, the screw part can be easily replaced with another of the required diameter.

However, it is possible to improve the design. For these purposes, you will need to make another frame from a metal tube, onto which a vertical section of the tube is welded. Metal rings are also welded to the previously manufactured body, which must be tightly strung onto a vertical section of pipe.

Next, the entire device is put on the shank of the screw part. Drilling holes with such a product is much more efficient, but there is a fly in the ointment: firstly, the mass of the mechanism increases somewhat, and secondly, if the ice is thick, the pipe will become a hindrance.

The ice drill for a chainsaw is almost ready, however, it is worth considering one more factor - sometimes it is possible to transmit torque using a flexible shaft. In this case, it is necessary to pay close attention to its strength characteristics. In addition, the shaft must be placed in a protective casing.

And finally, we note that not only a chainsaw can be used to attach an engine to an ice auger, but also a lawn mower and trimmer. The only condition is that you must correctly calculate the gearbox parameters, as described above. You should not get carried away with powerful engines, as this will ultimately affect the weight of the entire product.

By the way, a motor drill can demonstrate good ice drilling with properly sharpened blades. You can read how to do this in the article “Sharpening ice drill knives from domestic and foreign manufacturers.” It is important to remember that the slightest mistake can only make the situation worse.

What useful homemade products can be made from a chainsaw?

The chainsaw is very popular among home craftsmen because it is a universal drive for original homemade designs.

Light weight and solid power combined with compact dimensions allow this “lumberjack’s dream” to be combined with an ice auger and a bicycle, a sawmill and a winch.

Interesting homemade products from a chainsaw can be made by anyone who confidently works with a welding machine, an angle grinder, and, if necessary, can even use a lathe.

In this case, knowledge of the basics of design and drawing will be very useful, since the accuracy of all dimensions and quality of assembly are the main conditions for the normal functioning of a unit driven by a chainsaw.

Without going into technical details, we will consider the most interesting designs using it.

Homemade options

The first thing that comes to mind when you think about what can be done with a chainsaw is its use as a sawmill. Many developers had to split logs onto beams with this tool.

Holding the saw suspended in your hands, it is very difficult to control the accuracy of the entire length of the cut. Therefore, with a log length of three or four meters, it moves far away from the intended line. This problem can be solved quite simply. To do this, the chainsaw is rigidly fixed to a frame, which moves along a guide profile.

In this case, the log lies motionless and is neatly sawn along its entire length without wobbling or oblique seams. If you equip such a mobile carriage with four lifting screws, you can accurately set the thickness of the sawn timber.

A sawmill using a chainsaw will also work on boards without problems, only in this case there will be too much waste, since its cutting chain is several times thicker than the saw of a band sawmill.


A lightweight homemade snowmobile made from a chainsaw is more complex in design than a sawmill, since here you need to move the gas and clutch to the steering wheel, and also take care of the shock-absorbing suspension of the supporting frame.

In addition, you need to develop it yourself or use ready-made drawings of the caterpillar and correctly transfer torque of sufficient power to it from the motor. Since the chainsaw does not have its own transmission, the clutch on such a snowmobile is fitted with a centrifugal clutch with a serpentine belt and chain.

There are usually no problems with the steering mechanism, since it is taken from a regular bicycle or scooter and modified so that the central axis moves the rods that turn the skis. The snowmobile engine power must be at least 5 horsepower, so it is better to use a Ural chainsaw for this purpose.

The winter line of homemade vehicles will be complemented by snowmobiles made from a chainsaw, which are structurally simpler than a snowmobile. The driving force is provided by a large diameter screw, which directly rotates the gasoline engine.

A significant limitation for the cross-country ability of such a machine is the low power of the chainsaw. Therefore, you can only move on them on a flat surface of compacted snow, ice of a frozen lake or river. To travel across the fields you will need an engine with a capacity of at least 12 horsepower.

Those home inventors who would like to make a backpack-type helicopter from a chainsaw should know the same thing. Such a machine will require not one, but at least two engines operating in a coordinated mode.

Types and characteristics of motor drills

For ice fishing, drills with manual and motor drives are used. Often they are made independently according to their height and choosing the direction of rotation. Making an ice screw with your own hands is difficult, but possible. This requires welding skills and will also require the help of a turner.

A self-made drill must meet the following characteristics:

  • have little weight;
  • be collapsible;
  • be made of quality material;
  • have a drive corresponding to the diameter of the screw.

When making an ice ax from a chainsaw with your own hands, the connection diagram between the engine and the auger is performed using a reduction gearbox. Most often, the mechanical part of a low-speed electric drill is used.


Making a homemade drill bit is not difficult. It consists of a brace with a pin, at the bottom of which a cutting tip, made in the form of a spatula or spoon, is welded. Only one side is sharpened depending on the direction of rotation of the tool. This drill for fishing in winter can drill into ice up to 30 cm thick.


Now this type of drill is unfairly forgotten and is almost never used. It is a ring with an outer diameter of 130 mm and an inner diameter of 80 mm. The cutting serrated edge selects ice only according to the shape of the ring, leaving an ice cylinder inside. The drill is centered by a triangular collar, which is located on the bottom of the working part. Thanks to the eccentrically located handle, the force is evenly distributed on both hands. During operation, there is no characteristic noise heard, like with other ice augers.

The disadvantage of the ring drill is the lack of a device for removing ice chips.


This simple design is a pipe, in the lower part of which 2 holding rods located on opposite sides of the rod are welded at an angle of 30°. The lower parts are connected to the pipe by plates in which holes are made for attaching cutting elements. Proper sharpening of the edges and their location should provide an optimal angle of attack for uniform distribution of forces when drilling a hole.

When ice fishing, fishing gear, including jigs, can be extremely effective. If you prepare enough holes, you can hope for a good catch. However, it will not be easy to do this with a frame drill that does not have a device for removing slush.


The most common type of ice screw. Not everyone can make it themselves. This requires appropriate skills. The drill consists of a rod made of a pipe to which an auger tape is welded. To make a homemade project, you will need to cut out several metal rings and bend them into blades. The parts are welded to the rod and sequentially connected to each other by welding.

The cutting head can be made removable or its parts can be welded to the pipe. The number of knives affects the drilling speed, but at the same time the applied effort increases. Proper sharpening of the cutting edge facilitates the drilling process.

The auger part of the ice auger is connected to the rotator or mechanical drive using an adapter, which simplifies disassembling the tool for transportation.

Ice drill from a chainsaw - how to make it yourself

A motor drill, or, as it is also called, an ice drill, is a useful household unit that allows you to make holes in the soil for installing a pile foundation, or prepare holes in the ice for winter fishing.

The inflated cost of modern motor drills does not allow everyone to purchase them. In this case, you can make an ice screw from a chainsaw.

By following our instructions, you can make a reliable homemade unit, which in its characteristics will not be inferior to store-bought counterparts.

Preparation of equipment and materials

Before making a drill from a chainsaw, you should carefully prepare the materials and tools necessary for the work. For materials you will need:

  • A serviceable household chainsaw;
  • Gearbox;
  • Solid steel sheet, or plywood, 2 cm thick;
  • Set of various fasteners;
  • Metal tube;
  • Steel pipe, diameter 15 cm;
  • Metal tube, 25 cm long;
  • Steel auger;
  • Rubberized insulation for the handle.

To work on making a motor drill from a chainsaw, be sure to prepare the following tools:

  • Head for 27;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Grinding machine;
  • Welding machine;
  • A set of nozzles for working with metal.

To create some parts for a motor drill from a chainsaw, you will need a lathe, so you need to agree in advance with a specialist in the manufacture of metal parts.

Tips for choosing a gearbox for a motor drill

The design of a chainsaw motor drill necessarily includes a gearbox, which can be taken from unnecessary electrical equipment. When choosing a part, be sure to make sure that it has the necessary parameters, namely:

  • The gearbox must have direct rotation;
  • The gear ratio of the element should be from 1:25 to 1:50;
  • The shank and shaft of the selected part must rotate in the same direction.

It is best to equip a chainsaw motor drill with a gearbox having a gear ratio of 1:30, in which the shaft serves as a continuation of the motor rotor.

Chainsaw hole drill - how to make it at home

Before making a motor drill from a chainsaw, you should carefully study the drawings. The diagram will help you determine the correct procedure and avoid mistakes.

If you do not find plywood of the required thickness, then instead you can take two thinner sheets and glue them together.

Having received a product of suitable thickness, mark it to make the required holes for fasteners.

Using a drill, you will need to make 2 additional holes - one of them should be located opposite the sprocket of the chainsaw drill, and the second - next to the first - is intended for mounting the nuts.

The further procedure for making a motor drill from a chainsaw is as follows:

  1. Make an indentation in the top of the plywood piece using a sander. After this, attach the gearbox to the treated area to find out where it is installed in the chainsaw drill. In this case, be sure to take into account the features of the household tool that is used to make the structure. If the saw device has a sprocket with 6 beams, then use a 27 mm gearbox;
  2. Next, secure the gearbox, center it, and securely fasten it to the bottom of the plywood. Then attach a chainsaw to the top of the plywood. After this, start its engine and check the reliability of the design;
  3. At the next stage, you need to attach an auger to a homemade ice auger made from a chainsaw. To do this, take a pipe with thick walls and attach it to the gearbox with two bolts. The auger is attached to the gearbox in a chainsaw drill using an adapter that acts as a shock absorber. It can be made from a 15-centimeter steel pipe onto which rings are welded. Next, process the adapter on a lathe;
  4. To make it more convenient to work with a chainsaw motor drill, the unit must be equipped with handles. To make them, a curved steel pipe is taken, onto the edges of which rubber seals are placed. You can attach the handle to a chainsaw drill using self-tapping screws or other available fasteners;
  5. Excess parts of plywood are cut off using a chainsaw motor drill, and the edges of the remaining sheet are processed with an electric jigsaw;
  6. Next, the finished chainsaw motor drill should be equipped with cutting knives. To do this, cut the steel sheets and weld them to the pipe that was used as the auger. In this case, the steel sheets should bend around the screw in the form of a spiral. The edges of the sheets must be sharpened carefully.

A self-made motor drill from a chainsaw can be used for ice or earth. During operation, regularly sharpen the blade of the unit. For this, it is best to use a fine- or medium-grained stone or sandpaper marked H4 or H6.

Drill attachment for chainsaw - application features

Of course, making a motor drill from a chainsaw is a more exciting and budget-friendly procedure. However, if you don’t want to waste your time and effort, then you can purchase a ready-made attachment that can be installed on a household tool to make a hole in the ground or ice.

This kind of ready-made attachment for a chainsaw is significantly superior to a homemade ice drill, since it is made of steel, which is many times stronger than plywood. It is smaller in size and easier to transport. In addition, thanks to the use of factory sharpening technology, it is much less necessary to restore the dull blades of the purchased attachment.

Installing and using the ice auger attachment is quite simple. To do this, the bar and saw chain of the chainsaw are removed, and an auger with blades is mounted instead. After this, all you have to do is install the lower part of the motor drill over the place where you need to make a hole and start the unit’s motor.

Chainsaw attachment for drilling ice - operating instructions

If the owner of a garden tool does not have the time to independently assemble a drill from a chainsaw for earth and ice, then you can take the easier route and buy a ready-made attachment. It has all the necessary fastenings for its smooth installation on a chainsaw. In addition, the nozzle is made of pre-hardened metals, which allows it to make holes in a thick layer of ice or in dry, hard ground.

Installing and using a ready-made drill is quite simple. To do this, you must first remove the saw set of the chainsaw and screw a standard auger with blades into the resulting hole. Then the lower part of the drill needs to be installed above the place where it is necessary to make a hole, and the engine of the household chainsaw should be started.

In order for the attachment for a household chainsaw to serve properly and for as long as possible, it must be properly cared for. To do this, after each use the auger must be wiped, removing any remaining ice and soil from its surface and blades. If during work rust was found on the surface of the metal parts of the drill, it will need to be repainted.

The drill should be stored in a clean, dry room. There should be no drafts, high humidity and sudden temperature changes. Otherwise, pockets of corrosion will form on the drill.

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