Tin, atomic properties, chemical and physical properties

Tin, properties of the atom, chemical and physical properties.

Sn 50 Tin

118.710(7) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 4d10 5s2 5p2

Tin is an element of the periodic system of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev with atomic number 50. It is located in the 14th group (according to the old classification - the main subgroup of the fourth group), the fifth period of the periodic system.

Tin atom and molecule. Tin formula. Structure of the tin atom

Tin price

Isotopes and modifications of tin

Properties of tin (table): temperature, density, pressure, etc.

Physical properties of tin

Chemical properties of tin. Tin interaction. Chemical reactions with tin

Obtaining tin

Applications of tin

Table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev

Production stages

When obtaining tin, the cassiterite ore rock is crushed in mills until particles about 1 cm in size appear. The next stage is the separation of the substance from the waste rock by vibration on gravity tables. The ore purification and beneficiation method is then used to increase the tin content to 45−72%.

Subsequent roasting removes arsenic and sulfur, and the resulting concentrate is fired in a kiln. In the crater, charcoal is placed interspersed with ore samples and aluminum. Pure metal of semiconductor purity is obtained by melting solids or by purifying by electrolysis.

The main deposits are located in southeast Asia and China, large production is located in Australia and America. Russia is famous for its tin deposits in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia and other regions.

Tin atom and molecule. Tin formula. Structure of the tin atom:

Tin (lat. Stannum) is a chemical element of the periodic system of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev with the designation Sn and atomic number 50. It is located in the 14th group (according to the old classification - the main subgroup of the fourth group), the fifth period of the periodic system.

Tin is an amphoteric metal. Belongs to the group of light, non-ferrous metals.

Tin is represented by the symbol Sn.

As a simple substance , tin under normal conditions is a malleable, soft, ductile, fusible, silvery-white, shiny metal ( white tin, β-tin ) or a gray powder ( gray tin, α-tin ).

The tin molecule is monoatomic.

The chemical formula of tin is Sn.

The electronic configuration of the tin atom is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 4d10 5s2 5p2. The ionization potential (first electron) of the tin atom is 708.58 kJ/mol (7.343918(12) eV).

Structure of the tin atom. The tin atom consists of a positively charged nucleus (+50), around which 50 electrons move through five shells. In this case, 46 electrons are in the internal level, and 4 electrons are in the external level. Since tin is located in the fifth period, there are only five shells. First, the inner shell is represented by the s-orbital. The second - the inner shell is represented by s- and p-orbitals. The third and fourth - inner shells are represented by s-, p- and d-orbitals. The fifth - outer shell is represented by the s-orbital. At the outer energy level of the tin atom, there are two paired electrons in the 5s orbital, and two unpaired electrons in the 5p orbital. In turn, the nucleus of a tin atom consists of 50 protons and 69 neutrons. Tin belongs to the elements of the p-family.

The radius of the tin atom (calculated) is 145 pm.

The atomic mass tin atom is 118.710(7) a. eat.

Tin, atomic properties, chemical and physical properties

Being in nature

Most often, tin is found in rocks in the form of dispersed forms. But in acidic formations, ore occurs in the form of mineral inclusions and deposits of cassiterite, which is interesting for production on an industrial scale.

Forms of substance content in nature:

  • mineral inclusions;
  • oxide compounds;
  • colloidal forms;
  • liquid phases.

Scattered deposits do not differ in their specific form of content. Isomorphically scattered sulfide and oxygen intergrowths are observed. In deposits of the first type, tin is represented by sphalerites, chalcopyrites, and pyrites. As a result of decomposition, elements of tillite and other mineral substances appear. In Russia, isomorphic dispersion is found in Primorye, for example, in the Dubrovskoye and Smirnovskoye fields.

Mineral forms

The group includes nuggets and alloys of intermetallic formations. Concentrations in soil are low, but such deposits are concentrated over wide areas. Along with tin, ore of copper, aluminum, and iron is found, not counting the characteristic nuggets of silver, gold and platinoids.

These same elements are involved in the formation of tin alloys:

  • attacks;
  • stistaitis;
  • zvyagintsevit;
  • storms.

The above formations are found in intrusive magnesium rocks, for example, picrites and traps in the area of ​​the Siberian Platform. Gabbroids and hyperbasites are located in the soils of Kamchatka. Hydrothermal and metasomatic rocks are found in nickel and copper ores in the basins of the Urals, Uzbekistan, and the Caucasus. Pelagic sedimentary compounds are the result of the Great Tolbachik eruption.

Oxide compounds

They are most common in nature in the form of cassiterites (Sn O 2), which are tin oxides. Gamma resonance imaging shows the presence of Sn+4. The compounds include up to 78% tin in the form of continuous inclusions with individual grains of the mineral 3-5 mm in size.

The following forms of cassiterites are found:

  1. Hydroxide alloys are represented in nature by precipitates of polytin acid. These include suculaites, varlamovites, hydromartites, hydrostannates.
  2. Silicates are found in the form of malayaites, stocasites, and pabstites. The first type of minerals occurs on a large scale.
  3. Metal sulfide formations are represented by sulfur in combination with tin and are the second most important group for industrial development. More complex compounds contain copper and lead. Chalcopyrites are most common in rocks.
  4. Stannins have another name for tin pyrites. Minerals are widely mined in Yakutia and Primorye. In many cases it provides the basis for the formation of chalcopyrite.

Cassiterites are an excellent material for obtaining pure tin. In Russia they are mined in Transbaikalia and developed in the regions of Central Asia. The world's pools are located in Thailand, Bolivia, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, and Nigeria.

Colloidal formations

Silicon colloidal species play an important role in geochemical processes, although they have not been studied in detail. The compounds belong to the viscous form of expression of colomorphic cassiterites, which undergo crystalline transformations. A strong solubility of tin in silicon-chloride compositions was discovered.

Analysis of the characteristics of the compounds and their similarity to Si (OH) 4 shows the ability to obtain a high-molecular material (polymer) by adding oligomers and monomers to active molecules. As a result, a compound appears with the replacement of chlorine and fluorine anions for the OH group. Polymerization causes the formation of a dispersed gel. This form refers to intermediate stages in the separation of sediment from hydrothermal substances.

Liquid phase

In gas and liquid rock formations, cassiterites are identified in the category of enclosed minerals. Natural solutions containing tin have hardly been analyzed; the information was obtained after experimental research methods.

The types of tin content in natural liquids are divided into categories:

  1. Ionic compounds. Their structure was studied from the point of view of valence bonds and stereochemical combinations. Subcategories of ions, halides, hydroxyl and sulfide formations are distinguished.
  2. Complex formations. They are obtained by etching cassiterites in an environment with a high concentration of fluorine or chlorine.

Tin-silicon and dispersed gel inclusions are rarely found in a liquid natural environment. The foundation of these forms is mineral materials. The compounds exhibit the properties of weak bases in acidic rocks.

Properties of tin (table): temperature, density, pressure, etc.:

Detailed information on the website ChemicalStudy.ru

100General information
102Former name
103Latin nameStannum
104English nameTin
106Atomic number (number in table)50
108GroupAmphoteric, light, non-ferrous metal
109OpenKnown since ancient times.
110Opening yearin the XXXV century BC. e.
111Appearance, etc.Malleable, soft, ductile, silvery-white, shiny metal (white tin, β-tin) or gray powder (gray tin, α-tin)
112OriginNatural material
114Allotropic modifications4 allotropic modifications, including:
– α-tin, gray tin, with a cubic diamond crystal lattice,

– β-tin, white tin, with a tetragonal body-centered crystal lattice,

– γ-tin,

– σ-tin

115Temperature and other conditions for the transition of allotropic modifications into each other
116Bose-Einstein condensate
1172D materials
118Content in the atmosphere and air (by mass)0 %
119Content in the earth's crust (by mass)0,00022 %
120Content in seas and oceans (by mass)1,0·10-9 %
121Content in the Universe and space (by mass)4,0·10-7 %
122Abundance in the Sun (by mass)9,0·10-7 %
123Content in meteorites (by mass)0,00012 %
124Content in the human body (by weight)0,00002 %
200Properties of the atom
201Atomic mass (molar mass)118.710(7) a. e.m. (g/mol)
202Electronic configuration1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 4d10 5s2 5p2
203Electronic shellK2 L8 M18 N18 O4 P0 Q0 R0

204Atomic radius (calculated)145 pm
205Empirical atomic radius*145 pm
206Covalent radius*139 pm
207Ion radius (crystalline)Sn4+
69 (4) pm,

83 (6) pm,

95 (8) pm

(in parentheses the coordination number is indicated - a characteristic that determines the number of nearest particles (ions or atoms) in a molecule or crystal)

208Van der Waals radius217 pm
209Electrons, Protons, Neutrons50 electrons, 50 protons, 69 neutrons
210Family (block)p-family element
211Period in the periodic table5
212Group on the periodic table14th group (according to the old classification - the main subgroup of the 4th group)
213Emission spectrum
300Chemical properties
301Oxidation states-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4
302ValenceII, IV
303Electronegativity1.96 (Pauling scale)
304Ionization energy (first electron)708.58 kJ/mol (7.343918(12) eV)
305Electrode potentialSn2+ + 2e– → Sn, Eo = -0.136 V,
Sn4+ + 2e– → Sn2+, Eo = +0.151 V,

Sn4+ + 4e– → Sn, Eo = +0.01 V

306Electron affinity energy of an atom107.2984(3) kJ/mol (1.112070(2) eV)
400Physical properties
401Density*7.265 g/cm3 (at 20 °C and other standard conditions, state of matter – solid) – β-tin (white tin),
5.769 g/cm3 (at 20 °C and other standard conditions, state of matter – solid) – α-tin (gray tin),

6.99 g/cm3 (at a melting point of 231.93 °C and other standard conditions , the state of the substance is liquid)

402Melting temperature*231.93 °C (505.08 K, 449.47 °F)
403Boiling temperature*2602 °C (2875 K, 4716 °F)
404Sublimation temperature
405Decomposition temperature
406Self-ignition temperature of a gas-air mixture
407Specific heat of fusion (enthalpy of fusion ΔHpl)*7.03 kJ/mol – β-tin (white tin)
408Specific heat of evaporation (enthalpy of boiling ΔHboiling)296.1 kJ/mol – β-tin (white tin)
409Specific heat capacity at constant pressure
410Molar heat capacity27.112 J/(K mol) – β-tin (white tin)
411Molar volume16.239398 cm³/mol
412Thermal conductivity66.8 W/(m K) (at standard conditions ),
66.8 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
500Crystal cell
511Crystal grid #1β-tin (white tin)
512Lattice structureTetragonal body-centered
513Lattice parametersa = 5.8197 Å, c = 3.175 Å
514c/a ratio0,546
515Debye temperature170 K
516Name of space symmetry groupI41/amd
517Symmetry space group number141
521Crystal grid #2α-tin (gray tin)
522Lattice structureCubic diamond

523Lattice parametersa = 6.46 Å
524c/a ratio
525Debye temperature
526Name of space symmetry groupFd_3m
527Symmetry space group number225
900additional information
901CAS number7440-31-5


205* The empirical radius of the tin atom according to [1] and [3] is 140 pm and 162 pm, respectively.

206* The covalent radius of tin according to [1] and [3] is 139±4 pm and 141 pm, respectively.

401* The density of white tin according to [4] is 7.29 g/cm3 (at 20 °C and other standard conditions , the state of matter is a solid) and 6.98 g/cm3 (at a melting point of 232 °C and other standard conditions , the state of matter is liquid). The density of gray tin according to [4] is 5.85 g/cm3 (at 14 °C and other standard conditions , the state of the substance is a solid).

402* The melting point of tin according to [3] and [4] is 231.91 °C (505.06 K, 449.44 °F) and 231.9 °C (505.05 K, 449.42 °F), respectively .

403* The boiling point of tin according to [3] and [4] is 2619.85 °C (2893 K, 4747.73 °F) and 2620 °C (2893.15 K, 4748 °F), respectively.

407* The specific heat of fusion (enthalpy of fusion ΔHmelt) of white tin according to [4] is 7.2 kJ/mol.

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